## R package rmgarch by Alexios Ghalanos Copyright (C) 2008-2013.
## This file is part of the R package rmgarch.
## The R package rmgarch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## The R package rmgarch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
.plotdccfit = function(x, which = "ask", series = c(1, 2), ...)
n = dim(x@model$umodel$modelinc)[2]
xseries = unique( as.integer( series ) )
xseries = xseries[xseries > 0]
if( any(xseries > n) ) stop( "\nrmgarch-->error: series index out of bounds in DCCfit plot.")
if( length(xseries) < 2 ) stop( "\nrmgarch-->error: series length must be 2 or more.")
series = xseries
choices = c(
"Conditional Mean (vs Realized Returns)",
"Conditional Sigma (vs Realized Absolute Returns)",
"Conditional Covariance",
"Conditional Correlation",
"EW Portfolio Plot with conditional density VaR limits")
.interdccfitPlot(x, choices = choices, plotFUN = paste(".plot.dccfit", 1:5, sep = "."), which = which, series = series, ...)
# Return Value:
.interdccfitPlot = function(x, choices, plotFUN, which, series = c(1, 2), ...)
if (is.numeric(which)) {
if(which>length(choices)) stop("Not a valid choice. Plots choices are 1-5.\n",call. = FALSE)
FUN = match.fun(plotFUN[which])
FUN(x, series = series, ...)
if( which!="ask" ) stop("Not a valid choice.\n",call. = FALSE)
.multdccfitPlot(x, choices, series = series, ...)
.multdccfitPlot = function(x, choices, series = c(1, 2), ...)
pick = 1
while (pick > 0) {
pick = menu (
choices = paste(" ", choices),
title = "\nMake a plot selection (or 0 to exit):")
switch (pick,
.plot.dccfit.1(x, series, ...), .plot.dccfit.2(x, series, ...),
.plot.dccfit.3(x, series, ...), .plot.dccfit.4(x, series, ...),
.plot.dccfit.5(x, ...))
.plot.dccfit.1 = function(x, series = c(1, 2), ...)
ops = list(...)
n = length( series )
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
p = x@model$maxgarchOrder
T = x@model$modeldata$T
y = as.zoo(fitted(x))
if( n > 16 ){
scr = floor( n/16 )
z = n - 16 * floor( n/16 )
start = dev.next( which = dev.cur() )
xn = 0
for( j in 1:scr ){
dev.new( start + j )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:16){
plot( y[, series[i + xn]], col = colors()[16],
main = cnames[series[i + xn]], ylab = "", xlab = "")
lines( y[, series[i + xn]], col = colors()[132])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model fit"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
title( paste( "DCC Conditional Mean\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
xn = xn + 16
if( z != 0 ){
dev.new( dev.next( which = dev.cur() ) + 1 )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:z){
plot( y[, series[i + xn]], type = "l", col = colors()[16],
main = cnames[series[i + xn]], ylab = "", xlab = "")
lines( y[, series[i + xn]], type = "l", col = colors()[132])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model fit"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
title( paste( "DCC Conditional Mean\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer =TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else{
d = .divisortable( n )
par( mfrow= c(d[1], d[2]) )
for(i in 1:n){
plot( y[, series[i]], type = "l", col = colors()[16],
main = cnames[series[i]], ylab = "", xlab = "")
lines( y[, series[i]], type = "l", col = colors()[132])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model fit"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
title( paste( "DCC Conditional Mean", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
.plot.dccfit.2 = function(x, series = c(1, 2), ...)
ops = list(...)
ops = list(...)
n = length( series )
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
p = x@model$maxgarchOrder
T = x@model$modeldata$T
actual = zoo(x@model$modeldata$data[1:T, ], x@model$modeldata$index[1:T])
y = as.zoo(sigma(x))
if( n > 16 ){
scr = floor( n/16 )
z = n - 16 * floor( n/16 )
start = dev.next( which = dev.cur() )
xn = 0
for( j in 1:scr ){
dev.new( start + j )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:16){
plot( abs(actual[, series[i + xn]]), type = "l", col = colors()[16],
main = cnames[series[i + xn]], ylab = "", xlab = "")
lines( y[, series[i + xn]], type = "l", col = colors()[132])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model fit"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
title( paste( "DCC Conditional Sigma vs |returns|\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
xn = xn + 16
if( z != 0 ){
dev.new( dev.next( which = dev.cur() ) + 1 )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:z){
plot( abs(actual[, series[i + xn]]), type = "l", col = colors()[16],
main = cnames[series[i + xn]], ylab = "", xlab = "")
lines( y[, series[i + xn]], type = "l", col = colors()[132])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model fit"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
title( paste( "DCC Conditional Sigma vs |returns|\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer =TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else{
d = .divisortable( n )
par( mfrow= c(d[1], d[2]) )
for(i in 1:n){
plot( abs(actual[, series[i]]), type = "l", col = colors()[16],
main = cnames[series[i]], ylab = "", xlab = "")
lines( y[, series[i]], type = "l", col = colors()[132])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model fit"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
title( paste( "DCC Conditional Sigma vs |returns|", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
.plot.dccfit.3 = function(x, series, ...)
ops = list(...)
n = length( series )
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
T = x@model$modeldata$T
p = x@model$maxgarchOrder
xDates = x@model$modeldata$index[1:T]
nc = ( (n^2 - n)/2 )
idx = .lowertri.index( n )
H = rcov(x)
if( nc > 16 ){
scr = floor( nc/16 )
z = nc - 16 * floor( nc/16 )
start = dev.next( which = dev.cur() )
xn = 0
for( j in 1:scr ){
dev.new( start + j )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:16){
plot( zoo(H[ series[idx[i + xn, 1]], series[idx[i + xn, 2]], 1:T], xDates),
col = colors()[35],
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "", xlab = "")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model fit"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
title( paste( "DCC Conditional Covariance\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
xn = xn + 16
if( z != 0 ){
dev.new( dev.next( which = dev.cur() ) + 1 )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:z){
plot( zoo(H[ series[idx[i + xn, 1]], series[idx[i + xn, 2]], 1:T], xDates),
col = colors()[35],
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "", xlab = "")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model fit"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
title( paste( "DCC Conditional Covariance\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else{
d = .divisortable( nc )
par( mfrow= c(d[1], d[2]) )
for(i in 1:nc){
plot( zoo(H[ series[idx[i, 1]], series[idx[i, 2]], 1:T], xDates),
col = colors()[35],
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "", xlab = "")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model fit"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
title( paste( "DCC Conditional Covariance", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
.plot.dccfit.4 = function(x, series, ...)
ops = list(...)
