Man pages for metno/esd
Climate analysis and empirical-statistical downscaling (ESD) package for monthly and daily data

allgoodA small function that removes stations with missing values...
annualConversion to esd objects.
anomalyAnomaly and Climatology
approx.lonlatExtention of 'approx' for longitude and latitude
AreaClimateIndicatorRead daily station data of the Norwegian Meteorological...
as.appendedExtract attributes
as.combCoerce input to a 'comb' object
as.decimalSimple and handy functions
as.eofCoerce input to an 'eof' object
as.eventsTransform an input object into an 'events' object
as.fieldCoerce input to a 'field' object
as.field.combCoerce input to a 'field' object
as.field.defaultCoerce input to a 'field' object
as.field.dsCoerce input to a 'field' object
as.field.dsensembleCoerce input to a 'field' object
as.field.eofCoerce input to a 'field' object
as.field.fieldCoerce input to a 'field' object
as.field.stationCoerce input to a 'field' object
as.field.zooCoerce input to a 'field' object
as.pcaCoerce input to a 'pca' object
as.pca.dsCoerce input to a 'pca' object
as.pca.stationCoerce input to a 'pca' object
as.residualCalculate residual
as.standNormalise data
as.stationCoerce input to a 'station' object
as.station.dsensembleCoerce input to a 'station' object
as.station.dsensemble.pcaCoerce input into a station object
as.trajectoryTransform an input object into a 'trajectory' object
attrcpCopy attributes
ballsExtention of points
barplot.stationcreate a barplot
biasfixBias correct
calculate.cyclonebudgetCalculate and plot the cyclone budget
cartesian2sphereConvert Cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates
cbind.fieldExtension of rbind for field objects
CCACanonical correlation analysis
C.C.eqVarious formulas, equations and transforms.
CCICalculus Cyclone identification.
check.bad.datesCheck dates for impossibilities
check.ncdf4Check netcdf file
clean.stationRemove stations with a lot of missing data
clim2pcaPCA analysis of the seasonal cycle
climvarSeasonally varying variance
cmip3.model_idClean up CMIP3 and CMIP5 meta data
cmipgcmresolutionGCM spatial resolution
coherenceCoherence spectrum - cross-spectrum analysis
col.barDisplay a color bar object on an existing plot.
colbar.iniDisplay a color bar object on an existing plot.
colscalGenerate a color scale
concat.ESGFconcat.ESGF Concatenate netcdf files from ESGF into a...
count.eventsCount the number of events per month
datafrequencyCalculate the frequency
day2IDFCalculate approximate intensity-duration-frequency (IDF)...
degrees2radiansTransform degrees to radians
density2countEstimate the storm count based on cyclone density
diagramVisualise - different type of plotting...
distABCalculate distance between points on earth
DSensembleDownscale ensemble runs
dTCalculates the t-derivatives for a time series
ele2paramDictionary and conversion tools between esd element...
enumerateEnumerate trajectories
EOFEmpirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs).
EOF.mvcombMultivariate Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs).
ERA5.CDSR-script that downloads daily data from the Copernicus...
events2fieldTransform an input object into a 'field' object
events2stationTransform an 'event' object into a 'station' object
file.classUsed to check the contents in netCDF file.
frequency.abbAbbreviated time frequency names
frequency.nameFull time frequency names
g2dlTransform longitudes between a system of 0-360E and 180W-180E
generate_varlabelGenerate label for maps and plots
getattReads and extracts the attribute information in a netCDF...
getncidGeneric function to retrieve information from a netcdf file
gridboxDraw a gridbox with provided colour
gridmapCreates a gridded map
gridstationFunction for gridding station data Y.
HadCRUT4Download HadCRUT4 temperature data from UK MetOffice
HDDHeating, growing and cooling degree days
history.stampThis function adds a stamp in the history of x with...
histwetCompute a histogram of the wet-day mean precipitation
hotsummerdaysProjection of hot and cold day statistics
iid.testiid test & n.records
image.plotPlot image
is.insideA test to see if a point is inside a polygon
is.TTest object type
kgeModel efficiency evaluation
lag.stationWrap-around for lag.zoo to work on station and field objects
LatLon2UTMCoordinate transformations
list_threddsA function that lists files on thredds catalogue.
lonShortcuts to attributes
manualHelp and assistance
mapPlot maps for esd objects
map.trajectoryPlot trajectory maps
maskFunction that masks either ocean or land
matchdateMatch date of one object with another object or date string
mepsFunction to read weather forecast data for the Nordic domain...
meta.ESGFRead metadata from ESGF
metaextractFunction to extract the metadata from local NetCDF files
meta.sendaA function that provides metadata for S-ENDA data on thredds.
metno.frost.dataRetrieve records from, for one element and one...
metno.frost.meta.dayDownload METNO station metadata using
mvcombineMultivariate combination of fileds
MVRMulti-variate regression
nam2exprname to expression - only valid for temperature
NAOFunctions to read climate indices from sources on the...
