
Defines functions GetGrandCompromise

Documented in GetGrandCompromise

#Part of the HiDiSTATIS function within DiDiSTATIS
#'Integrate tables hierarchically, to give group and grand compormises
#'@param CP_array An array of CP matrices
#'@param DESIGN_tables List of DESIGN info for tables
#'@return A list of compromises and other computed objects

GetGrandCompromise <- function(CP_array, DESIGN_tables){

  RETURN <- list()
  RETURN$data$CP_array <- CP_array

  ## 1. Get Group Compromises
  #  1a. dilate1, a vector of length "D", that gives the number of people in each group, "C(d)"
  dilate1 <- colSums(DESIGN_tables$mat)
  RETURN$coef$dilate1 <- dilate1

  #  1b. MFA1, a vector of length "CD", that gives the MFA coefficient of each of the CD tables (this is 1 for each participant)
  MFA1 <- MFAnormCPFinder(CP_array)
  RETURN$coef$MFA1 <- MFA1

  NormedCP_array <- CP2MFAnormedCP(CP_array) #This is CP_array with each table scaled by its MFA1 coefficient
  RETURN$data$NormedCP_array <- NormedCP_array

  #  1c. alpha1 (on the way, compute RV_C_in_d<d>, alpha_C_in_d<d>,
  #              and while looping, may as well compute GroupCompromise_array[,,<d>])

  alpha1 <- rep(NA, nrow(DESIGN_tables$mat))

  RETURN$data$GroupCompromise_array <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(CP_array),nrow(CP_array),DESIGN_tables$D))

  #For each of the D groups...
  for(d in 1:DESIGN_tables$D){

    #designate the relevant tables
    these_tables <- c(which(DESIGN_tables$mat[,d]==1))

    ##Compute the inner product (the RV matrix, or C matrix) within each group: RV_C_in_d<d>
    #depends (GetCmat.R)
    RV = TRUE    #TRUE gives RV; FALSE gives C.
    GetRVwithin <- paste0("RETURN$InnerProduct$RV_C_in_d",d," <- GetCmat(NormedCP_array[,,these_tables], RV=",RV,")")
    eval(parse(text = GetRVwithin))

    ##From eig(RV_within_d<d>), get AlphaWithin; alpha_C_in_d<d>
    #depends (GetAlpha.R)
    GetAlphaWithin <- paste0("RETURN$InnerProduct$alpha_C_in_d" ,d, " <- GetAlpha(RETURN$InnerProduct$RV_C_in_d" ,d, ")")
    eval(parse(text = GetAlphaWithin))

    #Get all alpha-weights back into 1 vector in the same order as rows of DESIGN_tables$mat
    GoGetAlpha1 <- paste0("alpha1[these_tables] <- RETURN$InnerProduct$alpha_C_in_d" ,d, "$alpha")
    eval(parse(text = GoGetAlpha1))

    ##Compute each GroupCompromise (depends on ComputeSplus.R)
    #use alpha_C_in_D<d> to compute Compromise_Plus_in_d<d>
    GetGroupCompromise <- paste0("RETURN$data$GroupCompromise_array[,,",d,"] <- ComputeSplus(NormedCP_array[,,these_tables], RETURN$InnerProduct$alpha_C_in_d",d,"$alpha)")
    eval(parse(text = GetGroupCompromise))

  RETURN$coef$alpha1 <- alpha1
  #And reassign the names to the Group Compromises
  dimnames(RETURN$data$GroupCompromise_array) <- list(rownames(CP_array), rownames(CP_array), colnames(DESIGN_tables$mat))

  ## 2. Get Grand Compromise
  #  2a. dilate2, a scalar, the number of groups, "D".
  dilate2 <- DESIGN_tables$D
  RETURN$coef$dilate2 <- dilate2

  #  2b. MFA2, a vector of length "D", that gives the MFA coefficient of each of the D GroupCompromises
  MFA2 <- MFAnormCPFinder(RETURN$data$GroupCompromise_array)
  RETURN$coef$MFA2 <- MFA2

