
Defines functions binarizeCategoricalColumns.pairwise binarizeCategoricalColumns.forPlots binarizeCategoricalColumns.forRegression binarizeCategoricalColumns factorizeNonNumericColumns convertNumericColumnsToNumeric .isNumericVector binarizeCategoricalVariable signifNumeric imputeByModule replaceMissing plotMultiHist .multiPlot .addErrorBars.2sided multiGrepl multiGrep multiSub multiGSub shortenStrings .listRep formatLabels .effectiveNChar prependZeros multiIntersect multiUnion metaAnalysis .isBinary hierarchicalConsensusKME consensusKME .interleave qvalue.restricted prepComma rankPvalue metaZfunction spaste standardScreeningNumericTrait standardScreeningCensoredTime scaleFreeFitIndex vectorizeMatrix .heatmap goodSamplesGenesMS goodSamplesGenes goodSamplesMS goodGenesMS .colWeightedVars .checkAndScaleMultiWeights .checkAndScaleWeights goodSamples goodGenes randIndex .choosenew numbers2colors plotEigengeneNetworks preservationNetworkConnectivity setCorrelationPreservation correlationPreservation addTraitToMEs keepCommonProbes blueWhiteRed redWhiteGreen greenWhiteRed greenBlackRed sizeGrWindow labeledBarplot labeledHeatmap.multiPage labeledHeatmap .restrictIndex .extend .reverseRows networkScreening networkScreeningGS hubGeneSignificance automaticNetworkScreeningGS automaticNetworkScreening simulateDatExpr5Modules simulateMultiExpr simulateDatExpr simulateSmallLayer simulateModule simulateEigengeneNetwork .causalChildren alignExpr relativeCorPredictionSuccess corPredictionSuccess plotMEpairs plotDendroAndColors updateProgInd initProgInd nearestNeighborConnectivityMS nearestNeighborConnectivity addGuideLines addGrid propVarExplained corPvalueStudent corPvalueFisher verboseBarplot verboseBoxplot verboseScatterplot dynamicMergeCut displayColors .panel.cor .panel.hist stdErr addErrorBars clusterCoef signedKME checkAdjMat nPresent intramodularConnectivity.fromExpr intramodularConnectivity plotModuleSignificance plotNetworkHeatmap TOMplot plotClusterTreeSamples plotOrderedColors plotColorUnderTree cutreeStaticColor cutreeStatic unsignedAdjacency adjacency subsetTOM vectorTOM GTOMdist scaleFreePlot pickSoftThreshold pickHardThreshold softConnectivity sigmoidAdjacencyFunction signumAdjacencyFunction hierarchicalMergeCloseModules mergeCloseModules multiSetMEs checkSets .permissiveDim fixDataStructure moduleNumber labels2colors normalizeLabels standardColors .hierarchicalConsensusMEDissimilarity .consensusMEDissimilarity .turnDistVectorIntoMatrix .turnVectorIntoDist .equalizeQuantiles hierarchicalConsensusMEDissimilarity consensusMEDissimilarity orderMEsByHierarchicalConsensus consensusOrderMEs .clustOrder orderMEs collectGarbage removeGreyME moduleEigengenes moduleColor.getMEprefix

Documented in moduleEigengenes pickSoftThreshold

# Categories of functions:
# . network construction (including connectivity calculation)
# . module detection
# . gene screening
# . data simulation
# . general statistical functions
# . visualization

# Overall options and settings for the package

.moduleColorOptions <- list(MEprefix = "ME")

moduleColor.getMEprefix <- function() {

#' @title moduleEigengenes
#' @description finds the first principal component (eigengene) in each
#' module defined by the colors of the input vector "colors".
#' The theoretical underpinnings are described in Horvath, Dong, Yip (2005)
#' http://www.genetics.ucla.edu/labs/horvath/ModuleConformity/
#' This requires the R library impute
#' @param expr 
#' @param colors 
#' @param impute 
#' @param nPC 
#' @param align 
#' @param excludeGrey 
#' @param grey 
#' @param subHubs 
#' @param trapErrors 
#' @param returnValidOnly 
#' @param softPower 
#' @param scale 
#' @param verbose 
#' @param indent 
#' @importFrom forcats fct_drop
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
moduleEigengenes <- function(expr, colors, impute = TRUE, nPC = 1, align = "along average",
                             excludeGrey = FALSE, grey = if (is.numeric(colors)) 0 else "grey",
                             subHubs = TRUE, trapErrors = FALSE,
                             returnValidOnly = trapErrors,
                             softPower = 6, scale = TRUE,
                             verbose = 0, indent = 0) {
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)

  if (verbose == 1) {
      spaces, "moduleEigengenes: Calculating", nlevels(as.factor(colors)),
      "module eigengenes in given set."
  if (is.null(expr)) {
    stop("moduleEigengenes: Error: expr is NULL. ")
  if (is.null(colors)) {
    stop("moduleEigengenes: Error: colors is NULL. ")

  if (is.null(dim(expr)) || length(dim(expr)) != 2) {
    stop("moduleEigengenes: Error: expr must be two-dimensional.")

  if (dim(expr)[2] != length(colors)) {
    stop("moduleEigengenes: Error: ncol(expr) and length(colors) must be equal (one color per gene).")

  if (is.factor(colors)) {
    colors <- fct_drop(colors)

  if (softPower < 0) stop("softPower must be non-negative")

  alignRecognizedValues <- c("", "along average")
  if (!is.element(align, alignRecognizedValues)) {
        "ModulePrincipalComponents: Error:",
        "parameter align has an unrecognised value:",
        align, "; Recognized values are ", alignRecognizedValues

  maxVarExplained <- 10
  if (nPC > maxVarExplained) {
    warning(paste("Given nPC is too large. Will use value", maxVarExplained))

  nVarExplained <- min(nPC, maxVarExplained)
  modlevels <- levels(factor(colors))
  if (excludeGrey) {
    if (sum(as.character(modlevels) != as.character(grey)) > 0) {
      modlevels <- modlevels[as.character(modlevels) != as.character(grey)]
    } else {
          "Color levels are empty. Possible reason: the only color is grey",
          "and grey module is excluded from the calculation."
  PrinComps <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = dim(expr)[[1]], ncol = length(modlevels)))
  averExpr <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = dim(expr)[[1]], ncol = length(modlevels)))
  varExpl <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nVarExplained, ncol = length(modlevels)))
  validMEs <- rep(TRUE, length(modlevels))
  validAEs <- rep(FALSE, length(modlevels))
  isPC <- rep(TRUE, length(modlevels))
  isHub <- rep(FALSE, length(modlevels))
  validColors <- colors
  names(PrinComps) <- paste(moduleColor.getMEprefix(), modlevels, sep = "")
  names(averExpr) <- paste("AE", modlevels, sep = "")
  if (!is.null(rownames(expr))) rownames(PrinComps) = rownames(averExpr) = make.unique(rownames(expr))
  for (i in c(1:length(modlevels))){
    if (verbose > 1) {
      printFlush(paste(spaces, "moduleEigengenes : Working on ME for module", modlevels[i]))
    modulename <- modlevels[i]
    restrict1 <- as.character(colors) == as.character(modulename)
    if (verbose > 2) {
      printFlush(paste(spaces, " ...", sum(restrict1), "genes"))
    datModule <- as.matrix(t(expr[, restrict1]))
    n <- dim(datModule)[1]
    p <- dim(datModule)[2]
    pc <- try(
        if (nrow(datModule) > 1 && impute) {
          seedSaved <- FALSE
          if (exists(".Random.seed")) {
            saved.seed <- .Random.seed
            seedSaved <- TRUE
          if (any(is.na(datModule))) {
            if (verbose > 5) printFlush(paste(spaces, " ...imputing missing data"))
            datModule <- impute.knn(datModule, k = min(10, nrow(datModule) - 1))
            # some versions of impute.knn return a list and we need the data component:
                if (!is.null(datModule$data)) datModule <- datModule$data
              silent = TRUE
          # The <<- in the next line is extremely important. Using = or <- will create a local variable of
          # the name .Random.seed and will leave the important global .Random.seed untouched.
          if (seedSaved) .Random.seed <<- saved.seed
        if (verbose > 5) printFlush(paste(spaces, " ...scaling"))
        if (scale) datModule <- t(scale(t(datModule)))
        if (verbose > 5) printFlush(paste(spaces, " ...calculating SVD"))
        svd1 <- svd(datModule, nu = min(n, p, nPC), nv = min(n, p, nPC))
        # varExpl[,i]= (svd1$d[1:min(n,p,nVarExplained)])^2/sum(svd1$d^2)
        if (verbose > 5) printFlush(paste(spaces, " ...calculating PVE"))
        veMat <- cor(svd1$v[, c(1:min(n, p, nVarExplained))], t(datModule), use = "p")
        varExpl[c(1:min(n, p, nVarExplained)), i] <- rowMeans(veMat^2, na.rm = TRUE)
        # this is the first principal component
        svd1$v[, 1]
      silent = TRUE
    if (class(pc) == "try-error") {
      if ((!subHubs) && (!trapErrors)) stop(pc)
      if (subHubs) {
        if (verbose > 0) {
            spaces, " ..principal component calculation for module",
            modulename, "failed with the following error:"
            spaces, "     ", pc, spaces,
            " ..hub genes will be used instead of principal components."
        isPC[i] <- FALSE
        pc <- try(
            scaledExpr <- scale(t(datModule))
            covEx <- cov(scaledExpr, use = "p")
            covEx[!is.finite(covEx)] <- 0
            modAdj <- abs(covEx)^softPower
            kIM <- (rowMeans(modAdj, na.rm = TRUE))^3
            if (max(kIM, na.rm = TRUE) > 1) kIM <- kIM - 1
            kIM[is.na(kIM)] <- 0
            hub <- which.max(kIM)
            alignSign <- sign(covEx[, hub])
            alignSign[is.na(alignSign)] <- 0
            isHub[i] <- TRUE
            pcxMat <- scaledExpr *
              matrix(kIM * alignSign, nrow = nrow(scaledExpr), ncol = ncol(scaledExpr), byrow = TRUE) /
            pcx <- rowMeans(pcxMat, na.rm = TRUE)
            varExpl[1, i] <- mean(cor(pcx, t(datModule), use = "p")^2, na.rm = TRUE)
          silent = TRUE

    if (class(pc) == "try-error") {
      if (!trapErrors) stop(pc)
      if (verbose > 0) {
          spaces, " ..ME calculation of module", modulename,
          "failed with the following error:"
          spaces, "     ", pc, spaces,
          " ..the offending module has been removed."
        "Eigengene calculation of module", modulename,
        "failed with the following error \n     ",
        pc, "The offending module has been removed.\n"
      validMEs[i] <- FALSE
      isPC[i] <- FALSE
      isHub[i] <- FALSE
      validColors[restrict1] <- grey
    } else {
      PrinComps[, i] <- pc
      ae <- try(
          if (isPC[i]) scaledExpr <- scale(t(datModule))
          averExpr[, i] <- rowMeans(scaledExpr, na.rm = TRUE)
          if (align == "along average") {
            if (verbose > 4) {
                " .. aligning module eigengene with average expression."
            corAve <- cor(averExpr[, i], PrinComps[, i], use = "p")
            if (!is.finite(corAve)) corAve <- 0
            if (corAve < 0) PrinComps[, i] <- -PrinComps[, i]
        silent = TRUE
      if (class(ae) == "try-error") {
        if (!trapErrors) stop(ae)
        if (verbose > 0) {
            spaces, " ..Average expression calculation of module", modulename,
            "failed with the following error:"
            spaces, "     ", ae, spaces,
            " ..the returned average expression vector will be invalid."
          "Average expression calculation of module", modulename,
          "failed with the following error \n     ",
          ae, "The returned average expression vector will be invalid.\n"
      validAEs[i] <- !(class(ae) == "try-error")
  allOK <- (sum(!validMEs) == 0)
  if (returnValidOnly && sum(!validMEs) > 0) {
    PrinComps <- PrinComps[, validMEs]
    averExpr <- averExpr[, validMEs]
    varExpl <- varExpl[, validMEs]
    validMEs <- rep(TRUE, times = ncol(PrinComps))
    isPC <- isPC[validMEs]
    isHub <- isHub[validMEs]
    validAEs <- validAEs[validMEs]
  allPC <- (sum(!isPC) == 0)
  allAEOK <- (sum(!validAEs) == 0)
    eigengenes = PrinComps, averageExpr = averExpr, varExplained = varExpl, nPC = nPC,
    validMEs = validMEs, validColors = validColors, allOK = allOK, allPC = allPC, isPC = isPC,
    isHub = isHub, validAEs = validAEs, allAEOK = allAEOK

# removeGrey
# This function removes the grey eigengene from supplied module eigengenes.

removeGreyME <- function(MEs, greyMEName = paste(moduleColor.getMEprefix(), "grey", sep = "")) {
  newMEs <- MEs
  if (is.vector(MEs) & mode(MEs) == "list") {
    warned <- 0
    newMEs <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(MEs))
    for (set in 1:length(MEs))
      if (!is.data.frame(MEs[[set]]$data)) {
        stop("MEs is a vector list but the list structure is missing the correct 'data' component.")
      newMEs[[set]] <- MEs[[set]]
      if (greyMEName %in% names(MEs[[set]]$data)) {
        newMEs[[set]]$data <- MEs[[set]]$data[, names(MEs[[set]]$data) != greyMEName]
      } else {
        if (warned == 0) {
          warning("removeGreyME: The given grey ME name was not found among the names of given MEs.")
          warned <- 1
  } else {
    if (length(dim(MEs)) != 2) stop("Argument 'MEs' has incorrect dimensions.")
    MEs <- as.data.frame(MEs)
    if (greyMEName %in% names(MEs)) {
      newMEs <- MEs[, names(MEs) != greyMEName]
    } else {
      warning("removeGreyME: The given grey ME name was not found among the names of given MEs.")

#  ModulePrincipalComponents
# Has been superseded by moduleEigengenes above.

# ===================================================
# This function collects garbage

collectGarbage <- function() {
  while (gc()[2, 4] != gc()[2, 4] | gc()[1, 4] != gc()[1, 4]) {}

# orderMEs
# performs hierarchical clustering on MEs and returns the order suitable for plotting.

orderMEs <- function(MEs, greyLast = TRUE,
                     greyName = paste(moduleColor.getMEprefix(), "grey", sep = ""),
                     orderBy = 1, order = NULL,
                     useSets = NULL, verbose = 0, indent = 0) {
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)

  if ("eigengenes" %in% names(MEs)) {
    if (is.null(order)) {
      if (verbose > 0) {
          spaces, "orderMEs: order not given, calculating using given set",
      corPC <- cor(MEs$eigengenes, use = "p")
      disPC <- 1 - corPC
      order <- .clustOrder(disPC, greyLast = greyLast, greyName = greyName)

    if (length(order) != dim(MEs$eigengenes)[2]) {
      stop("orderMEs: given MEs and order have incompatible dimensions.")

    orderedMEs <- MEs
    orderedMEs$eigengenes <- as.data.frame(MEs$eigengenes[, order])
    colnames(orderedMEs$eigengenes) <- colnames(MEs$eigengenes)[order]
    if (!is.null(MEs$averageExpr)) {
      orderedMEs$averageExpr <- as.data.frame(MEs$averageExpr[, order])
      colnames(orderedMEs$averageExpr) <- colnames(MEs$data)[order]
    if (!is.null(MEs$varExplained)) {
      orderedMEs$varExplained <- as.data.frame(MEs$varExplained[, order])
      colnames(orderedMEs$varExplained) <- colnames(MEs$data)[order]
  } else {
    check <- checkSets(MEs, checkStructure = TRUE, useSets = useSets)
    if (check$structureOK) {
      multiSet <- TRUE
    } else {
      multiSet <- FALSE
      MEs <- fixDataStructure(MEs)
      useSets <- NULL
      orderBy <- 1

    if (!is.null(useSets)) {
      if (is.na(match(orderBy, useSets))) orderBy <- useSets[1]

    if (is.null(order)) {
      if (verbose > 0) {
          spaces, "orderMEs: order not given, calculating using given set",
      corPC <- cor(MEs[[orderBy]]$data, use = "p")
      disPC <- 1 - corPC
      order <- .clustOrder(disPC, greyLast = greyLast, greyName = greyName)

    if (length(order) != dim(MEs[[orderBy]]$data)[2]) {
      stop("orderMEs: given MEs and order have incompatible dimensions.")

    nSets <- length(MEs)
    orderedMEs <- MEs
    if (is.null(useSets)) useSets <- c(1:nSets)
    for (set in useSets)
      orderedMEs[[set]]$data <- as.data.frame(MEs[[set]]$data[, order])
      colnames(orderedMEs[[set]]$data) <- colnames(MEs[[set]]$data)[order]
      if (!is.null(MEs[[set]]$averageExpr)) {
        orderedMEs[[set]]$averageExpr <- as.data.frame(MEs[[set]]$averageExpr[, order])
        colnames(orderedMEs[[set]]$averageExpr) <- colnames(MEs[[set]]$data)[order]
      if (!is.null(MEs[[set]]$varExplained)) {
        orderedMEs[[set]]$varExplained <- as.data.frame(MEs[[set]]$varExplained[, order])
        colnames(orderedMEs[[set]]$varExplained) <- colnames(MEs[[set]]$data)[order]
    if (multiSet) {
    } else {

# .clustOrder

.clustOrder <- function(distM, greyLast = TRUE,
                        greyName = paste(moduleColor.getMEprefix(), "grey", sep = "")) {
  distM <- as.matrix(distM)
  distNames <- dimnames(distM)[[1]]
  greyInd <- match(greyName, distNames)
  if (greyLast && !is.na(greyInd)) {
    clusterMEs <- (greyName != distNames)
    if (sum(clusterMEs) > 1) {
      h <- fastcluster::hclust(as.dist(distM[clusterMEs, clusterMEs]), method = "average")
      order <- h$order
      if (sum(order >= greyInd) > 0) order[order >= greyInd] <- order[order >= greyInd] + 1
      order <- c(order, greyInd)
    } else if (ncol(distM) > 1) {
      if (greyInd == 1) {
        order <- c(2, 1)
      } else {
        order <- c(1, 2)
    } else {
      order <- 1
  } else {
    if (length(distM) > 1) {
      h <- fastcluster::hclust(as.dist(distM), method = "average")
      order <- h$order
    } else {
      order <- 1

  # print(paste("names:", names(distM), collapse = ", "));
  # print(paste("order:", order, collapse=", "))

# consensusOrderMEs
# Orders MEs by the dendrogram of their consensus dissimilarity.

consensusOrderMEs <- function(MEs, useAbs = FALSE, useSets = NULL, greyLast = TRUE,
                              greyName = paste(moduleColor.getMEprefix(), "grey", sep = ""),
                              method = "consensus") {
  # Debugging code:
  # printFlush("consensusOrderMEs:");
  # size = checkSets(MEs);
  # print(size);
  # end debuging code
  Diss <- consensusMEDissimilarity(MEs, useAbs = useAbs, useSets = useSets, method = method)
  order <- .clustOrder(Diss, greyLast, greyName)
  # print(order)
  orderMEs(MEs, greyLast = greyLast, greyName = greyName, order = order, useSets = useSets)

orderMEsByHierarchicalConsensus <- function(MEs, networkOptions, consensusTree,
                                            greyName = "ME0",
                                            calibrate = FALSE) {
  Diss <- .hierarchicalConsensusMEDissimilarity(MEs, networkOptions, consensusTree,
    greyName = greyName, calibrate = calibrate
  order <- .clustOrder(Diss, greyLast = TRUE, greyName = greyName)
  mtd.subset(MEs, , order)

# consensusMEDissimilarity
# This function calcualtes a consensus dissimilarity (i.e., correlation) among sets of MEs (more generally,
# any sets of vectors).
# CAUTION: when not using absolute value, the minimum similarity will favor the large negative values!

consensusMEDissimilarity <- function(MEs, useAbs = FALSE, useSets = NULL, method = "consensus") {
  methods <- c("consensus", "majority")
  m <- charmatch(method, methods)
  if (is.na(m)) {
    stop("Unrecognized method given. Recognized values are", paste(methods, collapse = ", "))

  nSets <- length(MEs)
  MEDiss <- vector(mode = "list", length = nSets)
  if (is.null(useSets)) useSets <- c(1:nSets)
  for (set in useSets)
    if (useAbs) {
      diss <- 1 - abs(cor(MEs[[set]]$data, use = "p"))
    } else {
      diss <- 1 - cor(MEs[[set]]$data, use = "p")
    MEDiss[[set]] <- list(Diss = diss)

  for (set in useSets) {
    if (set == useSets[1]) {
      ConsDiss <- MEDiss[[set]]$Diss
    } else {
      if (m == 1) {
        ConsDiss <- pmax(ConsDiss, MEDiss[[set]]$Diss)
      } else {
        ConsDiss <- ConsDiss + MEDiss[[set]]$Diss

  if (m == 2) ConsDiss <- ConsDiss / nSets

  ConsDiss <- as.data.frame(ConsDiss)
  names(ConsDiss) <- names(MEs[[useSets[1]]]$data)
  rownames(ConsDiss) = make.unique(names(MEs[[useSets[1]]]$data))


hierarchicalConsensusMEDissimilarity <- function(MEs, networkOptions, consensusTree,
                                                 greyName = "ME0", calibrate = FALSE) {
  nSets <- checkSets(MEs)$nSets

  if (inherits(networkOptions, "NetworkOptions")) {
    networkOptions <- list2multiData(.listRep(networkOptions, nSets))

  .hierarchicalConsensusMEDissimilarity(MEs, networkOptions, consensusTree,
    greyName = greyName, calibrate = calibrate

# Quantile normalization
# normalize each column such that (column) quantiles are the same
# The final value for each quantile is the 'summaryType' of the corresponding quantiles across the columns

.equalizeQuantiles <- function(data, summaryType = c("median", "mean")) {
  summaryType <- match.arg(summaryType)
  data.sorted <- apply(data, 2, sort)

  if (summaryType == "median") {
    refSample <- rowMedians(data.sorted, na.rm = TRUE)
  } else if (summaryType == "mean") {
    refSample <- rowMeans(data.sorted, na.rm = TRUE)

  ranks <- round(colRanks(data, ties.method = "average", preserveShape = TRUE))
  out <- refSample [ranks]
  dim(out) <- dim(data)
  dimnames(out) <- dimnames(data)


.turnVectorIntoDist <- function(x, size, Diag, Upper) {
  attr(x, "Size") <- size
  attr(x, "Diag") <- FALSE
  attr(x, "Upper") <- FALSE
  class(x) <- c("dist", class(x))

.turnDistVectorIntoMatrix <- function(x, size, Diag, Upper, diagValue) {
  mat <- as.matrix(.turnVectorIntoDist(x, size, Diag, Upper))
  if (!Diag) diag(mat) <- diagValue

# This function calculates consensus dissimilarity of module eigengenes

.consensusMEDissimilarity <- function(multiMEs,
                                      useSets = NULL,
                                      corFnc = cor, corOptions = list(use = "p"),
                                      equalizeQuantiles = FALSE,
                                      quantileSummary = "mean",
                                      consensusQuantile = 0, useAbs = FALSE,
                                      greyName = "ME0") {
  nSets <- checkSets(multiMEs)$nSets
  useMEs <- c(1:ncol(multiMEs[[1]]$data))[names(multiMEs[[1]]$data) != greyName]
  useNames <- names(multiMEs[[1]]$data)[useMEs]
  nUseMEs <- length(useMEs)
  #  if (nUseMEs<2)
  #    stop("Something is wrong: there are two or more proper modules, but less than two proper",
  #         "eigengenes. Please check that the grey color label and module eigengene label",
  #         "are correct.");

  if (is.null(useSets)) useSets <- c(1:nSets)
  nUseSets <- length(useSets)
  MEDiss <- array(NA, dim = c(nUseMEs, nUseMEs, nUseSets))
  for (set in useSets)
    corOptions$x <- multiMEs[[set]]$data[, useMEs]
    if (useAbs) {
      diss <- 1 - abs(do.call(corFnc, corOptions))
    } else {
      diss <- 1 - do.call(corFnc, corOptions)
    MEDiss[, , set] <- diss

  if (equalizeQuantiles) {
    distMat <- apply(MEDiss, 3, function(x) {
    dim(distMat) <- c(nUseMEs * (nUseMEs - 1) / 2, nUseSets)
    normalized <- .equalizeQuantiles(distMat, summaryType = quantileSummary)
    MEDiss <- apply(normalized, 2, .turnDistVectorIntoMatrix,
      size = nUseMEs, Diag = FALSE, Upper = FALSE,
      diagValue = 0

  ConsDiss <- apply(MEDiss, c(1:2), quantile, probs = 1 - consensusQuantile, names = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)
  colnames(ConsDiss) <- rownames(ConsDiss) <- useNames

.hierarchicalConsensusMEDissimilarity <- function(multiMEs,
                                                  calibrate) {
  nSets <- checkSets(multiMEs)$nSets
  useMEs <- which(mtd.colnames(multiMEs) != greyName)
  useNames <- mtd.colnames(multiMEs)[useMEs]
  nUseMEs <- length(useMEs)
  if (nUseMEs == 0) {
    return(matrix(numeric(0), 0, 0))
  #  if (nUseMEs<2)
  #    stop("Something is wrong: there are two or more proper modules, but less than two proper",
  #         "eigengenes. Please check that the grey color label and module eigengene label",
  #         "are correct.");

  if (!isMultiData(networkOptions, strict = FALSE)) {
      "'networkOptions' must be either a single list of class 'NetworkOptions'\n",
      "or a MultiData structure containing one such list per input set. "

  if (length(networkOptions) != nSets) {
    stop("Number of sets in 'multiMEs' and 'networkOptions' must be the same.")

  MEDiss <- mtd.mapply(function(me, netOpt) {
    cor.me <- do.call(
      c(list(x = me), netOpt$corOptions)
    if (!grepl("signed", netOpt$networkType)) cor.me <- abs(cor.me)
  }, mtd.subset(multiMEs, , useMEs), networkOptions, returnList = TRUE)

  if (calibrate) {
    cons <- hierarchicalConsensusCalculation(MEDiss,
      consensusTree = consensusTree,
      level = 1,
      # Return options: the data can be either saved or returned but not both.
      saveConsensusData = FALSE,
      keepIntermediateResults = FALSE,
      # Internal handling of data
      useDiskCache = FALSE,
      # Behaviour
      collectGarbage = FALSE,
      verbose = 0, indent = 0
    cons <- BD.getData(cons, blocks = 1)
  } else {
    cons <- simpleHierarchicalConsensusCalculation(MEDiss, consensusTree)
  consDiss <- 1 - cons
  colnames(consDiss) <- rownames(consDiss) <- useNames

# ======================================================================================================
# ColorHandler.R
# ======================================================================================================

# A set of global variables and functions that should help handling color names for some 400+ modules.
# A vector called .GlobalStandardColors is defined that holds color names with first few entries
# being the well-known and -loved colors. The rest is randomly chosen from the color names of R,
# excluding grey colors.

# .GlobalStandardColors
# This code forms a vector of color names in which the first entries are given by BaseColors and the rest
# is "randomly" chosen from the rest of R color names that do not contain "grey" nor "gray".

BaseColors <- c(
  "turquoise", "blue", "brown", "yellow", "green", "red", "black", "pink", "magenta",
  "purple", "greenyellow", "tan", "salmon", "cyan", "midnightblue", "lightcyan",
  "grey60", "lightgreen", "lightyellow", "royalblue", "darkred", "darkgreen",
  "darkturquoise", "darkgrey",
  "orange", "darkorange", "white", "skyblue", "saddlebrown", "steelblue",
  "paleturquoise", "violet", "darkolivegreen", "darkmagenta"
RColors <- colors()[-grep("grey", colors())]
RColors <- RColors[-grep("gray", RColors)]
InBase <- match(BaseColors, RColors)
ExtraColors <- RColors[-c(InBase[!is.na(InBase)])]
nExtras <- length(ExtraColors)
# Here is the vector of colors that should be used by all functions:

.GlobalStandardColors <- c(BaseColors, ExtraColors[rank(sin(13 * c(1:nExtras) + sin(13 * c(1:nExtras))))])
standardColors <- function(n = NULL) {
  if (is.null(n)) {
  if ((n > 0) && (n <= length(.GlobalStandardColors))) {
  } else {
    stop("Invalid number of standard colors requested.")

rm(BaseColors, RColors, ExtraColors, nExtras, InBase)
# normalizeLabels
# "Normalizes" numerical labels such that the largest group is labeled 1, the next largest 2 etc.
# If KeepZero == TRUE, label zero is preserved.

normalizeLabels <- function(labels, keepZero = TRUE) {
  if (keepZero) {
    NonZero <- (labels != 0)
  else {
    NonZero <- rep(TRUE, length(labels))
  f <- as.numeric(factor(labels[NonZero]))
  t <- table(labels[NonZero])
  # print(t)
  r <- rank(-as.vector(t), ties.method = "first")
  norm_labs <- rep(0, times = length(labels))
  norm_labs[NonZero] <- r[f]

# labels2colors
# This function converts integer numerical labels labels into color names in the order either given by
# colorSeq,
# or (if colorSeq==NULL) by standardColors(). If GreyIsZero == TRUE, labels 0 will be assigned
# the color grey; otherwise presence of labels below 1 will trigger an error.
# dimensions of labels (if present) are preserved.

labels2colors <- function(labels, zeroIsGrey = TRUE, colorSeq = NULL, naColor = "grey",
                          commonColorCode = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(colorSeq)) colorSeq <- standardColors()

  if (is.numeric(labels)) {
    if (zeroIsGrey) minLabel <- 0 else minLabel <- 1
    if (any(labels < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) minLabel <- min(c(labels), na.rm = TRUE)
    nLabels <- labels
  } else {
    if (commonColorCode) {
      factors <- factor(c(as.matrix(as.data.frame(labels))))
      nLabels <- as.numeric(factors)
      dim(nLabels) <- dim(labels)
    } else {
      labels <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(labels))
      factors <- list()
      for (c in 1:ncol(labels)) {
        factors[[c]] <- factor(labels[, c])
      nLabels <- sapply(factors, as.numeric)

  if (max(nLabels, na.rm = TRUE) > length(colorSeq)) {
    nRepeats <- as.integer((max(labels) - 1) / length(colorSeq)) + 1
      "labels2colors: Number of labels exceeds number of avilable colors.",
      "Some colors will be repeated", nRepeats, "times."
    extColorSeq <- colorSeq
    for (rep in 1:nRepeats) {
      extColorSeq <- c(extColorSeq, paste(colorSeq, ".", rep, sep = ""))
  } else {
    nRepeats <- 1
    extColorSeq <- colorSeq

  colors <- rep("grey", length(nLabels))
  fin <- !is.na(nLabels)
  colors[!fin] <- naColor
  finLabels <- nLabels[fin]
  colors[fin][finLabels != 0] <- extColorSeq[finLabels[finLabels != 0]]
  if (!is.null(dim(labels))) {
    dim(colors) <- dim(labels)


# ========================================================================================
# MergeCloseModules
# ========================================================================================

# moduleNumber
# Similar to modulecolor2 above, but returns numbers instead of colors, which is oftentimes more useful.
# 0 means unassigned.
# Return value is a simple vector, not a factor.
# Caution: the module numbers are neither sorted nor sequential, the only guarranteed fact is that grey
# probes are labeled by 0 and all probes belonging to the same module have the same number.

moduleNumber <- function(dendro, cutHeight = 0.9, minSize = 50) {
  Branches <- cutree(dendro, h = cutHeight)
  NOnBranches <- table(Branches)
  TrueBranch <- NOnBranches >= minSize
  Branches[!TrueBranch[Branches]] <- 0


# fixDataStructure
# Check input data: if they are not a vector of lists, put them into the form of a vector of lists.

fixDataStructure <- function(data, verbose = 0, indent = 0) {
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)
  if ((class(data) != "list") || (class(data[[1]]) != "list")) {
    if (verbose > 0) {
        "fixDataStructure: data is not a vector of lists: converting it into one."
    x <- data
    data <- vector(mode = "list", length = 1)
    data[[1]] <- list(data = x)

# checkSets
# Checks sets for consistency and returns some diagnostics.

.permissiveDim <- function(x) {
  d <- dim(x)
  if (is.null(d)) {
    return(c(length(x), 1))

checkSets <- function(data, checkStructure = FALSE, useSets = NULL) {
  nSets <- length(data)
  if (is.null(useSets)) useSets <- c(1:nSets)
  if (nSets <= 0) stop("No data given.")
  structureOK <- TRUE
  if ((class(data) != "list") || (class(data[[useSets[1]]]) != "list")) {
    if (checkStructure) {
      structureOK <- FALSE
      nGenes <- 0
      nSamples <- 0
    } else {
        "data does not appear to have the correct format. Consider using fixDataStructure",
        "or setting checkStructure = TRUE when calling this function."
  } else {
    nSamples <- vector(length = nSets)
    nGenes <- .permissiveDim(data[[useSets[1]]]$data)[2]
    for (set in useSets)
      if (nGenes != .permissiveDim(data[[set]]$data)[2]) {
        if (checkStructure) {
          structureOK <- FALSE
        } else {
          stop(paste("Incompatible number of genes in set 1 and", set))
      nSamples[set] <- .permissiveDim(data[[set]]$data)[1]

  list(nSets = nSets, nGenes = nGenes, nSamples = nSamples, structureOK = structureOK)

# multiSetMEs

multiSetMEs <- function(exprData, colors, universalColors = NULL, useSets = NULL,
                        useGenes = NULL, impute = TRUE,
                        nPC = 1, align = "along average", excludeGrey = FALSE,
                        grey = if (is.null(universalColors)) {
                          if (is.numeric(colors)) 0 else "grey"
                        } else
                        if (is.numeric(universalColors)) 0 else "grey",
                        subHubs = TRUE,
                        trapErrors = FALSE,
                        returnValidOnly = trapErrors,
                        softPower = 6,
                        verbose = 1, indent = 0) {
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)
  nSets <- length(exprData)
  setsize <- checkSets(exprData, useSets = useSets)
  nGenes <- setsize$nGenes
  nSamples <- setsize$nSamples
  if (verbose > 0) printFlush(paste(spaces, "multiSetMEs: Calculating module MEs."))
  MEs <- vector(mode = "list", length = nSets)
  consValidMEs <- NULL
  if (!is.null(universalColors)) {
    consValidColors <- universalColors
  if (is.null(useSets)) useSets <- c(1:nSets)
  if (is.null(useGenes)) {
    for (set in useSets) {
      if (verbose > 0) printFlush(paste(spaces, "  Working on set", as.character(set), "..."))
      if (is.null(universalColors)) {
        setColors <- colors[, set]
      } else {
        setColors <- universalColors
      setMEs <- moduleEigengenes(
        expr = exprData[[set]]$data,
        colors = setColors, impute = impute, nPC = nPC, align = align,
        excludeGrey = excludeGrey, grey = grey,
        trapErrors = trapErrors, subHubs = subHubs,
        returnValidOnly = FALSE, softPower = softPower,
        verbose = verbose - 1, indent = indent + 1
      if (!is.null(universalColors) && (!setMEs$allOK)) {
        if (is.null(consValidMEs)) {
          consValidMEs <- setMEs$validMEs
        } else {
          consValidMEs <- consValidMEs * setMEs$validMEs
        consValidColors[setMEs$validColors != universalColors] <-
          setMEs$validColors[setMEs$validColors != universalColors]
      MEs[[set]] <- setMEs
      names(MEs[[set]])[names(setMEs) == "eigengenes"] <- "data"
      # Here's what moduleEigengenes returns:
      #  list(eigengenes = PrinComps, averageExpr = averExpr, varExplained = varExpl, nPC = nPC,
      #       validMEs = validMEs, validColors = validColors, allOK = allOK, allPC = allPC, isPC = isPC,
      #       isHub = isHub, validAEs = validAEs, allAEOK = allAEOK)
  } else {
    for (set in useSets) {
      if (verbose > 0) printFlush(paste(spaces, "  Working on set", as.character(set), "..."))
      if (is.null(universalColors)) {
        setColors <- colors[useGenes, set]
      } else {
        setColors <- universalColors[useGenes]
      setMEs <- moduleEigengenes(
        expr = exprData[[set]]$data[, useGenes],
        colors = setColors, impute = impute, nPC = nPC, align = align,
        excludeGrey = excludeGrey, grey = grey,
        trapErrors = trapErrors, subHubs = subHubs,
        returnValidOnly = FALSE, softPower = softPower,
        verbose = verbose - 1, indent = indent + 1
      if (!is.null(universalColors) && (!setMEs$allOK)) {
        if (is.null(consValidMEs)) {
          consValidMEs <- setMEs$validMEs
        } else {
          consValidMEs <- consValidMEs * setMEs$validMEs
        consValidColors[setMEs$validColors != universalColors[useGenes]] <-
          setMEs$validColors[setMEs$validColors != universalColors[useGenes]]
      MEs[[set]] <- setMEs
      names(MEs[[set]])[names(setMEs) == "eigengenes"] <- "data"
  if (!is.null(universalColors)) {
    for (set in 1:nSets)
      if (!is.null(consValidMEs)) MEs[[set]]$validMEs <- consValidMEs
      MEs[[set]]$validColors <- consValidColors
  for (set in 1:nSets)
    MEs[[set]]$allOK <- (sum(!MEs[[set]]$validMEs) == 0)
    if (returnValidOnly) {
      valid <- (MEs[[set]]$validMEs > 0)
      MEs[[set]]$data <- MEs[[set]]$data[, valid]
      MEs[[set]]$averageExpr <- MEs[[set]]$averageExpr[, valid]
      MEs[[set]]$varExplained <- MEs[[set]]$varExplained[, valid]
      MEs[[set]]$isPC <- MEs[[set]]$isPC[valid]
      MEs[[set]]$allPC <- (sum(!MEs[[set]]$isPC) == 0)
      MEs[[set]]$isHub <- MEs[[set]]$isHub[valid]
      MEs[[set]]$validAEs <- MEs[[set]]$validAEs[valid]
      MEs[[set]]$allAEOK <- (sum(!MEs[[set]]$validAEs) == 0)
      MEs[[set]]$validMEs <- rep(TRUE, times = ncol(MEs[[set]]$data))

  names(MEs) <- names(exprData)


# MergeCloseModules

mergeCloseModules <- function(
                              # input data
                              exprData, colors,

                              # Optional starting eigengenes
                              MEs = NULL,

                              # Optional restriction to a subset of all sets
                              useSets = NULL,

                              # If missing data are present, impute them?
                              impute = TRUE,

                              # Input handling options
                              checkDataFormat = TRUE,
                              unassdColor = if (is.numeric(colors)) 0 else "grey",

                              # Options for eigengene network construction
                              corFnc = cor, corOptions = list(use = "p"),
                              useAbs = FALSE,

                              # Options for constructing the consensus
                              equalizeQuantiles = FALSE,
                              quantileSummary = "mean",
                              consensusQuantile = 0,

                              # Merging options
                              cutHeight = 0.2,
                              iterate = TRUE,

                              # Output options
                              relabel = FALSE,
                              colorSeq = NULL,
                              getNewMEs = TRUE,
                              getNewUnassdME = TRUE,

                              # Options controlling behaviour of the function
                              trapErrors = FALSE,
                              verbose = 1, indent = 0) {
  MEsInSingleFrame <- FALSE
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)

  # numCols = is.numeric(colors);
  # facCols = is.factor(colors);
  # charCols = is.character(colors);

  origColors <- colors

  colors <- colors[, drop = TRUE]

  greyName <- paste(moduleColor.getMEprefix(), unassdColor, sep = "")

  if (verbose > 0) {
      "mergeCloseModules: Merging modules whose distance is less than", cutHeight

  if (verbose > 3) {
      "  .. will look for grey label", greyName

  if (!checkSets(exprData, checkStructure = TRUE, useSets = useSets)$structureOK) {
    if (checkDataFormat) {
      exprData <- fixDataStructure(exprData)
      MEsInSingleFrame <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Given exprData appear to be misformatted.")

  setsize <- checkSets(exprData, useSets = useSets)
  nSets <- setsize$nSets

  if (!is.null(MEs)) {
    checkMEs <- checkSets(MEs, checkStructure = TRUE, useSets = useSets)
    if (checkMEs$structureOK) {
      if (nSets != checkMEs$nSets) {
        stop("Input error: numbers of sets in exprData and MEs differ.")
      for (set in 1:nSets)
        if (checkMEs$nSamples[set] != setsize$nSamples[set]) {
          stop(paste("Number of samples in MEs is incompatible with subset length for set", set))
    } else {
      if (MEsInSingleFrame) {
        MEs <- fixDataStructure(MEs)
        checkMEs <- checkSets(MEs)
      } else {
        stop("MEs do not have the appropriate structure (same as exprData). ")

  if (setsize$nGenes != length(colors)) {
    stop("Number of genes in exprData is different from the length of original colors. They must equal.")

  if ((cutHeight < 0) | (cutHeight > (1 + as.integer(useAbs)))) {
    stop(paste("Given cutHeight is out of sensible range between 0 and", 1 + as.integer(useAbs)))

  done <- FALSE
  iteration <- 1

  MergedColors <- colors
  ok <- try(
      while (!done) {
        if (is.null(MEs)) {
          MEs <- multiSetMEs(exprData,
            colors = NULL, universalColors = colors,
            useSets = useSets, impute = impute,
            subHubs = TRUE, trapErrors = FALSE, excludeGrey = TRUE,
            grey = unassdColor,
            verbose = verbose - 1, indent = indent + 1
          MEs <- consensusOrderMEs(MEs, useAbs = useAbs, useSets = useSets, greyLast = FALSE)
        } else if (nlevels(as.factor(colors)) != checkMEs$nGenes) {
          if ((iteration == 1) & (verbose > 0)) {
              spaces, "  Number of given module colors",
              "does not match number of given MEs => recalculating the MEs."
          MEs <- multiSetMEs(exprData,
            colors = NULL, universalColors = colors,
            useSets = useSets, impute = impute,
            subHubs = TRUE, trapErrors = FALSE, excludeGrey = TRUE,
            grey = unassdColor,
            verbose = verbose - 1, indent = indent + 1
          MEs <- consensusOrderMEs(MEs, useAbs = useAbs, useSets = useSets, greyLast = FALSE)
        if (iteration == 1) oldMEs <- MEs

        # Check colors for number of distinct colors that are not grey

        colLevs <- as.character(levels(as.factor(colors)))
        if (length(colLevs[colLevs != as.character(unassdColor)]) < 2) {
            "mergeCloseModules: less than two proper modules."
            spaces, " ..color levels are",
            paste(colLevs, collapse = ", ")
          printFlush(paste(spaces, " ..there is nothing to merge."))
          MergedNewColors <- colors
          MergedColors <- colors
          nOldMods <- 1
          nNewMods <- 1
          oldTree <- NULL
          Tree <- NULL

        # Cluster the found module eigengenes and merge ones that are too close according to the specified
        # quantile.

        nOldMods <- nlevels(as.factor(colors))

        ConsDiss <- .consensusMEDissimilarity(MEs,
          equalizeQuantiles = equalizeQuantiles,
          quantileSummary = quantileSummary,
          consensusQuantile = consensusQuantile, useAbs = useAbs,
          corFnc = corFnc, corOptions = corOptions,
          useSets = useSets, greyName = greyName

        Tree <- fastcluster::hclust(as.dist(ConsDiss), method = "average")
        if (iteration == 1) oldTree <- Tree
        TreeBranches <- as.factor(moduleNumber(dendro = Tree, cutHeight = cutHeight, minSize = 1))
        UniqueBranches <- levels(TreeBranches)
        nBranches <- nlevels(TreeBranches)
        NumberOnBranch <- table(TreeBranches)
        MergedColors <- colors

