
Defines functions make_dtm

Documented in make_dtm

# function to take a data.frame with bibliographic information, extract useful information, and make a DTM
make_dtm <- function(
  min_freq = 0.01,
  max_freq = 0.85,
  bigram_check = TRUE,
  bigram_quantile = 0.8,
  retain_empty_rows = FALSE

  # check format
  if(!(class(x) %in% c("character", "data.frame"))){
	  stop("make_dtm only accepts arguments of class 'data.frame' or 'character'")
  if(class(x) == "data.frame"){
    x <- apply(x, 1, function(a){paste(a, collapse = " ")})
  n <- length(x)

	# sort out stop words
    stop_words <- revwords()
    stop_words <- unique(

  # clean up text using tm functions
  x <- tolower(x)
  x <- gsub(" - ", " ", x) # remove separated dashes
  x <- tm::removePunctuation(x,
    preserve_intra_word_contractions = FALSE,
    preserve_intra_word_dashes = TRUE

  # bigrams

    # avoid errors in ngram calculation
    ngram_x <- x[!is.na(x)]
    ngram_x <- ngram_x[unlist(lapply(ngram_x, ngram::wordcount)) > 1]

    # calculate ngrams
    if(length(ngram_x) > 0){
      ngrams <- ngram::get.phrasetable(ngram::ngram(ngram_x))
      ngrams <- ngrams[ngrams$freq > 2, ]
      ngrams <- ngrams[ngrams$freq > stats::quantile(ngrams$freq, bigram_quantile), ]

      if(nrow(ngrams) > 0){
        # split into pairs
        ngram_list <- strsplit(ngrams$ngrams, " ")
        ngram_df <- as.data.frame(
          do.call(rbind, ngram_list),
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE

        # remove small & stop words
        keep_rows <- apply(ngram_df[, 1:2], 1, function(a, sw){
          all(nchar(a) > 4) & !any(a %in% sw)
        }, sw = stop_words)
          ngram_df <- ngram_df[keep_rows, ]

          source_text <- apply(ngram_df, 1, function(a){paste(a, collapse = " ")})
          replacement_text <- apply(ngram_df, 1, function(a){paste(a, collapse = "_")})

          # replace in a loop
          for(i in seq_along(source_text)){
            x <- gsub(source_text[i], replacement_text[i], x)

        } # end if any kept ngrams
      } # end if >0 ngrams
    } # end if >0 strings containing 2 or more words

  } # end if bigram_check

  # continue tm
  x <- tm::removeWords(x, stop_words)
  x <- tm::removeNumbers(x)

	# calculate how rare and common terms should be treated
  bound_values <- c(
    max(c(ceiling(n * min_freq), 3)),
    floor(n * max_freq)
  # apply to dataset
	dtm <- tm::DocumentTermMatrix(
    x = tm::Corpus(tm::VectorSource(x)),
    control = list(
      wordLengths = c(4, Inf), # default
      bounds = list(global = bound_values)

  # get stem of words using SnowballC
  stem_terms <- SnowballC::wordStem(dtm$dimnames$Terms)

  # create a lookup data.frame to swtich from unstemmed to stemmed words
  lookup <- data.frame(
    initial_n = seq_along(dtm$dimnames$Terms),
    initial = dtm$dimnames$Terms,
    stemmed = SnowballC::wordStem(dtm$dimnames$Terms),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  # convert dtm to a df
  dtm_df <- data.frame(
    i = dtm$i, # articles
    j = dtm$j, # words
    v = dtm$v  # counts

  # does this contain duplicates?
  if(base::anyDuplicated(lookup$stemmed) > 0){

    # more efficient to use the shortest word, not the most common term
    lookup$n <- nchar(lookup$initial)

    # determine which source word should replace the stemmed word
    text_split <- split(lookup[, c("initial_n", "n")], lookup$stemmed)
    text_match <- data.frame(
      initial_n = unlist(lapply(text_split, function(a){a$initial_n})),
      final_n = unlist(lapply(text_split,
          if(nrow(a) > 1){
            rep(a$initial_n[order(a$n, decreasing = FALSE)[1]], nrow(a))
    lookup$final_n <- text_match$final_n[order(text_match$initial_n)]

    # create new dtm_df that ranks by stemmed words
    dtm_df$j_new <- lookup$final_n[dtm_df$j]
    dtm_list <- split(dtm_df[c("j_new", "v")], dtm_df$i)
    dtm_df2 <- do.call(rbind, lapply(
      function(a, data){
        result <- unlist(lapply(split(data[[a]]$v, data[[a]]$j_new), sum))
          i = a,
          j = as.numeric(names(result)),
          v = result
      }, data = dtm_list

    # the new index has a higher maximum than length
    # ensure index is continuous from 1 to length
    unique_j <- sort(unique(lookup$final_n))
    lookup2 <- data.frame(
      index = seq_len(max(lookup$final_n)),
      end = NA
    lookup2$end[unique_j] <- seq_along(unique_j)

    # use to create simple_triplet_matrix
      name_lookup <- as.numeric(names(dtm_list))
      dtm2 <- slam::simple_triplet_matrix(
        i = name_lookup[dtm_df2$i],
        j = lookup2$end[dtm_df2$j],
        v = dtm_df2$v,
        dimnames = list(
          "Docs" = as.character(seq_len(max(name_lookup))),
          "Terms" = lookup$initial[sort(unique(lookup$final_n))]
      dtm2 <- slam::simple_triplet_matrix(
        i = dtm_df2$i,
        j = lookup2$end[dtm_df2$j],
        v = dtm_df2$v,
        dimnames = list(
          "Docs" = names(dtm_list),
          "Terms" = lookup$initial[sort(unique(lookup$final_n))]

      dtm2 <- dtm
      dtm2 <- slam::simple_triplet_matrix(
        i = as.numeric(as.factor(dtm_df$i)),
        j = dtm_df$j,
        v = dtm$v,
        dimnames = list(
          "Docs" = as.character(sort(unique(dtm_df$i))),
          "Terms" = dtm$dimnames$Terms

  } # end if duplicated

mjwestgate/bibviewr documentation built on Jan. 11, 2020, 10:43 p.m.