#' @export
#' @import grDevices
#' @import lattice
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @title Symmetry QQ plot
#' @description \code{eda_sym} Generates a symmetry QQ plot.
#' @param x Vector of sample
#' @param p Power transformation to apply to \code{x}.
#' @param tukey Boolean determining if a Tukey transformation should be adopted
#' (\code{FALSE} adopts a Box-Cox transformation).
#' @param q.type An integer between 1 and 9 selecting one of the nine quantile
#' algorithms used to generate inner shaded region. (See \code{quantile}tile
#' function).
#' @param plot Boolean determining if plot should be generated.
#' @param show.par Boolean determining if power parameter should be displayed.
#' @param grey Grey level to apply to plot elements (0 to 1 with 1 = black).
#' @param pch Point symbol type.
#' @param p.col Color for point symbol.
#' @param p.fill Point fill color passed to \code{bg} (Only used for \code{pch}
#' ranging from 21-25).
#' @param tail.pch Tail-end point symbol type (See \code{tails}).
#' @param tail.p.col Tail-end color for point symbol (See \code{tails}).
#' @param tail.p.fill Tail-end point fill color passed to \code{bg}
#' (Only used for \code{tail.pch} ranging from 21-25).
#' @param size Point size (0-1)
#' @param alpha Point transparency (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque). Only
#' applicable if \code{rgb()} is not used to define point colors.
#' @param q Boolean determining if \code{inner} data region should be shaded.
#' @param inner Fraction of the data considered as "mid values". Defaults to
#' 75\%. Used to define shaded region boundaries, \code{q}, or to identify
#' which of the tail-end points are to be symbolized differently, \code{tails}.
#' @param tails Boolean determining if points outside of the \code{inner} region
#' should be symbolized differently. Tail-end points are symbolized via the
#' \code{tail.pch}, \code{tail.p.col} and \code{tail.p.fill} arguments.
#' @param xlab X label for output plot. Ignored if \code{x} is a dataframe.
#' @param ylab Y label for output plot. Ignored if \code{x} is a dataframe.
#' @param title Title to add to plot.
#' @param t.size Title size.
#' @param ... Not used
#' @details Generates a symmetry quantile plot that compares the lower half
#' of the sorted data to its upper half. If the distribution is perfectly
#' symmetrical, the points will fall on the line.
#' @returns Returns a dataframe of upper and lower halves
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#' \item John M. Chambers, William S. Cleveland, Beat Kleiner, Paul A. Tukey.
#' Graphical Methods for Data Analysis (1983)
#' \item \href{../articles/symqq.html}{Symmetry quantile plot article}}
#' @examples
#' singer <- lattice::singer
#' tenor1 <- subset(singer, voice.part == "Tenor 1", select = height, drop = TRUE )
#' eda_sym(tenor1)
eda_sym <- function(x, p = 1L, tukey = FALSE, q.type = 5, plot = TRUE,
show.par = TRUE, grey = 0.6, pch = 21, p.col = "grey50",
p.fill = "grey80", size = 0.8, alpha = 0.8,
q = TRUE, tails = FALSE, inner = 0.75,
tail.pch = 21, tail.p.col = "grey70", tail.p.fill = NULL,
xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, title = NULL,
t.size = 1.2, ...) {
# Check for invalid arguments
input <- names(list(...))
check <- input %in% names(formals(cat))
if (any(!check)) warning(sprintf("%s is not a valid argument.",
paste(input[!check], collapse = ", ")))
# Remove missing elements
nodata <- which(is.na(x))
if(length(nodata > 0)){
x <- x[-nodata]
cat(length(nodata), " elements had missing values. These were removed from the data.")
# Re-express data if required
if (p != 1) {
x <- eda_re(x, p = p, tukey = tukey)
x.isna <- is.na(x)
rm.nan <- ifelse( any(x.isna), 1 , 0)
# Re-expression may produce NaN values. Output warning if TRUE
if( rm.nan > 0 ) {
warning(paste("\nRe-expression produced NaN values. These observations will",
"be removed from output. This will result in fewer points",
"in the ouptut."))