        # Merge modules on the same branch

        for (branch in 1:nBranches) {
          if (NumberOnBranch[branch] > 1) {
            ModulesOnThisBranch <- names(TreeBranches)[TreeBranches == UniqueBranches[branch]]
            ColorsOnThisBranch <- substring(ModulesOnThisBranch, 3)
            if (is.numeric(origColors)) ColorsOnThisBranch <- as.numeric(ColorsOnThisBranch)
            if (verbose > 3) {
                spaces, "  Merging original colors",
                paste(ColorsOnThisBranch, collapse = ", ")
            for (color in 2:length(ColorsOnThisBranch)) {
              MergedColors[MergedColors == ColorsOnThisBranch[color]] <- ColorsOnThisBranch[1]

        MergedColors <- MergedColors[, drop = TRUE]

        nNewMods <- nlevels(as.factor(MergedColors))

        if (nNewMods < nOldMods & iterate) {
          colors <- MergedColors
          MEs <- NULL
        } else {
          done <- TRUE
        iteration <- iteration + 1
      if (relabel) {
        RawModuleColors <- levels(as.factor(MergedColors))
        # relabel the merged colors to the usual order based on the number of genes in each module
        if (is.null(colorSeq)) {
          if (is.numeric(origColors)) {
            colorSeq <- c(1:length(table(origColors)))
          } else {
            nNewColors <- length(RawModuleColors)
            colorSeq <- labels2colors(c(1:nNewColors))

        # nGenesInModule = rep(0, nNewMods);
        # for (mod in 1:nNewMods) nGenesInModule[mod] = sum(MergedColors==RawModuleColors[mod]);
        nGenesInModule <- table(MergedColors)

        SortedRawModuleColors <- RawModuleColors[order(-nGenesInModule)]

        # Change the color names to the standard sequence, but leave grey grey
        # (that's why rank in general does not equal color)
        MergedNewColors <- MergedColors
        if (is.factor(MergedNewColors)) MergedNewColors <- as.character(MergedNewColors)
        if (verbose > 3) printFlush(paste(spaces, "   Changing original colors:"))
        rank <- 0
        for (color in 1:length(SortedRawModuleColors)) {
          if (SortedRawModuleColors[color] != unassdColor) {
            rank <- rank + 1
            if (verbose > 3) {
                spaces, "      ", SortedRawModuleColors[color],
                "to ", colorSeq[rank]
            MergedNewColors[MergedColors == SortedRawModuleColors[color]] <- colorSeq[rank]
        if (is.factor(MergedColors)) MergedNewColors <- as.factor(MergedNewColors)
      } else {
        MergedNewColors <- MergedColors
      MergedNewColors <- MergedNewColors[, drop = TRUE]

      if (getNewMEs) {
        if (nNewMods < nOldMods | relabel | getNewUnassdME) {
          if (verbose > 0) printFlush(paste(spaces, "  Calculating new MEs..."))
          NewMEs <- multiSetMEs(exprData,
            colors = NULL, universalColors = MergedNewColors,
            useSets = useSets, impute = impute, subHubs = TRUE, trapErrors = FALSE,
            excludeGrey = !getNewUnassdME, grey = unassdColor,
            verbose = verbose - 1, indent = indent + 1
          newMEs <- consensusOrderMEs(NewMEs,
            useAbs = useAbs, useSets = useSets, greyLast = TRUE,
            greyName = greyName

          ConsDiss <- .consensusMEDissimilarity(newMEs,
            equalizeQuantiles = equalizeQuantiles,
            quantileSummary = quantileSummary,
            consensusQuantile = consensusQuantile, useAbs = useAbs,
            corFnc = corFnc, corOptions = corOptions,
            useSets = useSets, greyName = greyName
          if (length(ConsDiss) > 1) {
            Tree <- fastcluster::hclust(as.dist(ConsDiss), method = "average")
          } else {
            Tree <- NULL
        } else {
          newMEs <- MEs
      } else {
        newMEs <- NULL
      if (MEsInSingleFrame) {
        newMEs <- newMEs[[1]]$data
        oldMEs <- oldMEs[[1]]$data
    silent = TRUE

  if (class(ok) == "try-error") {
    if (!trapErrors) stop(ok)
    if (verbose > 0) {
      printFlush(paste(spaces, "Warning: merging of modules failed with the following error:"))
      printFlush(paste("   ", spaces, ok))
      printFlush(paste(spaces, " --> returning unmerged modules and *no* eigengenes."))
      "mergeCloseModules: merging of modules failed with the following error:\n",
      "    ", ok, " --> returning unmerged modules and *no* eigengenes.\n"
    list(colors = origColors, allOK = FALSE)
  } else {
      colors = MergedNewColors, dendro = Tree, oldDendro = oldTree, cutHeight = cutHeight,
      oldMEs = oldMEs, newMEs = newMEs, allOK = TRUE

# hierarchicalMergeCloseModules

hierarchicalMergeCloseModules <- function(
                                          # input data
                                          multiExpr.imputed = NULL,

                                          # Optional starting eigengenes
                                          MEs = NULL,

                                          unassdColor = if (is.numeric(labels)) 0 else "grey",
                                          # If missing data are present, impute them?
                                          impute = TRUE,

                                          # Options for eigengene network construction

                                          # Options for constructing the consensus
                                          calibrateMESimilarities = FALSE,

                                          # Merging options
                                          cutHeight = 0.2,
                                          iterate = TRUE,

                                          # Output options
                                          relabel = FALSE,
                                          colorSeq = NULL,
                                          getNewMEs = TRUE,
                                          getNewUnassdME = TRUE,

                                          # Options controlling behaviour of the function
                                          trapErrors = FALSE,
                                          verbose = 1, indent = 0) {
  MEsInSingleFrame <- FALSE
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)

  # numCols = is.numeric(labels);
  # facCols = is.factor(labels);
  # charCols = is.character(labels);

  origColors <- labels

  labels <- labels[, drop = TRUE]

  if (all(replaceMissing(labels == unassdColor, TRUE))) {
    return(list(labels = labels, allOK = FALSE))

  greyName <- paste(moduleColor.getMEprefix(), unassdColor, sep = "")

  if (verbose > 0) {
      "mergeCloseModules: Merging modules whose distance is less than", cutHeight

  if (verbose > 3) {
      "  .. will use unassigned ME label", greyName

  setsize <- checkSets(multiExpr)
  nSets <- setsize$nSets

  if (is.null(multiExpr.imputed)) {
    if (impute) {
      multiExpr.imputed <- mtd.apply(multiExpr, imputeByModule,
        labels = labels,
        excludeUnassigned = FALSE, unassignedLabel = unassdColor,
        scale = TRUE
    } else {
      multiExpr.imputed <- multiExpr
  } else {
    stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(checkSets(multiExpr.imputed), setsize)))

  if (!is.null(MEs)) {
    checkMEs <- checkSets(MEs, checkStructure = TRUE)
    if (checkMEs$structureOK) {
      if (nSets != checkMEs$nSets) {
        stop("Input error: numbers of sets in multiExpr and MEs differ.")
      for (set in 1:nSets)
        if (checkMEs$nSamples[set] != setsize$nSamples[set]) {
          stop(paste("Number of samples in MEs is incompatible with subset length for set", set))
    } else {
      if (MEsInSingleFrame) {
        MEs <- fixDataStructure(MEs)
        checkMEs <- checkSets(MEs)
      } else {
        stop("MEs do not have the appropriate structure (same as multiExpr). ")

  if (inherits(networkOptions, "NetworkOptions")) {
    networkOptions <- list2multiData(.listRep(networkOptions, nSets))

  if (setsize$nGenes != length(labels)) {
    stop("Number of genes in multiExpr is different from the length of original labels. They must equal.")

  done <- FALSE
  iteration <- 1

  MergedColors <- labels
  # ok = try(
  # {
  while (!done) {
    if (is.null(MEs)) {
      MEs <- multiSetMEs(multiExpr.imputed,
        colors = NULL, universalColors = labels,
        impute = impute,
        subHubs = TRUE, trapErrors = FALSE, excludeGrey = TRUE,
        grey = unassdColor,
        verbose = verbose - 1, indent = indent + 1
      # MEs = consensusOrderMEs(MEs, useAbs = useAbs, greyLast = FALSE);
      # collectGarbage();
    } else if (nlevels(as.factor(labels)) != checkMEs$nGenes) {
      if ((iteration == 1) & (verbose > 0)) {
          spaces, "  Number of given module labels",
          "does not match number of given MEs => recalculating the MEs."
      MEs <- multiSetMEs(multiExpr.imputed,
        colors = NULL, universalColors = labels,
        impute = impute,
        subHubs = TRUE, trapErrors = FALSE, excludeGrey = TRUE,
        grey = unassdColor,
        verbose = verbose - 1, indent = indent + 1
      # MEs = consensusOrderMEs(MEs, useAbs = useAbs, greyLast = FALSE);
      # collectGarbage();
    if (iteration == 1) oldMEs <- MEs

    # Check labels for number of distinct labels that are not grey

    colLevs <- as.character(levels(as.factor(labels)))
    if (length(colLevs[colLevs != as.character(unassdColor)]) < 2) {
        "mergeCloseModules: less than two proper modules."
        spaces, " ..color levels are",
        paste(colLevs, collapse = ", ")
      printFlush(paste(spaces, " ..there is nothing to merge."))
      MergedNewColors <- labels
      MergedColors <- labels
      nOldMods <- 1
      nNewMods <- 1
      oldTree <- NULL
      Tree <- NULL

    # Cluster the found module eigengenes and merge ones that are too close according to the specified
    # quantile.

    nOldMods <- nlevels(as.factor(labels))

    ConsDiss <- .hierarchicalConsensusMEDissimilarity(MEs,
      networkOptions = networkOptions,
      consensusTree = consensusTree,
      greyName = greyName,
      calibrate = calibrateMESimilarities

    Tree <- fastcluster::hclust(as.dist(ConsDiss), method = "average")
    if (iteration == 1) oldTree <- Tree
    TreeBranches <- as.factor(moduleNumber(dendro = Tree, cutHeight = cutHeight, minSize = 1))
    UniqueBranches <- levels(TreeBranches)
    nBranches <- nlevels(TreeBranches)
    NumberOnBranch <- table(TreeBranches)
    MergedColors <- labels

    # Merge modules on the same branch

    for (branch in 1:nBranches) {
      if (NumberOnBranch[branch] > 1) {
        ModulesOnThisBranch <- names(TreeBranches)[TreeBranches == UniqueBranches[branch]]
        ColorsOnThisBranch <- substring(ModulesOnThisBranch, 3)
        if (is.numeric(origColors)) ColorsOnThisBranch <- as.numeric(ColorsOnThisBranch)
        if (verbose > 3) {
            spaces, "  Merging original labels",
            paste(ColorsOnThisBranch, collapse = ", ")
        for (color in 2:length(ColorsOnThisBranch)) {
          MergedColors[MergedColors == ColorsOnThisBranch[color]] <- ColorsOnThisBranch[1]

    MergedColors <- MergedColors[, drop = TRUE]

    nNewMods <- nlevels(as.factor(MergedColors))

    if (nNewMods < nOldMods & iterate) {
      labels <- MergedColors
      MEs <- NULL
    } else {
      done <- TRUE
    iteration <- iteration + 1
  if (relabel) {
    RawModuleColors <- levels(as.factor(MergedColors))
    # relabel the merged labels to the usual order based on the number of genes in each module
    if (is.null(colorSeq)) {
      if (is.numeric(origColors)) {
        colorSeq <- c(1:length(table(origColors)))
      } else {
        nNewColors <- length(RawModuleColors)
        colorSeq <- labels2colors(c(1:nNewColors))

    # nGenesInModule = rep(0, nNewMods);
    # for (mod in 1:nNewMods) nGenesInModule[mod] = sum(MergedColors==RawModuleColors[mod]);
    nGenesInModule <- table(MergedColors)

    SortedRawModuleColors <- RawModuleColors[order(-nGenesInModule)]

    # Change the color names to the standard sequence, but leave grey grey
    # (that's why rank in general does not equal color)
    MergedNewColors <- MergedColors
    if (is.factor(MergedNewColors)) MergedNewColors <- as.character(MergedNewColors)
    if (verbose > 3) printFlush(paste(spaces, "   Changing original labels:"))
    rank <- 0
    for (color in 1:length(SortedRawModuleColors)) {
      if (SortedRawModuleColors[color] != unassdColor) {
        rank <- rank + 1
        if (verbose > 3) {
            spaces, "      ", SortedRawModuleColors[color],
            "to ", colorSeq[rank]
        MergedNewColors[MergedColors == SortedRawModuleColors[color]] <- colorSeq[rank]
    if (is.factor(MergedColors)) MergedNewColors <- as.factor(MergedNewColors)
  } else {
    MergedNewColors <- MergedColors
  MergedNewColors <- MergedNewColors[, drop = TRUE]

  if (getNewMEs) {
    if (nNewMods < nOldMods | relabel | getNewUnassdME) {
      if (verbose > 0) printFlush(paste(spaces, "  Calculating new MEs..."))
      NewMEs <- multiSetMEs(multiExpr.imputed,
        colors = NULL, universalColors = MergedNewColors,
        impute = impute, subHubs = TRUE, trapErrors = FALSE,
        excludeGrey = !getNewUnassdME, grey = unassdColor,
        verbose = verbose - 1, indent = indent + 1
      newMEs <- orderMEsByHierarchicalConsensus(NewMEs, networkOptions,
        greyName = greyName, calibrate = calibrateMESimilarities

      ConsDiss <- .hierarchicalConsensusMEDissimilarity(newMEs,
        networkOptions = networkOptions,
        consensusTree = consensusTree,
        greyName = greyName,
        calibrate = calibrateMESimilarities
      if (length(ConsDiss) > 1) {
        Tree <- fastcluster::hclust(as.dist(ConsDiss), method = "average")
      } else {
        Tree <- NULL
    } else {
      newMEs <- MEs
  } else {
    newMEs <- NULL
  # }, silent = TRUE);

  # if (class(ok)=='try-error')
  # {
  #  if (!trapErrors) stop(ok);
  #  if (verbose>0)
  #  {
  #    printFlush(paste(spaces, "Warning: merging of modules failed with the following error:"));
  #    printFlush(paste('   ', spaces, ok));
  #    printFlush(paste(spaces, " --> returning unmerged modules and *no* eigengenes."));
  #  }
  #  warning(paste("mergeCloseModules: merging of modules failed with the following error:\n",
  #                "    ", ok, " --> returning unmerged modules and *no* eigengenes.\n"));
  #  list(labels = origColors, allOK = FALSE);
  # } else {
    labels = MergedNewColors, dendro = Tree, oldDendro = oldTree, cutHeight = cutHeight,
    oldMEs = oldMEs, newMEs = newMEs, allOK = TRUE
  # }

# ===================================================
# For hard thresholding, we use the signum (step) function

signumAdjacencyFunction <- function(corMat, threshold) {
  adjmat <- as.matrix(abs(corMat) >= threshold)
  dimnames(adjmat) <- dimnames(corMat)
  diag(adjmat) <- 0

# ===================================================
# For soft thresholding, one can use the sigmoid function
# But we have focused on the power adjacency function in the tutorial...
sigmoidAdjacencyFunction <- function(ss, mu = 0.8, alpha = 20) {
  1 / (1 + exp(-alpha * (ss - mu)))

# This function is useful for speeding up the connectivity calculation.
# The idea is to partition the adjacency matrix into consecutive baches of a #given size.
# In principle, the larger the block size the faster is the calculation. But #smaller blockSizes require #less memory...
# Input: gene expression data set where *rows* correspond to microarray samples #and columns correspond to genes.
# If fewer than minNSamples contain gene expression information for a given
# gene, then its connectivity is set to missing.

softConnectivity <- function(datExpr,
                             corFnc = "cor", corOptions = "use = 'p'",
                             weights = NULL,
                             type = "unsigned",
                             power = if (type == "signed") 15 else 6,
                             blockSize = 1500, minNSamples = NULL,
                             verbose = 2, indent = 0) {
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)
  nGenes <- dim(datExpr)[[2]]

  if (blockSize * nGenes > .largestBlockSize) blockSize <- as.integer(.largestBlockSize / nGenes)
  nSamples <- dim(datExpr)[[1]]
  if (is.null(minNSamples)) {
    minNSamples <- max(..minNSamples, nSamples / 3)

  if (nGenes < ..minNGenes | nSamples < minNSamples) {
      "Error: Something seems to be wrong. \n",
      "   Make sure that the input data frame has genes as rows and array samples as columns.\n",
      "   Alternatively, there seem to be fewer than", ..minNGenes, "genes or fewer than",
      minNSamples, "samples. "
  if (nGenes < nSamples) {
    printFlush("Warning: There are fewer genes than samples in the function softConnectivity. Maybe you should transpose the data?")

  k <- rep(NA, nGenes)
  start <- 1
  if (verbose > 0) {
      spaces, "softConnectivity: FYI: connecitivty of genes with less than",
      ceiling(minNSamples), "valid samples will be returned as NA."
    cat(paste(spaces, "..calculating connectivities.."))
    pind <- initProgInd()
  while (start < nGenes) {
    end <- min(start + blockSize - 1, nGenes)
    index1 <- start:end
    ad1 <- adjacency(datExpr,
      weights = weights, selectCols = index1, power = power, type = type,
      corFnc = corFnc, corOptions = corOptions
    k[index1] <- colSums(ad1, na.rm = TRUE) - 1
    # If fewer than minNSamples contain gene expression information for a given
    # gene, then we set its connectivity to 0.
    NoSamplesAvailable <- colSums(!is.na(datExpr[, index1]))
    k[index1][NoSamplesAvailable < minNSamples] <- NA
    if (verbose > 0) pind <- updateProgInd(end / nGenes, pind)
    start <- end + 1
  if (verbose > 0) printFlush("")
} # end of function

# ==============================================================================
# The function PickHardThreshold can help one to estimate the cut-off value
# when using the signum (step) function.
# The first column lists the threshold ("cut"),
# the second column lists the corresponding p-value based on the Fisher Transform
# of the correlation.
# The third column reports the resulting scale free topology fitting index R^2.
# The fourth column reports the slope of the fitting line, it shoud be negative for
# biologically meaningul networks.
# The fifth column reports the fitting index for the truncated exponential model.
# Usually we ignore it.
# The remaining columns list the mean, median and maximum resulting connectivity.
# To pick a hard threshold (cut) with the scale free topology criterion:
# aim for high scale free R^2 (column 3), high connectivity (col 6) and negative slope
# (around -1, col 4).
# The output is a list with 2 components. The first component lists a sugggested cut-off
# while the second component contains the whole table.
# The removeFirst option removes the first point (k=0, P(k=0)) from the regression fit.
# nBreaks specifies how many intervals used to estimate the frequency p(k) i.e. the no. of points in the
# scale free topology plot.

pickHardThreshold <- function(data, dataIsExpr = TRUE, RsquaredCut = 0.85, cutVector = seq(0.1, 0.9,
                                by = 0.05
                              ), moreNetworkConcepts = FALSE, removeFirst = FALSE, nBreaks = 10, corFnc = "cor",
                              corOptions = "use = 'p'") {
  nGenes <- dim(data)[[2]]
  colname1 <- c(
    "Cut", "p-value", "SFT.R.sq", "slope=",
    "truncated R^2", "mean(k)", "median(k)", "max(k)"
  if (moreNetworkConcepts) {
    colname1 <- c(colname1, "Density", "Centralization", "Heterogeneity")
  if (!dataIsExpr) {
    if (any(diag(data) != 1)) diag(data) <- 1
  } else {
    nSamples <- dim(data)[[1]]

  datout <- data.frame(matrix(NA,
    nrow = length(cutVector),
    ncol = length(colname1)
  names(datout) <- colname1
  datout[, 1] <- cutVector
  if (dataIsExpr) {
    for (i in 1:length(cutVector))
      cut1 <- cutVector[i]
      datout[i, 2] <- 2 * (1 - pt(sqrt(nSamples - 1) * cut1 / sqrt(1 -
        cut1^2), nSamples - 1))
  } else {
    datout[, 2] <- NA

  fun1 <- function(x, dataIsExpr) {
    if (dataIsExpr) {
      corExpr <- parse(text = paste(
        corFnc, "(x, data",
        prepComma(corOptions), ")"
      corx <- abs(eval(corExpr))
    } else {
      corx <- x
    out1 <- rep(NA, length(cutVector))
    for (j in c(1:length(cutVector))) {
      out1[j] <- sum(corx > cutVector[j], na.rm = TRUE)
  datk <- t(apply(data, 2, fun1, dataIsExpr))
  for (i in c(1:length(cutVector))) {
    khelp <- datk[, i] - 1
    SFT1 <- scaleFreeFitIndex(k = khelp, nBreaks = nBreaks, removeFirst = removeFirst)
    datout[i, 3] <- SFT1$Rsquared.SFT
    datout[i, 4] <- SFT1$slope.SFT
    datout[i, 5] <- SFT1$truncatedExponentialAdjRsquared
    datout[i, 6] <- mean(khelp, na.rm = TRUE)
    datout[i, 7] <- median(khelp, na.rm = TRUE)
    datout[i, 8] <- max(khelp, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (moreNetworkConcepts) {
      Density <- sum(khelp) / (nGenes * (nGenes - 1))
      datout[i, 9] <- Density
      Centralization <- nGenes * (max(khelp) - mean(khelp)) / ((nGenes - 1) * (nGenes - 2))
      datout[i, 10] <- Centralization
      Heterogeneity <- sqrt(nGenes * sum(khelp^2) / sum(khelp)^2 - 1)
      datout[i, 11] <- Heterogeneity
  datout <- as.data.frame(lapply(datout, as.numeric))
  print(signif(data.frame(datout), 3))
  ind1 <- datout[, 3] > RsquaredCut
  indcut <- NA
  indcut <- if (sum(ind1) > 0) min(c(1:length(ind1))[ind1]) else indcut
  cutEstimate <- cutVector[indcut][[1]]
  list(cutEstimate = cutEstimate, fitIndices = data.frame(datout))
} # end of function pickHardThreshold

#' @title pickSoftThreshold
#' @description The function pickSoftThreshold allows one to estimate the power
#'  parameter when using a soft thresholding approach with the use of the power
#'  function \eqn{AF(s)=s^Power}. The removeFirst option removes the first point
#'  (k=1, P(k=1)) from the regression fit.
#' @param data 
#' @param dataIsExpr 
#' @param weights 
#' @param RsquaredCut 
#' @param powerVector 
#' @param removeFirst 
#' @param nBreaks 
#' @param blockSize 
#' @param corFnc 
#' @param corOptions 
#' @param networkType 
#' @param moreNetworkConcepts 
#' @param gcInterval 
#' @param verbose 
#' @param indent 
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar%
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
pickSoftThreshold <- function(
                              dataIsExpr = TRUE,
                              weights = NULL,
                              RsquaredCut = 0.85,
                              powerVector = c(seq(1, 10, by = 1), seq(12, 20, by = 2)),
                              removeFirst = FALSE, nBreaks = 10, blockSize = NULL,
                              corFnc = cor, corOptions = list(use = "p"),
                              networkType = "unsigned",
                              moreNetworkConcepts = FALSE,
                              gcInterval = NULL,
                              verbose = 0, indent = 0) {
  powerVector <- sort(powerVector)
  intType <- charmatch(networkType, .networkTypes)
  if (is.na(intType)) {
      "Unrecognized 'networkType'. Recognized values are",
      paste(.networkTypes, collapse = ", ")
  nGenes <- ncol(data)
  if (nGenes < 3) {
      "The input data data contain fewer than 3 rows (nodes).",
      "\nThis would result in a trivial correlation network."
  if (!dataIsExpr) {
    if (any(diag(data) != 1)) diag(data) <- 1

  if (is.null(blockSize)) {
    blockSize <- blockSize(nGenes, rectangularBlocks = TRUE, maxMemoryAllocation = 2^30)
    if (verbose > 0) {
      printFlush(spaste("pickSoftThreshold: will use block size ", blockSize, "."))
  if (length(gcInterval) == 0) gcInterval <- 4 * blockSize

  colname1 <- c(
    "Power", "SFT.R.sq", "slope", "truncated R.sq",
    "mean(k)", "median(k)", "max(k)"
  if (moreNetworkConcepts) {
    colname1 <- c(colname1, "Density", "Centralization", "Heterogeneity")
  datout <- data.frame(matrix(666, nrow = length(powerVector), ncol = length(colname1)))
  names(datout) <- colname1
  datout[, 1] <- powerVector
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)
  if (verbose > 0) {
    cat(paste(spaces, "pickSoftThreshold: calculating connectivity for given powers..."))
    if (verbose == 1) {
      pind <- initProgInd()
    } else {

  # if we're using one of WGNCA's own correlation functions, set the number of threads to 1.
  corFnc <- match.fun(corFnc)
  corFormals <- formals(corFnc)
  if ("nThreads" %in% names(corFormals)) corOptions$nThreads <- 1

  # Resulting connectivities
  datk <- matrix(0, nrow = nGenes, ncol = length(powerVector))

  # Number of threads. In this case I need this explicitly.
  nThreads <- WGCNAnThreads()

  nPowers <- length(powerVector)

  # Main loop
  startG <- 1
  lastGC <- 0
  corOptions$x <- data
  if (!is.null(weights)) {
    if (!dataIsExpr) {
      stop("Weights can only be used when 'data' represents expression data ('dataIsExpr' must be TRUE).")
    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(dim(data), dim(weights)))) {
      stop("When 'weights' are given, dimensions of 'data' and 'weights' must be the same.")
    corOptions$weights.x <- weights
  while (startG <= nGenes) {
    endG <- min(startG + blockSize - 1, nGenes)

    if (verbose > 1) {
      printFlush(paste(spaces, "  ..working on genes", startG, "through", endG, "of", nGenes))

    nBlockGenes <- endG - startG + 1
    jobs <- allocateJobs(nBlockGenes, nThreads)
    # This assumes that the non-zero length allocations
    # precede the zero-length ones
    actualThreads <- which(sapply(jobs, length) > 0)

    datk[c(startG:endG), ] <- foreach(t = actualThreads, .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
      useGenes <- c(startG:endG)[jobs[[t]]]
      nGenes1 <- length(useGenes)
      if (dataIsExpr) {
        corOptions$y <- data[, useGenes]
        if (!is.null(weights)) {
          corOptions$weights.y <- weights[, useGenes]
        corx <- do.call(corFnc, corOptions)
        if (intType == 1) {
          corx <- abs(corx)
        } else if (intType == 2) {
          corx <- (1 + corx) / 2
        } else if (intType == 3) {
          corx[corx < 0] <- 0
        if (sum(is.na(corx)) != 0) {
            "Some correlations are NA in block",
            startG, ":", endG, "."
      } else {
        corx <- data[, useGenes]
      datk.local <- matrix(NA, nGenes1, nPowers)
      corxPrev <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(corx), ncol = ncol(corx))
      powerVector1 <- c(0, head(powerVector, -1))
      powerSteps <- powerVector - powerVector1
      uniquePowerSteps <- unique(powerSteps)
      corxPowers <- lapply(uniquePowerSteps, function(p) corx^p)
      names(corxPowers) <- uniquePowerSteps
      for (j in 1:nPowers) {
        corxCur <- corxPrev * corxPowers[[as.character(powerSteps[j])]]
        datk.local[, j] <- colSums(corxCur, na.rm = TRUE) - 1
        corxPrev <- corxCur
    } # End of %dopar% evaluation
    # Move to the next block of genes.
    startG <- endG + 1
    if ((gcInterval > 0) && (startG - lastGC > gcInterval)) {
      lastGC <- startG
    if (verbose == 1) pind <- updateProgInd(endG / nGenes, pind)
  if (verbose == 1) printFlush("")

  for (i in c(1:length(powerVector)))
    khelp <- datk[, i]
    SFT1 <- scaleFreeFitIndex(k = khelp, nBreaks = nBreaks, removeFirst = removeFirst)
    datout[i, 2] <- SFT1$Rsquared.SFT
    datout[i, 3] <- SFT1$slope.SFT
    datout[i, 4] <- SFT1$truncatedExponentialAdjRsquared
    datout[i, 5] <- mean(khelp, na.rm = TRUE)
    datout[i, 6] <- median(khelp, na.rm = TRUE)
    datout[i, 7] <- max(khelp, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (moreNetworkConcepts) {
      Density <- sum(khelp) / (nGenes * (nGenes - 1))
      datout[i, 8] <- Density
      Centralization <- nGenes * (max(khelp) - mean(khelp)) / ((nGenes - 1) * (nGenes - 2))
      datout[i, 9] <- Centralization
      Heterogeneity <- sqrt(nGenes * sum(khelp^2) / sum(khelp)^2 - 1)
      datout[i, 10] <- Heterogeneity
  print(signif(data.frame(datout), 3))
  ind1 <- datout[, 2] > RsquaredCut
  indcut <- NA
  indcut <- if (sum(ind1) > 0) min(c(1:length(ind1))[ind1]) else indcut
  powerEstimate <- powerVector[indcut][[1]]
  list(powerEstimate = powerEstimate, fitIndices = data.frame(datout))

# ===================================================
# The function ScaleFreePlot1 creates a plot for checking scale free topology
# when truncated1 = TRUE is specificed, it provides the R^2 measures for the following
# degree distributions: a) scale free topology, b) log-log R^2 and c) truncated exponential R^2

# The function ScaleFreePlot1 creates a plot for checking scale free topology

scaleFreePlot <- function(connectivity, nBreaks = 10, truncated = FALSE, removeFirst = FALSE, main = "", ...) {
  k <- connectivity
  discretized.k <- cut(k, nBreaks)
  dk <- tapply(k, discretized.k, mean)
  p.dk <- as.vector(tapply(k, discretized.k, length) / length(k))
  breaks1 <- seq(
    from = min(k), to = max(k),
    length = nBreaks + 1
  hist1 <- suppressWarnings(hist(k, breaks = breaks1, equidist = FALSE, plot = FALSE, right = TRUE, ...))
  dk2 <- hist1$mids
  dk <- ifelse(is.na(dk), dk2, dk)
  dk <- ifelse(dk == 0, dk2, dk)
  p.dk <- ifelse(is.na(p.dk), 0, p.dk)
  log.dk <- as.vector(log10(dk))
  if (removeFirst) {
    p.dk <- p.dk[-1]
    log.dk <- log.dk[-1]
  log.p.dk <- as.numeric(log10(p.dk + 1e-09))
  lm1 <- lm(log.p.dk ~ log.dk)
  if (truncated == TRUE) {
    lm2 <- lm(log.p.dk ~ log.dk + I(10^log.dk))
    OUTPUT <- data.frame(
      scaleFreeRsquared = round(summary(lm1)$adj.r.squared, 2),
      slope = round(lm1$coefficients[[2]], 2),
      TruncatedRsquared = round(summary(lm2)$adj.r.squared, 2)
    printFlush("the red line corresponds to the truncated exponential fit")
    title <- paste(
      " scale free R^2=", as.character(round(summary(lm1)$adj.r.squared, 2)),
      ", slope=", round(lm1$coefficients[[2]], 2),
      ", trunc.R^2=", as.character(round(summary(lm2)$adj.r.squared, 2))
  } else {
    title <- paste(
      main, " scale R^2=", as.character(round(summary(lm1)$adj.r.squared, 2)),
      ", slope=", round(lm1$coefficients[[2]], 2)
    OUTPUT <- data.frame(
      scaleFreeRsquared = round(summary(lm1)$adj.r.squared, 2),
      slope = round(lm1$coefficients[[2]], 2)

  suppressWarnings(plot(log.dk, log.p.dk, xlab = "log10(k)", ylab = "log10(p(k))", main = title, ...))
  lines(log.dk, predict(lm1), col = 1)
  if (truncated) lines(log.dk, predict(lm2), col = 2)
} # end of function

# B) Computing the topological overlap matrix

# ===================================================
# The function TOMdist computes a dissimilarity
# based on the topological overlap matrix (Ravasz et al)
# Input: an Adjacency matrix with entries in [0,1]
#  ************* Removed: use 1-TOMsimilarity(adjMat). ***********************
# TOMdist=function(adjMat, useActualMax = FALSE)
# {
# diag(adjMat)=0;
# adjMat[is.na(adjMat)]=0;
# maxh1=max(as.dist(adjMat) ); minh1=min(as.dist(adjMat) );
# if (maxh1>1 | minh1 < 0 )
# stop(paste("The adjacency matrix contains entries that are larger than 1 or",
# "smaller than 0: max =",maxh1,", min =",minh1))
# if ( max(c(as.dist(abs(adjMat-t(adjMat)))))>10^(-12) )
# stop("Non-symmetric adjacency matrix. ")
# adjMat= (adjMat+ t(adjMat) )/2
# connectivity=apply(adjMat,2,sum)
# maxADJconst=1
# if (useActualMax==TRUE) maxADJconst=max(c(as.dist(adjMat )))
# Dhelp1=matrix(connectivity,ncol=length(connectivity),nrow=length(connectivity))
# denomTOM= pmin(as.dist(Dhelp1),as.dist(t(Dhelp1)))   +as.dist(maxADJconst-adjMat);
# gc();gc();
# numTOM=as.dist(adjMat %*% adjMat +adjMat);
## TOMmatrix=numTOM/denomTOM
## this turns the TOM matrix into a dissimilarity
# out1=1-as.matrix(numTOM/denomTOM)
# diag(out1)=1
## setting the diagonal to 1 is unconventional (it should be 0)
## but it leads to nicer looking TOM plots...
# out1
# }

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## This is a somewhat modified TOMdist - most checks are left out as they are
## often not necessary.
#  ******* This function is not necessary anymore. Left out. ***********
# TOMdistNoChecks = function(adjMat, useActualMax = FALSE)
# {
# diag(adjMat)=0;
# adjMat[is.na(adjMat)]=0;
# connectivity=apply(adjMat,2,sum)
# maxADJconst=1
# if (useActualMax==TRUE) maxADJconst=max(c(as.dist(adjMat )))
# Dhelp1 = matrix(connectivity,ncol=length(connectivity),nrow=length(connectivity))
# denomTOM = pmin(as.dist(Dhelp1),as.dist(t(Dhelp1))) + as.dist(maxADJconst-adjMat);
# rm(Dhelp1);
# numTOM=as.dist(adjMat %*% adjMat +adjMat);
## TOMmatrix=numTOM/denomTOM
## this turns the TOM matrix into a dissimilarity
# out1=1-as.matrix(numTOM/denomTOM)
# rm(numTOM); rm(denomTOM);
# collectGarbage();
# diag(out1)=1
## setting the diagonal to 1 is unconventional (it should be 0)
## but it leads to nicer looking TOM plots...
# out1
# }

# exact equivalent of TOMdistNoChecks above, but returns similarity.
# This function works with a generalized adjacency that can be signed.
# If the adjacency is signed, returned TOM will be signed as well (use abs(TOM) to get the usual unsigned
# topological overlap)
# If checkDiag and na.rm are turned both off, the function saves a bit of memory overhead.

# ************* this function is replaced by TOMsimilarity that calls compiled code.

# TOMsimilarity = function(adjMat, useActualMax = FALSE, checkDiag = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)
# {
# if (checkDiag) diag(adjMat) = 1;
# if (na.rm) adjMat[is.na(adjMat)]=0;
# absAdj = abs(adjMat);
# connectivity=apply(absAdj,2,sum)-1;
# maxADJconst=1
# if (useActualMax==TRUE) maxADJconst=max(c(as.dist(absAdj )))
# Dhelp1 = matrix(connectivity,ncol=length(connectivity),nrow=length(connectivity))
# denomTOM = pmin(as.dist(Dhelp1),as.dist(t(Dhelp1))) + as.dist(maxADJconst-absAdj);
# rm(Dhelp1);
# numTOM=as.dist(adjMat %*% adjMat - adjMat);
## TOMmatrix=numTOM/denomTOM
## this turns the TOM matrix into a dissimilarity
# out1=as.matrix(numTOM/denomTOM)
# rm(numTOM); rm(denomTOM);
# collectGarbage();
# diag(out1)=1
# out1
# }

# ===================================================
# This function computes a TOMk dissimilarity
# which generalizes the topological overlap matrix (Ravasz et al)
# Input: an Adjacency matrix with entries in [0,1]
# WARNING:  ONLY FOR UNWEIGHTED NETWORKS, i.e. the adjacency matrix contains binary entries...
# This function is explained in Yip and Horvath (2005)
# http://www.genetics.ucla.edu/labs/horvath/GTOM/
GTOMdist <- function(adjMat, degree = 1) {
  maxh1 <- max(as.dist(adjMat))
  minh1 <- min(as.dist(adjMat))
  if (degree != round(abs(degree))) {
    stop("'degree' must be a positive integer.")
  if (maxh1 > 1 | minh1 < 0) {
      "Entries of the adjacency matrix are not between 0 and 1: max =",
      maxh1, ", min =", minh1

  if (max(c(as.dist(abs(adjMat - t(adjMat))))) > 0) {
    stop("Given adjacency matrix is not symmetric.")

  B <- adjMat
  if (degree >= 2) {
    for (i in 2:degree)
      diag(B) <- diag(B) + 1
      B <- B %*% adjMat # this gives the number of paths with length at most degree connecting a pair
  B <- (B > 0) # this gives the degree-step reachability from a node to another
  diag(B) <- 0 # exclude each node being its own neighbor
  B <- B %*% B # this gives the number of common degree-step-neighbor that a pair of nodes share

  Nk <- diag(B)
  B <- B + adjMat # numerator
  diag(B) <- 1
  denomTOM <- outer(Nk, Nk, FUN = "pmin") + 1 - adjMat
  diag(denomTOM) <- 1
  1 - B / denomTOM # this turns the TOM matrix into a dissimilarity

# =============================================================================================
# vectorTOM: calculate TOM of a vector (or a 'small' matrix) with expression
# data. If the number of columns in vect is small (or 1), number of columns in
# datExpr can be large.
# ============================================================================================

vectorTOM <- function(datExpr, vect, subtract1 = FALSE, blockSize = 2000,
                      corFnc = "cor", corOptions = "use = 'p'", networkType = "unsigned", power = 6,
                      verbose = 1, indent = 0) {
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)

  intType <- charmatch(networkType, .networkTypes)
  if (is.na(intType)) {
    stop(paste("Unrecognized 'networkType'. Recognized values are", paste(.networkTypes, collapse = ", ")))

  if (is.null(dim(vect))) {
    vect <- as.matrix(vect)
    vectIsVector <- TRUE
  } else {
    vectIsVector <- FALSE

  if (nrow(vect) != nrow(datExpr)) {
    stop("Input error: numbers of samples in 'vect' and 'datExpr' must be the same.")

  if (ncol(vect) > blockSize) {
      "Input error: number of columns in 'vect' is too large. ",
      "If you are certain you want to try anyway, increase 'blockSize' to at least",
      "the number of columns in 'vect'."

  corEval <- parse(text = paste(corFnc, "(datExpr, vect ", prepComma(corOptions), ")"))
  corVE <- eval(corEval)
  if (intType == 1) {
    corVE <- abs(corVE)
  } else if (intType == 2) {
    corVE <- (1 + corVE) / 2
  } else if (intType == 3) {
    corVE[corVE < 0] <- 0
  } else {
    stop("Unrecognized networkType argument. Recognized values are 'unsigned', 'signed', and 'signed hybrid'.")

  corVE <- corVE^power

  subtract1 <- as.numeric(subtract1)

  nVect <- ncol(vect)
  nGenes <- ncol(datExpr)
  TOM <- matrix(NA, nrow = nGenes, ncol = nVect)

  if (verbose > 0) {
    if (verbose > 1) cat(paste(spaces, "Calculating TOM of a set of vectors with genes"))
    pind <- initProgInd()
  start <- 1
  denomArr <- array(0, dim = c(2, blockSize, nVect))
  while (start <= nGenes) {
    end <- min(start + blockSize - 1, nGenes)
    blockInd <- c(start:end)
    corEval <- parse(text = paste(corFnc, "(datExpr[, blockInd], datExpr ", prepComma(corOptions), ")"))
    corEE <- eval(corEval)
    if (intType == 1) {
      corEE <- abs(corEE)
    } else if (intType == 2) {
      corEE <- (1 + corEE) / 2
    } else if (intType == 3) {
      corEE[corEE < 0] <- 0
    corEE <- corEE^power
    num <- corEE %*% corVE - subtract1 * corVE[blockInd, ]
    kV <- apply(corVE, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE) - subtract1
    kE <- apply(corEE, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) - 1
    denomArr[1, 1:(end - start + 1), ] <- matrix(kV, nrow = end - start + 1, ncol = nVect, byrow = TRUE)
    denomArr[2, 1:(end - start + 1), ] <- matrix(kE, nrow = end - start + 1, ncol = nVect)
    denom <- apply(denomArr[, 1:(end - start + 1), ], c(2, 3), min) + 1 - corVE[blockInd, ]
    TOM[blockInd, ] <- num / denom
    if (verbose > 0) pind <- updateProgInd(end / nGenes, pind)
    start <- end + 1
  if (verbose > 0) printFlush(" ")


# =============================================================================================
# subsetTOM: calculate TOM of a subset of vectors with respect to a full set of vectors.
# ============================================================================================

subsetTOM <- function(datExpr, subset,
                      corFnc = "cor", corOptions = "use = 'p'",
                      weights = NULL, networkType = "unsigned", power = 6,
                      verbose = 1, indent = 0) {
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)

  if (!is.null(dim(subset))) {
    stop("'subset' must be a dimensionless vector.")

  if (is.null(dim(datExpr))) {
    stop("'datExpr' must be a matrix or data frame.")
  if (length(dim(datExpr)) != 2) {
    stop("'datExpr' must be two-dimensional.")

  nGenes <- ncol(datExpr)

  if (is.logical(subset)) {
    subset <- c(1:nGenes)[subset]

  nBlock <- length(subset)

  if (any(!is.finite(subset))) stop("Entries of 'subset' must all be finite.")

  if (min(subset) < 1 | max(subset) > nGenes) {
      "Some entries of 'subset' are out of range.",
      "\nNote: 'subset' must contain indices of the subset for which the TOM is calculated."

  intType <- charmatch(networkType, .networkTypes)
  if (is.na(intType)) {
    stop(paste("Unrecognized 'networkType'. Recognized values are", paste(.networkTypes, collapse = ", ")))

  adj <- adjacency(datExpr,
    weights = weights, selectCols = subset, power = power,
    type = networkType, corFnc = corFnc,
    corOptions = corOptions

  adj[is.na(adj)] <- 0
  num <- t(adj) %*% adj - adj[subset, ]

  k <- apply(adj, 2, sum)

  kMat <- matrix(k, nBlock, nBlock)

  denom <- pmin(kMat, t(kMat)) - adj[subset, ]

  TOM <- num / denom
  diag(TOM) <- 1


# adjacency
# Computes the adjacency from the expression data: takes cor, transforms it as appropriate and possibly
# adds a sign if requested. No subselection on datExpr is performed.
# A slighly reworked version that assumes one wants the adjacency matrix of data with itself or a
# subset. The data are given only once, and an additional selection index for columns is given.
# Caution: no checking of selectCols validity is performed.
# The probability method is removed as it's not used.

adjacency <- function(datExpr, selectCols = NULL,
                      type = "unsigned", power = if (type == "distance") 1 else 6,
                      corFnc = "cor", corOptions = list(use = "p"), weights = NULL,
                      distFnc = "dist", distOptions = "method = 'euclidean'",
                      weightArgNames = c("weights.x", "weights.y")) {
  intType <- charmatch(type, .adjacencyTypes)
  if (is.na(intType)) {
    stop(paste("Unrecognized 'type'. Recognized values are", paste(.adjacencyTypes, collapse = ", ")))

  corFnc.fnc <- match.fun(corFnc)

