aggregate.area | aggregate |
aggregate.dsensemble | aggregate.dsensemble |
aggregate.grid | aggregate.grid |
aggregate.size | aggregate |
aggregate.station | aggregate |
allgood | A small function that removes stations with missing values... |
annual | Conversion to esd objects. |
anomaly | Anomaly and Climatology |
approx.lonlat | Extention of 'approx' for longitude and latitude |
AreaClimateIndicator | Read daily station data of the Norwegian Meteorological... |
as.appended | Extract attributes |
as.comb | Coerce input to a 'comb' object |
as.decimal | Simple and handy functions |
as.eof | Coerce input to an 'eof' object | | Transform an input object into an 'events' object |
as.field | Coerce input to a 'field' object |
as.field.comb | Coerce input to a 'field' object |
as.field.default | Coerce input to a 'field' object |
as.field.ds | Coerce input to a 'field' object |
as.field.dsensemble | Coerce input to a 'field' object |
as.field.eof | Coerce input to a 'field' object |
as.field.field | Coerce input to a 'field' object |
as.field.station | Coerce input to a 'field' object |
as.field.zoo | Coerce input to a 'field' object |
as.pca | Coerce input to a 'pca' object |
as.pca.ds | Coerce input to a 'pca' object |
as.pca.station | Coerce input to a 'pca' object |
as.residual | Calculate residual |
as.stand | Normalise data |
as.station | Coerce input to a 'station' object |
as.station.dsensemble | Coerce input to a 'station' object |
as.station.dsensemble.pca | Coerce input into a station object |
as.trajectory | Transform an input object into a 'trajectory' object |
attrcp | Copy attributes |
balls | Extention of points |
barplot.station | create a barplot |
biasfix | Bias correct |
calculate.cyclonebudget | Calculate and plot the cyclone budget |
cartesian2sphere | Convert Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates |
cbind.field | Extension of rbind for field objects |
CCA | Canonical correlation analysis |
C.C.eq | Various formulas, equations and transforms. |
CCI | Calculus Cyclone identification. |
check.bad.dates | Check dates for impossibilities |
check.ncdf4 | Check netcdf file |
clean.station | Remove stations with a lot of missing data |
clim2pca | PCA analysis of the seasonal cycle |
climvar | Seasonally varying variance |
cmip3.model_id | Clean up CMIP3 and CMIP5 meta data |
cmipgcmresolution | GCM spatial resolution |
coherence | Coherence spectrum - cross-spectrum analysis | | Display a color bar object on an existing plot. |
colbar.ini | Display a color bar object on an existing plot. |
colscal | Generate a color scale |
combine | Combine |
concat.ESGF | concat.ESGF Concatenate netcdf files from ESGF into a... |
corfield | Correlation | | Count the number of events per month |
crossval | Cross-validation |
cumugram | InfoGraphics |
datafrequency | Calculate the frequency |
day2IDF | Calculate approximate intensity-duration-frequency (IDF)... |
degrees2radians | Transform degrees to radians |
density2count | Estimate the storm count based on cyclone density |
diagnose | Diagnose |
diagram | Visualise - different type of plotting... |
distAB | Calculate distance between points on earth |
DS | Downscale |
DSensemble | Downscale ensemble runs |
dT | Calculates the t-derivatives for a time series |
dX | Derivatives |
ele2param | Dictionary and conversion tools between esd element... |
enumerate | Enumerate trajectories |
EOF | Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs). |
EOF.mvcomb | Multivariate Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs). |
ERA5.CDS | R-script that downloads daily data from the Copernicus... |
events2field | Transform an input object into a 'field' object |
events2station | Transform an 'event' object into a 'station' object |
expandpca | expandpca |
file.class | Used to check the contents in netCDF file. | | Abbreviated time frequency names | | Full time frequency names |
g2dl | Transform longitudes between a system of 0-360E and 180W-180E |
generate_varlabel | Generate label for maps and plots |
getatt | Reads and extracts the attribute information in a netCDF... |
getncid | Generic function to retrieve information from a netcdf file |
graph | InfoGraphics |
gridbox | Draw a gridbox with provided colour |
gridmap | Creates a gridded map |
gridstation | Function for gridding station data Y. |
HadCRUT4 | Download HadCRUT4 temperature data from UK MetOffice |
HDD | Heating, growing and cooling degree days |
history.stamp | This function adds a stamp in the history of x with... |
histwet | Compute a histogram of the wet-day mean precipitation |
hotsummerdays | Projection of hot and cold day statistics |
howsimilar | howsimilar |
iid.test | iid test & n.records |
image.plot | Plot image |
is.inside | A test to see if a point is inside a polygon |
is.T | Test object type |
kge | Model efficiency evaluation |
lag.station | Wrap-around for lag.zoo to work on station and field objects |
LatLon2UTM | Coordinate transformations |
list_thredds | A function that lists files on thredds catalogue. |
lon | Shortcuts to attributes |
manual | Help and assistance |
map | Plot maps for esd objects |
map.dsensemble | expandpca |
map.trajectory | Plot trajectory maps |
mask | Function that masks either ocean or land |
matchdate | Match date of one object with another object or date string |
meps | Function to read weather forecast data for the Nordic domain... |
meta.ESGF | Read metadata from ESGF |
