
Defines functions getURL setURL finemap_query

Documented in finemap_query getURL setURL

# Some useful keyboard shortcuts for package authoring:
#   Install Package:           'Cmd + Shift + B'
#   Check Package:             'Cmd + Shift + E'
#   Test Package:              'Cmd + Shift + T'
#   roxygen2::roxygenise()
#   BiocCheck::BiocCheck("/path/to/project")

#' Finemap query builder
#' @param chr Vector of chromosome names.
#' @param start Optional vector of chromosomal start positions of target regions
#' (GRCm38).
#' @param end Optional vector of chromosomal end positions of target regions
#' (GRCm38).
#' @param strain1 First strain set with strains from avail_strains().
#' @param strain2 Second strain set with strains from avail_strains().
#' @param consequence Optional vector of consequence types.
#' @param impact Optional vector of impact types.
#' @param thr1 Number discordant strains in strain1. Between 0 and
#' length(strain1)-1. 0 by default.
#' @param thr2 Number discordant strains in strain2. Between 0 and
#' length(strain2)-1. 0 by default.
#' @return Query string.
#' @keywords internal
finemap_query = function(chr,
                          start = NULL,
                          end = NULL,
                          strain1 = NULL,
                          strain2 = NULL,
                          consequence = NULL,
                          impact = NULL,
                          thr1 = 0,
                          thr2 = 0) {
  stopifnot(is.null(start) ||
    (is.numeric(start) &&
      start %% 1 == 0 && start > 0))
  stopifnot(is.null(end) ||
    (is.numeric(end) && end %% 1 == 0 &&
      end > 0))
  stopifnot(is.null(consequence) || is.vector(consequence))
  stopifnot(is.null(impact) || is.vector(impact))
    is.null(strain1) ||
    is.null(strain2) || is.vector(strain2)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(thr1) &&
    thr1 >= 0 && thr1 <= length(strain1))
  stopifnot(is.numeric(thr2) &&
    thr2 >= 0 && thr2 <= length(strain2))

  # Remove scientific notation in printing
  options(scipen = 999)

  # Build URL
  q = paste0(getURL(), chr)

  if (is.numeric(start) && is.numeric(end)) {
    q = paste0(q, ":", start, "-", end)

  # Query parameters
  pars = NULL

  # Thresholds
  pars = c(paste0("thr1=", thr1), paste0("thr2=", thr2))

  # Strain sets
  if (!is.null(strain1) && !is.null(strain2)) {
    all_strains = tolower(avail_strains()$id)

    if (!all(unlist(lapply(tolower(unique(c(
      strain1, strain2
    ))), function(x) {
      x %in% all_strains
    })))) {
        "Accepted strains are are:\n",
        paste(avail_strains()$id, collapse = "\n")

    if (length(intersect(strain1, strain2)) > 0) {
      stop(paste0("strain1 and strain2 are overlapping"))

    pars = c(pars, paste0("strain1=", strain1, collapse = "&"))
    pars = c(pars, paste0("strain2=", strain2, collapse = "&"))

  # Consequences
  if (!is.null(consequence) && is.vector(consequence)) {
    consequence = tolower(unique(consequence))
    all_consequences = avail_consequences()$consequence

    if (!all(unlist(lapply(consequence, function(x) {
      x %in% all_consequences
    })))) {
        "Accepted values for argument 'consequences' are: ",
        paste(all_consequences, collapse = "\n")
    } else {
      pars = c(
          collapse = "&"

  # Impacts
  if (!is.null(impact) && is.vector(impact)) {
    impacts = toupper(unique(impact))
    all_impacts = unique(avail_consequences()$impact)

    if (!all(unlist(lapply(impact, function(x) {
      x %in% all_impacts
    })))) {
        "Accepted values for argument 'impact' are: ",
        paste0(all_impacts, collapse = ", ")
    } else {
      pars = c(
        paste0("impact=", impact, collapse = "&")

  # Build final HTTP query string
  if (length(pars) > 0) {
    q = paste0(q, "?", paste0(pars, collapse = "&"))

#' Set backend service url
#' @description Set backend service URL. Default:
#' @param url URL of backend service. With backslash at the end.
#' @return No return value.
#' @examples setURL("")
#' @export
setURL = function(url) {
    .myPackageEnv$url = url

#' Get backend service url
#' @description Get backend service URL. Default:
#' @return URL string.
#' @examples getURL()
#' @export
getURL = function() {
matmu/mmus documentation built on Sept. 4, 2024, 9:08 p.m.