  .checkAndScaleWeights(weights, datExpr, scaleByMax = FALSE)

  if (length(weights) > 0) {
    if (is.null(selectCols)) {
      if (is.list(corOptions)) {
        weightOpt <- list(weights.x = weights)
        names(weightOpt) <- weightArgNames[1]
      } else {
        weightOpt <- spaste(weightArgNames[1], " = weights")
    } else {
      if (is.list(corOptions)) {
        weightOpt <- list(weights.x = weights, weights.y = weights[, selectCols])
        names(weightOpt) <- weightArgNames[c(1, 2)]
      } else {
        weightOpt <- spaste(weightArgNames[1], " = weights, ", weightArgNames[2], " = weights[, selectCols]")
  } else {
    weightOpt <- if (is.list(corOptions)) list() else ""

  if (intType < 4) {
    if (is.null(selectCols)) {
      if (is.list(corOptions)) {
        cor_mat <- do.call(corFnc.fnc, c(list(x = datExpr), weightOpt, corOptions))
      } else {
        corExpr <- parse(text = paste(corFnc, "(datExpr ", prepComma(weightOpt), prepComma(corOptions), ")"))
        # cor_mat = cor(datExpr, use = "p");
        cor_mat <- eval(corExpr)
    } else {
      if (is.list(corOptions)) {
        cor_mat <- do.call(corFnc.fnc, c(list(x = datExpr, y = datExpr[, selectCols]), weightOpt, corOptions))
      } else {
        corExpr <- parse(text = paste(
          corFnc, "(datExpr, datExpr[, selectCols] ", prepComma(weightOpt),
          prepComma(corOptions), ")"
        # cor_mat = cor(datExpr, datExpr[, selectCols], use="p");
        cor_mat <- eval(corExpr)
  } else {
    if (!is.null(selectCols)) {
      stop("The argument 'selectCols' cannot be used for distance adjacency.")
    if (is.list(distOptions)) {
      d <- do.call(distFnc, c(list(x = t(datExpr)), distOptions))
    } else {
      corExpr <- parse(text = paste(distFnc, "(t(datExpr) ", prepComma(distOptions), ")"))
      # cor_mat = cor(datExpr, use = "p");
      d <- eval(corExpr)
    if (any(d < 0)) {
      warning("Function WGCNA::adjacency: Distance function returned (some) negative values.")
    cor_mat <- 1 - as.matrix((d / max(d, na.rm = TRUE))^2)

  if (intType == 1) {
    cor_mat <- abs(cor_mat)
  } else if (intType == 2) {
    cor_mat <- (1 + cor_mat) / 2
  } else if (intType == 3) {
    cor_mat[cor_mat < 0] <- 0

# A presumably faster and less memory-intensive version, only for "unsigned" networks.

unsignedAdjacency <- function(datExpr, datExpr2 = NULL, power = 6,
                              corFnc = "cor", corOptions = "use = 'p'") {
  corExpr <- parse(text = paste(corFnc, "(datExpr, datExpr2 ", prepComma(corOptions), ")"))
  # abs(cor(datExpr, datExpr2, use="p"))^power;

# C) Defining gene modules using clustering procedures

cutreeStatic <- function(dendro, cutHeight = 0.9, minSize = 50) {
  normalizeLabels(moduleNumber(dendro, cutHeight, minSize))

cutreeStaticColor <- function(dendro, cutHeight = 0.9, minSize = 50) {
  labels2colors(normalizeLabels(moduleNumber(dendro, cutHeight, minSize)))

plotColorUnderTree <- function(
                               rowLabels = NULL,
                               rowWidths = NULL,
                               rowText = NULL,
                               rowTextAlignment = c("left", "center", "right"),
                               rowTextIgnore = NULL,
                               textPositions = NULL,
                               addTextGuide = TRUE,
                               cex.rowLabels = 1,
                               cex.rowText = 0.8,
                               ...) {
    colors = colors,
    rowLabels = rowLabels,
    rowWidths = rowWidths,
    rowText = rowText,
    rowTextAlignment = rowTextAlignment,
    rowTextIgnore = rowTextIgnore,
    textPositions = textPositions,
    addTextGuide = addTextGuide,
    cex.rowLabels = cex.rowLabels,
    cex.rowText = cex.rowText,
    startAt = 0,

plotOrderedColors <- function(
                              rowLabels = NULL,
                              rowWidths = NULL,
                              rowText = NULL,
                              rowTextAlignment = c("left", "center", "right"),
                              rowTextIgnore = NULL,
                              textPositions = NULL,
                              addTextGuide = TRUE,
                              cex.rowLabels = 1,
                              cex.rowText = 0.8,
                              startAt = 0,
                              ...) {
  colors <- as.matrix(colors)
  dimC <- dim(colors)

  if (is.null(rowLabels) & (length(dimnames(colors)[[2]]) == dimC[2])) {
    rowLabels <- colnames(colors)

  sAF <- options("stringsAsFactors")
  options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  on.exit(options(stringsAsFactors = sAF[[1]]), TRUE)

  nColorRows <- dimC[2]
  if (length(order) != dimC[1]) {
    stop("ERROR: length of colors vector not compatible with number of objects in 'order'.")
  C <- colors[order, , drop = FALSE]
  step <- 1 / (dimC[1] - 1 + 2 * startAt)
  # barplot(height=1, col = "white", border=FALSE, space=0, axes=FALSE, ...)
  barplot(height = 1, col = "white", border = FALSE, space = 0, axes = FALSE)
  charWidth <- strwidth("W") / 2
  if (!is.null(rowText)) {
    if (is.null(textPositions)) textPositions <- c(1:nColorRows)
    if (is.logical(textPositions)) textPositions <- c(1:nColorRows)[textPositions]
    nTextRows <- length(textPositions)
  } else {
    nTextRows <- 0
  nRows <- nColorRows + nTextRows
  ystep <- 1 / nRows
  if (is.null(rowWidths)) {
    rowWidths <- rep(ystep, nColorRows + nTextRows)
  } else {
    if (length(rowWidths) != nRows) {
      stop("plotOrderedColors: Length of 'rowWidths' must equal the total number of rows.")
    rowWidths <- rowWidths / sum(rowWidths)

  hasText <- rep(0, nColorRows)
  hasText[textPositions] <- 1
  csPosition <- cumsum(c(0, hasText[-nColorRows]))

  colorRows <- c(1:nColorRows) + csPosition
  rowType <- rep(2, nRows)
  rowType[colorRows] <- 1

  physicalTextRow <- c(1:nRows)[rowType == 2]

  yBottom <- c(0, cumsum(rowWidths[nRows:1]))  # Has one extra entry but that shouldn't hurt
  yTop <- cumsum(rowWidths[nRows:1])

  if (!is.null(rowText)) {
    rowTextAlignment <- match.arg(rowTextAlignment)
    rowText <- as.matrix(rowText)
    textPos <- list()
    textPosY <- list()
    textLevs <- list()
    for (tr in 1:nTextRows)
      charHeight <- max(strheight(rowText[, tr], cex = cex.rowText))
      width1 <- rowWidths[physicalTextRow[tr]]
      nCharFit <- floor(width1 / charHeight / 1.7 / par("lheight"))
      if (nCharFit < 1) stop("Rows are too narrow to fit text. Consider decreasing cex.rowText.")
      set <- textPositions[tr]
      # colLevs = sort(unique(colors[, set]));
      # textLevs[[tr]] = rowText[match(colLevs, colors[, set]), tr];
      textLevs[[tr]] <- sort(unique(rowText[, tr]))
      textLevs[[tr]] <- textLevs[[tr]] [!textLevs[[tr]] %in% rowTextIgnore]
      nLevs <- length(textLevs[[tr]])
      textPos[[tr]] <- rep(0, nLevs)
      orderedText <- rowText[order, tr]
      for (cl in 1:nLevs)
        ind <- orderedText == textLevs[[tr]][cl]
        sind <- ind[-1]
        ind1 <- ind[-length(ind)]
        starts <- c(if (ind[1]) 1 else NULL, which(!ind1 & sind) + 1)
        ends <- which(c(ind1 & !sind, ind[length(ind)]))
        if (length(starts) == 0) starts <- 1
        if (length(ends) == 0) ends <- length(ind)
        if (ends[1] < starts[1]) starts <- c(1, starts)
        if (ends[length(ends)] < starts[length(starts)]) ends <- c(ends, length(ind))
        lengths <- ends - starts
        long <- which.max(lengths)
        textPos[[tr]][cl] <- switch(rowTextAlignment,
          left = starts[long],
          center = (starts[long] + ends[long]) / 2 + 0.5,
          right = ends[long] + 1
      if (rowTextAlignment == "left") {
        yPos <- seq(from = 1, to = nCharFit, by = 1) / (nCharFit + 1)
      } else {
        yPos <- seq(from = nCharFit, to = 1, by = -1) / (nCharFit + 1)
      textPosY[[tr]] <- rep(yPos, ceiling(nLevs / nCharFit) + 5)[1:nLevs][rank(textPos[[tr]])]

  jIndex <- nRows

  if (is.null(rowLabels)) rowLabels <- c(1:nColorRows)
  C[is.na(C)] <- "grey"
  for (j in 1:nColorRows)
    jj <- jIndex
    ind <- (1:dimC[1])
    xl <- (ind - 1.5 + startAt) * step
    xr <- (ind - 0.5 + startAt) * step
    yb <- rep(yBottom[jj], dimC[1])
    yt <- rep(yTop[jj], dimC[1])
    if (is.null(dim(C))) {
      rect(xl, yb, xr, yt, col = as.character(C), border = as.character(C))
    } else {
      rect(xl, yb, xr, yt, col = as.character(C[, j]), border = as.character(C[, j]))
      pos = 2, x = -charWidth / 2 + xl[1], y = (yBottom[jj] + yTop[jj]) / 2,
      cex = cex.rowLabels, xpd = TRUE
    textRow <- match(j, textPositions)
    if (is.finite(textRow)) {
      jIndex <- jIndex - 1
      xt <- (textPos[[textRow]] - 1.5) * step

      xt[xt < par("usr")[1]] <- par("usr")[1]
      xt[xt > par("usr")[2]] <- par("usr")[2]

      # printFlush(spaste("jIndex: ", jIndex, ", yBottom: ", yBottom[jIndex],
      #                  ", yTop: ", yTop[jIndex], ", min(textPosY): ", min(textPosY[[textRow]]),
      #                  ", max(textPosY): ", max(textPosY[[textRow]])));
      yt <- yBottom[jIndex] + (yTop[jIndex] - yBottom[jIndex]) * (textPosY[[textRow]] + 1 / (2 * nCharFit + 2))
      nt <- length(textLevs[[textRow]])
      # Add guide lines
      if (addTextGuide) {
        for (l in 1:nt) lines(c(xt[l], xt[l]), c(yt[l], yTop[jIndex]), col = "darkgrey", lty = 3)

      textAdj <- c(0, 0.5, 1)[match(rowTextAlignment, c("left", "center", "right"))]
      text(textLevs[[textRow]], x = xt, y = yt, adj = c(textAdj, 1), xpd = TRUE, cex = cex.rowText)
      # printFlush("ok");
    jIndex <- jIndex - 1
  for (j in 0:(nColorRows + nTextRows)) lines(x = c(0, 1), y = c(yBottom[j + 1], yBottom[j + 1]))

# ========================================================================================================
# This function can be used to create an average linkage hierarchical
# clustering tree
# or the microarray samples. The rows of datExpr correspond to the samples and
# the columns to the genes
# You can optionally input a quantitative microarray sample trait.

plotClusterTreeSamples <- function(datExpr, y = NULL, traitLabels = NULL, yLabels = NULL,
                                   main = if (is.null(y)) "Sample dendrogram" else "Sample dendrogram and trait indicator",
                                   setLayout = TRUE, autoColorHeight = TRUE, colorHeight = 0.3,
                                   dendroLabels = NULL,
                                   addGuide = FALSE, guideAll = TRUE, guideCount = NULL,
                                   guideHang = 0.20, cex.traitLabels = 0.8,
                                   cex.dendroLabels = 0.9, marAll = c(1, 5, 3, 1), saveMar = TRUE,
                                   abHeight = NULL, abCol = "red", ...) {
  dendro <- fastcluster::hclust(dist(datExpr), method = "average")
  if (is.null(y)) {
    oldMar <- par("mar")
    par(mar = marAll)
    plot(dendro, main = main, sub = "", xlab = "", labels = dendroLabels, cex = cex.dendroLabels)
    if (saveMar) par(oldMar)
  } else {
    if (is.null(traitLabels)) traitLabels <- names(as.data.frame(y))
    y <- as.matrix(y)
    if (!is.numeric(y)) {
      warning(paste("The microarray sample trait y will be transformed to numeric."))
      dimy <- dim(y)
      y <- as.numeric(y)
      dim(y) <- dimy
    } # end of if (!is.numeric(y) )
    if (nrow(as.matrix(datExpr)) != nrow(y)) {
        "Input Error: dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[1]] != length(y)\n",
        "  In plain English: The number of microarray sample arrays does not match the number",
        "of samples for the trait.\n",
        "   Hint: Make sure rows of 'datExpr' (and 'y', if it is a matrix) correspond to samples."

    if (is.integer(y)) {
      y <- y - min(0, min(y, na.rm = TRUE)) + 1
    } else {
      y <- (y >= median(y, na.rm = TRUE)) + 1
      colors = y, groupLabels = traitLabels, rowText = yLabels,
      setLayout = setLayout,
      autoColorHeight = autoColorHeight, colorHeight = colorHeight,
      addGuide = addGuide, guideAll = guideAll, guideCount = guideCount,
      guideHang = guideHang, cex.colorLabels = cex.traitLabels,
      cex.dendroLabels = cex.dendroLabels, marAll = marAll,
      saveMar = saveMar, abHeight = abHeight, abCol = abCol,
      main = main,
} # end of function PlotClusterTreeSamples

# ===================================================
# The function TOMplot creates a TOM plot
# Inputs:  distance measure, hierarchical (hclust) object, color label=colors

TOMplot <- function(dissim, dendro, Colors = NULL, ColorsLeft = Colors, terrainColors = FALSE,
                    setLayout = TRUE, ...) {
  if (is.null(Colors)) Colors <- rep("white", dim(as.matrix(dissim))[[1]])
  if (is.null(ColorsLeft)) ColorsLeft <- Colors
  nNodes <- length(Colors)
  if (nNodes < 2) {
    warning("You have only 1 or 2 genes in TOMplot. No plot will be produced")
  } else {
    if (nNodes != length(ColorsLeft)) {
      stop("ERROR: number of (top) color labels does not equal number of left color labels")
    if (nNodes != dim(dissim)[[1]]) {
        "ERROR: number of color labels does not equal number of nodes in dissim.\n",
        "     nNodes != dim(dissim)[[1]] "
    labeltree <- as.character(Colors)
    labelrow <- as.character(ColorsLeft)
    # labelrow[dendro$order[length(labeltree):1]]=labelrow[dendro$order]
    options(expressions = 10000)
    dendro$height <- (dendro$height - min(dendro$height)) / (1.15 *
      (max(dendro$height) - min(dendro$height)))
    if (terrainColors) {
        Rowv = dendro,
        Colv = dendro,
        scale = "none", revC = TRUE, ColSideColors = as.character(labeltree),
        RowSideColors = as.character(labelrow), labRow = FALSE, labCol = FALSE,
        col = terrain.colors(100), setLayout = setLayout, ...
    } else {
        Rowv = dendro,
        Colv = dendro,
        scale = "none", revC = TRUE, ColSideColors = as.character(labeltree),
        RowSideColors = as.character(labelrow), labRow = FALSE, labCol = FALSE, setLayout = setLayout,
    } # end of if
} # end of function

plotNetworkHeatmap <- function(datExpr, plotGenes, weights = NULL, useTOM = TRUE, power = 6,
                               networkType = "unsigned", main = "Heatmap of the network") {
  match1 <- match(plotGenes, colnames(datExpr))
  match1 <- match1[!is.na(match1)]
  nGenes <- length(match1)
  if (sum(!is.na(match1)) != length(plotGenes)) {
      "Warning: Not all gene names were recognized.",
      "Only the following genes were recognized. "
    printFlush(paste("   ", colnames(datExpr)[match1], collapse = ", "))
  if (nGenes < 3) {
      "Since you have fewer than 3 genes, the network will not be visualized.\n",
      "   Hint: please input more genes."
    plot(1, 1)
  } else {
    datErest <- datExpr[, match1]
    if (!is.null(weights)) weights <- weights[, match1]
    ADJ1 <- adjacency(datErest, weights = weights, power = power, type = networkType)
    if (useTOM) {
      diss1 <- 1 - TOMsimilarity(ADJ1)
    } else {
      diss1 <- 1 - ADJ1
    diag(diss1) <- NA
    hier1 <- fastcluster::hclust(as.dist(diss1), method = "average")
    colors1 <- rep("white", nGenes)
    labeltree <- names(data.frame(datErest))
    labelrow <- names(data.frame(datErest))
    labelrow[hier1$order[length(labeltree):1]] <- labelrow[hier1$order]
    options(expressions = 10000)
      Rowv = as.dendrogram(hier1), Colv = as.dendrogram(hier1), scale = "none", revC = TRUE,
      labRow = labeltree, labCol = labeltree, main = main
  } # end of if (nGenes> 2 )
} # end of function

# E) Relating a measure of gene significance to the modules

# ===================================================
# The function ModuleEnrichment1 creates a bar plot that shows whether modules are enriched with
# significant genes.
# More specifically, it reports the mean gene significance for each module.
# The gene significance can be a binary variable or a quantitative variable.
# It also plots the 95% confidence interval of the mean (CI=mean +/- 1.96* standard error).
# It also reports a Kruskal Wallis P-value.

plotModuleSignificance <- function(geneSignificance, colors, boxplot = FALSE,
                                   main = "Gene significance across modules,",
                                   ylab = "Gene Significance", ...) {
  if (length(geneSignificance) != length(colors)) {
    stop("Error: 'geneSignificance' and 'colors' do not have the same lengths")
  no.colors <- length(names(table(colors)))
  if (no.colors == 1) pp <- NA
  if (no.colors > 1) {
    pp <- try(kruskal.test(geneSignificance, factor(colors))$p.value)
    if (class(pp) == "try-error") pp <- NA
  title <- paste(main, " p-value=", signif(pp, 2), sep = "")
  if (boxplot != TRUE) {
    means1 <- as.vector(tapply(geneSignificance, colors, mean, na.rm = TRUE))
    se1 <- as.vector(tapply(geneSignificance, colors, stdErr))
    # par(mfrow=c(1,1))
      names.arg = names(table(colors)), col = names(table(colors)), ylab = ylab,
      main = title, ...
    addErrorBars(as.vector(means1), as.vector(1.96 * se1), two.side = TRUE)
  } else {
    boxplot(split(geneSignificance, colors),
      notch = TRUE, varwidth = TRUE, col = names(table(colors)), ylab = ylab,
      main = title, ...
} # end of function

# F) Carrying out a within module analysis (computing intramodular connectivity etc)

# ===================================================
# The function DegreeInOut computes for each gene
# a) the total number of connections,
# b) the number of connections with genes within its module,
# c) the number of connections with genes outside its module
# When scaleByMax=TRUE, the within module connectivities are scaled to 1, i.e. the max(K.Within)=1 for each module

intramodularConnectivity <- function(adjMat, colors, scaleByMax = FALSE) {
  if (nrow(adjMat) != ncol(adjMat)) {
    stop("'adjMat' is not a square matrix.")
  if (nrow(adjMat) != length(colors)) {
    stop("Dimensions of 'adjMat' and length of 'colors' differ.")
  nNodes <- length(colors)
  colorLevels <- levels(factor(colors))
  nLevels <- length(colorLevels)
  kWithin <- rep(-666, nNodes)
  diag(adjMat) <- 0
  for (i in c(1:nLevels))
    rest1 <- colors == colorLevels[i]
    if (sum(rest1) < 3) {
      kWithin[rest1] <- 0
    } else {
      kWithin[rest1] <- apply(adjMat[rest1, rest1], 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
      if (scaleByMax) kWithin[rest1] <- kWithin[rest1] / max(kWithin[rest1])
  kTotal <- apply(adjMat, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
  kOut <- kTotal - kWithin
  if (scaleByMax) kOut <- rep(NA, nNodes)
  kDiff <- kWithin - kOut
  data.frame(kTotal, kWithin, kOut, kDiff)

intramodularConnectivity.fromExpr <- function(datExpr, colors,
                                              corFnc = "cor", corOptions = "use = 'p'",
                                              weights = NULL,
                                              distFnc = "dist", distOptions = "method = 'euclidean'",
                                              networkType = "unsigned", power = if (networkType == "distance") 1 else 6,
                                              scaleByMax = FALSE,
                                              ignoreColors = if (is.numeric(colors)) 0 else "grey",
                                              getWholeNetworkConnectivity = TRUE) {
  if (ncol(datExpr) != length(colors)) {
    stop("Number of columns (genes) in 'datExpr' and length of 'colors' differ.")
  nNodes <- length(colors)
  colorLevels <- levels(factor(colors))
  colorLevels <- colorLevels[!colorLevels %in% ignoreColors]
  nLevels <- length(colorLevels)
  kWithin <- rep(NA, nNodes)
  for (i in c(1:nLevels))
    rest1 <- colors == colorLevels[i]
    weights1 <- if (is.null(weights)) weights else weights[, rest1]
    if (sum(rest1) < 3) {
      kWithin[rest1] <- 0
    } else {
      adjMat <- adjacency(datExpr[, rest1],
        weights = weights1, type = networkType, power = power,
        corFnc = corFnc, corOptions = corOptions,
        distFnc = distFnc, distOptions = distOptions
      kWithin[rest1] <- colSums(adjMat, na.rm = TRUE) - 1
      if (scaleByMax) kWithin[rest1] <- kWithin[rest1] / max(kWithin[rest1], na.rm = TRUE)
  if (getWholeNetworkConnectivity) {
    kTotal <- softConnectivity(datExpr,
      weights = weights, corFnc = corFnc, corOptions = corOptions,
      type = networkType, power = power
    kOut <- kTotal - kWithin
    if (scaleByMax) kOut <- rep(NA, nNodes)
    kDiff <- kWithin - kOut
    data.frame(kTotal, kWithin, kOut, kDiff)
  } else {

nPresent <- function(x) {

checkAdjMat <- function(adjMat, min = 0, max = 1) {
  dim <- dim(adjMat)
  if (is.null(dim) || length(dim) != 2) {
    stop("adjacency is not two-dimensional")
  if (!is.numeric(adjMat)) {
    stop("adjacency is not numeric")
  if (dim[1] != dim[2]) {
    stop("adjacency is not square")
  if (max(abs(adjMat - t(adjMat)), na.rm = TRUE) > 1e-12) {
    stop("adjacency is not symmetric")
  if (min(adjMat, na.rm = TRUE) < min || max(adjMat, na.rm = TRUE) > max) {
    stop("some entries are not between", min, "and", max)

# G) Miscellaneous other functions, e.g. for computing the cluster coefficient.

# The function signedKME computes the module eigengene based connectivity.
# Input: datExpr= a possibly very large gene expression data set where the rows
# correspond to samples and the columns represent genes
# datME=data frame of module eigengenes (columns correspond to module eigengenes or MEs)
# A module eigengene based connectivity KME value will be computed if the gene has
# a non missing expression value in at least minNSamples arrays.
# Output a data frame where columns are the KME values
# corresponding to different modules.
# By splitting the expression data into different blocks, the function can deal with
# tens of thousands of gene expression data.
# If there are many eigengenes (say hundreds) consider decreasing the block size.

signedKME <- function(datExpr, datME, outputColumnName = "kME",
                      corFnc = "cor", corOptions = "use = 'p'") {
  datExpr <- as.matrix(datExpr)
  if (is.null(colnames(datExpr))) colnames(datExpr) <- spaste("Gene.", 1:ncol(datExpr))
  if (any(duplicated(colnames(datExpr)))) colnames(datExpr) <- make.unique(colnames(datExpr))
  datME <- as.matrix(datME)
  output <- list()
  if (dim(datME)[[1]] != dim(datExpr)[[1]]) {
    stop("Number of samples (rows) in 'datExpr' and 'datME' must be the same.")
  varianceZeroIndicatordatExpr <- colVars(datExpr, na.rm = TRUE) == 0
  varianceZeroIndicatordatME <- colVars(datME, na.rm = TRUE) == 0
  if (sum(varianceZeroIndicatordatExpr, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
    warning("Some genes are constant. Hint: consider removing constant columns from datExpr.")
  if (sum(varianceZeroIndicatordatME, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
      "Some module eigengenes are constant, which is suspicious.\n",
      "    Hint: consider removing constant columns from datME."
  no.presentdatExpr <- colSums(!is.na(datExpr))
  if (min(no.presentdatExpr) < ..minNSamples) {
      "Some gene expressions have fewer than 4 observations.\n",
      "    Hint: consider removing genes with too many missing values or collect more arrays."

  # output=data.frame(cor(datExpr, datME, use="p"))
  corExpr <- parse(text = paste("data.frame(", corFnc, "(datExpr, datME ", prepComma(corOptions), "))"))
  output <- eval(corExpr)

  output[no.presentdatExpr < ..minNSamples, ] <- NA
  names(output) <- paste(outputColumnName, substring(colnames(datME), first = 3), sep = "")
  rownames(output) <- colnames(datExpr)
} # end of function signedKME

# ===================================================
# The function clusterCoef computes the cluster coefficients.
# Input is an adjacency matrix

clusterCoef <- function(adjMat) {
  diag(adjMat) <- 0
  nNodes <- dim(adjMat)[[1]]
  computeLinksInNeighbors <- function(x, imatrix) {
    x %*% imatrix %*% x
  nolinksNeighbors <- c(rep(-666, nNodes))
  total.edge <- c(rep(-666, nNodes))
  maxh1 <- max(as.dist(adjMat))
  minh1 <- min(as.dist(adjMat))
  if (maxh1 > 1 | minh1 < 0) {
      "The adjacency matrix contains entries that are larger than 1 or smaller than 0: max =",
      maxh1, ", min =", minh1
  nolinksNeighbors <- apply(adjMat, 1, computeLinksInNeighbors, imatrix = adjMat)
  plainsum <- apply(adjMat, 1, sum)
  squaresum <- apply(adjMat^2, 1, sum)
  total.edge <- plainsum^2 - squaresum
  CChelp <- rep(-666, nNodes)
  CChelp <- ifelse(total.edge == 0, 0, nolinksNeighbors / total.edge)
} # end of function

# ===================================================
# The function addErrorBars  is used to create error bars in a barplot
# usage: addErrorBars(as.vector(means), as.vector(stderrs), two.side=FALSE)
addErrorBars <- function(means, errors, two.side = FALSE) {
  if (!is.numeric(means)) {
    stop("All arguments must be numeric")

  if (is.null(dim(means)) || length(dim(means)) == 1) {
    xval <- (cumsum(c(0.7, rep(1.2, length(means) - 1))))
  } else {
    if (length(dim(means)) == 2) {
      xval <- cumsum(array(c(1, rep(0, dim(means)[1] - 1)),
        dim = c(1, length(means))
      )) + 0:(length(means) - 1) + .5
    } else {
      stop("First argument must either be a vector or a matrix")
  MW <- 0.25 * (max(xval) / length(xval))
  ERR1 <- means + errors
  ERR2 <- means - errors
  for (i in 1:length(means)) {
    segments(xval[i], means[i], xval[i], ERR1[i])
    segments(xval[i] - MW, ERR1[i], xval[i] + MW, ERR1[i])
    if (two.side) {
      segments(xval[i], means[i], xval[i], ERR2[i])
      segments(xval[i] - MW, ERR2[i], xval[i] + MW, ERR2[i])

# ===================================================
# this function computes the standard error
stdErr <- function(x) {
  sqrt(var(x, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(!is.na(x)))

# ===================================================
# The following two functions are for displaying the pair-wise correlation in a panel when using the command "pairs()"
# Typically, we use "pairs(DATA, upper.panel=panel.smooth, lower.panel=.panel.cor, diag.panel=panel.hist)" to
# put the correlation coefficients on the lower panel.

.panel.hist <- function(x, ...) {
  usr <- par("usr")
  par(usr = c(usr[1:2], 0, 1.5))
  h <- hist(x, plot = FALSE)
  breaks <- h$breaks
  nB <- length(breaks)
  y <- h$counts
  y <- y / max(y)
  rect(breaks[-nB], 0, breaks[-1], y, col = "cyan", ...)

# ===================================================
# This function is used in "pairs()" function. The problem of the original  panel.cor is that
# when the correlation coefficient is very small, the lower panel will have a large font
# instead of a mini-font in a saved .ps file. This new function uses a format for corr=0.2
# when corr<0.2, but it still reports the original value of corr, with a minimum format.

.panel.cor <- function(x, y, digits = 2, prefix = "", cex.cor) {
  usr <- par("usr")
  par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
  r <- abs(cor(x, y))
  txt <- format(c(r, 0.123456789), digits = digits)[1]
  txt <- paste(prefix, txt, sep = "")
  txt1 <- txt
  r1 <- r
  if (r < 0.2) {
    r1 <- 0.2
    txt1 <- format(c(r1, 0.123456789), digits = digits)[1]
    txt1 <- paste(prefix, txt1, sep = "")
  if (missing(cex.cor)) cex <- 0.8 / strwidth(txt1)
  cex <- cex * r1
  r <- round(r, digits)
  txt <- format(c(r, 0.123456789), digits = digits)[1]
  txt <- paste(prefix, txt, sep = "")
  text(0.5, 0.5, txt, cex = cex)

# ===================================================
# This function collects garbage
# collect_garbage=function(){collectGarbage()}

# This function plots a barplot with all colors given. If Colors are not given, GlobalStandardColors are
# used, i.e. if you want to see the GlobalStandardColors, just call this function without parameters.
displayColors <- function(colors = NULL) {
  if (is.null(colors)) colors <- standardColors()
  barplot(rep(1, length(colors)), col = colors, border = colors)

# I) Functions for merging modules based on a high correlation of the module eigengenes

# dynamicMergeCut

dynamicMergeCut <- function(n, mergeCor = .9, Zquantile = 2.35) {
  if (mergeCor > 1 | mergeCor < 0) stop("'mergeCor' must be between 0 and 1.")
  if (mergeCor == 1) {
    printFlush("dynamicMergeCut: given mergeCor=1 will be set to .999.")
    mergeCor <- .999
  if (n < 4) {
      "Warning in function dynamicMergeCut: too few observations for the dynamic",
      "assignment of the merge threshold.\n    Will set the threshold to .35"
    mergethreshold <- .35
  } else {
    # Fisher transform of the true merge correlation
    FishermergeCor <- .5 * log((1 + mergeCor) / (1 - mergeCor))
    E <- exp(2 * (FishermergeCor - Zquantile / sqrt(n - 3)))
    LowerBoundCIcor <- (E - 1) / (E + 1)
    mergethreshold <- 1 - LowerBoundCIcor
  if (mergethreshold > 1) 1 else mergethreshold
} # end of function dynamicMergeCut

# ======================================================================================================
# print.flush
# =====================================================================================================

# print.flush = function(...)
# {
#   printFlush(...);
# }


verboseScatterplot <- function(x, y,
                               sample = NULL,
                               corFnc = "cor", corOptions = "use = 'p'",
                               main = "", xlab = NA, ylab = NA, cex = 1, cex.axis = 1.5,
                               cex.lab = 1.5, cex.main = 1.5, abline = FALSE,
                               abline.color = 1, abline.lty = 1,
                               corLabel = corFnc,
                               displayAsZero = 1e-5,
                               col = 1, bg = 0, pch = 1,
                               lmFnc = lm,
                               plotPriority = NULL,
                               ...) {
  if (is.na(xlab)) xlab <- as.character(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$x)
  if (is.na(ylab)) ylab <- as.character(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$y)
  x <- as.numeric(as.character(x))
  y <- as.numeric(as.character(y))
  corExpr <- parse(text = paste(corFnc, "(x, y ", prepComma(corOptions), ")"))
  # cor=signif(cor(x,y,use="p",method=correlationmethod),2)
  cor <- signif(eval(corExpr), 2)
  if (abs(cor) < displayAsZero) cor <- 0
  corp <- signif(corPvalueStudent(cor, sum(is.finite(x) & is.finite(y))), 2)
  # corpExpr = parse(text = paste("cor.test(x, y, ", corOptions, ")"));
  # corp=signif(cor.test(x,y,use="p",method=correlationmethod)$p.value,2)
  # corp=signif(eval(corpExpr)$p.value,2)
  if (corp < 10^(-200)) corp <- "<1e-200" else corp <- paste("=", corp, sep = "")
  if (!is.na(corLabel)) {
    mainX <- paste(main, " ", corLabel, "=", cor, ", p", corp, sep = "")
  } else {
    mainX <- main

  if (length(col) < length(x)) col <- rep(col, ceiling(length(x) / length(col)))
  if (length(pch) < length(x)) pch <- rep(pch, ceiling(length(x) / length(pch)))
  if (length(cex) < length(x)) cex <- rep(cex, ceiling(length(x) / length(cex)))
  if (length(bg) < length(x)) bg <- rep(bg, ceiling(length(x) / length(bg)))

  if (is.null(plotPriority)) plotPriority <- rep(1, length(x))
  if (length(plotPriority) != length(x)) {
    stop("When given, length of 'plotPriority' must equal length of 'x'.")

  if (!is.null(sample)) {
    if (length(sample) == 1) {
      sample <- sample(length(x), sample)
    priority1 <- plotPriority[sample]
    order1 <- order(priority1, na.last = TRUE)
    plot(x[sample][order1], y[sample][order1],
      main = mainX, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
      cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main,
      col = col[sample][order1], bg = bg[sample][order1], pch = pch[sample][order1],
      cex = cex[sample][order1],
  } else {
    order1 <- order(plotPriority, na.last = TRUE)
    plot(x[order1], y[order1],
      main = mainX, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
      cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main, col = col[order1], bg = bg[order1],
      pch = pch[order1], cex = cex[order1], ...
  if (abline) {
    lmFnc <- match.fun(lmFnc)
    fit <- lmFnc(y ~ x)
    abline(reg = fit, col = abline.color, lty = abline.lty)

verboseBoxplot <- function(x, g,
                           main = "", xlab = NA, ylab = NA, cex = 1, cex.axis = 1.5,
                           cex.lab = 1.5, cex.main = 1.5, notch = TRUE, varwidth = TRUE, ...,
                           addScatterplot = FALSE,
                           pt.cex = 0.8, pch = 21, pt.col = "blue", pt.bg = "skyblue",
                           randomSeed = 31425, jitter = 0.6) {
  if (is.na(xlab)) xlab <- as.character(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$g)
  # print(xlab1)
  if (is.na(ylab)) ylab <- as.character(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$x)
  # print(ylab1)
  p1 <- signif(kruskal.test(x, factor(g))$p.value, 2)
  # if (p1< 5.0*10^(-22) ) p1="< 5e-22"
  boxp <- boxplot(x ~ factor(g),
    notch = notch, varwidth = varwidth,
    main = paste(main, "p =", p1),
    xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, cex = cex, cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main, ...

  if (addScatterplot) {
    if (exists(".Random.seed")) {
      savedSeed <- .Random.seed
      on.exit(.Random.seed <<- savedSeed)

    n <- length(g)
    pch <- unlist(tapply(.extend(pch, n), g, identity))
    pt.col <- unlist(tapply(.extend(pt.col, n), g, identity))
    pt.bg <- unlist(tapply(.extend(pt.bg, n), g, identity))
    pt.cex <- unlist(tapply(.extend(pt.cex, n), g, identity))

    set.seed(randomSeed) # so we can make the identical plot again
    points(jitter(rep(1:ncol(boxp$stats), boxp$n), jitter), unlist(tapply(x, g, identity)),
      pch = pch, col = pt.col, bg = pt.bg, cex = pt.cex


verboseBarplot <- function(x, g, main = "",
                           xlab = NA, ylab = NA, cex = 1, cex.axis = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.5,
                           cex.main = 1.5, color = "grey", numberStandardErrors = 1,
                           KruskalTest = TRUE, AnovaTest = FALSE, two.sided = TRUE,
                           addCellCounts = FALSE, horiz = FALSE, ylim = NULL, ...,
                           addScatterplot = FALSE,
                           pt.cex = 0.8, pch = 21, pt.col = "blue", pt.bg = "skyblue",
                           randomSeed = 31425, jitter = 0.6,
                           pointLabels = NULL,
                           label.cex = 0.8,
                           label.offs = 0.06,
                           adjustYLim = TRUE) {
  g.factor <- as.factor(g)
  stderr1 <- function(x) {
    sqrt(var(x, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(!is.na(x)))
  SE <- tapply(x, g.factor, stderr1)
  err.bp <- function(dd, error, two.sided = FALSE, numberStandardErrors,
                     horiz = FALSE) {
    if (!is.numeric(dd)) {
      stop("All arguments must be numeric")
    if (is.vector(dd)) {
      xval <- (cumsum(c(0.7, rep(1.2, length(dd) - 1))))
    else {
      if (is.matrix(dd)) {
        xval <- cumsum(array(c(1, rep(0, dim(dd)[1] -
          1)), dim = c(1, length(dd)))) + 0:(length(dd) -
          1) + 0.5
      else {
        stop("First argument must either be a vector or a matrix")
    MW <- 0.25 * (max(xval) / length(xval))
    NoStandardErrors <- 1
    ERR1 <- dd + numberStandardErrors * error
    ERR2 <- dd - numberStandardErrors * error
    if (horiz) {
      for (i in 1:length(dd)) {
        segments(dd[i], xval[i], ERR1[i], xval[i])
        segments(ERR1[i], xval[i] - MW, ERR1[i], xval[i] +
        if (two.sided) {
          segments(dd[i], xval[i], ERR2[i], xval[i])
          segments(ERR2[i], xval[i] - MW, ERR2[i], xval[i] +
    else {
      for (i in 1:length(dd)) {
        segments(xval[i], dd[i], xval[i], ERR1[i])
          xval[i] - MW, ERR1[i], xval[i] + MW,
        if (two.sided) {
          segments(xval[i], dd[i], xval[i], ERR2[i])
            xval[i] - MW, ERR2[i], xval[i] + MW,
  if (is.na(ylab)) {
    ylab <- as.character(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$x)
  if (is.na(xlab)) {
    xlab <- as.character(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$g)
  Means1 <- tapply(x, g.factor, mean, na.rm = TRUE)

  if (length(unique(x)) > 2) {
    p1 <- signif(kruskal.test(x ~ g.factor)$p.value, 2)
    if (AnovaTest) {
      p1 <- signif(anova(lm(x ~ g.factor))$Pr[[1]], 2)
  else {
    p1 <- tryCatch(signif(
      fisher.test(x, g, alternative = "two.sided")$p.value,
    ), error = function(e) {
  if (AnovaTest | KruskalTest) {
    main <- paste(main, "p =", p1)
  maxSE <- max(as.vector(SE), na.rm = TRUE)
  if (is.null(ylim)) {
    if (addScatterplot && adjustYLim) {
      ylim <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
      d <- ylim[2] - ylim[1]
      ylim <- ylim + c(-d / 50, d / 50)
    } else {
      ylim <- range(Means1, na.rm = TRUE) + c(-maxSE, maxSE) * numberStandardErrors * (numberStandardErrors > 0)
      if (ylim[1] > 0) ylim[1] <- 0
      if (ylim[2] < 0) ylim[2] <- 0
  ret <- barplot(Means1,
    main = main, col = color, xlab = xlab,
    ylab = ylab, cex = cex, cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab,
    cex.main = cex.main, horiz = horiz, ylim = ylim,
  if (addCellCounts) {
    cellCountsF <- function(x) {
    cellCounts <- tapply(x, g.factor, cellCountsF)
    mtext(text = cellCounts, side = if (horiz) 2 else 1, outer = FALSE, at = ret, col = "darkgrey", las = 2, cex = .8, ...)
  } # end of if (addCellCounts)
  abline(h = 0)
  if (numberStandardErrors > 0) {
    err.bp(as.vector(Means1), as.vector(SE),
      two.sided = two.sided,
      numberStandardErrors = numberStandardErrors, horiz = horiz
  if (addScatterplot) {
    if (exists(".Random.seed")) {
      savedSeed <- .Random.seed
      on.exit(.Random.seed <<- savedSeed)

    x.list <- tapply(x, g, identity)
    nPerGroup <- sapply(x.list, length)
    set.seed(randomSeed) # so we can make the identical plot again

    n <- length(g)
    pch <- unlist(tapply(.extend(pch, n), g, identity))
    pt.col <- unlist(tapply(.extend(pt.col, n), g, identity))
    pt.bg <- unlist(tapply(.extend(pt.bg, n), g, identity))
    pt.cex <- unlist(tapply(.extend(pt.cex, n), g, identity))

    x <- jitter(rep(ret, nPerGroup), jitter)
    y <- unlist(x.list)
    points(x, y, pch = pch, col = pt.col, bg = pt.bg, cex = pt.cex)
    if (!is.null(pointLabels)) {
      labels.lst <- tapply(pointLabels, g, identity)
      labelPoints(x, y, unlist(labels.lst), offs = label.offs, cex = label.cex)

  attr(ret, "height") <- as.vector(Means1)
  attr(ret, "stdErr") <- as.vector(SE)

# =============================================================================================
# Correlation p-value for multiple correlation values
# =============================================================================================

corPvalueFisher <- function(cor, nSamples, twoSided = TRUE) {
  if (sum(abs(cor) > 1, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
    stop("Some entries in 'cor' are out of normal range -1 to 1.")
  if (twoSided) {
    z <- abs(0.5 * log((1 + cor) / (1 - cor)) * sqrt(nSamples - 3))
    2 * pnorm(-z)
  } else {
    # return a small p-value for positive correlations
    z <- -0.5 * log((1 + cor) / (1 - cor)) * sqrt(nSamples - 3)

# this function compute an asymptotic p-value for a given correlation (r) and sample size (n)
# Needs a new name before we commit it to the package.

corPvalueStudent <- function(cor, nSamples) {
  T <- sqrt(nSamples - 2) * cor / sqrt(1 - cor^2)
  2 * pt(abs(T), nSamples - 2, lower.tail = FALSE)


propVarExplained <- function(datExpr, colors, MEs, corFnc = "cor", corOptions = "use = 'p'") {
  fc <- as.factor(colors)
  mods <- levels(fc)
  nMods <- nlevels(fc)
  nGenes <- ncol(datExpr)
  if (nMods != ncol(MEs)) {
      "Input error: number of distinct 'colors' differs from\n",
      "     the number of module eigengenes given in ME."

  if (ncol(datExpr) != length(colors)) {
    stop("Input error: number of probes (columns) in 'datExpr' differs from the length of goven 'colors'.")

  if (nrow(datExpr) != nrow(MEs)) {
    stop("Input error: number of observations (rows) in 'datExpr' and 'MEs' differ.")