n = length( series )
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
T = x@model$modeldata$T
p = x@model$maxgarchOrder
xDates = x@model$modeldata$index[1:T]
nc = ( (n^2 - n)/2 )
idx = .lowertri.index( n )
H = rcor(x)
if( nc > 16 ){
scr = floor( nc/16 )
z = nc - 16 * floor( nc/16 )
start = dev.next( which = dev.cur() )
xn = 0
for( j in 1:scr ){
dev.new( start + j )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:16){
plot( zoo(H[ series[idx[i + xn, 1]], series[idx[i + xn, 2]], 1:T], xDates),
col = colors()[35],
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "", xlab = "")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model fit"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
title( paste( "DCC Conditional Correlation\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
xn = xn + 16
if( z != 0 ){
dev.new( dev.next( which = dev.cur() ) + 1 )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:z){
plot( zoo(H[ series[idx[i + xn, 1]], series[idx[i + xn, 2]], 1:T], xDates),
col = colors()[35],
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "", xlab = "")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model fit"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
title( paste( "DCC Conditional Correlation\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else{
d = .divisortable( nc )
par( mfrow= c(d[1], d[2]) )
for(i in 1:nc){
plot( zoo(H[ series[idx[i, 1]], series[idx[i, 2]], 1:T], xDates),
col = colors()[35],
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "", xlab = "")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model fit"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
title( paste( "DCC Conditional Correlation", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
.plot.dccfit.5 = function(x, series, ...)
p = x@model$maxgarchOrder
T = x@model$modeldata$T
xDat = x@model$modeldata$data[1:T, ]
xDates = x@model$modeldata$index[1:T]
port = as.numeric( apply(xDat, 1, "mean") )
n = dim(xDat)[2]
w = rep(1/n , n)
dport = wmargin(distribution = x@model$modeldesc$distribution, weights = w, Sigma = rcov(x), mean = fitted(x),
shape = rshape(x), skew = rskew(x))
dm = switch(x@model$modeldesc$distribution,
mvnorm = "norm",
mvlaplace = "ged",
mvt = "std")
q01 = rugarch::qdist(distribution = dm, p = 0.01, mu = dport[,1], sigma = dport[,2], lambda = -0.5,
skew = dport[,3], shape = dport[,4])
q99 = rugarch::qdist(distribution = dm, p = 0.99, mu = dport[,1], sigma = dport[,2], lambda = -0.5,
skew = dport[,3], shape = dport[,4])
plot(zoo(port, xDates), col = "steelblue", ylab = "", xlab = "",
main = "EW Portfolio with with 1% VaR Limits \n(based on Conditional Weighted Density)",
cex.main = 0.8)
lines(zoo(q01, xDates), col = "tomato1")
lines(zoo(q99,xDates), col = "green")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model fit"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
abline(h = 0, col = "grey", lty = 3)
.plotdccforecast = function(x, which = "ask", series = c(1, 2), ...)
n = dim(x@model$umodel$modelinc)[2]
xseries = unique( as.integer( series ) )
xseries = xseries[xseries > 0]
if( any(xseries > n) ) stop( "\nrmgarch-->error: series index out of bounds in DCCfit plot.")
if( length(xseries) < 2 ) stop( "\nrmgarch-->error: series length must be 2 or more.")
series = xseries
choices = c(
"Conditional Mean Forecast (vs realized returns)",
"Conditional Sigma Forecast (vs realized |returns|)",
"Conditional Covariance Forecast",
"Conditional Correlation Forecast",
"EW Portfolio Plot with forecast conditional density VaR limits")
.interdccforecastPlot(x, choices = choices, plotFUN = paste(".plot.dccforecast", 1:5, sep = "."), which = which, series = series, ...)
# Return Value:
.interdccforecastPlot = function(x, choices, plotFUN, which, series = c(1, 2), ...)
if (is.numeric(which)) {
if(which>length(choices)) stop("Not a valid choice. Plots choices are 1-5.\n",call. = FALSE)
FUN = match.fun(plotFUN[which])
FUN(x, series = series, ...)
if( which!="ask" ) stop("Not a valid choice.\n",call. = FALSE)
.multdccforecastPlot(x, choices, series = series, ...)
.multdccforecastPlot = function(x, choices, series = c(1, 2), ...)
pick = 1
while (pick > 0) {
pick = menu (
choices = paste(" ", choices),
title = "\nMake a plot selection (or 0 to exit):")
switch (pick,
.plot.dccforecast.1(x, series, ...), .plot.dccforecast.2(x, series, ...),
.plot.dccforecast.3(x, series, ...), .plot.dccforecast.4(x, series, ...),
.plot.dccforecast.5(x, ...))
.plot.dccforecast.1 = function(x, series = c(1, 2), ...)
ops = list(...)
n = length( series )
n.ahead = x@model$n.ahead
n.roll = x@model$n.roll
if( n.ahead == 1 && n.roll > 0 ){
n.start = x@model$modeldata$n.start
n.assets = dim(x@model$modeldata$data)[2]
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
T = x@model$modeldata$T
xDat = x@model$modeldata$data[(T-49):(T+n.roll),]
#nn = length(x@uforecast@forecast[[1]]@forecast$series)
yDat = x@model$modeldata$index[(T-49):(T+n.roll)]
indx = c(-49:0, 1:(n.roll))
yforc = rbind(
matrix(NA, ncol = n.assets, nrow = 50),
# discard last roll in case it is outside of realized observations
yforc = yforc[1:(50+n.roll),]
if( n > 16 ){
scr = floor( n/16 )
z = n - 16 * floor( n/16 )
start = dev.next( which = dev.cur() )
xn = 0
for( j in 1:scr ){
dev.new( start + j )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:16){
tmp = yforc[,series[i + xn]]
plot( zoo(xDat[,series[i + xn]], yDat), col = colors()[16], main = cnames[i + xn],
ylab = "Series", xlab = "Time")
lines( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[51], lty = 3, col = "steelblue")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Returns", "Forecast"), col=c(colors()[16], colors()[134]), lty=c(1,1),
bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Series Rolling Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
xn = xn + 16
if( z != 0 ){
dev.new( dev.next( which = dev.cur() ) + 1 )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:z){
tmp = yforc[,series[i + xn]]
plot( zoo(xDat[,series[i + xn]], yDat), col = colors()[16],
main = cnames[i + xn], ylab = "Series", xlab = "Time")
lines( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[51], lty = 3, col = "steelblue")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Returns", "Forecast"), col=c(colors()[16], colors()[134]), lty=c(1,1),
bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Series Rolling Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else{
d = .divisortable( n )
par( mfrow= c(d[1], d[2]) )
for(i in 1:n){
tmp = yforc[,series[i]]
plot( zoo(xDat[,series[i]], yDat), col = colors()[16], main = cnames[i],
ylab = "Series", xlab = "Time")
lines( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[51], lty = 3, col = "steelblue")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Returns", "Forecast"), col=c(colors()[16], colors()[134]), lty=c(1,1),
bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Series Rolling Forecast", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else if( n.ahead > 1 && n.roll == 0 ){
period = x@model$modeldata$period
n.start = x@model$modeldata$n.start
n.assets = NCOL(x@model$modeldata$data)
