##' @title Reading MGF files
##' The `readMgf` function imports the data from a file in MGF format reading
##' all specified fields and returning the data as a [DataFrame()].
##' @param f `character(1)` with the path to an mgf file.
##' @param msLevel `numeric(1)` with the MS level. Default is 2.
##' @param mapping named `character` vector to rename mgf fields to spectra
##' variables.
##' @param ... Additional parameters, currently ignored.
##' @return
##' A `DataFrame` with each row containing the data from one spectrum
##' in the MGF file. m/z and intensity values are available in columns `"mz"`
##' and `"intensity"` in a list representation.
##' @export
##' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
##' @importFrom IRanges NumericList
##' @importFrom MsCoreUtils rbindFill
##' @importFrom methods as
##' @author Laurent Gatto, Johannes Rainer
##' @examples
##' fls <- dir(system.file("extdata", package = "MsBackendMgf"),
##' full.names = TRUE, pattern = "mgf$")[1L]
##' readMgf(fls)
readMgf <- function(f, msLevel = 2L,
mapping = spectraVariableMapping(), ...) {
requireNamespace("MsBackendMgf", quietly = TRUE)
if (length(f) != 1L)
stop("Please provide a single mgf file.")
mgf <- scan(file = f, what = "",
sep = "\n", quote = "",
allowEscapes = FALSE,
quiet = TRUE)
## From http://www.matrixscience.com/help/data_file_help.html#GEN
## Comment lines beginning with one of the symbols #;!/ can be
## included, but only outside of the BEGIN IONS and END IONS
## statements that delimit an MS/MS dataset.
cmts <- grep("^[#;!/]", mgf)
if (length(cmts))
mgf <- mgf[-cmts]
begin <- grep("BEGIN IONS", mgf) + 1L
end <- grep("END IONS", mgf) - 1L
n <- length(begin)
sp <- vector("list", length = n)
for (i in seq(along = sp))
sp[[i]] <- .extract_mgf_spectrum(mgf[begin[i]:end[i]],
mapping = mapping)
res <- DataFrame(rbindFill(sp))
spv <- Spectra:::.SPECTRA_DATA_COLUMNS
spv <- spv[!names(spv) %in% c("mz", "intensity")]
for (i in seq_along(res)) {
if (all(lengths(res[[i]]) == 1))
res[[i]] <- unlist(res[[i]])
if (any(col <- names(spv) == colnames(res)[i]))
res[[i]] <- as(res[[i]], spv[col][1])
res$mz <- IRanges::NumericList(res$mz)
res$intensity <- IRanges::NumericList(res$intensity)
res$dataOrigin <- f
res$msLevel <- as.integer(msLevel)
##' @description
##' Extract **all** fields from the MGF eventually renaming the field names to
##' the spectra variable names specified with `mapping`.
##' @param mgf `character()` of lines defining a spectrum in mgf
##' format.
##' @param mapping named `character` providing the mapping of MGF fields to
##' spectra variable names.
##' @author Laurent Gatto, Johannes Rainer
##' @importFrom stats setNames
##' @noRd
.extract_mgf_spectrum <- function(mgf, mapping = spectraVariableMapping()) {
## grep description
desc.idx <- grep("=", mgf)
desc <- mgf[desc.idx]
spec <- mgf[-desc.idx]
ms <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(spec, "[[:space:]]+"))
mode(ms) <- "double"
if (!length(ms))
ms <- matrix(numeric(), ncol = 2L)
r <- regexpr("=", desc, fixed = TRUE)
desc <- setNames(substring(desc, r + 1L, nchar(desc)),
substring(desc, 1L, r - 1L))
title <- unname(desc["TITLE"])
desc[c("PEPMASS", "PEPMASSINT")] <-
strsplit(desc["PEPMASS"], "[[:space:]]+")[[1L]][seq_len(2)]
## Use all fields in the MGF renaming the ones specified by mapping.
desc["CHARGE"] <- sub("[+-]", "", desc["CHARGE"])
idx <- match(names(desc), mapping)
not_na <- !is.na(idx)
if (any(not_na))
names(desc)[not_na] <- names(mapping)[idx][not_na]
res <- data.frame(matrix(desc, nrow = 1,
dimnames = list(NULL, names(desc))))
res$mz = list(ms[, 1L])
res$intensity = list(ms[, 2L])
#' @description
#' Function to export a `Spectra` object in MGF format to `con`.
#' @param x `Spectra`
#' @param con output file.
#' @param mapping named `character` vector that maps from `spectraVariables`
#' (i.e. `names(mapping)`) to the variable name that should be used in the
#' MGF file.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra spectraVariables spectraNames peaksData spectraData
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' spd <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(2L, 2L, 2L), rtime = c(1, 2, 3))
#' spd$mz <- list(c(12, 14, 45, 56), c(14.1, 34, 56.1), c(12.1, 14.15, 34.1))
#' spd$intensity <- list(c(10, 20, 30, 40), c(11, 21, 31), c(12, 22, 32))
#' sps <- Spectra(spd)
#' .export_mgf(sps)
.export_mgf <- function(x, con = stdout(), mapping = spectraVariableMapping()) {
spv <- spectraVariables(x)
spd <- spectraData(x, spv[!(spv %in% c("dataOrigin", "dataStorage"))])
col_not_ok <- !vapply(spd, is.vector, logical(1))
if (any(col_not_ok))
stop("Column(s) ", paste(colnames(spd)[col_not_ok], collapse = ", "),
" contain multiple elements per row. Please either drop this ",
"column or reduce its elements to a single value per row.")
idx <- match(colnames(spd), names(mapping))
colnames(spd)[!is.na(idx)] <- mapping[idx[!is.na(idx)]]
l <- nrow(spd)
tmp <- lapply(colnames(spd), function(z) {
paste0(z, "=", spd[, z], "\n")
if (!any(colnames(spd) == "TITLE")) {
if (!is.null(spectraNames(x)))
title <- paste0("TITLE=", spectraNames(x), "\n")
title <- paste0("TITLE=msLevel ", spd$msLevel, "; retentionTime ",
spd$rtime, "; scanNum ", spd$acquisitionNum, "\n")
tmp <- c(list(title), tmp)
pks <- vapply(peaksData(x), function(z)
paste0(paste0(z[, 1], " ", z[, 2], "\n"), collapse = ""),
tmp <- do.call(cbind, c(list(rep_len("BEGIN IONS\n", l)),
tmp, list(pks), list(rep_len("END IONS\n", l))))
tmp[grep("=NA\n", tmp)] <- ""
writeLines(apply(tmp, 1, paste0, collapse = ""), con = con)
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