
Defines functions uni.cox

Documented in uni.cox

#' uni.cox
#' Performs univariate cox proportional hazard model on every feature
#' @param X Matrix/surv.datframe of genomic features, continuous or binary (note cannot handle categorical surv.dat for the moment).
#' @param surv.dat a surv.dat frame containing the survival information. This can be made of 2 or 3 columns. 1 or 2 for time,
#' and one for status (where 1 is event and 0 is no event).
#' @param surv.formula a survival formula with names matching those in surv.dat eg: Surv(time,status)~.
#' @param filter a numeric value between 0 and 1 (1 not included) that is the lower bound for the proportion of patients
#' having a genetic event (only for binary features). All features with an event rate lower than that value will be removed.
#' Default is 0 (all features included).
#' @param genes a character vector of gene names that will be the only ones to be kept. Default is NULL, all genes are used.
#' @return tab A table of all the fits performed sorted by adjusted pvalues.
#' @return p An interactive plot of log(pvalue) by hazard ration.
#' @return KM List of survival plots of the top 10 most significant genes
#' @export
#' @examples library(gnomeR)
#' patients <- unique(clin$DMPID)[1:100]
#' mut.only <- create.bin.matrix(patients = patients,maf = mut)
#' gen.dat <- mut.only$mut
#' surv.dat <-clin[match(patients,clin$DMPID),match(c("time","status") ,colnames(clin))]
#' surv.dat$status <- ifelse(surv.dat$status == "DECEASED",1,0)
#' surv.dat$time <- as.numeric(as.character(surv.dat$time))
#' cox.fits <- uni.cox(X = gen.dat,surv.dat = surv.dat, surv.formula = Surv(time,status)~.,filter = 0.03)
#' @import
#' dplyr
#' plotly
#' survival
#' survminer

uni.cox <- function(X,surv.dat,surv.formula,filter = 0,genes = NULL){

  # filtering #
  if(!(filter >= 0 && filter < 1))
    stop("Please select a filter value between 0 and 1")
  if(!is.null(genes) && sum(colnames(X) %in% genes) == 0)
    stop("The genes argument inputted did not match any of the columns in the features matrix X.")
  else if(!is.null(genes) && sum(colnames(X) %in% genes) > 0){
    genes <- genes[genes %in% colnames(X)]
    X <- as.data.frame(X %>%

  if(is.null(dim(X)) )
    stop("Only one or fewer genes were found from the 'genes' argument. We need a minimum of two.")
  # remove all columns that are constant #
  if(length(which(apply(X, 2, function(x){length(unique(x[!is.na(x)])) == 1} || all(is.na(x))))) > 0)
    X <- X[,-which(apply(X, 2, function(x){length(unique(x[!is.na(x)])) <= 1 || all(is.na(x))}))]

  if(filter > 0){
    # get binary cases #
    temp <- apply(X, 2, function(x){length(unique(x[!is.na(x)])) == 2})
    genes.bin <- names(temp[which(temp)])
    if(length(genes.bin) == ncol(X)) rm <- apply(X, 2, function(x){sum(x, na.rm = T)/length(x) < filter})
    else rm <- apply(X[,genes.bin], 2, function(x){sum(x, na.rm = T)/length(x) < filter})
    genes.rm <- names(rm[which(rm)])
    # print(genes.rm)
    X <- X %>%
  if(is.null(dim(X)) )
    stop("Only one or fewer genes are left after filtering. We need a minimum of two. Please relax the filter argument.")

  # appropriate formula
  survFormula <- as.formula(surv.formula)
  survResponse <- survFormula[[2]]

  if(!length(as.list(survResponse)) %in% c(3,4)){
    stop("ERROR : Response must be a 'survival' object with 'Surv(time, status)~.' or 'Surv(time1, time2, status)~.'.")
  ### reprocess surv.dat
  if(length(as.list(survResponse)) == 3){
    colnames(surv.dat)[match(as.list(survResponse)[2:3],colnames(surv.dat))] <- c("time","status")
    LT = FALSE
    timevars <- match(c("time","status"),colnames(surv.dat))
    surv.dat <- surv.dat[,c(timevars,
  if(length(as.list(survResponse)) == 4){
    colnames(surv.dat)[match(as.list(survResponse)[2:4],colnames(surv.dat))] <- c("time1","time2","status")
    LT = TRUE
    timevars <- match(c("time1","time2","status"),colnames(surv.dat))
    surv.dat <- surv.dat[,c(timevars,

  ##### univariate volcano plot #####
  if(LT == F){
    uni <- as.data.frame(t(apply(X,2,function(x){
      fit <- coxph(Surv(surv.dat$time,surv.dat$status)~x)
      out <- c(as.numeric(summary(fit)$coefficients[c(1,5)]),sum(x)/length(x))

  if(LT == T){
    uni <- as.data.frame(t(apply(X,2,function(x){
      fit <- coxph(Surv(surv.dat$time1,surv.dat$time2,surv.dat$status)~x)
      out <- c(as.numeric(summary(fit)$coefficients[c(1,5)]),sum(x)/length(x))
  colnames(uni) <- c("Coefficient","Pvalue","MutationFrequency")
  uni$Feature <- colnames(X)
  uni$FDR <- p.adjust(uni$Pvalue, method = "fdr")
  uni <- uni[order(uni$Pvalue),]

  uniVolcano <- plot_ly(data = uni, x = ~Coefficient, y = ~-log10(Pvalue),
                        text = ~paste('Feature :',Feature,
                                      '<br> Hazard Ratio :',round(exp(Coefficient),digits=3)),
                        mode = "markers",size = ~MutationFrequency,color = ~MutationFrequency) %>%
    layout(title ="Volcano Plot")

  # top KM #
  top.genes <- rownames(uni)[1:10]
  top.genes <- top.genes[!is.na(top.genes)]
  KM.plots <- lapply(top.genes,function(x){
    y <- factor(ifelse(X[,x] == 1,"Mutant","WildType"),levels = c("WildType","Mutant"))
    temp <- as.data.frame(cbind(surv.dat,y))
    # colnames(temp)[ncol(temp)] <- x
    if(LT == F) fit <- survfit(Surv(time,status)~y,data=temp)
    if(LT == T) fit <- survfit(Surv(time1,time2,status)~y,data=temp)

      data = temp,
      size = 1,
      palette =
        c("#E7B800", "#2E9FDF"),
      conf.int = TRUE,
      pval = TRUE,
      risk.table = TRUE,
      legend.labs =
        c("WildType", "Mutant"),
      risk.table.col = "strata",
      risk.table.height = 0.25,
      ggtheme = theme_bw()
    ) + labs(title = x)

  return(list("tab" = uni,"p"=uniVolcano,"KM"=KM.plots))
margarethannum/gnomeR documentation built on Feb. 26, 2020, 8:16 p.m.