
Defines functions trainLGMM long2LGMM

Documented in long2LGMM trainLGMM

##' Long data to wide latent growth mixture model
##' This function streamlines the process of converting long data into a format
##' that Mplus can use for latent growth mixture models in wide form.  It makes
##' use of continuous time scores, and these time scores must be supplied as
##' variables in the R dataset.  For the conversion to wide form, it is assumed
##' that although assessments may have happened in continuous time, a discrete
##' number of assessments (likely ismilar for all participants) were collected.
##' One valuable feature of this function is that it makes it possible to feed
##' any continuous time scores to Mplus for mixture modelling.  For example,
##' continuous linear time is straightforward, but so to are quadratic
##' time models or piecewise models.  Using facilities in R, spline models
##' are also comparatively easy to specify.
##' @param data A data frame in long format (i.e., multiple rows per ID).
##' @param idvar A character string of the variable name in the dataset
##'   that is the ID variable.
##' @param assessmentvar A character string of the variable name in the dataset that
##'   indicates the particular assessment point for each timepoint.
##' @param dv A character string of the dependent variable name.
##' @param timevars A character vector of the time variables.
##'   Can be a single variable or more than one.  By allowing more than one variable,
##'   it is easy to include linear; linear and quadratic; it is also possible to
##'   calculate splines in R and pass these. The variable names should be 7 characters
##'   or fewer, each.
##' @param misstrick A logical value whether to set values of the DV where a time variable
##'   is missing to missing as well.  Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
##' @param k An integer indicating the number of distinct classes to test.
##'   Currently must be greater than 0 and less than 10.
##' @param title A character string giving a title for the model
##' @param base A character string providing a base name for model outputs,
##'   that is combined with the number of classes.
##' @param run A logical value whether or not to run the models or only
##'   create the data and input files, but not run them.
##' @param processors An integer value indicating the number of processors to use.
##' @param starts A character string passed to Mplus providing the number of
##'   random starts and iterations
##' @param newdata A data frame of new values to use for generating predicted
##'   trajectories by class.
##' @param cov A character string indicating the random covariance structure to use
##' @param model An optional argument, can pass an existing model, the output from
##'   mplusModeler().
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## Simulate Some Data from 3 classes
##' library(MASS)
##' set.seed(1234)
##' allcoef <- rbind(
##'   cbind(1, mvrnorm(n = 200,
##'                    mu = c(0, 2, 0),
##'                    Sigma = diag(c(.2, .1, .01)),
##'                    empirical = TRUE)),
##'   cbind(2, mvrnorm(n = 200,
##'                    mu = c(-3.35, 2, 2),
##'                    Sigma = diag(c(.2, .1, .1)),
##'                    empirical = TRUE)),
##'   cbind(3, mvrnorm(n = 200,
##'                    mu = c(3.35, 2, -2),
##'                    Sigma = diag(c(.2, .1, .1)),
##'                    empirical = TRUE)))
##' allcoef <- as.data.frame(allcoef)
##' names(allcoef) <- c("Class", "I", "L", "Q")
##' allcoef$ID <- 1:nrow(allcoef)
##' d <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(allcoef), function(i) {
##'   out <- data.frame(
##'     ID = allcoef$ID[i],
##'     Class = allcoef$Class[i],
##'     Assess = 1:11,
##'     x = sort(runif(n = 11, min = -2, max = 2)))
##'   out$y <- rnorm(11,
##'     mean = allcoef$I[i] + allcoef$L[i] * out$x + allcoef$Q[i] * out$x^2,
##'     sd = .1)
##'   return(out)
##' }))
##' ## create splines
##' library(splines)
##' time_splines <- ns(d$x, df = 3, Boundary.knots = quantile(d$x, probs = c(.02, .98)))
##' d$t1 <- time_splines[, 1]
##' d$t2 <- time_splines[, 2]
##' d$t3 <- time_splines[, 3]
##' d$xq <- d$x^2
##' ## create new data to be used for predictions
##' nd <- data.frame(ID = 1,
##'                  x = seq(from = -2, to = 2, by = .1))
##' nd.splines <- with(attributes(time_splines),
##'                    ns(nd$x, df = degree, knots = knots,
##'                       Boundary.knots = Boundary.knots))
##' nd$t1 <- nd.splines[, 1]
##' nd$t2 <- nd.splines[, 2]
##' nd$t3 <- nd.splines[, 3]
##' nd$xq <- nd$x^2
##' ## create a tuning grid of models to try
##' ## all possible combinations are created of different time trends
##' ## different covariance structures of the random effects
##' ## and different number of classes
##' tuneGrid <- expand.grid(
##'   dv = "y",
##'   timevars = list(c("t1", "t2", "t3"), "x", c("x", "xq")),
##'   starts = "2 1",
##'   cov = c("independent", "zero"),
##'   k = c(1L, 3L),
##'   processors = 1L, run = TRUE,
##'   misstrick = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
##' tuneGrid$title <- paste0(
##'   c("linear", "quad", "spline")[sapply(tuneGrid$timevars, length)],
##'   "_",
##'   sapply(tuneGrid$cov, function(x) if(nchar(x)==4) substr(x, 1, 4) else substr(x, 1, 3)),
##'   "_",
##'   tuneGrid$k)
##' tuneGrid$base <- paste0(
##'   c("linear", "quad", "spline")[sapply(tuneGrid$timevars, length)],
##'   "_",
##'   sapply(tuneGrid$cov, function(x) if(nchar(x)==4) substr(x, 1, 4) else substr(x, 1, 3)))
##' ## example using long2LGMM to fit one model at a time
##' mres <- long2LGMM(
##'         data = d,
##'         idvar = "ID",
##'         assessmentvar = "Assess",
##'         dv = tuneGrid$dv[1],
##'         timevars = tuneGrid$timevars[[1]],
##'         misstrick = tuneGrid$misstrick[1],
##'         k = tuneGrid$k[1],
##'         title = paste0(tuneGrid$title[1], tuneGrid$k[1]),
##'         base = tuneGrid$base[1],
##'         run = tuneGrid$run[1],
##'         processors = tuneGrid$processors[1],
##'         starts = tuneGrid$starts[1],
##'         newdata = nd,
##'         cov = tuneGrid$cov[1])
##' rm(mres)
##' }
long2LGMM <- function(data, idvar, assessmentvar, dv, timevars, misstrick = TRUE, k = 1L,
                      title = "Trajectory Model", base = "trajmodel_", run = FALSE,
                      processors = 1L, starts = "500 100", newdata,
                      cov = c("un", "independent", "intercept", "zero"), model) {


