
Defines functions makeSysCmd dbgR killScreen assert endscreen setupscreen getusercmd errormsg cleancursesthings initcursesthings dohelp doquitbrowser dopenv dopls doup dodown doreloadsrc doubp dobp iscondbphere doudfa dodf stringstartswithnumber findenclosingftn findftnlinenumbyname findftnnamebylinenum dopap doprint removefirsttokens dorun dof dostep checkdbgsink blankline updatenext updatecolor inwin finddebugline readfromgbds initrdebug initsrcthings checkdbgerrorsink sendtoscreen chop rplcsrcline rplc inputsrc dispsrc writeline ndigs w p dbgInit

# dbgR.R, a debugging tool for the R programming language    

# see Known Issues at end of this file

# produces a window into the debuggee's source file(s); cursor will move
# in this window as the user single-steps through the source, etc.; user
# submits comments, e.g. n for next statement, from within this window,
# rarely if ever needing to shift focus to the R window

# usage: (in R terminal) dbgR("primary_source_file.R")

# basic idea:  this program starts up the Unix/Linux "screen" utility
# (to be replaced with a pipe version in the near future), then starts
# up R within "screen"; when the user gives a debug command to this
# program, the latter sends it to R via the "-X stuff" command within
# "screen"; R, meanwhile, records debugging information, especially
# current source file name and line number, in a file, which is read by
# this program to update the cursor position

# stored source lines are prepended with (1-based) line number in source
# file, and possibly 'N' to indicate next line to be executed, and/or
# 'D' ("debug") to indicate a line where execution is to be paused

# Author:  Norm Matloff


dbgInit <- function() 

   # all globals packaged here,
   # in an evironment as recommended by CRAN (http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/check.html)
   ### debugr <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
   assign('debugr',new.env(),envir = globalenv()) 
   debugr$scrn <- NULL  # will point to window object
   debugr$row <- NULL  # current row position of cursor within window
   debugr$src <- NULL  # handle for the current source file
   debugr$srclen <- NULL  # length in lines of the current source file
   debugr$srcpanellen <- NULL  # length in lines of the panel for displaying the source code
   debugr$winwidth <- NULL  # width in characters of the window
   debugr$srclines <- NULL  # contents of source file, list of strings, 1 per src line
   debugr$maxdigits <- NULL  # number of digits in the longest line number
   debugr$firstdisplayedlineno <- NULL  # source line number now displayed at top of window; starts at 0
   debugr$currsrcfilename <- NULL  # name of source file currently in window
   debugr$nextlinenum <- NA  # source line number to be executed next; starts at 1
   debugr$ftns <- NULL  # dictionary of function line numberss, indexed by function name
   debugr$debuggeecall <- NULL  # previous call to run debuggee, e.g. 'mybuggyfun(3)'
   debugr$scroll <- 20  # amount to scroll in response to 'up' and 'down' cmds
   debugr$papcmd <- ""  # expression to be printed at each pause (after n/s/c cmd)
   debugr$helpbarindex <- -1  # 1-based row index saying where to put the helpbar
   debugr$userinputindex <- -1  # 1-based row index saying where to put user input
   debugr$msgline <- NULL  # 1-based row index saying where to put messages on window
   debugr$ds <- NULL  # file handle for dbgsink file
   debugr$eds <- NULL  # file handle for dbgerrorsink file
   debugr$bpconds <- c()  # dictionary of breakpoints
   debugr$prevcmd <- ""  # last user command
   debugr$helpfile <- FALSE
   debugr$Nplace <- -1
   debugr$Dplace <- -1
   debugr$isbrowsing <- FALSE  # TRUE if in browser() mode

# debugging function, prints variable name with variable value
p <- function(x) { print(paste0(deparse(substitute(x)),': ',x)) }

# debugging function, prints called function name to debug file
w <- function(x) { write(capture.output(x),append=TRUE) }

# finds the number of decimal digits in n
ndigs <- function(n) {
    # w(match.call()[[1]])

# writes a row in the screen, in the designated color.
# winrow is 1-based
writeline <- function(winrow,whattopaint,colorpair=NULL) {
    # Pad whattopaint with the right number of trailing spaces
    # to get a full row.
    whattopaint <- stringr::str_c(whattopaint,strrep(' ',debugr$winwidth - nchar(whattopaint)))

