
Defines functions tryloadpkg geteltis doclscmd docmd distribgetrows distribrange dwhich.max dwhich.min distribmeans sumlength distribisdt distribcounts distribagg distribcat distribsplit exportlibpaths getpte setclsinfo addlists matrixtolist formrowchunks

Documented in addlists distribagg distribcat distribcounts distribgetrows distribisdt distribmeans distribrange distribsplit doclscmd docmd dwhich.max dwhich.min exportlibpaths formrowchunks geteltis getpte matrixtolist setclsinfo

if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1")  utils::globalVariables(c("toexec", "tmpx"))

# general "Snow" (the part of 'parallel' adapted from the old Snow)
# utilities, some used in Snowdoop but generally applicable

# split matrix/data frame into chunks of rows, placing a chunk into each
# of the cluster nodes
# arguments:
# cls: a 'parallel' cluster
# m: a matrix, data frame or data.table
# mchunkname: name to be given to the chunks of m at the cluster nodes
# scramble: if TRUE, randomly assign rows of the data frame to the chunks; 
#           otherwsie, the first rows go to the first chunk, the next set
#           of rows go to the second chunk, and so on
# places the chunk named mchunkname in the global space of the worker
formrowchunks <- function(cls,m,mchunkname,scramble=FALSE) {
   nr <- nrow(m)
   idxs <- if (!scramble) 1:nr else sample(1:nr,nr,replace=FALSE)
   rcs <- clusterSplit(cls,idxs)
   rowchunks <- lapply(rcs, function(rc) m[rc,])
   # need to write chunk i to global at worker node i
   # need very convoluted workaround to avoid CRAN check's aversion
   # to globals, even though these globals are only at the worker
   # nodes; Uwe Ligges of CRAN advised workaround based on
   # globalVariables(), but this didn't work here; anyway, Uwe was big
   # on having CRAN automated, i.e. no special human intervention, so he
   # wants a workaround, and here it is; it involves a "surreptitious"
   # assign 
         function(onechunk) {
            cmd <- 
               paste('assign("',mchunkname,'",onechunk,envir = .GlobalEnv)',
            eval(parse(text = cmd))

# extracts rows (rc=1) or columns (rc=2) of a matrix, producing a list
matrixtolist <- function(rc,m) {
   if (rc == 1) {
      Map(function(rownum) m[rownum,],1:nrow(m))
   } else Map(function(colnum) m[,colnum],1:ncol(m))

# "add" 2 lists, applying the operation 'add' to elements in common,
# copying non-null others
addlists <- function(lst1,lst2,add) {
   lst <- list()
   for (nm in union(names(lst1),names(lst2))) {
      if (is.null(lst1[[nm]])) lst[[nm]] <- lst2[[nm]] else
      if (is.null(lst2[[nm]])) lst[[nm]] <- lst1[[nm]] else
      lst[[nm]] <- add(lst1[[nm]],lst2[[nm]])

# give each node in the cluster cls an ID number myid, global to that
# node; does the same for nclus, the number of nodes in the cluster
setclsinfo <- function(cls) {
   clusterEvalQ(cls,partoolsenv <- new.env())
   clusterApply(cls,1:length(cls),function(i) tmpvar <<- i)
   clusterEvalQ(cls,partoolsenv$myid <- tmpvar)
   tmpvar <- length(cls)
   clusterEvalQ(cls,partoolsenv$ncls <- tmpvar)
   # doclscmd(cls,'library(partools)')

# returns a pointer to partoolsenv
getpte <- function() {
   # get("partoolsenv",envir=.GlobalEnv)

# set the R library paths at the workers to that of the calling node
exportlibpaths <- function(cls) {
   lp <- .libPaths()
   clusterCall(cls,function(p) .libPaths(p),lp)

# split a vector/matrix/data frame into approximately equal-sized
# chunks across a cluster 
# arguments:
# cls: a 'parallel' cluster
# dfname: quoted name of matrix/data frame to be split
# scramble: if TRUE, randomly assign rows of the data frame to the chunks; 
#           otherwsie, the first rows go to the first chunk, the next set
#           of rows go to the second chunk, and so on
# each remote chunk, a data frame, will have the same name as the
# full object
distribsplit <- function(cls,dfname,scramble=FALSE) {
   dfr <- get(dfname,envir=sys.parent())
   if(!is.data.table(dfr)) dfr <- as.data.frame(dfr)
   for (j in 1:ncol(dfr)) {
      mdj <- mode(dfr[[j]])
      if (mdj == 'character') 
         warning('character column converted to factor') else
      if (mdj == 'factor') {
         usubj <- dfname
         remotecmd <- usubj
         ipstrcat(remotecmd,' <- ')

# collects a distributed matrix/data frame specified by dfname at
# manager (i.e. caller), again with the name dfname, in global space of
# the latter
distribcat <- function(cls,dfname) {
   toexec <- paste("clusterEvalQ(cls,",dfname,")")
   tmp <- eval(parse(text=toexec))

