
Defines functions consensusTOM .mergeConsensusTOMInformationLists hierarchicalConsensusTOM individualTOMs newBlockInformation .consensusCalculation.base.FromList .consensusCalculation.base .qorder .checkAndDelete .emptyDist .vector2dist .loadObject .loadAsList .saveChunks .mtd.checkDimConsistencyAndGetDimnames .checkListDimConsistencyAndGetDimnames .shiftList .dimensions .useDiskCache .networkCalculation .corCalculation newNetworkOptions newCorrelationOptions newConsensusOptions consensusTreeInputs newConsensusTree .checkPower

# New multilevel specification of consensus: a hierarchical list.

# The consensus calculation needs to be general enough so it can be used for module merging (consensus
# eigengene network) as well as for calculation of consensus kMEs, and possibly for other stuff as well.

# Consensus specification for a single operation:
#   - inputs: a list specifying the input of the consensus. This should be general enough to handle
#   blockwise data but also not specific to adjacencies.
#     The inut should be a multiData structure, with each
#   - calibrationMethod: currently one of "none", "simple quantile", "full quantile"
#   - consensusQuantile
#   - saveCalibratedIndividualTOMs (= FALSE)
#   - calibratedIndividualTOMFilePattern (= "calibratedIndividualTOM-Set%s-Block%b.RData")

# The consensus calculation itself does not need information about correlation type etc; the consensus
# calculation is very general.

# For network analysis applications of the consensus: will also have to keep information about how the
# individual network adjacencies (TOMs) are to be created or were created - correlation type, network type,
# TOM type, correlation options etc.

# So we will keep 2 different types of information around:
# 1. network construction options. A simple list giving the necessary network construction options.
# 2. ConsensusOptions: This will also be a list giving the options but not holding the actual consensus
# inputs or outputs.

# outputs of network construction and consensus construction should be held in separate lists.

# Output of individualTOMs:
#   - adjacency data, a list of blockwiseData instances
#   - block information
#   - network construction options, separately for each adjacency (network construction could be different)

# For consensusTOM:
#   Inputs:
#      - adjacency data: either from individual TOMs or from other consensus TOMs
#          . note that constructing a complicated consensus manually (i.e., using consensus TOMs
#            as inputs to higher-level consensus) is of limited use
#            since consensus modules would need the full consensus tree anyway.
#      - consensus tree
#   Not really needed: block information
#   outputs:
#      - consensus adjacency data
#      - copy of consensus options
#      - other (diagnostic etc) information

# For consensus modules
#   Inputs:
#      - undelying expression data
#      - optional consensus TOM
#      - block information
#      - network options for each expression data set
#      - consensus tree

.checkPower <- function(power) {
  if (any(!is.finite(power)) | (sum(power < 1) > 0) | (sum(power > 50) > 0)) {
    stop("power must be between 1 and 50.")

# ==========================================================================================================
# Defining a single consensus operation
# ==========================================================================================================

newConsensusTree <- function(consensusOptions = newConsensusOptions(),
                             analysisName = NULL) {
  if (!inherits(consensusOptions, "ConsensusOptions")) {
    stop("'consensusOptions' must be of class ConsensusOptions.")
  out <- list(
    consensusOptions = consensusOptions,
    inputs = inputs,
    analysisName = analysisName
  class(out) <- c("ConsensusTree", class(out))

consensusTreeInputs <- function(consensusTree, flatten = TRUE) {
  out <- lapply(consensusTree$inputs, function(inp) if (inherits(inp, "ConsensusTree")) consensusTreeInputs(inp) else inp)
  if (flatten) out <- unlist(out)

newConsensusOptions <- function(
                                calibration = c("full quantile", "single quantile", "none"),

                                # Simple quantile scaling options
                                calibrationQuantile = 0.95,
                                sampleForCalibration = TRUE,
                                sampleForCalibrationFactor = 1000,

                                # Consensus definition
                                consensusQuantile = 0,
                                useMean = FALSE,
                                setWeights = NULL,
                                # Name to prevent clashing of files
                                analysisName = "") {
  calibration <- match.arg(calibration)
  if (any(!is.finite(setWeights))) stop("Entries of 'setWeights' must all be finite.")
  if ((consensusQuantile < 0) | (consensusQuantile > 1)) {
    stop("'consensusQuantile' must be between 0 and 1.")
  out <- list(
    calibration = calibration,
    calibrationQuantile = calibrationQuantile,
    sampleForCalibration = sampleForCalibration,
    sampleForCalibrationFactor = sampleForCalibrationFactor,
    consensusQuantile = consensusQuantile,
    useMean = useMean,
    setWeights = setWeights,
    analysisName = analysisName
  class(out) <- c("ConsensusOptions", class(out))

newCorrelationOptions <- function(
                                  corType = c("pearson", "bicor"),
                                  maxPOutliers = 0.05,
                                  quickCor = 0,
                                  pearsonFallback = "individual",
                                  cosineCorrelation = FALSE,
                                  nThreads = 0,
                                  corFnc = if (corType == "bicor") "bicor" else "cor",
                                  corOptions = c(
                                      use = "p",
                                      cosine = cosineCorrelation,
                                      quick = quickCor,
                                      nThreads = nThreads
                                    if (corType == "bicor") {
                                        maxPOutliers = maxPOutliers,
                                        pearsonFallback = pearsonFallback
                                    } else {
                                  )) {
  if ((maxPOutliers < 0) | (maxPOutliers > 1)) stop("maxPOutliers must be between 0 and 1.")
  if (quickCor < 0) stop("quickCor must be positive.")
  if (nThreads < 0) stop("nThreads must be positive.")
  corType <- match.arg(corType)
  if ((maxPOutliers < 0) | (maxPOutliers > 1)) stop("maxPOutliers must be between 0 and 1.")
  if (quickCor < 0) stop("quickCor must be positive.")
  fallback <- pmatch(pearsonFallback, .pearsonFallbacks)
  if (is.na(fallback)) {
      "Unrecognized 'pearsonFallback'. Recognized values are (unique abbreviations of)\n",
      paste(.pearsonFallbacks, collapse = ", ")
  out <- list(
    corType = corType,
    maxPOutliers = maxPOutliers,
    quickCor = quickCor,
    pearsonFallback = pearsonFallback,
    pearsonFallback.code = match(pearsonFallback, .pearsonFallbacks),
    cosineCorrelation = cosineCorrelation,
    corFnc = corFnc,
    corOptions = corOptions,
    corType.code = match(corType, .corTypes),
    nThreads = nThreads
  class(out) <- c("CorrelationOptions", class(out))

newNetworkOptions <- function(
                              correlationOptions = newCorrelationOptions(),