    # Paint the line to the console with rcurses.

# this function displays the current source file, starting at the top of
# the screen, and beginning with the row srcstartrow in debugr$srclines.
# srcstartrow is 1-based.
dispsrc <- function(srcstartrow) {
    winrow <- 1
    nlinestoshow <- min(debugr$srclen - srcstartrow + 1,debugr$srcpanellen)

    # paint each line of the window
    for (i in srcstartrow:(srcstartrow + nlinestoshow - 1)) {
        if (substr(debugr$srclines[i],debugr$Nplace,debugr$Nplace) == 'N') {
            if (substr(debugr$srclines[i],debugr$Dplace,debugr$Dplace) == 'D') {
            } else {
        } else if (substr(debugr$srclines[i],debugr$Dplace,debugr$Dplace) == 'D') {
        } else {
        winrow <- winrow + 1
    debugr$firstdisplayedlineno <- srcstartrow

# this function reads in the source file from disk, and copies it to the
# list debugr$srclines, with each source file being prepended by the line
# number
inputsrc <- function(filename) {
    lns <- try(readLines(filename))
    if (class(lns) == "try-error") {
        stop("Failed to open file.")
    debugr$srclen <- length(lns)

    debugr$maxdigits <- ndigs(length(lns) + 1)

    # location of 'N', if any
    debugr$Nplace <- debugr$maxdigits + 2

    # location of 'D', if any
    debugr$Dplace <- debugr$maxdigits + 3

    lnno <- 1

    debugr$srclines <- c()

    for (lineNum in 1:length(lns)) {

        # form the line number, with blanks instead of leading 0s
        ndl <- ndigs(lineNum)

        ### tmp <- rep(' ',debugr$maxdigits - ndl)
        ### tmp <- paste0(tmp,toString(lineNum),' ')
        tmp <- sprintf(paste0('%',debugr$maxdigits,'d'),lineNum)

        # add room for N marker for next executed and D/B for breakpoint
        tmp <- paste0(tmp,'   ')

        # now add the source line itself, truncated to fit the window
        # width, if necessary
        tmp <- paste0(tmp,lns[lineNum])

        ntrunclinechars <- min(debugr$winwidth,nchar(tmp))

        debugr$srclines <- c(debugr$srclines, substr(tmp,1,ntrunclinechars))


# utility; in string s at position k, replace by string r, presumed to
# be the same length as s; new string is returned
rplc <- function(s,k,r) {
    # w(match.call()[[1]])

    # grab first k - 1 characters of string
    front <- substr(s,1,k - 1)

    # grab last characters after r added at position k
    back <- substr(s,k + nchar(r),nchar(s))

    # return concatenation

# substitutes s starting at linepos in line lineno of debugr$srclines; this
# function does NOT paint the screen, and indeed the given line may be
# currently off the screen; mainly used to add an 'N' or 'D' designation
# in a source line.
# lineno is 1-based.
rplcsrcline <- function(lineno,linepos,s) {
    # add s into source line lineno at position linepos
    debugr$srclines[lineno] <- rplc(debugr$srclines[lineno],linepos,s)

# deletes newline character at the end of s, returning result
chop <- function(s) {
    return(stringr::str_sub(s, 1, -2))  # cut off last character

# sends the command cmd to the "screen session", thus typically to R
sendtoscreen <- function(cmd) {
    cmd <- paste(cmd, '\n', sep="")
    tosend <- paste('screen -S "rdebug" -X stuff "', cmd, '" ', sep="")
    # R S3 classes use $ for member quantities; must escape it for
    # Unix-family systems; need to expand, checking for non-Unix, for
    # multiple $, etc.; note that R also requires escaping the
    # backslash!
    dollarIndex = stringr::str_locate(tosend, "\\$")[1]
    if (!is.na(dollarIndex)) {
        tosend = stringr::str_c(stringr::str_sub(tosend, 0, dollarIndex-1), "\\",

checkdbgerrorsink <- function() {
    # Position the connection to where it's already positioned.
    # Oddly, I seem to have to do this seek() command, or else debugr$eds
    # won't recognize any lines that have been appended to the file since
    # the last time readLines() was called on debugr$eds.
    seek(debugr$eds, where=seek(debugr$eds), origin="start")

