
Defines functions install safe_install_packages safe_build_package msg_for_long_paths r_error_matches install_deps should_error_for_warnings

Documented in install_deps

install <- function(pkgdir, dependencies, quiet, build, build_opts, upgrade,
                    repos, type, ...) {


  if (file.exists(file.path(pkgdir, "src"))) {
    if (has_package("pkgbuild")) {
      pkgbuild::local_build_tools(required = TRUE)
    } else if (!has_devel()) {

  ## Check for circular dependencies. We need to know about the root
  ## of the install process.
  if (is_root_install()) on.exit(exit_from_root_install(), add = TRUE)
  if (check_for_circular_dependencies(pkgdir, quiet)) {

  install_deps(pkgdir, dependencies = dependencies, quiet = quiet,
    build = build, build_opts = build_opts, upgrade = upgrade, repos = repos, type = type, ...)

  # just give something character back

safe_install_packages <- function(...) {

  lib <- paste(.libPaths(), collapse = .Platform$path.sep)

  if (!is_standalone() &&
      has_package("crancache") && has_package("callr")) {
    i.p <- "crancache" %::% "install_packages"
  } else {
    i.p <- utils::install.packages

    c(R_LIBS = lib,
      R_LIBS_USER = lib,
      R_LIBS_SITE = lib),

    # Set options(warn = 2) for this process and child processes, so that
    # warnings from `install.packages()` are converted to errors.
    if (should_error_for_warnings()) {
      with_options(list(warn = 2),
        with_rprofile_user("options(warn = 2)",
    } else {

safe_build_package <- function(pkgdir, build_opts, dest_path, quiet, use_pkgbuild = !is_standalone() && pkg_installed("pkgbuild")) {
  if (use_pkgbuild) {
    vignettes <- TRUE
    manual <- FALSE
    has_no_vignettes <- grepl("--no-build-vignettes", build_opts)
    if (any(has_no_vignettes)) {
      vignettes <- FALSE
    has_no_manual <- grepl("--no-manual", build_opts)
    if (!any(has_no_manual)) {
      manual <- TRUE
    build_opts <- build_opts[!(has_no_vignettes | has_no_manual)]
    pkgbuild::build(pkgdir, dest_path = dest_path, binary = FALSE,
      vignettes = vignettes, manual = manual, args = build_opts, quiet = quiet)
  } else {
    # No pkgbuild, so we need to call R CMD build ourselves

    lib <- paste(.libPaths(), collapse = ":")
    env <- c(R_LIBS = lib,
      R_LIBS_USER = lib,
      R_LIBS_SITE = lib,
      R_PROFILE_USER = tempfile())

    pkgdir <- normalizePath(pkgdir)

    message("Running `R CMD build`...")
    in_dir(dest_path, {
      with_envvar(env, {
        output <- rcmd("build", c(build_opts, shQuote(pkgdir)), quiet = quiet,
                       fail_on_status = FALSE)

    if (output$status != 0) {
      cat(output$stdout, sep = "\n")
      cat(output$stderr, sep = "\n")
      stop(sprintf("Failed to `R CMD build` package, try `build = FALSE`."),
           call. = FALSE)

    building_regex <- paste0(
      "^[*] building[^[:alnum:]]+",     # prefix, "* building '"
      "([-[:alnum:]_.]+)",              # package file name, e.g. xy_1.0-2.tar.gz
      "[^[:alnum:]]+$"                   # trailing quote

    pkgfile <- sub(building_regex, "\\1", output$stdout[length(output$stdout)])
    file.path(dest_path, pkgfile)

msg_for_long_paths <- function(output) {
  if (sys_type() == "windows" &&
      (r_error_matches("over-long path", output$stderr) ||
       r_error_matches("over-long path length", output$stderr))) {
      "\nIt seems that this package contains files with very long paths.\n",
      "This is not supported on most Windows versions. Please contact the\n",
      "package authors and tell them about this. See this GitHub issue\n",
      "for more details: https://github.com/r-lib/remotes/issues/84\n")

r_error_matches <- function(msg, str) {
  any(grepl(msg, str)) ||
    any(grepl(gettext(msg, domain = "R"), str))

#' Install package dependencies if needed.
#' @inheritParams package_deps
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to [utils::install.packages()].
#' @param build If `TRUE` build the package before installing.
#' @param build_opts Options to pass to `R CMD build`, only used when `build`
#' is `TRUE`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{install_deps(".")}

install_deps <- function(pkgdir = ".", dependencies = NA,
                         repos = getOption("repos"),
                         type = getOption("pkgType"),
                         upgrade = c("default", "ask", "always", "never"),
                         quiet = FALSE,
                         build = TRUE,
                         build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual", "--no-build-vignettes"),
                         ...) {

  packages <- dev_package_deps(
    repos = repos,
    dependencies = dependencies,
    type = type,

  dep_deps <- if (isTRUE(dependencies)) NA else dependencies

    dependencies = dep_deps,
    quiet = quiet,
    upgrade = upgrade,
    build = build,
    build_opts = build_opts,

should_error_for_warnings <- function() {

  force_suggests <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_FORCE_SUGGESTS_", "true")

  no_errors <- Sys.getenv("R_REMOTES_NO_ERRORS_FROM_WARNINGS", !as.logical(force_suggests))

metrumresearchgroup/rmotes documentation built on May 18, 2019, 2:35 a.m.