
#' One- or Two- Column Foresplot of Biomarker Associations
#' This function reads three dataframes, a biomarker association dataframe, its
#' corresponding standard error dataframe and its corresponding p-value
#' dataframe and plots a custom-size and layout, 1- or 2- column, forest plot.
#' The parameters \code{biomarker_groups_as_list} and \code{indices} allow for
#' customization of the layout in 1- or 2- column, 1- or 2- page forestplots.
#' Specifically, if the indices is specified (as opposed to the default NULL)
#' it must be a list of numeric vectors, that has either 1, 2 or 4 components,
#' which allow for a 1-column/1-page, 2-column/1-page or 2-column/2-page
#' forestplot, respectively (see examples). The list essentially defines the
#' rows from beta that will be plotted. By adding NA in selected positions of
#' the biomarker_groups_as_list while increasing the number of indices,
#' accordingly, one can add extra white space between biomarker of biomarker
#' categories.
#' @param beta A data frame (either \code{tibble} or not) containing named
#' columns in the following way: the first column must be the exact
#' abbreviations of the NMR biomarkers (see built-in \code{biomarkers} dataset).
#' This column must be named "abbrev". The rest of the columns, i.e. the study
#' columns, must contain associations and they may be named with the name of the
#' study, e.g. if the column contains the univariate associations of the
#' biomarkers to BMI, the column may be named BMI. Use more than one study
#' columns if you want to plot more than one studies in the same file. Avoid
#' plotting more than 5 or 6 studies together, cause the result is not pretty
#' and/or may be hard to read. It is important that the columns have all either
#' linear associations or odds/hazard ratios. The reason is that odds/hazard
#' ratios are plotted on a log axis, whereas linear associations not.
#' @param se A data frame (either \code{tibble} or not) in the same format as
#' beta parameter. Keep the same order of columns and preferably the same order
#' of rows (although the latter is not necessary).
#' @param pval A data frame (either \code{tibble} or not) in the same format as
#' beta and se parameters. Keep the same order of columns and preferably the
#' same order of rows (although the latter is not necessary).
#' @param biomarker_groups_as_list A named list of character vactors containing
#' the groups of biomarkers to plot (see examples). The category names, i.e.
#' the names of the components of the list, can be anything. The actual
#' character vectors must contain the exact biomarker abbreviations. See
#' Results.tsv or Results.xlsx files or the built-in dataset biomarkers$abbrev.
#' @param indices Either NULL or a list of numeric vectors, that has either 1, 2
#' or 4 components containing the rows from beta that will eventually be plotted.
#' It basically allows to customize the layout of the forestplot. If NULL and
#' biomarker_groups_as_list has all serum or plasma biomarkers then a 2-column,
#' 2-page forestplot is printed, containing all biomarkers. If a list with 1
#' component, e.g. list(c(1:30)), then a 1-column, 1-page forestplot is printed,
#' containing all the biomarkers from beta dataframe until row number
#' tail(indices[[1]], 1), e.g. tail(list(c(1:30))[[1]], 1)=30. If a list with
#' 2 components, then a 2-column, 1 page forestplot is printed. If a list with
#' 4 components, then a 2-column, 2-page forestplot is printed.
#' @param filename A character with the name of the pdf file that will contain
