
Defines functions .checkListNamesConsistency .checkLogicalConsistency .getElement .setAttrFromList .setAttr .getData BD.checkAndDeleteFiles BD.getData BD.getMetaData BD.blockLengths BD.nBlocks BD.actualFileNames addBlockToBlockwiseData mergeBlockwiseData newBlockwiseData .getAttributesOrEmptyList

# ==========================================================================================================
# Utility functions for handling possibly disk-backed blockwise data.
# ==========================================================================================================

.getAttributesOrEmptyList <- function(object) {
  att <- attributes(object)
  if (is.null(att)) list() else att

newBlockwiseData <- function(data, external = FALSE, fileNames = NULL,
                             doSave = external,
                             recordAttributes = TRUE,
                             metaData = list()) {
  if (length(external) == 0) {
    stop("'external' must be logical of length 1.")

  if (!is.null(dim(data)) || !is.list(data)) {
    stop("'data' must be a list without dimensions.")

  if (recordAttributes) {
    attributes <- lapply(data, .getAttributesOrEmptyList)
  } else {
    attributes <- NULL

  nBlocks <- length(data)

  if (length(metaData) > 0) {
    if (length(metaData) != nBlocks) {
      stop("If 'metaData' are given, it must be a list with one component per component of 'data'.")
  } else {
    metaData <- .listRep(list(), nBlocks)

  lengths <- sapply(data, length)

  if (doSave && !external) {
    warning("newBlockwiseData: Cannot save when 'external' is not TRUE. Data will not be written to disk.")

  if (external) {
    if (is.null(fileNames)) stop("When 'external' is TRUE, 'fileNames' must be given.")
  } else {
    fileNames <- NULL

  out <- list(
    external = external, data = if (external) list() else data, fileNames = fileNames,
    lengths = lengths, attributes = attributes, metaData = metaData
  if (doSave && external) {
    if (nBlocks != length(fileNames)) stop("Length of 'data' and 'fileNames' must be the same.")
    mapply(function(object, f) save(object, file = f), data, fileNames)

  class(out) <- "BlockwiseData"

mergeBlockwiseData <- function(...) {
  args <- list(...)
  args <- args[sapply(args, length) > 0]
  if (!all(sapply(args, inherits, "BlockwiseData"))) {
    stop("All arguments must be of class 'BlockwiseData'.")

  external1 <- .checkLogicalConsistency(args, "external")
  .checkListNamesConsistency(lapply(args, getElement, "attributes"), "attributes")
  .checkListNamesConsistency(lapply(args, getElement, "metaData"), "metaData")

  out <- list(
    external = external1, data = do.call(c, lapply(args, .getElement, "data")),
    fileNames = do.call(c, lapply(args, .getElement, "fileNames")),
    lengths = do.call(c, lapply(args, .getElement, "lengths")),
    attributes = do.call(c, lapply(args, .getElement, "attributes")),
    metaData = do.call(c, lapply(args, .getElement, "metaData"))
  class(out) <- "BlockwiseData"

# Under normal circumstance arguments external, dist and diag should not be set by the calling fnc, but this
# function can also be used to start a new instance of blockwise data.

addBlockToBlockwiseData <- function(bwData,
                                    external = bwData$external,
                                    blockFile = NULL,
                                    doSave = external,
                                    recordAttributes = !is.null(bwData$attributes),
                                    metaData = NULL) {
  badj1 <- newBlockwiseData(
    external = external,
    data = if (is.null(blockData)) NULL else list(blockData),
    fileNames = blockFile,
    recordAttributes = recordAttributes,
    metaData = list(metaData),
    doSave = doSave
  mergeBlockwiseData(bwData, badj1)

BD.actualFileNames <- function(bwData) {
  if (!inherits(bwData, "BlockwiseData")) stop("'bwData' is not a blockwise data structure.")
  if (bwData$external) bwData$fileNames else character(0)

BD.nBlocks <- function(bwData) {
  if (!inherits(bwData, "BlockwiseData")) stop("'bwData' is not a blockwise data structure.")

BD.blockLengths <- function(bwData) {
  if (!inherits(bwData, "BlockwiseData")) stop("'bwData' is not a blockwise structure.")

BD.getMetaData <- function(bwData, blocks = NULL, simplify = TRUE) {
  if (!inherits(bwData, "BlockwiseData")) stop("'bwData' is not a blockwise structure.")
  if (is.null(blocks)) blocks <- 1:BD.nBlocks(bwData)
  if ((length(blocks) == 0) | any(!is.finite(blocks))) {
    stop("'block' must be present and finite.")

  if (any(blocks < 1) | (blocks > BD.nBlocks(bwData))) {
    stop("All entries in 'block' must be between 1 and ", BD.nBlocks(bwData))

  out <- bwData$metaData[blocks]
  if (length(blocks) == 1 && simplify) {
    out <- out[[1]]

BD.getData <- function(bwData, blocks = NULL, simplify = TRUE) {
  if (!inherits(bwData, "BlockwiseData")) stop("'bwData' is not a blockwise data structure.")

  if (is.null(blocks)) blocks <- 1:BD.nBlocks(bwData)
  if ((length(blocks) == 0) | any(!is.finite(blocks))) {
    stop("'block' must be present and finite.")

  if (any(blocks < 1) | (blocks > BD.nBlocks(bwData))) {
    stop("All entries in 'block' must be between 1 and ", BD.nBlocks(bwData))

  if (bwData$external) {
    lengths <- BD.blockLengths(bwData)
    out <- mapply(.loadObject, bwData$fileNames[blocks],
      name = "object", size = lengths[blocks],
  } else {
    out <- bwData$data[blocks]
  if (length(blocks) == 1 && simplify) {
    out <- out[[1]]

BD.checkAndDeleteFiles <- function(bwData) {
  if (!inherits(bwData, "BlockwiseData")) stop("'bwData' is not a blockwise data structure")
  if (bwData$external) {

.getData <- function(x, ...) {
  if (inherits(x, "BlockwiseData")) {
    return(BD.getData(x, ...))

.setAttr <- function(object, name, value) {
  attr(object, name) <- value

.setAttrFromList <- function(object, valueList) {
  if (length(valueList) > 0) {
    for (i in 1:length(valueList)) {
      attr(object, names(valueList)[i]) <- valueList[[i]]

# A version of getElement that returns NULL if name does not name a valid object
.getElement <- function(lst, name) {
  if (name %in% names(lst)) lst[[name, exact = TRUE]] else NULL

.checkLogicalConsistency <- function(objects, name) {
  vals <- sapply(objects, getElement, name)
  if (!all(vals) && !all(!vals)) {
    stop("All arguments must have the same value of '", name, "'.")

.checkListNamesConsistency <- function(lst, name) {
  names <- lapply(lst, names)
  if (!all(sapply(names, function(x) isTRUE(all.equal(x, names[[1]]))))) {
    stop("Not all names agree in ", name)
milescsmith/WGCNA documentation built on April 11, 2024, 1:26 a.m.