
context("testing a composable workflow and running bbi")

# testing a composable workflow
# This test file actually runs the bbi calls
# and so it must have working version of both bbi and NONMEM.
# Because of this, it is disabled unless on Metworx.
# Additionally, tests in this file rely on each other
# and therefore must be run in order.

# can't run on Drone because there's no NONMEM
if (Sys.getenv("METWORX_VERSION") == "" || Sys.getenv("SKIP_BBI_TEST") == "true") {
  skip("test-workflow-bbi only runs on Metworx because it needs NONMEM installed")
skip_long_tests("skipping long-running bbi workflow tests")

# define constants
MODEL_DIR_BBI <- file.path(dirname(ABS_MODEL_DIR), "test-workflow-bbi-models")

# cleanup function
cleanup_bbi <- function(.recreate_dir = FALSE) {
  if (fs::dir_exists(MODEL_DIR_BBI)) fs::dir_delete(MODEL_DIR_BBI)
  if (isTRUE(.recreate_dir)) fs::dir_create(MODEL_DIR_BBI)
cleanup_bbi(.recreate_dir = TRUE)

# set options and run tests
  bbr.bbi_exe_path = read_bbi_path(),
  bbr.verbose = FALSE), {

  # cleanup when done
    Sys.sleep(3) # wait for some NONMEM mess to delete itself

  # clear old bbi.yaml
  if (fs::file_exists(file.path(MODEL_DIR_BBI, "bbi.yaml"))) fs::file_delete(file.path(MODEL_DIR_BBI, "bbi.yaml"))

  # create new bbi.yaml
    .nonmem_dir = Sys.getenv("BBR_TESTS_NONMEM_DIR", "/opt/NONMEM"),
    .nonmem_version = Sys.getenv("BBR_TESTS_NONMEM_VERSION", "nm74gf"),
    .bbi_args = list(mpi_exec_path = get_mpiexec_path())

  # copy model file into new model dir
  fs::file_copy(CTL_TEST_FILE, MODEL_DIR_BBI)

  # create model from R

  test_that("step by step create_model to submit_model to model_summary works [BBR-WRKF-001]", {
    # create model
    mod1 <- new_model(
      file.path(MODEL_DIR_BBI, "1"),
      .description = "original test-workflow-bbi model",
      .tags = ORIG_TAGS,
      .bbi_args = list(threads = 4, parallel = TRUE)
    expect_identical(class(mod1), NM_MOD_CLASS_LIST)

    # submit model
    proc1 <- submit_model(mod1, .mode = "local", .wait = TRUE)
    expect_identical(class(proc1), PROC_CLASS_LIST)

    # get summary from model object
    sum1 <- mod1 %>% model_summary()

    # can't check against SUMMARY_REF_FILE because run time, etc. will be different
    # so we just check the structure
    expect_identical(class(sum1), NM_SUM_CLASS_LIST)
    expect_identical(names(sum1), SUM_NAMES_REF)

    # As a quick check that the model run was successful, verify that THETA
    # values are in ballpark of reference values.
    ref_theta <- dplyr::filter(
      stringr::str_detect(parameter_names, "^THETA")
      unname(get_theta(sum1)), ref_theta[["estimate"]],
      tolerance = 1

  test_that("copying model works and new models run correctly [BBR-WRKF-002]", {
    mod1 <- read_model(file.path(MODEL_DIR_BBI, "1"))
    mod2 <- copy_model_from(mod1) # should auto-increment to 2.ctl
    mod3 <- copy_model_from(mod1, 3, .inherit_tags = TRUE) %>% add_bbi_args(list(clean_lvl=2))

    # run new models
    list(mod2, mod3) %>% submit_models(.mode = "local", .wait = TRUE)

    # get summary from model object
    sum2 <- mod2 %>% model_summary()
    expect_identical(class(sum2), NM_SUM_CLASS_LIST)
    expect_identical(names(sum2), SUM_NAMES_REF)

    # Quick check that model run was successful (see comment above).
    ref_theta <- dplyr::filter(
      stringr::str_detect(parameter_names, "^THETA")
      unname(get_theta(sum2)), ref_theta[["estimate"]],
      tolerance = 1