  if (any(nchar(timevars)>7)) {
    stop("Please specify time variables with names 7 or fewer characters")

  stopifnot(k > 0 && k < 10)

  if (!missing(newdata) & !identical(newdata, FALSE)) {
    stopifnot(all(timevars %in% names(newdata)))
    newdata <- newdata
    predict <- TRUE

  ## select only relevant variables
  data <- data[, c(idvar, assessmentvar, dv, timevars)]

  ## assessment labels, used for wide data
  assesslabs <- unique(data[[assessmentvar]])
  j <- length(assesslabs)

  expandd <- expand.grid(ID = unique(data[[idvar]]), Assessment = assesslabs)
  names(expandd) <- c(idvar, assessmentvar)

  ## expand long data to be 'complete'
  data <- merge(data, expandd, by = c(idvar, assessmentvar), all = TRUE)

  ## fix missing relying on the fact that if missing DV it will not be used
  ## but if missing IV the whole case will be excluded (from Linda Muthen)
  ## therefore if time is missing but not DV, set DV to missing
  ## if DV is missing, set time to any (non missing) value so those whole cases
  ## are not excluded from analysis
  if (misstrick) {
    missing_time <- rowSums(is.na(data[, timevars, drop=FALSE])) > 0

    data[[dv]] <- ifelse(missing_time, NA, data[[dv]])

    for (i in seq_along(timevars)) {
      data[[timevars[i]]] <- ifelse(is.na(data[[dv]]), -99, data[[timevars[i]]])