    # Should never be more than one line, assuming:
    # a) an R command produces at most one error message.
    # b) the error debug sink is read from each time an R
    # command is sent to screen.
    line = readLines(debugr$eds, n=-1)

    if (length(line) > 0)

# initialize various globals dealing with the source file
initsrcthings <- function() {
    debugr$nextlinenum <- 1

# initializes debugging operations; tells R to call sink(), setting up a
# duplication of screen output to file output; then tells R to input our
# buggy file
initrdebug <- function() {
    # planned change:  have sink() write to R network connection, to
    # a server that is run here; the throttling then probably won't be
    # necessary, and conditional breakpoint will be faster
    debugr$ds <- file("dbgsink", "r")

    sendtoscreen("dbgerrorsink <- file(\'dbgerrorsink\',open=\'w\')")
    debugr$eds <- file("dbgerrorsink", "r")

# Returns all the latest lines in the sink file that have not yet been
# read through the global connection.
# Used for getting updates on what the user is currently debugging
# (if anything) (e.g. which function is being debugged).
readfromgbds <- function() {
    # Position the connection to where it's already positioned.
    # Oddly, I seem to have to do this seek() command, or else debugr$ds
    # won't recognize any lines that have been appended to the file since
    # the last time readLines() was called on debugr$ds.
    seek(debugr$ds, where=seek(debugr$ds), origin="start")

    lines = readLines(debugr$ds, n=-1)

# find the latest line in the sink file that starts with either 'debug
# at' (pause line) or 'exiting from' (exit R debugger), returning that
# line 
finddebugline <- function() {
    # go back to start of file to read all lines
    # seek(debugr$ds, where=0, origin="start")
    # sinkfilelines <- readLines(debugr$ds, n=-1)
    sinkfilelines <- readfromgbds()

    numlines <- length(sinkfilelines)
    for (i in numlines:1) {
        # Check for line of the form, e.g.:
        # exiting from: g()
        if (!is.na(stringr::str_locate(sinkfilelines[i], "exiting from")[1])) {
            return(c('exiting', sinkfilelines[i]))
        # Check for line of either form, e.g.:
        # debug at test.R#9: {
        # test.R#4
        else if (!is.na(stringr::str_locate(sinkfilelines[i],
            stringr::str_c(debugr$currsrcfilename,"#"))[1])) {
            return(c('debug', sinkfilelines[i]))

# determines if linenum of the current src is in the current window
inwin <- function(linenum) {
    firstdisp = debugr$firstdisplayedlineno
    return (linenum >= firstdisp && linenum < firstdisp + debugr$srcpanellen)

# change the highlighting color of a line that's in the current window,
# to reflect that it's the current line or a pause line
# wrow is 1-based.
updatecolor <- function(wrow, linenum) {
    tmp = debugr$srclines[linenum]
    if (stringr::str_sub(tmp, debugr$Nplace, debugr$Nplace) == 'N') {
        if (stringr::str_sub(tmp, debugr$Dplace, debugr$Dplace) == 'D') {
            colorpair = rcurses.color_pair(3)
        } else {
            colorpair = rcurses.color_pair(2)
    } else if (stringr::str_sub(tmp, debugr$Dplace, debugr$Dplace) == 'D') {
        colorpair = rcurses.color_pair(1)
    } else {
        colorpair = rcurses.color_pair(0)

# update the indicators, e.g. N mark, of where the next line to be
# executed is; newnextlinenum is 1-based
updatenext <- function(newnextlinenum) {
    oldnextlinenum = debugr$nextlinenum
    rplcsrcline(oldnextlinenum,debugr$Nplace,' ')
    if (inwin(oldnextlinenum)) {
        winrow = oldnextlinenum - debugr$firstdisplayedlineno + 1
    debugr$nextlinenum <- newnextlinenum
    debugr$isbrowsing <- TRUE
    if (inwin(newnextlinenum)) {
        winrow = newnextlinenum - debugr$firstdisplayedlineno + 1
    } else {
        # If the next line is out of src code view,
        # scroll so that this line is at top of view.

