
Defines functions multiData mtd.setColnames mtd.setAttr mtd.rbindSelf mtd.mapply isMultiData mtd.simplify mtd.applyToSubset mtd.apply .calculateIndicator mtd.colnames list2multiData multiData2list mtd.subset

# ========================================================================================================
# Convenience functions for manipulating multiData structures
# ========================================================================================================

# Note: many of these function would be simpler to use if I used some sort of class/method technique to keep
# track of the class of each object internally. For example, I could then write a generic function "subset" that
# would work consistently on lists and multiData objects. Similarly, multiData2list would simply become a
# method of as.list, and as.list would be safe to use both on lists and on multiData objects.

mtd.subset <- function(multiData, rowIndex = NULL, colIndex = NULL, invert = FALSE,
                       permissive = FALSE, drop = FALSE) {
  if (length(multiData) == 0) {
  size <- checkSets(multiData, checkStructure = permissive)
  if (!size$structureOK && !is.null(colIndex)) {
      immediate. = TRUE,
        "mtd.subset: applying column selection on data sets that do not have\n",
        " the same number of columns. This is treacherous territory; proceed with caution."
  if (is.null(colIndex)) {
    if (!invert) colIndex.1 <- c(1:size$nGenes)
  } else {
    colIndex.1 <- colIndex
  if (is.null(rowIndex)) rowIndex <- lapply(size$nSamples, function(n) if (invert) numeric(0) else c(1:n))
  if (length(rowIndex) != size$nSets) {
    stop("If given, 'rowIndex' must be a list of the same length as 'multiData'.")
  out <- list()
  if (invert) {
    rowIndexAll <- lapply(size$nSamples, function(n) c(1:n))
    if (any(sapply(rowIndex, function(i) any(i < 0)))) {
      stop("Negative 'rowIndex' indices cannot be used with 'invert=TRUE'.")
    rowIndex <- mapply(setdiff, rowIndexAll, rowIndex, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  for (set in 1:size$nSets)
    if (permissive) {
      if (is.null(colIndex) && !invert) colIndex.1 <- c(1:ncol(multiData[[set]]$data)) else colIndex.1 <- colIndex
    if (is.character(colIndex.1)) {
      colIndex.1 <- match(colIndex.1, colnames(multiData[[set]]$data))
      n1 <- length(colIndex.1)
      if (any(is.na(colIndex.1))) {
          "Cannot match the following entries in 'colIndex' to column names in set ", set, ":\n",
          paste(colIndex[is.na(colIndex.1)] [1:min(n1, 5)], collapse = ", "),
          if (n1 > 5) ", ... [output truncated]" else ""
    if (invert) {
      if (any(colIndex.1 < 0)) {
        stop("Negative indices cannot be used with 'invert=TRUE'.")
      colIndex.2 <- setdiff(1:ncol(multiData[[set]]$data), colIndex.1)
    } else {
      colIndex.2 <- colIndex.1

    out[[set]] <- list(data = multiData[[set]]$data[rowIndex[[set]], colIndex.2, drop = drop])
  names(out) <- names(multiData)

multiData2list <- function(multiData) {
  lapply(multiData, getElement, "data")

list2multiData <- function(data) {
  out <- list()
  for (set in 1:length(data)) {
    out[[set]] <- list(data = data[[set]])
  names(out) <- names(data)

mtd.colnames <- function(multiData) {
  if (length(multiData) == 0) {

.calculateIndicator <- function(nSets, mdaExistingResults, mdaUpdateIndex) {
  if (length(mdaUpdateIndex) == 0) mdaUpdateIndex <- NULL
  calculate <- rep(TRUE, nSets)
  if (!is.null(mdaExistingResults)) {
    nSets.existing <- length(mdaExistingResults)
    if (nSets.existing > nSets) {
        "Number of sets in 'mdaExistingResults' is higher than the number of sets in 'multiData'.\n",
        "  Please supply a valid 'mdaExistingResults' or NULL to recalculate all results."
    if (nSets.existing == 0) {
        "Number of sets in 'mdaExistingResults' is zero.\n",
        "  Please supply a valid 'mdaExistingResults' or NULL to recalculate all results."
    if (is.null(mdaUpdateIndex)) {
      calculate[1:length(mdaExistingResults)] <- FALSE
    } else {
      if (any(!mdaUpdateIndex %in% c(1:nSets))) {
        stop("All entries in 'mdaUpdateIndex' must be between 1 and the number of sets in 'multiData'.")
      calculateIndex <- sort(unique(c(
        if (nSets.existing < nSets) c((nSets.existing + 1):nSets) else NULL
      calculate[c(1:nSets)[-calculateIndex]] <- FALSE


mtd.apply <- function(
                      # What to do
                      multiData, FUN, ...,