                              # Adjacency options
                              replaceMissingAdjacencies = TRUE,
                              power = 6,
                              networkType = c("signed hybrid", "signed", "unsigned"),
                              checkPower = TRUE,

                              # Topological overlap options
                              TOMType = c("signed", "unsigned", "none"),
                              TOMDenom = c("mean", "min"),
                              suppressTOMForZeroAdjacencies = FALSE,

                              # Internal behavior options
                              useInternalMatrixAlgebra = FALSE) {
  if (checkPower) .checkPower(power)
  networkType <- match.arg(networkType)
  TOMType <- match.arg(TOMType)
  TOMDenom <- match.arg(TOMDenom)
  out <- c(
      replaceMissingAdjacencies = replaceMissingAdjacencies,
      power = power,
      networkType = networkType,
      TOMType = TOMType,
      TOMDenom = TOMDenom,
      networkType.code = match(networkType, .networkTypes),
      TOMType.code = match(TOMType, .TOMTypes),
      TOMDenom.code = match(TOMDenom, .TOMDenoms),
      suppressTOMForZeroAdjacencies = suppressTOMForZeroAdjacencies,
      useInternalMatrixAlgebra = useInternalMatrixAlgebra
  class(out) <- c("NetworkOptions", class(correlationOptions))

# ====================================================================================================
# cor, network, and consensus calculations
# ====================================================================================================

.corCalculation <- function(x, y = NULL, weights.x = NULL, weights.y = NULL, correlationOptions) {
  if (!inherits(correlationOptions, "CorrelationOptions")) {
    stop(".corCalculation: 'correlationOptions' does not have correct type.")
      list(x = x, y = y, weights.x = weights.x, weights.y = weights.y),

# network calculation. Returns the resulting topological overlap or adjacency matrix.

.networkCalculation <- function(data, networkOptions, weights = NULL,
                                verbose = 1, indent = 0) {
  if (is.data.frame(data)) data <- as.matrix(data)
  if (!inherits(networkOptions, "NetworkOptions")) {
    stop(".networkCalculation: 'networkOptions' does not have correct type.")

  .checkAndScaleWeights(weights, data, scaleByMax = FALSE)

  callVerb <- max(0, verbose - 1)
  callInd <- indent + 2
  CcorType <- networkOptions$corType.code - 1
  CnetworkType <- networkOptions$networkType.code - 1
  CTOMType <- networkOptions$TOMType.code - 1
  CTOMDenom <- networkOptions$TOMDenom.code - 1

  warn <- as.integer(0)
  # For now return the full matrix; eventually we may return just the dissimilarity.
  # To make full use of the lower triagle space saving we'd have to modify the underlying C code
  # dramatically, otherwise it will still need to allocate the full matrix for the matrix multiplication.
  .Call("tomSimilarity_call", data, weights,
    as.integer(CcorType), as.integer(CnetworkType),
    as.double(networkOptions$power), as.integer(CTOMType),
    warn, as.integer(min(1, networkOptions$nThreads)),
    as.integer(callVerb), as.integer(callInd),

# the following is contained in consensusOptions:
#  out = list( calibration = calibration,
#              calibrationQuantile = calibrationQuantile,
#              sampleForCalibration = sampleForCalibration,
#              sampleForCalibrationFactor = sampleForCalibrationFactor,
#              consensusQuantile = consensusQuantile,
#              useMean = useMean,
#              setWeights = setWeights);

# ==============================================================================================
# general utility functions
# ==============================================================================================

# Try to guess whether disk cache should be used
# this should work for both multiData as well as for simple lists of arrays.

.useDiskCache <- function(multiExpr, blocks = NULL, chunkSize = NULL,
                          nSets = if (isMultiData(multiExpr)) length(multiExpr) else 1,
                          nGenes = checkSets(multiExpr)$nGenes) {
  if (is.null(chunkSize)) chunkSize <- as.integer(.largestBlockSize / (2 * nSets))

  if (length(blocks) == 0) {
    blockLengths <- nGenes
  } else {
    blockLengths <- as.numeric(table(blocks))

  max(blockLengths) > chunkSize

.dimensions <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(dim(x))) {

.shiftList <- function(c0, lst) {
  if (length(lst) == 0) {
  ll <- length(lst)
  out <- list()
  out[[1]] <- c0
  for (i in 1:ll) {
    out[[i + 1]] <- lst[[i]]

.checkListDimConsistencyAndGetDimnames <- function(dataList) {
  nPars <- length(dataList)
  dn <- NULL
  for (p in 1:nPars)
    if (mode(dataList[[p]]) != "numeric") {
      stop(paste("Argument number", p, " is not numeric."))
    if (p == 1) {
      dim <- .dimensions(dataList[[p]])
    } else {
      if (!isTRUE(all.equal(.dimensions(dataList[[p]]), dim))) {
        stop("Argument dimensions are not consistent.")
    if (prod(dim) == 0) stop(paste("Argument has zero dimension."))
    if (is.null(dn)) dn <- dimnames(dataList[[p]])

.mtd.checkDimConsistencyAndGetDimnames <- function(mtd) {
  nPars <- length(mtd)
  dn <- NULL
  for (p in 1:nPars)
    if (mode(mtd[[p]]$data) != "numeric") {
      stop(paste("Argument number", p, " is not numeric."))
    if (p == 1) {
      dim <- .dimensions(mtd[[p]]$data)
    } else {
      if (!isTRUE(all.equal(.dimensions(mtd[[p]]$data), dim))) {
        stop("Argument dimensions are not consistent.")
    if (prod(dim) == 0) stop(paste("Argument has zero dimension."))
    if (is.null(dn)) dn <- dimnames(mtd[[p]]$data)

# ==============================================================================================
# general utility functions for working with disk cache
# ==============================================================================================

.saveChunks <- function(data, chunkSize, fileBase, cacheDir, fileNames = NULL) {
  ld <- length(data)
  nChunks <- ceiling(ld / chunkSize)
  if (is.null(fileNames)) {
    if (length(fileBase) != 1) {
      stop("Internal error: length of 'fileBase' must be 1.")