  PVE <- rep(0, nMods)

  col2MEs <- match(mods, substring(names(MEs), 3))

  if (sum(is.na(col2MEs)) > 0) {
    stop("Input error: not all given colors could be matched to names of module eigengenes.")

  for (mod in 1:nMods)
    modGenes <- c(1:nGenes)[as.character(colors) == mods[mod]]
    corExpr <- parse(text = paste(
      corFnc, "(datExpr[, modGenes], MEs[, col2MEs[mod]]",
      prepComma(corOptions), ")"
    PVE[mod] <- mean(as.vector(eval(corExpr)^2))

  names(PVE) <- paste("PVE", mods, sep = "")

# ===================================================================================
# addGrid
# ===================================================================================
# This function adds a horizontal grid to a plot

addGrid <- function(linesPerTick = NULL, horiz = TRUE, vert = FALSE, col = "grey30", lty = 3) {
  box <- par("usr")
  if (horiz) {
    ticks <- par("yaxp")
    nTicks <- ticks[3]
    if (is.null(linesPerTick)) {
      if (nTicks < 6) linesPerTick <- 5 else linesPerTick <- 2
    spacing <- (ticks[2] - ticks[1]) / (linesPerTick * nTicks)
    first <- ceiling((box[3] - ticks[1]) / spacing)
    last <- floor((box[4] - ticks[1]) / spacing)
    # print(paste("addGrid: first=", first, ", last =", last, "box = ", paste(signif(box,2), collapse = ", "),
    # "ticks = ", paste(signif(ticks, 2), collapse = ", "), "spacing =", spacing ));
    for (k in first:last) {
        x = box[c(1, 2)], y = rep(ticks[1] + spacing * k, 2),
        col = col, lty = lty
  if (vert) {
    ticks <- par("xaxp")
    nTicks <- ticks[3]
    if (is.null(linesPerTick)) {
      if (nTicks < 6) linesPerTick <- 5 else linesPerTick <- 2
    spacing <- (ticks[2] - ticks[1]) / (linesPerTick * ticks[3])
    first <- ceiling((box[1] - ticks[1]) / spacing)
    last <- floor((box[2] - ticks[1]) / spacing)
    # print(paste("addGrid: first=", first, ", last =", last, "box = ", paste(signif(box,2), collapse = ", "),
    #            "ticks = ", paste(signif(ticks, 2), collapse = ", "), "spacing =", spacing ));
    for (l in first:last) {
        x = rep(ticks[1] + spacing * l, 2), y = box[c(3, 4)],
        col = col, lty = lty

# Add vertical "guide" lines to a dendrogram to facilitate identification of clusters with color bars

addGuideLines <- function(dendro, all = FALSE, count = 50, positions = NULL, col = "grey30", lty = 3,
                          hang = 0) {
  if (all) {
    positions <- 1:(length(dendro$height) + 1)
  } else {
    if (is.null(positions)) {
      lineSpacing <- (length(dendro$height) + 1) / count
      positions <- (1:count) * lineSpacing
  objHeights <- rep(0, length(dendro$height + 1))
  objHeights[-dendro$merge[dendro$merge[, 1] < 0, 1]] <- dendro$height[dendro$merge[, 1] < 0]
  objHeights[-dendro$merge[dendro$merge[, 2] < 0, 2]] <- dendro$height[dendro$merge[, 2] < 0]
  box <- par("usr")
  ymin <- box[3]
  ymax <- box[4]
  objHeights <- objHeights - hang * (ymax - ymin)
  objHeights[objHeights < ymin] <- ymin
  posHeights <- pmin(objHeights[dendro$order][floor(positions)], objHeights[dendro$order][ceiling(positions)])
  for (line in 1:length(positions)) { # The last guide line is superfluous
    lines(x = rep(positions[line], 2), y = c(ymin, posHeights[line]), lty = 3, col = col)

# nearestNeighborConnectivity
# This function takes expression data (rows=samples, colummns=genes)
# and the power exponent used in weighting the
# correlations to get the network adjacency matrix, and returns an array of dimensions
# nGenes * nSets containing the connectivities of each gene in each subset.

nearestNeighborConnectivity <- function(datExpr, nNeighbors = 50, power = 6,
                                        type = "unsigned", corFnc = "cor", corOptions = "use = 'p'",
                                        blockSize = 1000,
                                        sampleLinks = NULL, nLinks = 5000,
                                        setSeed = 38457,
                                        verbose = 1, indent = 0) {
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)
  nGenes <- dim(datExpr)[2]
  nSamples <- dim(datExpr)[1]

  if (is.null(sampleLinks)) {
    sampleLinks <- (nGenes > nLinks)

  if (sampleLinks) nLinks <- min(nLinks, nGenes) else nLinks <- nGenes

  # printFlush(paste("blockSize =", blockSize));
  # printFlush(paste("nGenes =", nGenes));
  # printFlush(paste(".largestBlockSize =", .largestBlockSize));

  if (blockSize * nLinks > .largestBlockSize) blockSize <- as.integer(.largestBlockSize / nLinks)

  intNetworkType <- charmatch(type, .networkTypes)
  if (is.na(intNetworkType)) {
      "Unrecognized networkType argument. Recognized values are (unique abbreviations of)",
      paste(.networkTypes, collapse = ", ")

  subtract <- rep(1, nGenes)
  if (sampleLinks) {
    if (verbose > 0) {
        spaces, "nearestNeighborConnectivity: selecting sample pool of size",
        nLinks, ".."
    sd <- apply(datExpr, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
    order <- order(-sd)
    saved <- FALSE
    if (exists(".Random.seed")) {
      saved <- TRUE
      savedSeed <- .Random.seed
      if (is.numeric(setSeed)) set.seed(setSeed)
    samplePool <- order[sample(x = nGenes, size = nLinks)]
    if (saved) .Random.seed <<- savedSeed
    poolExpr <- datExpr[, samplePool]
    subtract[-samplePool] <- 0

  if (verbose > 0) {
      spaces, "nearestNeighborConnectivity: received",
      "dataset with nGenes =", as.character(nGenes)
    cat(paste(spaces, "..using nNeighbors =", nNeighbors, "and blockSize =", blockSize, "  "))
    pind <- initProgInd(trailStr = " done")

  nearestNeighborConn <- rep(0, nGenes)

  nBlocks <- as.integer((nGenes - 1) / blockSize)
  SetRestrConn <- NULL
  start <- 1
  if (sampleLinks) {
    corEval <- parse(text = paste(corFnc, "(poolExpr, datExpr[, blockIndex] ", prepComma(corOptions), ")"))
  } else {
    corEval <- parse(text = paste(corFnc, "(datExpr, datExpr[, blockIndex] ", prepComma(corOptions), ")"))

  while (start <= nGenes) {
    end <- start + blockSize - 1
    if (end > nGenes) end <- nGenes
    blockIndex <- c(start:end)
    # if (verbose>1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..working on genes", start, "through", end, "of", nGenes))
    c <- eval(corEval)
    if (intNetworkType == 1) {
      c <- abs(c)
    } else if (intNetworkType == 2) {
      c <- (1 + c) / 2
    } else if (intNetworkType == 3) {
      c[c < 0] <- 0
    } else {
      stop("Internal error: intNetworkType has wrong value:", intNetworkType, ". Sorry!")
    adj_mat <- as.matrix(c^power)
    adj_mat[is.na(adj_mat)] <- 0
    sortedAdj <- as.matrix(apply(adj_mat, 2, sort, decreasing = TRUE)[1:(nNeighbors + 1), ])
    nearestNeighborConn[blockIndex] <- apply(sortedAdj, 2, sum) - subtract[blockIndex]
    start <- end + 1
    if (verbose > 0) pind <- updateProgInd(end / nGenes, pind)
  if (verbose > 0) printFlush(" ")

# Try to merge this with the single-set function.
# nearestNeighborConnectivityMS
# This function takes expression data (rows=samples, colummns=genes) in the multi-set format
# and the power exponent used in weighting the
# correlations to get the network adjacency matrix, and returns an array of dimensions
# nGenes * nSets containing the connectivities of each gene in each subset.

nearestNeighborConnectivityMS <- function(multiExpr, nNeighbors = 50, power = 6,
                                          type = "unsigned", corFnc = "cor", corOptions = "use = 'p'",
                                          blockSize = 1000,
                                          sampleLinks = NULL, nLinks = 5000, setSeed = 36492,
                                          verbose = 1, indent = 0) {
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)
  setsize <- checkSets(multiExpr)
  nGenes <- setsize$nGenes
  nSamples <- setsize$nSamples
  nSets <- setsize$nSets

  if (is.null(sampleLinks)) {
    sampleLinks <- (nGenes > nLinks)

  if (sampleLinks) nLinks <- min(nLinks, nGenes) else nLinks <- nGenes

  # printFlush(paste("blockSize =", blockSize));
  # printFlush(paste("nGenes =", nGenes));
  # printFlush(paste(".largestBlockSize =", .largestBlockSize));

  if (blockSize * nLinks > .largestBlockSize) blockSize <- as.integer(.largestBlockSize / nLinks)

  if (length(power) == 1) {
    power <- rep(power, nSets)
  } else if (length(power) != nSets) {
    stop("Invalid arguments: length of 'power' must equal number sets in 'multiExpr'")

  intNetworkType <- charmatch(type, .networkTypes)
  if (is.na(intNetworkType)) {
      "Unrecognized networkType argument. Recognized values are (unique abbreviations of)",
      paste(.networkTypes, collapse = ", ")

  subtract <- rep(1, nGenes)
  if (sampleLinks) {
    if (verbose > 0) {
        spaces, "nearestNeighborConnectivityMS: selecting sample pool of size",
        nLinks, ".."
    sd <- apply(multiExpr[[1]]$data, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
    order <- order(-sd)
    saved <- FALSE
    if (exists(".Random.seed")) {
      saved <- TRUE
      savedSeed <- .Random.seed
      if (is.numeric(setSeed)) set.seed(setSeed)
    samplePool <- order[sample(x = nGenes, size = nLinks)]
    if (saved) .Random.seed <<- savedSeed
    subtract[-samplePool] <- 0

  if (verbose > 0) {
      spaces, "nearestNeighborConnectivityMS: received", nSets,
      "datasets with nGenes =", as.character(nGenes)
  if (verbose > 0) printFlush(paste(spaces, "  Using nNeighbors =", nNeighbors))

  nearestNeighborConn <- matrix(nrow = nGenes, ncol = nSets)

  if (sampleLinks) {
    corEval <- parse(text = paste(
      "(multiExpr[[set]]$data[, samplePool], multiExpr[[set]]$data[, blockIndex] ",
      prepComma(corOptions), ")"
  } else {
    corEval <- parse(text = paste(
      corFnc, "(multiExpr[[set]]$data, multiExpr[[set]]$data[, blockIndex] ",
      prepComma(corOptions), ")"

  for (set in 1:nSets)
    if (verbose > 0) {
      cat(paste(spaces, "  Working on set", set))
      pind <- initProgInd(trailStr = " done")
    nBlocks <- as.integer((nGenes - 1) / blockSize)
    SetRestrConn <- NULL
    start <- 1
    while (start <= nGenes) {
      end <- start + blockSize - 1
      if (end > nGenes) end <- nGenes
      blockIndex <- c(start:end)
      # if (verbose>1) printFlush(paste(spaces, " .. working on genes", start, "through", end, "of", nGenes))
      c <- eval(corEval)
      if (intNetworkType == 1) {
        c <- abs(c)
      } else if (intNetworkType == 2) {
        c <- (1 + c) / 2
      } else if (intNetworkType == 3) {
        c[c < 0] <- 0
      } else {
        stop("Internal error: intNetworkType has wrong value:", intNetworkType, ". Sorry!")
      adj_mat <- as.matrix(c^power[set])
      adj_mat[is.na(adj_mat)] <- 0
      sortedAdj <- as.matrix(apply(adj_mat, 2, sort, decreasing = TRUE)[1:(nNeighbors + 1), ])
      nearestNeighborConn[blockIndex, set] <- apply(sortedAdj, 2, sum) - subtract[blockIndex]
      start <- end + 1
      if (verbose > 0) pind <- updateProgInd(end / nGenes, pind)
    if (verbose > 0) printFlush(" ")

# ======================================================================================================
# Nifty display of progress.
# =====================================================================================================

initProgInd <- function(leadStr = "..", trailStr = "", quiet = !interactive()) {
  oldStr <- " "
  progInd <- list(oldStr = oldStr, leadStr = leadStr, trailStr = trailStr)
  class(progInd) <- "progressIndicator"
  updateProgInd(0, progInd, quiet)

updateProgInd <- function(newFrac, progInd, quiet = !interactive()) {
  if (class(progInd) != "progressIndicator") {
      "Parameter progInd is not of class 'progressIndicator'. Use initProgInd() to initialize",
      "it prior to use."

  newStr <- paste(progInd$leadStr, as.integer(newFrac * 100), "% ", progInd$trailStr, sep = "")
  if (newStr != progInd$oldStr) {
    if (quiet) {
      progInd$oldStr <- newStr
    } else {
      cat(paste(rep("\b", nchar(progInd$oldStr)), collapse = ""))
      if (exists("flush.console")) flush.console()
      progInd$oldStr <- newStr

# ======================================================================================================
# Plot a dendrogram and a set of labels underneath
# =====================================================================================================

plotDendroAndColors <- function(dendro, colors, groupLabels = NULL, rowText = NULL,
                                rowTextAlignment = c("left", "center", "right"),
                                rowTextIgnore = NULL,
                                textPositions = NULL,
                                setLayout = TRUE, autoColorHeight = TRUE, colorHeight = 0.2,
                                colorHeightBase = 0.2, colorHeightMax = 0.6,
                                rowWidths = NULL,
                                dendroLabels = NULL,
                                addGuide = FALSE, guideAll = FALSE, guideCount = 50,
                                guideHang = 0.20, addTextGuide = FALSE,
                                cex.colorLabels = 0.8, cex.dendroLabels = 0.9,
                                cex.rowText = 0.8, marAll = c(1, 5, 3, 1),
                                saveMar = TRUE,
                                abHeight = NULL, abCol = "red", ...) {
  oldMar <- par("mar")
  if (!is.null(dim(colors))) {
    nRows <- dim(colors)[2]
  } else {
    nRows <- 1
  if (!is.null(rowText)) nRows <- nRows + if (is.null(textPositions)) nRows else length(textPositions)
  if (autoColorHeight) colorHeight <- colorHeightBase + (colorHeightMax - colorHeightBase) * (1 - exp(-(nRows - 1) / 6))
  if (setLayout) layout(matrix(c(1:2), 2, 1), heights = c(1 - colorHeight, colorHeight))
  par(mar = c(0, marAll[2], marAll[3], marAll[4]))
  plot(dendro, labels = dendroLabels, cex = cex.dendroLabels, ...)
  if (addGuide) {
    addGuideLines(dendro, count = if (guideAll) length(dendro$height) + 1 else guideCount, hang = guideHang)
  if (!is.null(abHeight)) abline(h = abHeight, col = abCol)
  par(mar = c(marAll[1], marAll[2], 0, marAll[4]))
  plotColorUnderTree(dendro, colors, groupLabels,
    cex.rowLabels = cex.colorLabels, rowText = rowText,
    rowTextAlignment = rowTextAlignment, rowTextIgnore = rowTextIgnore,
    textPositions = textPositions, cex.rowText = cex.rowText, rowWidths = rowWidths,
    addTextGuide = addTextGuide
  if (saveMar) par(mar = oldMar)

#  Functions included from NetworkScreeningFunctions

# this function creates pairwise scatter plots between module eigengenes (above the diagonal)
# Below the diagonal are the absolute values of the Pearson correlation coefficients.
# The diagonal contains histograms of the module eigengene expressions.

plotMEpairs <- function(datME, y = NULL, main = "Relationship between module eigengenes", clusterMEs = TRUE, ...) {
  if (dim(as.matrix(datME))[[2]] == 1 & is.null(y)) {
    hist(datME, ...)
  } else {
    datMEordered <- datME
    if (clusterMEs & dim(as.matrix(datME))[[1]] > 1) {
      dissimME <- (1 - t(cor(datME, method = "p", use = "p"))) / 2
      hclustdatME <- fastcluster::hclust(as.dist(dissimME), method = "average")
      datMEordered <- datME[, hclustdatME$order]
    } # end of if
    if (!is.null(y)) {
      if (length(y) != dim(as.matrix(datMEordered))[[1]]) {
          "The length of the outcome vector 'y' does not match the number of rows of 'datME'.\n",
          "     The columns of datME should correspond to the module eigengenes.\n",
          "     The rows correspond to the array samples. Hint: consider transposing datME."
      datMEordered <- data.frame(y, datMEordered)
    } # end of if
      upper.panel = panel.smooth,
      lower.panel = .panel.cor, diag.panel = .panel.hist, main = main, ...
  } # end if
} # end of function

# corPredictionSuccess

# The function corPredictionSuccess can be used to determine which method is best for predicting correlations
# in a new test set. corTestSet should be a vector of correlations in the test set.
# The parameter topNumber specifies that the top number most positive and the top most negative
# predicted correlations
# TopNumber is a vector of integers.
# corPrediction should be a data frame of predictions for the correlations.
# Output a list with the following components:
# meancorTestSetPositive= mean test set correlation among the topNumber of genes
#    which are predicted to have positive correlations.
# meancorTestSetNegative= mean test set correlation among the topNumber of genes
#    which are predicted to have negative correlations.
# meancorTestSetOverall=(meancorTestSetPositive-meancorTestSetNegative)/2

corPredictionSuccess <- function(corPrediction, corTestSet, topNumber = 100) {
  nPredictors <- dim(as.matrix(corPrediction))[[2]]
  nGenes <- dim(as.matrix(corPrediction))[[1]]
  if (length(as.numeric(corTestSet)) != nGenes) {
    stop("non-compatible dimensions of 'corPrediction' and 'corTestSet'")
  out1 <- rep(NA, nPredictors)
  meancorTestSetPositive <- matrix(NA, ncol = nPredictors, nrow = length(topNumber))
  meancorTestSetNegative <- matrix(NA, ncol = nPredictors, nrow = length(topNumber))
  for (i in c(1:nPredictors))
    rankpositive <- rank(-as.matrix(corPrediction)[, i], ties.method = "first")
    ranknegative <- rank(as.matrix(corPrediction)[, i], ties.method = "first")
    for (j in c(1:length(topNumber)))
      meancorTestSetPositive[j, i] <- mean(corTestSet[rankpositive <= topNumber[j]], na.rm = TRUE)
      meancorTestSetNegative[j, i] <- mean(corTestSet[ranknegative <= topNumber[j]], na.rm = TRUE)
    } # end of j loop over topNumber
  } # end of i loop over predictors
  meancorTestSetOverall <- data.frame((meancorTestSetPositive - meancorTestSetNegative) / 2)
  dimnames(meancorTestSetOverall)[[2]] <- names(data.frame(corPrediction))
  meancorTestSetOverall <- data.frame(topNumber = topNumber, meancorTestSetOverall)
  meancorTestSetPositive <- data.frame(meancorTestSetPositive)
  dimnames(meancorTestSetPositive)[[2]] <- names(data.frame(corPrediction))
  meancorTestSetPositive <- data.frame(topNumber = topNumber, meancorTestSetPositive)
  meancorTestSetNegative <- data.frame(meancorTestSetNegative)
  dimnames(meancorTestSetNegative)[[2]] <- names(data.frame(corPrediction))
  meancorTestSetNegative <- data.frame(topNumber = topNumber, meancorTestSetNegative)
  datout <- list(
    meancorTestSetOverall = meancorTestSetOverall, meancorTestSetPositive = meancorTestSetPositive,
    meancorTestSetNegative = meancorTestSetNegative
} # end of function corPredictionSuccess

# relativeCorPredictionSuccess

# The function relativeCorPredictionSuccess can be used to test whether a gene screening method
# is significantly better than a standard method.
# For each gene screening method (column of corPredictionNew) it provides a Kruskal Wallis
# test p-value for comparison with the vector corPredictionStandard,
# TopNumber is a vector of integers.
# corTestSet should be a vector of correlations in the test set.
# corPredictionNew should be a data frame of predictions for the
# correlations.  corPredictionStandard should be the standard prediction (correlation in the training data).
# The function outputs a p-value for the Kruskal test that
# the new correlation prediction methods outperform the standard correlation prediction method.

relativeCorPredictionSuccess <- function(corPredictionNew, corPredictionStandard, corTestSet, topNumber = 100) {
  nPredictors <- dim(as.matrix(corPredictionNew))[[2]]
  nGenes <- dim(as.matrix(corPredictionNew))[[1]]
  if (length(as.numeric(corTestSet)) != nGenes) {
    stop("non-compatible dimensions of 'corPrediction' and 'corTestSet'.")
  if (length(as.numeric(corTestSet)) != length(corPredictionStandard)) {
    stop("non-compatible dimensions of 'corTestSet' and 'corPredictionStandard'.")
  kruskalp <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(topNumber), ncol = nPredictors)
  for (i in c(1:nPredictors))
    rankhighNew <- rank(-as.matrix(corPredictionNew)[, i], ties.method = "first")
    ranklowNew <- rank(as.matrix(corPredictionNew)[, i], ties.method = "first")
    for (j in c(1:length(topNumber))) {
      highCorNew <- as.numeric(corTestSet[rankhighNew <= topNumber[j]])
      lowCorNew <- as.numeric(corTestSet[ranklowNew <= topNumber[j]])
      highCorStandard <- as.numeric(corTestSet[rank(-as.numeric(corPredictionStandard),
        ties.method = "first"
      ) <= topNumber[j]])
      lowCorStandard <- as.numeric(corTestSet[rank(as.numeric(corPredictionStandard),
        ties.method = "first"
      ) <= topNumber[j]])
      signedCorNew <- c(highCorNew, -lowCorNew)
      signedCorStandard <- c(highCorStandard, -lowCorStandard)
      x1 <- c(signedCorNew, signedCorStandard)
      Grouping <- rep(c(2, 1), c(length(signedCorNew), length(signedCorStandard)))
      sign1 <- sign(cor(Grouping, x1, use = "p"))
      if (sign1 == 0) sign1 <- 1
      kruskalp[j, i] <- kruskal.test(x = x1, g = Grouping)$p.value * sign1
      # print(names(data.frame(corPredictionNew))[[i]])
      # print(paste("This correlation is positive if the new method is better than the old method" ,
      # signif(cor(Grouping,x1, use="p"),3)))
    } # end of j loop
  } # end of i loop
  kruskalp[kruskalp < 0] <- 1
  kruskalp <- data.frame(kruskalp)
  dimnames(kruskalp)[[2]] <- paste(names(data.frame(corPredictionNew)), ".kruskalP", sep = "")
  kruskalp <- data.frame(topNumber = topNumber, kruskalp)
} # end of function relativeCorPredictionSuccess

# alignExpr

# If y is supplied, it multiplies columns of datExpr by +/-1 to make all correlations with y positive.
# If y is not supplied, the first column of datExpr is used as the reference direction.

alignExpr <- function(datExpr, y = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(y) & dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[1]] != length(y)) {
    stop("Incompatible number of samples in 'datExpr' and 'y'.")
  if (is.null(y)) y <- as.numeric(datExpr[, 1])
  sign1 <- sign(as.numeric(cor(y, datExpr, use = "p")))
  as.data.frame(scale(t(t(datExpr) * sign1)))
} # end of function alignExpr

# this function can be used to rank the values in x. Ties are broken by the method first.
# This function does not appear to be used anywhere in these functions.
# rank1=function(x){
#    rank(x, ties.method="first")
# }

# Gene expression simulations (functions by P.L.)

# .causalChildren
# Note: The returned vector may contain multiple occurences of the same child.

.causalChildren <- function(parents, causeMat) {
  nNodes <- dim(causeMat)[[1]]

  # print(paste("Length of parents: ",length(parents)));
  if (length(parents) == 0) {

  Child_ind <- apply(as.matrix(abs(causeMat[, parents])), 1, sum) > 0
  if (sum(Child_ind) > 0) {
    children <- c(1:nNodes)[Child_ind]
  } else {
    children <- NULL

# simulateEigengeneNetwork
# Given a set of causal anchors, this function creates a network of vectors that should satisfy the
# causal relations encoded in the causal matrix causeMat, i.e. causeMat[j,i] is the causal effect of
# vector i on vector j.

# The function starts by initializing all vectors to noise given in the noise specification. (The noise
# can be specified for each vector separately.) Then it runs the standard causal network signal
# propagation and returns the resulting vectors.

simulateEigengeneNetwork <- function(causeMat, anchorIndex, anchorVectors, noise = 1, verbose = 0, indent = 0) {
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)

  if (verbose > 0) printFlush(paste(spaces, "Creating seed vectors..."))
  nNodes <- dim(causeMat)[[1]]
  nSamples <- dim(anchorVectors)[[1]]

  if (length(anchorIndex) != dim(anchorVectors)[[2]]) {
    stop(paste("Length of anchorIndex must equal the number of vectors in anchorVectors."))

  if (length(noise) == 1) noise <- rep(noise, nNodes)
  if (length(noise) != nNodes) {
      "Length of noise must equal",
      "the number of nodes as given by the dimension of the causeMat matrix."

  # Initialize all node vectors to noise with given standard deviation

  NodeVectors <- matrix(0, nrow = nSamples, ncol = nNodes)
  for (i in 1:nNodes) NodeVectors[, i] <- rnorm(n = nSamples, mean = 0, sd = noise[i])

  Levels <- rep(0, times = nNodes)

  # Calculate levels for all nodes: start from anchors and go through each successive level of children

  level <- 0
  parents <- anchorIndex
  Children <- .causalChildren(parents = parents, causeMat = causeMat)
  if (verbose > 1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..Determining level structure..."))
  while (!is.null(Children)) {
    # print(paste("level:", level));
    # print(paste("   parents:", parents));
    # print(paste("   Children:", Children));
    level <- level + 1
    if ((verbose > 1) & (level / 10 == as.integer(level / 10))) {
      printFlush(paste(spaces, "  ..Detected level", level))
    # printFlush(paste("Detected level", level));
    Levels[Children] <- level
    parents <- Children
    Children <- .causalChildren(parents = parents, causeMat = causeMat)

  HighestLevel <- level

  # Generate the whole network

  if (verbose > 1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..Calculating network..."))
  NodeVectors[, anchorIndex] <- NodeVectors[, anchorIndex] + anchorVectors
  for (level in (1:HighestLevel))
    if ((verbose > 1) & (level / 10 == as.integer(level / 10))) {
      printFlush(paste(spaces, " .Working on level", level))
    # printFlush(paste("Working on level", level));
    LevelChildren <- c(1:nNodes)[Levels == level]
    for (child in LevelChildren)
      LevelParents <- c(1:nNodes)[causeMat[child, ] != 0]
      for (parent in LevelParents) {
        NodeVectors[, child] <- scale(NodeVectors[, child] + causeMat[child, parent] * NodeVectors[, parent])

  Nodes <- list(eigengenes = NodeVectors, causeMat = causeMat, levels = Levels, anchorIndex = anchorIndex)

# simulateModule
# The resulting data is normalized.
# Attributes contain the component trueKME giving simulated correlation with module eigengene for
# both module genes and near-module genes.
# corPower controls how fast the correlation drops with index i in the module; the curve is roughly
# x^{1/corPower} with x<1 and x~0 near the "center", so the higher the power, the faster the curve rises.

simulateModule <- function(ME, nGenes, nNearGenes = 0, minCor = 0.3, maxCor = 1,
                           corPower = 1,
                           signed = FALSE, propNegativeCor = 0.3, geneMeans = NULL,
                           verbose = 0, indent = 0) {
  nSamples <- length(ME)

  datExpr <- matrix(rnorm((nGenes + nNearGenes) * nSamples),
    nrow = nSamples,
    ncol = nGenes + nNearGenes

  VarME <- var(ME)

  # generate the in-module genes
  CorME <- maxCor - (c(1:nGenes) / nGenes)^(1 / corPower) * (maxCor - minCor)
  noise <- sqrt(VarME * (1 - CorME^2) / CorME^2)
  sign <- rep(1, nGenes)
  if (!signed) {
    negGenes <- as.integer(seq(
      from = 1 / propNegativeCor, by = 1 / propNegativeCor,
      length.out = nGenes * propNegativeCor
    negGenes <- negGenes[negGenes <= nGenes]
    sign[negGenes] <- -1
  for (gene in 1:nGenes)
    datExpr[, gene] <- sign[gene] * (ME + rnorm(nSamples, sd = noise[gene]))

  trueKME <- CorME
  # generate the near-module genes

  if (nNearGenes > 0) {
    CorME <- c(1:nNearGenes) / nNearGenes * minCor
    noise <- sqrt(VarME * (1 - CorME^2) / CorME^2)
    sign <- rep(1, nNearGenes)
    if (!signed) {
      negGenes <- as.integer(seq(
        from = 1 / propNegativeCor, by = 1 / propNegativeCor,
        length.out = nNearGenes * propNegativeCor
      negGenes <- negGenes[negGenes <= nNearGenes]
      sign[negGenes] <- -1
    for (gene in 1:nNearGenes) {
      datExpr[, nGenes + gene] <- ME + sign[gene] * rnorm(nSamples, sd = noise[gene])
    trueKME <- c(trueKME, CorME)

  datExpr <- scale(datExpr)
  if (!is.null(geneMeans)) {
    if (any(is.na(geneMeans))) {
      stop("All entries of 'geneMeans' must be finite.")
    if (length(geneMeans) != nGenes + nNearGenes) {
      stop("The lenght of 'geneMeans' must equal nGenes + nNearGenes.")
    datExpr <- datExpr + matrix(geneMeans, nSamples, nGenes + nNearGenes, byrow = TRUE)

  attributes(datExpr)$trueKME <- trueKME


# .SimulateModule=function(ME, size,minimumCor=.3) {
# if (size<3) print("WARNING: module size smaller than 3")
# if(minimumCor==0) minimumCor=0.0001;
# maxnoisevariance=var(ME,na.rm = TRUE)*(1/minimumCor^2-1)
# SDvector=sqrt(c(1:size)/size*maxnoisevariance)
# datSignal=suppressWarnings(matrix(c(ME, ME ,-ME),nrow=size ,ncol=length(ME) ,byrow = TRUE))
# datNoise=SDvector* matrix(rnorm(size*length(ME)),nrow=size ,ncol=length(ME))
# datModule=datSignal+datNoise
# t(datModule)
# } # end of function

# simulateSmallLayer
# Simulates a bunch of small and weakly expressed modules.

simulateSmallLayer <- function(order, nSamples,
                               minCor = 0.3, maxCor = 0.5, corPower = 1,
                               averageModuleSize, averageExpr, moduleSpacing,
                               verbose = 4, indent = 0) {
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)
  nGenes <- length(order)
  datExpr <- matrix(0, nrow = nSamples, ncol = nGenes)

  maxCorN0 <- averageModuleSize

  if (verbose > 0) {
      spaces, "simulateSmallLayer: simulating modules with min corr",
      minCor, ", average expression", averageExpr, ", average module size", averageModuleSize,
      ", inverse density", moduleSpacing

  index <- 0
  while (index < nGenes) {
    ModSize <- as.integer(rexp(1, 1 / averageModuleSize))
    if (ModSize < 3) ModSize <- 3
    if (index + ModSize > nGenes) ModSize <- nGenes - index
    if (ModSize > 2) # Otherwise don't bother :)
        ModuleExpr <- rexp(1, 1 / averageExpr)
        if (verbose > 4) {
            spaces, "  Module of size", ModSize, ", expression", ModuleExpr,
            ", min corr", minCor,
            "inserted at index", index + 1
        ME <- rnorm(nSamples, sd = ModuleExpr)
        NInModule <- as.integer(ModSize * 2 / 3)
        nNearModule <- ModSize - NInModule
        EffMinCor <- minCor * maxCor
        datExpr[, order[(index + 1):(index + ModSize)]] <-
          ModuleExpr * simulateModule(ME, NInModule, nNearModule, EffMinCor, maxCor, corPower)
    index <- index + ModSize * moduleSpacing

# simulateDatExpr
# Caution: the last Mod.Props entry gives the number of "true grey" genes;
# the corresponding minCor entry must be absent (i.e. length(minCor) = length(modProportions)-1

# SubmoduleLayers: layers of small modules with weaker correlation, ordered in the same order as the
# genes in the big modules. Needs average number of genes in a module (exponential distribution),
# average expression strength (exponential density) and inverse density.

# ScatteredModuleLayers: Layers of small modules whose order is random.

simulateDatExpr <- function(eigengenes, nGenes, modProportions,
                            minCor = 0.3, maxCor = 1,
                            corPower = 1,
                            signed = FALSE, propNegativeCor = 0.3,
                            geneMeans = NULL,
                            backgroundNoise = 0.1, leaveOut = NULL,
                            nSubmoduleLayers = 0, nScatteredModuleLayers = 0,
                            averageNGenesInSubmodule = 10, averageExprInSubmodule = 0.2,
                            submoduleSpacing = 2,
                            verbose = 1, indent = 0) {
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)

  nMods <- length(modProportions) - 1

  nSamples <- dim(eigengenes)[[1]]

  if (length(minCor) == 1) minCor <- rep(minCor, nMods)
  if (length(maxCor) == 1) maxCor <- rep(maxCor, nMods)

  if (length(minCor) != nMods) {
      "Input error: minCor is an array of different lentgh than",
      "the length-1 of modProportions array."

  if (length(maxCor) != nMods) {
      "Input error: maxCor is an array of different lentgh than",
      "the length-1 of modProportions array."

  if (dim(eigengenes)[[2]] != nMods) {
      "Input error: Number of seed vectors must equal the",
      "length of modProportions."

  if (is.null(geneMeans)) geneMeans <- rep(0, nGenes)
  if (length(geneMeans) != nGenes) {
    stop("Length of 'geneMeans' must equal 'nGenes'.")

  if (any(is.na(geneMeans))) {
    stop("All entries of 'geneMeans' must be finite.")

  grey <- 0
  moduleLabels <- c(1:nMods)

  if (sum(modProportions) > 1) stop("Input error: the sum of Mod.Props must be less than 1")
  # if(sum(modProportions[c(1:(length(modProportions)-1))])>=0.5)
  # print(paste("SimulateExprData: Input warning: the sum of modProportions for proper modules",
  # "should ideally be less than 0.5."));

  no.in.modules <- as.integer(nGenes * modProportions)
  no.in.proper.modules <- no.in.modules[c(1:(length(modProportions) - 1))]
  no.near.modules <- as.integer((nGenes - sum(no.in.modules)) *
    no.in.proper.modules / sum(no.in.proper.modules))

  simulate.module <- rep(TRUE, times = nMods)
  if (!is.null(leaveOut)) simulate.module[leaveOut] <- FALSE

  no.in.modules[nMods + 1] <- nGenes - sum(no.in.proper.modules[simulate.module]) -

  labelOrder <- moduleLabels[rank(-modProportions[-length(modProportions)], ties.method = "first")]
  labelOrder <- c(labelOrder, grey)

  if (verbose > 0) {
      spaces, "simulateDatExpr: simulating", nGenes, "genes in",
      nMods, "modules."

  if (verbose > 1) {
    #  printFlush(paste(spaces, "    Minimum correlation in a module is", minCor,
    #                            " and its dropoff is characterized by power", corPower));
      spaces, "    Simulated labels:",
      paste(labelOrder[1:nMods], collapse = ", "), " and ", grey
    printFlush(paste(spaces, "    Module sizes:", paste(no.in.modules, collapse = ", ")))
    printFlush(paste(spaces, "    near module sizes:", paste(no.near.modules, collapse = ", ")))
    printFlush(paste(spaces, "    Min correaltion:", paste(minCor, collapse = ", ")))
    if (!is.null(leaveOut)) {
        spaces, "    _leaving out_ modules",
        paste(labelOrder[leaveOut], collapse = ", ")

  truemodule <- rep(grey, nGenes)
  allLabels <- rep(grey, nGenes) # These have the colors for left-out modules as well.

  # This matrix contains the simulated expression values (rows are genes, columns samples)
  # Each simulated cluster has a distinct mean expression across the samples

  datExpr <- matrix(rnorm(nGenes * nSamples), nrow = nSamples, ncol = nGenes)
  trueKME <- rep(NA, nGenes)
  trueKME.whichMod <- rep(0, nGenes)

  gene.index <- 0 # Where to put the current gene into datExpr

  for (mod in c(1:nMods))
    nModGenes <- no.in.modules[mod]
    nNearGenes <- no.near.modules[mod]
    if (simulate.module[mod]) {
      ME <- eigengenes[, mod]
      EffMaxCor <- maxCor[mod]
      EffMinCor <- minCor[mod]
      range <- (gene.index + 1):(gene.index + nModGenes + nNearGenes)
      temp <- simulateModule(ME, nModGenes, nNearGenes, minCor[mod], maxCor[mod],
        signed = signed, propNegativeCor = propNegativeCor,
        geneMeans = NULL,
        verbose = verbose - 2, indent = indent + 2
      datExpr[, range] <- temp
      truemodule[(gene.index + 1):(gene.index + nModGenes)] <- labelOrder[mod]
      trueKME[range] <- attributes(temp)$trueKME
      trueKME.whichMod[range] <- mod
    allLabels[(gene.index + 1):(gene.index + nModGenes)] <- labelOrder[mod]
    gene.index <- gene.index + nModGenes + nNearGenes

  if (nSubmoduleLayers > 0) {
    OrderVector <- c(1:nGenes)
    for (layer in 1:nSubmoduleLayers)
      if (verbose > 1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "Simulating ordereded extra layer", layer))
      datExpr <- datExpr + simulateSmallLayer(
        OrderVector, nSamples, minCor[1],
        corPower, averageNGenesInSubmodule,
        averageExprInSubmodule, submoduleSpacing,
        verbose - 1, indent + 1
  if (nScatteredModuleLayers > 0) {
    for (layer in 1:nScatteredModuleLayers)
      if (verbose > 1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "Simulating unordereded extra layer", layer))
      OrderVector <- sample(nGenes)
      datExpr <- datExpr + simulateSmallLayer(OrderVector, nSamples, minCor[1],
        maxCor[1], corPower,
        averageExprInSubmodule, submoduleSpacing,
        verbose = verbose - 1, indent = indent + 1
  if (verbose > 1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "  Adding background noise with amplitude", backgroundNoise))
  datExpr <- datExpr + rnorm(n = nGenes * nSamples, sd = backgroundNoise)
  means <- colMeans(datExpr)

  datExpr <- datExpr + matrix(geneMeans - means, nSamples, nGenes, byrow = TRUE)

  colnames(datExpr) <- spaste("Gene.", c(1:nGenes))
  rownames(datExpr) <- spaste("Sample.", c(1:nSamples))

    datExpr = datExpr, setLabels = truemodule, allLabels = allLabels,
    labelOrder = labelOrder, trueKME = trueKME, trueKME.whichMod = trueKME.whichMod
} # end of function

# simulateMultiExpr
# simulate several sets with some of the modules left out.
# eigengenes are specified in a standard multi-set data format.
# leaveOut must be a matrix of No.Modules x No.Sets of TRUE/FALSE values;
# minCor must be a single number here; modProportions are a single vector, since the proportions should be the
# same for all sets.
# nSamples is a vector specifying the number of samples in each set; this must be compatible with the
# dimensions of the eigengenes.

simulateMultiExpr <- function(eigengenes, nGenes, modProportions,
                              minCor = 0.5, maxCor = 1,
                              corPower = 1, backgroundNoise = 0.1, leaveOut = NULL,
                              signed = FALSE, propNegativeCor = 0.3,
                              geneMeans = NULL,
                              nSubmoduleLayers = 0, nScatteredModuleLayers = 0,
                              averageNGenesInSubmodule = 10, averageExprInSubmodule = 0.2,
                              submoduleSpacing = 2,
                              verbose = 1, indent = 0) {
  MEsize <- checkSets(eigengenes)
  nSets <- MEsize$nSets
  nMods <- MEsize$nGenes
  nSamples <- MEsize$nSamples

  nAllSamples <- sum(nSamples)

  if (is.null(geneMeans)) {
    geneMeans <- matrix(0, nGenes, nSets)
  } else {
    geneMeans <- as.matrix(geneMeans)
    if (nrow(geneMeans) != nGenes) {
      stop("Number of rows (or entries) in 'geneMeans' must equal 'nGenes'.")
    } else if (ncol(geneMeans) == 1) {
      geneMeans <- matrix(geneMeans, nGenes, nSets)
    } else if (ncol(geneMeans) != nSets) {
      stop("Number of columns in geneMeans must either equal the number of sets or be 1.")

  if (any(is.na(geneMeans))) {
    stop("All entries of 'geneMeans' must be finite.")

  d2 <- length(modProportions) - 1
  if (d2 != nMods) stop(paste("Incompatible numbers of modules in 'eigengenes' and 'modProportions'"))
  if (is.null(leaveOut)) {
    leaveOut <- matrix(FALSE, nMods, nSets)
  } else {
    d3 <- dim(leaveOut)
    if ((d3[1] != nMods) | (d3[2] != nSets)) {
      stop(paste("Incompatible dimensions of 'leaveOut' and set eigengenes."))

  multiExpr <- vector(mode = "list", length = nSets)
  setLabels <- NULL
  allLabels <- NULL
  labelOrder <- NULL

  for (set in 1:nSets)
    SetEigengenes <- scale(eigengenes[[set]]$data)
    setLeaveOut <- leaveOut[, set]
    # Convert setLeaveOut from boolean to a list of indices where it's TRUE
    # SetMinCor = rep(minCor, nMods);
    # SetMaxCor = rep(maxCor, nMods);
    SetLO <- c(1:nMods)[setLeaveOut]
    setData <- simulateDatExpr(SetEigengenes, nGenes, modProportions,
      minCor = minCor, maxCor = maxCor,
      corPower = corPower,
      signed = signed, propNegativeCor = propNegativeCor,
      backgroundNoise = backgroundNoise, leaveOut = SetLO,
      nSubmoduleLayers = nSubmoduleLayers,
      nScatteredModuleLayers = nScatteredModuleLayers,
      averageNGenesInSubmodule = averageNGenesInSubmodule,
      averageExprInSubmodule = averageExprInSubmodule,
      submoduleSpacing = submoduleSpacing,
      verbose = verbose - 1, indent = indent + 1
    multiExpr[[set]] <- list(data = setData$datExpr)
    setLabels <- cbind(setLabels, setData$setLabels)
    allLabels <- cbind(allLabels, setData$allLabels)
    labelOrder <- cbind(labelOrder, setData$labelOrder)
    multiExpr = multiExpr, setLabels = setLabels, allLabels = allLabels,
    labelOrder = labelOrder

# simulateDatExpr5Modules

simulateDatExpr5Modules <- function(
                                    nGenes = 2000,
                                    colorLabels = c("turquoise", "blue", "brown", "yellow", "green"),
                                    simulateProportions = c(0.10, 0.08, 0.06, 0.04, 0.02),
                                    SDnoise = 1,
                                    backgroundCor = 0.3) {
  nSamples <- length(MEturquoise)
  if (length(MEturquoise) != length(MEblue) | length(MEturquoise) != length(MEbrown) |
    length(MEturquoise) != length(MEyellow) | length(MEturquoise) != length(MEgreen)) {
    stop("Numbers of samples in module eigengenes (MEs) are not consistent")
  if (sum(simulateProportions) > 1) {
    stop("Sum of module proportions is larger than 1. Please ensure sum(simulateProportions)<=1. ")
    # simulateProportions=rep(1/10,5)
  modulesizes <- round(nGenes * c(simulateProportions, 1 - sum(simulateProportions)))
  truemodule <- rep(c(as.character(colorLabels), "grey"), modulesizes)
  ModuleEigengenes <- data.frame(MEturquoise, MEblue, MEbrown, MEyellow, MEgreen)
  no.MEs <- dim(ModuleEigengenes)[[2]]
  # This matrix contains the simulated expression values
  # (rows are samples, columns genes)
  # it contains some background noise
  datExpr <- matrix(rnorm(nSamples * nGenes, mean = 0, sd = SDnoise), nrow = nSamples, ncol = nGenes)

  if (is.logical(backgroundCor)) backgroundCor <- 0.3 * as.numeric(backgroundCor)

  if (as.numeric(backgroundCor) > 0) {
    MEbackground <- MEturquoise
    datSignal <- (matrix(MEbackground, nrow = length(MEturquoise), ncol = nGenes, byrow = FALSE))
    datExpr <- datExpr + as.numeric(backgroundCor) * datSignal
  } # end of if backgroundCor

  for (i in c(1:no.MEs))
    restrict1 <- truemodule == colorLabels[i]
    datModule <- simulateModule(ModuleEigengenes[, i], nGenes = modulesizes[i], corPower = 2.5)
    datExpr[, restrict1] <- datModule
  } # end of for loop
  # this is the output of the function
  list(datExpr = datExpr, truemodule = truemodule, datME = ModuleEigengenes)
} # end of simulation function

# automaticNetworkScreening

automaticNetworkScreening <- function(
                                      datExpr, y,
                                      power = 6,
                                      networkType = "unsigned",
                                      detectCutHeight = 0.995,
                                      minModuleSize = min(20, ncol(as.matrix(datExpr)) / 2),
                                      datME = NULL,
                                      getQValues = TRUE, ...) {
  y <- as.numeric(as.character(y))
  if (length(y) != dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[1]]) {
    stop("Number of samples in 'y' and 'datExpr' disagree: length(y) != dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[1]] ")

  nAvailable <- apply(as.matrix(!is.na(datExpr)), 2, sum)
  ExprVariance <- apply(as.matrix(datExpr), 2, var, na.rm = TRUE)
  restrictGenes <- (nAvailable >= ..minNSamples) & (ExprVariance > 0)
  numberUsefulGenes <- sum(restrictGenes, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (numberUsefulGenes < 3) {
      "IMPORTANT: there are not enough useful genes. \n",
      "    Your input genes have fewer than 4 observations or they are constant.\n",
      "    WGCNA cannot be used for these data. Hint: collect more arrays or input genes that vary."
    # warning(paste("IMPORTANT: there are not enough useful genes. \n",
    #   "    Your input genes have fewer than 4 observations or they are constant.\n",
    #   "    WGCNA cannot be used for these data. Hint: collect more arrays or input genes that vary."));
    # output=list(NetworkScreening=data.frame(NS1=rep(NA, dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[2]] )),
    #            datME=rep(NA, dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[1]] ), EigengeneSignificance=NA , AAcriterion=NA)
    # return(output);

  datExprUsefulGenes <- as.matrix(datExpr)[, restrictGenes & !is.na(restrictGenes)]
  if (is.null(datME)) {
    mergeCutHeight1 <- dynamicMergeCut(n = dim(as.matrix(datExprUsefulGenes))[[1]])
    B <- blockwiseModules(datExprUsefulGenes,
      mergeCutHeight = mergeCutHeight1,
      TOMType = "none", power = power, networkType = networkType,
      detectCutHeight = detectCutHeight, minModuleSize = minModuleSize
    datME <- data.frame(B$MEs)

  if (dim(as.matrix(datME))[[1]] != dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[1]]) {
      "Numbers of samples in 'datME' and 'datExpr' are incompatible:",
      "dim(as.matrix(datME))[[1]] != dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[1]]"

  MMdata <- signedKME(datExpr = datExpr, datME = datME, outputColumnName = "MM.")
  MMdataPvalue <- as.matrix(corPvalueStudent(as.matrix(MMdata), nSamples = dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[1]]))
  dimnames(MMdataPvalue)[[2]] <- paste("Pvalue", names(MMdata), sep = ".")

