
Defines functions findPatterns annotateSpectrum mergeMS

Documented in annotateSpectrum findPatterns mergeMS

#' mergeMS
#' Merge MS spectra, best used with noise-free spectra. Will merge all peaks that are EITHER within ppm OR within mzdiff range (mzdiff typically used to allow larger ppm difference in low mz range)
#' Replacement for mergeMS(..., mergeOnly = T)
#' @param speclist list of spectra (matrices, all with two columns: \code{mz} and \code{intensity})
#' @param ppm min difference between peaks in ppm
#' @param mzdiff min difference between peaks in m/z
#' @param count if TRUE, will count how many peaks were combined into a peak, and add a \code{count} column in the resulting spectrum
#' @param iterative if TRUE, will iteratively merge two adjacent peaks within tolerance, 
#' and then check if there are peaks within tolerance of merged peak
#' @param removeZeros remove all entries with 0 intensity 
#' @param noiselevel all peaks below this intensity (relative to 
#' highest peak in merged spectrum at relative intensity 1) will be removed 
#' @param maxpeaks if not NULL, maximum number of peaks in merged spectrum.
#' Lowest intensity peaks will be removed from merged spectrum.
#' @param toleranceFactor should be a numeric vector of increasing values to recursively
#' apply as a factor to the ppm and mzdiff tolerances.
#' @return 
#' if \code{speclist} is a \code{Spectra} object or
#'  a \code{list} of \code{Spectrum} objects: returns a \code{Spectrum} object.
#' if \code{speclist} is a \code{matrix} object or
#'  a \code{list} of \code{matrix} objects: returns a \code{matrix} object.
#' @export
mergeMS <- function(speclist, ppm =5, mzdiff = 0.0005,
                    count = FALSE, iterative = T,
                    removeZeros = T,
                    noiselevel = 0,
                    maxpeaks = NULL,
                    toleranceFactor = 1){
  if(missing(toleranceFactor) || !length(toleranceFactor)){
   toleranceFactor <- 1 
  if(length(speclist) == 0){return(matrix(numeric(0),ncol = 2, dimnames = list(NULL,c("mz", "intensity"))))}
  if(is.list(speclist) || is(speclist,"Spectra")){
      #assume this is a list of Spectrum objects and use the first Spectrum as
      #template/ main spectrum of the output
      SpectrumOut <- speclist[[1]]
      #make a matrix conatining all peaks
      aspec <- do.call(rbind,lapply(speclist,
                                    function(x){matrix(c(x@mz, x@intensity),
                                                       ncol = 2)}))
        #signal to output a matrix rather than a Spectrum Object
       SpectrumOut <- NULL 
           aspec <- do.call(rbind,speclist)
  }else if(is(speclist,"Spectrum")){
    #merge peaks inside a single Spectrum object
    SpectrumOut <- speclist
    aspec <- matrix(c(speclist@mz,
                      speclist@intensity),ncol = 2)
    #merge peaks inside a single spectrum matrix object
    SpectrumOut <- NULL 
    aspec <- speclist
  #safeguard against speclist being NULL or a list of only NULL
                                   ncol = 2,
                                   dimnames = list(NULL,c("mz", "intensity"))))}
  #remove 0 intensity peaks because they will produce NaN mz values downstream
    aspec <- aspec[aspec[,2] != 0,, drop = FALSE]
  #make sure peaks are in ascending order by mz
  if(nrow(aspec) > 1){
    aspec <- aspec[order(aspec[,1]),]
  #add a count column to count the number of peaks that were merged into each peak
  #of the output
    aspec <- cbind(aspec, matrix(rep(1,nrow(aspec)),ncol = 1, dimnames = list(NULL,"count")))
  # diff along the ordered mz values
  margins <- diff(aspec[,1])
  # convert to ppm values
  margins_ppm <- margins/aspec[-nrow(aspec),1]/(1e-6)
  # check which diff values are below the specified tolerances
  belowmargin <- (margins <= mzdiff*toleranceFactor[1] | margins_ppm <= ppm*toleranceFactor[1])
  #note: conveniently evaluates to FALSE if belowmargin is logical(0)
  # as a result of trying to get belowmargin from an aspec with only one peak
    #index of first peak in a group that is belowmargin, peaks following a first peak belowmargin should not count
    #should correctly translate to index in aspec..
  firsts <- which( !c(FALSE,belowmargin[-length(belowmargin)]) & belowmargin)
    #in this case, get the peaks following the first peak of a group
  seconds <- firsts + 1
    #finding the last entry in the group, iterative aggregation will merge all
    #into one without the "mz walking" iterative effect
  seconds <- which(c(FALSE, belowmargin) & !c(belowmargin, FALSE))
  sumints <- (aspec[firsts,2] + aspec[seconds,2]) #intensity sum
   if(!removeZeros && any(sumints == 0)){
     rem <- which(sumints == 0)
     #keep track of them and remove them later, but skip the for the weighted mz
     #average step
     secondZeros <- seconds[rem]
     firsts <- firsts[-rem]
     seconds <- seconds[-rem]
     sumints <- sumints[-rem]
     secondZeros <- numeric(0)  
  aspec[firsts,1] <-   (aspec[firsts,1]*aspec[firsts,2] + aspec[seconds,1]*aspec[seconds,2]) / sumints #mz weighted average
  aspec[firsts,2] <- sumints   
    aspec[firsts,3] <-  aspec[firsts,3] + 1
  #remove the seconds             
  aspec <- aspec[-c(seconds,secondZeros),, drop = FALSE]  
  #reordering neccessary because mz order may change in !iterative mode!
    aspec <- aspec[order(aspec[,1]),, drop = FALSE]
  #reassess loop condition:
  margins <- diff(aspec[,1])
  margins_ppm <- margins/aspec[-nrow(aspec),1]/(1e-6)
  belowmargin <- (margins <= mzdiff*toleranceFactor[1] | margins_ppm <= ppm*toleranceFactor[1])
  #averaging is done at the end so that weighted averages are calculated with sum instead of mean intensities
  #mean intensities would not behave desirably e.g. if a large peak is followed by one or more very small peaks - 
  #the weight of the large peak gets "diluted" and the next large peak that it may be combined with is overrepresented
  aspec[,2] <- aspec[,2]/length(speclist)
  if(noiselevel > 0){
    aspec <- aspec[aspec[,2] >= max(aspec[,2])*noiselevel,, drop = F]
  if(!is.null(maxpeaks) && maxpeaks < nrow(aspec)){
    if(maxpeaks < 1){
     aspec <- aspec[FALSE,,drop = F] 
    sel <- seq(nrow(aspec)) %in% na.omit(order(aspec[,2], decreasing = T)[seq(maxpeaks)])
    aspec <- aspec[sel,, drop = F]
  if(exists("SpectrumOut") && !is.null(SpectrumOut)){
    SpectrumOut@mz <- aspec[,1]
    SpectrumOut@intensity <- aspec[,2]
    SpectrumOut@peaksCount <- nrow(aspec)
    if(length(toleranceFactor) ==1){
      return(mergeMS(speclist = SpectrumOut,
                     ppm =ppm, mzdiff = mzdiff,
                     count = count, iterative = iterative,
                     removeZeros = removeZeros,
                     noiselevel = noiselevel,
                     maxpeaks = maxpeaks,
                     toleranceFactor = toleranceFactor[-1]))
  if(length(toleranceFactor) ==1){
    return(mergeMS(speclist = aspec,
                   ppm =ppm, mzdiff = mzdiff,
                   count = count, iterative = iterative,
                   removeZeros = removeZeros,
                   noiselevel = noiselevel,
                   maxpeaks = maxpeaks,
                   toleranceFactor = toleranceFactor[-1]))