#' the plot. Defaults to 'forest_plot.pdf'
#' @param plot_title A character (defaults to NULL) with a title for the plot.
#' If NULL no title.
#' @param is_log_odds_ratio logical (defaults to F) specifying whether the
#' associations are linear or not. If TRUE, provide the log odds ratio as the
#' function will exponentiate the betas internally. For TRUE a log scale is be
#' used.
#' @param xlabel A character with the xlab to display. Defaults to "beta".
#' @param signif_cutoff Numeric specifying the cutoff for statistical
#' significance. E.g. often a cutoff of 0.05 is used. Associations with values
#' larger than that will be plotted with an empty circular point.
#' @param plotcolors A vector of characters specifying the color of the plotted
#' points. Defaults to NULL in which case, if only one study, black is used. If
#' more than one studies, the script generates a default palette.
#' @param plotpointshape An integer or vector of integers (default 21)
#' signifying the shape of points used for the plot. The values must be one of
#' 21,22,23,24 or 25 in order for the insignificant cases to be displayed as
#' empty shapes.
#' @param legend_vars A vector of characters specifying the legend names for
#' when more than one studies are plotted.
#' @param bottom_margin The margin from the bottom of the plot (the forestplot
#'  will be plotted in a A4 paper).
#' @param left_margin The margin from the left edge of the plot.
#' @param top_margin The margin from the top of the plot.
#' @param right_margin The margin from the right edge of the plot.
#' @param cex_text The size of the y- and x-label. Legends and titles will be
#' adjusted with respect to that.
#' @param ylabelpos The distance of the ylabels from the plot. This parameter
#' will most likley need to be adjusted in conjuction with the margins and the
#' cex_tex, especially when the non-default layout is used.
#' @param biomarker_name_option numeric (defaults to option 1), currently takes
#' values 1 (for option 1) and 2 (for option 2). The main difference between the
#' two options is how the names of the lipoprotein subclasses are displayed. For
#' example, option 2 will display XXL-VLDL-TG \% for the ratio of triglycerides
#' in XXL VLDL particles, whereas option 1 assumes that plotting will be done
#' according to lipid type, e.g. all triglycerides plotted in the same subgroup,
#' therefore it would only display "Extremely large VLDL" (under the category
#' "Triglycerides in lipoproteins").
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to the \code{pdf} device, like \code{paper},
#'  \code{width}, \code{height} e.t.c.
#' @export
#' @author Qin Wang, Maria Kalimeri
#' @note It is important that the columns have all either linear associations or
#' odds/hazard ratios. The reason is that odds/hazard ratios are plotted on a
#' log axis, whereas linear associations not.
#' @examples
#' # Attach the package to easily access built-in datasets
#' library(forestplotNMR)
#' #
#' bmr_all_grouped <- bmr_selected_grouping(bmr_grouping_choice = "serum_all")
#' forestplot_nmr(beta=demo_beta,
#'            se=demo_se,
#'            pval=demo_pval,
#'            biomarker_groups_as_list=bmr_all_grouped,
#'            filename='plot_linear_comparison.pdf',
#'            plot_title="Linear associations to BMI",
#'            is_log_odds_ratio=FALSE,
#'            xlabel="SD difference (95% CI)",
#'            signif_cutoff=0.05,
#'            legend_vars=names(demo_beta)[2:3],
#'            paper="a4",
#'            height = 12,
#'            width = 9)