  ## reshape the data to wide form
  dataw <- reshape(data,
                   timevar = assessmentvar,
                   idvar = idvar,
                   direction = "wide",

  w.dv <- paste0(dv, assesslabs)
  w.timevars <- lapply(timevars, paste0, assesslabs)
  wu.timevars <- unlist(w.timevars)

  dataw <- dataw[, c(idvar, w.dv, unlist(w.timevars))]

  overall.model <- paste0(paste(unlist(lapply(seq_along(timevars), function(i) {
    sprintf("i%s s%s | %s-%s at %s-%s;%s",
            i, i, w.dv[1], w.dv[j],
            w.timevars[[i]][1], w.timevars[[i]][j],
            ifelse(i > 1, sprintf("\n[i%s@0]; i%s@0;", i, i), ""))
  })), collapse = "\n"), sprintf("\n[%s-%s@0];", w.dv[1], w.dv[j]))

  cov <- match.arg(cov)
  covtype <- switch(cov,
                    un = "un",
                    independent = "heterogenous",
                    intercept = "intercept",
                    zero = "zero")

  class.model <- paste(
    if(k==1) "" else "%c#%k%%",
    sprintf("%s-%s (e%%k%%);", w.dv[1], w.dv[j]),
    if (covtype == "zero") {
      paste(paste0(c("i1", paste0("s", seq_along(timevars))), "@0;"), collapse = "\n")
    } else if (covtype == "intercept") {
      paste(paste0(paste0("s", seq_along(timevars)), "@0;"), collapse = "\n")
    } else {
      mplusRcov(c("i1", paste0("s", seq_along(timevars))), covtype, collapse = FALSE)$all
    sep = "\n")

  class.model.complete <- paste(sapply(1:k, function(i) gsub("%k%", i, class.model)), collapse = "\n")

  if (missing(model)) {

    m <- mplusModeler(mplusObject(
      TITLE = title,
      VARIABLE = sprintf(
        gsub("%k%", k,
             "%sCLASSES = c(%k%); \nIDVARIABLE = %s; \nTSCORES = %s - %s;"),
        if(k==1) "!" else "",

      ANALYSIS = sprintf(
        gsub("%starts%", starts, gsub("%k%", processors,
          "TYPE = RANDOM %s; \nESTIMATOR = MLR; \n%sSTARTS = %starts%; \nPROCESSORS = %k%;")),
        if(k==1) "" else "MIXTURE",
        if(k==1) "!" else ""),

      MODEL = sprintf(
        if(k==1) "%s\n%s" else "%%OVERALL%%\n%s\n%s",
      SAVEDATA = if(k==1) NULL else sprintf(gsub("%k%", k,
        "FILE =  %s%k%_probs.txt ; \nSAVE = cprob; \nFORMAT = free;"),
    PLOT = sprintf("TYPE = PLOT3;\n SERIES = %s;",
                   paste(paste0(w.dv, " (", seq_along(assesslabs), ")"), collapse = "\n")),
    usevariables = colnames(dataw),
    rdata = dataw), modelout = paste0(base, k, ".inp"), run = run)
  } else {
    m <- model

  ## extract the intercept and slope parameters
  x <- as.data.frame(coef(m$results, param = "exp"))

  if (k==1) {
    prefix <- ""
  } else {
    prefix <- "C_[1-9]"

