## FABIO: Calculate Footprints for FABIO paper
rm(list=ls()); gc()
is.finite.data.frame <- function(x) do.call(cbind, lapply(x, is.finite))
agg <- function(x) { x <- as.matrix(x) %*% sapply(unique(colnames(x)),"==",colnames(x)); return(x) }
footprint <- function(region = character(), Y = matrix(), year=integer(), MP = matrix(), type=character()){
FP <- Y[,1:2] * colSums(MP)
FP[FP<0] <- 0 # filter negative values
FP[rep(items$Item,nrreg)=="Cocoa Beans and products",][FP[rep(items$Item,nrreg)=="Cocoa Beans and products",] >
mean(FP)*1000] <- 0 # filter outliers
FP <- t(FP)
colnames(FP) <- rep(c(rep("crop",96),rep("lvst",130-96)), nrreg)
FP <- agg(FP)
FP <- reshape2::melt(FP)
FP$year <- year
FP$region <- region
FP$type <- type
# Make intitial settings
# read region classification
regions <- read.csv(file="./inst/fabio_input/Regions.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";")
# read commodity classification
items <- read.csv(file="./inst/fabio_input/Items.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";")
nrreg <- nrow(regions)
nrcom <- nrow(items)
# Start loop for a series of years
# year=1986
results <- data.frame()
imports <- data.frame()
for(year in 1986:2013){
# Read data
L_mass <- readRDS(file=paste0("/mnt/nfs_fineprint/tmp/fabio/",year,"_L_mass.rds"))
L_price <- readRDS(file=paste0("/mnt/nfs_fineprint/tmp/fabio/",year,"_L_price.rds"))
X <- readRDS(file=paste0("/mnt/nfs_fineprint/tmp/fabio/",year,"_X.rds"))
Y <- readRDS(file=paste0("/mnt/nfs_fineprint/tmp/fabio/",year,"_Y.rds"))
E <- readRDS(file=paste0("/mnt/nfs_fineprint/tmp/fabio/",year,"_E.rds"))
# Prepare Multipliers
ext <- as.vector(E$Landuse) / X
ext[!is.finite(ext)] <- 0
ext[ext < 0] <- 0 # eliminate negative values
L_mass[L_mass < 0] <- 0 # eliminate negative values
L_price[L_price < 0] <- 0 # eliminate negative values
MP_mass <- ext * L_mass # is identical with L * ext
MP_price <- ext * L_price
# Calculate Footprints
# Prepare final demand
Y_codes <- data.frame(ISO = substr(colnames(Y),1,3))
Y_codes$Continent = regions$Continent[match(Y_codes$ISO,regions$ISO)]
Y_codes$FD <- substr(colnames(Y),5,100)
Y_US <- Y[,Y_codes$ISO == "USA"]
Y_CN <- Y[,Y_codes$ISO == "CHN"]
Y_EU <- Y[,Y_codes$Continent == "EU"]
colnames(Y_EU) <- Y_codes$FD[Y_codes$Continent == "EU"]
Y_EU <- agg(Y_EU)
colnames(Y_US) <- colnames(Y_CN) <- colnames(Y_EU)
# Footprint
results <- rbind(results, footprint(region = "EU", Y = Y_EU, year = year, MP = MP_mass, "mass"))
results <- rbind(results, footprint(region = "EU", Y = Y_EU, year = year, MP = MP_price, "price"))
results <- rbind(results, footprint(region = "US", Y = Y_US, year = year, MP = MP_mass, "mass"))
results <- rbind(results, footprint(region = "US", Y = Y_US, year = year, MP = MP_price, "price"))
results <- rbind(results, footprint(region = "CN", Y = Y_CN, year = year, MP = MP_mass, "mass"))
results <- rbind(results, footprint(region = "CN", Y = Y_CN, year = year, MP = MP_price, "price"))
imports <- rbind(imports, footprint(region = "EU", Y = Y_EU, year = year, MP = MP_mass[rep(regions$Continent, each = nrow(items)) != "EU", ], "mass"))
imports <- rbind(imports, footprint(region = "EU", Y = Y_EU, year = year, MP = MP_price[rep(regions$Continent, each = nrow(items)) != "EU", ], "price"))
imports <- rbind(imports, footprint(region = "US", Y = Y_US, year = year, MP = MP_mass[rep(regions$ISO, each = nrow(items)) != "USA", ], "mass"))
imports <- rbind(imports, footprint(region = "US", Y = Y_US, year = year, MP = MP_price[rep(regions$ISO, each = nrow(items)) != "USA", ], "price"))
imports <- rbind(imports, footprint(region = "CN", Y = Y_CN, year = year, MP = MP_mass[rep(regions$ISO, each = nrow(items)) != "CHN", ], "mass"))
imports <- rbind(imports, footprint(region = "CN", Y = Y_CN, year = year, MP = MP_price[rep(regions$ISO, each = nrow(items)) != "CHN", ], "price"))
data.table::fwrite(results, file="./output/FABIO_paper_results.csv", sep=";")