    fileNames <- rep("", nChunks)
    x <- 1
    for (c in 1:nChunks)
      fileNames[c] <- tempfile(pattern = fileBase, tmpdir = cacheDir)
      # This effectively reserves the file name
      save(x, file = fileNames[c])
  } else {
    if (length(fileNames) != nChunks) {
      stop("Internal error: length of 'fileNames' must equal the number of chunks.")

  chunkLengths <- rep(0, nChunks)
  start <- 1
  for (c in 1:nChunks)
    end <- min(start + chunkSize - 1, ld)
    chunkLengths[c] <- end - start + 1
    temp <- data[start:end]
    save(temp, file = fileNames[c])
    start <- end + 1
  rm(temp) # gc();
  list(files = fileNames, chunkLengths = chunkLengths)

.loadAsList <- function(file) {
  env <- new.env()
  load(file = file, envir = env)
.loadObject <- function(file, name = NULL, size = NULL) {
  x <- .loadAsList(file)
  if (!is.null(name) && (names(x)[1] != name)) {
    stop("File ", file, " does not contain object '", name, "'.")

  obj <- x[[1]]
  if (!is.null(size) && (length(obj) != size)) {
    stop("Object '", name, "' does not have the correct length.")

.vector2dist <- function(x) {
  n <- length(x)
  n1 <- (1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * n)) / 2
  if (floor(n1) != n1) stop("Input length not consistent with a distance structure.")
  attributes(x) <- list(Size = as.integer(n1), Diag = FALSE, Upper = FALSE)
  class(x) <- "dist"

.emptyDist <- function(nObjects, fill = 0) {
  n <- (nObjects * (nObjects - 1)) / 2
  .vector2dist(rep(fill, n))

.checkAndDelete <- function(files) {
  if (length(files) > 0) lapply(as.character(files), function(file) if (file.exists(file)) file.remove(file))

.qorder <- function(data) {
  data <- as.numeric(data)
  .Call("qorder", data, PACKAGE = "WGCNA")

# Actual consensus calculation distilled into one function. data is assumed to have sets in columns
# and samples/observations/whatever in rows. setWeightMat should be a matrix of dimensions (nSets, 1)
# and be normalized to sum=1.

.consensusCalculation.base <- function(data, useMean, setWeightMat, consensusQuantile) {
  nSets <- ncol(data)
  if (nSets == 1) {
    out.list <- list(consensus = as.vector(data))
  } else {
    if (useMean) {
      if (any(is.na(data))) {
        finiteMat <- 1 - is.na(data)
        data[is.na(data)] <- 0
        out <- data %*% setWeightMat / finiteMat %*% setWeightMat
      } else {
        out <- data %*% setWeightMat
      out.list <- list(consensus = out)
    } else if (consensusQuantile == 0) {
      whichmin <- .Call("minWhich_call", data, 1L, PACKAGE = "WGCNA")
      out.list <- list(consensus = whichmin$min)
    } else {
      out.list <- list(consensus = rowQuantileC(data, p = consensusQuantile))
  if (is.null(out.list$originCount)) {
    out.list$originCount <- apply(data, 2, function(x) sum(x <= out.list$consensus, na.rm = TRUE))
    names(out.list$originCount) <- 1:nSets

.consensusCalculation.base.FromList <- function(dataList, useMean, setWeights, consensusQuantile) {
  nSets <- length(dataList)
  if (nSets == 1) {
    out.list <- list(consensus = dataList[[1]])
  } else {
    if (useMean) {
      out.list <- list(consensus = pmean(dataList, setWeights))
    } else if (consensusQuantile == 0) {
      whichmin <- pminWhich.fromList(dataList)
      out.list <- list(consensus = whichmin$min)
    } else {
      out.list <- list(consensus = pquantile.fromList(dataList, prob = consensusQuantile))
  if (is.null(out.list$originCount)) {
    out.list$originCount <- sapply(dataList, function(x) sum(x <= out.list$consensus, na.rm = TRUE))
    names(out.list$originCount) <- 1:nSets

# ==============================================================================================
# utility functions for working with multiple blockwise adjacencies.
# ==============================================================================================

newBlockInformation <- function(
                                goodSamplesAndGenes) {
  blockGenes <- tapply(1:length(blocks), blocks, identity)
  names(blockGenes) <- sort(unique(blocks))
  nGGenes <- sum(goodSamplesAndGenes$goodGenes)
  gBlocks <- blocks[goodSamplesAndGenes$goodGenes]
  out <- list(
    blocks = blocks,
    blockGenes = blockGenes,
    goodSamplesAndGenes = goodSamplesAndGenes,
    nGGenes = nGGenes,
    gBlocks = gBlocks
  class(out) <- c("BlockInformation", class(out))

# =======================================================================================================
# individualTOMs
# This is essentially a re-badged blockwiseIndividualTOMs with a different input and ouptut format.
# =======================================================================================================

# The following is contained in networkOptions:

# corType = corType,
# maxPOutliers = maxPOutliers,
# quickCor = quickCor,
# pearsonFallback = pearsonFallback,
# cosineCorrelation = cosineCorrelation,
# corFnc = corFnc,
# corOptions = corOptions,
# corType.code = match(corType, .corTypes),

# Adjacency options
# replaceMissingAdjacencies = TRUE,
# power = 6,
# networkType = c("signed hybrid", "signed", "unsigned"),

# Topological overlap options

# TOMType = c("signed", "unsigned"),
# TOMDenom = c("mean", "min"))

individualTOMs <- function(
                           multiWeights = NULL,

                           multiExpr.imputed = NULL, ## Optional, useful for pre-clustering if preclustering is needed.

                           # Data checking options

                           checkMissingData = TRUE,

                           # Blocking options

                           blocks = NULL,
                           maxBlockSize = 5000,
                           blockSizePenaltyPower = 5,
                           nPreclusteringCenters = NULL,
                           randomSeed = 12345,

                           # Network construction options. This can be a single object of class NetworkOptions, or a multiData
                           # structure of NetworkOptions objects, one per element of multiExpr.


