
Defines functions plot.qcs.cusum plot.qcs.ewma plot.qcs.u plot.qcs.c plot.qcs.np plot.qcs.p plot.qcs.one plot.qcs.R plot.qcs.S plot.qcs.xbar plot.qcs

Documented in plot.qcs plot.qcs.c plot.qcs.cusum plot.qcs.ewma plot.qcs.np plot.qcs.one plot.qcs.p plot.qcs.R plot.qcs.S plot.qcs.u plot.qcs.xbar

#                                                                             #
#                  QUALITY CONTROL STATISTICS IN R                            #
#                                                                             #
#  An R package for statistical in-line quality control.                      #
#                                                                             #
#  Written by: Miguel A. Flores Sanchez                                       #
#              Professor of the Mathematics Department                        #
#              Escuela Politecnica Nacional, Ecuador                          #
#              miguel.flores@epn.edu.ec                                       #
#                                                                             #
# plot.qcs
##' Function to create a plotting 'qcs' object
##' Generic function for plotting Shewhart charts of object of class 'qcs' to perform statistical 
##' quality control.
##' @method plot qcs
##' @param x  An object of class "qcs" (Quality Control Statical).
##' @param title An overall title for the plot.
##' @param subtitle A sub title for the plot.
##' @param xlab A title for the "x" axis.
##' @param ylab A title for the "y" axis.
##' @param ylim The "y" limits of the plot.
##' @param center.nominal A value specifying the 
##' center of group statistics or the "target" value 
##' of the process.
##' @param limits.specification A two-value vector 
##' specifying control limits.
##' @param limits.alert A two-value vector 
##' specifying control alert limits.
##' @param type.data  A string specifying the type of data.
##' @param conf.nsigma  A numeric value used to compute control limits, specifying the
##' number of standard deviations (if \code{conf.nsigma} > 1) or the confidence level (if 0
##' < \code{conf.nsigma} < 1).
##' @param conf.nsigma.alert  A numeric value used to compute control limits, specifying the
##' number of standard deviations (if \code{conf.nsigma} > 1) or the confidence level (if 0
##' < \code{conf.nsigma} < 1).
##' @param ...  Arguments to be passed to or from methods.
##' @export

plot.qcs <- function(x, title, subtitle, xlab, ylab, ylim, center.nominal = NULL, 
                     limits.specification = NULL, limits.alert = NULL,  
                     type.data  =  c("continuous", "atributte", "dependence"), ...)
  type.data <- match.arg(type.data)
  oldpar <- par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 3) + 0.1)
  limits <- x$limits

  if (is.null(ylim)){
    if (!is.null(limits.specification)){
      dist <- max(abs(x$center - max(x$statistics[[1]])),
                  abs(x$center - min(x$statistics[[1]])),
                  abs(x$center - limits.specification[1]),
                  abs(x$center - limits.specification[2]),
                  abs(x$center - limits[1]),
                  abs(x$center - limits[2]))        
    } else{      
      dist <- max(abs(x$center - max(x$statistics[[1]])),
                  abs(x$center - min(x$statistics[[1]])),
                  abs(x$center - limits[1]),
                  abs(x$center - limits[2]))        
    ylim <- x$center + c(-dist,dist)

  sample <- rownames(x$statistics)
  if (inherits(x, "qcs.cusum")){
    plot(x$pos ~ sample, type =  "n",pch  =  16, axes  =  FALSE, 
       main  =  title, sub  =  subtitle, xlab  = xlab, 
       ylab  =  ylab, ylim  =  ylim)
  } else {
    plot(x$statistics[[1]] ~ sample, type =  "n",pch  =  16, axes  =  FALSE, 
         main  =  title, sub  =  subtitle, xlab  = xlab, 
         ylab  =  ylab, ylim  =  ylim)
  axis(1, at  =  sample, cex.axis  =  0.7)
  axis(2, cex.axis  =  0.7)

  if (inherits(x, "qcs.cusum")){
  axis(4, at = c(0, max(x$limits), min(x$limits)), 
       labels = c("CL","UCL","LCL"), adj = 0, las = 1)
  } else{
    axis(4, at = c(x$center, max(x$limits), min(x$limits)), 
         labels = c("CL","UCL","LCL"), adj = 0, las = 1)
       col  =  "#CCCCCC")
  box(col  =  "#CCCCCC")
  grid(col  =  "#EEEEEE")
if (type.data == "dependence"){  
  if (inherits(x, "qcs.ewma")){  
    points(sample, x$statistics[[1]], pch = 3, cex = 0.8)
    lines(x$y ~ sample, type = "o", pch=20)
    abline(h  =  x$center, lwd  =  2, col  =  "red")
  } else {
    lines(x$pos ~ sample, type = "o", pch=20)
    lines(x$neg ~ sample, type = "o", pch=20)  
    abline(h = 0, lwd = 2)
} else  {  
    lines (x$statistics[[1]] ~ sample, type  =  "b",pch  =  16)
    abline(h  =  x$center, lwd  =  2, col  =  "red")
  if (length(x$limits) == 2){
    lcl <- x$limits[1]
    ucl <- x$limits[2]
    abline(h  =  lcl, lwd  =  2, col  =  "red", lty = 2)
    abline(h  =  ucl, lwd  =  2, col  =  "red",lty = 2) 
  } else{
    lcl <- x$limits[,1]
    ucl <- x$limits[,2]
    lines(lcl, lwd  =  2, col  =  "red", lty = 2, type="s")
    lines(ucl, lwd  =  2, col  =  "red",lty = 2, type="s") 
  if (type.data != "dependence") {
    beyond.limits <- x$violations[[1]]
    runs.limits <- x$violations[[2]]
           col = "red",
           pch  =  19)
    points(x$statistics[[1]][runs.limits] ~ sample[runs.limits],
           col = "orange",
           pch  =  19)