  ## only get I and S parameter means
  x <- x[grepl(paste0(prefix, " [IS][1-9]<-Means"), x$Label), , drop = FALSE]
  ## exclude the 'redundant' intercepts
  x <- x[!grepl(paste0(prefix, " [I][2-9]<-Means"), x$Label), , drop = FALSE]

  if (k==1) {
    x$Class <- 1L
  } else {
    x$Class <- as.integer(gsub("C_([1-9]).*", "\\1", x$Label))

  x$Type <- gsub(paste0(prefix, " ([IS][1-9])<-Means"), "\\1", x$Label)
  x$Type <- ifelse(x$Type == "I1", "Intercept", x$Type)

  if (k==1) {
    classcounts <- data.frame(
      class = 1L,
      count = m$results$summaries$Observations,
      proportion = 1)
  } else {
    classcounts <- m$results$class_counts$mostLikel

  x <- merge(x, classcounts, by.x = "Class", by.y = "class")

  if (predict) {
    for (i in 1:k) {

      xtmp <- x[x$Class == i & x$Type != "Intercept", , drop = FALSE]
      b <- as.matrix(xtmp[order(xtmp$Type), "est"])
      X <- as.matrix(newdata[, timevars, drop = FALSE])

      newdata[[paste0(dv, "_", i)]] <- as.numeric(x[x$Class == i & x$Type == "Intercept", "est"] + X %*% b)
  } else {
    newdata <- NULL

    Model = m,
    estimates = x,
    predictions = newdata))