                           # Save individual TOMs? This is equivalent to using external = TRUE in blockwiseData

                           saveTOMs = TRUE,
                           individualTOMFileNames = "individualTOM-Set%s-Block%b.RData",

                           # Behaviour options
                           collectGarbage = TRUE,
                           verbose = 2, indent = 0) {
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)

  dataSize <- checkSets(multiExpr, checkStructure = TRUE)
  if (dataSize$structureOK) {
    nSets <- dataSize$nSets
    nGenes <- dataSize$nGenes
    multiFormat <- TRUE
  } else {
    multiExpr <- multiData(multiExpr)
    if (!is.null(multiWeights)) multiWeights <- multiData(multiWeights)
    nSets <- dataSize$nSets
    nGenes <- dataSize$nGenes
    multiFormat <- FALSE

  .checkAndScaleMultiWeights(multiWeights, multiExpr, scaleByMax = FALSE)

  if (inherits(networkOptions, "NetworkOptions")) {
    networkOptions <- list2multiData(.listRep(networkOptions, nSets))
  } else {
    if (!all(mtd.apply(networkOptions, inherits, "NetworkOptions", mdaSimplify = TRUE))) {
        "'networkOptions' must be of class 'NetworkOptions' or a multiData structure\n",
        "   of objects of the class.\n",
        "   See newNetworkOptions for creating valid network options."

  if (is.null(names(multiExpr))) {
    names(multiExpr) <- spaste("Set", 1:nSets)

  if (!is.null(randomSeed)) {
    if (exists(".Random.seed")) {
      savedSeed <- .Random.seed
      on.exit(.Random.seed <<- savedSeed)

  # if (maxBlockSize >= floor(sqrt(2^31)) )
  #  stop("'maxBlockSize must be less than ", floor(sqrt(2^31)), ". Please decrease it and try again.")

  if (!is.null(blocks) && (length(blocks) != nGenes)) {
    stop("Input error: length of 'blocks' must equal number of genes in 'multiExpr'.")

  if (verbose > 0) {
    printFlush(paste(spaces, "Calculating topological overlaps block-wise from all genes"))

  nSamples <- dataSize$nSamples

  # Check data for genes and samples that have too many missing values

  # Check that multiExpr has valid (mtd)column names. If column names are missing, generate them.

  colIDs <- mtd.colnames(multiExpr)
  if (is.null(colIDs)) colIDs <- c(1:dataSize$nGenes)

  if (checkMissingData) {
    gsg <- goodSamplesGenesMS(multiExpr,
      multiWeights = multiWeights,
      verbose = verbose - 1, indent = indent + 1
    if (!gsg$allOK) {
      multiExpr <- mtd.subset(multiExpr, gsg$goodSamples, gsg$goodGenes)
      if (!is.null(multiWeights)) {
        multiWeights <- mtd.subset(multiWeights, gsg$goodSamples, gsg$goodGenes)
      if (!is.null(multiExpr.imputed)) {
        multiExpr.imputed <- mtd.subset(multiExpr.imputed, gsg$goodSamples, gsg$goodGenes)
      colIDs <- colIDs[gsg$goodGenes]
  } else {
    gsg <- list(goodGenes = rep(TRUE, nGenes), goodSamples = lapply(nSamples, function(n) rep(TRUE, n)))
    gsg$allOK <- TRUE
  nGGenes <- sum(gsg$goodGenes)
  nGSamples <- rep(0, nSets)
  for (set in 1:nSets) nGSamples[set] <- sum(gsg$goodSamples[[set]])

  if (is.null(blocks)) {
    if (nGGenes > maxBlockSize) {
      if (verbose > 1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "....pre-clustering genes to determine blocks.."))
      clustering <- consensusProjectiveKMeans(
        if (!is.null(multiExpr.imputed)) multiExpr.imputed else multiExpr,
        preferredSize = maxBlockSize,
        sizePenaltyPower = blockSizePenaltyPower, checkData = FALSE,
        nCenters = nPreclusteringCenters,
        verbose = verbose - 2, indent = indent + 1
      gBlocks <- .orderLabelsBySize(clustering$clusters)
    } else {
      gBlocks <- rep(1, nGGenes)
    blocks <- rep(NA, nGenes)
    blocks[gsg$goodGenes] <- gBlocks
  } else {
    gBlocks <- blocks[gsg$goodGenes]

  blockLevels <- as.numeric(levels(factor(gBlocks)))
  blockSizes <- table(gBlocks)
  nBlocks <- length(blockLevels)

  if (any(blockSizes > sqrt(2^31) - 1)) {
      "Found block(s) with size(s) larger than limit of 'int' indexing.\n",
      spaces, " Support for such large blocks is experimental; please report\n",
      spaces, " any issues to Peter.Langfelder@gmail.com."

  # check file names for uniqueness

  actualFileNames <- matrix("", nSets, nBlocks)
  if (saveTOMs) {
    for (set in 1:nSets) {
      for (b in 1:nBlocks) {
        actualFileNames[set, b] <- .processFileName(individualTOMFileNames, set, names(multiExpr), b)

    rownames(actualFileNames) <- spaste("Set.", c(1:nSets))
    colnames(actualFileNames) <- spaste("Block.", c(1:nBlocks))
    if (length(unique(as.vector(actualFileNames))) < nSets * nBlocks) {
      printFlush("Error: File names for (some) set/block combinations are not unique:")
      stop("File names must be unique.")

  # Initialize various variables

  blockGenes <- list()
  blockNo <- 1
  setTomDS <- replicate(nSets, list())
  # Here's where the analysis starts
  for (blockNo in 1:nBlocks)
    if (verbose > 1 && nBlocks > 1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..Working on block", blockNo, "."))
    # Select the block genes
    block <- c(1:nGGenes)[gBlocks == blockLevels[blockNo]]
    # nBlockGenes = length(block);
    # blockGenes[[blockNo]] = c(1:nGenes)[gsg$goodGenes][gBlocks==blockLevels[blockNo]];
    # errorOccurred = FALSE;

    # For each set: calculate and save TOM

    for (set in 1:nSets)
      if (verbose > 2) printFlush(paste(spaces, "....Working on set", set))
      selExpr <- as.matrix(multiExpr[[set]]$data[, block])
      if (!is.null(multiWeights)) {
        selWeights <- as.matrix(multiWeights[[set]]$data[, block])
      } else {
        selWeights <- NULL

      tomDS <- as.dist(.networkCalculation(selExpr, networkOptions[[set]]$data,
        weights = selWeights,
        verbose = verbose - 2, indent = indent + 2

      setTomDS[[set]]$data <- addBlockToBlockwiseData(if (blockNo == 1) NULL else setTomDS[[set]]$data,
        external = saveTOMs,
        blockData = tomDS,
        blockFile = actualFileNames[set, blockNo],
        recordAttributes = TRUE,
        metaData = list(IDs = colIDs[block])
    if (collectGarbage) {

  names(setTomDS) <- names(multiExpr)

  if (!multiFormat) {
    gsg$goodSamples <- gsg$goodSamples[[1]]
    setTomDS <- setTomDS[[1]]$data

  blockInformation <- newBlockInformation(blocks, gsg)

    blockwiseAdjacencies = setTomDS,
    setNames = names(multiExpr),
    nSets = length(multiExpr),
    blockInfo = blockInformation,
    networkOptions = networkOptions

