
Defines functions simOccSpatial

Documented in simOccSpatial

# Functions for the book Applied Hierarchical Modeling in Ecology (AHM)
# Marc Kery & Andy Royle, Academic Press, 2016.

# From Marc, 13 June 2019
# "Define function simOccSpatial.docx"

# Originally simNmixSpatial.

# ------  Define function simOccSpatial --------
simOccSpatial <- function(nsurveys = 3, mean.psi = 0.6, beta = c(2, -2), mean.p = 0.4,
  alpha = c(-1, -1), sample.size = 500, variance.RF = 1, theta.RF = 10,
  seeds = c(10, 100), show.plots = TRUE, verbose = TRUE){
# Simulates replicated detection/nondetection data under a spatial, static occupancy model for a semi-realistic landscape in a square of 50x50 km in the Bernese Oberland near Interlaken, Switzerland.
# Unit of the data simulation is a 1km2 quadrat, hence, there are 2500 units (this cannot be varied in the function).
# For occupancy, the function allows you to specify a quadratic effect of elevation, the data for which are contained in the data set BerneseOberland, which is part of the AHMbook package and is a subset of the data set 'Switzerland' in R package unmarked.
# Then, a Gaussian spatial random field (s) with negative exponential correlation function is simulated using the AHMbook function simExpCorrRF. For that field, you can set the variance and the scale parameter theta (see helptext for that function for more details). Basically, the larger the value of theta.RF, the bigger are the 'islands' simulated in the random field.
# The occupancy in each quadrat i is built up via the following linear predictor:
#  psi[i] <- qlogis(beta0 + beta1 * elev[i] + beta2 * elev[i]^2 + s[i])
#  z[i] ~ Bernoulli(psi[i])
# Replicated detection/nondetection data are simulated as usual under a Bernoulli observation model, and detection probability is allowed to vary by one site and one observational covariate: respectively quadrat forest cover, which is real data in the BerneseOberland data set, and wind-speed, which is invented data.
# Detection/nondetection data at each site (i) and for each occasion (j) are produced according to the following model:
#  p[i,j] <- plogis(alpha0 + alpha1 * forest[i] + alpha2 * wind[i,j])
#  y[i,j] ~ Bernoulli(z[i] * p[i,j])
# Finally, we assume that not each one of the 2500 quadrats is surveyed. Hence, we allow you to choose the number of quadrats that are surveyed and these will then be randomly placed into the landscape. We then assume that the response variable will only be available for these surveyed quadrats, i.e., detection/nondetection data from all non-surveyed quadrats will be NA'd out.

BerneseOberland <- NULL # otherwise "no visible binding for global variable 'BerneseOberland'" when checked
data(BerneseOberland, envir = environment())

# Simulate spatial random field
s <- simExpCorrRF(variance = variance.RF, theta = theta.RF, show.plots = show.plots)

# Simulate Occupancy data with spatially correlated random effect in psi
nsites <- 2500     # Number of sites (corresponding to the 50 by 50 grid)
# nsurveys <- nsurveys  # Number of replicate observations
y <- array(dim = c(nsites, nsurveys)) # Array for the response

# Ecological process
beta0 <- qlogis(mean.psi)
elev <- standardize(BerneseOberland$elevation)
forest <- standardize(BerneseOberland$forest)
lpsi0 <- beta0 + beta[1] * elev + beta[2] * elev^2
lpsi <- lpsi0 + c(s$field)
psi0 <- plogis(lpsi0)
psi <- plogis(lpsi)

# Determine actual presence/absence as Bernoulli rv’s with parameter psi
z <- rbinom(n = nsites, 1, psi)

# Observation process
# Detection probability as linear function of forest and wind speed
alpha0 <- qlogis(mean.p)
wind <- matrix(rnorm(nsites*nsurveys), nrow = nsites, ncol = nsurveys)
p <- array(NA, dim = c(nsites, nsurveys))
for(j in 1:nsurveys){
  p[,j] <- plogis(alpha0 + alpha[1] * forest + alpha[2] * wind[,j])

# Go out and do those error-prone presence-absence surveys
for (j in 1:nsurveys){
  y[,j] <- rbinom(n = nsites, size = z, prob = p[,j])

# Select a sample of sites for surveys
surveyed.sites <- sort(sample(1:nsites, size = sample.size))

# Create the array of observed data by NA'ing out unsurveyed quadrats
yobs <- y    # Make a copy: the observed data
yobs[-surveyed.sites,] <- NA

mean(z)               # Finite-sample occupancy
nocc <- sum(z)

# Minimal console output
trueNocc <- sum(z)
obsNocc <- sum(apply(y, 1, max))
true_psi_fs <- trueNocc / 2500
obs_psi_fs <- obsNocc / 2500

if(verbose) {
  cat("\n\n\nTrue number of occupied sites:", trueNocc)
  cat("\n\n\nObserved number of occupied sites:", obsNocc)
  cat("\n\n\nNumber of occupied sites where species missed:", trueNocc - obsNocc)
  cat("\nUnderestimation of 'species range size' in 2500 quadrats:", round(100*(1-obsNocc/trueNocc)), "%\n\n")