##' Train a variety of latent growth mixture model
##' This function iterates through a grid of values to train LGMMs,
##' optionally using a local or remote cluster.
##' @param data A data frame or data table in long format (i.e., multiple rows per ID).
##' @param idvar A character string of the variable name in the dataset
##'   that is the ID variable.
##' @param assessmentvar A character string of the variable name in the dataset that
##'   indicates the particular assessment point for each timepoint.
##' @param newdata A data frame of new values to use for generating predicted
##'   trajectories by class or \code{FALSE} if no predictions to be made
##'   (the default).
##' @param tuneGrid A dataframe or list.  It should have names for
##'   the needed arguments for \code{long2LGMM()}.
##' @param cl Optional.  An existing cluster to be used to estimate models.
##'   Can be a local or remote cluster.  In either case it needs MplusAUtomation
##'   and Mplus available.
##' @param ncores If a cluster is not passed to \code{cl}, specify the number of
##'   cores to use to create a local cluster.  Must be an integer.  Defaults to
##'   \code{1L}.
##' @export
##' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster clusterEvalQ clusterExport parLapplyLB
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## This example is not run by default because even with very limitted number of
##' ## random starts and iterations, it takes quite a few minutes
##' setwd(tempdir())
##' ## Simulate Some Data from 3 classes
##' library(MASS)
##' set.seed(1234)
##' allcoef <- rbind(
##'   cbind(1, mvrnorm(n = 200,
##'                    mu = c(0, 2, 0),
##'                    Sigma = diag(c(.2, .1, .01)),
##'                    empirical = TRUE)),
##'   cbind(2, mvrnorm(n = 200,
##'                    mu = c(-3.35, 2, 2),
##'                    Sigma = diag(c(.2, .1, .1)),
##'                    empirical = TRUE)),
##'   cbind(3, mvrnorm(n = 200,
##'                    mu = c(3.35, 2, -2),
##'                    Sigma = diag(c(.2, .1, .1)),
##'                    empirical = TRUE)))
##' allcoef <- as.data.frame(allcoef)
##' names(allcoef) <- c("Class", "I", "L", "Q")
##' allcoef$ID <- 1:nrow(allcoef)
##' d <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(allcoef), function(i) {
##'   out <- data.frame(
##'     ID = allcoef$ID[i],
##'     Class = allcoef$Class[i],
##'     Assess = 1:11,
##'     x = sort(runif(n = 11, min = -2, max = 2)))
##'   out$y <- rnorm(11,
##'     mean = allcoef$I[i] + allcoef$L[i] * out$x + allcoef$Q[i] * out$x^2,
##'     sd = .1)
##'   return(out)
##' }))
##' ## create splines
##' library(splines)
##' time_splines <- ns(d$x, df = 3, Boundary.knots = quantile(d$x, probs = c(.02, .98)))
##' d$t1 <- time_splines[, 1]
##' d$t2 <- time_splines[, 2]
##' d$t3 <- time_splines[, 3]
##' d$xq <- d$x^2
##' ## create new data to be used for predictions
##' nd <- data.frame(ID = 1,
##'                  x = seq(from = -2, to = 2, by = .1))
##' nd.splines <- with(attributes(time_splines),
##'                    ns(nd$x, df = degree, knots = knots,
##'                       Boundary.knots = Boundary.knots))
##' nd$t1 <- nd.splines[, 1]
##' nd$t2 <- nd.splines[, 2]
##' nd$t3 <- nd.splines[, 3]
##' nd$xq <- nd$x^2
##' ## create a tuning grid of models to try
##' ## all possible combinations are created of different time trends
##' ## different covariance structures of the random effects
##' ## and different number of classes
##' tuneGrid <- expand.grid(
##'   dv = "y",
##'   timevars = list(c("t1", "t2", "t3"), "x", c("x", "xq")),
##'   starts = "2 1",
##'   cov = c("independent", "zero"),
##'   k = c(1L, 3L),
##'   processors = 1L, run = TRUE,
##'   misstrick = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
##' tuneGrid$title <- paste0(
##'   c("linear", "quad", "spline")[sapply(tuneGrid$timevars, length)],
##'   "_",
##'   sapply(tuneGrid$cov, function(x) if(nchar(x)==4) substr(x, 1, 4) else substr(x, 1, 3)),
##'   "_",
##'   tuneGrid$k)
##' tuneGrid$base <- paste0(
##'   c("linear", "quad", "spline")[sapply(tuneGrid$timevars, length)],
##'   "_",
##'   sapply(tuneGrid$cov, function(x) if(nchar(x)==4) substr(x, 1, 4) else substr(x, 1, 3)))
##' ## example using long2LGMM to fit one model at a time
##' mres <- long2LGMM(
##'         data = d,
##'         idvar = "ID",
##'         assessmentvar = "Assess",
##'         dv = tuneGrid$dv[1],
##'         timevars = tuneGrid$timevars[[1]],
##'         misstrick = tuneGrid$misstrick[1],
##'         k = tuneGrid$k[1],
##'         title = paste0(tuneGrid$title[1], tuneGrid$k[1]),
##'         base = tuneGrid$base[1],
##'         run = tuneGrid$run[1],
##'         processors = tuneGrid$processors[1],
##'         starts = tuneGrid$starts[1],
##'         newdata = nd,
##'         cov = tuneGrid$cov[1])
##' ## Example using trainLGMM to fit a whole set of models
##' ## can be distributed across a local or remote cluster
##' ## Defaults to creating a local cluster, but can also pass an
##' ## existing cluster
##' AllRes <- trainLGMM(
##'   data = d,
##'   idvar = "ID",
##'   assessmentvar = "Assess",
##'   newdata = nd,
##'   tuneGrid = tuneGrid,
##'   ncores = 2L)
##' tuneGridRes <- as.data.frame(
##'   cbind(tuneGrid,
##'         do.call(rbind, lapply(AllRes, function(x) {
##'           if (is.null(x$Model$results$summaries)) {
##'             NA
##'           } else {
##'             out <- x$Model$results$summaries
##'             ## deal with missing summary information for k = 1
##'             if (is.null(out$Entropy)) {
##'               out$Entropy <- 1
##'             }
##'             if (is.null(out$NCategoricalLatentVars)) {
##'               out$NCategoricalLatentVars <- 0
##'             }
##'             out[, sort(names(out)), drop = FALSE]
##'           }
##'         }))))
##' tuneGridRes$Type <- gsub("([a-z]+)_.*$", "\\1", tuneGridRes$title)
##' tuneGridRes$MinClass <- sapply(AllRes, function(x) {
##'   n <- x$Model$results$class_counts$mostLikely$count
##'   if(is.null(n)) {
##'     length(unique(d$ID))
##'   } else {
##'     min(n, na.rm = TRUE)
##'   }
##' })
##' ## when trying many models, some may not converge
##' ## subset to omit any missing AICC and look only at those with some
##' ## minimum number of participants per class,
##' ## for demonstration only arbitrarily set at 30
##' subset(tuneGridRes, !is.na(AICC) & MinClass >= 30,
##'        select = c(title, aBIC, AICC, Entropy, MinClass, LL))
##' ## reshape data into long form which can make a very nice plot using ggplot2
##' tuneGridResL <- reshape(
##'   subset(tuneGridRes, select = c(Type, cov, k, Parameters, aBIC, AICC, AIC, BIC, Entropy)),
##'   varying = c("Parameters", "aBIC", "AICC", "AIC", "BIC", "Entropy"),
##'   v.names = "value",
##'   times = c("Parameters", "aBIC", "AICC", "AIC", "BIC", "Entropy"),
##'   timevar = "variable",
##'   idvar = c("Type", "cov", "k"),
##'   direction = "long")
##' tuneGridResL$cov <- factor(tuneGridResL$cov, levels = c("zero", "independent"))
##' ## uncomment to run
##' ## library(ggplot2)
##' ## ggplot(tuneGridResL, aes(k, value, colour = Type, shape = Type)) +
##' ##   geom_point() +
##' ##   facet_grid(variable~cov, scales = "free")
##' ## nice plot of the average trajectories in each class
##' ## these are possible as trainLGMM exports predicted values for the
##' ## new data fed in
##' ## uncomment to run
##' ## ggplot(AllRes[[which(tuneGridRes$title=="quad_ind_3")]]$predictions, aes(x)) +
##' ##   geom_line(aes(y = y_1), colour = "black", size = 2) +
##' ##   geom_line(aes(y = y_2), colour = "red", size = 2) +
##' ##   geom_line(aes(y = y_3), colour = "blue", size = 2)
##' }
trainLGMM <- function(data, idvar, assessmentvar, newdata = FALSE, tuneGrid, cl, ncores = 1L) {

