
Defines functions list_to_data_frames_array list_to_data_frames combine_replication_sets_from_paths extract_from_set extract_from_replication extract_from_cell cell_error_parser group_result_files identify_result_files

Documented in cell_error_parser combine_replication_sets_from_paths extract_from_cell extract_from_replication extract_from_set group_result_files identify_result_files list_to_data_frames list_to_data_frames_array

# This file contains a list of functions used for data analysis only. 
# These functions are not relevant for the simulation design.
# They are useful for moving result files around and parsing things.

#' @title .
#' @export
identify_result_files <- function(paths, pattern) {
    files = sapply(paths, FUN = function(path) {
        names = list.files(path, pattern)
        sapply(names, function(name) {
            paste0(path, '/', name)
        }, USE.NAMES = F)

    }, USE.NAMES = F)

    files = unlist(files)


#' @title .
#' @export
group_result_files <- function(files, location) {
    # Creating the grouping directory.

    # Copying every file and storing the status.
    status = sapply(files, function(file) {
        file.copy(file, paste0(location, '/', strsplit(file, '/data/')[[1]][3]))

    # Return the names of the files not copied, if any.
    if (all(status))

#' @title .
#' @export
cell_error_parser <- function(error_string, position_in_design = NULL) {
    config = as.numeric(strsplit(sub('(.*)config:(\\s)', '', sub('(\\.)$', '', error_string)), ' ')[[1]])
    names(config) <- c("participants", "nodes", "architecture", "connectedness", "model")
    # Append the position of the cell.
    config = c(config, position = position_in_design)
        list(config = config,
             results = list(perfect = NA, true_positive = NA, false_positive = NA, true_negative = NA, false_negative = NA, sensitivity = NA, specificity = NA, type_one = NA, type_two = NA, edge_correlation = NA, density_true_model = NA, density_estimated_model = NA, equal_size = NA)

#' @title .
#' @export
extract_from_cell <- function(cell, position_in_design = NULL, correction = TRUE) {
    if(is.list(cell)) {
        # Prepare the config vector.
        config = c(cell$raw$config, position = position_in_design)
        # In case the simulation was ran before commit #9fb7c79, leave this correction be applied.
        if (correction) {
            warning('In `$config` vector the names are incorrectly set. $config[3] is `architecture` and  $config[4] is `connectedness`.')
            config_names = names(config)
            names(config)[3] <- config_names[4]
            names(config)[4] <- config_names[3]
        cell_results = list(
            config = config,
            results = cell$computed
    } else {
        cell_results = cell_error_parser(cell, position_in_design)

#' @title .
#' @export
extract_from_replication <- function(replication) {
    # Inform about the number of cells to spot possible missing cells. 
    cat(length(replication), 'cells.', '\n')
    # The essential results for all cells for an the entire replication.
    results = list()
    # Perform the extraction.
    for (cell in 1:length(replication)) {
        results[[cell]] = extract_from_cell(replication[[cell]], cell)

#' @title .
#' @export
extract_from_set <- function(set) {
    cat(paste0('Number of replications in this set: ', length(set), '.'), '\n')

    # The essential results for all cells for an the entire replication set.
    results = list()
    for (replication in 1:length(set)) {
        cat('\t', '-> replication', replication, 'contains: ')

        results[[replication]] = extract_from_replication(set[[replication]])

#' @title .
#' @export
combine_replication_sets_from_paths <- function(paths) {
    # The vector used to merge the sets.
    data = c()

    for (file in 1:length(paths)) {
        cat(paste0('Loading set ', file, '. '))
        set = extract_from_set(readRDS(paths[file]))
        data = c(data, set)


#' @title .
#' @description Sorry for these messy loops. There is certainly a better way to do this: aperm(array(unlist(data), c(19, 1080, 118)), c(2, 1, 3))
#' @export
list_to_data_frames <- function(data) {
    # The `data` argument must be merged and in the list format.
    data_frames = list()

    for (replication in 1:length(data))
        # This data frame holds the results for each cell within a replication (i.e., as a row).
        replication_data_frame = data.frame()

        for (cell in 1:length(data[[replication]]))
            # Dataframe from config vector.
            config = as.data.frame(matrix(data[[replication]][[cell]]$config, ncol = length(data[[replication]][[cell]]$config), byrow = T))
            colnames(config) <- names(data[[replication]][[cell]]$config)

            # Dataframe from results list.
            results = data[[replication]][[cell]]$results

            if (length(results) == 1 && is.na(results)) {

                results = data.frame(
                    perfect = NA, true_positive = NA, false_positive = NA, true_negative = NA,
                    false_negative = NA, sensitivity = NA, specificity = NA, type_one = NA, type_two = NA,
                    edge_correlation = NA, density_true_model = NA, density_estimated_model = NA, equal_size = NA


            results = as.data.frame(results)

            # Combined dataframe with both config and results columns.
            row = cbind(config, results)

            # Append to the replication data frame.
            replication_data_frame = rbind(replication_data_frame, row)


        # Append the replication data frame to the list of replications.
        data_frames[[replication]] = replication_data_frame


#' @title .
#' @description This should be the better alternative to the `list_to_data_frames()`.
#' @export
list_to_data_frames_array <- function(data, cols, rows, layers, perm = c(2, 1, 3)) {
    data = aperm(array(unlist(data), c(cols, rows, layers)), perm)
mihaiconstantin/netPower documentation built on Oct. 4, 2021, 10:16 p.m.