# blank out the given line in the current window
# winrow is 1-based
blankline <- function(winrow) {
    writeline(winrow,stringr::str_dup(' ', debugr$winwidth-1))

# when we hit a pause, or exit the R debugger, this function will
# determine what line we paused at, or that we did exit
checkdbgsink <- function() {
    # now must find current src file, line num; works on the basis of the
    # lines in the sink file being of the form, e.g.
    #    debug at test.R#3: for (i in 1:3) {
    found = finddebugline()
    # need the if, as dbgsink may still be empty at this point.
    # use any() to avoid a warning.
    if (!any(is.na(found))) {
        sinkline = found[2]
        colonplace = stringr::str_locate(sinkline, ":")[1]
        if (found[1] == 'debug') {
            linenumstart = stringr::str_locate(sinkline, "#")[1] + 1
            # get file name before # sign
            # srcfile = stringr::str_sub(sinkline, 10, linenumstart-2)
            if (is.na(colonplace))  # if no colon found on this line
                linenum = as.integer(stringr::str_sub(sinkline, linenumstart))
                linenum = as.integer(stringr::str_sub(sinkline, linenumstart,
            if (iscondbphere(linenum)) {  # if conditional breakpoint
                # Print the condition of the conditional breakpoint so we
                # can check its value (true/false).
                doprint(stringr::str_c('p ',debugr$bpconds[linenum]))

                # go back to start of file to read all lines, so we can read
                # last line (doesn't seem to be a cleaner way).
                # seek(debugr$ds, where=0, origin="start")
                # sinkfilelines <- readLines(debugr$ds, n=-1)
                sinkfilelines <- readfromgbds()
                lastline = sinkfilelines[length(sinkfilelines)]

                # if bp condition doesn't hold, do not stop at it
                if (!is.na(stringr::str_locate(lastline, "FALSE")[1])) {
                    if (debugr$prevcmd != "n") {
        } else if (found[1] == 'exiting') {  # debugging stopped due to function end
            linenum = debugr$nextlinenum
            winrow = linenum - debugr$firstdisplayedlineno + 1
            rplcsrcline(linenum,debugr$Nplace,' ')  # there's no longer a "next" line
            debugr$isbrowsing <- FALSE
            debugr$papcmd <- ''
            blankline(debugr$srcpanellen + 3)
    } else {  # debugging stopped due to error within function
        # Clear the 'N' on the former next line.
        oldnextlinenum = debugr$nextlinenum
        rplcsrcline(debugr$nextlinenum,debugr$Nplace,' ')
        debugr$isbrowsing <- FALSE
        winrow = oldnextlinenum - debugr$firstdisplayedlineno + 1

dostep <- function(cmd) {
    if (cmd == 's') {
        # assumes an isolated function call, e.g. not a call within a
        # call, so function name is the first non-whitespace char in the
        # line, and ')' immediately follows the function name
        currline <- debugr$srclines[debugr$nextlinenum]
        currline <- stringr::str_sub(currline, (debugr$Dplace+1))  # remove line number etc.
        ftnpart <- stringr::str_trim(currline, "left")  # remove leading whitespace
        parenplace <- stringr::str_locate(ftnpart, '\\(')[1]
        ftnname <- stringr::str_sub(ftnpart, 1, parenplace-1)
        cmd = stringr::str_c("debugonce(", ftnname, "); c")
    if (debugr$papcmd != "") {

# Send "f" to screen. Assumes screen is in debugging mode.
dof <- function() {

# run the debuggee call
dorun <- function(cmd) {
    # if function to call was specified, run it; otherwise, run the last one
    if (cmd != "rn") {
        debugr$debuggeecall <- stringr::str_split(cmd, " ", simplify=TRUE)[2]

# utility: removes the first k nonwhitespace tokens, e.g.
# e.g. with k = 2, inputting 'a + b + c' returns 'b + c'
removefirsttokens <- function(k, s) {
    # Start the substring after the kth whitespace character.
    startspliceindex = stringr::str_locate_all(s, " ")[[1]][k,1] + 1
    return(stringr::str_sub(s, startspliceindex))

doprint <- function(cmd) {
    pcmd = stringr::str_split(cmd, " ", simplify=TRUE)[1]
    expressiontoprint = removefirsttokens(1,cmd)
    if (pcmd == 'pc') {

    # Print the line in screen, then retrieve the line that was printed
    # from the sink.
    tosend = stringr::str_c("cat(", expressiontoprint, ",fill=TRUE)")
    Sys.sleep(0.25)  # give time for screen output to be written to dbgsink
    ds = file("dbgsink", "r")
    printedline = tail(readLines(ds, n=-1), 1)
    toprint = stringr::str_c(expressiontoprint, " = ", printedline)