# =====================================================================================================
# hierarchical consensus TOM
# =====================================================================================================

hierarchicalConsensusTOM <- function(
                                     # Supply either ...
                                     # ... information needed to calculate individual TOMs

                                     multiWeights = NULL,

                                     # Data checking options
                                     checkMissingData = TRUE,

                                     # Blocking options
                                     blocks = NULL,
                                     maxBlockSize = 20000,
                                     blockSizePenaltyPower = 5,
                                     nPreclusteringCenters = NULL,
                                     randomSeed = 12345,

                                     # Network construction options. This can be a single object of class NetworkOptions, or a multiData
                                     # structure of NetworkOptions objects, one per element of multiExpr.


                                     # Save individual TOMs?

                                     keepIndividualTOMs = TRUE,
                                     individualTOMFileNames = "individualTOM-Set%s-Block%b.RData",

                                     # ... or information about individual (more precisely, input) TOMs

                                     individualTOMInfo = NULL,

                                     # Consensus calculation options

                                     useBlocks = NULL,

                                     # Save calibrated TOMs?
                                     saveCalibratedIndividualTOMs = FALSE,
                                     calibratedIndividualTOMFilePattern = "calibratedIndividualTOM-Set%s-Block%b.RData",

                                     # Return options
                                     saveConsensusTOM = TRUE,
                                     consensusTOMFilePattern = "consensusTOM-%a-Block%b.RData",
                                     getCalibrationSamples = FALSE,

                                     # Return the intermediate results as well?
                                     keepIntermediateResults = saveConsensusTOM,

                                     # Internal handling of TOMs
                                     useDiskCache = NULL, chunkSize = NULL,
                                     cacheDir = ".",
                                     cacheBase = ".blockConsModsCache",

                                     # Behavior
                                     collectGarbage = TRUE,
                                     verbose = 1,
                                     indent = 0) {
  if (!is.null(randomSeed)) {
    if (exists(".Random.seed")) {
      savedSeed <- .Random.seed
      on.exit(.Random.seed <<- savedSeed)

  localIndividualTOMCalculation <- is.null(individualTOMInfo)

  if (is.null(individualTOMInfo)) {
    if (missing(multiExpr)) stop("Either 'individualTOMInfo' or 'multiExpr' must be given.")
    if (is.null(useDiskCache)) useDiskCache <- .useDiskCache(multiExpr, blocks, chunkSize)
    time <- system.time({
      individualTOMInfo <- individualTOMs(
        multiExpr = multiExpr,
        multiWeights = multiWeights,
        checkMissingData = checkMissingData,

        blocks = blocks,
        maxBlockSize = maxBlockSize,
        blockSizePenaltyPower = blockSizePenaltyPower,
        nPreclusteringCenters = nPreclusteringCenters,
        randomSeed = NULL,

        networkOptions = networkOptions,

        saveTOMs = useDiskCache | keepIndividualTOMs,
        individualTOMFileNames = individualTOMFileNames,

        collectGarbage = collectGarbage,
        verbose = verbose, indent = indent
    if (verbose > 1) {
      printFlush("Timimg for individual TOMs:")
  consensus <- hierarchicalConsensusCalculation(individualTOMInfo$blockwiseAdjacencies,
    level = 1,
    useBlocks = useBlocks,
    randomSeed = NULL,
    saveCalibratedIndividualData = saveCalibratedIndividualTOMs,
    calibratedIndividualDataFilePattern = calibratedIndividualTOMFilePattern,
    saveConsensusData = saveConsensusTOM,
    consensusDataFileNames = consensusTOMFilePattern,
    getCalibrationSamples = getCalibrationSamples,
    keepIntermediateResults = keepIntermediateResults,
    useDiskCache = useDiskCache,
    chunkSize = chunkSize,
    cacheDir = cacheDir,
    cacheBase = cacheBase,
    collectGarbage = collectGarbage,
    verbose = verbose,
    indent = indent

  if (localIndividualTOMCalculation) {
    if (!keepIndividualTOMs) {
      # individual TOMs are contained in the individualTOMInfo list; remove them.
      mtd.apply(individualTOMInfo$blockwiseAdjacencies, BD.checkAndDeleteFiles)
      individualTOMInfo$blockwiseAdjacencies <- NULL

      individualTOMInfo = individualTOMInfo,
      consensusTree = consensusTree

# ========================================================================================================
# Merge consensusTOMInfo lists
# ========================================================================================================
# Caution: at present the function does not check that the inputs are compatible and compatible with the
# supplied blocks.

.mergeConsensusTOMInformationLists <- function(blockInformation, consensusTOMInfoList) {
  blocks <- blockInformation$blocks

  blockLevels <- unique(blocks)
  nBlocks <- length(blockLevels)

  out <- consensusTOMInfoList[[1]]

  # Merging consensus information
  out$consensusData <- do.call(mergeBlockwiseData, lapply(consensusTOMInfoList, getElement, "consensusData"))
  if (out$saveCalibratedIndividualData) {
    out$calibratedIndividualData <- lapply(1:out$nSets, function(set) {
        lapply(consensusTOMInfoList, function(ct) ct$calibratedIndividualData[[set]])

  if (!is.null(out$calibrationSamples)) {
    out$calibrationSamples <- do.call(c, lapply(consensusTOMInfoList, getElement, "calibrationSamples"))
  out$originCount <- rowSums(do.call(cbind, lapply(consensusTOMInfoList, getElement, "originCount")))

  # Merging information in individualTOMInfo

  out$individualTOMInfo$blockwiseAdjacencies <- lapply(1:out$nSets, function(set) {
    list(data = do.call(mergeBlockwiseData, lapply(consensusTOMInfoList, function(ct) {

  out$individualTOMInfo$blockInfo <- blockInformation


# ========================================================================================================
# consensusTOM: old, single-layer consensus.
# ========================================================================================================

consensusTOM <- function(
                         # Supply either ...
                         # ... information needed to calculate individual TOMs