                      # Pre-existing results and update options
                      mdaExistingResults = NULL, mdaUpdateIndex = NULL,
                      mdaCopyNonData = FALSE,

                      # Output formatting options
                      mdaSimplify = FALSE,
                      returnList = FALSE,

                      # Internal behaviour options
                      mdaVerbose = 0, mdaIndent = 0) {
  if (length(multiData) == 0) {
  printSpaces <- indentSpaces(mdaIndent)

  if (!isMultiData(multiData, strict = FALSE)) {
    stop("Supplied 'multiData' is not a valid multiData structure.")

  if (mdaSimplify && mdaCopyNonData) {
    stop("Non-data copying is not compatible with simplification.")

  nSets <- length(multiData)
  if (mdaCopyNonData) out <- multiData else out <- vector(mode = "list", length = nSets)

  calculate <- .calculateIndicator(nSets, mdaExistingResults, mdaUpdateIndex)

  FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
  for (set in 1:nSets)
    if (calculate[set]) {
      if (mdaVerbose > 0) {
        printFlush(spaste(printSpaces, "mtd.apply: working on set ", set))
      out[[set]] <- list(data = FUN(multiData[[set]]$data, ...))
    } else {
      out[set] <- mdaExistingResults[set]

  names(out) <- names(multiData)

  if (mdaSimplify) {
    if (mdaVerbose > 0) {
      printFlush(spaste(printSpaces, "mtd.apply: attempting to simplify..."))
  } else if (returnList) {


mtd.applyToSubset <- function(
                              # What to do
                              multiData, FUN, ...,

                              # Which rows and cols to keep
                              mdaRowIndex = NULL, mdaColIndex = NULL,

                              # Pre-existing results and update options
                              mdaExistingResults = NULL, mdaUpdateIndex = NULL,
                              mdaCopyNonData = FALSE,

                              # Output formatting options
                              mdaSimplify = FALSE,
                              returnList = FALSE,

                              # Internal behaviour options
                              mdaVerbose = 0, mdaIndent = 0) {
  if (length(multiData) == 0) {
  printSpaces <- indentSpaces(mdaIndent)

  size <- checkSets(multiData)
  if (mdaSimplify && mdaCopyNonData) {
    stop("Non-data copying is not compatible with simplification.")

  if (mdaCopyNonData) res <- multiData else res <- vector(mode = "list", length = size$nSets)

  doSelection <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(mdaColIndex)) {
    doSelection <- TRUE
    if (any(mdaColIndex < 0 | mdaColIndex > size$nGenes)) {
      stop("Some of the indices in 'mdaColIndex' are out of range.")
  } else {
    mdaColIndex <- c(1:size$nGenes)

  if (!is.null(mdaRowIndex)) {
    if (!is.list(mdaRowIndex)) {
      stop("mdaRowIndex must be a list, with one component per set.")
    if (length(mdaRowIndex) != size$nSets) {
      stop("Number of components in 'mdaRowIndex' must equal number of sets.")
    doSelection <- TRUE
  } else {
    mdaRowIndex <- lapply(size$nSamples, function(n) {

  calculate <- .calculateIndicator(nSets, mdaExistingResults, mdaUpdateIndex)

  fun <- match.fun(FUN)
  for (set in 1:size$nSets)
    if (calculate[set]) {
      if (mdaVerbose > 0) {
        printFlush(spaste(printSpaces, "mtd.applyToSubset: working on set ", set))
      res[[set]] <- list(data = fun(
        if (doSelection) {
          multiData[[set]]$ data[mdaRowIndex[[set]], mdaColIndex, drop = FALSE]
        } else {
          multiData[[set]]$ data
        }, ...
    } else {
      res[set] <- mdaExistingResults[set]

  names(res) <- names(multiData)

  if (mdaSimplify) {
    if (mdaVerbose > 0) {
      printFlush(spaste(printSpaces, "mtd.applyToSubset: attempting to simplify..."))
  } else if (returnList) {


mtd.simplify <- function(multiData) {
  if (length(multiData) == 0) {
  len <- length(multiData[[1]]$data)
  dim <- dim(multiData[[1]]$data)
  simplifiable <- TRUE
  nSets <- length(multiData)
  for (set in 1:nSets)
    if (len != length(multiData[[set]]$data)) simplifiable <- FALSE
    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(dim, dim(multiData[[set]]$data)))) simplifiable <- FALSE
  if (simplifiable) {
    if (is.null(dim)) {
      innerDim <- len
      innerNames <- names(multiData[[1]]$data)
      if (is.null(innerNames)) innerNames <- spaste("X", c(1:len))
    } else {
      innerDim <- dim
      innerNames <- dimnames(multiData[[1]]$data)
      if (is.null(innerNames)) {
        innerNames <- lapply(innerDim, function(x) {
          spaste("X", 1:x)
      nullIN <- sapply(innerNames, is.null)
      if (any(nullIN)) {
        innerNames[nullIN] <- lapply(innerDim[nullIN], function(x) {
          spaste("X", 1:x)
    setNames <- names(multiData)
    if (is.null(setNames)) setNames <- spaste("Set_", 1:nSets)
    mtd.s <- matrix(NA, prod(innerDim), nSets)
    for (set in 1:nSets) {
      mtd.s[, set] <- as.vector(multiData[[set]]$data)