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
T = x@model$modeldata$T
# To provide for a realistic plot:
# If some of n.ahead lies within the out.sample period (if at all),
# then find those dates which it lies within.
# Otherwise, and for all n.ahead > available data/dates, generate
# the n.ahead dates using the 'seq' and periodicity of the data.
if(n.start>0 && n.ahead<n.start){
xDat = x@model$modeldata$data[(T-49):(T+n.ahead),]
yDat = x@model$modeldata$index[(T-49):(T+n.ahead)]
} else if(n.start>0 && n.ahead>n.start){
xDat = rbind(
matrix(NA, ncol = n.assets, nrow = n.ahead - n.start))
yDat = c(
seq(x@model$modeldata$index[T+n.start], by = period, length.out=n.ahead - n.start +1)[-1])
} else{
xDat = rbind(
matrix(NA, ncol = n.assets, nrow = n.ahead))
yDat = c(
seq(x@model$modeldata$index[T], by = period, length.out=n.ahead+1)[-1])
yforc = rbind(
matrix(NA, ncol = n.assets, nrow = 50),
if( n > 16 ){
scr = floor( n/16 )
z = n - 16 * floor( n/16 )
start = dev.next( which = dev.cur() )
xn = 0
for( j in 1:scr ){
dev.new( start + j )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:16){
tmp = yforc[,series[i + xn]]
plot( zoo(xDat[,series[i + xn]], yDat), col = colors()[16],
main = cnames[i + xn], ylab = "Series", xlab = "Time")
lines( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[51], lty = 3, col = "steelblue")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Returns", "Forecast"), col=c(colors()[16], colors()[134]), lty=c(1,1),
bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Series Unconditional Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -2, cex = 0.75)
xn = xn + 16
if( z != 0 ){
dev.new( dev.next( which = dev.cur() ) + 1 )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:z){
tmp = yforc[,series[i + xn]]
plot( zoo(xDat[,series[i + xn]], yDat), col = colors()[16], main = cnames[i + xn],
ylab = "Series", xlab = "Time")
lines( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[51], lty = 3, col = "steelblue")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Returns", "Forecast"), col=c(colors()[16], colors()[134]), lty=c(1,1),
bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Series Unconditional Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else{
d = .divisortable( n )
par( mfrow= c(d[1], d[2]) )
for(i in 1:n){
tmp = yforc[,series[i]]
plot( zoo(xDat[,series[i]], yDat), col = colors()[16], main = cnames[i],
ylab = "Series", xlab = "Time")
lines( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[51], lty = 3, col = "steelblue")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Returns", "Forecast"), col=c(colors()[16], colors()[134]), lty=c(1,1),
bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Series Unconditional Forecast", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else if( n.ahead > 1 && n.roll > 0 ){
cat("\nNo plot available for mixed unconditional and rolling forecasts.")
.plot.dccforecast.2 = function(x, series = c(1, 2), ...)
ops = list(...)
n = length( series )
n.ahead = x@model$n.ahead
n.roll = x@model$n.roll
if( n.ahead == 1 && n.roll > 0 ){
n.start = x@model$modeldata$n.start
n.assets = dim(x@model$modeldata$data)[2]
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
T = x@model$modeldata$T
xDat = abs(x@model$modeldata$data[(T-49):(T+n.roll),])
yDat = x@model$modeldata$index[(T-49):(T+n.roll)]
indx = c(-49:0, 1:(n.roll))
yforc = rbind(
matrix(NA, ncol = n.assets, nrow = 50),
# discard last roll in case it is outside of realized observations
yforc = yforc[1:(50+n.roll),]
if( n > 16 ){
scr = floor( n/16 )
z = n - 16 * floor( n/16 )
start = dev.next( which = dev.cur() )
xn = 0
for( j in 1:scr ){
dev.new( start + j )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:16){
tmp = yforc[,series[i + xn]]
plot( zoo(xDat[,series[i + xn]], yDat), col = colors()[16],
main = cnames[i + xn], ylab = "Sigma", xlab = "Time")
lines( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[51], lty = 3, col = "steelblue")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("|Returns|", "Forecast"), col=c(colors()[16], colors()[134]), lty=c(1,1),
bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Sigma Rolling Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
xn = xn + 16
if( z != 0 ){
dev.new( dev.next( which = dev.cur() ) + 1 )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:z){
tmp = yforc[,series[i + xn]]
plot( zoo(xDat[,series[i + xn]], yDat), col = colors()[16],
main = cnames[i + xn], ylab = "Sigma", xlab = "Time")
lines( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[51], lty = 3, col = "steelblue")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("|Returns|", "Forecast"), col=c(colors()[16], colors()[134]), lty=c(1,1),
bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Sigma Rolling Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else{
d = .divisortable( n )
par( mfrow= c(d[1], d[2]) )
for(i in 1:n){
tmp = yforc[,series[i]]
plot( zoo(xDat[,series[i]], yDat), col = colors()[16], main = cnames[i],
ylab = "Sigma", xlab = "Time")
lines( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[51], lty = 3, col = "steelblue")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("|Returns|", "Forecast"), col=c(colors()[16], colors()[134]), lty=c(1,1),
bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Sigma Rolling Forecast", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else if( n.ahead > 1 && n.roll == 0 ){
period = x@model$modeldata$period
n.start = x@model$modeldata$n.start
n.assets = NCOL(x@model$modeldata$data)
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
T = x@model$modeldata$T
# To provide for a realistic plot:
# If some of n.ahead lies within the out.sample period (if at all),
# then find those dates which it lies within.
# Otherwise, and for all n.ahead > available data/dates, generate
# the n.ahead dates using the 'seq' and periodicity of the data.
if(n.start>0 && n.ahead<n.start){
xDat = x@model$modeldata$data[(T-49):(T+n.ahead),]
yDat = x@model$modeldata$index[(T-49):(T+n.ahead)]
} else if(n.start>0 && n.ahead>n.start){
xDat = rbind(
matrix(NA, ncol = n.assets, nrow = n.ahead - n.start))
yDat = c(
seq(x@model$modeldata$index[T+n.start], by = period, length.out=n.ahead - n.start +1)[-1])
} else{
xDat = rbind(
matrix(NA, ncol = n.assets, nrow = n.ahead))
yDat = c(
seq(x@model$modeldata$index[T], by = period, length.out=n.ahead+1)[-1])
xDat = abs(xDat)
yforc = rbind(
matrix(NA, ncol = n.assets, nrow = 50),
if( n > 16 ){
scr = floor( n/16 )
z = n - 16 * floor( n/16 )
start = dev.next( which = dev.cur() )
xn = 0
for( j in 1:scr ){
dev.new( start + j )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:16){
tmp = yforc[,series[i + xn]]
plot( zoo(xDat[,series[i + xn]], yDat), col = colors()[16],
main = cnames[i + xn], ylab = "Sigma", xlab = "Time")
lines( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[51], lty = 3, col = "steelblue")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("|Actual|", "Forecast"), col=c(colors()[16], colors()[134]), lty=c(1,1),
bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Sigma Unconditional Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
xn = xn + 16
if( z != 0 ){
dev.new( dev.next( which = dev.cur() ) + 1 )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:z){
tmp = yforc[,series[i + xn]]
plot( zoo(xDat[,series[i + xn]], yDat), col = colors()[16],
main = cnames[i + xn], ylab = "Sigma", xlab = "Time")
lines( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[51], lty = 3, col = "steelblue")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("|Returns|", "Forecast"), col=c(colors()[16], colors()[134]), lty=c(1,1),
bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Sigma Unconditional Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else{
d = .divisortable( n )
par( mfrow= c(d[1], d[2]) )
for(i in 1:n){
tmp = yforc[,series[i]]
plot( zoo(xDat[,series[i]], yDat), col = colors()[16],
main = cnames[i], ylab = "Sigma", xlab = "Time")
lines( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[51], lty = 3, col = "steelblue")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("|Returns|", "Forecast"), col=c(colors()[16], colors()[134]), lty=c(1,1),
bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Sigma Unconditional Forecast", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else if( n.ahead > 1 && n.roll > 0 ){
cat("\nNo plot available for mixed unconditional and rolling forecasts.")