# print R expression after each n or d cmd
dopap <- function(cmd) {
    pcmd = stringr::str_split(cmd," ",simplify=TRUE)[1]
    expressiontoprint = removefirsttokens(1,cmd)
    if (pcmd == 'pcap') {
        debugr$papcmd <- stringr::str_c('pc ', expressiontoprint)
    } else {
        debugr$papcmd <- stringr::str_c('p ', expressiontoprint)

# given (1-based) line number in current source file, returns the name
# of the function that begins on that line. if no function there,
# returns NA.
findftnnamebylinenum <- function(linenum) {
    srcline <- debugr$srclines[linenum]
    srcline <- stringr::str_split(srcline, " ", simplify=TRUE)
    fnamepos <- match("<-", srcline) - 1  # func name is 1 token before <-
    if (is.na(fnamepos)) {
    } else {

# given name of a function in the current source file, returns the 
# (1-based) number of the line at which it begins. if fail to find
# function, returns NA.
findftnlinenumbyname <- function(fname) {
    for (i in 1:length(debugr$srclines)) {
        possiblefname = findftnnamebylinenum(i)
        if (!is.na(possiblefname)) {  # if there was a function declared on this line
            if (possiblefname == fname) {
    return(NA)  # function not found

# given (1-based) line number in current source file, returns the name
# of the function that includes this line; assumes no "functions defined
# within functions"
findenclosingftn <- function(linenum) {
    # Start at given line number and keep going up a line until
    # find name of the enclosing function.
    i = linenum
    while (i > 0) {
        line = debugr$srclines[i]
        # if function on this line
        if (!is.na(stringr::str_locate(line,"<- function")[1])) {
            fname = findftnnamebylinenum(i)
            if (!is.na(fname))
        i = i - 1  # go up a line

# Returns TRUE if given str starts with number; otherwise, FALSE.
stringstartswithnumber <- function(str) {
    return(grepl("^[0-9].*", str))

# call R debug() or undebug() on the given function; specified either by
# line number or function name; for now, assumes blanks surround '<-' in
# the assignment line in which the function is defined
dodf <- function(cmd) {
    cmdparts <- stringr::str_split(cmd, " ", simplify=TRUE)
    fspec <- cmdparts[2]

    # Determine both function line number and name.
    if (stringstartswithnumber(fspec)) {  # if function specified by line number
        fline = as.integer(fspec)
        fname = findftnnamebylinenum(fline)
    } else {  # if function specified by name
        fname = fspec
        fline = findftnlinenumbyname(fname)
        if (is.na(fline)) {  # couldn't find line number of this function
            errormsg(str_c("Nonexistent function name: ",fname))

    # Update the function's debug flag.
    if (cmdparts[1] == "df") {
        tosend = stringr::str_c("debug(", fname, ")")
    } else {
        tosend = stringr::str_c("undebug(", fname, ")")

    # mark the src line D for "debug", blank out the D if undebug
    if (cmdparts[1] == "df") {
    } else {
        rplcsrcline(fline,debugr$Dplace,' ')

    # if it's currently on the screen, update there
    firstdisp = debugr$firstdisplayedlineno
    if (inwin(fline)) {
        winrow = fline - firstdisp + 1
        if (cmdparts[1] == "df") {
        } else {  # undebug case

# call undebug() on all functions currently in debug state
doudfa <- function() {
    for (i in 1:length(debugr$srclines)) {
        if (stringr::str_sub(debugr$srclines[i], debugr$Dplace, debugr$Dplace) == "D") {
            dodf(stringr::str_c("udf ", i))

# Returns TRUE if there is conditional breakpoint at given 1-based line number.
iscondbphere <- function(lineno) {
    if (length(debugr$bpconds) > 0)  # if even are any breakpoints