# distributed version of aggregate()

# arguments:

#    cls: cluster
#    ynames: names of variables on which FUN is to be applied
#    xnames: names of variables that define the grouping
#    dataname: quoted name of the data frame or data.table
#    FUN: quoted name(s) of aggregation function to be used in 
#         aggregation within cluster nodes; for a data frame,
#         this function has a single argument; in the case of 
#         a data.table, this will be a vector of length the 
#         same as the length of ynames (or recycling will be used)
#    FUN1: quoted name of the aggregation function to be used in 
#          aggregation between cluster nodes

# e.g. for the call at the nodes
#    aggregate(cbind(mpg,disp,hp) ~ cyl+gear,data=mtcars,FUN=max)
# we would call
#    distribagg(cls,c("mpg","disp","hp"),c("cyl","gear"),mtcars,max)

# return value: aggregate()-style data frame, with column of cell counts
# appended at the end

# currently cannot have FUNdim > 1 for data.tables;  duplicate ynames;
# distribagg(cls,c('mpg','mpg','disp','disp','hp','hp'),
#             c('cyl','gear'),'mtc1',
#             FUN=c('sum','length'))
# doesn't matter here 

distribagg <- function(cls,ynames,xnames,dataname,FUN,FUNdim=1,FUN1=FUN) {
   ncellvars <- length(xnames) # number of cell-specification variables
   nagg <- length(ynames) # number of variables to tabulate
   isdt <- distribisdt(cls,dataname)
   if (isdt) {
      if (length(FUN) != length(ynames))
         stop('lengths of FUN and ynames must be the same for data.tables')
      if (FUNdim > 1) stop('FUNdim must be 1 for data.tables')
      # if (length(FUN) < nagg) FUN <- rep_len(FUN,nagg*length(FUN))
      remotecmd <- paste(dataname,'[,.(',sep='')
      for (i in 1:nagg) {
         if (i == nagg) ipstrcat(remotecmd,')')
      xns <- xnames
      quotemark <- '"'
      for (i in 1:length(xns)) {
         xns[i] <- paste(quotemark,xns[i],quotemark,sep='')
   } else {
        if (length(FUN) > 1) 
           stop('for data.frames,FUN must be a single string')
        # set up aggregate() command to be run on the cluster nodes
        ypart <- paste("cbind(",paste(ynames,collapse=","),")",sep="")
        xpart <- paste(xnames,collapse="+")
        # the formula
        frmla <- paste(ypart,"~",paste(xnames,collapse="+"))
        remotecmd <-
   # run the command, and combine the returned data frames into one big
   # data frame
   aggs <- clusterEvalQ(cls,docmd(remotecmd))
   agg <- Reduce(rbind,aggs)
   # typically a given cell will found at more than one cluster node;
   # they must be combined, using FUN1
   FUN1 <- get(FUN1)
   # if FUN returns a vector rather than a scalar, the "columns" of agg
   # associated with ynames will be matrices; need to expand so that
   # have real columns
   if (FUNdim > 1) {
      # note: names will be destroyed
      tmp  <- agg[,1:ncellvars,drop=FALSE]
      for (i in 1:(ncol(agg)-ncellvars))
         tmp <- cbind(tmp,agg[,ncellvars+i])
      agg <- tmp
      names(agg)[-(1:ncellvars)] <- rep(ynames,each=FUNdim)
   if (isdt) {
      agg <- as.data.frame(agg)
      names(agg)[-(1:ncellvars)] <- ynames

# get the indicated cell counts, cells defined according to the
# variables in xnames 
distribcounts <- function(cls,xnames,dataname) {
   isdt <- distribisdt(cls,dataname)
   res <- 
      if (isdt) distribagg(cls,'.N',xnames,dataname,"sum",FUN1="sum") else
   names(res)[length(xnames)+1] <- 'count'

# TODO: Clark - Write this function
#distribunique <- function(cls,ynames,dataname) {

# determine whether the distributed object dataname is a data.table
distribisdt <- function(cls,dataname) {
   rcmd <- paste('is.data.table(',dataname,')',sep='')

sumlength <- function(a) c(sum(a),length(a))

# get the indicated cell means of the variables in ynames,
# cells defined according to the variables in xnames; if saveni is TRUE,
# then add one column 'yni', giving the number of Y values in this cell
distribmeans <- function(cls,ynames,xnames,dataname,saveni=FALSE) {
   isdt <- distribisdt(cls,dataname)
   if (!isdt) {
      da <- distribagg(cls,ynames,xnames,dataname,
   } else {
      da <- distribagg(cls,rep(ynames,each=2),
   nx <- length(xnames)
   tmp <- da[,1:nx]
   day <- da[,-(1:nx)]  # Y values in da
   ny <- length(ynames)
   for (i in 1:ny) {
      tmp <- cbind(tmp,day[,2*i-1] / day[,2*i])
   tmp <- as.data.frame(tmp)
   if (saveni) {
      tmp$yni <- day[,2]
      names(tmp) <- c(xnames,ynames,'yni')
   names(tmp)[-(1:nx)] <- ynames