forestplot_nmr <- function(beta,
                           indices = NULL,
                           filename = 'forest_plot.pdf',
                           plot_title = NULL,
                           is_log_odds_ratio = F,
                           xlabel = "beta",
                           signif_cutoff = 0.05,
                           plotcolors = NULL,
                           plotpointshape = 21,
                           legend_vars = NULL,
                           cex_text = NULL,
                           bottom_margin = 2,
                           left_margin = NULL,
                           top_margin = 2,
                           right_margin = 3,
                           ylabelpos = NULL,
                           biomarker_name_option = 1,
                           ...) {
  # Run a check for the biomarker_name_option flag
  if (!biomarker_name_option %in% c(1, 2)) {
      "There are only two options for the biomarker_name_option parameter."),
      "Use either numeric 1 or 2"
  # beta, a matrix with rows as metabolites and columns as different outcomes.
  # se and pval same as beta
  # beta, se and pVal should be the same size matrix and have matching rownames
  # and colnames
  combo_result_grouped <- add_bmr_group_names(beta,

  beta <- combo_result_grouped$beta_grouped
  se <- combo_result_grouped$se_grouped
  pVal <- combo_result_grouped$pval_grouped
  no_of_studies <- ncol(beta) - 1
  rowname = beta$abbrev

  # reformat the data
  # loop over all column with a result (i.e. all except for first column that
  # has
  # the biomarker names)
  result = list()
  for (i in 1:(ncol(beta) - 1)) {
    if (!is_log_odds_ratio) {
      ibeta = beta[, i + 1]
      ise = se[, i + 1]
      ci.low = ibeta - 1.96 * ise
      ci.up = ibeta + 1.96 * ise
    } else {
      ibeta = exp(beta[, i + 1])
      ise = se[, i + 1]
      ci.low = exp(beta[, i + 1] - 1.96 * ise)
      ci.up = exp(beta[, i + 1] + 1.96 * ise)
    ipVal = pVal[, i + 1]
    result[[i]] <- cbind(ibeta,
    colnames(result[[i]]) = c('Estimate',
                              'Std. Error',
                              '2.5 %',
                              '97.5 %')
  names(result) <- colnames(beta)[2:ncol(beta)]

  # Double sapply throws warnings if result has length 1, i.e. plotting 1 cohort
  # Solution, add if/else.
  errorcols <- result %>%
      x[, c("2.5 %", "97.5 %")])
  xleft <-
    errorcols %>%
      min(x, na.rm = T)) %>%

  xright <-
    errorcols %>%
      max(x, na.rm = T)) %>%

  xrange = c(xleft, xright)
  # Check for rare case where all plotted biomarkers having a significant effect
  # in the same direction and therefore the null case (0 in linear and 1 in log)
  # is missing from the plot
  if (is_log_odds_ratio) {
    if (xrange[1] > 1) {
      xrange <- c(1 - (1 / xrange[2]), xrange[2])
    } else if (xrange[2] < 1) {
      xrange <- c(xrange[1], 1 + (1 / xrange[1]))
  } else {
    if (xrange[1] > 0) {
      xrange <- c(0 - xrange[2], xrange[2])
    } else if (xrange[2] < 0) {
      xrange <- c(xrange[1], 0 + xrange[1])

  # Plot parameters
  # Divide the plot in different groups
  # The groups are defined by the components of an object called indices

  # All NG biomarkers will be plotted in 2 pages and two columns in each page
  if (!length(indices) %in% c(1, 2, 4, 0)) {
      "The parameter 'indices'  must be a list of numeric vectors,
      that has either 1, 2 or 4 components"
  if (is.null(indices) && nrow(beta) == 260) {
    indices <-
        first_indices = 1:66,
        second_indices = 67:132,
        third_indices = 133:196,
        forth_indices = 197:260
    max_page <- 2
    max_plot_col <- 2
    # Specific biomarkers will be plotted in one page and one column
  } else if (is.null(indices) &&
             260 > nrow(beta) && nrow(beta) >= 150) {
    fr <- nrow(beta)
    indices <-
        first_indices = 1:round(fr / 4),
        second_indices = (round(fr / 4) + 1):round(fr * 2 / 4),
        third_indices = (round(fr * 2 / 4) + 1):round(fr * 3 / 4),
        forth_indices = (round(fr * 3 / 4) + 1):fr
    max_page <- 2
    max_plot_col <- 2
  } else if (is.null(indices) && nrow(beta) < 150) {
    indices <-
      list(first_indices = 1:nrow(beta))
    max_page <- 1
    max_plot_col <- 1
  } else if (!is.null(indices)) {
    max_page <- ifelse(length(indices) == 4, yes = 2, no = 1)
    max_plot_col <- length(indices)

  # Aesthetics
  if (no_of_studies == 1 && is.null(plotcolors)) {
    plotcolors <-  "black"
  } else if (no_of_studies > 1 && is.null(plotcolors)) {
    plotcolors <-
      colorRampPalette(c(forestplotNMR::fpcolors[1], forestplotNMR::fpcolors[2], forestplotNMR::fpcolors[3]),
                       interpolate = "linear",
                       space = "rgb")(no_of_studies)
  } else if (no_of_studies > 1 && length(plotcolors) < no_of_studies) {
    warning(paste("Number of colors provided is less than the studies to plot.",
                  "Will use built-in colors.")
    plotcolors <-
      colorRampPalette(c(forestplotNMR::fpcolors[1], forestplotNMR::fpcolors[2], forestplotNMR::fpcolors[3]),
                       interpolate = "linear",
                       space = "rgb")(no_of_studies)