# setBreakpoint() will be called on the requested source line, specified by
# (1-based) line number in the current source file
dobp <- function(cmd) {
    cmdparts = stringr::str_split(cmd, ' ', simplify=TRUE)
    linenum = cmdparts[2]
    filename = debugr$currsrcfilename
    tosend = stringr::str_c("setBreakpoint(\'", filename, "\',", linenum, ")")
    # mark the src line D for "debug"
    fline = as.integer(linenum)
    # if it's currently on the screen, update there
    if (inwin(fline)) {
        firstdisp = debugr$firstdisplayedlineno
        winrow = fline - firstdisp + 1
    # add to our list of conditional breakpoints
    if (length(cmdparts) > 2)  # if conditional breakpoint (condition is 3rd arg)
        debugr$bpconds[fline] <- removefirsttokens(2,cmd)

doubp <- function(cmd) {
    cmdparts = stringr::str_split(cmd, ' ', simplify=TRUE)
    linenum = cmdparts[2]
    ftnname = findenclosingftn(as.integer(linenum))
    tosend = stringr::str_c("untrace(", ftnname, ")")
    # unfortunately, untrace() does an auto undebug(), so need to update
    dodf(stringr::str_c("udf ", ftnname))
    fline = as.integer(linenum)
    rplcsrcline(fline,debugr$Dplace,' ')
    # if it's currently on the screen, update there
    if (inwin(fline)) {
        firstdisp = debugr$firstdisplayedlineno
        winrow = fline - firstdisp + 1
    # if there is a conditional breakpoint for this fline
    if (iscondbphere(fline))
        debugr$bpconds[fline] <- NA

doreloadsrc <- function(cmd) {
    loadsrc = stringr::str_c("source(\'", debugr$currsrcfilename, "\')")

dodown <- function() {
    newstartline = min(debugr$firstdisplayedlineno+debugr$scroll,debugr$srclen)

doup <- function() {
    newstartline = max(debugr$firstdisplayedlineno-debugr$scroll,1)

dopls <- function() {
    tosend = "ls.str()"

dopenv <- function(cmd) {
    e = stringr::str_split(cmd," ",simplify=TRUE)[2]  # the environment to print contents of
    if (is.na(e))  {
        # if no environment given, print current environment
        tosend = stringr::str_c("ls.str()")
    } else {
        tosend = stringr::str_c("ls.str(envir=", e, ")")

doquitbrowser <- function() {
    oldnextlinenum = debugr$nextlinenum
    if (!is.na(oldnextlinenum)) {
        rplcsrcline(oldnextlinenum,debugr$Nplace,' ')
        debugr$isbrowsing <- FALSE
        if (inwin(oldnextlinenum)) {
            winrow = oldnextlinenum - debugr$firstdisplayedlineno + 1
    debugr$papcmd <- ''
    blankline(debugr$srcpanellen + 3)

dohelp <- function() {
###     if (!debugr$helpfile) {
###         # open this R source file, find the help section, make a tmp
###         # file from it, and have R invoke the user's favorite text editor
###         # on it
###         hf = system.file("help.txt",package='dbgR')
###         hflines = readLines(hf)
###         hfout = file("/tmp/dbgRhelp","w")
###         cat(hflines,sep="\n",file=hfout)
###         close(hfout)
###         debugr$helpfile <- TRUE
###     }
###     tosend = "edit(file=\'/tmp/dbgRhelp\')"
###     sendtoscreen(tosend)
   ### tosend <- "print(scan(file=system.file('help.txt',package='dbgR'),what='',sep='\\n'))" 
   ### tosend <- "print(readLines(system.file('help.txt',package='dbgR')))" 
   ### tosend <- "print(base:::readLines('help.txt'))"
   ### sendtoscreen(tosend)

# initialize rcurses environment
initcursesthings <- function() {
    # w(match.call()[[1]])

    # initializes the screen for rcurses
    debugr$scrn <- rcurses.initscr()

    # disables line buffering and erase/kill character-processing

    # screen will be cleared on next call to refresh

    # allows support of color attributes on terminals

    # initialize color pair for source code line that has a breakpoint

    # initialize color pair for source code line that's the current line

    # initialize color pair for source code line that's current and breakpoint

    # initialize color pair for remaining source code

    # set background color pair
    rcurses.bkgd(debugr$scrn,' ',rcurses.color_pair(8))

    # leave 3 lines at the bottom.
    debugr$srcpanellen <- rcurses.LINES() - 3
    debugr$helpbarindex <- rcurses.LINES() - 2
    debugr$userinputindex <- rcurses.LINES() - 1
    debugr$msgline <- rcurses.LINES()  # last line

    debugr$winwidth <- rcurses.COLS()


cleancursesthings <- function() {

errormsg <- function(err) {

getusercmd <- function() {
    rcurses.move(debugr$scrn,debugr$userinputindex-1,0)  # rcurses is 0-based, so -1
    cmd <- rcurses.getstr(debugr$scrn)