  NS1 <- networkScreening(y = y, datME = datME, datExpr = datExpr, getQValues = getQValues)
  # here we compute the eigengene significance measures
  ES <- data.frame(cor(y, datME, use = "p"))

  ESvector <- as.vector(as.matrix(ES))
  EScounts <- tapply(abs(ESvector), cut(abs(ESvector), seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = .1)), length)
  EScounts[is.na(EScounts)] <- 0

  rr <- max(abs(ES), na.rm = TRUE)
  AAcriterion <- sqrt(length(y) - 2) * rr / sqrt(1 - rr^2)

  ESy <- (1 + max(abs(ES), na.rm = TRUE)) / 2
  ES <- data.frame(ES, ESy = ESy)

  ESy <- (1 + max(abs(ES), na.rm = TRUE)) / 2
  ES <- data.frame(ES, ESy = ESy)

  # to avoid dividing by zero, we set correlation that are 1 equal to .9999
  ES.999 <- as.numeric(as.vector(ES))
  ES.999[!is.na(ES) & ES > 0.9999] <- .9999
  ES.pvalue <- corPvalueStudent(cor = abs(ES.999), nSamples = sum(!is.na(y)))
  ES.pvalue[length(ES.999)] <- 0
  EigengeneSignificance.pvalue <- data.frame(matrix(ES.pvalue, nrow = 1))
  names(EigengeneSignificance.pvalue) <- names(ES)

  datME <- data.frame(datME, y = y)
  names(ES) <- paste("ES", substr(names(ES), 3, 100), sep = "")

  print(signif(ES, 2))

  output <- list(
    networkScreening = data.frame(NS1, MMdata, MMdataPvalue), datME = data.frame(datME),
    eigengeneSignificance = data.frame(ES),
    EScounts = EScounts,
    eigengeneSignificance.pvalue = EigengeneSignificance.pvalue,
    AAcriterion = AAcriterion

} # end of function automaticNetworkScreening

# automaticNetworkScreeningGS

automaticNetworkScreeningGS <- function(
                                        datExpr, GS,
                                        power = 6, networkType = "unsigned", detectCutHeight = 0.995,
                                        minModuleSize = min(20, ncol(as.matrix(datExpr)) / 2), datME = NULL) {
  if (!is.numeric(GS)) {
    stop("Gene significance 'GS' is not numeric.")
  if (dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[2]] != length(GS)) {
    stop("length of gene significance variable GS does not equal the number of columns of datExpr.")

  mergeCutHeight1 <- dynamicMergeCut(n = dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[1]])
  nAvailable <- apply(as.matrix(!is.na(datExpr)), 2, sum)
  ExprVariance <- apply(as.matrix(datExpr), 2, var, na.rm = TRUE)
  restrictGenes <- nAvailable >= 4 & ExprVariance > 0
  numberUsefulGenes <- sum(restrictGenes, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (numberUsefulGenes < 3) {
      "IMPORTANT: there are not enough useful genes. \n",
      "    Your input genes have fewer than 4 observations or they are constant.\n",
      "    WGCNA cannot be used for these data. Hint: collect more arrays or input genes that vary."
    # output=list(NetworkScreening=data.frame(NS1=rep(NA, dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[2]]))  , datME=rep(NA,
    # dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[1]])    , hubGeneSignificance=NA);
  } # end of if
  datExprUsefulGenes <- as.matrix(datExpr)[, restrictGenes & !is.na(restrictGenes)]

  if (is.null(datME)) {
    B <- blockwiseModules(datExprUsefulGenes,
      mergeCutHeight = mergeCutHeight1,
      TOMType = "none", power = power, networkType = networkType,
      detectCutHeight = detectCutHeight, minModuleSize = minModuleSize
    datME <- data.frame(B$MEs)
  } # end of if
  MMdata <- signedKME(datExpr = datExpr, datME = datME, outputColumnName = "MM.")
  MMdataPvalue <- as.matrix(corPvalueStudent(as.matrix(MMdata), nSamples = dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[1]]))
  dimnames(MMdataPvalue)[[2]] <- paste("Pvalue", names(MMdata), sep = ".")

  NS1 <- networkScreeningGS(datExpr = datExpr, datME = datME, GS = GS)
  # here we compute the eigengene significance measures
  HGS1 <- data.frame(as.matrix(t(hubGeneSignificance(MMdata^3, GS^3)), nrow = 1))
  datME <- data.frame(datME)
  names(HGS1) <- paste("HGS", substr(names(MMdata), 4, 100), sep = "")
  # now we compute the AA criterion
  print(signif(HGS1, 2))
  output <- list(
    networkScreening = data.frame(NS1, MMdata, MMdataPvalue), datME = data.frame(datME),
    hubGeneSignificance = data.frame(HGS1)
} # end of function automaticNetworkScreeningGS

#  hubGeneSignificance

# The following function computes the hub gene significance as defined in
# in the paper Horvath and Dong. Input a data frame with possibly signed
# module membership measures ( also known as module eigengene based connectivity
# kME. Further it requires a possibly signed gene significance measure.
# GS=0 means that the gene is not significant, high positive or negative values mean
# that it is significant.
# The input to this function can include the sign of the correlation.
hubGeneSignificance <- function(datKME, GS) {
  nMEs <- dim(as.matrix(datKME))[[2]]
  nGenes <- dim(as.matrix(datKME))[[1]]
  if (length(GS) != nGenes) {
    stop("Numbers of genes in 'datKME' and 'GS' are not compatible. ")
  Kmax <- as.numeric(apply(as.matrix(abs(datKME)), 2, max, na.rm = TRUE))
  Kmax[Kmax == 0] <- 1
  datKME <- scale(datKME, center = FALSE, scale = Kmax)
  sumKsq <- as.numeric(apply(as.matrix(datKME^2), 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE))
  sumKsq[sumKsq == 0] <- 1
  HGS <- as.numeric(apply(I(GS) * datKME, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)) / sumKsq
} # end of function hubGeneSignificance

#  networkScreeningGS

networkScreeningGS <- function(datExpr, datME, GS,
                               oddPower = 3,
                               blockSize = 1000,
                               minimumSampleSize = ..minNSamples,
                               addGS = TRUE) {
  oddPower <- as.integer(oddPower)
  if (as.integer(oddPower / 2) == oddPower / 2) {
    oddPower <- oddPower + 1
  nMEs <- dim(as.matrix(datME))[[2]]
  nGenes <- dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[2]]
  GS.Weighted <- rep(0, nGenes)

  if (dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[1]] != dim(as.matrix(datME))[[1]]) {
      "Expression data and the module eigengenes have different\n",
      "      numbers of observations (arrays). Specifically:\n",
      "      dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[1]] != dim(as.matrix(datME))[[1]] "

  if (dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[2]] != length(GS)) {
      "The number of genes in the expression data does not match\n",
      "      the length of the genes significance variable. Specifically:\n",
      "       dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[2]] != length(GS)   "

  nAvailable <- apply(as.matrix(!is.na(datExpr)), 2, sum)
  ExprVariance <- apply(as.matrix(datExpr), 2, var, na.rm = TRUE)
  restrictGenes <- nAvailable >= 4 & ExprVariance > 0
  numberUsefulGenes <- sum(restrictGenes, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (numberUsefulGenes < 3) {
      "IMPORTANT: there are fewer than 3 useful genes. \n",
      "    Violations: either fewer than 4 observations or they are constant.\n",
      "    WGCNA cannot be used for these data. Hint: collect more arrays or input genes that vary."
    # datout=data.frame(GS.Weighted=rep(NA, dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[2]]), GS=GS)
  } # end of if

  nBlocks <- as.integer(nMEs / blockSize)
  if (nBlocks > 0) {
    for (i in 1:nBlocks)
      printFlush(paste("block number = ", i))
      index1 <- c(1:blockSize) + (i - 1) * blockSize
      datMEBatch <- datME[, index1]
      datKMEBatch <- as.matrix(signedKME(datExpr, datMEBatch, outputColumnName = "MM."))
      ESBatch <- hubGeneSignificance(datKMEBatch^oddPower, GS^oddPower)
      # the following omits the diagonal when datME=datExpr
      if (nGenes == nMEs) {
        diag(datKMEBatch[index1, ]) <- 0
        # missing values will not be used
        datKMEBatch[is.na(datKMEBatch)] <- 0
        ESBatch[is.na(ESBatch)] <- 0
      } # end of if
      GS.WeightedBatch <- as.matrix(datKMEBatch)^oddPower %*% as.matrix(ESBatch)
      GS.Weighted <- GS.Weighted + GS.WeightedBatch
  } # end of for (i in 1:nBlocks
  if (nMEs - nBlocks * blockSize > 0) {
    restindex <- c((nBlocks * blockSize + 1):nMEs)
    datMEBatch <- datME[, restindex]
    datKMEBatch <- as.matrix(signedKME(datExpr, datMEBatch, outputColumnName = "MM."))
    ESBatch <- hubGeneSignificance(datKMEBatch^oddPower, GS^oddPower)
    # the following omits the diagonal when datME=datExpr
    if (nGenes == nMEs) {
      diag(datKMEBatch[restindex, ]) <- 0
      # missing values will not be used
      datKMEBatch[is.na(datKMEBatch)] <- 0
      ESBatch[is.na(ESBatch)] <- 0
    } # end of if (nGenes==nMEs)
    GS.WeightedBatch <- as.matrix(datKMEBatch)^oddPower %*% ESBatch
    GS.Weighted <- GS.Weighted + GS.WeightedBatch
  } # end of if (nMEs-nBlocks*blockSize>0 )
  GS.Weighted <- GS.Weighted / nMEs
  GS.Weighted[nAvailable < minimumSampleSize] <- NA

  rankGS.Weighted <- rank(-GS.Weighted, ties.method = "first")
  rankGS <- rank(-GS, ties.method = "first")
  printFlush(paste("Proportion of agreement between GS.Weighted and GS:"))
  for (i in c(10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000))
      "Top ", i, " list of genes: prop. of agreement = ",
      signif(sum(rankGS.Weighted <= i & rankGS <= i, na.rm = TRUE) / i, 3)
  } # end of for loop
  if (mean(abs(GS.Weighted), na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
    GS.Weighted <- GS.Weighted / mean(abs(GS.Weighted), na.rm = TRUE) * mean(abs(GS), na.rm = TRUE)
  if (addGS) GS.Weighted <- apply(data.frame(GS.Weighted, GS), 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
  datout <- data.frame(GS.Weighted, GS)

} # end of function

# networkScreening

networkScreening <- function(
                             y, datME, datExpr,
                             corFnc = "cor", corOptions = "use = 'p'",
                             oddPower = 3,
                             blockSize = 1000,
                             minimumSampleSize = ..minNSamples,
                             addMEy = TRUE, removeDiag = FALSE,
                             weightESy = 0.5,
                             getQValues = TRUE) {
  oddPower <- as.integer(oddPower)
  if (as.integer(oddPower / 2) == oddPower / 2) {
    oddPower <- oddPower + 1
  nMEs <- dim(as.matrix(datME))[[2]]
  nGenes <- dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[2]]
  # Here we add y as extra ME
  if (nGenes > nMEs & addMEy) {
    datME <- data.frame(y, datME)
  nMEs <- dim(as.matrix(datME))[[2]]
  RawCor.Weighted <- rep(0, nGenes)
  # Cor.Standard= as.numeric(cor(y,datExpr,use= "p") )
  corExpr <- parse(text = paste("as.numeric( ", corFnc, "(y,datExpr ", prepComma(corOptions), "))"))
  Cor.Standard <- eval(corExpr)

  NoAvailable <- apply(!is.na(datExpr), 2, sum)
  Cor.Standard[NoAvailable < minimumSampleSize] <- NA
  if (nGenes == 1) {
    # RawCor.Weighted=as.numeric(cor(y,datExpr,use= "p") )
    corExpr <- parse(text = paste("as.numeric(", corFnc, "(y,datExpr ", prepComma(corOptions), "))"))
    RawCor.Weighted <- eval(corExpr)
  start <- 1
  i <- 1
  while (start <= nMEs) {
    end <- min(start + blockSize - 1, nMEs)
    if (i > 1 || end < nMEs) printFlush(paste("block number = ", i))
    index1 <- c(start:end)
    datMEBatch <- datME[, index1]
    datKMEBatch <- as.matrix(signedKME(datExpr, datMEBatch,
      outputColumnName = "MM.",
      corFnc = corFnc, corOptions = corOptions
    # ES.CorBatch= as.vector(cor(  as.numeric(as.character(y))  ,datMEBatch, use="p"))
    corExpr <- parse(text = paste(
      "as.vector( ", corFnc, "(  as.numeric(as.character(y))  ,datMEBatch",
      prepComma(corOptions), "))"
    ES.CorBatch <- eval(corExpr)

    # weightESy
    ES.CorBatch[ES.CorBatch > .999] <- weightESy * 1 + (1 - weightESy) *
      max(abs(ES.CorBatch[ES.CorBatch < .999]), na.rm = TRUE)
    # the following omits the diagonal when datME=datExpr
    if (nGenes == nMEs & removeDiag) {
      diag(datKMEBatch[index1, ]) <- 0
    if (nGenes == nMEs) {
      # missing values will not be used
      datKMEBatch[is.na(datKMEBatch)] <- 0
      ES.CorBatch[is.na(ES.CorBatch)] <- 0
    } # end of if
    RawCor.WeightedBatch <- as.matrix(datKMEBatch)^oddPower %*% as.matrix(ES.CorBatch^oddPower)
    RawCor.Weighted <- RawCor.Weighted + RawCor.WeightedBatch
    start <- end + 1
  } # end of while (start <= nMEs)
  RawCor.Weighted <- RawCor.Weighted / nMEs
  RawCor.Weighted[NoAvailable < minimumSampleSize] <- NA
  # to avoid dividing by zero we scale it as follows
  if (max(abs(RawCor.Weighted), na.rm = TRUE) == 1) RawCor.Weighted <- RawCor.Weighted / 1.0000001
  if (max(abs(Cor.Standard), na.rm = TRUE) == 1) Cor.Standard <- Cor.Standard / 1.0000001
  RawZ.Weighted <- sqrt(NoAvailable - 2) * RawCor.Weighted / sqrt(1 - RawCor.Weighted^2)
  Z.Standard <- sqrt(NoAvailable - 2) * Cor.Standard / sqrt(1 - Cor.Standard^2)

  if (sum(abs(Z.Standard), na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
    Z.Weighted <- RawZ.Weighted / sum(abs(RawZ.Weighted), na.rm = TRUE) * sum(abs(Z.Standard), na.rm = TRUE)
  } # end of if
  h1 <- Z.Weighted / sqrt(NoAvailable - 2)
  Cor.Weighted <- h1 / sqrt(1 + h1^2)
  p.Weighted <- as.numeric(2 * (1 - pt(abs(Z.Weighted), NoAvailable - 2)))
  p.Standard <- 2 * (1 - pt(abs(Z.Standard), NoAvailable - 2))

  if (getQValues) {
    # since the function qvalue cannot handle missing data, we set missing p-values to 1.
    p.Weighted2 <- p.Weighted
    p.Standard2 <- p.Standard
    p.Weighted2[is.na(p.Weighted)] <- 1
    p.Standard2[is.na(p.Standard)] <- 1

    q.Weighted <- try(qvalue(p.Weighted2)$qvalues, silent = TRUE)
    q.Standard <- try(qvalue(p.Standard2)$qvalues, silent = TRUE)

    if (class(q.Weighted) == "try-error") {
      warning("Calculation of weighted q-values failed; the q-values will be returned as NAs.")
      q.Weighted <- rep(NA, length(p.Weighted))
    if (class(q.Standard) == "try-error") {
      warning("Calculation of standard q-values failed; the q-values will be returned as NAs.")
      q.Standard <- rep(NA, length(p.Standard))
  } else {
    q.Weighted <- rep(NA, length(p.Weighted))
    q.Standard <- rep(NA, length(p.Standard))
    if (getQValues) {
      printFlush("networkScreening: Warning: package qvalue not found. q-values will not be calculated.")
  rankCor.Weighted <- rank(-abs(Cor.Weighted), ties.method = "first")
  rankCor.Standard <- rank(-abs(Cor.Standard), ties.method = "first")
  printFlush(paste("Proportion of agreement between lists based on abs(Cor.Weighted) and abs(Cor.Standard):"))
  for (i in c(10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000))
      "Top ", i, " list of genes: prop. agree = ",
      signif(sum(rankCor.Weighted <= i & rankCor.Standard <= i, na.rm = TRUE) / i, 3)
  } # end of for loop

  datout <- data.frame(
    p.Weighted, q.Weighted, Cor.Weighted, Z.Weighted,
    p.Standard, q.Standard, Cor.Standard, Z.Standard
  names(datout) <- sub("Cor", corFnc, names(datout), fixed = TRUE)
} # end of function

# Functions included from NetworkFunctions-PL-07.R
# Selected ones only

# labeledHeatmap.R

# .reverseRows = function(Matrix)

.reverseRows <- function(Matrix) {
  ind <- seq(from = dim(Matrix)[1], to = 1, by = -1)
  Matrix[ind, ]
  # Matrix

.extend <- function(x, n) {
  nRep <- ceiling(n / length(x))
  rep(x, nRep)[1:n]

# Adapt a numeric index to a subset
# Aim: if 'index' is a numeric index of special entries of a vector,
#    create a new index that references 'subset' elements of the vector
.restrictIndex <- function(index, subset) {
  out <- match(index, subset)

# labeledHeatmap
# This function plots a heatmap of the specified matrix
# and labels the x and y axes wit the given labels.
# It is assumed that the number of entries in xLabels and yLabels is consistent
# with the dimensions in.
# If colorLabels==TRUE, the labels are not printed and instead interpreted as colors --
#  -- a simple symbol with the appropriate color is printed instead of the label.
# The x,yLabels are expected to have the form "..color" as in "MEgrey" or "PCturquoise".
# xSymbol, ySymbols are additional markers that can be placed next to color labels

labeledHeatmap <- function(
                           xLabels, yLabels = NULL,
                           xSymbols = NULL, ySymbols = NULL,
                           colorLabels = NULL,
                           xColorLabels = FALSE, yColorLabels = FALSE,
                           checkColorsValid = TRUE,
                           invertColors = FALSE,
                           setStdMargins = TRUE,
                           xLabelsPosition = "bottom",
                           xLabelsAngle = 45,
                           xLabelsAdj = 1,
                           yLabelsPosition = "left",
                           xColorWidth = 2 * strheight("M"),
                           yColorWidth = 2 * strwidth("M"),
                           xColorOffset = strheight("M") / 3,
                           yColorOffset = strwidth("M") / 3,
                           # Content of heatmap
                           colors = NULL,
                           naColor = "grey",
                           textMatrix = NULL, cex.text = NULL,
                           textAdj = c(0.5, 0.5),
                           # labeling of rows and columns
                           cex.lab = NULL,
                           cex.lab.x = cex.lab,
                           cex.lab.y = cex.lab,
                           colors.lab.x = 1,
                           colors.lab.y = 1,
                           font.lab.x = 1,
                           font.lab.y = 1,
                           bg.lab.x = NULL,
                           bg.lab.y = NULL,
                           x.adj.lab.y = 1,
                           plotLegend = TRUE,
                           keepLegendSpace = plotLegend,
                           # Separator line specification
                           verticalSeparator.x = NULL,
                           verticalSeparator.col = 1,
                           verticalSeparator.lty = 1,
                           verticalSeparator.lwd = 1,
                           verticalSeparator.ext = 0,

                           horizontalSeparator.y = NULL,
                           horizontalSeparator.col = 1,
                           horizontalSeparator.lty = 1,
                           horizontalSeparator.lwd = 1,
                           horizontalSeparator.ext = 0,
                           # optional restrictions on which rows and columns to actually show
                           showRows = NULL,
                           showCols = NULL,
                           # Other arguments...
                           ...) {
  textFnc <- match.fun("text")
  if (!is.null(colorLabels)) {
    xColorLabels <- colorLabels
    yColorLabels <- colorLabels

  if (is.null(yLabels) & (!is.null(xLabels)) & (dim(Matrix)[1] == dim(Matrix)[2])) {
    yLabels <- xLabels

  nCols <- ncol(Matrix)
  nRows <- nrow(Matrix)

  if (length(xLabels) != nCols) {
    stop("Length of 'xLabels' must equal the number of columns in 'Matrix.'")

  if (length(yLabels) != nRows) {
    stop("Length of 'yLabels' must equal the number of rows in 'Matrix.'")

  if (is.null(showRows)) showRows <- c(1:nRows)
  if (is.null(showCols)) showCols <- c(1:nCols)

  nShowCols <- length(showCols)
  nShowRows <- length(showRows)

  if (nShowCols == 0) stop("'showCols' is empty.")
  if (nShowRows == 0) stop("'showRows' is empty.")

  if (checkColorsValid) {
    xValidColors <- !is.na(match(substring(xLabels, 3), colors()))
    yValidColors <- !is.na(match(substring(yLabels, 3), colors()))
  } else {
    xValidColors <- rep(TRUE, length(xLabels))
    yValidColors <- rep(TRUE, length(yLabels))

  if (sum(xValidColors) > 0) xColorLabInd <- xValidColors[showCols]
  if (sum(!xValidColors) > 0) xTextLabInd <- !xValidColors[showCols]

  if (sum(yValidColors) > 0) yColorLabInd <- yValidColors[showRows]
  if (sum(!yValidColors) > 0) yTextLabInd <- !yValidColors[showRows]

  if (setStdMargins) {
    if (xColorLabels & yColorLabels) {
      par(mar = c(2, 2, 3, 5) + 0.2)
    } else {
      par(mar = c(7, 7, 3, 5) + 0.2)

  xLabels.show <- xLabels[showCols]
  yLabels.show <- yLabels[showRows]

  if (!is.null(xSymbols)) {
    if (length(xSymbols) != nCols) {
      stop("When 'xSymbols' are given, their length must equal the number of columns in 'Matrix.'")
    xSymbols.show <- xSymbols[showCols]
  } else {
    xSymbols.show <- NULL

  if (!is.null(ySymbols)) {
    if (length(ySymbols) != nRows) {
      stop("When 'ySymbols' are given, their length must equal the number of rows in 'Matrix.'")
    ySymbols.show <- ySymbols[showRows]
  } else {
    ySymbols.show <- NULL

  xLabPos <- charmatch(xLabelsPosition, c("bottom", "top"))
  if (is.na(xLabPos)) {
    stop("Argument 'xLabelsPosition' must be (a unique abbreviation of) 'bottom', 'top'")

  yLabPos <- charmatch(yLabelsPosition, c("left", "right"))
  if (is.na(yLabPos)) {
    stop("Argument 'yLabelsPosition' must be (a unique abbreviation of) 'left', 'right'")

  if (is.null(colors)) colors <- heat.colors(30)
  if (invertColors) colors <- rev(colors)

  labPos <- .heatmapWithLegend(Matrix[showRows, showCols, drop = FALSE],
    signed = FALSE, colors = colors, naColor = naColor, cex.legend = cex.lab,
    plotLegend = plotLegend, keepLegendSpace = keepLegendSpace, ...
  plotbox <- labPos$box
  xmin <- plotbox[1]
  xmax <- plotbox[2]
  ymin <- plotbox[3]
  yrange <- plotbox[4] - ymin
  ymax <- plotbox[4]
  xrange <- xmax - xmin
  # The positions below are for showCols/showRows-restriceted data
  xLeft <- labPos$xLeft
  xRight <- labPos$xRight
  yTop <- labPos$yTop
  yBot <- labPos$yBot

  xspacing <- labPos$xMid[2] - labPos$xMid[1]
  yspacing <- abs(labPos$yMid[2] - labPos$yMid[1])

  offsetx <- .extend(xColorOffset, nCols)[showCols]
  offsety <- .extend(yColorOffset, nRows)[showRows]
  xColW <- xColorWidth
  yColW <- yColorWidth

  # Additional angle-dependent offsets for x axis labels
  textOffsetY <- strheight("M") * cos(xLabelsAngle / 180 * pi)

  if (any(xValidColors)) offsetx <- offsetx + xColW
  if (any(yValidColors)) offsety <- offsety + yColW

  # Create the background for column and row labels.

  extension.left <- par("mai")[2] * # left margin width in inches
    par("cxy")[1] / par("cin")[1] # character size in user corrdinates/character size in inches

  extension.right <- par("mai")[4] * # right margin width in inches
    par("cxy")[1] / par("cin")[1] # character size in user corrdinates/character size in inches

  extension.bottom <- par("mai")[1] *
    par("cxy")[2] / par("cin")[2] - # character size in user corrdinates/character size in inches

  extension.top <- par("mai")[3] *
    par("cxy")[2] / par("cin")[2] - # character size in user corrdinates/character size in inches

  figureBox <- par("usr")
  figXrange <- figureBox[2] - figureBox[1]
  figYrange <- figureBox[4] - figureBox[3]
  if (!is.null(bg.lab.x)) {
    bg.lab.x <- .extend(bg.lab.x, nCols)[showCols]
    if (xLabPos == 1) {
      y0 <- ymin
      ext <- extension.bottom
      sign <- 1
    } else {
      y0 <- ymax
      ext <- extension.top
      sign <- -1
    figureDims <- par("pin")
    angle <- xLabelsAngle / 180 * pi
    ratio <- figureDims[1] / figureDims[2] * figYrange / figXrange
    ext.x <- -sign * ext * 1 / tan(angle) / ratio
    ext.y <- sign * ext * sign(sin(angle))

    offset <- (sum(xValidColors) > 0) * xColW + offsetx + textOffsetY

    for (cc in 1:nShowCols) {
        x = c(xLeft[cc], xLeft[cc], xLeft[cc] + ext.x, xRight[cc] + ext.x, xRight[cc], xRight[cc]),
        y = c(
          y0, y0 - sign * offset[cc], y0 - sign * offset[cc] - ext.y, y0 - sign * offset[cc] - ext.y,
          y0 - sign * offset[cc], y0
        border = bg.lab.x[cc], col = bg.lab.x[cc], xpd = TRUE

  if (!is.null(bg.lab.y)) {
    bg.lab.y <- .extend(bg.lab.y, nRows)
    reverseRows <- TRUE
    if (reverseRows) bg.lab.y <- rev(bg.lab.y)
    bg.lab.y <- bg.lab.y[showRows]

    if (yLabPos == 1) {
      xl <- xmin - extension.left
      xr <- xmin
    } else {
      xl <- xmax
      xr <- xmax + extension.right
    for (r in 1:nShowRows) {
      rect(xl, yBot[r], xr, yTop[r],
        col = bg.lab.y[r], border = bg.lab.y[r], xpd = TRUE

  colors.lab.x <- .extend(colors.lab.x, nCols)[showCols]
  font.lab.x <- .extend(font.lab.x, nCols)[showCols]
  # Write out labels
  if (sum(!xValidColors) > 0) {
    xLabYPos <- if (xLabPos == 1) ymin - offsetx - textOffsetY else ymax + offsetx + textOffsetY
    if (is.null(cex.lab)) cex.lab <- 1
      x = labPos$xMid[xTextLabInd],
      y = xLabYPos, labels = xLabels.show[xTextLabInd],
      col = colors.lab.x[xTextLabInd],
      font = font.lab.x[xTextLabInd],
      MoreArgs = list(
        srt = xLabelsAngle,
        adj = xLabelsAdj, xpd = TRUE, cex = cex.lab.x
  if (sum(xValidColors) > 0) {
    baseY <- if (xLabPos == 1) ymin - offsetx else ymax + offsetx
    deltaY <- if (xLabPos == 1) xColW else -xColW
      xleft = labPos$xMid[xColorLabInd] - xspacing / 2, ybottom = baseY[xColorLabInd],
      xright = labPos$xMid[xColorLabInd] + xspacing / 2, ytop = baseY[xColorLabInd] + deltaY,
      density = -1, col = substring(xLabels.show[xColorLabInd], 3),
      border = substring(xLabels.show[xColorLabInd], 3), xpd = TRUE
    if (!is.null(xSymbols)) {
        x = labPos$xMid[xColorLabInd],
        y = baseY[xColorLabInd] - textOffsetY - sign(deltaY) * strwidth("M") / 3,
        labels = xSymbols.show[xColorLabInd],
        col = colors.lab.x[xColorLabInd],
        font = font.lab.x[xColorLabInd],
        MoreArgs = list(
          adj = xLabelsAdj,
          xpd = TRUE, srt = xLabelsAngle, cex = cex.lab.x
  x.adj.lab.y <- .extend(x.adj.lab.y, nRows)[showRows]
  if (yLabPos == 1) {
    marginWidth <- par("mai")[2] / par("pin")[1] * xrange
  } else {
    marginWidth <- par("mai")[4] / par("pin")[1] * xrange
  xSpaceForYLabels <- marginWidth - 2 * strwidth("M") / 3 - ifelse(yValidColors[showRows], yColW, 0)
  xPosOfYLabels.relative <- xSpaceForYLabels * (1 - x.adj.lab.y) + offsety

  colors.lab.y <- .extend(colors.lab.y, nRows)[showRows]
  font.lab.y <- .extend(font.lab.y, nRows)[showRows]

  if (sum(!yValidColors) > 0) {
    if (is.null(cex.lab)) cex.lab <- 1
    if (yLabPos == 1) {
      x <- xmin - strwidth("M") / 3 - xPosOfYLabels.relative[yTextLabInd]
      adj <- x.adj.lab.y[yTextLabInd]
    } else {
      x <- xmax + strwidth("M") / 3 + xPosOfYLabels.relative[yTextLabInd]
      adj <- 1 - x.adj.lab.y[yTextLabInd]
      y = labPos$yMid[yTextLabInd], labels = yLabels.show[yTextLabInd],
      adj = lapply(adj, c, 0.5),
      x = x,
      col = colors.lab.y[yTextLabInd],
      font = font.lab.y[yTextLabInd],
      MoreArgs = list(srt = 0, xpd = TRUE, cex = cex.lab.y)
  if (sum(yValidColors) > 0) {
    if (yLabPos == 1) {
      xl <- xmin - offsety
      xr <- xmin - offsety + yColW
      xtext <- xmin - strwidth("M") / 3 - xPosOfYLabels.relative[yColorLabInd]
      adj <- x.adj.lab.y[yColorLabInd]
    } else {
      xl <- xmax + offsety - yColW
      xr <- xmax + offsety
      xtext <- xmin + strwidth("M") / 3 + xPosOfYLabels.relative[yColorLabInd]
      adj <- 1 - x.adj.lab.y[yColorLabInd]

      xleft = xl[yColorLabInd], ybottom = rev(labPos$yMid[yColorLabInd]) - yspacing / 2,
      xright = xr[yColorLabInd], ytop = rev(labPos$yMid[yColorLabInd]) + yspacing / 2,
      density = -1, col = substring(rev(yLabels.show[yColorLabInd]), 3),
      border = substring(rev(yLabels.show[yColorLabInd]), 3), xpd = TRUE
    # for (i in yColorLabInd)
    # {
    #  lines(c(xmin- offsetx, xmin- offsetx+yColW), y = rep(labPos$yMid[i] - yspacing/2, 2), col = i, xpd = TRUE)
    #  lines(c(xmin- offsetx, xmin- offsetx+yColW), y = rep(labPos$yMid[i] + yspacing/2, 2), col = i, xpd = TRUE)
    # }
    if (!is.null(ySymbols)) {
        y = labPos$yMid[yColorLabInd], labels = ySymbols.show[yColorLabInd],
        adj = lapply(adj, c, 0.5),
        x = xtext, col = colors.lab.y[yColorLabInd],
        font = font.lab.y[yColorLabInd],
        MoreArgs = list(srt = 0, xpd = TRUE, cex = cex.lab.y)

  # Draw separator lines, if requested

  showCols.ext <- c(if (1 %in% showCols) 0 else NULL, showCols)
  showCols.shift <- if (0 %in% showCols.ext) 1 else 0

  if (length(verticalSeparator.x) > 0) {
    if (any(verticalSeparator.x < 0 | verticalSeparator.x > nCols)) {
      stop("If given. 'verticalSeparator.x' must all be between 0 and the number of columns.")
    shownVertSep <- verticalSeparator.x[verticalSeparator.x %in% showCols.ext]
    verticalSeparator.x.show <- .restrictIndex(verticalSeparator.x, showCols.ext) - showCols.shift
    rowSepShowIndex <- match(shownVertSep, verticalSeparator.x)
  } else {
    verticalSeparator.x.show <- NULL

  if (length(verticalSeparator.x.show) > 0) {
    nLines <- length(verticalSeparator.x)
    vs.col <- .extend(verticalSeparator.col, nLines)[rowSepShowIndex]
    vs.lty <- .extend(verticalSeparator.lty, nLines)[rowSepShowIndex]
    vs.lwd <- .extend(verticalSeparator.lwd, nLines)[rowSepShowIndex]
    vs.ext <- .extend(verticalSeparator.ext, nLines)[rowSepShowIndex]

    x.lines <- ifelse(verticalSeparator.x.show > 0, labPos$xRight[verticalSeparator.x.show], labPos$xLeft[1])
    nLines.show <- length(verticalSeparator.x.show)
    for (l in 1:nLines.show) {
      lines(rep(x.lines[l], 2), c(ymin, ymax), col = vs.col[l], lty = vs.lty[l], lwd = vs.lwd[l])

    angle <- xLabelsAngle / 180 * pi
    if (angle == 0) angle <- pi / 2
    if (xLabelsPosition == "bottom") {
      sign <- 1
      y0 <- ymin
      ext <- extension.bottom
    } else {
      sign <- -1
      y0 <- ymax
      ext <- extension.top
    figureDims <- par("pin")
    ratio <- figureDims[1] / figureDims[2] * figYrange / figXrange
    ext.x <- -sign * ext * 1 / tan(angle) / ratio
    ext.y <- sign * ext * sign(sin(angle))
    offset <- (sum(xValidColors) > 0) * xColW + offsetx + textOffsetY
    for (l in 1:nLines.show) {
      lines(c(x.lines[l], x.lines[l], x.lines[l] + vs.ext[l] * ext.x[l]),
        c(y0, y0 - sign * offset[l], y0 - sign * offset[l] - vs.ext[l] * ext.y[l]),
        col = vs.col[l], lty = vs.lty[l], lwd = vs.lwd[l], xpd = TRUE

  showRows.ext <- c(if (1 %in% showRows) 0 else NULL, showRows)
  showRows.shift <- if (0 %in% showRows.ext) 1 else 0

  if (length(horizontalSeparator.y) > 0) {
    if (any(horizontalSeparator.y < 0 | horizontalSeparator.y > nRows)) {
      stop("If given. 'horizontalSeparator.y' must all be between 0 and the number of rows.")
    shownHorizSep <- horizontalSeparator.y[horizontalSeparator.y %in% showRows.ext]
    horizontalSeparator.y.show <- .restrictIndex(horizontalSeparator.y, showRows.ext) - showRows.shift
    rowSepShowIndex <- match(shownHorizSep, horizontalSeparator.y)
  } else {
    horizontalSeparator.y.show <- NULL

  if (length(horizontalSeparator.y.show) > 0) {
    reverseRows <- TRUE
    if (reverseRows) {
      horizontalSeparator.y.show <- nShowRows - horizontalSeparator.y.show + 1
      y.lines <- ifelse(horizontalSeparator.y.show <= nShowRows,
        labPos$yBot[horizontalSeparator.y.show], labPos$yTop[nShowRows]
    } else {
      y.lines <- ifelse(horizontalSeparator.y.show > 0, labPos$yBot[horizontalSeparator.y.show], labPos$yTop[1])
    nLines <- length(horizontalSeparator.y)
    vs.col <- .extend(horizontalSeparator.col, nLines)[rowSepShowIndex]
    vs.lty <- .extend(horizontalSeparator.lty, nLines)[rowSepShowIndex]
    vs.lwd <- .extend(horizontalSeparator.lwd, nLines)[rowSepShowIndex]
    vs.ext <- .extend(horizontalSeparator.ext, nLines)[rowSepShowIndex]
    nLines.show <- length(horizontalSeparator.y.show)
    for (l in 1:nLines.show)
      if (yLabPos == 1) {
        xl <- xmin - vs.ext[l] * extension.left
        xr <- xmax
      } else {
        xl <- xmin
        xr <- xmax + vs.ext[l] * extension.right

      lines(c(xl, xr), rep(y.lines[l], 2),
        col = vs.col[l], lty = vs.lty[l], lwd = vs.lwd[l], xpd = TRUE

  if (!is.null(textMatrix)) {
    if (is.null(cex.text)) cex.text <- par("cex")
    if (is.null(dim(textMatrix))) {
      if (length(textMatrix) == prod(dim(Matrix))) dim(textMatrix) <- dim(Matrix)
    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(dim(textMatrix), dim(Matrix)))) {
      stop("labeledHeatmap: textMatrix was given, but has dimensions incompatible with Matrix.")
    for (rw in 1:nShowRows) {
      for (cl in 1:nShowCols)
        text(labPos$xMid[cl], labPos$yMid[rw],
          as.character(textMatrix[showRows[rw], showCols[cl]]),
          xpd = TRUE, cex = cex.text, adj = textAdj
  axis(1, labels = FALSE, tick = FALSE)
  axis(2, labels = FALSE, tick = FALSE)
  axis(3, labels = FALSE, tick = FALSE)
  axis(4, labels = FALSE, tick = FALSE)

# ===================================================================================================
# multi-page labeled heatmap
# ===================================================================================================

labeledHeatmap.multiPage <- function(
                                     # Input data and ornament[s
                                     xLabels, yLabels = NULL,
                                     xSymbols = NULL, ySymbols = NULL,
                                     textMatrix = NULL,

                                     # Paging options
                                     rowsPerPage = NULL, maxRowsPerPage = 20,
                                     colsPerPage = NULL, maxColsPerPage = 10,
                                     addPageNumberToMain = TRUE,

                                     # Further arguments to labeledHeatmap
                                     zlim = NULL,
                                     signed = TRUE,
                                     main = "",

                                     verticalSeparator.x = NULL,
                                     verticalSeparator.col = 1,
                                     verticalSeparator.lty = 1,
                                     verticalSeparator.lwd = 1,
                                     verticalSeparator.ext = 0,

                                     horizontalSeparator.y = NULL,
                                     horizontalSeparator.col = 1,
                                     horizontalSeparator.lty = 1,
                                     horizontalSeparator.lwd = 1,
                                     horizontalSeparator.ext = 0,

                                     ...) {
  nr <- nrow(Matrix)
  nc <- ncol(Matrix)

  if (is.null(rowsPerPage)) {
    nPages.rows <- ceiling(nr / maxRowsPerPage)
    rowsPerPage <- allocateJobs(nr, nPages.rows)
  } else {
    nPages.rows <- length(rowsPerPage)

  if (is.null(colsPerPage)) {
    nPages.cols <- ceiling(nc / maxColsPerPage)
    colsPerPage <- allocateJobs(nc, nPages.cols)
  } else {
    nPages.cols <- length(colsPerPage)

  if (is.null(zlim)) {
    zlim <- range(Matrix, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (signed) zlim <- c(-max(abs(zlim)), max(abs(zlim)))

  if (!is.null(verticalSeparator.x)) {
    nvs <- length(verticalSeparator.x)
    verticalSeparator.col <- .extend(verticalSeparator.col, nvs)
    verticalSeparator.lty <- .extend(verticalSeparator.lty, nvs)
    verticalSeparator.lwd <- .extend(verticalSeparator.lwd, nvs)
    verticalSeparator.ext <- .extend(verticalSeparator.ext, nvs)

  if (!is.null(horizontalSeparator.y)) {
    nhs <- length(horizontalSeparator.y)
    horizontalSeparator.col <- .extend(horizontalSeparator.col, nhs)
    horizontalSeparator.lty <- .extend(horizontalSeparator.lty, nhs)
    horizontalSeparator.lwd <- .extend(horizontalSeparator.lwd, nhs)
    horizontalSeparator.ext <- .extend(horizontalSeparator.ext, nhs)

  page <- 1
  multiPage <- (nPages.cols > 1 | nPages.rows > 1)

  for (page.col in 1:nPages.cols) {
    for (page.row in 1:nPages.rows)
      rows <- rowsPerPage[[page.row]]
      cols <- colsPerPage[[page.col]]
      if (!is.null(verticalSeparator.x)) {
        keep.vs <- verticalSeparator.x %in% cols
      } else {
        keep.vs <- numeric(0)
      if (!is.null(horizontalSeparator.y)) {
        keep.hs <- horizontalSeparator.y %in% rows
      } else {
        keep.hs <- numeric(0)

      main.1 <- main
      if (addPageNumberToMain & multiPage) main.1 <- spaste(main, "(page ", page, ")")
        Matrix = Matrix[rows, cols, drop = FALSE],
        xLabels = xLabels[cols], xSymbols = xSymbols[cols],
        yLabels = yLabels[rows], ySymbols = ySymbols[rows],
        textMatrix = textMatrix[rows, cols, drop = FALSE],
        zlim = zlim, main = main.1,
        verticalSeparator.x = verticalSeparator.x[keep.vs] - min(cols) + 1,
        verticalSeparator.col = verticalSeparator.col[keep.vs],
        verticalSeparator.lty = verticalSeparator.lty[keep.vs],
        verticalSeparator.lwd = verticalSeparator.lwd[keep.vs],
        verticalSeparator.ext = verticalSeparator.ext[keep.vs],

        horizontalSeparator.y = horizontalSeparator.y[keep.hs] - min(rows) + 1,
        horizontalSeparator.col = horizontalSeparator.col[keep.hs],
        horizontalSeparator.lty = horizontalSeparator.lty[keep.hs],
        horizontalSeparator.lwd = horizontalSeparator.lwd[keep.hs],
        horizontalSeparator.ext = horizontalSeparator.ext[keep.hs],
      page <- page + 1

# labeledBarplot = function ( Matrix, labels, ... ) {
# Plots a barplot of the Matrix and writes the labels underneath such that they are readable.

