
Defines functions alpha_rare_all

Documented in alpha_rare_all

# 基于特征表绘制alpha多样性稀疏曲线 Alpha rarefracation curve
# This function named 'alpha_rare_all',
# which draw curve by sample, or by group with standard error. The inputs are OTU table and metadata, and return a ggplot2 object and plot data.

#' @title Plotting rarefaction curve for each sample or group
#' @description Input otutab and metadata, and manual set metadata column names.
#' ggplot2 show line plot, and/or standard error
#' @param otutab OTU/ASV table;
#' @param metadata matrix or data frame, including sampleID and groupID;
#' @param groupID column name for groupID, such as "Group".
#' @param start sampling OTU/ASV table with the start number sequence count;
#' @param step number of intervals for sampling
#' @param method method for calculate alpha diversity,including "observed", "chao1", "diversity_shannon", "diversity_inverse_simpson", "diversity_gini_simpson", "diversity_fisher",  "diversity_coverage", "evenness_camargo", "evenness_pielou", "evenness_simpson", "evenness_evar", "evenness_bulla", "dominance_dbp",  "dominance_dmn", "dominance_absolute","dominance_relative", "dominance_simpson", "dominance_core_abundance" ,  "dominance_gini", "rarity_log_modulo_skewness", "rarity_low_abundance", "rarity_noncore_abundance",  "rarity_rare_abundance"
#' @details
#' By default, returns a list with the curve and plot data
#' \itemize{
#' \item{most used indices: "observed", "chao1", "diversity_shannon", "evenness_simpson"}
#' \item{other used indices: "diversity_inverse_simpson", "diversity_gini_simpson", "diversity_fisher",  "diversity_coverage", "evenness_camargo", "evenness_pielou", "evenness_evar", "evenness_bulla", "dominance_dbp",  "dominance_dmn", "dominance_absolute","dominance_relative", "dominance_simpson", "dominance_core_abundance" ,  "dominance_gini", "rarity_log_modulo_skewness", "rarity_low_abundance", "rarity_noncore_abundance",  "rarity_rare_abundance"}
#' @return ggplot2 object.
#' @author Contact: Tao Wen \email{2018203048@@njau.edu.cn}, Yong-Xin Liu \email{yxliu@@genetics.ac.cn}
#' @references
#' Yong-Xin Liu, Yuan Qin, Tong Chen, Meiping Lu, Xubo Qian, Xiaoxuan Guo & Yang Bai.
#' A practical guide to amplicon and metagenomic analysis of microbiome data.
#' Protein Cell, 2020(41), 1-16, DOI: \url{https://doi.org/10.1007/s13238-020-00724-8}
#' Jingying Zhang, Yong-Xin Liu, Na Zhang, Bin Hu, Tao Jin, Haoran Xu, Yuan Qin, Pengxu Yan, Xiaoning Zhang, Xiaoxuan Guo, Jing Hui, Shouyun Cao, Xin Wang, Chao Wang, Hui Wang, Baoyuan Qu, Guangyi Fan, Lixing Yuan, Ruben Garrido-Oter, Chengcai Chu & Yang Bai.
#' NRT1.1B is associated with root microbiota composition and nitrogen use in field-grown rice.
#' Nature Biotechnology, 2019(37), 6:676-684, DOI: \url{https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-019-0104-4}
#' @seealso alpha_boxplot alpha_rare
#' @examples
#' # rare plot with otutab and metadata
#' result = alpha_rare_all(otu = otutab, map = metadata, group = "Group", method = "chao1", start = 200, step = 200)
#' result[[1]]# output sample curve plot
#' result[[2]]# data table
#' result[[3]]# output group curve plot
#' result[[4]]# output group curve with CI plot
#' # rare plot with phyloseq Object
#' library(phyloseq)
#' ps = phyloseq(otu_table(otutab, taxa_are_rows=TRUE), sample_data(metadata))
#' result = alpha_rare_all(ps = ps, group = "Group", method = "chao1", start = 1000, step = 1000)
#' result[[4]]# output group curve with CI plot
#' @export


# # ----# 测试代码
# otu = read.delim("./data/otutab.txt",row.names = 1)
# map = read.delim("./data/metadata.tsv",row.names = 1)
# result1 = alpha_rare_all(otu = otu,map = map,group = "Group", start = 100,step = 100,method = "chao1")
# # 提取图形
# p =  result1[[1]]
# p
# # 提取数据
# data = result1[[2]]
# head(data)
# # 提取分组稀释曲线
# p =  result1[[3]]
# p
# # 提取分组稀释曲线
# p =  result1[[4]]
# p

# ps = readRDS("./data/ps_liu.rds")
# result = alpha_rare_all(ps = ps, start = 100,step = 1000,method = "observed")
# # 提取图形
# p =  result[[1]]
# p
# # 提取数据
# data = result[[2]]
# head(data)
# # 提取分组稀释曲线
# p =  result[[3]]
# p
# # 提取分组稀释曲线
# p =  result[[4]]
# p