  # Custom margins for linear/log and 1/2 columns
  if (is.null(left_margin) && is.null(ylabelpos)) {
    if (!is_log_odds_ratio && max_plot_col == 2) {
      left_margin = 5
      ylabelpos = -6
    } else if (!is_log_odds_ratio && max_plot_col == 1) {
      left_margin = 5
      ylabelpos = -9
    } else if (is_log_odds_ratio && max_plot_col == 2) {
      left_margin = 10
      ylabelpos = -0.5
    } else if (is_log_odds_ratio && max_plot_col == 1) {
      left_margin = 14
      ylabelpos = -0.5

  # Custom cex_tex size
  if (is.null(cex_text)) {
    if (max_plot_col == 2) {
      cex_text <- 0.8
    } else {
      cex_text <- 1.1

  # PCH point style
  if (length(plotpointshape) == no_of_studies) {
    pchh <- plotpointshape
  } else {
    pchh = rep(plotpointshape[1], no_of_studies)
  if (!all(plotpointshape %in% c(21, 22, 23, 24, 25))) {
      "plotpointshape values must be in the interval 21, 22, 23, 24 or 25
      in order for p-values > signif_cutoff to be shown as empty symbols."

  pdf(filename, pointsize = 10, ...)
  # Loop over pages
  for (paGe in 1:max_page) {
    par(mar = c(bottom_margin, left_margin, top_margin, right_margin))
    if (max_plot_col == 2) {
      layout(matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 3), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE), heights = c(29, 1))
    } else {
      layout(matrix(c(1, 2), ncol = 1, byrow = TRUE), heights = c(29, 1))
    # Loop over plotting columns
    for (plot_col in 1:max_plot_col) {
      if (paGe == 1)
        bmridx <- indices[[plot_col]]
      if (paGe == 2)
        bmridx <- indices[[plot_col + 2]]
      estimates = sapply(result, function(x) {
        x[bmridx, 'Estimate']
      lowerCI = sapply(result, function(x) {
        x[bmridx, '2.5 %']
      upperCI = sapply(result, function(x) {
        x[bmridx, '97.5 %']
      vp = sapply(result, function(x) {
        x[bmridx, 'Pr(>|t|)']
      # Get the display name of the biomarker
      row_idx <-
        match(rowname[bmridx], forestplotNMR::biomarkers$abbrev)
      if (biomarker_name_option == 1) {
        dispname <-
          forestplotNMR::biomarkers[row_idx, ] %>%
          pull(., forest_plot_disp_name1)
      } else {
        dispname <-
          forestplotNMR::biomarkers[row_idx, ] %>%
          pull(., forest_plot_disp_name2)

      # If the abbreviation doesn't exist, return the input
      na_idx <-
      dispname[na_idx] <- rowname[bmridx][na_idx]

      #the colour for the points
      colorMatrix <-
          rep(plotcolors, nrow(vp)),
          nrow = nrow(vp),
          ncol = ncol(vp),
          byrow = T
      colorMatrix[vp > signif_cutoff] = "white"

      yv0 = seq(1, by = 2.5, length.out = nrow(estimates))

      yv0 = rev(yv0)

      yrange = c(min(yv0) - 1.25, max(yv0) + 1.25)
      offset = seq(2.5, 0, length.out = ncol(estimates) + 2)
      offset = offset[-c(1, length(offset))]
      for (j in 1:ncol(estimates)) {
        if (j == 1) {
          if (is_log_odds_ratio) {
              estimates[, j],
              col = "transparent",
              xlab = NA,
              ylab = NA,
              xaxt = "n",
              yaxt = "n",
              log = "x",
              xlim = c(xrange[1], xrange[2]),
              ylim = yrange,
              bty = "n",
              yaxs = 'i',
              xpd = T