# Plot stuff
  # Restore graphical settings on exit ---------------------------
  oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(5,8,5,2), cex.lab = 1.5, "cex.main")
  oldAsk <- devAskNewPage(ask = dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE))
  on.exit({par(oldpar); devAskNewPage(oldAsk)})
  # --------------------------------------------------------------

  tryPlot <- try( {
    # Plot psi as function of covariates (excluding spatial field)
    plot(BerneseOberland$elevation, psi0, cex = 1, pch = 16, main = "Occupancy probability (psi) without spatial field", xlab = "Elevation", ylab = "psi excl. spatial field", frame = FALSE, col = rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.3))
    # Plot psi as function of covariates (with spatial field)
    plot(BerneseOberland$elevation, psi, cex = 1, pch = 16, main = "Occupancy probability (psi) including effect of spatial field", xlab = "Elevation", ylab = "psi incl. spatial field", frame = FALSE, col = rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.3))

    # Plot detection as a function of the two covariates
    par(mfrow = c(1,2), cex.main = 1.5)
    plot(wind, p, ylim = c(0,1), cex = 1, main = "Detection (p) ~ Wind speed", frame = FALSE, col = rgb(0,0,0,0.3), pch = 16)
    noforest <- forest < -1.34
    points(wind[noforest,], p[noforest,], col = 'blue', pch = 16, cex = 1)
    legend('topright', 'blue: sites with no forest')
    plot(BerneseOberland$forest, apply(p, 1, mean), ylim = c(0,1), cex = 1, main = "Detection (p) ~ Forest cover", frame = FALSE, col = rgb(0,0,0,0.3), pch = 16)

    # Summary set of plots
    par(mfrow = c(2, 3), mar = c(2,2,4,6))
    r <- raster::rasterFromXYZ(data.frame(x = BerneseOberland$x, y = BerneseOberland$y, z = BerneseOberland$elevation))
    raster::plot(r, col = topo.colors(20), axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, main = "Elevation (metres)")
    r <- raster::rasterFromXYZ(data.frame(x = BerneseOberland$x, y = BerneseOberland$y, z = BerneseOberland$forest))
    raster::plot(r, col = topo.colors(20), axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, main = "Forest cover (%)")
    r <- raster::rasterFromXYZ(data.frame(x = s$gr[,1], y = s$gr[,2], z = c(s$field)))
    raster::plot(r, col = topo.colors(20), axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, main = "Spatial effect (neg. exp. corr.)")
    r <- raster::rasterFromXYZ(data.frame(x = BerneseOberland$x, y = BerneseOberland$y, z = z))
    raster::plot(r, col = c("white", "black"), axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, main = "Presence/absence (z)")
    r <- raster::rasterFromXYZ(data.frame(x = BerneseOberland$x, y = BerneseOberland$y, z = apply(p, 1, mean)))
    raster::plot(r, col = topo.colors(20), axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, main = "Average detection probability")
    r <- raster::rasterFromXYZ(data.frame(x = BerneseOberland$x, y = BerneseOberland$y, z = apply(y, 1, max)))
    raster::plot(r, col = c("white", "black"), axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, main = "Observed presence/absence (max(y))\n with surveyed sites")
    points(BerneseOberland$x[surveyed.sites], BerneseOberland$y[surveyed.sites], pch = 16, col = "red", cex = 0.8)
  }, silent = TRUE)
  if(inherits(tryPlot, "try-error"))

# Output
  # ------------------- arguments input ----------------------
  nsurveys = nsurveys, mean.psi = mean.psi, beta = beta, mean.p = mean.p,
  alpha = alpha, sample.size = sample.size, variance.RF = variance.RF,
  theta.RF = theta.RF, seeds = seeds,
  # ------------------- from BerneseOberland ----------------------
  xcoord = BerneseOberland$x,
  ycoord = BerneseOberland$y,
  elevation = BerneseOberland$elevation,
  forest = BerneseOberland$forest,
  elevationS = elev, forestS = forest,
  # ------------------- generated variables ------------------------
  wind = wind,
  field = s$field,
  alpha0 = alpha0,
  beta0 = beta0,
  psi = psi,
  z = z,
  trueNocc = trueNocc,
  obsNocc = obsNocc,
  true_psi_fs = true_psi_fs,
  obs_psi_fs = obs_psi_fs,
  p = p,
  y = y,
  surveyed.sites = surveyed.sites,
  yobs = yobs))
} # End of function definition
mikemeredith/AHMbook documentation built on Dec. 5, 2022, 12:58 p.m.