labeledBarplot <- function(Matrix, labels, colorLabels = FALSE, colored = TRUE,
                           setStdMargins = TRUE, stdErrors = NULL, cex.lab = NULL,
                           xLabelsAngle = 45, ...) {
  if (setStdMargins) par(mar = c(3, 3, 2, 2) + 0.2)

  if (colored) {
    colors <- substring(labels, 3)
  } else {
    colors <- rep("grey", times = ifelse(length(dim(Matrix)) < 2, length(Matrix), dim(Matrix)[[2]]))

  ValidColors <- !is.na(match(substring(labels, 3), colors()))

  if (sum(ValidColors) > 0) ColorLabInd <- c(1:length(labels))[ValidColors]
  if (sum(!ValidColors) > 0) TextLabInd <- c(1:length(labels))[!ValidColors]

  colors[!ValidColors] <- "grey"

  mp <- barplot(Matrix, col = colors, xaxt = "n", xlab = "", yaxt = "n", ...)

  if (length(dim(Matrix)) == 2) {
    means <- apply(Matrix, 2, sum)
  } else {
    means <- Matrix

  if (!is.null(stdErrors)) addErrorBars(means, 1.96 * stdErrors, two.side = TRUE)

  # axis(1, labels = FALSE)
  nlabels <- length(labels)
  plotbox <- par("usr")
  xmin <- plotbox[1]
  xmax <- plotbox[2]
  ymin <- plotbox[3]
  yrange <- plotbox[4] - ymin
  ymax <- plotbox[4]
  # print(paste("yrange:", yrange));
  if (nlabels > 1) {
    spacing <- (mp[length(mp)] - mp[1]) / (nlabels - 1)
  } else {
    spacing <- (xmax - xmin)
  yoffset <- yrange / 30
  xshift <- spacing / 2
  xrange <- spacing * nlabels
  if (is.null(cex.lab)) cex.lab <- 1
  if (colorLabels) {
    # rect(xshift + ((1:nlabels)-1)*spacing - spacing/2.1, ymin - spacing/2.1 - spacing/8,
    #     xshift + ((1:nlabels)-1)*spacing + spacing/2.1, ymin - spacing/8,
    #     density = -1,  col = substring(labels, 3), border = substring(labels, 3), xpd = TRUE)
    if (sum(!ValidColors) > 0) {
      text(mp[!ValidColors], ymin - 0.02,
        srt = 45,
        adj = 1, labels = labels[TextLabInd], xpd = TRUE, cex = cex.lab,
        srt = xLabelsAngle
    if (sum(ValidColors) > 0) {
      rect(mp[ValidColors] - spacing / 2.1, ymin - 2 * spacing / 2.1 * yrange / xrange - yoffset,
        mp[ValidColors] + spacing / 2.1, ymin - yoffset,
        density = -1, col = substring(labels[ValidColors], 3),
        border = substring(labels[ValidColors], 3), xpd = TRUE
  } else {
    text(((1:nlabels) - 1) * spacing + spacing / 2, ymin - 0.02 * yrange,
      srt = 45,
      adj = 1, labels = labels, xpd = TRUE, cex = cex.lab, srt = xLabelsAngle
  axis(2, labels = TRUE)

# sizeGrWindow
# if the current device isn't of the required dimensions, close it and open a new one.

sizeGrWindow <- function(width, height) {
  din <- par("din")
  if ((din[1] != width) | (din[2] != height)) {
    dev.new(width = width, height = height)

# ======================================================================================================
# GreenToRed.R
# ======================================================================================================

greenBlackRed <- function(n, gamma = 1) {
  half <- as.integer(n / 2)
  red <- c(rep(0, times = half), 0, seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = half)^(1 / gamma))
  green <- c(seq(from = 1, to = 0, length.out = half)^(1 / gamma), rep(0, times = half + 1))
  blue <- rep(0, times = 2 * half + 1)
  col <- rgb(red, green, blue, maxColorValue = 1)

greenWhiteRed <- function(n, gamma = 1, warn = TRUE) {
  if (warn) {
      "WGCNA::greenWhiteRed: this palette is not suitable for people\n",
      "with green-red color blindness (the most common kind of color blindness).\n",
      "Consider using the function blueWhiteRed instead."
  half <- as.integer(n / 2)
  red <- c(seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = half)^(1 / gamma), rep(1, times = half + 1))
  green <- c(rep(1, times = half + 1), seq(from = 1, to = 0, length.out = half)^(1 / gamma))
  blue <- c(
    seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = half)^(1 / gamma), 1,
    seq(from = 1, to = 0, length.out = half)^(1 / gamma)
  col <- rgb(red, green, blue, maxColorValue = 1)

redWhiteGreen <- function(n, gamma = 1) {
  half <- as.integer(n / 2)
  green <- c(seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = half)^(1 / gamma), rep(1, times = half + 1))
  red <- c(rep(1, times = half + 1), seq(from = 1, to = 0, length.out = half)^(1 / gamma))
  blue <- c(
    seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = half)^(1 / gamma), 1,
    seq(from = 1, to = 0, length.out = half)^(1 / gamma)
  col <- rgb(red, green, blue, maxColorValue = 1)

# ======================================================================================================
# Color pallettes that are more friendly to people with common color blindness
# ======================================================================================================

blueWhiteRed <- function(n, gamma = 1, endSaturation = 1) {
  if (endSaturation > 1 | endSaturation < 0) stop("'endSaturation' must be between 0 and 1.")
  es <- 1 - endSaturation
  blueEnd <- c(0.05 + es * 0.45, 0.55 + es * 0.25, 1.00)
  redEnd <- c(1.0, 0.2 + es * 0.6, 0.6 * es)
  middle <- c(1, 1, 1)

  half <- as.integer(n / 2)
  if (n %% 2 == 0) {
    index1 <- c(1:half)
    index2 <- c(1:half) + half
    frac1 <- ((index1 - 1) / (half - 1))^(1 / gamma)
    frac2 <- rev(frac1)
  } else {
    index1 <- c(1:(half + 1))
    index2 <- c(1:half) + half + 1
    frac1 <- (c(0:half) / half)^(1 / gamma)
    frac2 <- rev((c(1:half) / half)^(1 / gamma))
  cols <- matrix(0, n, 3)
  for (c in 1:3)
    cols[index1, c] <- blueEnd[c] + (middle[c] - blueEnd[c]) * frac1
    cols[index2, c] <- redEnd[c] + (middle[c] - redEnd[c]) * frac2

  rgb(cols[, 1], cols[, 2], cols[, 3], maxColorValue = 1)

# =========================================================================================================
# KeepCommonProbes
# Filters out probes that are not common to all datasets, and puts probes into the same order in each
# set. Works by creating dataframes of probe names and their indices and merging them all.

keepCommonProbes <- function(multiExpr, orderBy = 1) {
  size <- checkSets(multiExpr)
  nSets <- size$nSets
  if (nSets <= 0) stop("No expression data given!")

  Names <- data.frame(Names = names(multiExpr[[orderBy]]$data))

  if (nSets > 1) {
    for (set in (1:nSets))
      SetNames <- data.frame(
        Names = names(multiExpr[[set]]$data),
        index = c(1:dim(multiExpr[[set]]$data)[2])
      Names <- merge(Names, SetNames, by.x = "Names", by.y = "Names", all = FALSE, sort = FALSE)

  for (set in 1:nSets) {
    multiExpr[[set]]$data <- multiExpr[[set]]$data[, Names[, set + 1]]


# addTraitToPCs

# Adds a trait vector to a set of eigenvectors.
# Caution: multiTraits is assumed to be a vector of lists with each list having an entry data which is
# a nSamples x nTraits data frame with an appropriate column name, not a vector.

addTraitToMEs <- function(multiME, multiTraits) {
  nSets <- length(multiTraits)
  setsize <- checkSets(multiTraits)
  nTraits <- setsize$nGenes
  nSamples <- setsize$nSamples

  if (length(multiME) != nSets) {
    stop("Numbers of sets in multiME and multiTraits parameters differ - must be the same.")

  multiMETs <- vector(mode = "list", length = nSets)
  for (set in 1:nSets)
    trait.subs <- multiTraits[[set]]$data
    multiMET <- as.data.frame(cbind(multiME[[set]]$data, trait.subs))
    colnames(multiMET) <- c(colnames(multiME[[set]]$data), colnames(trait.subs))
    if (!is.null(multiME[[set]]$AET)) {
      AET <- as.data.frame(cbind(multiME[[set]]$averageExpr, trait.subs))
      colnames(AET) <- c(colnames(multiME[[set]]$averageExpr), colnames(trait.subs))
    multiMETs[[set]] <- list(data = multiMET)

# CorrelationPreservation
# Given a set of multiME (or OrderedMEs), calculate the preservation values for each module in each pair
# of datasets and return them as a matrix

correlationPreservation <- function(multiME, setLabels, excludeGrey = TRUE, greyLabel = "grey") {
  nSets <- length(multiME)
  if (nSets != length(setLabels)) stop("The lengths of multiME and setLabels must equal.")
  if (nSets <= 1) stop("Something is wrong with argument multiME: its length is 0 or 1")
  Names <- names(multiME[[1]]$data)
  if (excludeGrey) {
    Use <- substring(Names, 3) != greyLabel
  } else {
    Use <- rep(TRUE, times = length(Names))
  No.Mods <- ncol(multiME[[1]]$data[, Use])
  CP <- matrix(0, nrow = No.Mods, ncol = nSets * (nSets - 1) / 2)
  diag(CP) <- 1
  CPInd <- 1
  CPNames <- NULL
  for (i in 1:(nSets - 1)) {
    for (j in (i + 1):nSets)
      corME1 <- cor(multiME[[i]]$data[, Use], use = "p")
      corME2 <- cor(multiME[[j]]$data[, Use], use = "p")
      d <- 1 - abs(tanh((corME1 - corME2) / (abs(corME1) + abs(corME2))^2))
      CP[, CPInd] <- apply(d, 1, sum) - 1
      CPNames <- c(CPNames, paste(setLabels[i], "::", setLabels[j], collapse = ""))
      CPInd <- CPInd + 1
  CPx <- as.data.frame(CP)
  names(CPx) <- CPNames
  rownames(CPx) <- Names[Use]

# setCorrelationPreservation
# Given a set of multiME (or OrderedMEs), calculate the preservation values for each each pair
# of datasets and return them as a matrix.

setCorrelationPreservation <- function(multiME, setLabels, excludeGrey = TRUE, greyLabel = "grey",
                                       method = "absolute") {
  m <- charmatch(method, c("absolute", "hyperbolic"))
  if (is.na(m)) {
    stop("Unrecognized method given. Recognized methods are absolute, hyperbolic. ")
  nSets <- length(multiME)
  if (nSets != length(setLabels)) stop("The lengths of multiME and setLabels must equal.")
  if (nSets <= 1) stop("Something is wrong with argument multiME: its length is 0 or 1")
  Names <- names(multiME[[1]]$data)
  if (excludeGrey) {
    Use <- substring(Names, 3) != greyLabel
  } else {
    Use <- rep(TRUE, times = length(Names))
  No.Mods <- ncol(multiME[[1]]$data[, Use])
  SCP <- matrix(0, nrow = nSets, ncol = nSets)
  diag(SCP) <- 0
  for (i in 1:(nSets - 1)) {
    for (j in (i + 1):nSets)
      corME1 <- cor(multiME[[i]]$data[, Use], use = "p")
      corME2 <- cor(multiME[[j]]$data[, Use], use = "p")
      if (m == 1) {
        d <- 1 - abs(corME1 - corME2) / 2
      } else {
        d <- 1 - abs(tanh((corME1 - corME2) / (abs(corME1) + abs(corME2))^2))
      SCP[i, j] <- sum(d[upper.tri(d)]) / sum(upper.tri(d))
      SCP[j, i] <- SCP[i, j]
  SCPx <- as.data.frame(SCP)
  names(SCPx) <- setLabels
  rownames(SCPx) <- setLabels

# preservationNetworkDensity

# preservationNetworkConnectivity

# This function returns connectivities of nodes in preservation networks

preservationNetworkConnectivity <- function(
                                            useSets = NULL, useGenes = NULL,
                                            corFnc = "cor", corOptions = "use='p'",
                                            networkType = "unsigned",
                                            power = 6,
                                            sampleLinks = NULL, nLinks = 5000,
                                            blockSize = 1000,
                                            setSeed = 12345,
                                            weightPower = 2,
                                            verbose = 2, indent = 0) {
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)

  size <- checkSets(multiExpr)
  nGenes <- size$nGenes
  nSets <- size$nSets
  if (!is.null(useSets) || !is.null(useGenes)) {
    if (is.null(useSets)) useSets <- c(1:nSets)
    if (is.null(useGenes)) useGenes <- c(1:nGenes)
    useExpr <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(useSets))
    for (set in 1:length(useSets)) {
      useExpr[[set]] <- list(data = multiExpr[[useSets[set]]]$data[, useGenes])
    multiExpr <- useExpr
  size <- checkSets(multiExpr)
  nGenes <- size$nGenes
  nSets <- size$nSets

  if (is.null(sampleLinks)) {
    sampleLinks <- (nGenes > nLinks)

  if (sampleLinks) nLinks <- min(nLinks, nGenes) else nLinks <- nGenes

  if (blockSize * nLinks > .largestBlockSize) blockSize <- as.integer(.largestBlockSize / nLinks)

  intNetworkType <- charmatch(networkType, .networkTypes)
  if (is.na(intNetworkType)) {
      "Unrecognized networkType argument. Recognized values are (unique abbreviations of)",
      paste(.networkTypes, collapse = ", ")

  subtract <- rep(1, nGenes)
  if (sampleLinks) {
    if (verbose > 0) {
        spaces, "preservationNetworkConnectivity: selecting sample pool of size",
        nLinks, ".."
    sd <- apply(multiExpr[[1]]$data, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
    order <- order(-sd)
    saved <- FALSE
    if (exists(".Random.seed")) {
      saved <- TRUE
      savedSeed <- .Random.seed
      if (is.numeric(setSeed)) set.seed(setSeed)
    samplePool <- order[sample(x = nGenes, size = nLinks)]
    if (saved) .Random.seed <<- savedSeed
    subtract[-samplePool] <- 0

  nPairComps <- nSets * (nSets - 1) / 2

  allPres <- rep(NA, nGenes)
  allPresW <- rep(NA, nGenes)
  allPresH <- rep(NA, nGenes)
  allPresWH <- rep(NA, nGenes)

  pairPres <- matrix(NA, nGenes, nPairComps)
  pairPresW <- matrix(NA, nGenes, nPairComps)
  pairPresH <- matrix(NA, nGenes, nPairComps)
  pairPresWH <- matrix(NA, nGenes, nPairComps)

  compNames <- NULL
  for (set1 in 1:(nSets - 1)) {
    for (set2 in (set1 + 1):nSets) {
      compNames <- c(compNames, paste(set1, "vs", set2))

  dimnames(pairPres) <- list(names(multiExpr[[1]]$data), compNames)
  dimnames(pairPresW) <- list(names(multiExpr[[1]]$data), compNames)
  dimnames(pairPresH) <- list(names(multiExpr[[1]]$data), compNames)
  dimnames(pairPresWH) <- list(names(multiExpr[[1]]$data), compNames)

  if (verbose > 0) {
    pind <- initProgInd(trailStr = " done")

  nBlocks <- as.integer((nGenes - 1) / blockSize)
  SetRestrConn <- NULL
  start <- 1
  if (sampleLinks) {
    corEval <- parse(text = paste(
      "(multiExpr[[set]]$data[, samplePool], multiExpr[[set]]$data[, blockIndex] ",
      prepComma(corOptions), ")"
  } else {
    corEval <- parse(text = paste(
      "(multiExpr[[set]]$data, multiExpr[[set]]$data[, blockIndex] ",
      prepComma(corOptions), ")"

  while (start <= nGenes) {
    end <- start + blockSize - 1
    if (end > nGenes) end <- nGenes
    blockIndex <- c(start:end)
    nBlockGenes <- end - start + 1
    blockAdj <- array(0, dim = c(nSets, nLinks, nBlockGenes))
    # if (verbose>1) printFlush(paste(spaces, "..working on genes", start, "through", end, "of", nGenes))
    for (set in 1:nSets)
      c <- eval(corEval)
      if (intNetworkType == 1) {
        c <- abs(c)
      } else if (intNetworkType == 2) {
        c <- (1 + c) / 2
      } else if (intNetworkType == 3) {
        c[c < 0] <- 0
      } else {
        stop("Internal error: intNetworkType has wrong value:", intNetworkType, ". Sorry!")
      adj_mat <- as.matrix(c^power)
      if (sum(is.na(adj_mat)) > 0) {
        stop("NA values present in adjacency - this function cannot handle them yet. Sorry!")
      adj_mat[is.na(adj_mat)] <- 0
      blockAdj[set, , ] <- adj_mat
    blockAdj2 <- blockAdj
    dim(blockAdj2) <- c(nSets, nLinks * nBlockGenes)
    min <- matrix(0, nLinks, nBlockGenes)
    max <- matrix(0, nLinks, nBlockGenes)
    # which = matrix(0, nLinks, nBlockGenes)
    # res = .C("minWhichMin", as.double(blockAdj), as.integer(nSets), as.integer(nLinks * nBlockGenes),
    #                min = as.double(min), as.double(which))
    # min[, ] = res$min;
    # res = .C("minWhichMin", as.double(-blockAdj), as.integer(nSets), as.integer(nLinks * nBlockGenes),
    #                min = as.double(min), as.double(which))
    # max[, ] = -res$min;
    # rm(res);
    min[, ] <- colMins(blockAdj2)
    max[, ] <- colMaxs(blockAdj2)
    diff <- max - min
    allPres[blockIndex] <- (apply(1 - diff, 2, sum) - subtract[blockIndex]) / (nLinks - subtract[blockIndex])
    weight <- ((max + min) / 2)^weightPower
    allPresW[blockIndex] <- (apply((1 - diff) * weight, 2, sum) - subtract[blockIndex]) /
      (apply(weight, 2, sum) - subtract[blockIndex])
    hyp <- 1 - tanh(diff / (max + min)^2)
    allPresH[blockIndex] <- (apply(hyp, 2, sum) - subtract[blockIndex]) / (nLinks - subtract[blockIndex])
    allPresWH[blockIndex] <- (apply(hyp * weight, 2, sum) - subtract[blockIndex]) /
      (apply(weight, 2, sum) - subtract[blockIndex])

    compNames <- NULL
    compInd <- 1
    for (set1 in 1:(nSets - 1)) {
      for (set2 in (set1 + 1):nSets)
        diff <- abs(blockAdj[set1, , ] - blockAdj[set2, , ])
        compNames <- c(compNames, paste(set1, "vs", set2))
        pairPres[blockIndex, compInd] <- (apply(1 - diff, 2, sum) - subtract[blockIndex]) /
          (nLinks - subtract[blockIndex])
        weight <- ((blockAdj[set1, , ] + blockAdj[set2, , ]) / 2)^weightPower
        pairPresW[blockIndex, compInd] <- (apply((1 - diff) * weight, 2, sum) - subtract[blockIndex]) /
          (apply(weight, 2, sum) - subtract[blockIndex])
        hyp <- 1 - tanh(diff / (blockAdj[set1, , ] + blockAdj[set2, , ])^2)
        pairPresH[blockIndex, compInd] <- (apply(hyp, 2, sum) - subtract[blockIndex]) /
          (nLinks - subtract[blockIndex])
        pairPresWH[blockIndex, compInd] <- (apply(hyp * weight, 2, sum) - subtract[blockIndex]) /
          (apply(weight, 2, sum) - subtract[blockIndex])
        compInd <- compInd + 1

    start <- end + 1
    if (verbose > 0) pind <- updateProgInd(end / nGenes, pind)
  if (verbose > 0) printFlush(" ")
    pairwise = pairPres, complete = allPres, pairwiseWeighted = pairPresW,
    completeWeighted = allPresW, pairwiseHyperbolic = pairPresH, completeHyperbolic = allPresH,
    pairwiseWeightedHyperbolic = pairPresWH, completeWeightedHyperbolic = allPresWH

# plotEigengeneNetworks
# Plots a matrix plot of the ME(T)s. On the diagonal the heatmaps show correlation of MEs in the
# particular subset; off-diagonal are differences in the correlation matrix.
# setLabels is a vector of titles for the diagonal diagrams; the off-diagonal will have no title
# for now.

plotEigengeneNetworks <- function(
                                  multiME, setLabels,
                                  letterSubPlots = FALSE, Letters = NULL,
                                  excludeGrey = TRUE, greyLabel = "grey",
                                  plotDendrograms = TRUE,
                                  plotHeatmaps = TRUE,
                                  setMargins = TRUE,
                                  marDendro = NULL, marHeatmap = NULL,
                                  colorLabels = TRUE, signed = TRUE,
                                  heatmapColors = NULL,
                                  plotAdjacency = TRUE,
                                  printAdjacency = FALSE, cex.adjacency = 0.9,
                                  coloredBarplot = TRUE, barplotMeans = TRUE, barplotErrors = FALSE,
                                  plotPreservation = "standard",
                                  zlimPreservation = c(0, 1),
                                  printPreservation = FALSE, cex.preservation = 0.9,
                                  ...) {
  # invertColors = FALSE;
  size <- checkSets(multiME, checkStructure = TRUE)
  if (!size$structureOK) {
    # printFlush(paste(
    #  "plotEigengeneNetworks: Given multiME does not appear to be a multi-set structure.\n",
    #  "Will attempt to convert it into a multi-set structure containing 1 set."));
    multiME <- fixDataStructure(multiME)

  if (is.null(Letters)) Letters <- "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"

  if (is.null(heatmapColors)) {
    if (signed) {
      heatmapColors <- blueWhiteRed(50)
    } else {
      heatmapColors <- heat.colors(30)
  nSets <- length(multiME)
  cex <- par("cex")
  mar <- par("mar")
  nPlotCols <- nSets
  nPlotRows <- as.numeric(plotDendrograms) + nSets * as.numeric(plotHeatmaps)
  if (nPlotRows == 0) {
    stop("Nothing to plot: neither dendrograms not heatmaps requested.")
  par(mfrow = c(nPlotRows, nPlotCols))
  par(cex = cex)
  if (excludeGrey) {
    for (set in 1:nSets) {
      multiME[[set]]$data <-
        multiME[[set]]$data[, substring(names(multiME[[set]]$data), 3) != greyLabel]

  plotPresTypes <- c("standard", "hyperbolic", "both")
  ipp <- pmatch(plotPreservation, plotPresTypes)
  if (is.na(ipp)) {
      "Invalid 'plotPreservation'. Available choices are",
      paste(plotPresTypes, sep = ", ")

  letter.ind <- 1
  if (plotDendrograms) {
    for (set in 1:nSets)
      # par(cex = StandardCex/1.4);
      par(mar = marDendro)
      labels <- names(multiME[[set]]$data)
      uselabels <- labels[substring(labels, 3) != greyLabel]
      corME <- cor(multiME[[set]]$data[
        substring(labels, 3) != greyLabel,
        substring(labels, 3) != greyLabel
      ], use = "p")
      disME <- as.dist(1 - corME)
      clust <- fastcluster::hclust(disME, method = "average")
      if (letterSubPlots) {
        main <- paste(substring(Letters, letter.ind, letter.ind), ". ", setLabels[set], sep = "")
      } else {
        main <- setLabels[set]
      # validColors = is.na(match(uselabels, colors()));
      # plotLabels = ifelse(validColors, substring(uselabels[validColors], 3), uselabels[!validColors]);
      plotLabels <- uselabels
        main = main, sub = "", xlab = "",
        labels = plotLabels, ylab = "", ylim = c(0, 1)
      letter.ind <- letter.ind + 1

  if (plotHeatmaps) {
    for (i.row in (1:nSets)) {
      for (i.col in (1:nSets))
        letter.ind <- i.row * nSets + i.col
        if (letterSubPlots) {
          # letter = paste("(", substring(Letters, first = letter.ind, last = letter.ind), ")", sep = "");
          letter <- paste(substring(Letters, first = letter.ind, last = letter.ind), ".  ", sep = "")
        } else {
          letter <- NULL
        par(cex = cex)
        if (setMargins) {
          if (is.null(marHeatmap)) {
            if (colorLabels) {
              par(mar = c(1, 2, 3, 4) + 0.2)
            } else {
              par(mar = c(6, 7, 3, 5) + 0.2)
          } else {
            par(mar = marHeatmap)
        nModules <- dim(multiME[[i.col]]$data)[2]
        textMat <- NULL
        if (i.row == i.col) {
          corME <- cor(multiME[[i.col]]$data, use = "p")
          pME <- corPvalueFisher(corME, nrow(multiME[[i.col]]$data))
          if (printAdjacency) {
            textMat <- paste(signif(corME, 2), "\n", signif(pME, 1))
            dim(textMat) <- dim(corME)
          if (signed) {
            if (plotAdjacency) {
              if (printAdjacency) {
                textMat <- paste(signif((1 + corME) / 2, 2), "\n", signif(pME, 1))
                dim(textMat) <- dim(corME)
              labeledHeatmap((1 + corME) / 2, names(multiME[[i.col]]$data), names(multiME[[i.col]]$data),
                main = paste(letter, setLabels[[i.col]]), invertColors = FALSE,
                zlim = c(0, 1.0),
                colorLabels = colorLabels, colors = heatmapColors,
                setStdMargins = FALSE,
                textMatrix = textMat, cex.text = cex.adjacency, ...
            } else {
              labeledHeatmap(corME, names(multiME[[i.col]]$data), names(multiME[[i.col]]$data),
                main = paste(letter, setLabels[[i.col]]), invertColors = FALSE,
                zlim = c(-1, 1.0),
                colorLabels = colorLabels, colors = heatmapColors, setStdMargins = FALSE,
                textMatrix = textMat, cex.text = cex.adjacency, ...
          } else {
            labeledHeatmap(abs(corME), names(multiME[[i.col]]$data), names(multiME[[i.col]]$data),
              main = paste(letter, setLabels[[i.col]]), invertColors = FALSE,
              zlim = c(0, 1.0),
              colorLabels = colorLabels, colors = heatmapColors,
              setStdMargins = FALSE,
              textMatrix = textMat, cex.text = cex.adjacency, ...
        } else {
          corME1 <- cor(multiME[[i.col]]$data, use = "p")
          corME2 <- cor(multiME[[i.row]]$data, use = "p")
          cor.dif <- (corME1 - corME2) / 2
          d <- tanh((corME1 - corME2) / (abs(corME1) + abs(corME2))^2)
          # d = abs(corME1 - corME2) / (abs(corME1) + abs(corME2));
          if (ipp == 1 | ipp == 3) {
            dispd <- cor.dif
            main <- paste(letter, "Preservation")
            if (ipp == 3) {
              dispd[upper.tri(d)] <- d[upper.tri(d)]
              main <- paste(letter, "Hyperbolic preservation (UT)\nStandard preservation (LT)")
          } else {
            dispd <- d
            main <- paste(letter, "Hyperbolic preservation")
          if (i.row > i.col) {
            if (signed) {
              half <- as.integer(length(heatmapColors) / 2)
              range <- c(half:length(heatmapColors))
              halfColors <- heatmapColors[range]
            } else {
              halfColors <- heatmapColors
            if (printPreservation) {
              printMtx <- matrix(paste(".", as.integer((1 - abs(dispd)) * 100), sep = ""),
                nrow = nrow(dispd), ncol = ncol(dispd)
              printMtx[printMtx == ".100"] <- "1"
            } else {
              printMtx <- NULL
            if ((sum((1 - abs(dispd)) < zlimPreservation[1]) || ((1 - abs(dispd)) > zlimPreservation[2])) > 0) {
              warning("plotEigengeneNetworks: Correlation preservation data out of zlim range.")
            labeledHeatmap(1 - abs(dispd), names(multiME[[i.col]]$data), names(multiME[[i.col]]$data),
              main = main, invertColors = FALSE,
              colorLabels = colorLabels, zlim = zlimPreservation, colors = halfColors,
              setStdMargins = FALSE,
              textMatrix = printMtx, cex.text = cex.preservation, ...
          } else {
            if (ipp == 2) {
              dp <- 1 - abs(d)
              method <- "Hyperbolic:"
            } else {
              dp <- 1 - abs(cor.dif)
              method <- "Preservation:"
            diag(dp) <- 0
            if (barplotMeans) {
              sum_dp <- mean(dp[upper.tri(dp)])
              means <- apply(dp, 2, sum) / (ncol(dp) - 1)
              if (barplotErrors) {
                errors <- sqrt((apply(dp^2, 2, sum) / (ncol(dp) - 1) - means^2) / (ncol(dp) - 2))
              } else {
                errors <- NULL
              labeledBarplot(means, names(multiME[[i.col]]$data),
                main = paste(letter, "D=", signif(sum_dp, 2)),
                ylim = c(0, 1),
                colorLabels = colorLabels, colored = coloredBarplot,
                setStdMargins = FALSE, stdErrors = errors, ...
            } else {
              sum_dp <- sum(dp[upper.tri(dp)])
              labeledBarplot(dp, names(multiME[[i.col]]$data),
                main = paste(letter, method, "sum = ", signif(sum_dp, 3)),
                ylim = c(0, dim(dp)[[1]]),
                colorLabels = colorLabels, colored = coloredBarplot,
                setStdMargins = FALSE, ...

# ====================================================================================================
# numbers2colors: convert a vector of numbers to colors
# ====================================================================================================

# Turn a numerical variable into a color indicator. x can be a matrix or a vector.
# For discrete variables, consider also labels2colors.

numbers2colors <- function(x,
                           signed = NULL,
                           centered = signed,
                           lim = NULL,
                           commonLim = FALSE,
                           colors = if (signed) blueWhiteRed(100) else blueWhiteRed(100)[51:100],
                           naColor = "grey") {
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  if (!is.numeric(x)) {
    stop("'x' must be numeric. For a factor, please use as.numeric(x) in the call.")
  if (is.null(signed)) {
    if (any(x < 0, na.rm = TRUE) & any(x > 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
      signed <- TRUE
    } else {
      signed <- FALSE
  if (is.null(centered)) centered <- signed

  if (is.null(lim)) {
    if (signed & centered) {
      max <- apply(abs(x), 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
      lim <- as.matrix(cbind(-max, max))
    } else {
      lim <- as.matrix(cbind(apply(x, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE), apply(x, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)))
    if (commonLim) {
      lim <- c(min(lim[, 1], na.rm = TRUE), max(lim[, 2], na.rm = TRUE))
  if (is.null(dim(lim))) {
    if (length(lim) != 2) {
      stop("'lim' must be a vector of length 2 or a matrix with 2 columns.")
    if (!is.numeric(lim)) {
      stop("'lim' must be numeric")
    if (sum(is.finite(lim)) != 2) stop("'lim' must be finite.")
    lim <- t(as.matrix(lim))
  } else {
    if (ncol(x) != nrow(lim)) {
      stop("Incompatible numbers of columns in 'x' and rows in 'lim'.")
    if (!is.numeric(lim)) {
      stop("'lim' must be numeric")
    if (sum(is.finite(lim)) != length(lim)) stop("'lim' must be finite.")

  xMin <- matrix(lim[, 1], nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x), byrow = TRUE)
  xMax <- matrix(lim[, 2], nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x), byrow = TRUE)

  if (sum(xMin == xMax) > 0) {
    warning("(some columns in) 'x' are constant. Their color will be the color of NA.")

  xx <- x
  xx[is.na(xx)] <- ((xMin + xMax)[is.na(xx)]) / 2
  if (sum(x < xMin, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
    warning("Some values of 'x' are below given minimum and will be truncated to the minimum.")
    x[xx < xMin] <- xMin[xx < xMin]

  if (sum(x > xMax, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
    warning("Some values of 'x' are above given maximum and will be truncated to the maximum.")
    x[xx > xMax] <- xMax[xx > xMax]

  mmEq <- xMin == xMax

  nColors <- length(colors)

  xCol <- array(naColor, dim = dim(x))

  xInd <- (x - xMin) / (xMax - xMin)
  xInd[xInd == 1] <- 1 - 0.5 / nColors
  xCol[!mmEq] <- colors[as.integer(xInd[!mmEq] * nColors) + 1]
  xCol[is.na(xCol)] <- naColor


# ====================================================================================================
#  Rand index calculation
# ====================================================================================================

# this function is used for computing the Rand index below...
.choosenew <- function(n, k) {
  n <- c(n)
  out1 <- rep(0, length(n))
  for (i in c(1:length(n))) {
    if (n[i] < k) {
      out1[i] <- 0
    else {
      out1[i] <- choose(n[i], k)

# the following function computes the Rand index between 2 clusterings
# assesses how similar two clusterings are
randIndex <- function(tab, adjust = TRUE) {
  a <- 0
  b <- 0
  c <- 0
  d <- 0
  nn <- 0
  m <- nrow(tab)
  n <- ncol(tab)
  for (i in 1:m) {
    c <- 0
    for (j in 1:n) {
      a <- a + .choosenew(tab[i, j], 2)
      nj <- sum(tab[, j])
      c <- c + .choosenew(nj, 2)
    ni <- sum(tab[i, ])
    b <- b + .choosenew(ni, 2)
    nn <- nn + ni
  if (adjust) {
    d <- .choosenew(nn, 2)
    adrand <- (a - (b * c) / d) / (0.5 * (b + c) - (b * c) / d)
  } else {
    b <- b - a
    c <- c - a
    d <- .choosenew(nn, 2) - a - b - c
    rand <- (a + d) / (a + b + c + d)

# ============================================================================================
# Check expression data: mark genes and samples with too many missing entries
# ============================================================================================

goodGenes <- function(datExpr, weights = NULL, useSamples = NULL, useGenes = NULL,
                      minFraction = 1 / 2, minNSamples = ..minNSamples, minNGenes = ..minNGenes,
                      tol = NULL, minRelativeWeight = 0.1, verbose = 1, indent = 0) {
  datExpr <- as.matrix(datExpr)
  if (is.atomic(datExpr) && (mode(datExpr) != "numeric")) {
    stop("datExpr must contain numeric data.")

  weights <- .checkAndScaleWeights(weights, datExpr, scaleByMax = TRUE)

  if (is.null(tol)) tol <- 1e-10 * max(abs(datExpr), na.rm = TRUE)
  if (is.null(useGenes)) useGenes <- rep(TRUE, ncol(datExpr))
  if (is.null(useSamples)) useSamples <- rep(TRUE, nrow(datExpr))

  if (length(useGenes) != ncol(datExpr)) {
    stop("Length of nGenes is not compatible with number of columns in datExpr.")
  if (length(useSamples) != nrow(datExpr)) {
    stop("Length of nSamples is not compatible with number of rows in datExpr.")

  nSamples <- sum(useSamples)
  nGenes <- sum(useGenes)
  if (length(weights) == 0) {
    nPresent <- colSums(!is.na(datExpr[useSamples, useGenes]))
  } else {
    nPresent <- colSums(!is.na(datExpr[useSamples, useGenes]) & weights[useSamples, useGenes] > minRelativeWeight,
      na.rm = TRUE
  gg <- useGenes
  gg[useGenes][nPresent < minNSamples] <- FALSE
  var <- colWeightedVars(datExpr,
    w = if (length(weights) > 0) weights else NULL,
    rows = which(useSamples), cols = which(gg),
    na.rm = TRUE
  var[is.na(var)] <- 0
  nNAsGenes <- colSums(is.na(datExpr[useSamples, gg]))
  gg[gg] <- (nNAsGenes < (1 - minFraction) * nSamples & var > tol^2 & (nSamples - nNAsGenes >= minNSamples))
  if (sum(gg) < minNGenes) {
    stop("Too few genes with valid expression levels in the required number of samples.")

  if (verbose > 0 & (nGenes - sum(gg) > 0)) {
      "  ..Excluding", nGenes - sum(gg),
      "genes from the calculation due to too many missing samples or zero variance."


goodSamples <- function(datExpr, weights = NULL, useSamples = NULL, useGenes = NULL,
                        minFraction = 1 / 2, minNSamples = ..minNSamples, minNGenes = ..minNGenes,
                        minRelativeWeight = 0.1,
                        verbose = 1, indent = 0) {
  if (is.null(useGenes)) useGenes <- rep(TRUE, ncol(datExpr))
  if (is.null(useSamples)) useSamples <- rep(TRUE, nrow(datExpr))

  if (length(useGenes) != ncol(datExpr)) {
    stop("Length of nGenes is not compatible with number of columns in datExpr.")
  if (length(useSamples) != nrow(datExpr)) {
    stop("Length of nSamples is not compatible with number of rows in datExpr.")

  weights <- .checkAndScaleWeights(weights, datExpr, scaleByMax = TRUE)

  nSamples <- sum(useSamples)
  nGenes <- sum(useGenes)
  if (length(weights) == 0) {
    nNAsSamples <- rowSums(is.na(datExpr[useSamples, useGenes, drop = FALSE]))
  } else {
    nNAsSamples <- rowSums(is.na(datExpr[useSamples, useGenes, drop = FALSE]) |
      replaceMissing(weights[useSamples, useGenes] < minRelativeWeight, TRUE))
  goodSamples <- useSamples
  goodSamples[useSamples] <- ((nNAsSamples < (1 - minFraction) * nGenes) &
    (nGenes - nNAsSamples >= minNGenes))
  if (sum(goodSamples) < minNSamples) {
    stop("Too few samples with valid expression levels for the required number of genes.")

  if (verbose > 0 & (nSamples - sum(goodSamples) > 0)) {
      "  ..Excluding", nSamples - sum(goodSamples),
      "samples from the calculation due to too many missing genes."