.plot.dccforecast.3 = function(x, series = c(1, 2), ...)
ops = list(...)
n = length( series )
n.ahead = x@model$n.ahead
n.roll = x@model$n.roll
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
T = x@model$modeldata$T
p = x@model$maxgarchOrder
index = x@model$modeldata$index[(p+1):T]
nc = ( (n^2 - n)/2 )
idx = .lowertri.index( n )
H = x@model$H
zn = 50
if( n.ahead == 1 && n.roll >= 0 ){
n.start = x@model$modeldata$n.start
n.assets = NCOL(x@model$modeldata$data)
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
T = x@model$modeldata$T
yDat = x@model$modeldata$index[(T-zn+1):(T+n.roll)]
if( nc > 16 ){
scr = floor( nc/16 )
z = nc - 16 * floor( nc/16 )
start = dev.next( which = dev.cur() )
xn = 0
for( j in 1:scr ){
dev.new( start + j )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:16){
tmpf = sapply(x@mforecast$H, FUN = function(x) x[series[idx[i + xn, 1]], series[idx[i + xn, 2]], 1])
tmpf = c(rep(NA, zn), tmpf)
tmpf = tmpf[1:(zn+n.roll)]
tmp = c(H[series[idx[i + xn, 1]], series[idx[i + xn, 2]], (T-49):(T)], rep(NA, n.roll))
plot( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[16],
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "covariance", xlab = "Time", ylim = c(min(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE), max(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE)))
lines( zoo(tmpf, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[zn+1], lty = 3, col = colors()[442])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Forecast"), col=colors()[134], lty=1, bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Covariance Rolling Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -2, cex = 0.75)
xn = xn + 16
if( z != 0 ){
dev.new( dev.next( which = dev.cur() ) + 1 )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:z){
tmpf = sapply(x@mforecast$H, FUN = function(x) x[series[idx[i + xn, 1]], series[idx[i + xn, 2]], 1])
tmpf = c(rep(NA, zn), tmpf)
tmpf = tmpf[1:(zn+n.roll)]
tmp = c(H[series[idx[i + xn, 1]], series[idx[i + xn, 2]], (T-49):(T)], rep(NA, n.roll))
plot( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[16],
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "covariance", xlab = "Time", ylim = c(min(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE), max(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE)))
lines( zoo(tmpf, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[zn+1], lty = 3, col = colors()[442])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Forecast"), col=colors()[134], lty=1, bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Covariance Rolling Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -2, cex = 0.75)
} else{
d = .divisortable( nc )
par( mfrow= c(d[1], d[2]) )
for(i in 1:nc){
tmpf = sapply(x@mforecast$H, FUN = function(x) x[series[idx[i, 1]], series[idx[i, 2]], 1])
tmpf = c(rep(NA, zn), tmpf)
# (roll+1) value excluded since we do not have the date for it readily available
# and checking whether (n.roll+1)>out.sample amd adjusting is too much for one point!
tmpf = tmpf[1:(zn+n.roll)]
tmp = c(H[series[idx[i, 1]], series[idx[i, 2]], (T-49):(T)], rep(NA, n.roll))
plot( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[16],
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "covariance", xlab = "Time", ylim = c(min(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE), max(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE)))
lines( zoo(tmpf, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[zn+1], lty = 3, col = colors()[442])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Forecast"), col=colors()[134], lty=1, bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Covariance Rolling Forecast", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else if( n.ahead > 1 && n.roll == 0 ){
period = x@model$modeldata$period
n.start = x@model$modeldata$n.start
n.assets = NCOL(x@model$modeldata$data)
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
T = x@model$modeldata$T
if(n.start>0 && n.ahead<n.start){
yDat = x@model$modeldata$index[(T-49):(T+n.ahead)]
} else if(n.start>0 && n.ahead>n.start){
yDat = c(
seq(x@model$modeldata$index[T+n.start], by = period, length.out=n.ahead - n.start +1)[-1])
} else{
yDat = c(
seq(x@model$modeldata$index[T], by = period, length.out=n.ahead+1)[-1])
if( nc > 16 ){
scr = floor( nc/16 )
z = nc - 16 * floor( nc/16 )
start = dev.next( which = dev.cur() )
xn = 0
for( j in 1:scr ){
dev.new( start + j )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:16){
tmpf = apply(x@mforecast$H[[1]], 3, FUN = function(x) x[series[idx[i + xn, 1]], series[idx[i + xn, 2]]] )
tmpf = c(rep(NA, zn), tmpf)
tmp = c(H[series[idx[i + xn, 1]], series[idx[i + xn, 2]], (T-49):T], rep(NA, n.ahead) )
plot( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[16],
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "covariance", xlab = "Time", ylim = c(min(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE), max(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE)))
lines( zoo(tmpf, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[zn+1], lty = 3, col = colors()[442])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Forecast"), col=colors()[134], lty=1, bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Unconditional Covariance Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
xn = xn + 16
if( z != 0 ){
dev.new( dev.next( which = dev.cur() ) + 1 )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:z){
tmpf = apply(x@mforecast$H[[1]], 3, FUN = function(x) x[series[idx[i + xn, 1]], series[idx[i + xn, 2]]] )
tmpf = c(rep(NA, zn), tmpf)
tmp = c(H[series[idx[i + xn, 1]], series[idx[i + xn, 2]], (T-49):T], rep(NA, n.ahead) )
plot( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[16],
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "covariance", xlab = "Time", ylim = c(min(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE), max(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE)))
lines( zoo(tmpf, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[zn+1], lty = 3, col = colors()[442])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Forecast"), col=colors()[134], lty=1, bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Unconditional Covariance Forecast\n(page...", j+1, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else{
d = .divisortable( nc )
par( mfrow= c(d[1], d[2]) )
for(i in 1:nc){
tmpf = apply(x@mforecast$H[[1]], 3, FUN = function(x) x[series[idx[i, 1]], series[idx[i, 2]]] )
tmpf = c(rep(NA, zn), tmpf)
tmp = c(H[series[idx[i, 1]], series[idx[i, 2]], (T-49):T], rep(NA, n.ahead) )
plot( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[16],
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "covariance", xlab = "Time",
ylim = c(min(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE), max(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE)))
lines( zoo(tmpf, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[zn+1], lty = 3, col = colors()[442])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Forecast"), col=colors()[134], lty=1, bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Unconditional Covariance Forecast", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else if( n.ahead > 1 && n.roll > 0 ){
cat("\nNo plot available for mixed unconditional and rolling forecasts.")
