
#'Error prediction
#'    For each prevalence interval it randomizes the samples labels into arbitrary groupings using n random
#' permutations (user defined). For each, randomized and prevalence filtered, dataset the OOB error rate is
#' calculated to estimate whether the original differences in groups of samples occur by chance.
#' Results are in a list containing a table and a boxplot summarizing the results.
#'@param physeq Input in phyloseq format, original data, \code{\link{pime.prevalence}} unfiltered
#'@param variable Variable to run the model, to be randomized
#'@param bootstrap Number to run randomizations
#'@param max.prev Max prevalence reached with pime.prevalence()
#'@param parallel Whether or not to run in parallel. Default is TRUE
#'phylist=pime.split.by.variable(restroom, "Environment")
#'pime.best.prevalence(prev, "Environment")
#'result=pime.error.prediction(restroom, "Environment", bootstrap=10, max.prev=90, parallel=TRUE)
#'result$'Results table'
#'@importFrom phyloseq "otu_table"
#'@importFrom phyloseq "sample_data"
#'@importFrom phyloseq "sample_data<-"
pime.error.prediction = function (physeq, variable, bootstrap, max.prev, parallel=TRUE){
  cutoff = as.factor(seq(5, max.prev, by = 5))
  physeq2 = physeq
  if (parallel==TRUE) {
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cor-1)
    results<- foreach::foreach (c = cutoff, .packages = c('phyloseq'), .combine = cbind) %do% {
      rownames(tab) = phyloseq::sample_names(physeq)
      sample_data(physeq2) = tab
      df90.2 = as(sample_data(physeq2), "data.frame")
      foreach::foreach (g = colnames(df90.2),
                        .packages = c('phyloseq', 'ranger'), .combine = c) %dopar% {
                          split = list()
                          split = pime::pime.split.by.variable(physeq2, g)
                          varphy=lapply(split, function(y) microbiome::core(y,detection=0, prevalence=as.numeric(c)/100))
                          prev.cut = do.call(phyloseq::merge_phyloseq, varphy)
                          if (any(phyloseq::sample_sums(prev.cut) ==0) ==FALSE) {
                            merged = prev.cut
                          if ((phyloseq::taxa_are_rows(merged) == TRUE) == TRUE) {
                            otu = t(otu_table(merged))
                          } else {
                            otu = otu_table(merged) }
                          response = as.factor(df90.2[, g])
                          training.set <- data.frame(response, otu)
                          train.model = ranger::ranger(response ~ .,data = training.set)
                          randon = train.model$prediction.error
    ### Stop cluster
  } else {
    results<- foreach::foreach (c = cutoff, .packages = c('phyloseq'), .combine = cbind) %do% {
      rownames(tab) = phyloseq::sample_names(physeq)
      sample_data(physeq2) = tab
      df90.2 = as(sample_data(physeq2), "data.frame")
      foreach::foreach (g = colnames(df90.2),
                        .packages = c('phyloseq', 'ranger'), .combine = c) %do% {
                          split = list()
                          split = pime::pime.split.by.variable(physeq2, g)
                          varphy=lapply(split, function(y) microbiome::core(y,detection=0, prevalence=as.numeric(c)/100))
                          prev.cut = do.call(phyloseq::merge_phyloseq, varphy)
                          if (any(phyloseq::sample_sums(prev.cut) ==0) ==FALSE) {
                            merged = prev.cut
                          if ((phyloseq::taxa_are_rows(merged) == TRUE) == TRUE) {
                            otu = t(otu_table(merged))
                          } else {
                            otu = otu_table(merged) }
                          response = as.factor(df90.2[, g])
                          training.set <- data.frame(response, otu)
                          train.model = ranger::ranger(response ~ .,data = training.set)
                          randon = train.model$prediction.error
  res.plot=as.data.frame(results) %>% tidyr::gather("Prevalence", "OOBerror", 1:ncol(.)) %>%
    ggplot2::ggplot(.)+ggplot2::aes(x=forcats::fct_inorder(Prevalence), y=OOBerror)+
    ggplot2::geom_point(size=1)+ggplot2::geom_boxplot()+ ggplot2::theme_bw()+
    ggplot2::ylim(0,1)+ggplot2::ylab("OOB error")+ggplot2::xlab("Prevalences (%)")
  colnames(results)=paste("Prevalence",levels(c), "%", sep = "")
  return(list("Results table"=as.data.frame(results), "Plot"=res.plot))
microEcology/pime documentation built on Nov. 13, 2019, 11:16 p.m.