  data <- as.data.frame(data)

  if (ncores > 1L) {

    if (missing(cl)) {
      cl <- makeCluster(ncores)

    clusterEvalQ(cl, {

    e <- environment()

                  c("data", "idvar", "assessmentvar",
                    "newdata", "tuneGrid"),
                  envir = e)

    bigRes <- parLapplyLB(cl, 1:nrow(tuneGrid), function(i) {
        data = data,
        idvar = idvar,
        assessmentvar = assessmentvar,
        dv = tuneGrid$dv[i],
        timevars = tuneGrid$timevars[[i]],
        misstrick = tuneGrid$misstrick[i],
        k = tuneGrid$k[i],
        title = paste0(tuneGrid$title[i], tuneGrid$k[i]),
        base = tuneGrid$base[i],
        run = tuneGrid$run[i],
        processors = tuneGrid$processors[i],
        starts = tuneGrid$starts[i],
        newdata = newdata,
        cov = tuneGrid$cov[i]), error = function(e) e)
  } else if (ncores == 1L) {
    bigRes <- lapply(1:nrow(tuneGrid), function(i) {
        data = data,
        idvar = idvar,
        assessmentvar = assessmentvar,
        dv = tuneGrid$dv[i],
        timevars = tuneGrid$timevars[[i]],
        misstrick = tuneGrid$misstrick[i],
        k = tuneGrid$k[i],
        title = paste0(tuneGrid$title[i], tuneGrid$k[i]),
        base = tuneGrid$base[i],
        run = tuneGrid$run[i],
        processors = tuneGrid$processors[i],
        starts = tuneGrid$starts[i],
        newdata = newdata,
        cov = tuneGrid$cov[i]), error = function(e) e)
michaelhallquist/MplusAutomation documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 5:17 a.m.