.plot.dccforecast.4 = function(x, series = c(1, 2), ...)
ops = list(...)
n = length( series )
n.ahead = x@model$n.ahead
n.roll = x@model$n.roll
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
T = x@model$modeldata$T
p = x@model$maxgarchOrder
index = x@model$modeldata$index[(p+1):T]
nc = ( (n^2 - n)/2 )
idx = .lowertri.index( n )
H = x@model$H
R = .Call("Cov2Cor", H, dim(H), PACKAGE = "rmgarch")
zn = 50
if( n.ahead == 1 && n.roll >= 0 ){
n.start = x@model$modeldata$n.start
n.assets = NCOL(x@model$modeldata$data)
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
T = x@model$modeldata$T
yDat = x@model$modeldata$index[(T-zn+1):(T+n.roll)]
fR = lapply(x@mforecast$H, function(x) cov2cor(x[,,1]))
if( nc > 16 ){
scr = floor( nc/16 )
z = nc - 16 * floor( nc/16 )
start = dev.next( which = dev.cur() )
xn = 0
for( j in 1:scr ){
dev.new( start + j )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:16){
tmpf = sapply(fR, FUN = function(x) x[series[idx[i + xn, 1]], series[idx[i + xn, 2]]])
tmpf = c(rep(NA, zn), tmpf)
tmpf = tmpf[1:(zn+n.roll)]
tmp = c(R[series[idx[i + xn, 1]], series[idx[i + xn, 2]], (T-49):(T)], rep(NA, n.roll))
plot( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[16],
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "correlation", xlab = "Time", ylim = c(min(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE), max(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE)))
lines( zoo(tmpf, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[zn+1], lty = 3, col = colors()[442])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Forecast"), col=colors()[134], lty=1, bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Correlation Rolling Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -2, cex = 0.75)
xn = xn + 16
if( z != 0 ){
dev.new( dev.next( which = dev.cur() ) + 1 )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:z){
tmpf = sapply(fR, FUN = function(x) x[series[idx[i + xn, 1]], series[idx[i + xn, 2]]])
tmpf = c(rep(NA, zn), tmpf)
tmpf = tmpf[1:(zn+n.roll)]
tmp = c(R[series[idx[i + xn, 1]], series[idx[i + xn, 2]], (T-49):(T)], rep(NA, n.roll))
plot( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[16],
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "correlation", xlab = "Time", ylim = c(min(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE), max(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE)))
lines( zoo(tmpf, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[zn+1], lty = 3, col = colors()[442])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Forecast"), col=colors()[134], lty=1, bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Correlation Rolling Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -2, cex = 0.75)
} else{
d = .divisortable( nc )
par( mfrow= c(d[1], d[2]) )
for(i in 1:nc){
tmpf = sapply(fR, FUN = function(x) x[series[idx[i, 1]], series[idx[i, 2]]])
tmpf = c(rep(NA, zn), tmpf)
# (roll+1) value excluded since we do not have the date for it readily available
# and checking whether (n.roll+1)>out.sample amd adjusting is too much for one point!
tmpf = tmpf[1:(zn+n.roll)]
tmp = c(R[series[idx[i, 1]], series[idx[i, 2]], (T-49):(T)], rep(NA, n.roll))
plot( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[16],
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "correlation", xlab = "Time", ylim = c(min(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE), max(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE)))
lines( zoo(tmpf, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[zn+1], lty = 3, col = colors()[442])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Forecast"), col=colors()[134], lty=1, bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Correlation Rolling Forecast", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else if( n.ahead > 1 && n.roll == 0 ){
period = x@model$modeldata$period
n.start = x@model$modeldata$n.start
n.assets = NCOL(x@model$modeldata$data)
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
T = x@model$modeldata$T
if(n.start>0 && n.ahead<n.start){
yDat = x@model$modeldata$index[(T-49):(T+n.ahead)]
} else if(n.start>0 && n.ahead>n.start){
yDat = c(
seq(x@model$modeldata$index[T+n.start], by = period, length.out=n.ahead - n.start +1)[-1])
} else{
yDat = c(
seq(x@model$modeldata$index[T], by = period, length.out=n.ahead+1)[-1])
fR = array(apply(x@mforecast$H[[1]], 3, function(x) cov2cor(x)), dim = dim(x@mforecast$H[[1]]))
if( nc > 16 ){
scr = floor( nc/16 )
z = nc - 16 * floor( nc/16 )
start = dev.next( which = dev.cur() )
xn = 0
for( j in 1:scr ){
dev.new( start + j )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:16){
tmpf = apply(fR, 3, FUN = function(x) x[series[idx[i + xn, 1]], series[idx[i + xn, 2]]] )
tmpf = c(rep(NA, zn), tmpf)
tmp = c(R[series[idx[i + xn, 1]], series[idx[i + xn, 2]], (T-49):T], rep(NA, n.ahead) )
plot( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[16],
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "correlation", xlab = "Time", ylim = c(min(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE), max(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE)))
lines( zoo(tmpf, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[zn+1], lty = 3, col = colors()[442])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Forecast"), col=colors()[134], lty=1, bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Unconditional Correlation Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
xn = xn + 16
if( z != 0 ){
dev.new( dev.next( which = dev.cur() ) + 1 )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:z){
tmpf = apply(fR, 3, FUN = function(x) x[series[idx[i + xn, 1]], series[idx[i + xn, 2]]] )
tmpf = c(rep(NA, zn), tmpf)
tmp = c(R[series[idx[i + xn, 1]], series[idx[i + xn, 2]], (T-49):T], rep(NA, n.ahead) )
plot( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[16],
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "correlation", xlab = "Time", ylim = c(min(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE), max(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE)))
lines( zoo(tmpf, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[zn+1], lty = 3, col = colors()[442])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Forecast"), col=colors()[134], lty=1, bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Unconditional Correlation Forecast\n(page...", j+1, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else{
d = .divisortable( nc )
par( mfrow= c(d[1], d[2]) )
for(i in 1:nc){
tmpf = apply(fR, 3, FUN = function(x) x[series[idx[i, 1]], series[idx[i, 2]]] )
tmpf = c(rep(NA, zn), tmpf)
tmp = c(R[series[idx[i, 1]], series[idx[i, 2]], (T-49):T], rep(NA, n.ahead) )
plot( zoo(tmp, yDat), col = colors()[16],
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "correlation", xlab = "Time",
ylim = c(min(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE), max(c(tmp, tmpf), na.rm=TRUE)))
lines( zoo(tmpf, yDat), col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[zn+1], lty = 3, col = colors()[442])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Forecast"), col=colors()[134], lty=1, bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Unconditional Correlation Forecast", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else if( n.ahead > 1 && n.roll > 0 ){
cat("\nNo plot available for mixed unconditional and rolling forecasts.")