    if (!is.null(limits.alert)){
      lcl.alert <- limits.alert[1]
      abline(h  =  lcl.alert, lwd  =  2, col  =  "yellow", lty = 2)
      ucl.alert <- limits.alert[2]
      abline(h  =  ucl.alert, lwd  =  2, col  =  "yellow",lty = 2) 
    if (!is.null(center.nominal)){  
      abline(h  = center.nominal, lwd  =  2, col  =  "green")
    if (!is.null(limits.specification)){  
      lel <- limits.specification[1]
      abline(h  =  lel, lwd  =  2, col  =  "green", lty = 2)
      uel <- limits.specification[2]
      abline(h  =  uel, lwd  =  2, col  =  "green",lty = 2) 
} # plot.qcs

# plot.qcs.xbar
##' @rdname  plot.qcs
##' @method plot qcs.xbar
##' @export
plot.qcs.xbar <- function(x, title  =  NULL, subtitle  =  NULL, xlab  =  NULL,
                          ylab  =  NULL, ylim  =  NULL, conf.nsigma.alert  =  NULL,
                          center.nominal  =  NULL, limits.specification  =  NULL, ...)
    limits.alert <- limits.xbar(x$center, x$std.dev, x$sizes,
  } else {
    limits.alert <- NULL
  if (is.null(title)) title <- x$data.name
  if (is.null(subtitle)) subtitle <- expression(paste("Chart of control ", bar(x)," "))
  if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Sample"
  if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- expression(bar(x))
  plot.qcs(x, title , subtitle, xlab, ylab, ylim, center.nominal,
           limits.specification, limits.alert)
} #plot.qcs.xbar

# plot.qcs.S
##' @rdname  plot.qcs
##' @method plot qcs.S
##' @export
plot.qcs.S <- function(x, title  =  NULL, subtitle  =  NULL, xlab  =  NULL,
                       ylab  =  NULL, ylim  =  NULL, conf.nsigma.alert  =  NULL,
                       center.nominal  =  NULL, limits.specification  =  NULL,
    limits.alert <- limits.S(x$center, x$std.dev, x$sizes,
  } else {
    limits.alert <- NULL
  if (is.null(title)) title <- x$data.name
  if (is.null(subtitle)) subtitle <- "Chart of control S"
  if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Sample"
  if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "S"
  plot.qcs(x, title , subtitle, xlab, ylab, ylim, center.nominal,
           limits.specification, limits.alert)
} #plot.qcs.S

# plot.qcs.R
##' @rdname  plot.qcs
##' @method plot qcs.R
## @param conf.nsigma  a numeric value used to compute control limits, specifying the
##' @export
plot.qcs.R <- function(x, title  =  NULL, subtitle  =  NULL, xlab  =  NULL,
                       ylab  =  NULL, ylim  =  NULL, conf.nsigma.alert  =  NULL,
                       center.nominal  =  NULL, limits.specification  =  NULL,
    limits.alert <- limits.R(x$center, x$std.dev, x$sizes,
  } else {
    limits.alert <- NULL
  if (is.null(title)) title <- x$data.name
  if (is.null(subtitle)) subtitle <- "Chart of control R"
  if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Sample"
  if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "R"
  plot.qcs(x, title , subtitle, xlab, ylab, ylim, center.nominal,
           limits.specification, limits.alert)
} #plot.qcs.R

# plot.qcs.one
##' @rdname  plot.qcs
##' @method plot qcs.one
##' @export
plot.qcs.one <- function(x, title  =  NULL, subtitle  =  NULL, xlab  =  NULL, 
                         ylab  =  NULL, ylim  =  NULL, conf.nsigma.alert  =  NULL, 
                         center.nominal  =  NULL, limits.specification  =  NULL, 
    limits.alert <- limits.xbar.one(x$center, x$std.dev, x$sizes, 
  } else {                                
    limits.alert <- NULL
  if (is.null(title)) title <- x$data.name
  if (is.null(subtitle)) subtitle <- "Chart of control Xbar.one"
  if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Sample"
  if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "Xbar.one"
  plot.qcs(x, title , subtitle, xlab, ylab, ylim, center.nominal, 
           limits.specification, limits.alert)
} #plot.qcs.one