    dim(mtd.s) <- c(innerDim, nSets)
    if (!is.null(innerNames)) {
      dimnames(mtd.s) <- c(if (is.list(innerNames)) innerNames else list(innerNames), list(setNames))

isMultiData <- function(x, strict = TRUE) {
  if (strict) {
    !inherits(try(checkSets(x), silent = TRUE), "try-error")
  } else {
    hasData <- sapply(x, function(l) {
      "data" %in% names(l)

mtd.mapply <- function(
                       # What to do
                       FUN, ..., MoreArgs = NULL,

                       # How to interpret the input
                       mdma.argIsMultiData = NULL,

                       # Copy previously known results?
                       mdmaExistingResults = NULL, mdmaUpdateIndex = NULL,

                       # How to format output
                       mdmaSimplify = FALSE,
                       returnList = FALSE,

                       # Options controlling internal behaviour
                       mdma.doCollectGarbage = FALSE,
                       mdmaVerbose = 0, mdmaIndent = 0) {
  printSpaces <- indentSpaces(mdmaIndent)
  dots <- list(...)
  if (length(dots) == 0) {
    stop("No arguments were specified. Please type ?mtd.mapply to see the help page.")
  dotLengths <- sapply(dots, length)
  if (any(dotLengths != dotLengths[1])) {
    tmp <- data.frame(name = names(dots), length = dotLengths)
    rownames(tmp) <- NULL
      "All arguments to vectorize over must have the same length.\n",
      "Scalar arguments should be put into the 'MoreArgs' argument.\n",
      "Note: lengths of '...' arguments are: "
  nArgs <- length(dots)
  res <- list()
  if (is.null(mdma.argIsMultiData)) mdma.argIsMultiData <- sapply(dots, isMultiData, strict = FALSE)

  nSets <- dotLengths[1]

  calculate <- .calculateIndicator(nSets, mdmaExistingResults, mdmaUpdateIndex)

  FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
  for (set in 1:nSets)
    if (calculate[set]) {
      if (mdmaVerbose > 0) {
        printFlush(spaste(printSpaces, "mtd.mapply: working on set ", set))

      localArgs <- list()
      for (arg in 1:nArgs) {
        localArgs[[arg]] <- if (mdma.argIsMultiData[arg]) dots[[arg]] [[set]]$ data else dots[[arg]] [[set]]
      names(localArgs) <- names(dots)
      res[[set]] <- list(data = do.call(FUN, c(localArgs, MoreArgs)))
      if (mdma.doCollectGarbage) collectGarbage()
    } else {
      res[set] <- mdmaExistingResults[set]

  names(res) <- names(dots[[1]])

  if (mdmaSimplify) {
    if (mdmaVerbose > 0) {
      printFlush(spaste(printSpaces, "mtd.mapply: attempting to simplify..."))
  } else if (returnList) {


mtd.rbindSelf <- function(multiData) {
  if (length(multiData) == 0) {
  size <- checkSets(multiData)
  out <- NULL
  colnames <- mtd.colnames(multiData)
  for (set in 1:size$nSets)
    if (!is.null(colnames(multiData[[set]]$data)) &&
      !isTRUE(all.equal(colnames, colnames(multiData[[set]]$data)))) {
      warning("mtd.rbindSelf: 'colnames' of the first set and set ", set, " do not agree.")
      colnames(multiData[[set]]$data) <- colnames
  do.call(rbind, multiData2list(multiData))

mtd.setAttr <- function(multiData, attribute, valueList) {
  if (length(multiData) == 0) {
  size <- checkSets(multiData)
  ind <- 1
  for (set in 1:size$nSets)
    attr(multiData[[set]]$data, attribute) <- valueList[[ind]]
    ind <- ind + 1
    if (ind > length(valueList)) ind <- 1

mtd.setColnames <- function(multiData, colnames) {
  if (length(multiData) == 0) {
  size <- checkSets(multiData)
  for (set in 1:size$nSets) {
    colnames(multiData[[set]]$data) <- colnames

multiData <- function(...) {
milescsmith/WGCNA documentation built on April 11, 2024, 1:26 a.m.