data.table::fwrite(imports, file="./output/FABIO_paper_imports.csv", sep=";")
# #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Check results
# #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
# year=2005
# for(year in c(1991:1993,2004:2006)){
# print(year)
# #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Read data
# #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
# L_mass <- readRDS(file=paste0("/mnt/nfs_fineprint/tmp/fabio/",year,"_L_mass.rds"))
# L_price <- readRDS(file=paste0("/mnt/nfs_fineprint/tmp/fabio/",year,"_L_price.rds"))
# X <- readRDS(file=paste0("/mnt/nfs_fineprint/tmp/fabio/",year,"_X.rds"))
# Y <- readRDS(file=paste0("/mnt/nfs_fineprint/tmp/fabio/",year,"_Y.rds"))
# E <- readRDS(file=paste0("/mnt/nfs_fineprint/tmp/fabio/",year,"_E.rds"))
# nrreg <- nrow(regions)
# nrcom <- nrow(Y) / nrreg
# #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Prepare Multipliers
# #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ext <- as.vector(E$Landuse) / X
# ext[!is.finite(ext)] <- 0
# MP_mass <- ext * L_mass # is identical with L * ext
# MP_price <- ext * L_price
# #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Calculate Footprints
# #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Prepare final demand
# Y_codes <- data.frame(ISO = substr(colnames(Y),1,3))
# Y_codes$Continent = regions$Continent[match(Y_codes$ISO,regions$ISO)]
# Y_codes$FD <- substr(colnames(Y),5,100)
# Y_US <- Y[,Y_codes$ISO == "USA"]
# Y_CN <- Y[,Y_codes$ISO == "CHN"]
# Y_EU <- Y[,Y_codes$Continent == "EU"]
# colnames(Y_EU) <- Y_codes$FD[Y_codes$Continent == "EU"]
# Y_EU <- agg(Y_EU)
# colnames(Y_US) <- colnames(Y_CN) <- colnames(Y_EU)
# FP <- Y_EU * colSums(MP_mass)
# fwrite(FP, paste0("./output/results_EU_",year,".csv"), sep = ";")
# FP <- Y_US * colSums(MP_mass)
# fwrite(FP, paste0("./output/results_US_",year,".csv"), sep = ";")
# FP <- Y_CN * colSums(MP_mass)
# fwrite(FP, paste0("./output/results_CN_",year,".csv"), sep = ";")
# }
# Plot results
results <- data.table::fread(file="./output/FABIO_paper_results.csv", sep=";")
results <- as_tibble(results)
results$region[results$region=="CN"] <- "China"
results$region[results$region=="EU"] <- "EU-28"
results$region[results$region=="US"] <- "USA"
diff_results <- results %>%
dplyr::filter(Var1 %in% c("Food", "OtherUses")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(var = paste(Var1, Var2, sep = "-")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(var = factor(var, c("OtherUses-lvst", "OtherUses-crop", "Food-lvst", "Food-crop"),
c("Other uses - livestock", "Other uses - crops", "Food - livestock", "Food - crops"))) %>%
tidyr::spread(key = type, value = value) %>%
dplyr::mutate(diff = price - mass) %>%
dplyr::select(-Var1, -Var2, -price) %>%
tidyr::gather(key = type, value = value, -year, -region, -var)
# dplyr::mutate(region = paste(region, type, sep = "-"))
# dplyr::mutate(region = factor(region, c("CN-mass","EU-mass","US-mass","CN-diff","EU-diff","US-diff"),
# c("CN-mass","EU-mass","US-mass","CN-diff","EU-diff","US-diff")))
p <- diff_results %>%
dplyr::filter(type == "mass") %>%
ggplot() +
facet_wrap(~region, ncol = 3) +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = 'white', linetype = "solid", colour = 'grey'),
panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "lightgrey", size = 0.1, linetype = "solid"),
panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = "lightgrey", size = 0.1, linetype = "solid"),
legend.position = "none") +
geom_area(mapping = aes(x = year, y = value, group = var, fill = var)) +
xlab("") +
ylab("Cropland area (hectares)") +
viridis::scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE)
ggplot2::ggsave(paste0("results_a.png"), plot = p, device = "png", path = "./output/",
scale = 1, width = 200, height = 80, units = "mm", dpi = 300)
p <- diff_results %>%
dplyr::filter(type == "diff") %>%
ggplot() +