NASAgissDownload GISS Sea Surface Temperature data from NASA
nc4add.stationsCombine or append netCDF files for stations into one. Used...
NEVarious formulas, equations and transforms.
nearest'nearest' selects the time series in 'x' that are closest to...
pca2eofTransform 'pca' to 'eof'
pcafillPCA-based missing-value filling
PCA.trajectoryPrinciple component analysis of trajectory objects.
pentadAggregate data - calculate 5 year average
plot.ccaPlot esd objects
plot.diagnoseDiagnosis plots
plot.doublePlot esd objects
plot.dsPlot esd objects
plot.dsensemblePlot esd objects
plot.dsensemble.multiPlot multiple stations/spatially aggregated field.
plot.dsensemble.onePlot one station
plot.dsensemble.pcaplot dsensemble pca results
plot.eofPlot esd objects
plot.fieldPlot esd objects
plot.mvrPlot esd objects
plot.neventsPlot esd objects
plot.pcaPlot esd objects
plot.spellPlot esd objects
plot.ssaPlot esd objects
plot.stationPlot esd objects
plot.trajectoryPlot esd objects
plot.xvalplot cross-validation
precip.PrVarious formulas, equations and transforms.
precip.rvVarious formulas, equations and transforms.
precip.vulVarious formulas, equations and transforms.
predict.dsPrediction based on DS or CCA model
predictorpatternsExtract predictor patterns from a dse-object and apply a...
provenanceA function that extracts the history/provenance of an object....
qp.testquantile-quantile plot
radarFunction to read radar data from
radians2degreesTransform radians to degrees
rainequationRain equation
rbind.fieldExtension of rbind for field objects tropical storm trajectory data from...
read.imilastRead cyclone data
reafillFill in gaps of missing data. 'reafill' is an alternative to...
retrieveRetrieve field data from a netcdf file.
retrieve.ESGFRetrieve CMIP data directly from the Earth System Grid...
sametimescaleFunction to ensure that station y has the same time scale as...
scatterAdvanced scatter plots
seasevolVisualise the seasonal evolution of a daily time series
season.abbSeason abbreviation
season.defaultConversion to esd objects.
season.trajectoryFunctions to process and analyse storm trajectories
select.stationSelect from meta data base
senorgeFunction to read seNorge daily temperature and precipitation...
showmapscombined maps with northern and southern stereographic...
softattrGet names of attributes
sort.stationRoutine for sorting the order of station series.
spellSpell statistics
sphere2cartesianConvert rotated spherical coordinates back to Cartesian...
spherical_contourFunction to plot contours on spherical grid
SSASingular Spectrum Analysis
stationRetrieve station record from a given data source.
station2fieldTransform 'station' to 'field'
station.sendaA function that provides reads S-ENDA data from thredds.
station.threddsRead daily station data of the Norwegian Meteorological...
subset.DefaultSubsetting esd objects
subset.dsensembleSubsetting esd objects
summary.dsensembleShow summary of objects
summary.ncdf4Summary of netcdf file
summary.stationShow summary of objects
t2m.NCEPSample data
t2m.PrVarious formulas, equations and transforms.
t2m.vulVarious formulas, equations and transforms.
test.ds.fieldTest function for DS.field function tests the WG for precipitation:...
track3-step cyclone tracking algorithm.
trackdensityCalculate density of trajectories
trackstatsCalculate trajectory statistics
trajectory2fieldTransform an input object into a 'field' object
trajectory2stationTransform an input object into a 'station' object
trendTrending and detrending data
UTM2LatLonCoordinate transformations
vecDraw vectors on maps for esd objects
vis.trendsVisualise trends for multiple overlapping periods
WGWeather generators for conditioned on simulated climate...
wheel.spellS3 method of 'wheel' for "spell" objects
wheel.stationS3 method of 'wheel' for "station" objects
windroseWind analysis
write2ncdf4Saves climate data as netCDF.
write2ncdf4.dsensembleSaves climate data as netCDF.
write2ncdf4.eofUnfinished function that doesn't do anything.
write2ncdf4.listSaves climate data as netCDF.
write2ncdf4.pcaSaves climate data as netCDF.
write2ncdf4.stationSaves climate data as netCDF.
yearConversion to esd objects.
ylabCreate a label for plots
metno/esd documentation built on Feb. 25, 2025, 6:44 p.m.