    # if user simply hits Enter, then re-do previous command
    if (cmd == '' && debugr$prevcmd != "") {
    } else {

setupscreen <- function(term) {
    # start "screen, with name 'rdebug' for now
    cmd <- paste0(term,' -- screen -S "rdebug" &')
    scmd <- makeSysCmd(cmd)
    # system('xterm -e screen -S 'rdebug" &')
    # start R within screen
    sendtoscreen('R --no-save -q')

# Terminates screen terminal.
endscreen <- function() {
    if (debugr$isbrowsing == TRUE)
        sendtoscreen('Q')  # exit browser() mode
    sendtoscreen("sink(type=\'message\')")  # close error sink
    sendtoscreen("close(dbgerrorsink)")  # close error sink file
    system('killall screen')
    system('screen -wipe')

# Calls browser() if given condition is false, and allows user to inspect
# the given environment, with some helpful suggestions. A more experienced
# user may prefer to use browser(expr=(!condition)) rather than
# assert(condition,...), but both allow inspection of the execution
# environment of the caller of assert().
# condition: only call browser if FALSE.
# env: environment to allow browser() to inspect. As the
# contained call to browser() inspects assert()'s execution environment
# (i.e. condition and env), we need the env parameter so that the
# calling envirnoment can be inspected, so that the caller of assert()
# can figure out what went wrong. Usually, one would pass environment(),
# e.g. assert(someCondition, env=environment()).
assert <- function(condition, env) {
    if (!condition) {
        # Helpful messages for the (assumed beginner) programmer.
        message("Use `where` to see the call stack.")
        message("Use `ls(env)` or `ls.str(env)` to see the variables in \
            the caller of assert().")
        message("Use `env$varName` to see varName's value.")


# Use this to kill 'screen' sessions, in the case where debugr
# was closed without the 'screen' session dying.
killScreen <- function() {
    system('killall screen')

dbgR <- function(filename,term=NULL) {


    if (is.null(debugr$scroll)) {
       print('must run dbgInit() first')

    if (is.null(term)) {
       print('currently only for gnome-terminal')
       print('set up manually by running this in a separate terminal window:')
       cat('screen -S "rdebug"\n')
       readline('hit any key when ready')

    # check for existing 'screen' sessions with name 'rdebug'
    tmp <- system('screen -ls | grep rdebug')
    if (tmp == 0) {
        cat('rdebug screen running\n')
        cat('kill screen process, then run "screen -wipe"\n')


    # set up help file
    sendtoscreen("helpfile <- system.file('help.txt',package='dbgR')")
    sendtoscreen("systcmd <- paste('cat',helpfile)")
    tosend <- "gethelp <- function() system(systcmd)"

    # save the file name in a global variable
    debugr$currsrcfilename <- filename

    # initialize global variables related to source code

    # have R read in the source file to be debugged
    loadsrc = paste("source(", "\'", debugr$currsrcfilename, "\'", ")", sep="")


    # one iteration of this loop handles one user command, e.g. one
    # "continue" or one "next"
    while (TRUE) {

        # set console
        tmp <- (debugr$winwidth - 1 - nchar(' h for help ')) / 2

        # put the help bar on the screen
        helpbartext <- stringr::str_c(stringr::str_dup(' ',tmp),' h for help ',stringr::str_dup(' ',tmp))

        # clear user's previous input
        writeline(debugr$userinputindex,stringr::str_dup(' ',debugr$winwidth - 1))

        fullcmd <- getusercmd()
        # specifies the command without params
        cmd = stringr::str_split(fullcmd," ",simplify=TRUE)[1]