x <- x[!x.isna]
# Get upper/lower bounds of inner values
b.val = c(.5 - inner / 2 , .5 + inner / 2)
# Split x in half
med <- median(x)
len <- length(x)
x.sort <- sort(x)
n2 <- ifelse( len%%2 == 0, len/2, (len + 1)/2)
x <- med - x.sort[1:n2]
y <- x.sort[ (len + 1) - (1:n2) ] - med
xlab <- "lower half"
ylab <- "upper half"
# Modify grey box parameters
b.val <- c(0, diff(b.val))
# Create dataframe for output
zd <- data.frame(y = y, x = x)
names(zd) <- c(ylab, xlab)
# Get XY limits
xylim <- range(x,y)
# Set plot elements color
plotcol <- rgb(1-grey, 1-grey, 1-grey)
# Set point color parameters.
if(p.col %in% colors() & p.fill %in% colors() ){
p.col <- adjustcolor( p.col, alpha.f = alpha)
p.fill <- adjustcolor( p.fill, alpha.f = alpha)
# Generate plots ----
# Get lines-to-inches ratio
in2line <- ( par("mar") / par("mai") )[2]
# Create a dummy plot to extract y-axis labels
plot(x = x, y = y, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n",
yaxt='n', main = NULL)
# y.labs <- range(axTicks(2))
y.wid <- max( strwidth( axTicks(2), units="inches")) * in2line + 1.2
# Get quantile parameters
qx <- quantile(x, b.val, qtype = q.type)
qy <- quantile(y, b.val, qtype = q.type)
# If tail points are to be plotted differently, identify them
if(tails == TRUE){
# If tails are to be plotted separately, identify points outside of the
# inner region
if (!is.na(table(x < qx[1])["TRUE"]) & !is.na(table(y < qy[1])["TRUE"])){
lower.tail <- min(table(x < qx[1])["TRUE"], table(y < qy[1])["TRUE"])
} else{
lower.tail <- 0
if (!is.na(table(x > qx[2])["TRUE"]) & !is.na(table(y > qy[2])["TRUE"])){
upper.tail <- max(table(x > qx[2])["TRUE"], table(y > qy[2])["TRUE"])
} else {
upper.tail <- 0
inner.tails <- (lower.tail+1):(length(x) - upper.tail)
outer.tails <- -inner.tails
# Set plot parameters
.pardef <- par(pty = "s", col = plotcol, mar = c(3,y.wid,3,1))
# QQ plot ----
if(plot == TRUE){}
# QQ plot: Empirical ----
if(tails != TRUE){
plot( x=x, y=y, ylab=NA, las=1, yaxt='n', xaxt='n', xlab=NA,
col.lab=plotcol, pch = pch, col = p.col, bg = p.fill, cex = size,
xlim = xylim, ylim = xylim)
} else {
plot( x=x[inner.tails], y=y[inner.tails], ylab=NA, las=1,
yaxt='n', xaxt='n', xlab=NA,
col.lab=plotcol, pch = pch, col = p.col, bg = p.fill, cex = size,
xlim = xylim, ylim = xylim)
if (length(x[outer.tails]) !=0){ # Nothing to plot if tail index is empty
points( x=x[outer.tails], y=y[outer.tails],
col.lab=plotcol, pch = tail.pch, col = tail.p.col,
bg = tail.p.fill, cex = size)
axis(1,col=plotcol, col.axis=plotcol, labels=TRUE, padj = -0.5)
axis(2,col=plotcol, col.axis=plotcol, labels=TRUE, las=1, hadj = 0.9,
tck = -0.02)
#mtext(ylab, side=3, adj= -0.06 ,col=plotcol, padj = -1.2, cex = par("cex"))
# Y-label
# Get plot specs
lbl_width <- strwidth(ylab, units = "inches")
mar_width <- par("mai")[2]
loc <- par("usr") # in XY coordinates
xscl <- (loc[2] - loc[1]) / par("pin")[1]
# Place y-label
if(lbl_width/2 > mar_width * 0.6){
xloc <- loc[1] + (lbl_width/2 - mar_width * 0.6) * xscl
} else {
xloc <- loc[1]
text(xloc, loc[4], labels = ylab, col=plotcol, cex = par("cex"), xpd = TRUE,
pos = 3, offset = 1)
title(xlab = xlab, line =1.8, col.lab=plotcol)
title(main = title, line =1.2, col.main=plotcol, cex.main=t.size)
# Add empirical QQ line ----
abline(0, 1, col = plotcol)
# Add core boxes ----
sq <- par("usr") # get plot corners
if(q == TRUE){
rect(xleft = qx[1], xright = qx[2], ybottom=sq[3],ytop=sq[4],
col = rgb(0,0,0,0.05), border = NA)
rect(xleft = sq[1], xright = sq[2], ybottom=qy[1],ytop=qy[2],
col = rgb(0,0,0,0.05), border = NA)
# Add power/formula parameters to plot
if (show.par == TRUE) {
mtext(side = 3, text=paste0("p=",p), adj=1, cex = 0.65)
# Reset plot parameters and output values
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