.plot.dccforecast.5 = function(x, series, ...)
ops = list(...)
n.ahead = x@model$n.ahead
n.roll = x@model$n.roll
n.start = x@model$modeldata$n.start
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
T = x@model$modeldata$T
p = x@model$maxgarchOrder
m = dim(x@model$umodel$modelinc)[2]
if( n.ahead == 1 && n.roll >= 0 ){
Hf = array(sapply(rcov(x), function(x) x), dim=c(m,m,n.roll+1))
Hf = Hf[,,1:n.roll]
Mf = t(x@mforecast$mu[,,1:n.roll])
w = rep(1/m, m)
dist = x@model$modeldesc$distribution
dm = switch(dist,
mvnorm = "norm",
mvlaplace = "ged",
mvt = "std")
# previous 50 observations:
Hx = last(x@model$H[,,1:T], 50)
mx = 50
Mx = tail(x@model$mu[1:T,], mx)
dportx = wmargin(distribution = dist, weights = w, Sigma = Hx, mean = Mx, shape = rshape(x), skew = rskew(x))
q025x = as.numeric(rugarch::qdist(distribution = dm, p = 0.025, mu = dportx[,1],
sigma = dportx[,2], lambda = -0.5, skew = dportx[,3], shape = dportx[,4]))
q975x = as.numeric( rugarch::qdist(distribution = dm, p = 0.975, mu = dportx[,1],
sigma = dportx[,2], lambda = -0.5, skew = dportx[,3], shape = dportx[,4]))
dportf = wmargin(distribution = dist, weights = w, Sigma = Hf, mean = Mf, shape = rshape(x), skew = rskew(x))
q025f = as.numeric( rugarch::qdist(distribution = dm, p = 0.025, mu = dportf[,1],
sigma = dportf[,2], lambda = -0.5, skew = dportf[,3], shape = dportf[,4]))
q975f = as.numeric( rugarch::qdist(distribution = dm, p = 0.975, mu = dportf[,1],
sigma = dportf[,2], lambda = -0.5, skew = dportf[,3], shape = dportf[,4]))
yDat = x@model$modeldata$index[(T-mx+1):(T+n.roll)]
port = apply(x@model$modeldata$data[(T-mx+1):(T+n.roll), ], 1, "mean")
plot(zoo(port, yDat), col = colors()[220], ylab = "", xlab = "",
main = "EW Forecast Portfolio with Rolling 2.5% VaR Limits \n(based on Conditional Weighted Density)",
cex.main = 0.8, ylim = c(min(c(q025f, q025x)), max(c(q975f, q975x)) ))
lines(zoo(c(rep(NA, mx), dportf[1:n.roll,1]), yDat), col = colors()[134])
lines(zoo(c(dportx[,1], rep(NA, n.roll)), yDat), col = colors()[132])
lines(zoo(c(q025x, rep(NA, n.roll)), yDat), col = colors()[132], lty = 3)
lines(zoo(c(q975x, rep(NA, n.roll)), yDat), col = colors()[132], lty = 3)
lines(zoo(c(rep(NA, mx), q025f), yDat), col = colors()[134], lty = 3)
lines(zoo(c(rep(NA, mx), q975f), yDat), col = colors()[134], lty = 3)
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
abline( v = yDat[mx + 1], lty = 3, col = colors()[442])
legend("topleft", legend = c("Realized", "Fitted", "Forecast"),
col = c(colors()[220], colors()[132], colors()[134]), bty = "n",
fill = c(colors()[220], colors()[132], colors()[134]))
} else if( n.ahead > 1 && n.roll == 0 ){
period = x@model$modeldata$period
n.start = x@model$modeldata$n.start
n.assets = NCOL(x@model$modeldata$data)
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
T = x@model$modeldata$T
Hf = x@mforecast$H[[1]]
Mf = x@mforecast$mu[,,1]
w = rep(1/m, m)
dist = x@model$modeldesc$distribution
dm = switch(dist,
mvnorm = "norm",
mvlaplace = "ged",
mvt = "std")
# previous 50 observations:
Hx = last(x@model$H[,,1:T], 50)
mx = 50
Mx = tail(x@model$mu[1:T,], mx)
if(n.start>0 && n.ahead<n.start){
port = apply(x@model$modeldata$data[(T-mx+1):(T+n.ahead),], 1, "mean")
yDat = x@model$modeldata$index[(T-mx+1):(T+n.ahead)]
} else if(n.start>0 && n.ahead>n.start){
port = c(
apply(x@model$modeldata$data[(T-mx+1):(T+n.start),], 1, "mean"),
rep(NA, n.ahead - n.start))
yDat = c(
seq(x@model$modeldata$index[T+n.start], by = period, length.out=n.ahead - n.start +1)[-1])
} else{
port = c(
apply(x@model$modeldata$data[(T-mx+1):T,], 1, "mean"),
rep(NA, n.ahead))
yDat = c(
seq(x@model$modeldata$index[T], by = period, length.out=n.ahead+1)[-1])
port = as.numeric(port)
dportx = wmargin(distribution = dist, weights = w, Sigma = Hx, mean = Mx, shape = rshape(x), skew = rskew(x))
q025x = as.numeric(rugarch::qdist(distribution = dm, p = 0.025, mu = dportx[,1],
sigma = dportx[,2], lambda = -0.5, skew = dportx[,3], shape = dportx[,4]))
q975x = as.numeric( rugarch::qdist(distribution = dm, p = 0.975, mu = dportx[,1],
sigma = dportx[,2], lambda = -0.5, skew = dportx[,3], shape = dportx[,4]))
dportf = wmargin(distribution = dist, weights = w, Sigma = Hf, mean = Mf, shape = rshape(x), skew = rskew(x))
q025f = as.numeric( rugarch::qdist(distribution = dm, p = 0.025, mu = dportf[,1],
sigma = dportf[,2], lambda = -0.5, skew = dportf[,3], shape = dportf[,4]))
q975f = as.numeric( rugarch::qdist(distribution = dm, p = 0.975, mu = dportf[,1],
sigma = dportf[,2], lambda = -0.5, skew = dportf[,3], shape = dportf[,4]))
plot(zoo(port, yDat), col = colors()[220], ylab = "", xlab = "",
main = "EW Forecast Portfolio with Unconditional 2.5% VaR Limits \n(based on Conditional Weighted Density)",
cex.main = 0.8, ylim = c(min(c(port, q025f, q025x), na.rm = TRUE),
max(c(port, q975f, q975x), na.rm = TRUE)))
lines(zoo(c(rep(NA, mx), dportf[,1]), yDat), col = colors()[134])
lines(zoo(c(dportx[,1], rep(NA, n.ahead)), yDat), col = colors()[132])
lines(zoo(c(q025x, rep(NA, n.ahead)), yDat), col = colors()[132], lty = 3)
lines(zoo(c(q975x, rep(NA, n.ahead)), yDat), col = colors()[132], lty = 3)
lines(zoo(c(rep(NA, mx), q025f), yDat), col = colors()[134], lty = 3)
lines(zoo(c(rep(NA, mx), q975f), yDat), col = colors()[134], lty = 3)
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
abline( v = yDat[mx + 1], lty = 3, col = colors()[442])
legend("topleft", legend = c("Realized", "Fitted", "Forecast"),
col = c(colors()[220], colors()[132], colors()[134]), bty = "n",
fill = c(colors()[220], colors()[132], colors()[134]))
} else if( n.ahead > 1 && n.roll > 0 ){
cat("\nNo plot available for mixed unconditional and rolling forecasts.")