.checkAndScaleWeights <- function(weights, expr, scaleByMax = TRUE, verbose = 1) {
  if (length(weights) == 0) {
  weights <- as.matrix(weights)
  if (!isTRUE(all.equal(dim(expr), dim(weights)))) {
    stop("When 'weights' are given, they must have the same dimensions as 'expr'.")
  if (any(weights < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
    stop("Found negative weights. All weights must be non-negative.")
  nf <- !is.finite(weights)
  if (any(nf)) {
    if (verbose > 0) {
      warning("Found non-finite weights. The corresponding data points will be removed.")
    weights[nf] <- NA
  if (scaleByMax) {
    maxw <- colMaxs(weights, na.rm = TRUE)
    maxw[maxw == 0] <- 1
    weights <- weights / matrix(maxw, nrow(weights), ncol(weights), byrow = TRUE)

.checkAndScaleMultiWeights <- function(multiWeights, multiExpr, scaleByMax = TRUE) {
  if (is.null(multiWeights)) {
  wSize <- checkSets(multiWeights)
  eSize <- checkSets(multiExpr)
  if (!isTRUE(all.equal(wSize, eSize))) {
      ".checkAndScaleMultiWeights: 'multiWeights' and 'multiExpr' ",
      "do not have the same sizes across all sets."
  mtd.mapply(.checkAndScaleWeights, multiWeights, multiExpr,
    MoreArgs = list(scaleByMax = scaleByMax)

.colWeightedVars <- function(x, w = NULL) {
  if (is.null(w)) {
    return(colVars(x, na.rm = TRUE))
  missing <- !is.finite(x)
  w[missing] <- 0
  x[missing] <- 0
  means <- colMeans(x * w) / colMeans(w)
  means[!is.finite(means)] <- NA
  x.centered <- x - matrix(means, nrow(x), ncol(x), byrow = TRUE)
  out <- colMeans(w * x.centered^2) / colMeans(w)
  out[!is.finite(out)] <- NA

goodGenesMS <- function(multiExpr, multiWeights = NULL, useSamples = NULL, useGenes = NULL,
                        minFraction = 1 / 2, minNSamples = ..minNSamples, minNGenes = ..minNGenes,
                        tol = NULL, minRelativeWeight = 0.1,
                        verbose = 1, indent = 0) {
  dataSize <- checkSets(multiExpr)
  nSets <- dataSize$nSets
  multiWeights <- .checkAndScaleMultiWeights(multiWeights, multiExpr, scaleByMax = TRUE)

  if (is.null(useGenes)) useGenes <- rep(TRUE, dataSize$nGenes)
  if (is.null(useSamples)) {
    useSamples <- list()
    for (set in 1:nSets) useSamples[[set]] <- rep(TRUE, dataSize$nSamples[set])

  if (length(useGenes) != dataSize$nGenes) {
    stop("Length of nGenes is not compatible with number of genes in multiExpr.")
  if (length(useSamples) != nSets) {
    stop("Length of nSamples is not compatible with number of sets in multiExpr.")

  for (set in 1:nSets) {
    if (length(useSamples[[set]]) != dataSize$nSamples[set]) {
        "Number of samples in useSamples[[", set, "]] incompatible\n   ",
        "with number of samples in the corresponding set of multiExpr."

  nSamples <- sapply(useSamples, sum)
  nGenes <- sum(useGenes)

  goodGenes <- useGenes
  for (set in 1:nSets)
    if (is.null(tol)) tol1 <- 1e-10 * max(abs(multiExpr[[set]]$data), na.rm = TRUE) else tol1 <- tol
    if (sum(goodGenes) == 0) break
    if (sum(useSamples[[set]]) == 0) next
    expr1 <- multiExpr[[set]]$data[useSamples[[set]], goodGenes, drop = FALSE]
    if (mode(expr1) == "list") expr1 <- as.matrix(expr1)
    if (is.null(multiWeights)) {
      nPresent <- colSums(!is.na(expr1))
      w1 <- NULL
    } else {
      w1 <- multiWeights[[set]]$data[useSamples[[set]], goodGenes, drop = FALSE]
      nPresent <- colSums(!is.na(expr1) & w1 > minRelativeWeight, na.rm = TRUE)
    keep <- nPresent >= minNGenes & nPresent >= minFraction * nSamples[set]
    goodGenes[goodGenes] <- keep
    expr1 <- expr1[, keep, drop = FALSE]
    if (!is.null(multiWeights)) w1 <- w1[, keep, drop = FALSE]
    if (any(goodGenes)) {
      var <- .colWeightedVars(expr1, w1)
      goodGenes[goodGenes][var <= tol1^2] <- FALSE
  if (sum(goodGenes) < minNGenes) {
    stop("Too few genes with valid expression levels in the required number of samples in all sets.")

  if (verbose > 0 & (nGenes - sum(goodGenes) > 0)) {
      "  ..Excluding", nGenes - sum(goodGenes),
      "genes from the calculation due to too many missing samples or zero variance."

goodSamplesMS <- function(multiExpr, multiWeights = NULL, useSamples = NULL, useGenes = NULL,
                          minFraction = 1 / 2, minNSamples = ..minNSamples, minNGenes = ..minNGenes,
                          minRelativeWeight = 0.1, verbose = 1, indent = 0) {
  dataSize <- checkSets(multiExpr)
  nSets <- dataSize$nSets
  multiWeights <- .checkAndScaleMultiWeights(multiWeights, multiExpr, scaleByMax = TRUE)
  if (is.null(useGenes)) useGenes <- rep(TRUE, dataSize$nGenes)
  if (is.null(useSamples)) {
    useSamples <- list()
    for (set in 1:nSets) useSamples[[set]] <- rep(TRUE, dataSize$nSamples[set])

  if (length(useGenes) != dataSize$nGenes) {
    stop("Length of nGenes is not compatible with number of genes in multiExpr.")
  if (length(useSamples) != dataSize$nSets) {
    stop("Length of nSamples is not compatible with number of sets in multiExpr.")

  for (set in 1:nSets) {
    if (length(useSamples[[set]]) != dataSize$nSamples[set]) {
        "Number of samples in useSamples[[", set, "]] incompatible\n   ",
        "with number of samples in the corresponding set of multiExpr."

  nSamples <- sapply(useSamples, sum)
  nGenes <- sum(useGenes)

  goodSamples <- useSamples
  for (set in 1:nSets)
    if (sum(useGenes) == 0) break
    if (sum(goodSamples[[set]]) == 0) next
    if (is.null(multiWeights)) {
      nGoodSamples <- rowSums(!is.na(multiExpr[[set]]$data[useSamples[[set]], useGenes, drop = FALSE]))
    } else {
      nGoodSamples <- rowSums(!is.na(multiExpr[[set]]$data[useSamples[[set]], useGenes, drop = FALSE]) &
        multiWeights[[set]]$data[useSamples[[set]], useGenes, drop = FALSE] > minRelativeWeight,
      na.rm = TRUE
    goodSamples[[set]][useSamples[[set]]] <-
      ((nGoodSamples >= minFraction * nGenes) & (nGoodSamples >= minNGenes))
    if (sum(goodSamples[[set]]) < minNSamples) {
      stop("Too few samples with valid expression levels for the required number of genes in set", set)
    if (verbose > 0 & (nSamples[set] - sum(goodSamples[[set]]) > 0)) {
        "  ..Set", set, ": Excluding", nSamples[set] - sum(goodSamples[[set]]),
        "samples from the calculation due to too many missing genes."

goodSamplesGenes <- function(datExpr, weights = NULL, minFraction = 1 / 2, minNSamples = ..minNSamples,
                             minNGenes = ..minNGenes, tol = NULL,
                             minRelativeWeight = 0.1, verbose = 1, indent = 0) {
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)
  goodGenes <- NULL
  goodSamples <- NULL
  nBadGenes <- 0
  nBadSamples <- 0
  changed <- TRUE
  iter <- 1
  if (verbose > 0) {
    printFlush(paste(spaces, "Flagging genes and samples with too many missing values..."))
  while (changed) {
    if (verbose > 0) {
      printFlush(paste(spaces, " ..step", iter))
    goodGenes <- goodGenes(datExpr, weights, goodSamples, goodGenes,
      minFraction = minFraction, minNSamples = minNSamples,
      minNGenes = minNGenes, minRelativeWeight = minRelativeWeight,
      tol = tol, verbose = verbose - 1, indent = indent + 1
    goodSamples <- goodSamples(datExpr, weights, goodSamples, goodGenes,
      minFraction = minFraction, minNSamples = minNSamples,
      minNGenes = minNGenes, minRelativeWeight = minRelativeWeight,
      verbose = verbose - 1, indent = indent + 1
    changed <- ((sum(!goodGenes) > nBadGenes) | (sum(!goodSamples) > nBadSamples))
    nBadGenes <- sum(!goodGenes)
    nBadSamples <- sum(!goodSamples)
    iter <- iter + 1
  allOK <- (sum(c(nBadGenes, nBadSamples)) == 0)
  list(goodGenes = goodGenes, goodSamples = goodSamples, allOK = allOK)

goodSamplesGenesMS <- function(multiExpr, multiWeights = NULL, minFraction = 1 / 2, minNSamples = ..minNSamples,
                               minNGenes = ..minNGenes, tol = NULL, minRelativeWeight = 0.1,
                               verbose = 2, indent = 0) {
  spaces <- indentSpaces(indent)
  size <- checkSets(multiExpr)
  nSets <- size$nSets
  goodGenes <- NULL
  goodSamples <- NULL
  nBadGenes <- 0
  nBadSamples <- rep(0, nSets)
  changed <- TRUE
  iter <- 1
  if (verbose > 0) {
    printFlush(paste(spaces, "Flagging genes and samples with too many missing values..."))
  while (changed) {
    if (verbose > 0) {
      printFlush(paste(spaces, " ..step", iter))
    goodGenes <- goodGenesMS(multiExpr, multiWeights, goodSamples, goodGenes,
      minFraction = minFraction, minNSamples = minNSamples,
      minNGenes = minNGenes, tol = tol,
      minRelativeWeight = minRelativeWeight, verbose = verbose - 1, indent = indent + 1
    goodSamples <- goodSamplesMS(multiExpr, multiWeights, goodSamples, goodGenes,
      minFraction = minFraction, minNSamples = minNSamples,
      minNGenes = minNGenes, minRelativeWeight = minRelativeWeight,
      verbose = verbose - 1, indent = indent + 1
    changed <- FALSE
    for (set in 1:nSets) {
      changed <- (changed | (sum(!goodGenes) > nBadGenes) | (sum(!goodSamples[[set]]) > nBadSamples[set]))
    nBadGenes <- sum(!goodGenes)
    for (set in 1:nSets) nBadSamples[set] <- sum(!goodSamples[[set]])
    iter <- iter + 1
    if (verbose > 2) {
      printFlush(paste(spaces, "   ..bad gene count: ", nBadGenes,
        ", bad sample counts: ", paste(nBadSamples, collapse = ", "),
        sep = ""
  allOK <- (sum(c(nBadGenes, nBadSamples)) == 0)
  list(goodGenes = goodGenes, goodSamples = goodSamples, allOK = allOK)

# ============================================================================================
# modified heatmap plot: allow specifying the hang parameter for both side and top dendrograms
# ============================================================================================

# Important change: work ith dendrograms of class hclust, not dendrogram.

.heatmap <- function(x, Rowv = NULL, Colv = if (symm) "Rowv" else NULL,
                     distfun = dist, hclustfun = fastcluster::hclust, reorderfun = function(d,
                                                                                            w) {
                       reorder(d, w)
                     }, add.expr, symm = FALSE, revC = identical(
                     ), scale = c("row", "column", "none"), na.rm = TRUE,
                     margins = c(1.2, 1.2), ColSideColors, RowSideColors, cexRow = 0.2 +
                       1 / log10(nr), cexCol = 0.2 + 1 / log10(nc), labRow = NULL,
                     labCol = NULL, main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, keep.dendro = FALSE,
                     verbose = getOption("verbose"), setLayout = TRUE, hang = 0.04, ...) {
  scale <- if (symm && missing(scale)) "none" else match.arg(scale)
  if (length(di <- dim(x)) != 2 || !is.numeric(x)) {
    stop("'x' must be a numeric matrix")
  nr <- di[1L]
  nc <- di[2L]
  if (nr <= 1 || nc <= 1) {
    stop("'x' must have at least 2 rows and 2 columns")
  if (!is.numeric(margins) || length(margins) != 2L) {
    stop("'margins' must be a numeric vector of length 2")

  doRdend <- !identical(Rowv, NA)
  doCdend <- !identical(Colv, NA)
  if (!doRdend && identical(Colv, "Rowv")) doCdend <- FALSE
  ## by default order by row/col means
  if (is.null(Rowv)) Rowv <- rowMeans(x, na.rm = na.rm)
  if (is.null(Colv)) Colv <- colMeans(x, na.rm = na.rm)

  ## get the dendrograms and reordering indices
  if (doRdend) {
    if (inherits(Rowv, "hclust")) {
      ddr <- Rowv
    } else {
      hcr <- hclustfun(distfun(x))
      if (class(hcr) == "hclust") {
        hcr$height <- hcr$height - min(hcr$height) + hang * (max(hcr$height) - min(hcr$height))
      ddr <- hcr
      # ddr <- as.dendrogram(hcr, hang = hang)
      # if (!is.logical(Rowv) || Rowv)
      #    ddr <- reorderfun(ddr, Rowv)
    # if (nr != length(rowInd <- order.dendrogram(ddr)))
    #    stop("row dendrogram ordering gave index of wrong length")
    rowInd <- ddr$order
  else {
    rowInd <- 1:nr
  if (doCdend) {
    if (inherits(Colv, "hclust")) {
      ddc <- Colv
    } else if (identical(Colv, "Rowv")) {
      if (nr != nc) stop("Colv = \"Rowv\" but nrow(x) != ncol(x)")
      ddc <- ddr
    else {
      hcc <- hclustfun(distfun(if (symm) x else t(x)))
      if (class(hcr) == "hclust") {
        hcc$height <- hcc$height - min(hcc$height) + hang * (max(hcc$height) - min(hcc$height))
      ddc <- hcc
      # ddc <- as.dendrogram(hcc, hang = hang)
      # if (!is.logical(Colv) || Colv) ddc <- reorderfun(ddc, Colv)
    # if (nc != length(colInd <- order.dendrogram(ddc)))
    #    stop("column dendrogram ordering gave index of wrong length")
    colInd <- ddc$order
  else {
    colInd <- 1:nc

  ## reorder x
  x <- x[rowInd, colInd]

  labRow <- if (is.null(labRow)) {
    if (is.null(rownames(x))) (1:nr)[rowInd] else rownames(x)
  } else {
  labCol <- if (is.null(labCol)) {
    if (is.null(colnames(x))) (1:nc)[colInd] else colnames(x)
  } else {
  if (scale == "row") {
    x <- sweep(x, 1, rowMeans(x, na.rm = na.rm))
    sx <- apply(x, 1, sd, na.rm = na.rm)
    x <- sweep(x, 1, sx, "/")
  else if (scale == "column") {
    x <- sweep(x, 2, colMeans(x, na.rm = na.rm))
    sx <- apply(x, 2, sd, na.rm = na.rm)
    x <- sweep(x, 2, sx, "/")

  ## Calculate the plot layout
  lmat <- rbind(c(NA, 3), 2:1)
  lwid <- c(if (doRdend) 1 else 0.05, 4)
  lhei <- c((if (doCdend) 1 else 0.05) + if (!is.null(main)) 0.5 else 0, 4)
  if (!missing(ColSideColors)) {
    if (!is.character(ColSideColors) || length(ColSideColors) != nc) {
      stop("'ColSideColors' must be a character vector of length ncol(x)")
    lmat <- rbind(lmat[1, ] + 1, c(NA, 1), lmat[2, ] + 1)
    lhei <- c(lhei[1], 0.2, lhei[2])
  if (!missing(RowSideColors)) {
    if (!is.character(RowSideColors) || length(RowSideColors) != nr) {
      stop("'RowSideColors' must be a character vector of length nrow(x)")
    lmat <- cbind(lmat[, 1] + 1, c(rep(NA, nrow(lmat) - 1), 1), lmat[, 2] + 1)
    lwid <- c(lwid[1], 0.2, lwid[2])
  lmat[is.na(lmat)] <- 0
  if (verbose) {
    cat("layout: widths = ", lwid, ", heights = ", lhei, "; lmat=\n")
  if (!symm || scale != "none") x <- t(x)
  op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  if (revC) {
    iy <- nc:1
    # ddr <- rev(ddr)
    ddr$order <- rev(ddr$order)
    rowInd.colors <- rev(rowInd)
    x <- x[, iy]
  } else {
    iy <- 1:nr
    rowInd.colors <- rowInd
  # on.exit(par(op))
  # print(paste("main:", main));
  if (setLayout) layout(lmat, widths = lwid, heights = lhei, respect = TRUE)
  if (!missing(RowSideColors)) {
    par(mar = c(margins[1], 0, 0, 0.5))
    image(rbind(1:nr), col = RowSideColors[rowInd.colors], axes = FALSE)
  if (!missing(ColSideColors)) {
    par(mar = c(0.5, 0, 0, margins[2]))
    image(cbind(1:nc), col = ColSideColors[colInd], axes = FALSE)
  par(mar = c(margins[1], 0, 0, margins[2]))
    x = 1:nc, y = 1:nr, x, xlim = 0.5 + c(0, nc), ylim = 0.5 + c(0, nr), axes = FALSE,
    xlab = "", ylab = "", ...
  axis(1, 1:nc, labels = labCol, las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0, cex.axis = cexCol)
  if (!is.null(xlab)) mtext(xlab, side = 1, line = margins[1] - 1.25)
  axis(4, iy, labels = labRow, las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0, cex.axis = cexRow)
  if (!is.null(ylab)) mtext(ylab, side = 4, line = margins[2] - 1.25)
  if (!missing(add.expr)) eval.parent(substitute(add.expr))
  par(mar = c(margins[1], 0, 0, 0))
  if (doRdend) {
    .plotDendrogram(ddr, horiz = TRUE, labels = FALSE, axes = FALSE, adjustRange = TRUE)
    #    plot(ddr, horiz = TRUE, axes = FALSE, yaxs = "i", leaflab = "none" )
  else {
  par(mar = c(0, 0, if (!is.null(main)) 1.8 else 0, margins[2]))
  if (doCdend) {
    .plotDendrogram(ddc, horiz = FALSE, labels = FALSE, axes = FALSE, adjustRange = TRUE)
    #    plot(ddc, axes = FALSE, xaxs = "i", leaflab = "none" )
  else if (!is.null(main)) frame()
  if (!is.null(main)) title(main, cex.main = 1.2 * op[["cex.main"]])
  invisible(list(rowInd = rowInd, colInd = colInd, Rowv = if (keep.dendro &&
    doRdend) {
  }, Colv = if (keep.dendro && doCdend) ddc))

# ===================================================================================================
# The vectorize functions turns a matrix or data frame into a vector. If the matrix is not #symmetric the
# number of entries of the vector equals the number of rows times the #number of columns of the matrix.
# But if the matrix is symmetrical then it only uses the #entries in the upper triangular matrix.
# If the option diag =TRUE, it also includes the diagonal elements of the symmetric #matrix. By default it
# excludes the diagonal elements of a symmetric matrix.

vectorizeMatrix <- function(M, diag = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(dim(M))) stop("The input of the vectorize function is not a matrix or data frame.")
  if (length(dim(M)) != 2) stop("The input of the vectorize function is not a matrix or data frame.")
  # now we check whether the matrix is symmetrical
  if (dim(M)[[1]] == dim(M)[[2]]) {
    M <- as.matrix(M)
    Mtranspose <- t(M)
    abs.difference <- max(abs(M - Mtranspose), na.rm = TRUE)
    if (abs.difference < 10^(-14)) {
      out <- M[upper.tri(M, diag)]
    else {
      out <- as.vector(M)
  } else {
    out <- as.vector(M)
} # end

# ========================================================================================================

scaleFreeFitIndex <- function(k, nBreaks = 10, removeFirst = FALSE) {
  discretized.k <- cut(k, nBreaks)
  dk <- tapply(k, discretized.k, mean)
  p.dk <- as.vector(tapply(k, discretized.k, length) / length(k))
  breaks1 <- seq(
    from = min(k), to = max(k),
    length = nBreaks + 1
  hist1 <- hist(k, breaks = breaks1, plot = FALSE, right = TRUE)
  dk2 <- hist1$mids
  dk <- ifelse(is.na(dk), dk2, dk)
  dk <- ifelse(dk == 0, dk2, dk)
  p.dk <- ifelse(is.na(p.dk), 0, p.dk)
  log.dk <- as.vector(log10(dk))
  if (removeFirst) {
    p.dk <- p.dk[-1]
    log.dk <- log.dk[-1]
  log.p.dk <- as.numeric(log10(p.dk + 1e-09))
  lm1 <- lm(log.p.dk ~ log.dk)
  lm2 <- lm(log.p.dk ~ log.dk + I(10^log.dk))
  datout <- data.frame(
    Rsquared.SFT = summary(lm1)$r.squared,
    slope.SFT = summary(lm1)$coefficients[2, 1],
    truncatedExponentialAdjRsquared = summary(lm2)$adj.r.squared
} # end of function scaleFreeFitIndex

# ========================================================================================================

standardScreeningCensoredTime <- function(
                                          percentiles = seq(from = 0.1, to = 0.9, by = 0.2),
                                          dichotomizationResults = FALSE,
                                          qValues = TRUE,
                                          fastCalculation = TRUE) {
  datExpr <- data.frame(datExpr, check.names = FALSE)
  no.Columns <- dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[2]]
  m <- dim(as.matrix(datExpr))[[1]]
  if (length(time) != m) {
    stop("The length of the time variable does not equal the number of rows of datExpr.\nConsider transposing datExpr.")
  if (length(event) != m) {
    stop("The length of the event variable does not equal the number of rows of datExpr.\nConsider transposing datExpr.")
  if (fastCalculation) {
    fittemp <- summary(coxph(Surv(time, event) ~ 1, na.action = na.exclude))
    CumHazard <- predict(fittemp, type = "expected")
    martingale1 <- event - CumHazard
    deviance0 <- ifelse(event == 0, 2 * CumHazard, -2 * log(CumHazard) +
      2 * CumHazard - 2)
    devianceresidual <- sign(martingale1) * sqrt(deviance0)
    corDeviance <- as.numeric(cor(devianceresidual, datExpr,
      use = "p"
    no.nonMissing <- sum(!is.na(time))
    pvalueDeviance <- corPvalueFisher(cor = corDeviance, nSamples = no.nonMissing)
    qvalueDeviance <- rep(NA, length(pvalueDeviance))
    rest1 <- !is.na(pvalueDeviance)
    qvalueDeviance [rest1] <- qvalue(pvalueDeviance [rest1])$qvalues

    datout <- data.frame(
      ID = dimnames(datExpr)[[2]], pvalueDeviance,
      qvalueDeviance, corDeviance
  if (!fastCalculation) {
    pvalueWald <- rep(NA, no.Columns)
    HazardRatio <- rep(NA, no.Columns)
    CI.UpperLimitHR <- rep(NA, no.Columns)
    CI.LowerLimitHR <- rep(NA, no.Columns)
    C.index <- rep(NA, no.Columns)
    pvalueLogrank <- rep(NA, no.Columns)
    pValuesDichotomized <- data.frame(matrix(NA,
      nrow = no.Columns,
      ncol = length(percentiles)
    names(pValuesDichotomized) <- paste("pValueDichotPercentile",
      sep = ""
    fittemp <- summary(coxph(Surv(time, event) ~ 1, na.action = na.exclude))
    CumHazard <- predict(fittemp, type = "expected")
    martingale1 <- event - CumHazard
    deviance0 <- ifelse(event == 0, 2 * CumHazard, -2 * log(CumHazard) +
      2 * CumHazard - 2)
    devianceresidual <- sign(martingale1) * sqrt(deviance0)
    corDeviance <- as.numeric(cor(devianceresidual, datExpr,
      use = "p"
    no.nonMissing <- sum(!is.na(time))
    pvalueDeviance <- corPvalueFisher(cor = corDeviance, nSamples = no.nonMissing)

    for (i in 1:no.Columns) {
      Column <- as.numeric(as.matrix(datExpr[, i]))
      var1 <- var(Column, na.rm = TRUE)
      if (var1 == 0 | is.na(var1)) {
        pvalueWald[i] <- NA
        pvalueLogrank[i] <- NA
        HazardRatio[i] <- NA
        CI.UpperLimitHR[i] <- NA
        CI.LowerLimitHR[i] <- NA
        C.index[i] <- NA
      } # end of              if (var1 == 0 | is.na(var1))
      if (var1 != 0 & !is.na(var1)) {
        cox1 <- summary(coxph(Surv(time, event) ~ Column,
          na.action = na.exclude
        pvalueWald[i] <- cox1$coef[5]
        pvalueLogrank[i] <- cox1$sctest[[3]]
        HazardRatio[i] <- exp(cox1$coef[1])
        CI.UpperLimitHR[i] <- exp(cox1$coef[1] + 1.96 *
        CI.LowerLimitHR[i] <- exp(cox1$coef[1] - 1.96 *
        C.index[i] <- rcorr.cens(Column, Surv(time, event),
          outx = TRUE
      } # end of   if (var1 != 0 & !is.na(var1))

      if (dichotomizationResults) {
        quantilesE <- as.numeric(quantile(Column, prob = percentiles))
        for (j in 1:length(quantilesE)) {
          ColumnDichot <- I(Column > quantilesE[j])
          var1 <- var(ColumnDichot, na.rm = TRUE)
          if (var1 == 0 | is.na(var1)) {
            pValuesDichotomized[i, j] <- NA
          } # end of if
          if (var1 != 0 & !is.na(var1)) {
            coxh <- summary(coxph(Surv(time, event) ~
            ColumnDichot, na.action = na.exclude))
            pValuesDichotomized[i, j] <- coxh$coef[5]
          } # end of if
        } # end of for (j)
        MinimumDichotPvalue <- apply(pValuesDichotomized,
          1, min,
          na.rm = TRUE
      } # end of if (dichotomizationResults)

      if (!qValues) {
        datout <- data.frame(
          ID = dimnames(datExpr)[[2]],
          pvalueWald, pvalueLogrank, pvalueDeviance,
          corDeviance, HazardRatio, CI.LowerLimitHR,
          CI.UpperLimitHR, C.index
      } # end of      if (!qValues)
    } # end of for (i in 1:no.Columns)

    if (qValues) {
      qvalueWald <- rep(NA, length(pvalueWald))
      rest1 <- !is.na(pvalueWald)
      qvalueWald [rest1] <- qvalue(pvalueWald[rest1])$qvalues

      qvalueLogrank <- rep(NA, length(pvalueLogrank))
      rest1 <- !is.na(pvalueLogrank)
      qvalueLogrank [rest1] <- qvalue(pvalueLogrank[rest1])$qvalues

      qvalueDeviance <- rep(NA, length(pvalueDeviance))
      rest1 <- !is.na(pvalueDeviance)
      qvalueDeviance [rest1] <- qvalue(pvalueDeviance[rest1])$qvalues

      datout <- data.frame(
        ID = dimnames(datExpr)[[2]],
        pvalueWald, qvalueWald, pvalueLogrank, qvalueLogrank,
        pvalueDeviance, qvalueDeviance, corDeviance, HazardRatio, CI.LowerLimitHR,
        CI.UpperLimitHR, C.index
    } # end of  if (qValues)

    if (dichotomizationResults) {
      datout <- data.frame(
        datout, MinimumDichotPvalue,
} # end of function standardScreeningCensoredTime

# ================================================================================
# standardScreeningNumericTrait
# ================================================================================

standardScreeningNumericTrait <- function(datExpr, yNumeric, corFnc = cor,
                                          corOptions = list(use = "p"),
                                          alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"),
                                          qValues = TRUE,
                                          areaUnderROC = TRUE) {
  datExpr <- as.matrix(datExpr)
  nGenes <- ncol(datExpr)
  nSamples <- nrow(datExpr)
  if (length(yNumeric) != nSamples) {
    stop("the length of the sample trait y does not equal the number of rows of datExpr")
  corPearson <- rep(NA, nGenes)
  pvalueStudent <- rep(NA, nGenes)
  AreaUnderROC <- rep(NA, nGenes)
  nPresent <- Z <- rep(NA, nGenes)

  corFnc <- match.fun(corFnc)
  corOptions$y <- yNumeric
  corOptions$x <- as.matrix(datExpr)
  cp <- do.call(corFnc, corOptions)
  corPearson <- as.numeric(cp)

  finMat <- !is.na(datExpr)
  np <- t(finMat) %*% (!is.na(as.matrix(yNumeric)))

  nPresent <- as.numeric(np)

  ia <- match.arg(alternative)
  T <- sqrt(np - 2) * corPearson / sqrt(1 - corPearson^2)
  if (ia == "two.sided") {
    p <- 2 * pt(abs(T), np - 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  else if (ia == "less") {
    p <- pt(T, np - 2, lower.tail = TRUE)
  else if (ia == "greater") {
    p <- pt(T, np - 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  pvalueStudent <- as.numeric(p)

  Z <- 0.5 * log((1 + corPearson) / (1 - corPearson)) * sqrt(nPresent - 2)

  if (areaUnderROC) {
    for (i in 1:dim(datExpr)[[2]])
      AreaUnderROC[i] <- rcorr.cens(datExpr[, i], yNumeric, outx = TRUE)[[1]]

  q.Student <- rep(NA, length(pvalueStudent))
  rest1 <- !is.na(pvalueStudent)
  if (qValues) {
    x <- try(
        q.Student[rest1] <- qvalue(pvalueStudent[rest1])$qvalues
      silent = TRUE
    if (inherits(x, "try-error")) {
        "Warning in standardScreeningNumericTrait: function qvalue returned an error.\n",
        "The returned qvalues will be invalid. The qvalue error: ", x, "\n"
  if (is.null(colnames(datExpr))) {
    ID <- spaste("Variable.", 1:ncol(datExpr))
  } else {
    ID <- colnames(datExpr)

  output <- data.frame(
    ID = ID, cor = corPearson,
    Z = Z,
    pvalueStudent = pvalueStudent
  if (qValues) output$qvalueStudent <- q.Student
  if (areaUnderROC) output$AreaUnderROC <- AreaUnderROC

  output$nPresentSamples <- nPresent


# ================================================================================
# spaste
# ================================================================================

spaste <- function(...) {
  paste(..., sep = "")

# ================================================================================
# metaZfunction
# ================================================================================

metaZfunction <- function(datZ, columnweights = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(columnweights)) {
    datZ <- t(t(datZ) * columnweights)
  datZpresent <- !is.na(datZ) + 0.0
  if (!is.null(columnweights)) {
    datZpresent <- t(t(datZpresent) * columnweights)
  sumZ <- as.numeric(rowSums(datZ, na.rm = TRUE))
  variance <- as.numeric(rowSums(datZpresent^2))
  sumZ / sqrt(variance)

# ================================================================================
# rankPvalue
# ================================================================================

rankPvalue <- function(datS, columnweights = NULL, na.last = "keep", ties.method = "average",
                       calculateQvalue = TRUE, pValueMethod = "all") {
  no.rows <- dim(datS)[[1]]
  no.cols <- dim(datS)[[2]]
  if (!is.null(columnweights) & no.cols != length(columnweights)) {
    stop("The number of components of the vector columnweights is unequal to the number of columns of datS. Hint: consider transposing datS. ")

  if (!is.null(columnweights)) {
    if (min(columnweights, na.rm = TRUE) < 0) stop("At least one component of columnweights is negative, which makes no sense. The entries should be positive numbers")
    if (sum(is.na(columnweights)) > 0) stop("At least one component of columnweights is missing, which makes no sense. The entries should be positive numbers")
    if (sum(columnweights) != 1) {
      # warning("The entries of columnweights do not sum to 1. Therefore, they will divided by the sum. Then the resulting weights sum to 1.");
      columnweights <- columnweights / sum(columnweights)

  if (pValueMethod != "scale") {
    percentilerank1 <- function(x) {
      R1 <- rank(x, ties.method = ties.method, na.last = na.last)
      (R1 - .5) / max(R1, na.rm = TRUE)

    datrankslow <- apply(datS, 2, percentilerank1)
    if (!is.null(columnweights)) {
      datrankslow <- t(t(datrankslow) * columnweights)
    datSpresent <- !is.na(datS) + 0
    if (!is.null(columnweights)) {
      datSpresent <- t(t(datSpresent) * columnweights)
    expectedsum <- rowSums(datSpresent, na.rm = TRUE) *
    varsum <- rowSums(datSpresent^2, na.rm = TRUE) * 1 / 12
    observed.sumPercentileslow <- as.numeric(rowSums(datrankslow, na.rm = TRUE))
    Zstatisticlow <- (observed.sumPercentileslow - expectedsum) / sqrt(varsum)
    datrankshigh <- apply(-datS, 2, percentilerank1)
    if (!is.null(columnweights)) {
      datrankshigh <- t(t(datrankshigh) * columnweights)
    observed.sumPercentileshigh <- as.numeric(rowSums(datrankshigh, na.rm = TRUE))
    Zstatistichigh <- (observed.sumPercentileshigh - expectedsum) / sqrt(varsum)
    pValueLow <- pnorm((Zstatisticlow))
    pValueHigh <- pnorm((Zstatistichigh))
    pValueExtreme <- pmin(pValueLow, pValueHigh)
    datoutrank <- data.frame(pValueExtreme, pValueLow, pValueHigh)
    if (calculateQvalue) {
      qValueLow <- rep(NA, dim(datS)[[1]])
      qValueHigh <- rep(NA, dim(datS)[[1]])
      qValueExtreme <- rep(NA, dim(datS)[[1]])
      rest1 <- !is.na(pValueLow)
      qValueLow[rest1] <- qvalue(pValueLow[rest1])$qvalues
      rest1 <- !is.na(pValueHigh)
      qValueHigh[rest1] <- qvalue(pValueHigh[rest1])$qvalues
      rest1 <- !is.na(pValueExtreme)
      qValueExtreme <- pmin(qValueLow, qValueHigh)
      datq <- data.frame(qValueExtreme, qValueLow, qValueHigh)
      datoutrank <- data.frame(datoutrank, datq)
      names(datoutrank) <- paste(names(datoutrank), "Rank",
        sep = ""
  if (pValueMethod != "rank") {
    datSpresent <- !is.na(datS) + 0
    scaled.datS <- scale(datS)
    if (!is.null(columnweights)) {
      scaled.datS <- t(t(scaled.datS) * columnweights)
      datSpresent <- t(t(datSpresent) * columnweights)
    expected.value <- rep(0, no.rows)
    varsum <- rowSums(datSpresent^2) * 1
    observed.sumScaleddatS <- as.numeric(rowSums(scaled.datS, na.rm = TRUE))
    Zstatisticlow <- (observed.sumScaleddatS - expected.value) / sqrt(varsum)
    scaled.minusdatS <- scale(-datS)
    if (!is.null(columnweights)) {
      scaled.minusdatS <- t(t(scaled.minusdatS) * columnweights)
    observed.sumScaledminusdatS <- as.numeric(rowSums(scaled.minusdatS, na.rm = TRUE))
    Zstatistichigh <- (observed.sumScaledminusdatS - expected.value) / sqrt(varsum)
    pValueLow <- pnorm((Zstatisticlow))
    pValueHigh <- pnorm((Zstatistichigh))
    pValueExtreme <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(Zstatisticlow))
    datoutscale <- data.frame(pValueExtreme, pValueLow, pValueHigh)
    if (calculateQvalue) {
      qValueLow <- rep(NA, dim(datS)[[1]])
      qValueHigh <- rep(NA, dim(datS)[[1]])
      qValueExtreme <- rep(NA, dim(datS)[[1]])
      rest1 <- !is.na(pValueLow)
      qValueLow[rest1] <- qvalue(pValueLow[rest1])$qvalues
      rest1 <- !is.na(pValueHigh)
      qValueHigh[rest1] <- qvalue(pValueHigh[rest1])$qvalues
      rest1 <- !is.na(pValueExtreme)
      qValueExtreme[rest1] <- qvalue(pValueExtreme[rest1])$qvalues
      datq <- data.frame(qValueExtreme, qValueLow, qValueHigh)
      datoutscale <- data.frame(datoutscale, datq)
    names(datoutscale) <- paste(names(datoutscale), "Scale",
      sep = ""
  if (pValueMethod == "rank") {
    datout <- datoutrank
  if (pValueMethod == "scale") {
    datout <- datoutscale
  if (pValueMethod != "rank" & pValueMethod != "scale") {
    datout <- data.frame(datoutrank, datoutscale)
} # End of function

# ========================================================================================================
# utility function: add a comma to string if the string is non-empty
# ========================================================================================================

prepComma <- function(s) {
  ifelse(s == "", s, paste(",", s))

# ========================================================================================================
# "restricted" q-value calculation
# ========================================================================================================

qvalue.restricted <- function(p, trapErrors = TRUE, ...) {
  fin <- is.finite(p)
  qx <- try(qvalue(p[fin], ...)$qvalues, silent = TRUE)
  q <- rep(NA, length(p))
  if (inherits(qx, "try-error")) {
    if (!trapErrors) stop(qx)
  } else {
    q[fin] <- qx

# ========================================================================================================
# consensusKME
# ========================================================================================================

.interleave <- function(matrices, nameBase = names(matrices), sep = ".", baseFirst = TRUE) {
  # Drop null entries in the list
  keep <- sapply(matrices, function(x) !is.null(x))
  nameBase <- nameBase[keep]
  matrices <- matrices[keep]

  nMats <- length(matrices)
  nCols <- ncol(matrices[[1]])

  dims <- lapply(matrices, dim)

  if (baseFirst) {
    for (m in 1:nMats) colnames(matrices[[m]]) <- spaste(nameBase[m], sep, colnames(matrices[[m]]))
  } else {
    for (m in 1:nMats) colnames(matrices[[m]]) <- spaste(colnames(matrices[[m]]), sep, nameBase[m])

  out <- as.data.frame(lapply(
    function(index, matrices) {
        function(x, i) x[, i, drop = FALSE], index

  rownames(out) <- rownames(matrices[[1]])

consensusKME <- function(multiExpr, moduleLabels, multiEigengenes = NULL, consensusQuantile = 0,
                         signed = TRUE,
                         useModules = NULL,
                         metaAnalysisWeights = NULL,
                         corAndPvalueFnc = corAndPvalue, corOptions = list(),
                         corComponent = "cor", getQvalues = FALSE,
                         useRankPvalue = TRUE,
                         rankPvalueOptions = list(calculateQvalue = getQvalues, pValueMethod = "scale"),
                         setNames = NULL, excludeGrey = TRUE,
                         greyLabel = if (is.numeric(moduleLabels)) 0 else "grey") {
  corAndPvalueFnc <- match.fun(corAndPvalueFnc)

  size <- checkSets(multiExpr)
  nSets <- size$nSets
  nGenes <- size$nGenes
  nSamples <- size$nSamples

  if (!is.null(metaAnalysisWeights)) {
    if (length(metaAnalysisWeights) != nSets) {
      stop("Length of 'metaAnalysisWeights' must equal number of input sets.")

  if (!is.null(useModules)) {
    if (greyLabel %in% useModules) {
        "Grey module (or module 0) cannot be used with 'useModules'.\n",
        "   Use 'excludeGrey = FALSE' to obtain results for the grey module as well. "
    keep <- moduleLabels %in% useModules
    if (sum(keep) == 0) {
      stop("Incorrectly specified 'useModules': no such module(s).")
    moduleLabels [!keep] <- greyLabel

  if (is.null(multiEigengenes)) {
    multiEigengenes <- multiSetMEs(multiExpr,
      universalColors = moduleLabels, verbose = 0,
      excludeGrey = excludeGrey, grey = greyLabel

  modLevels <- substring(colnames(multiEigengenes[[1]]$data), 3)
  nModules <- length(modLevels)

  kME <- p <- Z <- nObs <- array(NA, dim = c(nGenes, nModules, nSets))

  corOptions$alternative <- c("two.sided", "greater")[signed + 1]

  haveZs <- FALSE
  for (set in 1:nSets)
    corOptions$x <- multiExpr[[set]]$data
    corOptions$y <- multiEigengenes[[set]]$data
    cp <- do.call(corAndPvalueFnc, args = corOptions)
    corComp <- grep(corComponent, names(cp))
    pComp <- match("p", names(cp))
    if (is.na(pComp)) pComp <- match("p.value", names(cp))
    if (is.na(pComp)) stop("Function `corAndPvalueFnc' did not return a p-value.")
    kME[, , set] <- cp[[corComp]]
    p[, , set] <- cp[[pComp]]
    if (!is.null(cp$Z)) {
      Z[, , set] <- cp$Z
      haveZs <- TRUE
    if (!is.null(cp$nObs)) {
      nObs[, , set] <- cp$nObs
    } else {
      nObs[, , set] <- t(is.na(multiExpr[[set]]$data)) %*% (!is.na(multiEigengenes[[set]]$data))

  if (getQvalues) {
    q <- apply(p, c(2:3), qvalue.restricted)
  } else {
    q <- NULL

  # kME.average = rowMeans(kME, dims = 2); <-- not neccessary since weighted average also contains it

  powers <- c(0, 0.5, 1)
  nPowers <- length(powers)
  nWeights <- nPowers + !is.null(metaAnalysisWeights)
  weightNames <- c("equalWeights", "RootDoFWeights", "DoFWeights", "userWeights") [1:nWeights]
  kME.weightedAverage <- array(NA, dim = c(nGenes, nWeights, nModules))
  for (m in 1:nWeights)
    if (m <= nPowers) {
      weights <- nObs^powers[m]
    } else {
      weights <- array(rep(metaAnalysisWeights, rep(nGenes * nModules, nSets)),
        dim = c(nGenes, nModules, nSets)
    kME.weightedAverage[, m, ] <- rowSums(kME * weights, na.rm = TRUE, dims = 2) /
      rowSums(weights, dims = 2, na.rm = TRUE)

  dim(kME.weightedAverage) <- c(nGenes * nWeights, nModules)

  if (any(is.na(kME))) {
    kME.consensus.1 <- apply(kME, c(1, 2), quantile, prob = consensusQuantile, na.rm = TRUE)
    kME.consensus.2 <- apply(kME, c(1, 2), quantile, prob = 1 - consensusQuantile, na.rm = TRUE)
    kME.median <- apply(kME, c(1, 2), median, na.rm = TRUE)
  } else {
    kME.consensus.1 <- matrix(
      colQuantileC(t(matrix(kME, nGenes * nModules, nSets)), p = consensusQuantile),
      nGenes, nModules
    kME.consensus.2 <- matrix(
      colQuantileC(t(matrix(kME, nGenes * nModules, nSets)), p = 1 - consensusQuantile),
      nGenes, nModules
    kME.median <- matrix(
      colQuantileC(t(matrix(kME, nGenes * nModules, nSets)), p = 0.5),
      nGenes, nModules
  kME.consensus <- ifelse(kME.median > 0, kME.consensus.1, kME.consensus.2)

  kME.consensus[kME.consensus * kME.median < 0] <- 0

  # Prepare identifiers for the variables (genes)
  if (is.null(colnames(multiExpr[[1]]$data))) {
    ID <- spaste("Variable.", 1:nGenes)
  } else {
    ID <- colnames(multiExpr[[1]]$data)

  # Get meta-Z, -p, -q values
  if (haveZs) {
    Z.kME.meta <- p.kME.meta <- array(0, dim = c(nGenes, nWeights, nModules))
    if (getQvalues) q.kME.meta <- array(0, dim = c(nGenes, nWeights, nModules))
    for (m in 1:nWeights)
      if (m <= nPowers) {
        weights <- nObs^powers[m]
      } else {
        weights <- array(rep(metaAnalysisWeights, rep(nGenes * nModules, nSets)),
          dim = c(nGenes, nModules, nSets)

      Z1 <- rowSums(Z * weights, na.rm = TRUE, dims = 2) / sqrt(rowSums(weights^2, na.rm = TRUE, dims = 2))
      if (signed) {
        p1 <- pnorm(Z1, lower.tail = FALSE)
      } else {
        p1 <- 2 * pnorm(abs(Z1), lower.tail = FALSE)
      Z.kME.meta[, m, ] <- Z1
      p.kME.meta[, m, ] <- p1
      if (getQvalues) {
        q1 <- apply(p1, 2, qvalue.restricted)
        q.kME.meta[, m, ] <- q1
    dim(Z.kME.meta) <- dim(p.kME.meta) <- c(nGenes * nWeights, nModules)
    if (getQvalues) {
      dim(q.kME.meta) <- c(nGenes * nWeights, nModules)
    } else {
      q.kME.meta <- NULL
  } else {
    Z.kME.meta <- p.kME.meta <- q.kME.meta <- NULL

  # Call rankPvalue

  if (useRankPvalue) {
    for (mod in 1:nModules) {
      for (m in 1:nWeights)
        if (m <= nPowers) {
          weights <- nObs[, mod, ]^powers[m]
        } else {
          weights <- matrix(metaAnalysisWeights, nGenes, nSets, byrow = TRUE)
        # rankPvalue requires a vector of weights... so compress the weights to a vector.
        # Output a warning if the compression loses information.
        nDifferent <- apply(weights, 2, function(x) {
        if (any(nDifferent) > 1) {
            "Warning in consensusKME: rankPvalue requires compressed weights.\n",
            "Some weights may not be entirely accurate."
        cw <- colMeans(weights, na.rm = TRUE)
        rankPvalueOptions$columnweights <- cw / sum(cw)

        rankPvalueOptions$datS <- kME[, mod, ]
        rp1 <- do.call(rankPvalue, rankPvalueOptions)
        colnames(rp1) <- spaste(colnames(rp1), ".ME", modLevels[mod], ".", weightNames[m])
        if (mod == 1 && m == 1) {
          rp <- rp1
        } else {
          rp <- cbind(rp, rp1)

  # Format the output... this will entail some rearranging of the individual set results.
  if (is.null(setNames)) {
    setNames <- names(multiExpr)

  if (is.null(setNames)) {
    setNames <- spaste("Set_", c(1:nSets))

  if (!haveZs) Z <- NULL

  keep <- c(TRUE, TRUE, getQvalues, haveZs)
  varNames <- c("kME", "p.kME", "q.kME", "Z.kME")[keep]
  nVars <- sum(keep)

  dimnames(kME) <- list(
    mtd.colnames(multiExpr), spaste("k", mtd.colnames(multiEigengenes)),

  dimnames(p) <- list(
    mtd.colnames(multiExpr), spaste("p.k", mtd.colnames(multiEigengenes)),

  if (getQvalues) {
    dimnames(q) <- list(
      mtd.colnames(multiExpr), spaste("q.k", mtd.colnames(multiEigengenes)),

  if (haveZs) {
    dimnames(Z) <- list(
      mtd.colnames(multiExpr), spaste("Z.k", mtd.colnames(multiEigengenes)),

  varList <- list(kME = kME, p = p, q = if (getQvalues) q else NULL, Z = if (haveZs) Z else NULL)
  varList.interleaved <- lapply(varList, function(arr) {
    if (!is.null(dim(arr))) {
      split <- lapply(1:dim(arr)[3], function(i) arr[, , i])
      .interleave(split, nameBase = setNames, baseFirst = FALSE)
    } else {

  # the following seems to choke on larger data sets, at least in R 3.2.1
  # combined = array(c (kME, p, q, Z), dim = c(nGenes, nModules, nSets, nVars));
  # recast = matrix( c(cast(melt(combined), X1~X4~X3~X2)), nGenes, nSets * nModules * nVars);

  # ... so I will replace it with more cumbersome but hopefully workable code.

  recast <- .interleave(varList.interleaved, nameBase = rep("", 4), sep = "")

  combinedMeta.0 <- rbind(

  combinedMeta <- matrix(
    combinedMeta.0, nGenes,
    (1 + nWeights + (2 * haveZs + haveZs * getQvalues) * nWeights) * nModules
  metaNames <- c(
    spaste("weightedAverage.", weightNames, ".kME"),
    spaste("meta.Z.", weightNames, ".kME"),
    spaste("meta.p.", weightNames, ".kME"),
    spaste("meta.q.", weightNames, ".kME")
    rep(TRUE, nWeights + 1), rep(haveZs, nWeights), rep(haveZs, nWeights),
    rep(haveZs && getQvalues, nWeights)
  nMetaVars <- length(metaNames)
  colnames(combinedMeta) <- spaste(
    rep(metaNames, nModules),
    rep(modLevels, rep(nMetaVars, nModules))

  if (useRankPvalue) {
    out <- data.frame(ID = ID, combinedMeta, rp, recast)
  } else {
    out <- data.frame(ID = ID, combinedMeta, recast)


hierarchicalConsensusKME <- function(
                                     multiWeights = NULL,
                                     multiEigengenes = NULL,
                                     signed = TRUE,
                                     useModules = NULL,
                                     metaAnalysisWeights = NULL,
                                     corAndPvalueFnc = corAndPvalue, corOptions = list(),
                                     corComponent = "cor", getFDR = FALSE,
                                     useRankPvalue = TRUE,
                                     rankPvalueOptions = list(calculateQvalue = getFDR, pValueMethod = "scale"),
                                     setNames = names(multiExpr), excludeGrey = TRUE,
                                     greyLabel = if (is.numeric(moduleLabels)) 0 else "grey",
                                     reportWeightType = NULL,
                                     getOwnModuleZ = TRUE,
                                     getBestModuleZ = TRUE,
                                     getOwnConsensusKME = TRUE,
                                     getBestConsensusKME = TRUE,
                                     getAverageKME = FALSE,
                                     getConsensusKME = TRUE,

                                     getMetaP = FALSE,
                                     getMetaFDR = getMetaP && getFDR,

                                     getSetKME = TRUE,
                                     getSetZ = FALSE,
                                     getSetP = FALSE,
                                     getSetFDR = getSetP && getFDR,

                                     includeID = TRUE,
                                     additionalGeneInfo = NULL,
                                     includeWeightTypeInColnames = TRUE) {
  corAndPvalueFnc <- match.fun(corAndPvalueFnc)

  size <- checkSets(multiExpr)
  nSets <- size$nSets
  nGenes <- size$nGenes
  nSamples <- size$nSamples

