
# returns NULL when overrep analysis does not yield (valid) results
gwas2networkGOoverrep <- function(
    univ, # data frame of geneids or symbols, according to geneid.col, and a P column 
    gwas, # data frame with columns: P and value of geneid.col 
    geneid.col = "geneid",
    pkgname.GO = "org.Hs.eg.db",
    corr = TRUE,     # test for mult.testing many GO terms? Unsure because n is unkown especially for elim algorithm
    statistic = "fisher", # can also be "ks" for enrichment instead of overrepresentation, see corresponding topGO argument 
    toFile = "gwas2network"
) {
  # prepare gene sets:
  # make gene identifiers unique, with lowest p being representative
  gwas <- gwas[order(gwas$P), c(geneid.col, "P")]
  gwas <- gwas[!duplicated(gwas[, geneid.col]), ]
  # remove results where either identifier or P is NA
  gwas <- na.omit(gwas)
  if(nrow(gwas) < 1)
  # need only gene identifier for group
  grp <- gwas[, geneid.col]
  # similar procedure for gene universe
  univ <- na.omit(univ)
  # make univ genes unique, with lowest p being representative
  univ <- univ[order(univ$P), ]
  univ <- univ[!duplicated(univ[, geneid.col]), ]
  # finally, create named vector of p-values
  allg <- univ$P
  names(allg) <- univ[, geneid.col]
  # build topGO data object
  message("Building topGO data object...")
      GO2genes <- annFUN.org(
          whichOnto = "BP", 
          mapping = pkgname.GO, 
          ID = if(geneid.col == "geneid") "entrez" else "symbol"
  if(sum(names(allg) %in% unlist(GO2genes)) < length(allg) / 2)
    stop("More than half of genes can not be annotated to GO terms. Probably gene identifier / names from the arguments are not compatible with the GO annotation package used. Normally, using entrez IDs (in the column 'geneid') or gene symbols (column 'genename') should work. ")
      tg.obj <- new(
          ontology = "BP",
          allGenes = allg, 
          geneSel = function(uselessScoreVec) {names(allg) %in% grp},
          annot = annFUN.GO2genes,
          GO2genes = GO2genes
  if(statistic == "ks")
    message("Performing GO enrichment (topGO)...")
    message("Performing GO overrepresentation analysis (topGO)...")
      testdat <- runTest(
          algorithm = "weight01", 
          statistic = statistic
  if(!is.null(toFile) && is.character(toFile)) {
    capture.output(printGraph(tg.obj, testdat, firstSigNodes = 3, fn.prefix = toFile, pdfSW = TRUE, useInfo = "all"))
  if(geneData(testdat)["Significant"] > 0 && geneData(testdat)["SigTerms"] > 0) {
    res <- na.omit(sort(score(testdat), decreasing = FALSE)[1:3])
    # get mapping of GO IDs to name etc as data frame from the org... package
    goids <- toTable(GOTERM)
    goids <- goids[!duplicated(goids$go_id), c(2, which(names(goids) == "Term"))]
    # annotate term names to results
    res <- merge(goids, data.frame(go_id = names(res), P = res), all.y = TRUE)
    res <- vectorElements(res[order(res$P), ])
            go_id = res$go_id, 
            # if correction for multiple tests is requested, length(usedGO(tg.obj)) is the number of GO terms used / tested
            # this does not account for the elim algorithm which tests probably only a subset of these (=> p is conservative / less power)
            P = if(corr) p.adjust(res$P, n = length(usedGO(tg.obj))) else res$P,
            Term = res$Term,
            # all terms from res are in GO2genes, because re has been computed using GO2genes
            genes = GO2genes[res$go_id]
  } else {

# test for an accumulation of high-evidence association scores in functionally connected modules 
gwas2networkModuleEnrich <- function(
    wholegraph, # igraph graph object with vertex attributes name and P
    module # igraph graph object with vertex attributes name and P
) {
  whole <- V(wholegraph)$P
  names(whole) <- V(wholegraph)$name
  mod <- V(module)$P
  names(mod) <- V(module)$name
  # all genes in the module have to be present in the universe network
  if(!all(names(mod) %in% names(whole))) {
    warning("gwas2networkModuleEnrich; Genes from the module are not contained in the global network. Enrichment score is not being calculated.")
    p <- NA
  } else {
    dat <- data.frame(p = V(wholegraph)$P, inmod = V(wholegraph)$name %in% V(module)$name)
    p <- wilcox.test(p ~ inmod, data = dat, alternative = "greater")$p.value
    # greater/less relates to the first argument, we are interested whether mod p-values are smaller (less) 
#    p <- wilcox.test(mod, whole, alternative = "less")$p.value
  legend.v <- data.frame(
      name = "postgwasEnrichLegendVertexModule", 
      label = paste("Module score:", signif(p)),
      # has lowest weight and will be listed first in the legend
      weight = 0, 
      P = NA,
      SNP = NA, 
      degree = 0,
      marked = FALSE, 
      label.color = "black",
      color = "black"
  return(list(p = p, legend.v = legend.v)) 
merns/postgwas documentation built on May 22, 2019, 6:53 p.m.