.plotdccroll = function(x, which = "ask", series = c(1, 2), ...)
n = dim(x@model$umodel$modelinc)[2]
xseries = unique( as.integer( series ) )
xseries = xseries[xseries > 0]
if( any(xseries > n) ) stop( "\nrmgarch-->error: series index out of bounds in DCCfit plot.")
if( length(xseries) < 2 ) stop( "\nrmgarch-->error: series length must be 2 or more.")
series = xseries
choices = c(
"Conditional Mean Forecast (vs realized returns)",
"Conditional Sigma Forecast (vs realized |returns|)",
"Conditional Covariance Forecast",
"Conditional Correlation Forecast",
"EW Portfolio Plot with forecast conditional density VaR limits")
.interdccrollPlot(x, choices = choices, plotFUN = paste(".plot.dccroll", 1:5, sep = "."), which = which, series = series, ...)
# Return Value:
.interdccrollPlot = function(x, choices, plotFUN, which, series = c(1, 2), ...)
if (is.numeric(which)) {
if(which>length(choices)) stop("Not a valid choice. Plots choices are 1-5.\n",call. = FALSE)
FUN = match.fun(plotFUN[which])
FUN(x, series = series, ...)
if( which!="ask" ) stop("Not a valid choice.\n",call. = FALSE)
.multdccrollPlot(x, choices, series = series, ...)
.multdccrollPlot = function(x, choices, series = c(1, 2), ...)
pick = 1
while (pick > 0) {
pick = menu (
choices = paste(" ", choices),
title = "\nMake a plot selection (or 0 to exit):")
switch (pick,
.plot.dccroll.1(x, series, ...), .plot.dccroll.2(x, series, ...),
.plot.dccroll.3(x, series, ...), .plot.dccroll.4(x, series, ...),
.plot.dccroll.5(x, ...))
.plot.dccroll.1 = function(x, series = c(1, 2), ...)
ops = list(...)
n = length( series )
s = x@model$out.sample
fL = sum(s)
n.start = x@model$n.start
n.assets = NCOL(x@model$data)
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
T = x@model$n.start
xDat = x@model$data[(T-49):(T+fL),]
#nn = length(x@uforecast@forecast[[1]]@forecast$series)
yDat = x@model$index[(T-49):(T+fL)]
Y = zoo(xDat, yDat)
X = as.zoo(fitted(x))
if( n > 16 ){
scr = floor( n/16 )
z = n - 16 * floor( n/16 )
start = dev.next( which = dev.cur() )
xn = 0
for( j in 1:scr ){
dev.new( start + j )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:16){
tmp = X[,series[i + xn]]
plot( Y[,series[i + xn]], col = colors()[16], main = cnames[i + xn],
ylab = "Series", xlab = "Time")
lines( tmp, col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[51], lty = 3, col = "steelblue")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Returns", "Forecast"), col=c(colors()[16], colors()[134]), lty=c(1,1),
bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Series Rolling Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
xn = xn + 16
if( z != 0 ){
dev.new( dev.next( which = dev.cur() ) + 1 )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:z){
tmp = X[,series[i + xn]]
plot( Y[,series[i + xn]], col = colors()[16], main = cnames[i + xn],
ylab = "Series", xlab = "Time")
lines( tmp, col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[51], lty = 3, col = "steelblue")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Returns", "Forecast"), col=c(colors()[16], colors()[134]), lty=c(1,1),
bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Series Rolling Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else{
d = .divisortable( n )
par( mfrow= c(d[1], d[2]) )
for(i in 1:n){
tmp = X[,series[i]]
plot( Y[,series[i]], col = colors()[16], main = cnames[i],
ylab = "Series", xlab = "Time")
lines( tmp, col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[51], lty = 3, col = "steelblue")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("Returns", "Forecast"), col=c(colors()[16], colors()[134]), lty=c(1,1),
bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Series Rolling Forecast", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
.plot.dccroll.2 = function(x, series = c(1, 2), ...)
ops = list(...)
n = length( series )
s = x@model$out.sample
fL = sum(s)
n.start = x@model$n.start
n.assets = NCOL(x@model$data)
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
T = x@model$n.start
xDat = x@model$data[(T-49):(T+fL),]
#nn = length(x@uforecast@forecast[[1]]@forecast$series)
yDat = x@model$index[(T-49):(T+fL)]
Y = zoo(abs(xDat), yDat)
X = as.zoo(sigma(x))
if( n > 16 ){
scr = floor( n/16 )
z = n - 16 * floor( n/16 )
start = dev.next( which = dev.cur() )
xn = 0
for( j in 1:scr ){
dev.new( start + j )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:16){
tmp = X[,series[i + xn]]
plot( Y[,series[i + xn]], col = colors()[16], main = cnames[i + xn],
ylab = "Sigma", xlab = "Time")
lines( tmp, col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[51], lty = 3, col = "steelblue")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("|returns|", "Forecast"), col=c(colors()[16], colors()[134]), lty=c(1,1),
bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Series Rolling Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
xn = xn + 16
if( z != 0 ){
dev.new( dev.next( which = dev.cur() ) + 1 )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:z){
tmp = X[,series[i + xn]]
plot( Y[,series[i + xn]], col = colors()[16], main = cnames[i + xn],
ylab = "Sigma", xlab = "Time")
lines( tmp, col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[51], lty = 3, col = "steelblue")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("|returns|", "Forecast"), col=c(colors()[16], colors()[134]), lty=c(1,1),
bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Series Rolling Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else{
d = .divisortable( n )
par( mfrow= c(d[1], d[2]) )
for(i in 1:n){
tmp = X[,series[i]]
plot( Y[,series[i]], col = colors()[16], main = cnames[i],
ylab = "Sigma", xlab = "Time")
lines( tmp, col = colors()[134])
abline( v = yDat[51], lty = 3, col = "steelblue")
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
legend("topleft", c("|returns|", "Forecast"), col=c(colors()[16], colors()[134]), lty=c(1,1),
bty="n", cex = 0.7)
title( paste( "DCC Series Rolling Forecast", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
.plot.dccroll.3 = function(x, series = c(1, 2), ...)