    # Run of same model on same system gives same result.

    # add some tags to new model
    mod2 <- mod2 %>% add_tags(NEW_TAGS)

  test_that(".overwrite argument works for submitting models [BBR-WRKF-008]", {
    mod1 <- read_model(file.path(MODEL_DIR_BBI, "1"))
    mod2 <- read_model(file.path(MODEL_DIR_BBI, "2"))
    mod3 <- read_model(file.path(MODEL_DIR_BBI, "3"))

    # check that overwrite error parses correctly
      submit_model(mod1, .mode = "local", .wait = TRUE),
      regexp = "The target output directory already exists"
      submit_models(list(mod2, mod3), .mode = "local", .wait = TRUE),
      regexp = "The target output directory already exists"

    # check that .overwrite works
    submit_model(mod1, .mode = "local", .wait = TRUE, .overwrite = TRUE)
    submit_models(list(mod2, mod3), .mode = "local", .wait = TRUE, .overwrite = TRUE)
    log_df <- summary_log(MODEL_DIR_BBI)

    # check that models finished successfully
    expect_equal(nrow(log_df), 3)

  test_that("config_log() works correctly [BBR-WRKF-003]", {
    # check config log for all models so far
    log_df <- config_log(MODEL_DIR_BBI)
    expect_equal(nrow(log_df), 3)
    expect_equal(ncol(log_df), CONFIG_COLS)

  test_that(".wait = FALSE returns correctly [BBR-WRKF-004]", {
    # launch a model but don't wait for it to finish
    mod1 <- read_model(file.path(MODEL_DIR_BBI, "1"))
    proc <- copy_model_from(mod1, 4, .inherit_tags = TRUE) %>% submit_model(.mode = "local", .wait = FALSE)
    expect_true(stringr::str_detect(proc[[PROC_STDOUT]], ".wait = FALSE"))

  test_that("run_log() captures runs correctly [BBR-WRKF-005]", {
    # check run log for all models
    log_df <- run_log(MODEL_DIR_BBI)
    expect_equal(nrow(log_df), 4)
    expect_equal(ncol(log_df), RUN_LOG_COLS)
    expect_identical(basename(log_df[[ABS_MOD_PATH]]), as.character(seq(1:4)))
    expect_identical(log_df$description, c("original test-workflow-bbi model", rep(NA_character_, 3)))
    expect_identical(log_df$tags, list(ORIG_TAGS, NEW_TAGS, ORIG_TAGS, ORIG_TAGS))

  test_that("add_config() works with in progress model run [BBR-WRKF-006]", {
    # add config log to run log
    log_df <- expect_warning(
      run_log(MODEL_DIR_BBI) %>% add_config(),
      regexp = "in progress"
    expect_equal(nrow(log_df), 4)
    expect_equal(ncol(log_df), RUN_LOG_COLS + CONFIG_COLS-2)

    # check that the running model has NA for config fields
    expect_equal(sum(is.na(log_df$model_md5)), 1L)

  test_that("submit_model() works with non-NULL .config_path [BBR-WRKF-007]", {
    if (requireNamespace("withr", quietly = TRUE) &&
        utils::packageVersion("withr") < "2.2.0") {
      skip("must have withr >= 2.2.0 to run this test")

    test_dir <- getwd()
      # copy model, YAML, and data files to the same location
      files_to_copy <- file.path(
        c("1.ctl", "1.yaml", "../../../extdata/acop.csv")

      purrr::walk(files_to_copy, fs::file_copy, ".")