  .checkAndScaleMultiWeights(multiWeights, multiExpr, scaleByMax = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(metaAnalysisWeights)) {
    if (length(metaAnalysisWeights) != nSets) {
      stop("Length of 'metaAnalysisWeights' must equal number of input sets.")

  if (!is.null(useModules)) {
    if (greyLabel %in% useModules) {
        "Grey module (or module 0) cannot be used with 'useModules'.\n",
        "   Use 'excludeGrey = FALSE' to obtain results for the grey module as well. "
    keep <- moduleLabels %in% useModules
    if (sum(keep) == 0) {
      stop("Incorrectly specified 'useModules': no such module(s).")
    moduleLabels [!keep] <- greyLabel

  if (!is.null(additionalGeneInfo)) {
    if (nrow(additionalGeneInfo) != nGenes) {
      stop("If given, 'additionalGeneInfo' must be a data frame with one row per gene.")

  if (is.null(multiEigengenes)) {
    multiEigengenes <- multiSetMEs(multiExpr,
      universalColors = moduleLabels, verbose = 0,
      excludeGrey = excludeGrey, grey = greyLabel

  modLevels <- substring(colnames(multiEigengenes[[1]]$data), 3)
  nModules <- length(modLevels)

  kME <- p <- Z <- nObs <- array(NA, dim = c(nGenes, nModules, nSets))

  corOptions$alternative <- c("two.sided", "greater")[signed + 1]

  haveZs <- FALSE
  kME.lst <- list()
  for (set in 1:nSets)
    corOptions$x <- multiExpr[[set]]$data
    corOptions$y <- multiEigengenes[[set]]$data
    if (!is.null(multiWeights)) {
      corOptions$weights.x <- multiWeights[[set]]$data
    cp <- do.call(corAndPvalueFnc, args = corOptions)
    corComp <- grep(corComponent, names(cp))
    pComp <- match("p", names(cp))
    if (is.na(pComp)) pComp <- match("p.value", names(cp))
    if (is.na(pComp)) stop("Function `corAndPvalueFnc' did not return a p-value.")
    kME[, , set] <- kME.lst[[set]] <- cp[[corComp]]
    p[, , set] <- cp[[pComp]]
    if (!is.null(cp$Z)) {
      Z[, , set] <- cp$Z
      haveZs <- TRUE
    if (!is.null(cp$nObs)) {
      nObs[, , set] <- cp$nObs
    } else {
      nObs[, , set] <- t(is.na(multiExpr[[set]]$data)) %*% (!is.na(multiEigengenes[[set]]$data))

  names(kME.lst) <- setNames

  if (getFDR) {
    q <- apply(p, c(2:3), p.adjust, method = "fdr")
  } else {
    q <- NULL

  # kME.average = rowMeans(kME, dims = 2); <-- not neccessary since weighted average also contains it

  if (is.null(reportWeightType)) {
    if (is.null(metaAnalysisWeights)) {
      reportWeightType <- "rootDoF"
    } else {
      reportWeightType <- "user"

  knownWeightTypes <- c("equal", "rootDoF", "DoF", "user")
  reportWeightType.num <- pmatch(reportWeightType, knownWeightTypes)
  if (length(reportWeightType.num) == 0 || any(is.na(reportWeightType.num))) {
      "If given, 'reportWeightType' must be one of:\n  ",
      paste(knownWeightTypes, collapse = ", ")

  powers <- c(0, 0.5, 1)
  nPowers <- length(powers)
  nWeights.all <- nPowers + !is.null(metaAnalysisWeights)
  weightNames <- c("equalWeights", "rootDoFWeights", "DoFWeights", "userWeights")
  nWeights <- length(reportWeightType.num)

  if (nWeights > 1) includeWeightTypeInColnames <- TRUE
  kME.weightedAverage <- array(NA, dim = c(nGenes, nWeights, nModules))
  for (m in 1:nWeights)
    mm <- reportWeightType.num[m]
    if (mm <= nPowers) {
      weights <- (nObs - 2)^powers[mm]
    } else {
      weights <- array(rep(metaAnalysisWeights, rep(nGenes * nModules, nSets)),
        dim = c(nGenes, nModules, nSets)
    kME.weightedAverage[, m, ] <- rowSums(kME * weights, na.rm = TRUE, dims = 2) /
      rowSums(weights, dims = 2, na.rm = TRUE)

  dim(kME.weightedAverage) <- c(nGenes * nWeights, nModules)

  kME.consensus <- simpleHierarchicalConsensusCalculation(
    individualData = kME.lst, consensusTree = consensusTree

  # Prepare identifiers for the variables (genes)
  if (is.null(colnames(multiExpr[[1]]$data))) {
    ID <- spaste("Variable.", 1:nGenes)
  } else {
    ID <- colnames(multiExpr[[1]]$data)

  # Get meta-Z, -p, -q values
  if (haveZs) {
    Z.kME.meta <- p.kME.meta <- array(0, dim = c(nGenes, nWeights, nModules))
    if (getFDR) q.kME.meta <- array(0, dim = c(nGenes, nWeights, nModules))
    for (m in 1:nWeights)
      mm <- reportWeightType.num[m]
      if (mm <= nPowers) {
        weights <- (nObs - 2)^powers[mm]
      } else {
        weights <- array(rep(metaAnalysisWeights, rep(nGenes * nModules, nSets)),
          dim = c(nGenes, nModules, nSets)

      Z1 <- rowSums(Z * weights, na.rm = TRUE, dims = 2) / sqrt(rowSums(weights^2, na.rm = TRUE, dims = 2))
      if (signed) {
        p1 <- pnorm(Z1, lower.tail = FALSE)
      } else {
        p1 <- 2 * pnorm(abs(Z1), lower.tail = FALSE)
      Z.kME.meta[, m, ] <- Z1
      p.kME.meta[, m, ] <- p1
      if (getFDR) {
        q1 <- apply(p1, 2, p.adjust, method = "fdr")
        q.kME.meta[, m, ] <- q1
    dim(Z.kME.meta) <- dim(p.kME.meta) <- c(nGenes * nWeights, nModules)
    if (getFDR) {
      dim(q.kME.meta) <- c(nGenes * nWeights, nModules)
    } else {
      q.kME.meta <- NULL
  } else {
    Z.kME.meta <- p.kME.meta <- q.kME.meta <- NULL

  # Call rankPvalue

  if (useRankPvalue) {
    for (mod in 1:nModules) {
      for (m in 1:nWeights)
        if (m <= nPowers) {
          weights <- nObs[, mod, ]^powers[m]
        } else {
          weights <- matrix(metaAnalysisWeights, nGenes, nSets, byrow = TRUE)
        # rankPvalue requires a vector of weights... so compress the weights to a vector.
        # Output a warning if the compression loses information.
        nDifferent <- apply(weights, 2, function(x) {
        if (any(nDifferent) > 1) {
            "Warning in consensusKME: rankPvalue requires compressed weights.\n",
            "Some weights may not be entirely accurate."
        cw <- colMeans(weights, na.rm = TRUE)
        rankPvalueOptions$columnweights <- cw / sum(cw)

        rankPvalueOptions$datS <- kME[, mod, ]
        rp1 <- do.call(rankPvalue, rankPvalueOptions)
        colnames(rp1) <- spaste(colnames(rp1), ".ME", modLevels[mod], ".", weightNames[m])
        if (mod == 1 && m == 1) {
          rp <- rp1
        } else {
          rp <- cbind(rp, rp1)

  # Format the output... this will entail some rearranging of the individual set results.
  if (is.null(setNames)) {
    setNames <- names(multiExpr)

  if (is.null(setNames)) {
    setNames <- spaste("Set_", c(1:nSets))

  if (!haveZs) Z <- NULL

  keep <- c(TRUE, TRUE, getFDR, haveZs)
  varNames <- c("kME", "p.kME", "FDR.kME", "Z.kME")[keep]
  nVars <- sum(keep)

  dimnames(kME) <- list(
    mtd.colnames(multiExpr), spaste("k", mtd.colnames(multiEigengenes)),

  dimnames(p) <- list(
    mtd.colnames(multiExpr), spaste("p.k", mtd.colnames(multiEigengenes)),

  if (getFDR) {
    dimnames(q) <- list(
      mtd.colnames(multiExpr), spaste("FDR.k", mtd.colnames(multiEigengenes)),

  if (haveZs) {
    dimnames(Z) <- list(
      mtd.colnames(multiExpr), spaste("Z.k", mtd.colnames(multiEigengenes)),

  varList <- list(
    kME = if (getSetKME) kME else NULL,
    p = if (getSetP) p else NULL,
    q = if (getSetFDR) q else NULL,
    Z = if (getSetZ && haveZs) Z else NULL
  varList.interleaved <- lapply(varList, function(arr) {
    if (!is.null(dim(arr))) {
      split <- lapply(1:dim(arr)[3], function(i) arr[, , i])
      .interleave(split, nameBase = setNames, baseFirst = FALSE)
    } else {

  recast <- .interleave(varList.interleaved, nameBase = rep("", 4), sep = "")

  out <- data.frame(ID = ID)

  if (!is.null(additionalGeneInfo)) {
    out <- data.frame(out, additionalGeneInfo)

  out <- data.frame(out, module = moduleLabels)

  index <- cbind(1:nGenes, match(moduleLabels, modLevels))
  if (getOwnModuleZ) {
    out <- cbind(out, Z.kME.inOwnModule = Z.kME.meta[index])

  if (getBestModuleZ) {
    maxData <- minWhichMin(-Z.kME.meta, byRow = TRUE)
    maxMMmodule <- modLevels[maxData$which]
    out <- cbind(out, maxZ.kME = -maxData$min, moduleOfMaxZ.kME = maxMMmodule)

  if (getOwnConsensusKME) {
    out <- cbind(out, consKME.inOwnModule = kME.consensus[index])

  if (getBestConsensusKME) {
    maxData <- minWhichMin(-kME.consensus, byRow = TRUE)
    out <- cbind(out, maxConsKME = -maxData$min, moduleOfMaxConsKME = modLevels[maxData$which])

  if (!includeID) out <- out[, -1, drop = FALSE]

  combinedMeta.0 <- rbind(
    if (getConsensusKME) kME.consensus else NULL,
    if (getAverageKME) kME.weightedAverage else NULL,
    if (getMetaP) p.kME.meta else NULL,
    if (getMetaFDR) q.kME.meta else NULL

  combinedMeta <- matrix(
    combinedMeta.0, nGenes,
    (getConsensusKME + getAverageKME * nWeights +
      (haveZs * (1 + getMetaP + getMetaFDR) * nWeights)) * nModules

  metaNames <- c(
      if (includeWeightTypeInColnames) spaste(weightNames, ".") else "", "kME"
      if (includeWeightTypeInColnames) spaste(weightNames, ".") else "", "kME"
      if (includeWeightTypeInColnames) spaste(weightNames, ".") else "", "kME"
      if (includeWeightTypeInColnames) spaste(weightNames, ".") else "", "kME"
    getConsensusKME, rep(getAverageKME, nWeights),
    rep(haveZs, nWeights),
    rep(haveZs && getMetaP, nWeights),
    rep(haveZs && getMetaFDR, nWeights)

  nMetaVars <- length(metaNames)
  colnames(combinedMeta) <- spaste(
    rep(metaNames, nModules),
    rep(modLevels, rep(nMetaVars, nModules))

  if (useRankPvalue) {
    out <- data.frame(out, combinedMeta, rp, recast)
  } else {
    out <- data.frame(out, combinedMeta, recast)

# ======================================================================================================
# Meta-analysis
# ======================================================================================================

.isBinary <- function(multiTrait) {
  bin <- TRUE
  for (set in 1:length(multiTrait)) {
    if (length(sort(unique(multiTrait[[set]]$data))) > 2) bin <- FALSE


metaAnalysis <- function(multiExpr, multiTrait,
                         binary = NULL,
                         # consensusQuantile = 0,
                         metaAnalysisWeights = NULL,
                         corFnc = cor, corOptions = list(use = "p"),
                         getQvalues = FALSE,
                         getAreaUnderROC = FALSE,
                         useRankPvalue = TRUE,
                         rankPvalueOptions = list(),
                         setNames = NULL,
                         kruskalTest = FALSE, var.equal = FALSE,
                         metaKruskal = kruskalTest,
                         na.action = "na.exclude") {
  size <- checkSets(multiExpr)
  nSets <- size$nSets

  for (set in 1:nSets) {
    multiTrait[[set]]$ data <- as.matrix(multiTrait[[set]]$ data)

  tSize <- checkSets(multiTrait)
  if (tSize$nGenes != 1) {
    stop("This function only works for a single trait. ")

  if (size$nSets != tSize$nSets) {
    stop("The number of sets in 'multiExpr' and 'multiTrait' must be the same.")

  if (!all.equal(size$nSamples, tSize$nSamples)) {
    stop("Numbers of samples in each set of 'multiExpr' and 'multiTrait' must be the same.")

  # if (!is.finite(consensusQuantile) || consensusQuantile < 0 || consensusQuantile > 1)
  #   stop("'consensusQuantile' must be between 0 and 1.");

  if (is.null(setNames)) {
    setNames <- names(multiExpr)

  if (is.null(setNames)) {
    setNames <- spaste("Set_", c(1:nSets))

  if (metaKruskal && !kruskalTest) {
    stop("Kruskal statistic meta-analysis requires kruskal test. Use kruskalTest=TRUE.")

  if (is.null(binary)) binary <- .isBinary(multiTrait)

  if (!is.null(metaAnalysisWeights)) {
    if (length(metaAnalysisWeights) != nSets) {
      stop("Length of 'metaAnalysisWeights' must equal the number of sets in 'multiExpr'.")
    if (any(!is.finite(metaAnalysisWeights)) || any(metaAnalysisWeights < 0)) {
      stop("All weights in 'metaAnalysisWeights' must be positive.")

  setResults <- list()

  for (set in 1:size$nSets)
    if (binary) {
      setResults[[set]] <- standardScreeningBinaryTrait(multiExpr[[set]]$data,
        kruskalTest = kruskalTest,
        qValues = getQvalues, var.equal = var.equal, na.action = na.action,
        corFnc = corFnc, corOptions = corOptions
      trafo <- TRUE
      if (metaKruskal) {
        metaStat <- "stat.Kruskal.signed"
        metaP <- "pvaluekruskal"
      } else {
        metaStat <- "t.Student"
        metaP <- "pvalueStudent"
    } else {
      setResults[[set]] <- standardScreeningNumericTrait(multiExpr[[set]]$data,
        qValues = getQvalues,
        corFnc = corFnc, corOptions = corOptions,
        areaUnderROC = getAreaUnderROC
      metaStat <- "Z"
      trafo <- FALSE

  comb <- NULL
  for (set in 1:nSets)
    if (set == 1) {
      comb <- setResults[[set]] [, -1]
      ID <- setResults[[set]] [, 1]
      colNames <- colnames(comb)
      nColumns <- ncol(comb)
      colnames(comb) <- spaste("X", c(1:nColumns))
    } else {
      xx <- setResults[[set]][, -1]
      colnames(xx) <- spaste("X", c(1:nColumns))
      comb <- rbind(comb, xx)

  # Re-arrange comb:

  comb <- matrix(as.matrix(as.data.frame(comb)), size$nGenes, nColumns * nSets)

  colnames(comb) <- spaste(rep(colNames, rep(nSets, nColumns)), ".", rep(setNames, nColumns))

  # Find the columns from which to do meta-analysis
  statCols <- grep(spaste("^", metaStat), colnames(comb))
  if (length(statCols) == 0) stop("Internal error: no columns for meta-analysis found. Sorry!")
  setStats <- comb[, statCols]

  if (trafo) {
    # transform p-values to Z statistics
    # Find the pvalue columns
    pCols <- grep(spaste("^", metaP), colnames(comb))
    if (length(pCols) == 0) stop("Internal error: no columns for meta-analysis found. Sorry!")
    setP <- comb[, pCols]
    # Caution: I assume here that the returned p-values are two-sided.
    setZ <- sign(setStats) * qnorm(setP / 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  } else {
    setZ <- setStats

  colnames(setZ) <- spaste("Z.", setNames)
  nObsCols <- grep("nPresentSamples", colnames(comb))
  nObs <- comb[, nObsCols]

  powers <- c(0, 0.5, 1)
  nPowers <- 3

  metaNames <- c("equalWeights", "RootDoFWeights", "DoFWeights")
  if (is.null(metaAnalysisWeights)) {
    nMeta <- nPowers
  } else {
    nMeta <- nPowers + 1
    metaNames <- c(metaNames, "userWeights")
  metaResults <- NULL
  for (m in 1:nMeta)
    if (m <= nPowers) {
      weights <- nObs^powers[m]
    } else {
      weights <- matrix(metaAnalysisWeights, size$nGenes, nSets, byrow = TRUE)

    metaZ <- rowSums(setZ * weights, na.rm = TRUE) / sqrt(rowSums(weights^2, na.rm = TRUE))
    p.meta <- 2 * pnorm(abs(metaZ), lower.tail = FALSE)
    if (getQvalues) {
      q.meta <- qvalue.restricted(p.meta)
      meta1 <- cbind(metaZ, p.meta, q.meta)
    } else {
      q.meta <- NULL
      meta1 <- cbind(metaZ, p.meta)
    colnames(meta1) <- spaste(
      c("Z.", "p.", "q.")[1:ncol(meta1)],
    metaResults <- cbind(metaResults, meta1)

  # Use rankPvalue to produce yet another meta-analysis

  rankMetaResults <- NULL
  if (useRankPvalue) {
    rankPvalueOptions$datS <- as.data.frame(setZ)
    if (is.na(match("calculateQvalue", names(rankPvalueOptions)))) {
      rankPvalueOptions$calculateQvalue <- getQvalues
    for (m in 1:nMeta)
      if (m <= nPowers) {
        weights <- nObs^powers[m]
      } else {
        weights <- matrix(metaAnalysisWeights, size$nGenes, nSets, byrow = TRUE)

      # rankPvalue requires a vector of weights... so compress the weights to a vector.
      # Output a warning if the compression loses information.
      nDifferent <- apply(weights, 2, function(x) {
      if (any(nDifferent) > 1) {
          "Warning in metaAnalysis: rankPvalue requires compressed weights.\n",
          "Some weights may not be entirely accurate."
      rankPvalueOptions$columnweights <- colMeans(weights, na.rm = TRUE)
      rankPvalueOptions$columnweights <- rankPvalueOptions$columnweights / sum(rankPvalueOptions$columnweights)
      rp <- do.call(rankPvalue, rankPvalueOptions)
      colnames(rp) <- spaste(colnames(rp), ".", metaNames[m])
      rankMetaResults <- cbind(rankMetaResults, as.matrix(rp))

  # Put together the output

  out <- list(
    ID = ID,
    if (trafo) setZ else NULL,
  ) # The last NULL is necessary so the line below works even if nothing else is NULL

  out <- as.data.frame(out[-(which(sapply(out, is.null), arr.ind = TRUE))])


# ===============================================================================================
# multiUnion and multiIntersect
# ===============================================================================================

multiUnion <- function(setList) {
  len <- length(setList)
  if (len == 0) {
  if (len == 1) {

  out <- setList[[1]]
  for (elem in 2:len) out <- union(out, setList[[elem]])


multiIntersect <- function(setList) {
  len <- length(setList)
  if (len == 0) {
  if (len == 1) {

  out <- setList[[1]]
  for (elem in 2:len) out <- intersect(out, setList[[elem]])


# =====================================================================================================
# prependZeros
# =====================================================================================================
# prepend as many zeros as necessary to fill number to a certain width. Assumes an integer input.

prependZeros <- function(x, width = max(nchar(x))) {
  lengths <- nchar(x)
  if (width < max(lengths)) stop("Some entries of 'x' are too long.")
  out <- as.character(x)
  n <- length(x)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    if (lengths[i] < width) {
      out[i] <- paste0(
        paste(rep("0", width - lengths[i]), collapse = ""),


# ===========================================================================================================
# Text formatting
# ===========================================================================================================

.effectiveNChar <- function(s, capitalMultiplier = 1.4) {
  ss <- gsub("[^A-Z]", "", s)
  nchar(s) + (capitalMultiplier - 1) * nchar(ss)

formatLabels <- function(labels,
                         maxCharPerLine = 14,
                         maxWidth = NULL,
                         maxLines = Inf,
                         cex = 1,
                         split = " ", fixed = TRUE, newsplit = split,
                         keepSplitAtEOL = TRUE, capitalMultiplier = 1.4,
                         eol = "\n", ellipsis = "...") {
  n <- length(labels)
  labels2 <- strsplit(labels, split = eol, fixed = TRUE)
  index <- unlist(mapply(function(l, i) rep(i, length(l)), labels2, 1:n))
  labels3 <- unlist(labels2)

  n3 <- length(labels3)
  splitX <- strsplit(labels3, split = split, fixed = fixed)
  newLabels <- rep("", n3)
  width.newsplit <- if (is.null(maxWidth)) .effectiveNChar(newsplit) else strwidth(newsplit, cex = cex)
  for (l in 1:n3)
    nl <- ""
    line <- ""
    nLines <- 1
    if (nchar(labels3[l]) > 0) {
      for (s in 1:length(splitX[[l]]))
        newLen <- .effectiveNChar(line) + width.newsplit + .effectiveNChar(splitX [[l]] [s])
        cond <- if (is.null(maxWidth)) {
          newLen <= maxCharPerLine - (maxLines == nLines) * (width.newsplit + 2)
        } else {
          strwidth(spaste(line, newsplit, splitX [[l]] [s]), cex = cex) <=
            maxWidth - (maxLines == nLines) * (width.newsplit + strwidth(ellipsis, cex = cex))
        if (nchar(line) < 5 | cond) {
          nl <- paste(nl, splitX[[l]] [s], sep = newsplit)
          line <- paste(line, splitX[[l]] [s], sep = newsplit)
        } else {
          if (nLines < maxLines) {
            nl <- paste(nl, splitX[[l]] [s], sep = paste0(if (keepSplitAtEOL) newsplit else "", eol))
          } else {
            # If this is the last line, add ellipsis and move on to next label.
            nl <- spaste(nl, newsplit, ellipsis)
          nLines <- nLines + 1
          line <- splitX[[l]] [s]
    newLabels[l] <- nl
  newLabels <- substring(newLabels, nchar(newsplit) + 1)
  unlist(tapply(newLabels, index, base::paste, collapse = eol))

# ==================================================================================================
# shortenStrings
# =================================================================================================

.listRep <- function(data, n) {
  out <- list()
  if (n > 0) for (i in 1:n) out[[i]] <- data

# Truncate labels at the last 'split' before given maximum length, add ... if the label is shortened.

shortenStrings <- function(strings, maxLength = 25, minLength = 10, split = " ", fixed = TRUE,
                           ellipsis = "...", countEllipsisInLength = FALSE) {
  dims <- dim(strings)
  dnames <- dimnames(strings)
  if (is.data.frame(strings)) {
    strings <- as.matrix(strings)
    outputDF <- TRUE
  } else {
    outputDF <- FALSE
  strings <- as.character(strings)
  n <- length(strings)
  if (n == 0) {

  newLabels <- rep("", n)
  if (length(split) > 0) {
    splitPositions <- gregexpr(pattern = split, text = strings, fixed = fixed)
  } else {
    splitPositions <- .listRep(numeric(0), n)
  if (countEllipsisInLength) {
    maxLength <- maxLength - nchar(ellipsis)
    minLength <- minLength - nchar(ellipsis)
  for (l in 1:n)
    if (nchar(strings[l]) <= maxLength) {
      newLabels[l] <- strings[l]
    } else {
      splits.1 <- splitPositions[[l]]
      suitableSplits <- which(splits.1 > minLength & splits.1 <= maxLength)
      if (length(suitableSplits) > 0) {
        splitPosition <- max(splits.1[suitableSplits])
      } else {
        splitPosition <- maxLength + 1
      newLabels[l] <- spaste(substring(strings[l], 1, splitPosition - 1), ellipsis)

  dim(newLabels) <- dims
  dimnames(newLabels) <- dnames
  if (outputDF) as.data.frame(newLabels) else newLabels

# ========================================================================================================
# multiGSub, multiSub
# ========================================================================================================

multiGSub <- function(patterns, replacements, x, ...) {
  n <- length(patterns)
  if (n != length(replacements)) stop("Lengths of 'patterns' and 'replacements' must be the same.")
  for (i in 1:n) x <- gsub(patterns[i], replacements[i], x, ...)

multiSub <- function(patterns, replacements, x, ...) {
  n <- length(patterns)
  if (n != length(replacements)) stop("Lengths of 'patterns' and 'replacements' must be the same.")
  for (i in 1:n) x <- sub(patterns[i], replacements[i], x, ...)

multiGrep <- function(patterns, x, ..., sort = TRUE, invert = FALSE) {
  if (invert) {
    out <- multiIntersect(lapply(patterns, grep, x, ..., invert = TRUE))
  } else {
    out <- unique(unlist(lapply(patterns, grep, x, ..., invert = FALSE)))
  if (sort) out <- sort(out)

multiGrepl <- function(patterns, x, ...) {
  mat <- do.call(cbind, lapply(patterns, function(p) as.numeric(grepl(p, x, ...))))
  rowSums(mat) > 0

# ========================================================================================================
# plotMultiHist, multiPlot
# ========================================================================================================

.addErrorBars.2sided <- function(x, means, upper, lower, width = strwidth("II"), ...) {
  if (!is.numeric(means) | !is.numeric(x) || !is.numeric(upper) || !is.numeric(lower)) {
    stop("All arguments must be numeric")
  ERR1 <- upper
  ERR2 <- lower
  for (i in 1:length(means)) {
    segments(x[i], means[i], x[i], ERR1[i], ...)
    segments(x[i] - width / 2, ERR1[i], x[i] + width / 2, ERR1[i], ...)
    segments(x[i], means[i], x[i], ERR2[i], ...)
    segments(x[i] - width / 2, ERR2[i], x[i] + width / 2, ERR2[i], ...)

.multiPlot <- function(x = NULL, y = NULL, data = NULL,
                       columnX = NULL, columnY = NULL,
                       barHigh = NULL, barLow = NULL,
                       type = "p",
                       xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
                       pch = 1, col = 1, bg = 0, lwd = 1, lty = 1,
                       cex = 1, barColor = 1,
                       addGrid = FALSE, linesPerTick = NULL,
                       horiz = TRUE, vert = FALSE, gridColor = "grey30", gridLty = 3,
                       errBar.lwd = 1,
                       plotBg = NULL,
                       newPlot = TRUE,
                       dropMissing = TRUE,
                       ...) {
  getColumn <- function(data, column) {
    if (!is.numeric(column)) column <- match(column, colnames(data))
    data[, column]

  expand <- function(x, n) {
    if (length(x) < n) x <- rep(x, ceiling(n / length(x)))

  if (!is.null(data)) {
    if (is.null(columnX)) stop("'columnX' must be given.")
    if (is.null(columnY)) stop("'columnY' must be given.")

    x <- lapply(data, getColumn, columnX)
    y <- lapply(data, getColumn, columnY)

  if (is.null(x) | is.null(y)) stop("'x' and 'y' or 'data' must be given.")

  if (mode(x) == "numeric") x <- as.list(as.data.frame(as.matrix(x)))
  if (mode(y) == "numeric") y <- as.list(as.data.frame(as.matrix(y)))

  if (!is.null(barHigh) && mode(barHigh) == "numeric") barHigh <- as.list(as.data.frame(as.matrix(barHigh)))
  if (!is.null(barLow) && mode(barLow) == "numeric") barLow <- as.list(as.data.frame(as.matrix(barLow)))

  nx <- length(x)
  ny <- length(y)

  if (nx == 1 && ny > 1) {
    for (c in 2:ny) x[[c]] <- x[[1]]
    nx <- length(x)

  if (nx != ny) stop("Length of 'x' and 'y' must be the same.")

  if (length(barHigh) > 0 && length(barHigh) != ny) stop("If given, 'barHigh' must have the same length as 'y'.")
  if (length(barLow) > 0 && length(barLow) != ny) stop("If given, 'barLow' must have the same length as 'y'.")

  if (!is.null(barHigh) && is.null(barLow)) {
    barLow <- mapply(function(m, u) 2 * m - u, y, barHigh, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  pch <- expand(pch, nx)
  col <- expand(col, nx)
  bg <- expand(bg, nx)
  lwd <- expand(lwd, nx)
  lty <- expand(lty, nx)
  cex <- expand(cex, nx)
  barColor <- expand(barColor, nx)

  if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(c(y, barLow, barHigh), na.rm = TRUE)

  if (newPlot) {
    plot(x[[1]], y[[1]],
      xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, pch = pch[1], col = col[1],
      bg = bg[[1]], lwd = lwd[1], lty = lty[1], cex = cex[1], ..., type = "n"

  if (!is.null(plotBg)) {
    if (length(plotBg) == 1) plotBg <- expand(plotBg, nx)
    box <- par("usr")
    for (i in 1:nx)
      if (i == 1) xl <- box[1] else xl <- (x[[1]] [i] + x[[1]] [i - 1]) / 2
      if (i == nx) xr <- box[2] else xr <- (x[[1]] [i + 1] + x[[1]] [i]) / 2
      rect(xl, box[3], xr, box[4], border = plotBg[i], col = plotBg[i])

  if (addGrid) {
    addGrid(linesPerTick = linesPerTick, horiz = horiz, vert = vert, col = gridColor, lty = gridLty)

  if (!is.null(barHigh)) {
    for (p in 1:nx) {
      .addErrorBars.2sided(x[[p]], y[[p]], barHigh[[p]], barLow[[p]],
        col = barColor[p],
        lwd = errBar.lwd

  if (type %in% c("l", "b")) {
    for (p in 1:nx)
      if (dropMissing) {
        present <- is.finite(x[[p]]) & is.finite(y[[p]])
      } else {
        present <- rep(TRUE, length(x[[p]]))
      lines(x[[p]][present], y[[p]][present], lwd = lwd[p], lty = lty[p], cex = cex[p], col = bg[p])
  if (type %in% c("p", "b")) {
    for (p in 1:nx) {
      points(x[[p]], y[[p]], pch = pch[p], col = col[p], bg = bg[p], cex = cex[p])

plotMultiHist <- function(data, nBreaks = 100, col = 1:length(data), scaleBy = c("area", "max", "none"),
                          cumulative = FALSE, ...) {
  if (is.atomic(data)) data <- list(data)
  range <- range(data, na.rm = TRUE)
  breaks <- seq(from = range[1], to = range[2], length.out = nBreaks + 1)
  breaks[nBreaks + 1] <- range[2] + 0.001 * (range[2] - range[1])

  hists <- lapply(data, hist, breaks = breaks, plot = FALSE)

  scaleBy <- match.arg(scaleBy)

  if (cumulative) {
    hists <- lapply(hists, function(h) {
      h$counts <- cumsum(h$counts) / sum(h$counts)
  } else {
    if (scaleBy == "max") {
      scale <- lapply(hists, function(h1) max(h1$counts))
      hists <- mapply(function(h1, s1) {
        h1$counts <- h1$counts / s1
      }, hists, scale, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    } else if (scaleBy == "area") {
      scale <- lapply(hists, function(h1) sum(h1$counts))
      hists <- mapply(function(h1, s1) {
        h1$counts <- h1$counts / s1
      }, hists, scale, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  n <- length(data)

    x = lapply(hists, getElement, "mids"),
    y = lapply(hists, getElement, "counts"),
    type = "l", col = col, bg = col, ...
  invisible(list(x = lapply(hists, getElement, "mids"), y = lapply(hists, getElement, "counts")))

replaceMissing <- function(x, replaceWith) {
  if (missing(replaceWith)) {
    if (is.logical(x)) {
      replaceWith <- FALSE
    } else if (is.numeric(x)) {
      replaceWith <- 0
    } else if (is.character(x)) {
      replaceWith <- ""
    } else {
      stop("Need 'replaceWith'.")
  x[is.na(x)] <- replaceWith

imputeByModule <- function(
                           excludeUnassigned = FALSE,
                           unassignedLabel = if (is.numeric(labels)) 0 else "grey",
                           scale = TRUE,
                           ...) {
  labels <- replaceMissing(labels, unassignedLabel)
  labelLevels <- unique(labels)
  if (excludeUnassigned) labelLevels <- setdiff(labelLevels, unassignedLabel)
  if (scale) data <- scale(data)
  for (ll in labelLevels)
    inMod <- labels == ll
    data[, inMod] <- t(impute.knn(t(data[, inMod]), ...)$data)

signifNumeric <- function(x, digits, fnc = "signif") {
  x <- as.data.frame(x)
  isNumeric <- sapply(x, is.numeric)
  isDecimal <- isNumeric
  if (any(isNumeric)) {
    isDecimal[isNumeric] <- sapply(x[, isNumeric, drop = FALSE], function(xx) {
      any(round(xx) != xx, na.rm = TRUE)
  } else {
  fnc <- match.fun(fnc)
  x[, isDecimal] <- do.call(fnc, list(x = x[, isDecimal], digits = digits))

# =======================================================================================================
# binarizeCategoricalVar
# =======================================================================================================
# Assumes x is a vector but can easily be modified to also work with matrices.

binarizeCategoricalVariable <- function(
                                        levelOrder = NULL,
                                        ignore = NULL,
                                        minCount = 3,
                                        val1 = 0, val2 = 1,
                                        includePairwise = TRUE,
                                        includeLevelVsAll = FALSE,
                                        dropFirstLevelVsAll = FALSE,
                                        dropUninformative = TRUE,
                                        namePrefix = "",
                                        levelSep = NULL,
                                        nameForAll = "all",
                                        levelSep.pairwise = if (length(levelSep) == 0) ".vs." else levelSep,
                                        levelSep.vsAll = if (length(levelSep) == 0) (if (nameForAll == "") "" else ".vs.") else levelSep,
                                        checkNames = FALSE,
                                        includeLevelInformation = TRUE) {
  tab <- table(x)
  levels0 <- names(tab)
  tab <- tab[tab >= minCount & !(levels0 %in% ignore)]
  levels <- names(tab)
  if (!is.null(levelOrder)) {
    order <- match(levelOrder, levels)
    order <- order[is.finite(order)]
    levels0 <- levels[order]
    levels1 <- levels[!levels %in% levels0]
    levels <- c(levels0, levels1)
  nSamples <- length(x)
  nLevels <- length(levels)
  if (!is.logical(dropFirstLevelVsAll)) {
    dropFirstLevelVsAll.num <- pmatch(dropFirstLevelVsAll, c("none", "binary", "all"))
    if (is.na(dropFirstLevelVsAll.num)) {
        "If 'dropFirstLevelVsAll' is not logical, it must be one of\n",
        " 'none', 'binary', 'all'."
    dropFirstLevelVsAll <- dropFirstLevelVsAll.num == 3 | (dropFirstLevelVsAll.num == 2 && nLevels == 2)
  nBinaryVars <- includePairwise * nLevels * (nLevels - 1) / 2 +
    includeLevelVsAll * (nLevels - dropFirstLevelVsAll)
  if (nBinaryVars == 0) {
    if (dropUninformative) {
    } else {
      out <- as.matrix(rep(val2, nSamples))
      colnames(out) <- levels[1]
  out <- matrix(NA, nSamples, nBinaryVars)
  levelTable <- matrix("", 2, nBinaryVars)
  ind <- 1
  names <- rep("", nBinaryVars)
  if (includePairwise) {
    for (v1 in 1:(nLevels - 1)) {
      for (v2 in (v1 + 1):nLevels)
        out[x == levels[v1], ind] <- val1
        out[x == levels[v2], ind] <- val2
        names[ind] <- spaste(namePrefix, levels[v2], levelSep.pairwise, levels[v1])
        levelTable[, ind] <- levels[c(v1, v2)]
        ind <- ind + 1
  if (includeLevelVsAll) {
    for (v1 in (1 + as.numeric(dropFirstLevelVsAll)):nLevels)
      out[, ind] <- c(val1, val2) [as.numeric(x == levels[v1]) + 1]
      names[ind] <- spaste(namePrefix, levels[v1], levelSep.vsAll, nameForAll)
      levelTable[, ind] <- c(nameForAll, levels[v1])
      ind <- ind + 1
  colnames(out) <- names
  if (includeLevelInformation) {
    colnames(levelTable) <- names
    rownames(levelTable) <- spaste("Value.", c(val1, val2))
    attr(out, "includedLevels") <- levelTable

# This function attempts to determine whether a vector is numeric in the sense that coercing it to numeric
# will not lead to information loss.

.isNumericVector <- function(x, naStrings = c("NA", "NULL", "NO DATA")) {
  if (is.numeric(x)) {

  x[x %in% naStrings] <- NA
  x.num <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x))
  missing <- is.na(x.num)
  t <- table(x[missing])
  if (length(t) == 0) {
  if (length(t) > 1) {
  # if (all(missing)) return(TRUE) else return(FALSE);

convertNumericColumnsToNumeric <- function(data, naStrings = c("NA", "NULL", "NO DATA"),
                                           unFactor = TRUE) {
  data <- as.data.frame(data)
  if (unFactor) data <- as.data.frame(lapply(data, function(x) if (is.factor(x)) as.character(x) else x))
  num <- sapply(data, .isNumericVector)
  for (i in which(num)) {
    data[, i] <- as.numeric(data[, i])

# This function turn all non-numeric columns into factors

factorizeNonNumericColumns <- function(data) {
  data <- as.data.frame(data)
  isNumeric <- sapply(data, is.numeric)

  nonNumeric <- (1:ncol(data))[!isNumeric]

  for (c in nonNumeric) {
    if (!is.factor(data[[c]])) {
      data[, c] <- factor(data[, c])


binarizeCategoricalColumns <- function(
                                       convertColumns = NULL,
                                       considerColumns = NULL,
                                       maxOrdinalLevels = 3,
                                       levelOrder = NULL,
                                       minCount = 3,
                                       val1 = 0, val2 = 1,
                                       includePairwise = FALSE,
                                       includeLevelVsAll = TRUE,
                                       dropFirstLevelVsAll = TRUE,
                                       dropUninformative = TRUE,
                                       includePrefix = TRUE,
                                       prefixSep = ".",
                                       nameForAll = "all",
                                       levelSep = NULL,
                                       levelSep.pairwise = if (length(levelSep) == 0) ".vs." else levelSep,
                                       levelSep.vsAll = if (length(levelSep) == 0) (if (nameForAll == "") "" else ".vs.") else levelSep,
                                       checkNames = FALSE,
                                       includeLevelInformation = FALSE) {
  data <- as.data.frame(data)
  index <- c(1:ncol(data))
  if (is.null(convertColumns)) {
    isNumeric <- sapply(data, is.numeric)
    nLevels <- sapply(data, function(x) length(unique(x)))
    convertColumns <- !isNumeric | nLevels <= maxOrdinalLevels | index %in% convertColumns
  if (is.character(convertColumns)) convertColumns <- match(convertColumns, colnames(data))
  if (is.numeric(convertColumns)) {
    if (any(!is.finite(convertColumns))) {
      stop("All entries in 'convertColumns' must correspond to columns or column names in 'data'.")
    cc <- rep(FALSE, ncol(data))
    cc[convertColumns] <- TRUE
    convertColumns <- cc
  if (!is.null(considerColumns)) {
    if (is.character(considerColumns)) considerColumns <- match(considerColumns, colnames(data))
    if (is.numeric(considerColumns)) {
      if (any(!is.finite(considerColumns))) {
        stop("All entries in 'considerColumns' must correspond to columns or column names in 'data'.")
      cc <- rep(FALSE, ncol(data))
      cc[considerColumns] <- TRUE
      considerColumns <- cc
    convertColumns <- convertColumns & considerColumns

  out <- data.frame(hgfdouroio3r9384r93yu9289283yr92owihfiw = rep(NA, nrow(data)))
  levelInfo <- NULL
  for (c in index)
    if (convertColumns[c]) {
      nonMissing <- !is.na(data[, c])
      if (!any(nonMissing) || all(data[which(nonMissing)[1], c] == data[nonMissing, c])) {
        if (!dropUninformative) {
          df1 <- data.frame(rep(1, nrow(data)))
          names(df1) <- spaste(names(data)[c], ".", data[1, c])
          out <- cbind(out, df1)
      } else {
        out1 <- binarizeCategoricalVariable(data[, c],
          minCount = minCount, val1 = val1, val2 = val2,
          namePrefix = if (includePrefix) spaste(names(data)[c], prefixSep) else "",
          levelSep = levelSep, levelSep.pairwise = levelSep.pairwise, levelSep.vsAll = levelSep.vsAll,
          nameForAll = nameForAll, includePairwise = includePairwise,
          includeLevelVsAll = includeLevelVsAll,
          dropFirstLevelVsAll = dropFirstLevelVsAll,
          dropUninformative = dropUninformative,
          levelOrder = levelOrder[[c]], includeLevelInformation = includeLevelInformation
        if (!is.null(out1)) {
          out <- as.data.frame(cbind(out, out1))
          if (includeLevelInformation) {
            levelInfo <- if (is.null(levelInfo)) {
              attr(out1, "includedLevels")
            } else {
              cbind(levelInfo, attr(out1, "includedLevels"))
    } else {
      out <- as.data.frame(cbind(out, data[, c, drop = FALSE]))
  out <- out[, -1, drop = FALSE]
  if (checkNames) {
    names(out) <- make.unique(make.names(names(out)))
  if (includeLevelInformation) attr(out, "includedLevels") <- levelInfo

# Convenience wrappers

binarizeCategoricalColumns.forRegression <- function(data, maxOrdinalLevels = 3,
                                                     convertColumns = NULL,
                                                     considerColumns = NULL,
                                                     levelOrder = NULL,
                                                     val1 = 0, val2 = 1,
                                                     includePrefix = TRUE,
                                                     prefixSep = ".",
                                                     checkNames = TRUE) {
    maxOrdinalLevels = maxOrdinalLevels,
    convertColumns = convertColumns,
    considerColumns = considerColumns,
    val1 = val1, val2 = val2,
    levelOrder = levelOrder,
    minCount = 1,
    includePairwise = FALSE, includeLevelVsAll = TRUE,
    dropFirstLevelVsAll = TRUE,
    dropUninformative = TRUE,
    includePrefix = includePrefix,
    prefixSep = prefixSep,
    includeLevelInformation = FALSE, checkNames = checkNames

binarizeCategoricalColumns.forPlots <- function(data, maxOrdinalLevels = 3,
                                                convertColumns = NULL,
                                                considerColumns = NULL,
                                                levelOrder = NULL,
                                                val1 = 0, val2 = 1,
                                                includePrefix = TRUE,
                                                prefixSep = ".") {
    maxOrdinalLevels = maxOrdinalLevels,
    convertColumns = convertColumns,
    considerColumns = considerColumns,
    val1 = val1, val2 = val2,
    levelOrder = levelOrder,
    minCount = 1,
    includePairwise = FALSE, includeLevelVsAll = TRUE,
    dropFirstLevelVsAll = FALSE,
    dropUninformative = TRUE,
    includePrefix = includePrefix,
    includeLevelInformation = FALSE,
    prefixSep = prefixSep, nameForAll = ""

binarizeCategoricalColumns.pairwise <- function(data, maxOrdinalLevels = 3,
                                                convertColumns = NULL,
                                                considerColumns = NULL,
                                                levelOrder = NULL,
                                                val1 = 0, val2 = 1,
                                                includePrefix = TRUE,
                                                prefixSep = ".",
                                                levelSep = ".vs.",
                                                checkNames = FALSE) {
    maxOrdinalLevels = maxOrdinalLevels,
    convertColumns = convertColumns,
    considerColumns = considerColumns,
    val1 = val1, val2 = val2,
    levelOrder = levelOrder,
    minCount = 1,
    includePairwise = TRUE, includeLevelVsAll = FALSE,
    dropFirstLevelVsAll = FALSE,
    dropUninformative = TRUE,
    levelSep = levelSep,
    includePrefix = includePrefix,
    prefixSep = prefixSep,
    includeLevelInformation = FALSE,
    checkNames = checkNames
milescsmith/WGCNA documentation built on April 11, 2024, 1:26 a.m.