#' aggregate
#' The aggregation functions are based on the S3 method for \code{zoo} objects,
#' but takes care of extra house keeping, such as attributes with meta data.
#' \code{aggregate.area} is used for aggregating spatial statistics, such as
#' the global mean or the global area of some phenomenon.
#' The function \code{aggregateArea} is exactly the same as \code{aggregate.area}.
#' @seealso aggregate aggregate.size
#' @aliases aggregateArea
#' @param x A \code{\link{station}} object
#' @param it A list or data.frame providing time index, see \code{\link{subset}}
#' @param is A list or data.frame providing space index, see \code{\link{subset}}
#' @param FUN A function, e.g., 'sum' or 'mean'
#' @param na.rm a boolean; if TRUE ignore NA, see \code{\link{mean}}
#' @param smallx a boolean defaulting to FALSE
#' @param verbose a boolean; if TRUE print information about progress
#' @param a radius of earth (unit: km)
#' @param threshold threshold to be used if FUN is 'area','exceedance', or 'lessthan'
#' @param \dots additional arguments
#' @return The call returns a station object
#' @author R.E. Benestad
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' ## S3 method for class 'station'
#' data(Svalbard)
#' x <- aggregate(Svalbard, month, FUN='mean', na.rm=TRUE)
#' plot(x)
#' ## S3 method for class 'field'
#' slp <- slp.DNMI()
#' y <- aggregate(slp, year, FUN='mean', na.rm=FALSE)
#' ## Aggregate area
#' w <- aggregate.area(y)
#' plot(w)
#' @export aggregate.area
aggregate.area <- function(x,...,is=NULL,it=NULL,FUN='sum',
a=6378, threshold=NULL) {
y <- aggregateArea(x,...,is=is,it=it,FUN=FUN,
a=a, threshold=threshold)
index(y) <- index(x) ## something funny happened to the index.
aggregateArea <- function(x,...,is=NULL,it=NULL,FUN='sum',
a=6378, threshold=NULL) {
# Estimate the area-aggregated values, e.g. the global mean (default)
if (verbose) print(paste("aggregateArea",FUN))
## REB 20201-02-15: fix the class
cls0 <- class(x)
if (verbose) print(cls0)
if (verbose) {
if (FUN=='sum') print(rowSums(coredata(x),na.rm=TRUE)) else
if (inherits(x,'eof')) {
if (verbose) print('aggregate.area for EOF')
y <- as.pattern(x)
ya <- aggregate.area(y,is=is,FUN=FUN,na.rm=na.rm,smallx=smallx,verbose=verbose,
if (verbose) {print(length(ya)); print(length(attr(x,'eigenvalues'))); print(t(dim(coredata(x))))}
z <- apply(diag(ya*attr(x,'eigenvalues')) %*% t(coredata(x)),2,FUN='sum')
if (is.zoo(x)) z <- zoo(x=z,order.by=index(x))
attr(z,'history') <- history.stamp(x)
x <- subset(x,is=is,it=it,verbose=verbose)
if ( (verbose) & (!is.null(is) | !is.null(it)) ) {
if (FUN=='sum') print(rowSums(coredata(x),na.rm=TRUE)) else
if (inherits(FUN,'function')) FUN <- deparse(substitute(FUN)) # REB140314
if (!is.null(attr(x,'dimensions'))) d <- attr(x,'dimensions') else d <- c(dim(x),1)
if (verbose) print(paste('dimensions',paste(d,collapse='-')))
if (inherits(x,'pattern')) {
if (verbose) print('need to make the pattern look like field')
dim(x) <- c(d[1]*d[2],d[3])
x <- t(x)
srtlat <- order(rep(lat(x),d[1]))
dY <- a*diff(pi*lat(x)/180)[1]
dtheta <- diff(pi*lon(x)/180)[1]
## The first assumes a global field and the second is for a limited longitude range
#if (diff(range(lon(x)))> 350) {
# aweights <- rep(dY * 2*pi/d[1] * a*cos(pi*lat(x)/180),d[1])[srtlat]
#} else {
aweights <- rep(dY * dtheta * a*cos(pi*lat(x)/180),d[1])[srtlat]
if (verbose) print(sum(aweights))
if (FUN=='mean') {
aweights <- aweights/sum(aweights,na.rm=TRUE)
FUN <- 'sum'
if (verbose) print(paste('Sum of aweights should be area or 1:',round(sum(aweights))))
## REB: For sum, we also need to consider the area:
if (FUN %in% c('sum','area','exceedance','exceedence','lessthan')) {
if (FUN=='area') {
## Estimate the area of the grid boxes
coredata(x) -> cx
if (is.null(threshold)) {
cx[is.finite(cx)] <- 1; cx[!is.finite(cx)] <- 0
} else {
cx[cx<threshold] <- 0; cx[cx >= threshold] <- 1
coredata(x) <- cx; rm('cx'); gc(reset=TRUE)
FUN <- 'sum'
} else if ( (FUN %in% c('exceedance','exceedence')) & !is.null(threshold) ) {
# Estimate the sum of grid boxes with higher value than threshold
coredata(x) -> cx
cx[cx < threshold] <- NA
coredata(x) <- cx; rm('cx'); gc(reset=TRUE)
FUN <- 'sum'
} else if ( (FUN == 'lessthan') & !is.null(threshold) ) {
# Estimate the sum of grid boxes with lower value than threshold
coredata(x) -> cx
cx[cx >= threshold] <- NA
coredata(x) <- cx; rm('cx'); gc(reset=TRUE)
FUN <- 'sum'
attr(x,'unit') <- paste(attr(x,'unit'),' * km^2')
if (smallx) {
if (sum(!is.finite(x))==0) {
X <- coredata(x)%*%diag(aweights)
} else {
if (verbose) print('Need to account for missing data in the area weighting')
Aweights <- rep(aweights,length(index(x)))
dim(Aweights) <- dim(x)
print('This is incomplete - needs checking!')
Aweights[!is.finite(coredata(x))] <- NA
Aweights <- Aweights/apply(Aweights,1,FUN='sum',na.rm=TRUE)
X <- coredata(X)*Aweights
y <- zoo(apply(X,1,FUN,na.rm=na.rm),order.by=index(x))
} else {
X <- coredata(x)
if (d[3]==1) dim(X) <- c(1,length(X)) ## If only one map, then set the dimensions right to get a matrix.
if (verbose) {print(dim(X)); print(length(aweights))}
for (i in 1:d[3]) {
## Temporary weights to account for variable gaps of missing data
aweights2 <- aweights
aweights2[!is.finite(coredata(X[i,]))] <- NA
aweights2 <- aweights2/sum(aweights2,na.rm=TRUE)
X[i,] <- X[i,]*aweights2
y <- zoo(apply(X,1,FUN,na.rm=na.rm),order.by=index(X))
if (verbose) print(y)
Y <- as.station(y,loc=paste('area',FUN,'of',src(x)),
method=paste(FUN,attr(x,'method')),type='area aggregate',
if (verbose) attr(Y,'aweights') <- aweights
## REB 20201-02-15: fix the class
class(Y) <- c('station',cls0[-1])
attr(Y,'history') <- history.stamp(x)
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