
uniqueProbeList = function(BLData){

secNames = sectionNames(BLData)


##Probably only need to look at one sample?

for(i in 1:length(secNames)){

	uIDs = c(uIDs, unique(BLData[[i]][,1]))




summarize = function(BLData, channelList=list(greenChannel), probeIDs=NULL, useSampleFac = FALSE, sampleFac= NULL, weightNames = "wts", removeUnMappedProbes = TRUE){

arraynms = sectionNames(BLData)

output = vector("list", length(channelList))

##Get the sample factor from the sectionData slot



		##Try and use sampleFac stored with beadLevel Data

		if(!"SampleGroup" %in% names(BLData@sectionData)){
			cat("Could not determine sample factor from beadLevelData. Summarizing each section separately\n")
			sList = arraynms
			sampleFac = arraynms	
			newNames = sList


			sampleFac = BLData@sectionData$"SampleGroup"[,1]

			sList = unique(sampleFac)
			dupList = which(duplicated(sampleFac))

			##newNames = paste(unique(strtrim(arraynms, 10)), sList, sep="_")
                            newNames = strtrim(arraynms[-dupList],12)
                            newNames = strtrim(arraynms,12)


		if(length(sampleFac) != length(arraynms)){
			cat("Length of specified sample factor did not match number of sections\n")
			cat("length of sample factor: ", length(sampleFac), sampleFac, "\n")
			cat("number of sections: ", length(arraynms), arraynms, "\n")
			stop("Aborting summarization\n")

			sList = unique(sampleFac)
			dupList = which(duplicated(sampleFac))

                            newNames = strtrim(arraynms[-dupList],12)
                            newNames = strtrim(arraynms,12)



	cat("No sample factor specified. Summarizing each section separately\n")

	sList = arraynms
	sampleFac = arraynms
	newNames = arraynms	

##create unique list unless otherwise specified

if(is.null(probeIDs)) {
	cat("Finding list of unique probes in beadLevelData\n")
	probeIDs = uniqueProbeList(BLData)
	cat(length(probeIDs), " unique probeIDs found\n")

###Remove any probes that cannot be mapped to ILMN_ IDs


	annoName = annotation(BLData)


	    annoLoaded <- require(paste("illumina", annoName, ".db",sep=""), character.only=TRUE)

	    mapEnv <-  as.name(paste("illumina", annoName, "ARRAYADDRESS",sep=""))

	    allMapped <- mappedkeys(revmap(eval(mapEnv)))

	      isMapped = which(probeIDs %in% allMapped)

	      cat("Number of unmapped probes removed: ", length(probeIDs) - length(isMapped), "\n")

	      probeIDs = probeIDs[isMapped]



		cat("Could not determine annotation for this beadLevelData object.\n")


##Fiddle to make sure channel names are unique

cNames = unlist(lapply(channelList, function(x) x@name))


	uNames = unique(cNames)

	for(i in 1:length(uNames)){

		sPos = grep(uNames[i], cNames)
		if(length(sPos) > 1){
			for(j in 1:length(sPos)){
				cNames[sPos[j]] = paste(cNames[sPos[j]],j, sep=".")
				warning("Duplicated channel names were found. Renaming...\n")




for(cNum in 1:length(channelList)){
	template = matrix(nrow=length(probeIDs), ncol=length(sList))

	##If more than one channel; append channel name to each column name

	if(length(channelList) == 1) newCols = newNames
	else newCols = paste(cNames[cNum], newNames, sep=":")

	output[[cNum]][["eMat"]] = template

	colnames(output[[cNum]][["eMat"]]) = newCols
	rownames(output[[cNum]][["eMat"]]) = probeIDs

	output[[cNum]][["varMat"]]  = template

	colnames(output[[cNum]][["varMat"]]) = newCols
	rownames(output[[cNum]][["varMat"]]) = probeIDs

	output[[cNum]][["nObs"]]  = template

	colnames(output[[cNum]][["nObs"]]) = newCols
	rownames(output[[cNum]][["nObs"]]) = probeIDs


	currentSamp = sampleFac[1]

	sCount = 1


	for(s in 1:length(sList)){

		an = which(sampleFac == sList[s])

		pIDs = wts = NULL

		values = vector("list", length(channelList))

		for(i in an){

			tmp = BLData[[i]]	
			pidCol = grep("ProbeID", colnames(tmp))	

			###Remove any probes with IDs that are not in 'probeIDs'

			retainedBeads = which(tmp[,pidCol] %in% probeIDs)

			tmp = tmp[retainedBeads,]
			wCol = grep(weightNames, colnames(tmp))
			pIDs = c(pIDs, tmp[,pidCol])
			###If weights were not found, set all weights to 1

			if(length(wCol) == 0) wts = rep(1, length(pIDs))
			else wts = c(wts,tmp[,wCol])

			for(ch in 1:length(channelList)){

				chName = channelList[[ch]]@name	
				transFun = channelList[[ch]]@transFun[[1]]

				cat("Summarizing ", chName, " channel\n")
				cat("Processing Array", i, "\n")
				###Transform to get the values we are interested in summarizing one value per bead
				newVals = transFun(BLData, array=i)[retainedBeads]					
				####Check correct number of values were returned

				if(length(newVals) != nrow(tmp)) stop("Transformation function did not return correct number of values")

				values[[ch]] = c(values[[ch]],newVals)				



