
Defines functions fillTarget makeAgent

Documented in makeAgent

#' Create Agent.
#' An agent consists of a policy and (optional) a value function representation
#' and (optional) a learning algorithm.
#' @param policy \[`character(1)` | Policy] \cr A policy.
#'   If you pass a string the policy will be created via [makePolicy].
#' @param val.fun \[`character(1)` | ValueFunction] \cr A value function representation.
#'   If you pass a string the value function will be created via [makeValueFunction].
#' @param algorithm \[`character(1)` | Algorithm] \cr An algorithm.
#'   If you pass a string the algorithm will be created via [makeAlgorithm].
#' @param preprocess \[`function`] \cr A function which preprocesses the state so that the agent can learn on this.
#' @param replay.memory \[`ReplayMemory`] \cr Replay memory for experience replay created by [makeReplayMemory].
#' @param policy.args \[`list`] \cr Arguments passed on to `args` in [makePolicy].
#' @param val.fun.args \[`list`] \cr Arguments passed on to `args` in [makeValueFunction].
#' @param algorithm.args \[`list`] \cr Arguments passed on to `args` in [makeAlgorithm].
#' @md
#' @export
#' @examples
#' agent = makeAgent("softmax", "table", "qlearning")
makeAgent = function(policy, val.fun = NULL, algorithm = NULL,
  preprocess = identity, replay.memory = NULL,
  policy.args = list(), val.fun.args = list(),
  algorithm.args = list()) { # better defaults?

  checkmate::assertList(policy.args, names = "unique")
  checkmate::assertList(val.fun.args, names = "unique")
  checkmate::assertList(algorithm.args, names = "unique")
  if (is.character(policy)) {
    policy = makePolicy(policy, policy.args)
  } else {
    checkmate::assertClass(policy, "Policy")
  if (is.character(val.fun)) {
    val.fun = makeValueFunction(val.fun, val.fun.args)
  } else {
    checkmate::assertClass(val.fun, "ValueFunction", null.ok = TRUE)
  if (is.character(algorithm)) {
    algorithm = makeAlgorithm(algorithm, algorithm.args)
  } else {
    checkmate::assertClass(algorithm, "Algorithm", null.ok = TRUE)
  checkmate::assertClass(replay.memory, "ReplayMemory", null.ok = TRUE)

  Agent$new(policy, val.fun, algorithm, preprocess, replay.memory)

Agent = R6::R6Class("Agent",
  public = list(
    action = NULL,
    previous.action = NULL,

    policy = NULL,
    val.fun = NULL,
    algorithm = NULL,

    preprocess = NULL,
    observe = NULL,
    learn = NULL,

    learn.possible = TRUE,

    train.data = NULL,

    act2 = NULL,
    reset = NULL,
    getTarget = NULL,
    getError = NULL,

    eligibility = NULL,
    exp.replay = NULL,

    n.actions = NULL,
    n.states = NULL,

    initialized = TRUE,
    initialized.val.fun = TRUE,

    init = function(env) {
      self$n.actions = env$n.actions
      self$n.states = env$n.states
      if (self$initialized.val.fun == FALSE) {
        self$val.fun = ValueTable$new(n.states = self$n.states, n.actions = self$n.actions)
        if (!is.null(self$eligibility)) {
        self$initialized.val.fun == TRUE

    # store all encountered states, actions, rewards with corresponding episode number
    # possibly write to file?
    # set maximum size for preallocation?
    history = list(),
    # logging function

    initialize = function(policy, val.fun, algorithm, preprocess, exp.replay) {

      # initialize algorithm
      # policy, algorithm, exp.replay, eligibility, table, neural.network
      self$preprocess = preprocess

      if (policy$name %in% c("softmax", "epsilon.greedy", "greedy") && is.null(val.fun)) {
        stop("Cannot use this policy without specifying a value function!")

      # initialize policy
      self$policy = switch(policy$name,
        random = RandomPolicy$new(),
        epsilon.greedy = do.call(EpsilonGreedyPolicy$new, policy$args),
        greedy = GreedyPolicy$new(),
        softmax = SoftmaxPolicy$new()

      if (policy$name == "random") {
        # self$initialized = FALSE
        self$act2 = function(state) {
          action = sample(seq_len(self$n.actions), size = 1L) - 1L
      } else {
        self$act2 = function(state) {
          action.vals = self$val.fun$predictQ(state)
          policy.probs = self$policy$getActionProbs(action.vals, n.actions = length(action.vals))
          action = self$policy$sampleAction(policy.probs)

      # experience replay yes / no
      if (!is.null(exp.replay)) {
        experience.replay = TRUE
        self$exp.replay = do.call(ReplayMemory$new, exp.replay)
      } else {
        experience.replay = FALSE

      # eligibility traces yes / no
      if (!is.null(algorithm$args$lambda)) {
        eligibility.traces = TRUE
        self$eligibility = Eligibility$new(algorithm$args$lambda, algorithm$args$traces)
      } else {
        eligibility.traces = FALSE

      if (experience.replay && eligibility.traces) {
        stop("Experience replay with eligibility traces is not supported!")

      if (!is.null(algorithm) && is.null(val.fun)) {
        stop("Cannot use this algorithm without a value function.")

      if (eligibility.traces && is.null(val.fun)) {
        stop("Cannot use eligibility traces without a value function.")

      if (eligibility.traces && val.fun$name == "neural.network") {
        stop("Eligibility traces for neural network are not supported!")