ops = list(...)
n = length( series )
s = x@model$out.sample
fL = sum(s)
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
idx = .lowertri.index( n )
n = NROW(idx)
X = rcov(x)
D = as.POSIXct(dimnames(X)[[3]])
if( n > 16 ){
scr = floor( n/16 )
z = n - 16 * floor( n/16 )
start = dev.next( which = dev.cur() )
xn = 0
for( j in 1:scr ){
dev.new( start + j )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:16){
plot( zoo(X[series[idx[i+xn,1]],series[idx[i+xn,2]],], D), col = 1,
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "Covariance", xlab = "Time")
lines(zoo(X[series[idx[i+xn,1]],series[idx[i+xn,2]],], D), col = colors()[134])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
title( paste( "DCC Series Rolling Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
xn = xn + 16
if( z != 0 ){
dev.new( dev.next( which = dev.cur() ) + 1 )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:z){
plot( zoo(X[series[idx[i+xn,1]],series[idx[i+xn,2]],], D), col = 1,
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "Covariance", xlab = "Time")
lines(zoo(X[series[idx[i+xn,1]],series[idx[i+xn,2]],], D), col = colors()[134])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
title( paste( "DCC Series Rolling Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else{
d = .divisortable( n )
par( mfrow= c(d[1], d[2]) )
for(i in 1:n){
plot( zoo(X[series[idx[i,1]],series[idx[i,2]],], D), col =1,
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "Covariance", xlab = "Time")
lines(zoo(X[series[idx[i,1]],series[idx[i,2]],], D), col = colors()[134])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
title( paste( "DCC Series Rolling Forecast", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
.plot.dccroll.4 = function(x, series = c(1, 2), ...)
ops = list(...)
n = length( series )
s = x@model$out.sample
fL = sum(s)
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
idx = .lowertri.index( n )
n = NROW(idx)
X = rcor(x)
D = as.POSIXct(dimnames(X)[[3]])
if( n > 16 ){
scr = floor( n/16 )
z = n - 16 * floor( n/16 )
start = dev.next( which = dev.cur() )
xn = 0
for( j in 1:scr ){
dev.new( start + j )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:16){
plot( zoo(X[series[idx[i+xn,1]],series[idx[i+xn,2]],], D), col = 1,
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "Correlation", xlab = "Time")
lines(zoo(X[series[idx[i+xn,1]],series[idx[i+xn,2]],], D), col = colors()[134])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
title( paste( "DCC Series Rolling Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
xn = xn + 16
if( z != 0 ){
dev.new( dev.next( which = dev.cur() ) + 1 )
par( mfrow = c(4, 4) )
for(i in 1:z){
plot( zoo(X[series[idx[i+xn,1]],series[idx[i+xn,2]],], D), col = 1,
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i + xn, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "Correlation", xlab = "Time")
lines(zoo(X[series[idx[i+xn,1]],series[idx[i+xn,2]],], D), col = colors()[134])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
title( paste( "DCC Series Rolling Forecast\n(page...", j, ")", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
} else{
d = .divisortable( n )
par( mfrow= c(d[1], d[2]) )
for(i in 1:n){
plot( zoo(X[series[idx[i,1]],series[idx[i,2]],], D), col =1,
main = paste(cnames[series[idx[i, 1]]], "-", cnames[series[idx[i, 2]]], sep = ""),
ylab = "Correlation", xlab = "Time")
lines(zoo(X[series[idx[i,1]],series[idx[i,2]],], D), col = colors()[134])
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
title( paste( "DCC Series Rolling Forecast", sep = ""), outer = TRUE, line = -1.5, cex = 0.75)
.plot.dccroll.5 = function(x, series, ...)
ops = list(...)
s = x@model$out.sample
fL = sum(s)
n.start = x@model$n.start
n.assets = NCOL(x@model$data)
cnames = x@model$modeldata$asset.names
T = x@model$n.start
m = NCOL(x@model$data)
xDat = apply(x@model$data[(T-49):(T+fL),], 1, "mean")
#nn = length(x@uforecast@forecast[[1]]@forecast$series)
yDat = x@model$index[(T-49):(T+fL)]
D = x@model$index[(T+1):(T+fL)]
Y = zoo(xDat, yDat)
T = x@model$n.start
Hf = rcov(x)
Mf = fitted(x)
w = rep(1/m, m)
dist = x@model$modeldesc$distribution
dm = switch(dist,
mvnorm = "norm",
mvlaplace = "ged",
mvt = "std")
# previous 50 observations:
dportf = wmargin(distribution = dist, weights = w, Sigma = Hf, mean = Mf, shape = NA, skew = NA)
skewx = shapex = NULL
shapef = rshape(x)
skewf = rskew(x)
for(i in 1:length(s)){
shapex = c(shapex, rep(shapef[i], s[i]))
skewx = c(skewx, rep(skewf[i], s[i]))
dportf[,"shape"] = shapex
q025f = as.numeric( rugarch::qdist(distribution = dm, p = 0.025, mu = dportf[,1],
sigma = dportf[,2], lambda = -0.5, skew = dportf[,3], shape = dportf[,4]))
q975f = as.numeric( rugarch::qdist(distribution = dm, p = 0.975, mu = dportf[,1],
sigma = dportf[,2], lambda = -0.5, skew = dportf[,3], shape = dportf[,4]))
portf = apply(Mf, 1, "mean")
plot(Y, col = colors()[220], ylab = "", xlab = "",
main = "EW Forecast Portfolio with Rolling 2.5% VaR Limits \n(based on Conditional Weighted Density)",
cex.main = 0.8, ylim = c(min(c(as.numeric(Y[,1]), q025f)), max(c(as.numeric(Y[,1]), q975f)) ))
lines(zoo(portf, D), col = "tomato1", lwd=2)
lines(zoo(q025f, D), col = "brown", lty = 3, lwd=1)
lines(zoo(q975f, D), col = "brown", lty = 3, lwd=1)
mtext(paste("rmgarch : DCC model forecast"), side = 4, adj = 0, padj=0, col = "gray", cex = 0.4)
abline( v = index(Y)[50], lty = 3, lwd=2, col = colors()[442])
legend("topleft", legend = c("Realized", "Forecast"),
col = c(colors()[220], "tomato1"), bty = "n",
lty = c(1,1), lwd=c(1,2))
.lowertri.index = function(n, diag = FALSE)
x = matrix(1, n, n)
indx = which(x == lower.tri(x, diag = diag), arr.ind = TRUE)
return( indx )
.divisortable = function(n)
z = matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 5, 2, 3,
6, 2, 3, 7, 2, 4, 8, 2, 4, 9, 3, 3, 10, 3, 4, 11, 3,
4, 12, 3, 4, 13, 4, 4, 14, 4, 4, 15, 4, 4, 16, 4, 4,
17, 4, 5, 18, 4, 5, 19, 4, 5, 20, 4, 5), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
d = which(n == z[, 1])
return(z[d, 2:3])
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