
Defines functions build_habitat_table correct_dist depth_from_elev merge_streamflow merge_waves merge_tides merge_rrectd merge_rrewll leading_zero gauge_from_fpath site_from_fpath id_from_fpath date_from_fpath mt2rt

Documented in build_habitat_table correct_dist depth_from_elev merge_rrectd merge_rrewll merge_streamflow merge_tides merge_waves

# Helper function to convert Matlab numeric times to R POSIXct timestamps
mt2rt = function(x, timez = "UTC") {
  days = x - 719529   # 719529 = days from 1-1-0000 to 1-1-1970
  secs = days * 86400 # 86400 seconds in a day
  as.POSIXct(secs, origin = '1970-01-01', tz = timez)

# helper function to extract a numeric YYYMMDD from a filepath
date_from_fpath = function(x){
  m = unlist(regmatches(x, gregexpr("[[:digit:]]+", x) ))
  as.Date(m[which(nchar(m) == 8)], format = "%Y%m%d")

# helper function to extract the ID from from a CTD filepath
# index is first alpha after YYYYMMDD and  before "_"
id_from_fpath = function(x){
  m = tail(unlist(strsplit(x, "/")), 1)
  m = head(unlist(strsplit(m, "_")), 1)
  gsub("[[:digit:]]", "", m)

# helper function to extract water level gauge sites from a file path
site_from_fpath = function(x){
  m = tolower(tail(unlist(strsplit(x, "/")), 1))
  if(grepl("sheephouse|shp", m))
    "sheephouse creek"
  else if (grepl("mouth|mou", m))
    "river mouth"
  else if (grepl("jenner", m))
  else if (grepl("mos|moscow", m))
    "moscow bridge"  
  else if (grepl("heron", m))
    "heron rookery"

# helper function to get gauge locations from file path
gauge_from_fpath = function(x){
  m = unlist(strsplit(tail(unlist(strsplit(x, c("/"))), 1), ".csv"))  
  if(grepl("russianriver", m))
    "russian river"
  else if (grepl("austincreek", m))
    "austin creek"

# helper function to add leading zeros to year/month/day/hour entries
leading_zero = function(x) {
  x = paste(x)
  ifelse(nchar(x) < 2, paste0("0", x), x)

#' Combine Water Level Records
#' Combine water level data files into a dataframe.
#' @param wll A list of dataframes of water level data
#' @param timecol The column name containing matlab numeric datetime. Matlab
#'    times are assumed to be in "UTC" timezone.
#' @param depthcol The column name containing depths.
#' @param elevcol The column name containing elevations.
#' @param tempcol The column name containing temperatures.
#' @param sitecol The column name to contain site data.
#' @seealso read_rrewll
#' @export
merge_rrewll = function(wll, timecol = "mtime", depthcol = "depth", 
  elevcol = "elev", tempcol = "temp", sitecol = "site"){
  for(n in names(wll)){
    # get date from filename
    wll[[n]][sitecol] = site_from_fpath(n)
    # add empty temperature column if missing
    if(!(tempcol %in% names(wll[[n]])))
      wll[[n]][tempcol] = NA
    # add empty elevation column if missing
    if(!(elevcol %in% names(wll[[n]])))
      wll[[n]][elevcol] = NA      
  # merge dataframes
  d = do.call(rbind, lapply(wll, function(x) 
    x[c(sitecol, timecol, depthcol, elevcol, tempcol)]))
  rownames(d) = NULL
  # convert matlab time to POSIX time
  d[timecol] = mt2rt(d[[timecol]])