# currently not in service; xtabs() call VERY slow
# distribtable <- function(cls,xnames,dataname) {
#    tmp <- distribagg(cls,xnames[1],xnames,dataname,"length","sum")
#    names(tmp)[ncol(tmp)] <- "counts"
#    xtabs(counts ~ .,data=tmp)
# }

# find the smallest value in the indicated distributed vector; return
# value is a pair (node number, row number)
dwhich.min <- function(cls,vecname) {
   cmd <- paste('which.min(',vecname,')',sep='')
   mininfo <- function(x) {i <- which.min(x); c(i,x[i])}
   cmd <- paste('mininfo(',vecname,')',sep='')
   rslt <- clusterEvalQ(cls,docmd(cmd))
   tmp <- unlist(Reduce(rbind,rslt))
   nodenum <- which.min(tmp[,2])
   rownum <- tmp[nodenum,1]

# find the largest value in the indicated distributed vector; return
# value is a pair (node number, row number)
dwhich.max <- function(cls,vecname) {
   cmd <- paste('which.max(',vecname,')',sep='')
   maxinfo <- function(x) {i <- which.max(x); c(i,x[i])}
   cmd <- paste('maxinfo(',vecname,')',sep='')
   rslt <- clusterEvalQ(cls,docmd(cmd))
   tmp <- unlist(Reduce(rbind,rslt))
   nodenum <- which.max(tmp[,2])
   rownum <- tmp[nodenum,1]

# find the k largest or smallest values in the specified distributed
# dwhich.extremek <- function(cls,vecname,k,largest=TRUE) {
#    extremek <- function(vecname,k,largest) {
#       tmpvec <- get('vecname')
#       tmporder <- order(tmpvec,!largest)[1:k]
#       cbind(order(tmporder,tmpvec[tmporder][
#    }
#    cmd <- paste('extremek(',vecname,',',k,'.',largest,')')
#    clusterExport(cls,'cmd),envir=environment())
#    rslt <- clusterEvalQ(cls,docmd(cmd))
#    tmp <- unlist(Reduce(rbind,rslt))
# }

distribrange <- function(cls,vec,na.rm=FALSE) {
   narm <- if(na.rm) 'TRUE' else 'FALSE'  
   narm <- paste("na.rm=",narm)
   tmp <- paste("range(", vec, ",",narm,")",collapse = "")
   rangeout <- clusterCall(cls,docmd,tmp)
   vecmin <- min(geteltis(rangeout,1))
   vecmax <- max(geteltis(rangeout,2))

# execute the command cmd at each cluster node, typically select(), then
# collect using rbind() at the caller
distribgetrows <- function(cls,cmd,who=NULL) {
   # clusterExport(cls,'cmd',envir=environment())
   # res <- clusterEvalQ(cls,docmd(cmd))
   res <- doclscmd(cls,cmd,who)
   tmp <- Reduce(rbind,res,init = NULL)
   notallna <- function(row) any(!is.na(row))

######################### misc. utilities ########################

# execute the contents of a quoted command; main use is with
# clusterEvalQ()
docmd <- function(toexec) eval(parse(text=toexec))

# execute the contents of a quoted command 'toexec' at the cluster
# nodes; optionally, set 'who' to have the command done only at the
# nodes in 'who'
doclscmd <- function(cls,toexec,who=NULL)
{  dotoexec <- function() {
      if (!is.null(who) && !(myid %in% who)) 
         toexec <- 'NULL'
   clusterEvalQ(cls,myid <- getpte()$myid)
   clusterExport(cls, c("dotoexec","toexec","who"), 
      envir = environment())
   clusterEvalQ(cls, dotoexec())

# extract element i of each element in the R list 'lst', which is a list
# of vectors
geteltis <- function(lst,i) {
   get1elti <- function(lstmember) lstmember[i]

# in-place string concatenation; appends the strings in ... to str1,
# assigning back to str1 (at least in name, if not memory location), in
# the spirit of string.append() in Python; here DOTS is one of more
# expressions separated by commas, with each expression being either a
# string or a vector of strings; within a vector, innersep is used as a
# separator, while between vectors it is outersep

# generaed from gtools code:
# ipstrcat <- defmacro(str1,DOTS,outersep='',innersep='',expr = (
#       for (str in list(...)) {
#          lstr <- length(str)
#          tmp <- str[1]
#          if (lstr > 1) 
#             for (i in 2:lstr) 
#                tmp <- paste(tmp,str[i],sep=innersep)
#          str1 <- paste(str1,tmp,sep=outersep)
#       }
#    )
# )

ipstrcat <- function (str1 = stop("str1 not supplied"), ..., outersep = "", 
    innersep = "") 
    tmp <- substitute((for (str in list(...)) {
        lstr <- length(str)
        tmp <- str[1]
        if (lstr > 1) for (i in 2:lstr) tmp <- paste(tmp, str[i], 
            sep = innersep)
        str1 <- paste(str1, tmp, sep = outersep)
    eval(tmp, parent.frame())

# try to load the package specified in pkgname
tryloadpkg <- function(pkgname) {
   cmd <- paste('require(',pkgname,')',sep='')
matloff/partools documentation built on Oct. 20, 2022, 2:52 p.m.