
Defines functions bi.deg

Documented in bi.deg

#' Transformation an expression matrix to binary differential expression matrix
#' Transform the RNA-seq counts or normalized expression matrix into binary differential expression matrix of -1, 0 and 1, which indicates the down-regulation, no change and up-regulation.
#' @name bi.deg
#' @param exp a matrix or data frame for expression data. The expression value can be counts or normalized expression data
#' @param cl a vector of 0 and 1. It has equal length with the column number of exp. 1 indicates the corresponding samples are patients and 0 is control or normal
#' @param method defines the methods applied for DE analysis. The possible value is 'edger', 'deseq2', 'normalized'. 'edger' or 'deseq2' is used for RNA-seq count data; 'normalized' is used for normalized RNA-seq or microarray data
#' @param cutoff the p-value cutoff for DEGs
#' @param cores the thread number
#' @author Guofeng Meng
#' @importFrom edgeR calcNormFactors estimateDisp getDispersion equalizeLibSizes DGEList
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom DESeq2 DESeqDataSetFromMatrix estimateSizeFactors estimateDispersions dispersions varianceStabilizingTransformation
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay
#' @import parallel
#' @details For each sample in 'exp', 'cl' defines the patients and normal. The normal samples are used to construct the expression references with negative binomial distribution (e.g. method='edger' or method='deseq2') or a normal distribution (method='normalized').
#' When counts data are used, the DEG analysis is performed using the functions implemented by `DESeq2` or `edgeR`. The dispersion and mu values are estimated.
#' @return A deg class object with value of 1, 0 and -1.
#' @examples
#' deg <- bi.deg(exp,cl=cl, method='edger', cutoff=0.05) # exp is the RNA-seq counts matrix
#' @export

bi.deg <- function(exp, cl, method = c("edger", "deseq2", "normalized")[1], cutoff = 0.05,
    cores = 1) {
    if (!is(exp, "matrix") & !is(exp, "data.frame"))
        stop("Error: exp: should be matrix or data.frame")
    exp = as.matrix(exp)
    if (method != "edger" & method != "deseq2" & method != "normalized")
        stop("Error:method: must be edger, deseq2 or normalized data. method is not recognized")
    if (dim(exp)[2] != length(cl))
        stop("Error:cl: has the wrong numbers!")
    wh.ct = which(cl == 0)
    if (length(wh.ct) == 0)
        stop("Error: No control sample is found or control samples are not set as 0!")
    if (length(wh.ct) <= 2)
        stop("Error: No enough control sample is used!")
    if (length(wh.ct) < 10)
        print(paste("Warning: only ", length(wh.ct), " control samples are used!",
            sep = ""))
    wh.pa = which(cl == 1)
    if (length(wh.pa) == 0)
        stop("Error: No disease/treated sample is found or samples are not set as 1!")
    genes = row.names(exp)
    pas = colnames(exp[, wh.pa])
    n.ct = length(wh.ct)
    if (method == "edger") {
        y = DGEList(counts = exp[, wh.ct])
        y <- calcNormFactors(y)
        y <- estimateDisp(y)
        disp = as.vector(getDispersion(y))
        mycutoff = rep(cutoff, length(disp))
        #mycutoff[disp > quantile(disp, probs = 0.97)] = cutoff + 0.05
        deg.lst = bplapply(wh.pa, function(x) {
            z = DGEList(counts = exp[, c(wh.ct, x)])
            z2 = equalizeLibSizes(z, dispersion = disp)$pseudo.counts
            p = pnbinom(z2[, n.ct + 1], size = 1/disp, mu = rowSums(z2[, seq_len(n.ct)])/n.ct,
                lower.tail = FALSE)
            bi = integer(length(p))
            bi[p <= mycutoff] = 1
            bi[1 - p <= mycutoff] = -1
        }, BPPARAM= MulticoreParam( workers= min(cores, length(wh.pa))))
        names(deg.lst) <- pas
        deg = as.matrix(as.data.frame(deg.lst))
    if (method == "deseq2") {
        y = DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = exp[, wh.ct], colData = data.frame(lab = rep("control",
            length(wh.ct))), design = ~1)
        y <- estimateSizeFactors(y)
        y <- estimateDispersions(y, quiet = TRUE)
        disp = dispersions(y)
        mycutoff = rep(cutoff, length(disp))
        mycutoff[disp > quantile(disp, probs = 0.97)] = cutoff + 0.05
        deg.lst = bplapply(wh.pa, function(x) {
            y = DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = exp[, c(wh.ct, x)], colData = data.frame(lab = 
            c(rep("control", length(wh.ct)), "disease")), design = ~1)
            y <- estimateSizeFactors(y)
            y <- estimateDispersions(y, quiet = TRUE)
            z2 = 2^assay(varianceStabilizingTransformation(y))
            p = pnbinom(z2[, n.ct + 1], size = 1/disp, mu = rowSums(z2[, seq_len(n.ct)])/n.ct,
                lower.tail = FALSE)
            bi = integer(length(p))
            bi[p <= mycutoff] = 1
            bi[1 - p <= mycutoff] = -1
        }, BPPARAM= MulticoreParam( workers= min(cores, length(wh.pa))))
        names(deg.lst) <- pas
        deg = as.matrix(as.data.frame(deg.lst))
    if (method == "normalized") {
        y = exp[, wh.ct]
        mu = apply(y, 1, mean)
        sd = apply(y, 1, sd)
        deg.lst = bplapply(wh.pa, function(x) {
            w = exp[, x]
            z = (w - mu)/sd
            p = pnorm(z, lower.tail = FALSE)
            bi = integer(length(p))
            bi[p <= cutoff] = 1
            bi[1 - p <= cutoff] = -1
        }, BPPARAM= MulticoreParam( workers= min(cores, length(wh.pa))))
        names(deg.lst) <- pas
        deg = as.matrix(as.data.frame(deg.lst))
    row.names(deg) <- genes
    colnames(deg) <- pas
    attr(deg, "class") <- "deg"
menggf/DEComplexDisease documentation built on June 30, 2022, 1:47 p.m.