## Map projections - a wrapper function that uses the sf-package and its projection facilities
## Map projections are: Goode projection, Universal Transverse Mercator projection, Mollweide projection,
## and the Robinson projection
## KMP 2024-08-19 This needs to be exported. Otherwise map.default can't find it.
#' @export map.sf
map.sf <- function(x,...,FUN='mean',it=NULL,is=NULL,new=FALSE,
colbar= list(pal=NULL,rev=FALSE,n=10,breaks=NULL,pos=0.05,
verbose=FALSE,plot=TRUE,add=FALSE) {
if (verbose) print(paste0('map.sf: ',projection))
## KMP 2024-08-19: Packages should not be loaded within a function!
## It is better to check if the necessary packages are installed and stop with a warning if they are not.
## Then you can call the packages explicitly at use. That way it is also easier to see what the external packages are used for.
## Is sf actually used here?
#require('sf'); require('oce')
if(!requireNamespace("sf",quietly=TRUE)) {
stop(paste0("Package \"sf\" needed to use the map projection", projection,". Please install it."))
if(!requireNamespace("oce",quietly=TRUE)) {
stop(paste0("Package \"oce\" needed to use the map projection", projection,". Please install it."))
args <- list(...)
main <- args$main
data(coastlineWorld, package="oce")
par(mar=c(2.5, 1, 1.5, 1),bty='n')
lon <- lon(x)
lat <- lat(x)
projection <- paste0(projection,' +lat_1=',min(lat),' +lat_2=',max(lat),
' +lon_1=',min(lon),' +lon_2=',max(lon))
if (verbose) print(projection)
if (inherits(x,'field')) z <- apply(x,2,FUN=FUN) else z <- x
if (!is.null(colbar)) {
if (verbose) print('set colour scheme')
colbar <- colbar.ini(x,FUN=FUN,colbar=colbar,verbose=FALSE)
if (verbose) print(c(length(z),length(lon),length(lat)))
dim(z) <- c(length(lon),length(lat))
cm <- oce::colormap(z=z,col=colbar$col,breaks=colbar$breaks)
if(is.null(xlim) | is.null(ylim)) oce::mapPlot(coastlineWorld, projection=projection,
grid=gridlines, col="lightgray", main=main) else
oce::mapPlot(coastlineWorld, projection=projection, grid=gridlines, col="lightgray",
longitudelim=xlim, latitudelim=ylim, main=main)
if (length(grep('fill',type))>0) oce::mapImage(lon, lat, z, colormap=cm)
if (length(grep('contour',type))>0) oce::mapContour(lon, lat, z, col='black')
oce::mapLines(coastlineWorld, col="lightgray")
if (verbose) print('colour legend')
lab.breaks=colbar$breaks,horizontal = TRUE,
legend.only = TRUE, zlim = range(colbar$breaks),
col = colbar$col, legend.width = 1,
axis.args = list(cex.axis = 1,hadj = 0.5,mgp = c(0, 0.5, 0)),
border = FALSE, verbose=FALSE)
title(sub = unit(x), line = 1, cex.sub = 0.7)
## Return the data in case it should be processed further
attr(z,'lon') <- lon
attr(z,'lat') <- lat
attr(z,'colbar') <- colbar
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