                         # Data checking options
                         checkMissingData = TRUE,

                         # Blocking options
                         blocks = NULL,
                         maxBlockSize = 5000,
                         blockSizePenaltyPower = 5,
                         nPreclusteringCenters = NULL,
                         randomSeed = 12345,

                         # Network construction arguments: correlation options

                         corType = "pearson",
                         maxPOutliers = 1,
                         quickCor = 0,
                         pearsonFallback = "individual",
                         cosineCorrelation = FALSE,
                         replaceMissingAdjacencies = FALSE,

                         # Adjacency function options

                         power = 6,
                         networkType = "unsigned",
                         checkPower = TRUE,

                         # Topological overlap options

                         TOMType = "unsigned",
                         TOMDenom = "min",

                         # Save individual TOMs?

                         saveIndividualTOMs = TRUE,
                         individualTOMFileNames = "individualTOM-Set%s-Block%b.RData",

                         # ... or individual TOM information

                         individualTOMInfo = NULL,
                         useIndivTOMSubset = NULL,

                         ##### Consensus calculation options

                         useBlocks = NULL,

                         networkCalibration = c("single quantile", "full quantile", "none"),

                         # Save calibrated TOMs?
                         saveCalibratedIndividualTOMs = FALSE,
                         calibratedIndividualTOMFilePattern = "calibratedIndividualTOM-Set%s-Block%b.RData",

                         # Simple quantile scaling options
                         calibrationQuantile = 0.95,
                         sampleForCalibration = TRUE, sampleForCalibrationFactor = 1000,
                         getNetworkCalibrationSamples = FALSE,

                         # Consensus definition
                         consensusQuantile = 0,
                         useMean = FALSE,
                         setWeights = NULL,

                         # Return options
                         saveConsensusTOMs = TRUE,
                         consensusTOMFilePattern = "consensusTOM-Block%b.RData",
                         returnTOMs = FALSE,

                         # Internal handling of TOMs
                         useDiskCache = NULL, chunkSize = NULL,
                         cacheDir = ".",
                         cacheBase = ".blockConsModsCache",

                         nThreads = 1,

                         # Diagnostic messages
                         verbose = 1,
                         indent = 0) {
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)
  networkCalibration <- match.arg(networkCalibration)

  seedSaved <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(randomSeed)) {
    if (exists(".Random.seed")) {
      savedSeed <- .Random.seed
      on.exit(.Random.seed <<- savedSeed)

  if (any(!is.finite(setWeights))) stop("Entries of 'setWeights' must all be finite.")

  localIndividualTOMCalculation <- is.null(individualTOMInfo)
  if (is.null(individualTOMInfo)) {
    if (missing(multiExpr)) stop("Either 'individualTOMInfo' or 'multiExpr' must be given.")

    dataSize <- checkSets(multiExpr)
    nSets.all <- dataSize$nSets
    nGenes <- dataSize$nGenes

    if (is.null(useDiskCache)) useDiskCache <- .useDiskCache(multiExpr, blocks, chunkSize)
    if (length(power) != 1) {
      if (length(power) != nSets.all) {
        stop("Invalid arguments: Length of 'power' must equal number of sets given in 'multiExpr'.")
    } else {
      power <- rep(power, nSets.all)

    if ((consensusQuantile < 0) | (consensusQuantile > 1)) {
      stop("'consensusQuantile' must be between 0 and 1.")

    time <- system.time({
      individualTOMInfo <- blockwiseIndividualTOMs(
        multiExpr = multiExpr,
        checkMissingData = checkMissingData,
        blocks = blocks,
        maxBlockSize = maxBlockSize,
        blockSizePenaltyPower = blockSizePenaltyPower,
        nPreclusteringCenters = nPreclusteringCenters,
        randomSeed = NULL,
        corType = corType,
        maxPOutliers = maxPOutliers,
        quickCor = quickCor,
        pearsonFallback = pearsonFallback,
        cosineCorrelation = cosineCorrelation,
        replaceMissingAdjacencies = replaceMissingAdjacencies,
        power = power,
        networkType = networkType,
        TOMType = TOMType,
        TOMDenom = TOMDenom,
        saveTOMs = useDiskCache | saveIndividualTOMs,
        individualTOMFileNames = individualTOMFileNames,
        nThreads = nThreads,
        verbose = verbose, indent = indent
    if (verbose > 1) {
      printFlush("Timimg for individual TOMs:")

    if (!saveIndividualTOMs & useDiskCache) {
      on.exit(.checkAndDelete(individualTOMInfo$actualTOMFileNames), add = TRUE)
  } else {
    nSets.all <- if (individualTOMInfo$saveTOMs) {
    } else {
    nGenes <- length(individualTOMInfo$blocks)
    if (is.null(useDiskCache)) {
      useDiskCache <- .useDiskCache(NULL, blocks, chunkSize,
        nSets = nSets.all, nGenes = nGenes

  setNames <- individualTOMInfo$setNames
  if (is.null(setNames)) setNames <- spaste("Set.", 1:individualTOMInfo$nSets)

  nGoodGenes <- length(individualTOMInfo$gBlocks)

  if (is.null(setWeights)) setWeights <- rep(1, nSets.all)
  if (length(setWeights) != nSets.all) {
    stop("Length of 'setWeights' must equal the number of sets.")

  setWeightMat <- as.matrix(setWeights / sum(setWeights))

  if (is.null(useIndivTOMSubset)) {
    if (individualTOMInfo$nSets != nSets.all) {
        "Number of sets in individualTOMInfo and in multiExpr do not agree.\n",
        "  To use a subset of individualTOMInfo, set useIndivTOMSubset appropriately."

    useIndivTOMSubset <- c(1:nSets.all)

  nSets <- length(useIndivTOMSubset)

  if (length(unique(useIndivTOMSubset)) != nSets) {
    stop("Entries of 'useIndivTOMSubset' must be unique")

  if (any(useIndivTOMSubset < 1) | any(useIndivTOMSubset > individualTOMInfo$nSets)) {
    stop("All entries of 'useIndivTOMSubset' must be between 1 and the number of sets in individualTOMInfo")

