sim_find_tn: This function finds the number of true negatives when...

View source: R/sim_find_tn.R

sim_find_tnR Documentation

This function finds the number of true negatives when comparing two sets of recombination breakpoints


This function find sthe number of true negatives by finding the gametes for which both truth and prediction say there are no recombination breakpoints (NA in start and stop columns)


sim_find_tn(truth_dt_na, pred_dt_na)



a data table for the truth or generated data in which the start and stop columns have NA, meaning no recombination breakpoints


a data table for the predicted data from rhapsodi in which the start and stop columns have NA, meaning no predicted recombination breakpoints


tn an integer, the number of true negatives

mccoy-lab/rhapsodi documentation built on July 27, 2022, 3:56 a.m.