          } else {
              estimates[, j],
              col = "transparent",
              xlab = NA,
              ylab = NA,
              xaxt = "n",
              yaxt = "n",
              xlim = c(xrange[1] - abs(xrange[1]) * 0.7, xrange[2]),
              ylim = yrange,
              bty = "n",
              yaxs = 'i',
              xpd = T

          nextBoxColor <- "white"
          for (k in 1:nrow(estimates)) {
            if (is.na(estimates[k])) {
                yv0[k] - 1.2,
                yv0[k] + 1.2,
                col = 'white',
                border = 'white'
              nextBoxColor <- "grey92"
            } else {
                yv0[k] - 1.2,
                yv0[k] + 1.2,
                col = nextBoxColor,
                border = 'transparent'
                side = 2,
                line = ylabelpos,
                at = yv0[k],
                labels = dispname[k],
                cex.axis = cex_text,
                las = 1,
                tick = F,
                hadj = 1

              if (no_of_studies == 1) {
                  side = 4,
                  line = 0,
                  at = yv0[k],
                  labels = sprintf("%.2f", round(estimates[k, j], 2)),
                  cex.axis = cex_text - 0.1,
                  las = 1,
                  tick = F,
                  hadj = 1

              if (nextBoxColor == "white") {
                nextBoxColor <- "grey92"
              } else {
                nextBoxColor <- "white"

          if (is_log_odds_ratio) {
            cut = axTicks(side = 1, log = T) %>%
              .[which(. > xrange[1] & . < xrange[2])]
            mid <- 1
          } else {
            cut = axTicks(side = 1) %>%
              .[which(. > xrange[1] & . < xrange[2])]
            mid <- 0
          cutd <- cut

            v = cutd,
            lty = 2,
            col = "grey67",
            ylim = c(min(yv0) - 1.25, max(yv0) + 1.25)

            text = xlabel,
            at = c(mid),
            side = 1,
            line = 1.3,
            xpd = T,
            cex = cex_text + 0.1

            v = mid,
            col = "black",
            ylim = c(min(yv0) - 1.25, max(yv0) + 1.25)

          lines(c(xrange[1], xrange[2]), c(min(yv0) - 1.25, min(yv0) - 1.25))
            side = 1,
            line = -0.9,
            at = cut,
            labels = sprintf("%.2f", cut),
            tick = F,
            cex.axis = cex_text

          yv = yv0 - 1.5 + offset[j]

          yv = yv + 0.25
            lowerCI[, j],
            upperCI[, j],
            col = plotcolors[j],
            lwd = 1.5,
            xpd = NA

          # This is here (and not earlier with the similar part) cause I draw
          # the white rectangles on top of the vertical lines in order not to
          # have vertical lines all over the empty space
          for (k in 1:nrow(estimates)) {
            if (is.na(estimates[k])) {
                yv0[k] - 1.2,
                yv0[k] + 1.2,
                col = 'white',
                border = 'white'
                side = 2,
                line = ylabelpos - 2,
                at = yv0[k],
                labels = dispname[k],
                cex.axis = cex_text,
                font = 2,
                las = 1,
                tick = F,
                hadj = 1


          if (no_of_studies <= 2)
            cex.p = 1.1
          else if (no_of_studies > 2 &
                   no_of_studies <= 4)
            cex.p = 0.8
            cex.p = 0.6
            estimates[, j],
            pch = pchh[j],
            bg = colorMatrix[, j],
            col = plotcolors[j],
            xpd = NA,
            lwd = 1.2,
            cex = cex.p

        } else
          yv = yv0 - 1.2 + offset[j]

            lowerCI[, j],
            upperCI[, j],
            col = plotcolors[j],
            lwd = 1.5,
            xpd = NA
            estimates[, j],
            pch = pchh[j],
            bg = colorMatrix[, j],
            col = plotcolors[j],
            xpd = NA,
            lwd = 1.2,
            cex = cex.p


      text = plot_title,
      line = -1.5,
      side = 3,
      cex = cex_text + 0.3,
      outer = T
    if (!is.null(legend_vars)) {
      if (max_plot_col == 2) {
        legpos <- "center"
      } else {
        legpos <- "bottomleft"
      par(mai = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
        x = legpos,
        legend = legend_vars,
        col = plotcolors,
        pch = pchh,
        lty = 1,
        border = 'transparent',
        lwd = 1,
        pt.bg = plotcolors,
        box.col = 'transparent',
        horiz = F,
        xpd = NA,
        cex = 1.1
mariakalimeri/forestplot documentation built on May 14, 2019, 2:08 p.m.