
T.fit <- function (data, design = data$dis, step.method = "backward", 
    min.obs = data$min.obs, alfa = data$Q, nvar.correction = FALSE, family=gaussian(), epsilon=0.00001, item="gene" ) 

    if (is.list(data)) {
        dat <- as.matrix(data$SELEC)
        dat <- rbind(c(rep(1, ncol(dat))), dat)
        groups.vector <- data$groups.vector
        groups.vector <- c(groups.vector[nchar(groups.vector) == 
            min(nchar(groups.vector))][1], groups.vector)
        edesign <- data$edesign
        G <- data$g
	  family <- data$family
    else {
        G <- nrow(data)
        data <- rbind(c(rep(1, ncol(data))), data)
        dat <- as.matrix(data)
        count.na <- function(x) (length(x) - length(x[is.na(x)]))
        dat <- dat[apply(dat, 1, count.na) >= min.obs, ]
        groups.vector = NULL
        edesign = NULL
    dis <- as.data.frame(design)
    dat <- dat[, as.character(rownames(dis))]
    g <- (dim(dat)[1] - 1)
    n <- dim(dat)[2]
    p <- dim(dis)[2]
    vars.in <- colnames(dis)
    sol <- coefficients <- group.coeffs <- t.score <- sig.profiles <- NULL
    influ.info <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(dis), ncol = 1)
    rownames(influ.info) <- rownames(dis)
    if (nvar.correction) 
        alfa <- alfa/ncol(dis)
    for (i in 2:(g + 1)) {

        y <- as.numeric(dat[i, ])
        name <- rownames(dat)[i]
        if (step.method == "backward") {
            reg <- stepback(y = y, d = dis, alfa = alfa, family=family, epsilon=epsilon)
        else if (step.method == "forward") {
            reg <- stepfor(y = y, d = dis, alfa = alfa, family=family, epsilon=epsilon)
        else if (step.method == "two.ways.backward") {
            reg <- two.ways.stepback(y = y, d = dis, alfa = alfa, family=family, epsilon=epsilon)
        else if (step.method == "two.ways.forward") {
            reg <- two.ways.stepfor(y = y, d = dis, alfa = alfa, family=family, epsilon=epsilon)
        else stop("stepwise method must be one of backward, forward, two.ways.backward, two.ways.forward")
        div <- c(1:round(g/100)) * 100
        if (is.element(i, div)) 
            print(paste(c("fitting ", item, i, "out of", g), collapse = " "))
        lmf <- glm(y ~ ., data = as.data.frame(dis),family=family, epsilon=epsilon)
        result <- summary(lmf)
        novar <- vars.in[!is.element(vars.in, names(result$coefficients[, 
        influ <- influence.measures(reg)$is.inf
        influ <- influ[, c(ncol(influ) - 3, ncol(influ) - 1)]
        influ1 <- which(apply(influ, 1, all))
        if (length(influ1) != 0) {
            paste.names <- function(a) {
                paste(names(a)[a], collapse = "/")
            match <- match(rownames(dis), rownames(influ))
            influ <- as.data.frame(apply(influ, 1, paste.names))
            influ.info <- cbind(influ.info, influ[match, ])
            colnames(influ.info)[ncol(influ.info)] <- name
        result <- summary(reg)
        if ( (!(result$aic==-Inf) & !is.na(result$aic) & family$family=="gaussian") | family$family!="gaussian")

            k <- i
# Computing p-values

	model.glm.0<-glm(y~1, family=family, epsilon=epsilon)

		test <- anova(model.glm.0, reg, test="F")
		p.value = test[6][2,1]
		test <- anova(model.glm.0, reg, test="Chisq")
		p.value = test[5][2,1]
# Computing goodness of fitting:

	bondad <- (reg$null.deviance-reg$deviance)/reg$null.deviance
            beta.coeff <- result$coefficients[, 1]
            beta.p.valor <- result$coefficients[, 4]
            coeff <- rep(0, (length(vars.in) + 1))
            if (length(novar) != 0) {
                for (m in 1:length(novar)) {
                  coeff[position(dis, novar[m]) + 1] <- NA
       	p.valor <- t <- as.numeric( rep(NA, (length(vars.in) + 1)) )
            if (result$coefficients[, 4][rownames(result$coefficients) == 
                "(Intercept)"] < alfa) {
                coeff[1] <- result$coefficients[, 1][rownames(result$coefficients) == 
                p.valor[1] <- result$coefficients[, 4][rownames(result$coefficients) == 
                t[1] <- result$coefficients[, 3][rownames(result$coefficients) == 
            for (j in 2:length(coeff)) {
                if (is.element(vars.in[j - 1], rownames(result$coefficients))) {
                  coeff[j] <- result$coefficients[, 1][rownames(result$coefficients) == 
                    vars.in[j - 1]]
                  p.valor[j] <- result$coefficients[, 4][rownames(result$coefficients) == 
                    vars.in[j - 1]]
                  t[j] <- result$coefficients[, 3][rownames(result$coefficients) == 
                    vars.in[j - 1]]
            if (!all(is.na(p.valor))) {
                sol <- rbind(sol, as.numeric(c(p.value, bondad, 
                coefficients <- rbind(coefficients, coeff)
                t.score <- rbind(t.score, t)
                sig.profiles <- rbind(sig.profiles, y)
                h <- nrow(sol)
                rownames(sol)[h] <- name
                rownames(coefficients)[h] <- name
                rownames(t.score)[h] <- name
                rownames(sig.profiles)[h] <- name
    if (!is.null(sol)) {
        sol <- as.data.frame(sol)
        coefficients <- as.data.frame(coefficients)
        coeffic <- coefficients
        t.score <- as.data.frame(t.score)
        sig.profiles <- as.data.frame(sig.profiles)
        colnames(sol) <- c("p-value", "R-squared", "p.valor_beta0", 
            paste("p.valor_", vars.in, sep = ""))
        colnames(coefficients) <- c("beta0", paste("beta", vars.in, 
            sep = ""))
        colnames(t.score) <- c("t.score_beta0", paste("t.score_", 
            vars.in, sep = ""))
        colnames(sig.profiles) <- colnames(dat)
        if (!is.null(groups.vector) & !is.null(edesign)) {
            groups <- colnames(edesign)[3:ncol(edesign)]
            degree <- (length(groups.vector)/length(groups)) - 
            for (w in 1:nrow(coefficients)) {
                A <- NULL
                col.names <- NULL
                for (l in 1:length(groups)) {
                  B <- reg.coeffs(coefficients = coefficients[w, 
                    ], groups.vector = groups.vector, group = groups[l])
                  cols <- paste(rep(groups[l], each = length(B)), 
                    paste("beta", c(0:(length(B) - 1)), sep = ""), 
                    sep = "_")
                  A <- c(A, B)
                  col.names <- c(col.names, cols)
                group.coeffs <- (rbind(group.coeffs, A))
            colnames(group.coeffs) <- col.names
            rownames(group.coeffs) <- rownames(coefficients)
    if (ncol(influ.info) > 2) {
        print(paste("Influence:", ncol(influ.info) - 1, "genes with influential data at slot influ.info. Model validation for these genes is recommended"))
    influ.info <- influ.info[, -1]
    output <- list(sol, sig.profiles, coefficients, as.data.frame(group.coeffs), 
        t.score, vars.in, G, g, dat, dis, step.method, groups.vector, 
        edesign, influ.info)
    names(output) <- c("sol", "sig.profiles", "coefficients", 
        "group.coeffs", "t.score", "variables", "G", "g", "dat", 
        "dis", "step.method", "groups.vector", "edesign", "influ.info")
mjnueda/maSigPro documentation built on Dec. 11, 2020, 12:21 a.m.