  # and apply MFA2 to the Group Compromises to give the NormedGroupCompromise_array
  NormedGroupCompromise_array <- CP2MFAnormedCP(RETURN$data$GroupCompromise_array)
  RETURN$data$NormedGroupCompromise_array <- NormedGroupCompromise_array

  #  2c. alpha2, a vector of length "D", that gives the alpha-weight for each MFA-Normalized Group

  #on the way, compute RV_D
  RETURN$InnerProduct$RV_D <- GetCmat(NormedGroupCompromise_array, RV=TRUE)

  res_Alpha <- GetAlpha(RETURN$InnerProduct$RV_D)
  RETURN$coef$alpha2 <- alpha2 <- res_Alpha$alpha

  RETURN$InnerProduct$res_RV_D <- res_Alpha$res_Rv

  # Compute the Grand Compromise
  GrandCompromise <- ComputeSplus(NormedGroupCompromise_array, alpha2)
  RETURN$data$GrandCompromise <- GrandCompromise

  #Compute SS of Grand Compromise, SStotal
  RETURN$data$SStotal <- sum(diag(GrandCompromise))

  ## 3. Apply coefficients to compute the OverWeighted individual and group data.

  #  3a. OverWeighted_CP_array
  OverWeighted_CP_array <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(CP_array), nrow(CP_array), nrow(DESIGN_tables$mat)))

  for(d in 1:DESIGN_tables$D){
    for(c in 1:colSums(DESIGN_tables$mat)[d]){

      this_table <- which(DESIGN_tables$mat[,d]==1)[c]
      OverWeighted_CP_array[,,this_table] <- (CP_array[,,this_table] *
                                                dilate1[d] *
                                                MFA1[this_table] *
                                                alpha1[this_table] *
                                                dilate2 *
                                                MFA2[d] *


  RETURN$data$OverWeighted_CP_array <- OverWeighted_CP_array

  #Compute SS of Individual data tables
  RETURN$data$Overweighted_SScd <- matrix(NA, nrow(DESIGN_tables$mat), 1)
  for(cd in 1:nrow(DESIGN_tables$mat)){
    RETURN$data$Overweighted_SScd[cd] <- sum(diag(RETURN$data$OverWeighted_CP_array[,,cd]))

  # 3b. OverWeighted_GroupCompromise_array
  OverWeighted_GroupCompromise_array <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(CP_array), nrow(CP_array), DESIGN_tables$D))

  for(d in 1:DESIGN_tables$D){

    OverWeighted_GroupCompromise_array[,,d] <- (RETURN$data$GroupCompromise_array[,,d] *
                                                  dilate2 *
                                                  MFA2[d] *


  RETURN$data$OverWeighted_GroupCompromise_array <- OverWeighted_GroupCompromise_array

  #Compute SS of Group Compromises
  RETURN$data$Overweighted_SS.d <- matrix(NA, DESIGN_tables$D, 1)
  for(d in 1:DESIGN_tables$D){
    RETURN$data$Overweighted_SS.d[d] <- sum(diag(RETURN$data$OverWeighted_GroupCompromise_array[,,d]))

  ### RETURNS ###
  #Part I
  # RETURN$data$CP_array
  # RETURN$coef$dilate1
  # RETURN$coef$MFA1
  # RETURN$data$NormedCP_array
  # RETURN$coef$alpha1
  # RETURN$data$GroupCompromise_array
  #Part II
  # RETURN$coef$dilate2
  # RETURN$coef$MFA2
  # RETURN$coef$alpha2
  # RETURN$data$GrandCompromise
  # RETURN$data$OverWeighted_CP_array
  # RETURN$data$OverWeighted_GroupCompromise_array

michaelkriegsman/DiDiSTATIS documentation built on May 16, 2020, 7:31 a.m.