#' Classification using convolutionnal network on image profile.
#' @title CNN img classification
#' @param object An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"}.
#' @param scores One of \code{"prediction"}, \code{"all"} or
#' \code{"none"} to report the score for the predicted class
#' only, for all classes or none.
#' @param fcol The feature meta-data containing marker definitions.
#' Default is \code{markers}.
#' @param resample_data Logical to tell if you want to rebalance the data (remove proteins with bad profiles and
#' add artificial ones to get a more uniform distribution of the number of profiles per class)
#' @param model_type The type of neural network you want (either 'CNN' or 'SpatialTransformer').
#' @param keep_img Logical to tell if you want to keep the images profiles created.
#' @param epochs The number of epochs for training; default is 40.
#' @param batch_size The size of the batch for training; default is 16.
#' @param lr The learning rate of the neural network; default is 0.001.
#' @param show_plot Logical to tell if you want to print the loss and accuracy plots.
#' @details This algorithm will not apply clustering on raw data but on the image of the profiles from each protein.
#' Then by using a convolutional network, it will learn to classify those images and then make predictions.
#' Also, since the output is a log softmax, we can interpret these scores as probabilities. So we can handle
#' proteins with composite profiles.
#' The first model available is a classical CNN containg two conv2d layers with dropout, Tanh activation and maxpool.
#' The second one is a spatial transformers using convolutional layers and affine transformation.
#' This function calls python scripts in order to use torch python library, so it totally depends on \code{reticulate}
#' r package.
#' @return An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"} with
#' \code{CNNimg} and \code{CNNimg.scores} feature variables storing the
#' classification results and scores respectively.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(pRolocExtra)
#' data(tan2009r1)
#' res <- CNNimgClassification(tan2009r1)
#' getPredictions(res, fcol = "CNNimg")
#' getPredictions(res, fcol = "CNNimg", t = 0.75)
#' plot2D(res, fcol = "CNNimg")
CNNimgClassification <- function (object,
scores = c("prediction", "all", "none"),
fcol = "markers",
resample_data = TRUE,
model_type = "CNN",
keep_img = FALSE,
epochs = 40, batch_size = 32,
lr = 0.001, show_plot = FALSE)
if(sum(model_type %in% c("CNN", "SpatialTransformer")) == 0){
stop("model_type can only be 'CNN' or 'SpatialTransformer'")
is_conda <- tryCatch(reticulate::conda_list(),
error = function(e)
if(class(is_conda) == "character"){
stop("No conda installation was found in your computer.
\nPlease reload the pRolocExtra package and answer yes to configure miniconda.")
for(pk in c("matplotlib", "pandas", "cv2", "pytorch", "torchvision")){
is_inst <- reticulate::py_module_available(stringr::str_remove(pk, "py"))
if(stringr::str_detect(pk, "torch")){
reticulate::py_install(pk, channel = c("pytorch")) ## torchvision is only accessible in channel pytorch
else if(pk == "cv2"){
scores <- match.arg(scores)
file_name = paste0(format(Sys.time(), "%y%m%d_%H%M_"), deparse(substitute(object)), "_")
# set train and test set
trainInd <- which(fData(object)[, fcol] != "unknown")
testInd <- which(fData(object)[, fcol] == "unknown")
trainSet <- pRoloc:::subsetAsDataFrame(object, fcol, train = TRUE)
testSet <- pRoloc:::subsetAsDataFrame(object, fcol, train = FALSE)
write.csv(trainSet, paste0(file_name, "train.csv"))
write.csv(testSet, paste0(file_name, "test.csv"))
.trainSep <- pRoloc:::separateDataSet(trainSet, fcol)
.testSep <- pRoloc:::separateDataSet(testSet, fcol)
py_script <- reticulate::import_from_path("image_profile_classification", path = system.file("python", package = "pRolocExtra"))
#reticulate::source_python(system.file("python", "image_profile_classification.py", package = "pRolocExtra"))
model = py_script$ImgProfileClassification(paste0(file_name, "train.csv"),
resample = resample_data,
model_type = model_type,
keep_img = keep_img,
epoch = as.integer(epochs),
batch_size = as.integer(batch_size),
lr = lr, show_plot = show_plot)
his = model$fit()
#get predictions from CNNimg
ans = model$pred(paste0(file_name, "test.csv"))
predictedLabels <- unlist(lapply(ans, function(x) {y = list(x$markers)
names(y) <- x$name;
fData(object)$CNNimg <- rep("", length(trainInd) + length(testInd))
fData(object)$CNNimg[trainInd] <- as.character(.trainSep$theLabels)
fData(object)[names(predictedLabels),]$CNNimg <- predictedLabels
#get back scores from CNNimg
if (scores == "all") {
nbLabels <- length(levels(.trainSep$theLabels))
tempScores <- matrix(rep(0, nbLabels * (length(trainInd) +
length(testInd))), ncol = nbLabels)
colnames(tempScores) <- names(ans[[1]]$score)
rownames(tempScores) <- rownames(fData(object))
for(i in 1:length(trainInd)){
tempScores[trainInd[i], .trainSep$theLabels[i]] <- 1
i <- 1:length(testInd)
sc <- lapply(ans, function(x) unlist(x$score))
names(sc) <- unlist(lapply(ans, function(x) x$name))
for(n in names(sc)){
tempScores[n,] <- sc[[n]]
scoreMat <- tempScores
colnames(scoreMat) <- paste0(colnames(scoreMat), ".CNNimg.scores")
fData(object)$CNNimg.all.scores <- scoreMat
else if (scores == "prediction") {
fData(object)$CNNimg.scores <- 1
sc <- unlist(lapply(ans, function(x) max(unlist(x$score))))
names(sc) <- unlist(lapply(ans, function(x) x$name))
fData(object)[names(sc),]$CNNimg.scores <- sc
object@processingData@processing <- c(processingData(object)@processing,
paste0("Performed CNNimg prediction ", date()))
unlink(file.path(getwd(), paste0(file_name, "train.csv")))
unlink(file.path(getwd(), paste0(file_name, "test.csv")))
if (validObject(object))
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