      self$observe = function(state, action, reward, next.state, env) {}

      if (experience.replay) {
        self$observe = function(state, action, reward, next.state, env) {
          state = self$preprocess(state)
          next.state = self$preprocess(next.state)
          self$exp.replay$observe(state, action, reward, next.state)

      if (eligibility.traces) {
        self$observe = function(state, action, reward, next.state, env) {
          state = self$preprocess(state)
          next.state = self$preprocess(next.state)
          self$train.data = list(state = state, action = action, reward = reward, next.state = next.state)
          self$eligibility$increase(state, action)

      if (!is.null(algorithm) && !experience.replay && !eligibility.traces) {
        self$observe = function(state, action, reward, next.state, env) {
          state = self$preprocess(state)
          next.state = self$preprocess(next.state)
          self$train.data = list(state = state, action = action, reward = reward, next.state = next.state)

      # check if dimensions of value table have been set else get these from the
      # environment during interaction
      if (!is.null(val.fun)) {
        if (val.fun$name == "table") {
          if (!any(c("initial.value", "n.states") %in% names(val.fun$args))) {
            self$initialized = FALSE
            self$initialized.val.fun = FALSE
          } else {
            self$val.fun = do.call(ValueTable$new, val.fun$args)
        } else {
          self$val.fun = switch(val.fun$name,
            table = do.call(ValueTable$new, val.fun$args),
            neural.network = do.call(ValueNetwork$new, val.fun$args)

      # Learning

      if (is.null(algorithm)) {
        self$learn = function(env, learn) {}
      } else {
        self$algorithm = switch(algorithm$name,
          qlearning = QLearning$new()#,
          #sarsa = Sarsa$new()

      # qlearning table/neural.network base
      if (!is.null(algorithm)) {

        self$train.data = vector("list", 1)

        self$learn = function(env, learn) {
          res = self$getTarget(env)
          target = res[["target"]]
          target = fillTarget(res[["q.old"]], self$train.data$state, self$train.data$action, target)
          self$val.fun$train(self$train.data$state, target)

        self$getTarget = function(env) {
          q.old = self$val.fun$predictQ(self$train.data$state)
          q.new = self$val.fun$predictQ(self$train.data$next.state)
          target = self$algorithm$getTarget(self$train.data$reward, q.new,
            discount = env$discount)
          list(q.old = q.old, target = target)

      # qlearning eligibility traces
      if (eligibility.traces && val.fun$name == "table" && !experience.replay) {
        self$getError = function(target, q.old, action) {
          target - q.old[action + 1L] # fixme: allow mse and other errors here

        self$learn = function(env, learn) {
          res = self$getTarget(env)
          error = self$getError(target = res$target, q.old = res$q.old, action = self$train.data$action)
          self$val.fun$trainWithError(self$eligibility$E, error)

      if (!is.null(algorithm) && !is.null(val.fun) && experience.replay) {
        self$getTarget = function(data, env) {
          q.old = self$val.fun$predictQ(data$state)
          q.new = self$val.fun$predictQ(data$next.state)
          target = self$algorithm$getTarget(data$reward, q.new,
            discount = env$discount)
          list(q.old = q.old, target = target)

      if (!is.null(val.fun) && experience.replay && val.fun$name == "table") {
        self$learn = function(env, learn) {
          data = self$exp.replay$sampleBatch()
          if (!is.null(data)) {
            data = self$val.fun$processBatch(data)
            data$target = self$getTarget(data, env)$target
            # sum together updates to the same state-action pair
            data = aggregate(target ~ state + action, data = data, FUN = sum)
            val.old = self$val.fun$predictQ(data$state)
            target = fillTarget(val.old, data$state, data$action, data$target)
            target = as.data.frame(target)
            target$state = data$state
            # sum together updates to same state
            target = aggregate(. ~ state, data = target, FUN = sum)

            self$val.fun$train(target$state, as.matrix(target[-1]))

      if (!is.null(val.fun) && experience.replay && val.fun$name == "neural.network") {
        self$learn = function(env, learn) {
          data = self$exp.replay$sampleBatch()
          if (!is.null(data)) {
            data = self$val.fun$processBatch(data) # this is copy paste
            data$target = self$getTarget(data, env)$target

            val.old = self$val.fun$predictQ(data$state)
            target = fillTarget(val.old, data$state, data$action, data$target)

            self$val.fun$train(data$state, target)

      #   if (algorithm$name == "sarsa") {
      #     self$train.data = vector("list", 2)
      #     self$observe = function(state, action, reward, next.state, env) {
      #       self$train.data[[1]] = self$train.data[[2]]
      #       state = self$preprocess(state)
      #       next.state = self$preprocess(next.state)
      #       self$train.data[[2]] = list(state = state, action = action, reward = reward, next.state = next.state)
      #     }
      #     self$learn = function(env, learn) {
      #       if (is.null(self$train.data[[1]])) {return()}
      #       q.old = self$val.fun$predictQ(self$train.data[[1]]$state)
      #       q.new = self$val.fun$predictQ(self$train.data[[1]]$next.state)
      #       target = self$algorithm$getTarget(self$train.data[[1]]$reward, q.new,
      #         discount = env$discount, next.action = self$train.data[[2]]$action)
      #       target = fillTarget(q.old, self$train.data[[1]]$state, self$train.data[[1]]$action, target)
      #       self$val.fun$train(self$train.data[[1]]$state, target)
      #     }
      #   }

      # reset eligibility traces if necessary
      self$reset = function() {}

      if (eligibility.traces) {
        if (self$initialized.val.fun) self$eligibility$reset(self$val.fun$Q)
        self$reset = function() {

    act = function(state) {
      state = self$preprocess(state)
      action = self$act2(state)
      self$previous.action = action
      self$action = action

fillTarget = function(old.action.vals, state, action, target) {
  old.action.vals[matrix(c(seq_along(action), action + 1L), ncol = 2)] = target
markdumke/reinforceR documentation built on Nov. 17, 2022, 12:53 a.m.