metaextract | Function to extract the metadata from local NetCDF files |
meta.senda | A function that provides metadata for S-ENDA data on thredds. | | Retrieve records from, for one element and one... | | Download METNO station metadata using |
mvcombine | Multivariate combination of fileds |
MVR | Multi-variate regression |
nam2expr | name to expression - only valid for temperature |
NAO | Functions to read climate indices from sources on the... |
NASAgiss | Download GISS Sea Surface Temperature data from NASA |
nc4add.stations | Combine or append netCDF files for stations into one. Used... |
NE | Various formulas, equations and transforms. |
nearest | 'nearest' selects the time series in 'x' that are closest to... |
pca2eof | Transform 'pca' to 'eof' |
pcafill | PCA-based missing-value filling |
PCA.trajectory | Principle component analysis of trajectory objects. |
pentad | Aggregate data - calculate 5 year average |
plot.cca | Plot esd objects |
plot.diagnose | Diagnosis plots |
plot.double | Plot esd objects |
plot.ds | Plot esd objects |
plot.dsensemble | Plot esd objects |
plot.dsensemble.multi | Plot multiple stations/spatially aggregated field. | | Plot one station |
plot.dsensemble.pca | plot dsensemble pca results |
plot.eof | Plot esd objects |
plot.field | Plot esd objects |
plot.mvr | Plot esd objects |
plot.nevents | Plot esd objects |
plot.pca | Plot esd objects |
plot.spell | Plot esd objects |
plot.ssa | Plot esd objects |
plot.station | Plot esd objects |
plot.trajectory | Plot esd objects |
plot.xval | plot cross-validation |
precip.Pr | Various formulas, equations and transforms. |
precip.rv | Various formulas, equations and transforms. |
precip.vul | Various formulas, equations and transforms. |
predict.ds | Prediction based on DS or CCA model |
predictorpatterns | Extract predictor patterns from a dse-object and apply a... |
provenance | A function that extracts the history/provenance of an object.... |
qp.test | quantile-quantile plot |
radar | Function to read radar data from |
radians2degrees | Transform radians to degrees |
rainequation | Rain equation |
rbind.field | Extension of rbind for field objects | | Read tropical storm trajectory data from... |
read.imilast | Read cyclone data |
reafill | Fill in gaps of missing data. 'reafill' is an alternative to... |
regrid | Regrid |
retrieve | Retrieve field data from a netcdf file. |
retrieve.ESGF | Retrieve CMIP data directly from the Earth System Grid... |
sametimescale | Function to ensure that station y has the same time scale as... |
scatter | Advanced scatter plots |
seasevol | Visualise the seasonal evolution of a daily time series | | Season abbreviation |
season.default | Conversion to esd objects. |
season.trajectory | Functions to process and analyse storm trajectories |
select.station | Select from meta data base |
senorge | Function to read seNorge daily temperature and precipitation... |
showmaps | combined maps with northern and southern stereographic... |
softattr | Get names of attributes |
sort.station | Routine for sorting the order of station series. |
spell | Spell statistics |
sphere2cartesian | Convert rotated spherical coordinates back to Cartesian... |
spherical_contour | Function to plot contours on spherical grid |
SSA | Singular Spectrum Analysis |
station | Retrieve station record from a given data source. |
station2field | Transform 'station' to 'field' |
station.senda | A function that provides reads S-ENDA data from thredds. |
station.thredds | Read daily station data of the Norwegian Meteorological... |
subset.Default | Subsetting esd objects |
subset.dsensemble | Subsetting esd objects |
subset.radiosonde | exportS3Method |
summary.dsensemble | Show summary of objects |
summary.ncdf4 | Summary of netcdf file |
summary.station | Show summary of objects |
sunspots | sunspots |
t2m.NCEP | Sample data |
t2m.Pr | Various formulas, equations and transforms. |
t2m.vul | Various formulas, equations and transforms. |
test.ds.field | Test function for DS.field | | This function tests the WG for precipitation:... |
track | 3-step cyclone tracking algorithm. |
trackdensity | Calculate density of trajectories |
trackstats | Calculate trajectory statistics |
trajectory2field | Transform an input object into a 'field' object |
trajectory2station | Transform an input object into a 'station' object |
trend | Trending and detrending data |
trend.dsensemble | trend.dsensemble |
trendmap.dsensemble | trendplot.dsensemble |
update.ncdf4.station | update.ncdf4.station |
UTM2LatLon | Coordinate transformations |
validate | Validate |
vec | Draw vectors on maps for esd objects |
vis | InfoGraphics |
visprob | InfoGraphics |
vis.trends | Visualise trends for multiple overlapping periods |
WG | Weather generators for conditioned on simulated climate... |
wheel | InfoGraphics |
wheel.spell | S3 method of 'wheel' for "spell" objects |
wheel.station | S3 method of 'wheel' for "station" objects |
windrose | Wind analysis |
write2ncdf4 | Saves climate data as netCDF. |
write2ncdf4.dsensemble | Saves climate data as netCDF. |
write2ncdf4.eof | Unfinished function that doesn't do anything. |
write2ncdf4.list | Saves climate data as netCDF. |
write2ncdf4.pca | Saves climate data as netCDF. |
write2ncdf4.station | Saves climate data as netCDF. |
year | Conversion to esd objects. |
ylab | Create a label for plots |
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