facet_wrap(~region, ncol = 3) +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = 'white', linetype = "solid", colour = 'grey'),
panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "lightgrey", size = 0.1, linetype = "solid"),
panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = "lightgrey", size = 0.1, linetype = "solid"),
legend.position = "bottom", legend.title = element_blank()) +
geom_area(mapping = aes(x = year, y = value, group = var, fill = var)) +
xlab("") +
ylab("Cropland area (hectares)") +
viridis::scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE)
ggplot2::ggsave(paste0("results_b.png"), plot = p, device = "png", path = "./output/",
scale = 1, width = 200, height = 80, units = "mm", dpi = 300)
# diff_results %>%
# dplyr::filter(region == "CN") %>%
# ggplot() +
# facet_wrap(~type, ncol = 2, scales = "free") +
# geom_area(mapping = aes(x = year, y = value, group = var, fill = var)) +
# xlab("") +
# ylab("Cropland area in hectares") +
# viridis::scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE) +
# theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.title = element_blank())
imports <- data.table::fread(file="./output/FABIO_paper_imports.csv", sep=";")
imports <- as_tibble(imports)
imports$region[imports$region=="CN"] <- "China"
imports$region[imports$region=="EU"] <- "EU-28"
imports$region[imports$region=="US"] <- "USA"
results <- data.table::fread(file="./output/FABIO_paper_results.csv", sep=";")
results <- as_tibble(results)
results$region[results$region=="CN"] <- "China"
results$region[results$region=="EU"] <- "EU-28"
results$region[results$region=="US"] <- "USA"
results <- results %>%
dplyr::filter(Var1 %in% c("Food", "OtherUses")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(var = paste(Var1, Var2, sep = "-")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(var = factor(var, c("OtherUses-lvst", "OtherUses-crop", "Food-lvst", "Food-crop"),
c("Other uses - livestock", "Other uses - crops", "Food - livestock", "Food - crops"))) %>%
tidyr::spread(key = type, value = value) %>%
dplyr::mutate(diff = price - mass) %>%
dplyr::select(-Var1, -Var2, -price) %>%
tidyr::gather(key = type, value = value, -year, -region, -var)
imports <- imports %>%
dplyr::filter(Var1 %in% c("Food", "OtherUses")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(var = paste(Var1, Var2, sep = "-")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(var = factor(var, c("OtherUses-lvst", "OtherUses-crop", "Food-lvst", "Food-crop"),
c("Other uses - livestock", "Other uses - crops", "Food - livestock", "Food - crops"))) %>%
tidyr::spread(key = type, value = value) %>%
dplyr::mutate(diff = price - mass) %>%
dplyr::select(-Var1, -Var2, -price) %>%
tidyr::gather(key = type, value = value, -year, -region, -var)
p <- imports %>%
dplyr::mutate(value = value / results$value * 100) %>%
dplyr::filter(type == "mass") %>%
ggplot(mapping = aes(x = year, y = value, group = var, color = var)) +
facet_wrap(~region, ncol = 3) +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = 'white', linetype = "solid", colour = 'grey'),
panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "lightgrey", size = 0.1, linetype = "solid"),
panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = "lightgrey", size = 0.1, linetype = "solid"),
legend.position = "bottom", legend.title = element_blank()) +
geom_line() +
geom_point(size = 1) +
xlab("") +
ylab("Import share (percentages)") +
viridis::scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE)
ggplot2::ggsave(paste0("results_c.png"), plot = p, device = "png", path = "./output/",
scale = 1, width = 200, height = 80, units = "mm", dpi = 300)
# Calculate China net-trade in 2004
rm(list=ls()); gc()
agg <- function(x) { x <- as.matrix(x) %*% sapply(unique(colnames(x)),"==",colnames(x)); return(x) }
# Make intitial settings
year <- 2004
# read region classification
regions <- read.csv(file="./inst/fabio_input/Regions.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";")