      # modify DATA to reflect location in temp dir
      ctl <- readr::read_file("1.ctl")
      ctl_mod <- stringr::str_replace(
        ctl, "\\$DATA\\s+[^\\s]+", "$DATA ../acop.csv"
      readr::write_file(ctl_mod, "1.ctl")

      mod <- read_model("1")
      res <- submit_model(
        .mode = "local",
        .config_path = file.path(MODEL_DIR_BBI, "bbi.yaml"),
        .wait = TRUE

      expect_true(any(grepl("--config", res[["cmd_args"]], fixed = TRUE)))
      expect_true(any(grepl("models completed", res[["stdout"]], fixed = TRUE)))

  test_that("wait_for_nonmem() correctly reads in stop time [BBR-UTL-012]", {
    # create model
    mod1 <- read_model(file.path(MODEL_DIR_BBI, "1"))
    submit_model(mod1, .mode = "local", .wait = FALSE)
    wait_for_nonmem(mod1, 100, .interval = 5)
    expect_true(suppressMessages(nrow(nm_tab(mod1)) > 1))

  test_that("wait_for_nonmem() doesn't error out if no stop time found [BBR-UTL-013]", {
    # model setup
    mod_fail <- copy_model_from(
      read_model(file.path(MODEL_DIR_BBI, "1")),

    # run model
    .p <- submit_model(mod_fail, .mode = "local", .wait = FALSE)

    # dont need high wait time since we know it failed
      wait_for_nonmem(mod_fail, 2, .interval = 1),
        "Expiration was reached"

  test_that("check_run_times() works with one model [BBR-CRT-001]", {
    mod1 <- read_model(file.path(MODEL_DIR_BBI, "1"))
    # warnings will trigger for bbi <= 3.1.1, but we still want to test this
    run_times <- check_run_times(mod1, .wait = FALSE) %>% suppressWarnings()
    expected_cols <- c("run", "threads", "estimation_time")
    expect_true(all(expected_cols %in% names(run_times)))
    expect_equal(dim(run_times), c(1, 3))

  test_that("check_run_times() works with multiple models [BBR-CRT-002]", {

    mods <- purrr::map(file.path(MODEL_DIR_BBI, 1:3), ~ read_model(.x))
    run_times <- check_run_times(mods, .wait = FALSE) %>% suppressWarnings()

    expected_cols <- c("run", "threads", "estimation_time")
    expect_true(all(expected_cols %in% names(run_times)))
    expect_equal(dim(run_times), c(3, 3))

  test_that("check_run_times() .return_times arg [BBR-CRT-003]", {
    mod1 <- read_model(file.path(MODEL_DIR_BBI, "1"))
    run_times <- check_run_times(mod1, .wait = FALSE, .return_times = "all")
    expected_cols <- c("run", "threads", "estimation_time", "covariance_time", "postprocess_time", "cpu_time")
    expect_true(all(expected_cols %in% names(run_times)))
    expect_equal(dim(run_times), c(1, 6))

    mods <- purrr::map(file.path(MODEL_DIR_BBI, 1:2), ~ read_model(.x))
    run_times <- check_run_times(mods, .wait = FALSE,
                                 .return_times = c("estimation_time", "covariance_time"))
    expected_cols <- c("run", "threads", "estimation_time", "covariance_time")
    expect_true(all(expected_cols %in% names(run_times)))
    expect_equal(dim(run_times), c(2, 4))

  test_that("check_run_times() waits for models to complete [BBR-CRT-004]", {
    mod1 <- read_model(file.path(MODEL_DIR_BBI, "1"))
    mod_threads <- test_threads(mod1, .threads = c(2, 4), .cap_iterations = 100, .mode = "local")
    run_times <- check_run_times(mod_threads, .wait = TRUE, .time_limit = 100) %>% suppressWarnings()
    # This will error if .wait didnt work
    expect_equal(dim(run_times), c(2, 3))

  test_that("check_run_times() works with a bbi_nonmem_summary object [BBR-CRT-005]", {
    mod1 <- read_model(file.path(MODEL_DIR_BBI, "1"))
    run_times <- model_summary(mod1)  %>% check_run_times(.wait = FALSE) %>% suppressWarnings()
    expect_equal(dim(run_times), c(1, 3))

  test_that("check_run_times() works with a bbi_summary_list object [BBR-CRT-006]", {
    mods <- purrr::map(file.path(MODEL_DIR_BBI, 1:3), ~ read_model(.x))
    run_times <- model_summaries(mods) %>% check_run_times(.wait = FALSE) %>% suppressWarnings()
    expect_equal(dim(run_times), c(3, 3))
}) # closing withr::with_options
metrumresearchgroup/rbabylon documentation built on March 15, 2024, 9:53 p.m.