# plot.qcs.p
##' @rdname  plot.qcs
##' @method plot qcs.p
##' @export
plot.qcs.p <- function(x, title  =  NULL, subtitle  =  NULL, xlab  =  NULL,
                       ylab  =  NULL, ylim  =  NULL, conf.nsigma.alert  =  NULL,
                       center.nominal  =  NULL, limits.specification  =  NULL,
    limits.alert <- limits.xbar(x$center, x$std.dev, x$sizes,
  } else {
    limits.alert <- NULL
  if (is.null(title)) title <- x$data.name
  if (is.null(subtitle)) subtitle <- expression(paste("Chart of control p"," "))
  if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Sample"
  if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "p"
  plot.qcs(x, title , subtitle, xlab, ylab, ylim, center.nominal,
           limits.specification, limits.alert)
} #plot.qcs.p

# plot.qcs.np
##' @rdname  plot.qcs
##' @method plot qcs.np
##' @export
plot.qcs.np <- function(x, title  =  NULL, subtitle  =  NULL, xlab  =  NULL,
                        ylab  =  NULL, ylim  =  NULL, conf.nsigma.alert  =  NULL,
                        center.nominal  =  NULL, limits.specification  =  NULL,
    limits.alert <- limits.xbar(x$center, x$std.dev, x$sizes,
  } else {
    limits.alert <- NULL
  if (is.null(title)) title <- x$data.name
  if (is.null(subtitle)) subtitle <- expression(paste("Chart of control np"," "))
  if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Sample"
  if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "np"
  plot.qcs(x, title , subtitle, xlab, ylab, ylim, center.nominal,
           limits.specification, limits.alert)
} #plot.qcs.np

# plot.qcs.c
##' @rdname  plot.qcs
##' @method plot qcs.c
##' @export
plot.qcs.c <- function(x, title  =  NULL, subtitle  =  NULL, xlab  =  NULL,
                       ylab  =  NULL, ylim  =  NULL, conf.nsigma.alert  =  NULL,
                       center.nominal  =  NULL, limits.specification  =  NULL,
    limits.alert <- limits.xbar(x$center, x$std.dev, x$sizes,
  } else {
    limits.alert <- NULL
  if (is.null(title)) title <- x$data.name
  if (is.null(subtitle)) subtitle <- expression(paste("Chart of control c"," "))
  if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Sample"
  if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "c"
  plot.qcs(x, title , subtitle, xlab, ylab, ylim, center.nominal,
           limits.specification, limits.alert)
} #plot.qcs.c

# plot.qcs.u
##' @rdname  plot.qcs
##' @method plot qcs.u
##' @export
plot.qcs.u <- function(x, title  =  NULL, subtitle  =  NULL, xlab  =  NULL,
                       ylab  =  NULL, ylim  =  NULL, conf.nsigma.alert  =  NULL,
                       center.nominal  =  NULL, limits.specification  =  NULL,
    limits.alert <- limits.xbar(x$center, x$std.dev, x$sizes,
  } else {
    limits.alert <- NULL
  if (is.null(title)) title <- x$data.name
  if (is.null(subtitle)) subtitle <- expression(paste("Chart of control u"," "))
  if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Sample"
  if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "u"
  plot.qcs(x, title , subtitle, xlab, ylab, ylim, center.nominal,
           limits.specification, limits.alert)
} #plot.qcs.u

# plot.qcs.ewma
##' @rdname  plot.qcs
##' @method plot qcs.ewma
##' @export
plot.qcs.ewma <- function(x, title  =  NULL, subtitle  =  NULL, xlab  =  NULL,
                          ylab  =  NULL, ylim  =  NULL, 
    ylim <-  range(x$statistics, x$limits)
  if (is.null(title)) title <- x$data.name
  if (is.null(subtitle)) subtitle <- expression(paste("Chart of control ewma"," "))
  if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Sample"
  if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "ewma"
  plot.qcs(x, title , subtitle, xlab, ylab, ylim, type.data = "dependence")
} #plot.qcs.ewma

# plot.qcs.cusum
##' @rdname  plot.qcs
##' @method plot qcs.cusum
##' @export
plot.qcs.cusum <- function(x, title  =  NULL, subtitle  =  NULL, xlab  =  NULL,
                          ylab  =  NULL, ylim  =  NULL, 
    ylim <-  range(x$pos, x$neg, x$limits)
  if (is.null(title)) title <- x$data.name
  if (is.null(subtitle)) subtitle <- expression(paste("Chart of control cusum"," "))
  if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "Sample"
  if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "Cusum"
  plot.qcs(x, title , subtitle, xlab, ylab, ylim, type.data = "dependence")
} #plot.qcs.cusum
mflores72000/qcr documentation built on July 1, 2023, 9:17 p.m.