# 稀释曲线函数
alpha_rare_all =function(otu = otutab,map = metadata,ps = NULL,method = "Richness",group = "Group", start = 100,step = 100){
  # 所需R包
  # 设置默认参数测试函数
  # otu = otutab
  # map = metadata
  # ps = NULL
  # method = "Richness"
  # group = "Group"
  # start = 100
  # step = 100
  # 构建所需子函数
  phyRare = function(ps = ps,N = 3000){
    #---- 提取OTU表函数 #----
    vegan_otu = function(physeq){
      OTU =  otu_table(physeq)
        OTU =  t(OTU)
    #---- 提取OTU表函数
    otb = as.data.frame(t(vegan_otu(ps)))
    otb1 = vegan::rrarefy(t(otb), N)
    ps = phyloseq(otu_table(as.matrix(otb1),taxa_are_rows = F),

  if (is.null(ps) ) {
    otu = as.matrix(otu)
    # str(otu)
    map = map[group]
    colnames(map) = "Group"
    map$Group = as.factor(map$Group)
    ps = phyloseq(otu_table(otu, taxa_are_rows=TRUE),sample_data(map))
  if (!is.null(ps) ) {
    ps = ps
    map = as.data.frame(sample_data(ps))
    map = map[, group]
    colnames(map) = "Group"
    map$Group = as.factor(map$Group)
    sample_data(ps) = map
    map = NULL

  #---- 全部指标#----
  all = c("observed" , "chao1"  , "diversity_inverse_simpson" , "diversity_gini_simpson",
          "diversity_shannon"   ,   "diversity_fisher"   ,  "diversity_coverage"     ,    "evenness_camargo",
          "evenness_pielou"    ,   "evenness_simpson"       ,    "evenness_evar" ,   "evenness_bulla",
          "dominance_dbp"      ,  "dominance_dmn"        ,      "dominance_absolute"   ,      "dominance_relative",
          "dominance_simpson"      ,    "dominance_core_abundance" ,  "dominance_gini"  ,           "rarity_log_modulo_skewness",
          "rarity_low_abundance"   ,    "rarity_noncore_abundance",  "rarity_rare_abundance")

  #--- 运行计算#----
  for (i in seq(start,max(sample_sums(ps)), by = step) ) {
    psRe = phyRare(ps = ps, N = i)

    vegan_otu =  function(physeq){
      OTU =  otu_table(physeq)
        OTU =  t(OTU)

    if (method == "Richness") {
      count = as.data.frame(t(vegan_otu(psRe)))
      # head(count)
      x = t(count) ##转置,行为样本,列为OTU
      est = estimateR(x)
      index = est[1, ]

    if (method %in% c("ACE")) {
      ap_phy = estimate_richness(psRe, measures =method)
      # head(ap_phy)
      index = ap_phy$ACE

    if (method %in% all) {
      alp_mic = alpha(psRe,index=method)
      # head(alp_mic)
      index = alp_mic[,1]

    tab = data.frame(ID = names(sample_sums(psRe)))
    tab = cbind(tab,i,index)
    # head(tab)
    if (i == start) {
      result = tab
    if (i != start) {
      result = rbind(result,tab)

  for (ii in 1:length(sample_sums(ps))) {
    result$i[result$i > sample_sums(ps)[ii][[1]]]
    df_filter= filter(result, ID ==names(sample_sums(ps)[ii]) &i > sample_sums(ps)[ii][[1]])
    a = result$i>sample_sums(ps)[ii][[1]]
    a[a == FALSE] = "a"
    b = result$ID == names(sample_sums(ps)[ii])
    b[b == FALSE] = "b"
    result$index[a== b] = NA
  map = as.data.frame(sample_data(ps))
  result$Group = map$Group

  ## 绘制稀释曲线
  main_theme =theme(panel.grid.major=element_blank(),
    plot.title = element_text(vjust = -8.5,hjust = 0.1),
    axis.title.y =element_text(size = 7,face = "bold",colour = "black"),
    axis.title.x =element_text(size = 7,face = "bold",colour = "black"),
    axis.text = element_text(size = 7,face = "bold"),
    axis.text.x = element_text(colour = "black",size = 7),
    axis.text.y = element_text(colour = "black",size = 7),
    legend.text = element_text(size = 7,face = "bold")
  p = ggplot(data= result,aes(x = i,y = index,group = ID,colour = Group)) +
    geom_smooth(span = 0.7, se = FALSE, method = "loess") +
    labs(x= "",y=method,title="") +theme_bw()+main_theme

  data = result
  groups= group_by(data, Group,i)
  data2 = summarise(groups , mean(index), sd(index))
  # head(data2)
  colnames(data2) = c(colnames(data2)[1:2],"mean","sd")
  # 按组均值绘图
  p2 = ggplot(data= data2,aes(x = i,y = mean,colour = Group)) +
    geom_smooth(span = 0.7,se = FALSE, method = "loess") +
    labs(x= "",y=method,title="") +theme_bw()+main_theme
  # p2

  # 组均值+标准差
  p4 = ggplot(data=data2,aes(x = i,y = mean,colour = Group)) +
    geom_errorbar(data = data2,aes(ymin=mean - sd, ymax=mean + sd,colour = Group),alpha = 0.4, width=.1)+labs(x= "",y=method,title="") +theme_bw()+main_theme
  return(list(p,table = result,p2,p4))
microbiota/amplicon documentation built on April 30, 2023, 1:48 p.m.