		for(ch in 1:length(channelList)){
			oFUN = channelList[[ch]]@outlierFun[[1]]
			exprFun = channelList[[ch]]@exprFun[[1]]
			varFun = channelList[[ch]]@varFun[[1]]	
			values2 = values[[ch]]
			###Remove rows that are outliers

			cat("Removing outliers\n")
			###Make sure there are no NA values

			naVals = which(is.na(values2) | is.infinite(values2))
			pIDs2 = pIDs
			wts2 = wts

			if(length(naVals) > 0){	
				values2 = values2[-naVals]
				pIDs2 = pIDs[-naVals]
				wts2 = wts[-naVals]
			###Make sure probes and values are ordered according to ProbeID

			pOrder = order(pIDs2)

			pIDs2 = pIDs2[pOrder]
			values2  = values2[pOrder]
			wts2 = wts2[pOrder]

			oList = oFUN(values2, pIDs2, wts2)
			values2 = values2[-oList]
			pIDs2 = pIDs2[-oList]
			wts2 = wts2[-oList]
			##check if any beads masked completely

			if(any(wts2 ==0)){
				values2 = values2[-which(wts2 ==0)]
				pIDs2 = pIDs2[-which(wts2 ==0)]
				wts2 = wts2[-which(wts2 ==0)]

			###Create list of values, split by ProbeID. Multiply by probe weights

			tmp = split(wts2*values2, pIDs2)
			###Find out the mapping between the list and probeIDs

			pMap = match(names(tmp), probeIDs)

			cat("Using exprFun\n")
			output[[ch]][["eMat"]][pMap,s] = unlist(lapply(tmp, exprFun))
			cat("Using varFun\n")		
			output[[ch]][["varMat"]][pMap,s] = unlist(lapply(tmp, varFun))

			output[[ch]][["nObs"]][pMap,s] = unlist(lapply(tmp, length))





cat("Making  summary object\n")

eMat = output[[1]][["eMat"]]
varMat = output[[1]][["varMat"]]
nObs = output[[1]][["nObs"]]

if(length(output) > 1){

	for(i in 2:length(output)){
		eMat = cbind(eMat, output[[i]][["eMat"]])
		varMat = cbind(varMat, output[[i]][["varMat"]])
		nObs = cbind(nObs, output[[i]][["nObs"]])

	channelFac = NULL

	for(i in 1:length(channelList)){

		newfac = cNames[i]

		channelFac = c(channelFac, rep(newfac, length(sList)))


BSData = new("ExpressionSetIllumina")

annoName = annotation(BLData)


	  annoLoaded <- require(paste("illumina", annoName, ".db",sep=""), character.only=TRUE)

	    mapEnv <-  as.name(paste("illumina", annoName, "ARRAYADDRESS",sep=""))
	    IlluminaIDs = as.character(unlist(mget(as.character(probeIDs), revmap(eval(mapEnv)),ifnotfound=NA)))

	    rownames(eMat) = rownames(varMat) = rownames(nObs) = as.character(IlluminaIDs)

	    status = rep("Unknown", length(probeIDs))

	    annoPkg <- paste("illumina", annoName, ".db",sep="")

	    annoVers <- packageDescription(annoPkg, field="Version")
	     message(paste("Annotating control probes using package ", annoPkg, " Version:", annoVers, "\n",sep=""))

	    mapEnv <-  as.name(paste("illumina", annoName, "REPORTERGROUPNAME",sep=""))

	    t <- try(eval(mapEnv),silent=TRUE)

	    if(class(t) == "try-error"){
	      message(paste("Could not find a REPORTERGROUPNAME mapping in annotation package ", annoPkg,". Perhaps it needs updating?", sep=""))

	    status[which(!is.na(IlluminaIDs))] = unlist(mget(IlluminaIDs[which(!is.na(IlluminaIDs))], eval(mapEnv), ifnotfound=NA))	
	    status[which(is.na(status))] = "regular"
	  featureData(BSData) = new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data=data.frame(ArrayAddressID=probeIDs,IlluminaID  = IlluminaIDs, Status = status, row.names=IlluminaIDs))

	  BSData@annotation = annoName



	cat("Could not map ArrayAddressIDs: No annotation specified\n")
	featureData(BSData) = new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data=data.frame(ProbeID=probeIDs,row.names=probeIDs))

assayData(BSData)=assayDataNew(exprs = eMat, se.exprs = varMat, nObservations = nObs,storage.mode="list")

sampInfo <- sampleSheet(BLData)

	expIDs <- paste(sampInfo$Sentrix_ID, sampInfo$Sentrix_Position,sep="_")


	sampInfo <- sampInfo[sapply(newNames, function(x) grep(strtrim(x, 12), expIDs)),]	

	p = new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data.frame(sampInfo,row.names=newNames))


else p = new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data.frame(sampleID=newNames, SampleFac = unique(sampleFac),row.names=newNames))

phenoData(BSData) = p

##Set the QC slot to be anything in the sectionData of BLData apart from Targets

qcNames = names(BLData@sectionData)

qcNames = setdiff(qcNames, "Targets")

if(length(qcNames) > 0){

	QC = BLData@sectionData[[qcNames[[1]]]]


		for(i in 2:length(qcNames)){

			QC = cbind(QC, BLData@sectionData[[qcNames[i]]])



QC = new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data.frame(QC, row.names = arraynms))

BSData@QC = QC


BSData@channelData = list(channelFac, channelList)	


markdunning/beadarray-devel documentation built on May 21, 2019, noon