#' annotateSpectrum
#' Match peaks in a spectrum with those in a labeling data.frame 
#' and prepare them for plotting functions. Matches have to be within abs OR ppm 
#' @param labels a data.frame as returned by permutatePeptideMass
#' @param spectrum a mass spectrum as data.frame or matrix
#' @param mzlabel if TRUE, will add mz values to the label
#' @param unmodifiedTag what tag to use for unmodified fragment ions
#' @param ppm relative matching tolerance in ppm
#' @param abs matching tolerance in absolute numbers 
#' @return plots an annotated peptide sequence in the current plotting device
annotateSpectrum <- function(labels, spectrum,
                             mzlabel = F,
                             unmodifiedTag = "",
                             ppm = 5,
                             abs = 0
  foundpeaks <- matchNumbers(labels$mz, spectrum[,1], ppm = ppm, abs = abs)
  foundpeaks_annotated <- cbind(as.data.frame(spectrum)[foundpeaks[,2],],
  colnames(foundpeaks_annotated)[1:2] <- c("mzSpec","intensitySpec")
  foundpeaks_annotated$color <- "blue3"
  foundpeaks_annotated$label <- gsub("\\[\\]"," ",paste0(foundpeaks_annotated$type,
                                       "]","^{+{}}*", ' "[',
                                       if(mzlabel){paste0("(",format(round(foundpeaks_annotated$mzSpec,4),nsmall = 4, scientific = F),")")}else{""}

#' findPatterns
#' find mz patterns in a list of spectra
#' @param speclist list of spectra (matrices, all with two columns: \code{mz} and \code{intensity})
#' @param patterns a named list of patterns (numeric vectors of mz values to look for)
#' @param ppm min difference between peaks in ppm
#' @param mzdiff min difference between peaks in m/z
#' @return a list (same length as speclist) of logical vectors specifying if patterns are matched
findPatterns <- function(speclist,
                             ppm = 5,
                        mzdiff = 0){
  lapply(speclist, function(x){
          if(!length(x) || !length(x[,1])){
matched <- matchNumbers(x[,1], p, ppm = ppm, abs = mzdiff)
      if(length(unique(matched[,2])) == length(p)){
     )  })
mjhelf/MassTools documentation built on Nov. 19, 2021, 2:38 a.m.