# read commodity classification
items <- read.csv(file="./inst/fabio_input/Items.csv", header=TRUE, sep=";")
nrreg <- nrow(regions)
nrcom <- nrow(items)
# net trade of China
region = (1:nrreg)[regions$ISO=="CHN"]
dom <- (nrcom*(region-1)+1):(nrcom*region)
L_mass <- readRDS(file=paste0("/mnt/nfs_fineprint/tmp/fabio/",year,"_L_mass.rds"))
L_price <- readRDS(file=paste0("/mnt/nfs_fineprint/tmp/fabio/",year,"_L_price.rds"))
X <- readRDS(file=paste0("/mnt/nfs_fineprint/tmp/fabio/",year,"_X.rds"))
Y <- readRDS(file=paste0("/mnt/nfs_fineprint/tmp/fabio/",year,"_Y.rds"))
E <- readRDS(file=paste0("/mnt/nfs_fineprint/tmp/fabio/",year,"_E.rds"))
# Prepare Multipliers
ext <- as.vector(E$Landuse) / X
ext[!is.finite(ext)] <- 0
ext[ext < 0] <- 0 # eliminate negative values
L_mass[L_mass < 0] <- 0 # eliminate negative values
L_price[L_price < 0] <- 0 # eliminate negative values
MP_mass <- ext * L_mass # is identical with L * ext
MP_price <- ext * L_price
# Calculate Footprints
# prepare final demand data
Y[substr(colnames(Y),5,8)=="Food"][Y[substr(colnames(Y),5,8)=="Food"]<0] <- 0
Y[substr(colnames(Y),5,12)=="OtherUse"][Y[substr(colnames(Y),5,12)=="OtherUse"]<0] <- 0
colnames(Y) <- substr(colnames(Y),1,3)
Y <- agg(Y)
# Calculate import footprint
get_Xm <- function(){
Ym <- Y[,region]
Z <- readRDS(file=paste0("/mnt/nfs_fineprint/tmp/fabio/",year,"_Z_price.rds"))
Zm <- rowSums(Z[,dom])
Ym[dom] <- Zm[dom] <- 0
Xm <- Zm + Ym
# Calculate export footprint
get_Xe <- function(){
Ye <- Y[dom,]
Ye <- rowSums(Ye[,-region])
Z <- readRDS(file=paste0("/mnt/nfs_fineprint/tmp/fabio/",year,"_Z_price.rds"))
Ze <- rowSums(Z[dom,-dom])
Xe <- Ze + Ye
Xm <- get_Xm()
FP_imp <- sum(t(MP_price) * Xm)
Xe <- get_Xe()
FP_exp <- sum(t(MP_price[,dom]) * Xe)
# Calculate net trade
FP_nettrade_price <- FP_imp - FP_exp
# Calculate import footprint
get_Xm <- function(){
Ym <- Y[,region]
Z <- readRDS(file=paste0("/mnt/nfs_fineprint/tmp/fabio/",year,"_Z_mass.rds"))
Zm <- rowSums(Z[,dom])
Ym[dom] <- Zm[dom] <- 0
Xm <- Zm + Ym
# Calculate export footprint
get_Xe <- function(){
Ye <- Y[dom,]
Ye <- rowSums(Ye[,-region])
Z <- readRDS(file=paste0("/mnt/nfs_fineprint/tmp/fabio/",year,"_Z_mass.rds"))
Ze <- rowSums(Z[dom,-dom])
Xe <- Ze + Ye
Xm <- get_Xm()
FP_imp <- sum(t(MP_mass) * Xm)
Xe <- get_Xe()
FP_exp <- sum(t(MP_mass[,dom]) * Xe)
# Calculate net trade
FP_nettrade_mass <- FP_imp - FP_exp
# Plot comparison for China net-trade in 2004
rm(list=ls()); gc()
references <- c("FABIO",
"Qiang et al. \n(2013)",
"Kastner et al. \n(2014b)",
"Meyfroidt \net al. (2010)",
"Weinzettel \net al. (2013)",
"Hubacek and \nFeng (2016)",
"Yu et al. \n(2013)")
data <- tibble(reference = factor(references, references, references),
value = c(20910431,20000000,19000000,16000000,-8000000,-9000000,-17000000)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(colour = factor(c("physical","physical","physical","physical","mixed","monetary","monetary"))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(colour = factor(colour, c("physical", "mixed", "monetary"), c("physical", "mixed", "monetary")))
p <- data %>%
ggplot(aes(x=reference, y=value)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(fill=colour))+
viridis::scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE) +
# theme_minimal() +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = 'white', linetype = "solid", colour = 'grey'),
panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "lightgrey", size = 0.1, linetype = "solid"),
panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = "lightgrey", size = 0.1, linetype = "solid")) +
xlab("") +
ylab("Cropland area (hectares)") +
labs(fill = "Accounting unit")
ggplot2::ggsave(paste0("china_nettrade.png"), plot = p, device = "png", path = "./output/",
scale = 1, width = 200, height = 100, units = "mm", dpi = 300)
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