        # clear error msg after user input (i.e. after they saw it)

        # check for Next or Continue
        if (cmd == 'n' || cmd == 's' || cmd == 'c') {

        else if (cmd == 'f') {

        # check for Debug Ftn command
        else if (cmd == 'df') {

        # check for UndebugAll Ftn command
        else if (cmd == 'udfa') {

        # check for Undebug Ftn command
        else if (cmd == 'udf') {

        # check for Set Breakpoint command
        else if (cmd == 'bp') {

        # check for Unset Breakpoint command
        else if (cmd == 'ubp') {

        # check for Run command
        else if (cmd == 'rn') {

        # check for Print at Pause command
        else if (cmd == 'pap') {

        # check for Undo Print at Pause command
        else if (cmd == 'upap') {
            debugr$papcmd <- ''

        else if (cmd == 'pls') {

        else if (cmd == 'penv') {

        # check for Print command
        else if (cmd == 'p') {

        # check for Print to Console command
        else if (cmd == 'pc') {

        # check for Print to Console at Pause command
        else if (cmd == 'pcap') {

        # check for Undo Print to Console at Pause command
        else if (cmd == 'upcap') {
            debugr$papcmd <- ''

        # check for Source Reload command
        else if (cmd == 'rl') {  # tell R to reload current source file

        # check for scrolling
        else if (cmd == 'down') {

        else if (cmd == 'up') {

        # (re)load source file
        else if (cmd == 'ls') {
            cmdsplit = stringr::str_split(cmd, ' ', simplify=TRUE)
            if (length(cmdsplit) > 1) {  # if file name given
                debugr$currsrcfilename <- cmdsplit[2]
            loadsrc = stringr::str_c("source(\'",debugr$currsrcfilename,"\')")

        # quit R browser
        else if (cmd == 'Q') {

        # check for End Session command (stops R, screen and exits Python)
        else if (cmd == 'es') {

        # display help information
        else if (cmd == 'h') {

        # command not recognized
        else {
            errormsg('no such command')

        # Debug error sink may not yet be set up.
        if (!is.null(debugr$eds)) {
            checkdbgerrorsink()  # report any error in screen to user

        # save previous command
        debugr$prevcmd <- fullcmd

###########################  makeSysCmd  ##################################

# utility function to construct a string containing an R command,
# involving system()

# e.g.
# g <- makeSysCmd('ls')  # Mac/Linux command to list files
# g()  # is then same as typing system('ls')

makeSysCmd <- function(...) {
   x <- paste(...)
   f <- function() {

# New users scroll down to Quick Start section below.  
# Command List:
# Enter key:  repeat last command (should use this a lot, e.g. for n)
# rn expr:  Run the given expression; if no expression, use the previous Run
# n,s,c:  go to Next line/Step to function/Continue until next pause
# df f, udf f:  Debug/Undebug f()
# udfa:  Undebug all functions
# bp linenum:  set Breakpoint at given line
# bp linenum expr:  set Breakpoint at given line, conditional on expr
# ubp linenum:  cancel Breakpoint at the given line
# p expr:  Print expression
# pap expr:  Print expression at each Pause (only one expression at a time)
# upap:  cancel pap
# pc expr:  Print expression to Console
# pcap expr:  Print expression to Console at each Pause 
# upcap:  cancel pcap
# pls: print local variables (including args) of the current function
# penv e: print contents of the environment e
# down: scroll down
# up: scroll down
# Q:  quit R's debugger
# es:  exit dbgR program
# ls srcfile:  (re)load source file; if no file given, use the previous one
# Tips:
#    (a) Make good use of the Enter command, especially for repeating
#        the Next or Continue command.
#    (b) To print more than one item, use c() or str(), e.g.
#        p c(i,j)
#    (c) To print a complicated object, say a matrix, use pc, e.g.
#        pc somematrix
#    (d) To print something repeatedly as you step through the code,
#        use pap or pcap.
#    (e) Don't define functions within functions.  The R internal
#        debug operations don't handle this well.
# Quick Start:
# Create a file test.R with contents
#    f <- function() {
#       sum <- 0
#       for (i in 1:3) {
#          sum <- sum + i
#       }
#       sum
#    }
# At the shell command line, type
#    python dbgR.py test.R
# Then dbgR will appear in your shell window, and it will invoke
# an R session in a new window.  In the dbgR window, type
#    df f
#    rn f()
# That says to set the function f() to R debug state, and run f().  Then hit
# n to go from line to line, hitting c to continue, Q to exit the R
# debugger (but not dbgR).  Hit es to end this dbgR session.
# See the Command List section above for a full list of commands.  Be
# sure to read the Tips section too.


# the s command doesn't work if n has not been used fierst?

# need to implement $ escape for non-Unix family systems
matloff/dbgR documentation built on Oct. 28, 2023, 4:43 p.m.