  # if ( (minKMEtoJoin >1) | (minKMEtoJoin  <0) ) stop("minKMEtoJoin  must be between 0 and 1.");

  gsg <- individualTOMInfo$goodSamplesAndGenes

  # Restrict gsg to used sets

  gsg$goodSamples <- gsg$goodSamples[useIndivTOMSubset]

  if (is.null(chunkSize)) chunkSize <- as.integer(.largestBlockSize / (2 * nSets))

  # Initialize various variables

  if (getNetworkCalibrationSamples) {
    if (!sampleForCalibration) {
        "Incompatible input options: networkCalibrationSamples can only be returned",
        "if sampleForCalibration is TRUE."
    networkCalibrationSamples <- list()

  blockLevels <- sort(unique(individualTOMInfo$gBlocks))
  nBlocks <- length(blockLevels)

  if (is.null(useBlocks)) useBlocks <- blockLevels

  useBlockIndex <- match(useBlocks, blockLevels)

  if (!all(useBlocks %in% blockLevels)) {
    stop("All entries of 'useBlocks' must be valid block levels.")

  if (any(duplicated(useBlocks))) {
    stop("Entries of 'useBlocks' must be unique.")

  nUseBlocks <- length(useBlocks)
  if (nUseBlocks == 0) {
    stop("'useBlocks' cannot be non-NULL and empty at the same time.")

  consensusTOM.out <- list()

  TOMFiles <- rep("", nUseBlocks)
  originCount <- rep(0, nSets)

  calibratedIndividualTOMFileNames <- NULL
  if (saveCalibratedIndividualTOMs) {
    calibratedIndividualTOMFileNames <- matrix("", nSets, nBlocks)
    for (set in 1:nSets) {
      for (b in 1:nBlocks) {
        calibratedIndividualTOMFileNames[set, b] <- .processFileName(calibratedIndividualTOMFilePattern,
          setNumber = set, blockNumber = b

  # Here's where the analysis starts

  for (blockIndex in 1:nUseBlocks)
    blockNo <- useBlockIndex[blockIndex]

    if (verbose > 1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..Working on block", blockNo, "."))
    # Select block genes
    block <- c(1:nGoodGenes)[individualTOMInfo$gBlocks == blockLevels[blockNo]]
    nBlockGenes <- length(block)
    # blockGenes[[blockNo]] = c(1:nGenes)[gsg$goodGenes][gBlocks==blockLevels[blockNo]];
    scaleQuant <- rep(1, nSets)
    scalePowers <- rep(1, nSets)

    # Set up file names or memory space to hold the set TOMs
    if (useDiskCache) {
      nChunks <- ceiling(nBlockGenes * (nBlockGenes - 1) / 2 / chunkSize)
      chunkFileNames <- array("", dim = c(nChunks, nSets))
      on.exit(.checkAndDelete(chunkFileNames), add = TRUE)
    } else {
      nChunks <- 1

    if (nChunks == 1) useDiskCache <- FALSE
    if (!useDiskCache) {
      # Note: setTomDS will contained the scaled set TOM matrices.
      setTomDS <- matrix(0, nBlockGenes * (nBlockGenes - 1) / 2, nSets)
      colnames(setTomDS) <- setNames

    # create an empty consTomDS distance structure.

    consTomDS <- .emptyDist(nBlockGenes)

    # sample entry indices from the distance structure for TOM scaling, if requested

    if (networkCalibration == "single quantile" && sampleForCalibration) {
      qx <- min(calibrationQuantile, 1 - calibrationQuantile)
      nScGenes <- min(sampleForCalibrationFactor * 1 / qx, length(consTomDS))
      nTOMEntries <- length(consTomDS)
      scaleSample <- sample(nTOMEntries, nScGenes)
      if (getNetworkCalibrationSamples) {
        networkCalibrationSamples[[blockIndex]] <- list(
          sampleIndex = scaleSample,
          TOMSamples = matrix(NA, nScGenes, nSets)
    if (networkCalibration %in% c("single quantile", "none")) {
      for (set in 1:nSets)
        if (verbose > 2) printFlush(paste(spaces, "....Working on set", useIndivTOMSubset[set]))
        if (individualTOMInfo$saveTOMs) {
          tomDS <- .loadObject(individualTOMInfo$ actualTOMFileNames[useIndivTOMSubset[set], blockNo],
            name = "tomDS", size = nBlockGenes * (nBlockGenes - 1) / 2
        } else {
          tomDS <- consTomDS
          tomDS[] <- individualTOMInfo$TOMSimilarities[[blockNo]] [, useIndivTOMSubset[set]]

        if (networkCalibration == "single quantile") {
          # Scale TOMs so that calibrationQuantile agree in each set
          if (sampleForCalibration) {
            if (getNetworkCalibrationSamples) {
              networkCalibrationSamples[[blockIndex]]$TOMSamples[, set] <- tomDS[scaleSample]
              scaleQuant[set] <- quantile(networkCalibrationSamples[[blockIndex]]$TOMSamples[, set],
                probs = calibrationQuantile, type = 8
            } else {
              scaleQuant[set] <- quantile(tomDS[scaleSample], probs = calibrationQuantile, type = 8)
          } else {
            scaleQuant[set] <- quantile(x = tomDS, probs = calibrationQuantile, type = 8)
          if (set > 1) {
            scalePowers[set] <- log(scaleQuant[1]) / log(scaleQuant[set])
            tomDS <- tomDS^scalePowers[set]
          if (saveCalibratedIndividualTOMs) {
            save(tomDS, file = calibratedIndividualTOMFileNames[set, blockNo])

