
Defines functions .heatmapWithLegend .plotColorLegend .plotStandaloneLegend .autoTicks

# Replacement for the function image.plot

.autoTicks <- function(min, max, maxTicks = 6, tickPos = c(1, 2, 5)) {
  range <- max - min
  tick0 <- range / maxTicks
  maxTick <- max(tickPos)
  # Ticks can only be multiples of tickPos
  mult <- 1
  if (tick0 < maxTick / 10) {
    while (tick0 < maxTick / 10) {
      tick0 <- 10 * tick0
      mult <- mult * 10
  } else {
    while (tick0 >= maxTick) {
      tick0 <- tick0 / 10
      mult <- mult / 10

  ind <- sum(tick0 > tickPos) + 1
  tickStep <- tickPos[ind] / mult

  lowTick <- min / tickStep
  if (floor(lowTick) != lowTick) lowTick <- lowTick + 1
  lowTick <- floor(lowTick)

  ticks <- tickStep * (lowTick:(lowTick + maxTicks + 1))
  ticks <- ticks[ticks <= max]

.plotStandaloneLegend <- function(
                                  ## These dimensions are in inches
                                  tickLen = 0.09,
                                  tickGap = 0.04,
                                  minBarWidth = 0.09,
                                  maxBarWidth = Inf,
                                  mar = c(0.5, 0.2, 0.5, 0.1)) {
  par(mar = mar)
  plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
  box <- par("usr")
  tickVal <- .autoTicks(lim[1], lim[2])
  pin <- par("pin")
  xrange <- box[2] - box[1]
  tickLen.usr <- tickLen / pin[1] * xrange
  tickGap.usr <- tickGap / pin[1] * xrange
  minBarWidth.usr <- minBarWidth / pin[1] * xrange
  maxBarWidth.usr <- maxBarWidth / pin[1] * xrange
  maxTickWidth <- max(strwidth(tickVal))
  if (maxTickWidth + tickLen.usr + tickGap.usr > box[2] - box[1] - minBarWidth.usr) {
    warning("Some tick labels will be truncated.")
  xMax <- max(box[2] - maxTickWidth - tickLen.usr - tickGap.usr, box[1] + minBarWidth.usr)
  if (xMax - box[1] > maxBarWidth.usr) xMax <- box[1] + maxBarWidth.usr
  .plotColorLegend(box[1], xMax,
    box[3], box[4],
    colors = colors,
    lim = lim,
    tickLen.usr = tickLen.usr,
    tickGap.usr = tickGap.usr

.plotColorLegend <- function(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax,
                             tickLen.usr = 0.7 * strwidth("M"),
                             tickGap.usr = 0.3 * strwidth("M"),
                             lim, cex.legend = 1) {
  tickVal <- .autoTicks(lim[1], lim[2])
  tickY <- (tickVal - lim[1]) / (lim[2] - lim[1]) * (ymax - ymin) + ymin
  nTicks <- length(tickVal)

  # Ticks:
  for (t in 1:nTicks) {
    lines(c(xmax, xmax + tickLen.usr), c(tickY[t], tickY[t]), xpd = TRUE)
  text(rep(xmax + tickLen.usr + tickGap.usr), tickY, tickVal,
    adj = c(0, 0.5), cex = cex.legend,
    xpd = TRUE

  # Fill with color:
  nColors <- length(colors)
  ybl <- (ymax - ymin) / nColors * (0:(nColors - 1)) + ymin
  ytl <- (ymax - ymin) / nColors * (1:nColors) + ymin
    xleft = rep(xmin, nColors), xright = rep(xmax, nColors),
    ybottom = ybl, ytop = ytl, col = colors, border = colors, xpd = TRUE

  lines(c(xmin, xmax, xmax, xmin, xmin), c(ymin, ymin, ymax, ymax, ymin), xpd = TRUE)

.heatmapWithLegend <- function(data, signed, colors, naColor = "grey", zlim = NULL,
                               reverseRows = TRUE,
                               plotLegend = TRUE,
                               keepLegendSpace = plotLegend,
                               cex.legend = 1,
                               legendShrink = 0.94,
                               ## The following arguments are now in inches
                               legendSpace = 0.5,
                               legendWidth = 0.13,
                               legendGap = 0.09,
                               frame = TRUE,
                               frameTicks = FALSE, tickLen = 0.09,
                               ...) {
  data <- as.matrix(data)
  nCols <- ncol(data)
  nRows <- nrow(data)
  if (is.null(zlim)) {
    zlim <- range(data, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (signed) zlim <- c(-max(abs(zlim)), max(abs(zlim)))

    col = "white", border = "white", axisnames = FALSE,
    axes = FALSE, ...

  pin <- par("pin")
  box <- par("usr")
  xminAll <- box[1]
  xmaxAll <- box[2]
  yminAll <- box[3]
  ymaxAll <- box[4]

  legendSpace.usr <- legendSpace / pin[1] * (xmaxAll - xminAll)
  legendWidth.usr <- legendWidth / pin[1] * (xmaxAll - xminAll)
  legendGap.usr <- legendGap / pin[1] * (xmaxAll - xminAll)
  tickLen.usr <- tickLen / pin[1] * (xmaxAll - xminAll)

  if (!keepLegendSpace && !plotLegend) {
    legendSpace.usr <- 0
    legendWidth.usr <- 0
    legendGap.usr <- 0

  ymin <- yminAll
  ymax <- ymaxAll
  xmin <- xminAll
  xmax <- xmaxAll - legendSpace.usr
  if (xmax < xmin) stop("'legendSpace is too large, not enough space for the heatmap.")

  xStep <- (xmax - xmin) / nCols
  xLeft <- xmin + c(0:(nCols - 1)) * xStep
  xRight <- xLeft + xStep
  xMid <- (xLeft + xRight) / 2

  yStep <- (ymax - ymin) / nRows
  yBot <- ymin + c(0:(nRows - 1)) * yStep
  yTop <- yBot + yStep
  yMid <- c(yTop + yBot) / 2

  if (reverseRows) {
    colorMat <- numbers2colors(.reverseRows(data), signed,
      colors = colors, lim = zlim,
      naColor = naColor
  } else {
    colorMat <- numbers2colors(data, signed, colors = colors, lim = zlim, naColor = naColor)

  dim(colorMat) <- dim(data)

  for (c in 1:nCols)
      xleft = rep(xLeft[c], nRows), xright = rep(xRight[c], nRows),
      ybottom = yBot, ytop = yTop, col = colorMat[, c], border = colorMat[, c]
  if (frame) lines(c(xmin, xmax, xmax, xmin, xmin), c(ymin, ymin, ymax, ymax, ymin))

  if (plotLegend) {
    # Now plot the legend.
      xmin = xmaxAll - (legendSpace.usr - legendGap.usr),
      xmax = xmaxAll - (legendSpace.usr - legendGap.usr - legendWidth.usr),
      ymin = yminAll + (1 - legendShrink) * (ymaxAll - yminAll),
      ymax = ymaxAll - (1 - legendShrink) * (ymaxAll - yminAll),
      lim = zlim,
      colors = colors,
      tickLen.usr = tickLen.usr,
      cex.legend = cex.legend

    xMid = xMid, yMid = if (reverseRows) rev(yMid) else yMid,
    box = c(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax), xLeft = xLeft, xRight = xRight,
    yTop = yTop, yBot = yBot
milescsmith/WGCNA documentation built on April 11, 2024, 1:26 a.m.