#' Combine CTD Transects
#' Combine CTD transect data files into a dataframe.
#' @param ctd A list of dataframes of CTD transect data.
#' @param dates Vector of dates of each transect listed in \code{ctd}. If
#'   \code{NULL}, will search for numeric YYYYMMDD in \code{names(ctd)}.
#' @param timecol The column name to be created containing the transect dates. 
#' @seealso read_rrectd read_rrectdgrid
#' @export
merge_rrectd = function(ctd, dates = NULL, ids = NULL, timecol = "date", 
  idcol = "id"){
  # get date from filepath
    dates = as.Date(sapply(names(ctd), date_from_fpath), origin = "1970-01-01")
    ids = sapply(names(ctd), id_from_fpath)
  for(i in seq(length(ctd))){
    ctd[[i]][timecol] = dates[[i]]
    ctd[[i]][idcol] = ids[[i]]
  d = do.call(rbind, ctd)
  rownames(d) = NULL

#' Combine Tide Records
#' Combine data files produced by \code{download_tides}.
#' @param tides A list of dataframes of tide data.
#' @param datetimecol The column name containing timestamps.
#' @param heightcol The column name containing water levels.
#' @param sigmacol The column name containing sigma values.
#' @return A single dataframe of tide data.
#' @seealso download_tides
#' @export
merge_tides = function(tides, datetimecol = "Date.Time", 
  heightcol = "Water.Level", sigmacol = "Sigma"){
  d = vector("list", length = length(tides))
  for(i in seq(length(tides)))
    d[[i]] = data.frame(datetime = as.POSIXct(tides[[i]][[datetimecol]], 
      tz = "UTC"), height = tides[[i]][[heightcol]], 
      sigma = tides[[i]][[sigmacol]])
  do.call(rbind.data.frame, d)

#' Combine Wave Records
#' Combine data files produced by \code{download_waves}.
#' @param waves A list of dataframes of wave data.
#' @return A single dataframe of wave data.
#' @details The wave data also contains meteorological data
#'   such as pressure, air temperature, sea surface temperature,
#'   etc. The wave data records can be very spotty.
#' @seealso download_waves
#' @export
merge_waves = function(waves) {
  d = vector("list", length = length(waves))
  for (i in seq(length(waves))) {
    for (n in c("WDIR", "PRES", "TIDE"))
      if (!(n %in% names(waves[[i]])))
        waves[[i]][n] = NA
    if (!("mm" %in% names(waves[[i]])))
      waves[[i]][['mm']] = 00
    if ("X.U.FEFF.YY" %in% names(waves[[i]]))
      waves[[i]]["YYYY"] = waves[[i]][["X.U.FEFF.YY"]]
    if ("X.U.FEFF.YYYY" %in% names(waves[[i]]))
      waves[[i]]["YYYY"] = waves[[i]][["X.U.FEFF.YYYY"]]
    if ("WD" %in% names(waves[[i]]))
      waves[[i]]["WDIR"] = waves[[i]][["WD"]]
    if ("BAR" %in% names(waves[[i]]))
      waves[[i]]["PRES"] = waves[[i]][["BAR"]]
    waves[[i]]["YYYY"] = with(waves[[i]],
      ifelse(YYYY < 1900, YYYY + 1900L, YYYY))
    waves[[i]]["MM"] = leading_zero(waves[[i]][["MM"]])
    waves[[i]]["DD"] = leading_zero(waves[[i]][["DD"]])
    waves[[i]]["hh"] = leading_zero(waves[[i]][["hh"]])
    waves[[i]]["mm"] = leading_zero(waves[[i]][["mm"]])
    d[[i]] = with(waves[[i]], data.frame(
      datetime = as.POSIXct(paste(YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, sep = "-"),
        format = "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M", tz = "UTC"),
      wind.speed = ifelse(WSPD > 90, NA, WSPD),
      wind.dir = ifelse(WDIR > 990, NA, WDIR),
      gust.speed = ifelse(GST > 90, NA, GST),
      wave.height = ifelse(WVHT > 90, NA, WVHT),
      wave.period.dom = ifelse(DPD > 90, NA, DPD),
      wave.period.avg = ifelse(APD > 90, NA, APD),
      wave.dir = ifelse(MWD > 990, NA, MWD),
      pressure = ifelse(PRES > 9990, NA, PRES),
      air.temp = ifelse(ATMP > 990, NA, ATMP),
      water.temp = ifelse(WTMP > 990, NA, WTMP),
      dewpoint = ifelse(DEWP > 990, NA, DEWP),
      visibility = ifelse(VIS > 90, NA, VIS),
      tide.height = ifelse(TIDE > 90, NA, tides)
  do.call(rbind.data.frame, d)

