spaces <- c("fsaverage", "fsaverage5", "fsaverage6", "fsLR")
## read key (from github)
# if (file.exists(here("data-raw", "mmp.csv"))) {
# key <- fread(here("data-raw", "mmp.csv"))
# } else {
# key <- fread("")
# fwrite(key, here("data-raw", "mmp.csv"))
# }
keyfile <- "CortexSubcortex_ColeAnticevic_NetPartition_wSubcorGSR_parcels_LR_LabelKey.txt"
if (file.exists(here("data-raw", "glasser2016", keyfile))) {
nets <- fread(here("data-raw", "glasser2016", keyfile))
} else {
nets <- fread(paste0("", keyfile))
fwrite(nets, here("data-raw", "glasser2016", keyfile))
nets <- nets %>%
select(parcel = GLASSERLABELNAME, idx = INDEX, hemi = HEMISPHERE, network = NETWORK) %>%
filter(parcel != "") %>%
hemi = paste0(hemi, "H"),
parcel = gsub("_ROI", "", parcel)
## MD assignments (Assem et al)
md <- list(
core = c("p9-46v", "a9-46v", "i6-8", "AVI", "8C", "IFJp", "IP2", "IP1", "PFm", "8BM", "SCEF"),
penumbra = c(
"p10p", "a10p", "11l", "a47r", "p47r", "FOP5", "6r", "s6-8", "a32pr", "d32", "TE1m", "TE1p", "AIP", "LIPd", "MIP",
"PGs", "POS2"
nets$md <- "none"
nets$md[nets$parcel %in% mikeutils::combo_paste(c("R", "L"), "_", md$core)] <- "core"
nets$md[nets$parcel %in% mikeutils::combo_paste(c("R", "L"), "_", md$penumbra)] <- "penumbra"
fwrite(nets, here("data-raw", "glasser2016", "glasser2016.txt"))
k <- fread(here("data-raw", "glasser2016", "glasser2016.txt"))
## create atlas objects
for (space_i in seq_along(spaces)) {
if (spaces[space_i] == "fsLR") {
fnames <- c(
here("data-raw", "glasser2016", "Q1-Q6_RelatedParcellation210.L.CorticalAreas_dil_Colors.32k_fs_LR.label.gii"),
here("data-raw", "glasser2016", "Q1-Q6_RelatedParcellation210.R.CorticalAreas_dil_Colors.32k_fs_LR.label.gii")
} else {
fnames <- c(
here("data-raw", "glasser2016", paste0("lh.HCP-MMP1_", spaces[space_i], ".gii")),
here("data-raw", "glasser2016", paste0("rh.HCP-MMP1_", spaces[space_i], ".gii"))
## create data
g <- lapply(fnames, read_gifti)
L <- mfutils::extract_data(g[[1]])
R <- mfutils::extract_data(g[[2]]) + 180
R[R == 180] <- 0 ## reset zero to zero!
stopifnot(length(unique(L[L > 0])) == 180) ## check if appropriate num parcels
stopifnot(length(unique(R[R > 0])) == 180)
stopifnot(all(range(unique(L)) == c(0, 180))) ## check if appropriate range
stopifnot(all(range(unique(R)) == c(0, 360)))
stopifnot(all(range(unique(R[R > 0])) == c(181, 360)))
d <- rbind(L, R)
## create atlas object
name_space <- paste0("glasser2016", "_", spaces[space_i])
atlas <- list(
data = d,
key = k,
name = "glasser2016",
space = spaces[space_i]
atlas <- mfutils::new_atlas(atlas)
atlas <- mfutils::validate_atlas(atlas)
assign(name_space, atlas)
list = name_space,
file = here("data", paste0(name_space, ".RData")),
compress = "bzip2",
version = 2
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