        # Save the calculated TOM either to disk in chunks or to memory.

        if (useDiskCache) {
          if (verbose > 3) printFlush(paste(spaces, "......saving TOM similarity to disk cache.."))
          sc <- .saveChunks(tomDS, chunkSize, cacheBase, cacheDir = cacheDir)
          chunkFileNames[, set] <- sc$files
          chunkLengths <- sc$chunkLengths
        } else {
          setTomDS[, set] <- tomDS[]
    } else if (networkCalibration == "full quantile") {
      # Step 1: load each TOM, get order, split TOM into chunks according to order, and save.
      if (verbose > 1) printFlush(spaste(spaces, "..working on quantile normalization"))
      if (useDiskCache) {
        orderFiles <- rep("", nSets)
        on.exit(.checkAndDelete(orderFiles), add = TRUE)
      for (set in 1:nSets)
        if (verbose > 2) printFlush(paste(spaces, "....Working on set", useIndivTOMSubset[set]))
        if (individualTOMInfo$saveTOMs) {
          tomDS <- .loadObject(individualTOMInfo$ actualTOMFileNames[useIndivTOMSubset[set], blockNo],
            name = "tomDS", size = nBlockGenes * (nBlockGenes - 1) / 2
        } else {
          tomDS <- consTomDS
          tomDS[] <- individualTOMInfo$TOMSimilarities[[blockNo]] [, useIndivTOMSubset[set]]
        if (useDiskCache) {
          # Order TOM (this may take a long time...)
          if (verbose > 3) printFlush(spaste(spaces, "......ordering TOM"))
          time <- system.time({
            order1 <- .qorder(tomDS)
          if (verbose > 3) {
            printFlush("Time to order TOM:")
          # save the order
          orderFiles[set] <- tempfile(pattern = spaste(".orderForSet", set), tmpdir = cacheDir)
          if (verbose > 3) printFlush(spaste(spaces, "......saving order and ordered TOM"))
          save(order1, file = orderFiles[set])
          # Save ordered tomDS into chunks
          tomDS.ordered <- tomDS[order1]
          sc <- .saveChunks(tomDS.ordered, chunkSize, cacheBase, cacheDir = cacheDir)
          chunkFileNames[, set] <- sc$files
          chunkLengths <- sc$chunkLengths
        } else {
          setTomDS[, set] <- tomDS[]
      if (useDiskCache) {
        # Step 2: Load chunks one by one and quantile normalize
        if (verbose > 2) printFlush(spaste(spaces, "....quantile normalizing chunks"))
        for (c in 1:nChunks)
          if (verbose > 3) printFlush(spaste(spaces, "......QN for chunk ", c, " of ", nChunks))
          chunkData <- matrix(NA, chunkLengths[c], nSets)
          for (set in 1:nSets) {
            chunkData[, set] <- .loadObject(chunkFileNames[c, set])

          time <- system.time({
            chunk.norm <- normalize.quantiles(chunkData, copy = FALSE)
          if (verbose > 1) {
            printFlush("Time to QN chunk:")
          # Save quantile normalized chunks
          for (set in 1:nSets)
            temp <- chunk.norm[, set]
            save(temp, file = chunkFileNames[c, set])

        if (verbose > 2) printFlush(spaste(spaces, "....putting together full QN'ed TOMs"))
        # Put together full TOMs
        for (set in 1:nSets)
          start <- 1
          for (c in 1:nChunks)
            end <- start + chunkLengths[c] - 1
            tomDS[order1[start:end]] <- .loadObject(chunkFileNames[c, set], size = chunkLengths[c])
            start <- start + chunkLengths[c]
          if (saveCalibratedIndividualTOMs) {
            save(tomDS, file = calibratedIndividualTOMFileNames[set, blockNo])
          .saveChunks(tomDS, chunkSize, fileNames = chunkFileNames[, set])
      } else {
        # If disk cache is not being used, simply call normalize.quantiles on the full set.
        setTomDS <- normalize.quantiles(setTomDS)
        if (saveCalibratedIndividualTOMs) {
          for (set in 1:nSets)
            tomDS <- .vector2dist(setTomDS[, set])
            save(tomDS, file = calibratedIndividualTOMFileNames[set, blockNo])
    } else {
      stop("Unrecognized value of 'networkCalibration': ", networkCalibration)

    # Calculate consensus network
    if (verbose > 2) {
      printFlush(paste(spaces, "....Calculating consensus network"))
    if (useDiskCache) {
      start <- 1
      for (chunk in 1:nChunks)
        if (verbose > 3) printFlush(paste(spaces, "......working on chunk", chunk))
        end <- start + chunkLengths[chunk] - 1
        setChunks <- array(0, dim = c(chunkLengths[chunk], nSets))
        for (set in 1:nSets)
          load(file = chunkFileNames[chunk, set])
          setChunks[, set] <- temp
          file.remove(chunkFileNames[chunk, set])
        colnames(setChunks) <- setNames
        tmp <- .consensusCalculation.base(setChunks,
          useMean = useMean, setWeightMat = setWeightMat,
          consensusQuantile = consensusQuantile
        consTomDS[start:end] <- tmp$consensus
        countIndex <- as.numeric(names(tmp$originCount))
        originCount[countIndex] <- originCount[countIndex] + tmp$originCount
        start <- end + 1
    } else {
      tmp <- .consensusCalculation.base(setTomDS,
        useMean = useMean, setWeightMat = setWeightMat,
        consensusQuantile = consensusQuantile
      consTomDS[] <- tmp$consensus
      countIndex <- as.numeric(names(tmp$originCount))
      originCount[countIndex] <- originCount[countIndex] + tmp$originCount

    # Save the consensus TOM if requested

    if (saveConsensusTOMs) {
      TOMFiles[blockIndex] <- .substituteTags(consensusTOMFilePattern, "%b", blockNo)
      if (TOMFiles[blockIndex] == consensusTOMFilePattern) {
          "File name for consensus TOM must contain the tag %b somewhere in the file name -\n",
          "   - this tag will be replaced by the block number. "
      save(consTomDS, file = TOMFiles[blockIndex])

    if (returnTOMs) consensusTOM.out[[blockIndex]] <- consTomDS


  if (!saveConsensusTOMs) TOMFiles <- NULL
  if (!returnTOMs) consensusTOM.out <- NULL

  if (localIndividualTOMCalculation) {
    if (!individualTOMInfo$saveTOMs) {
      # individual TOMs are contained in the individualTOMInfo list; remove them.
      individualTOMInfo$TOMSimilarities <- NULL

    consensusTOM = consensusTOM.out,
    TOMFiles = TOMFiles,
    saveConsensusTOMs = saveConsensusTOMs,

    individualTOMInfo = individualTOMInfo,
    useIndivTOMSubset = useIndivTOMSubset,
    goodSamplesAndGenes = gsg,
    nGGenes = nGoodGenes,
    nSets = nSets,

    saveCalibratedIndividualTOMs = saveCalibratedIndividualTOMs,
    calibratedIndividualTOMFileNames = calibratedIndividualTOMFileNames,
    networkCalibrationSamples = if (getNetworkCalibrationSamples) networkCalibrationSamples else NULL,

    consensusQuantile = consensusQuantile,
    originCount = originCount
milescsmith/WGCNA documentation built on April 11, 2024, 1:26 a.m.