
Defines functions makeSdsim

Documented in makeSdsim

#' @aliases makeSdsim makeDsim
#' @rdname makeDsim
#' @export
makeSdsim <- function(pedigree, heterogametic, N,
	DosageComp = c(NULL, "ngdc", "hori", "hedo", "hoha", "hopi"),
	parallel = FALSE, ncores = getOption("mc.cores", 2L),
	invertSd = TRUE, calcSE = FALSE, returnS = FALSE, verbose = TRUE){

  if(length(unique(pedigree[,4])) > 2) stop("Error: more than 2 sexes specified")

  dc.model <- match.arg(DosageComp)
    warning("Assuming 'ngdc' dosage compensation model")
    dc.model <- "ngdc"
  if(dc.model == "hopi" | dc.model == "hori"){
    warning("Assume sex chromosomal dominance allelic interactions do not occur under 'hopi' or 'hori'\n")

  approxSd <- makeSd(pedigree, heterogametic = heterogametic, DosageComp = DosageComp,
	parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores,
	invertSd = invertSd, returnS = returnS)
  lapproxSd <- summary(approxSd$Sd)

  n <- dim(pedigree)[1L]
  nPed <- numPed(pedigree[, 1:3])
  damsex <- pedigree[unique(nPed[, 2])[-1], 4]
  if(any(damsex == heterogametic)){
    pedname <- names(pedigree)
    pedigree <- pedigree[, c(1,3,2,4)]
    names(pedigree) <- pedname
    nPed <- numPed(pedigree[, 1:3])
  sex <- rep(-998, n)
  sex[homs <- which(pedigree[,4] != heterogametic)] <- 1
  sex[hets <- which(pedigree[,4] == heterogametic)] <- 0
  nhom <- sum(sex)  # Number of individuals with homogametic sex chromosomes

  #TODO delete next note once consolidated 'gene dropping' functions/code
  # diverges from `makeDsim()` and follows simplifications in `geneDrop()`
  dfounders <- which(nPed[, 2] == -998)
  sfounders <- which(nPed[, 3] == -998 & sex == 1)
  dalleles <- salleles <- vector("integer", length = n)

  dalleles[dfounders] <- as.integer(dfounders)
  salleles[sfounders] <- as.integer(-sfounders)
  Ndalleles <- rep(dalleles, each = N)
  Nsalleles <- rep(salleles, each = N)
  if(verbose) cat("making Sdsim ...")

  # diversion to calculate maximum expected entries in sex-chromosome D matrix
  ## based on calculation for sex-chromosome S matrix (additive)
  dnmiss <- which(nPed[, 2] != -998 & sex == 1)
  snmiss <- which(nPed[, 3] != -998 & sex == 1)
  bnmiss <- which(nPed[, 2] != -998 & nPed[, 3] != -998 & sex == 1)
  nSd <- nhom + 2 * length(dnmiss) + 2 * length(snmiss)
  nSd <- nSd + 2 * sum(duplicated(paste(nPed[, 2], nPed[, 3])[bnmiss]) == FALSE)

  Cout <- .C("sdsim", PACKAGE = "nadiv",
	as.integer(Ndalleles),        # [[1]] N dam alleles (or homogametic sex if ZZ/ZW)
	as.integer(Nsalleles),	      # [[2]] N sire alleles (or heterogametic sex if ZZ/ZW)
	as.integer(N),  	      # [[3]] N (number of replications)
	as.integer(n), 		      # [[4]] n pedigree size
	as.integer(nPed[, 2] - 1),    # [[5]] dam number IDs
	as.integer(nPed[, 3] - 1),    # [[6]] sire number IDs
	as.integer(sex),	      # [[7]] sex or number of homogametic sex chromosomes
	as.integer(rep(0, nSd)),      # [[8]] i slot of sex-chrom. dom. relatedness matrix
	as.integer(rep(0, n+1)),      # [[9]] p slot of matrix
	as.integer(rep(0, nSd)))      # [[10]] x slot of matrix

  nSd <- Cout[[9]][nhom+1]  # change to reflect actual number of non-zeroes
  Sdsim <- sparseMatrix(i = Cout[[8]][1:nSd],
    p = Cout[[9]][1:(nhom+1)],
    x = Cout[[10]][1:nSd] / N,
    dims = c(nhom, nhom), dimnames = list(as.character(pedigree[homs, 1]), NULL),
    symmetric = TRUE, index1 = FALSE)
  diag(Sdsim) <- diag(approxSd$Sd)
  #TODO don't *have* to calculate diagonals in c++ ('sdsim.cc') because of above line
  ## But make sure doesn't mess up below combining of `lapproxSd` and `summary(Sdsim)`

  lapproxSd$simSd <- summary(Sdsim)$x
  listSdsim <- NULL
  if(calcSE) {
#TODO check that SE calc is the same for sex-chromosomal case as it is for autosomes
## Could differ, because different chances of inheriting certain alleles
## Not strictly binomial sampling in same way as for autosomes
     lapproxSd$simSdse <- vapply(lapproxSd$simSd, FUN = function(x, N){(sqrt(x * (1 - x))) / sqrt(N)}, FUN.VALUE = vector("numeric", 1), N)
     listSdsim <- lapproxSd

  if(verbose) cat(".done", "\n")
  logDetSdsim <- determinant(Sdsim, logarithm = TRUE)$modulus[1]

    if(verbose) cat("inverting Sdsim ...")
    Sdsiminv <- solve(Sdsim)
      Sdsiminv@Dimnames <- Sdsim@Dimnames
    if(verbose) cat(".done", "\n")
    listSdsiminv <- sm2list(Sdsiminv, rownames = Sdsim@Dimnames[[1L]],
	colnames = c("row", "column", "simSdinverse"))
    Sdsim <- as(Sdsim, "generalMatrix")

    return(list(S = approxSd$S,
	Sd = approxSd$Sd, logDetSd = approxSd$logDet,
	Sdinv = approxSd$Sdinv, listSdinv = approxSd$listSdinv,
	Sdsim = Sdsim, logDetSdsim = logDetSdsim,
	Sdsiminv = Sdsiminv, listSdsim = listSdsim, listSdsiminv = listSdsiminv))
  } else{
      return(list(S = approxSd$S,
		Sd = approxSd$Sd, logDetSd = approxSd$logDet,
		Sdsim = Sdsim, logDetSdsim = logDetSdsim, listSdsim = listSdsim))

matthewwolak/nadiv documentation built on June 3, 2024, 2:38 p.m.