
#' @include Classes.R

#' @title buildMseekFT
#' @aliases buildMseekFT
#' @rdname buildMseekFT
#' @description Methods to build an \code{MseekFT} object from an xsAnnotate,
#'  xcmsSet or data.frame object, and to load or save \code{MseekFT} objects
#' @param object an xsAnnotate, xcmsSet or data.frame object. For \code{saveMseekFT},
#'  an \code{MseekFT} object, for \code{loadMseekFT} a charcater vector of file paths
#' @param processHistory a list of \code{\link[xcms]{processHistory}} objects,
#' will override the processHistory list that may be supplied by \code{object}
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{\link{constructFeatureTable}}
#' @return an object of class \code{MseekFT}, with processHistory extended from
#'  \code{object} if applicable. 
#' @importClassesFrom CAMERA xsAnnotate
#' @importClassesFrom xcms XCMSnExp xcmsSet
#' @importFrom xcms processHistory
#' @rdname buildMseekFT
#' @export
setMethod("buildMseekFT",  "xsAnnotate",
          function(object, processHistory = list(), ...){
              oldHistory <- if(length(processHistory)){processHistory}else{processHistory(object)}
              res <- constructFeatureTable(df = CAMERA::getPeaklist(object),
                                           processHistory = c(oldHistory),
              res$sampleNames <- object@xcmsSet@phenoData$sampleNames
              res$RTcorr <- rtexport(object)
              res$RTcorrected <- !identical(res$RTcorr$corr, res$RTcorr$noncorr)
              res <- addProcessHistory(res, FTProcessHistory(info = "Extracted Feature Table from CAMERA::xsAnnotate using CAMERA::getPeaklist and built MseekFT object",
                                                             sessionInfo = sessionInfo(),
                                                             outputHash = MseekHash(res),
                                                             param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::buildMseekFT",
                                                                              args = list(...))))

#' @rdname buildMseekFT
#' @export
          function(object, processHistory = list(), ...){
              oldHistory <- if(length(processHistory)){processHistory}else{processHistory(object)}
              res <- constructFeatureTable(df = xcms::peakTable(as(object,"xcmsSet")),
                                           processHistory = c(oldHistory),
              res$sampleNames <- as.character(object@phenoData@data$sampleNames)
              res$RTcorr <- rtexport(object)
              res$RTcorrected <- !identical(res$RTcorr$corr, res$RTcorr$noncorr)
              res <- addProcessHistory(res, FTProcessHistory(info = "Extracted Feature Table from xcms::XCMSnExp using xcms::peakTable(as(xset,'xcmsSet')) and built MseekFT object",
                                                             sessionInfo = sessionInfo(),
                                                             outputHash = MseekHash(res),
                                                             param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::buildMseekFT",
                                                                              args = list(...))))

#' @rdname buildMseekFT
#' @param anagrouptable Analysis grouping table: a data.frame with columns 
#' "Column" (containing column names from df with intensity values) and "Group" 
#' (defining a group for each entry in "Column") 
#' @param from input format. If auto, will run \code{.getFTFormat} to determine
#' the format.
#' @export
          signature(object = "data.frame"),
                   processHistory = list(),
                   anagrouptable = NULL,
                   from = "auto",
            rf <- .reformatFeatureTable(object, from = from)
            if(!length(anagrouptable)){anagrouptable = rf$grouping}
              res <- constructFeatureTable(df = rf$df,
                                           processHistory = processHistory,
                                           anagrouptable = anagrouptable,
              res <- addProcessHistory(res, FTProcessHistory(info = paste0("Built MseekFT object from a data.frame (",
                                                                           rf$from, ")."),
                                                             sessionInfo = sessionInfo(),
                                                             outputHash = MseekHash(res),
                                                             param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::buildMseekFT",
                                                                              args = list(...))))

#' @aliases loadMseekFT
#' @description \code{loadMseekFT}: load a \code{MseekFT} object from an .mskFT file
#' @rdname buildMseekFT
#' @export
          signature(object = "character"),
                  lapply(object, loadMseekFT)
                  res <- readRDS(object)
                  res <- addProcessHistory(res, FTProcessHistory(info = paste0("Loaded MseekFT object from file: ", object),
                                                                 sessionInfo = sessionInfo(),
                                                                 outputHash = MseekHash(res),
                                                                 param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::loadMseekFT",
                                                                                  args = list(file = object))))

#' @title saveMseekFT
#' @aliases saveMseekFT
#' @description \code{saveMseekFT}: save a \code{MseekFT} object to a file, registering the save event in the processHistory 
#' @param file file path to write to
#' @param writeCSV write object to a .csv file (data frame only)
#' @param writeRDS write object to an .mskFT (RDS) file; saves the entire object
#' @return the \code{MseekFT} object, with saving event added to processHistory
#' @rdname buildMseekFT
#' @export
          function(object, file, writeCSV = FALSE, writeRDS = TRUE){
              object <- addProcessHistory(object, FTProcessHistory(info = paste0("Saved MseekFT object to file:", file),
                                                                   inputHash = MseekHash(object),
                                                                         param = FunParam(fun = "Metaboseek::saveMseekFT",
                                                                                          args = list(file = file,
                                                                                                      writeCSV = writeCSV,
                                                                                                      writeRDS = writeRDS))))
              #make sure file extension is .mskFT
                              fname = paste0(gsub('\\.csv$','',file),".csv"),
                              format = "csv")
              #make sure file extension is .mskFT
                  saveRDS(object, file = paste0(gsub('\\.mskFT$','',file),".mskFT"))
mjhelf/METABOseek documentation built on April 27, 2022, 5:13 p.m.