#' Combine Streamflow Records
#' Combine streamflow records obtained from the USGS.
#' @param sf A list of dataframes of streamflow data.
#' @param datetimecol Column name containing timestamps.
#' @param flowcol Column name containing discharge.
#' @return A single dataframe of streamflow data.
#' @export
merge_streamflow = function(sf, datetimecol = "datetime", 
  flowcol = "discharge"){
  sites = sapply(names(sf), gauge_from_fpath)
  d = vector("list", length = length(sf))
  for(i in seq(length(sf))){
    d[[i]] = data.frame(gauge = sites[[i]], 
      datetime = as.POSIXct(sf[[i]][[datetimecol]], tz = "US/Pacific"),
      flow = sf[[i]][[flowcol]])
    # convert time zone to UTC
    attr(d[[i]][[datetimecol]], "tzone") = "UTC"
  do.call(rbind.data.frame, d)

#' Add Cast Depth
#' Add cast depths to CTD transect data.
#' @param d A dataframe of CTD transect data.
#' @param depthcol The column name to assign depth data to.
#' @param elevcol The column name containing elevation.
#' @param surfelevcol The column name containing water surface elevation.
#' @return The dataframe \code{d} with an additional column \code{depthcol}.
#' @details Depth is calculated as \code{depthcol = surfelevcol - elevcol}.
#' @seealso read_rrectd read_rrectdgrid merge_rrectd
#' @export
depth_from_elev = function(d, depthcol = "depth", elevcol = "elev", 
  surfelevcol = "surfelev"){
  d[depthcol] = d[[surfelevcol]] - d[[elevcol]] 

#' Correct Transect Distance Markers
#' Correct transect distance markers in CTD transect data.
#' @param d A dataframe of CTD transect data.
#' @param distcol The column name containing distance data to correct.
#' @return The dataframe \code{d} with corrected values in column 
#'   \code{distcol}.
#' @details Distances are corrected and converted from km to m by comparing GPS 
#'   coordinates and transect distance markers to RRE bathymetry. Distance 
#'   corrections are shown below:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item 0.3 => 400
#'     \item (1.1, 1.2) => 1100
#'     \item 1.5 => 4800 (typo)
#'     \item (2.4, 2.5) => 2600
#'     \item (3.1, 3.2, 3.5) => 3800
#'     \item 4.0 => 4300
#'     \item 4.6 => 4800
#'     \item 5.3 => 5700
#'     \item 6.4 => 6900
#'     \item (7.3, 7.4) => 7900
#'     \item 8.7 => 9300
#'     \item 9.5 => 10100
#'     \item (10.0, 10.1) => 10800
#'   }
#' @seealso read_rrectd read_rrectdgrid merge_rrectd
#' @export
correct_dist = function(d, distcol = "dist"){  
  riverdist = data.frame(dist =  c(0.3, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 2.4, 2.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 
    4.0, 4.6, 5.3, 6.4, 7.3, 7.4, 8.7, 9.5, 10.0, 10.1), distcor = c(400, 1100,
    1100, 4800, 2600, 2600, 3800, 3800, 3800, 4300, 4800, 5700, 6900, 7900, 
    7900, 9300, 10100, 10800, 10800))
  d[distcol] = sapply(d[[distcol]], function(x) 
    riverdist$distcor[which.min(abs(x - riverdist$dist))])    

#' Build Habitat Table
#' Compute habitat volume for a given depth and water surface elevation.
#' @param d The data frame containing bathymetry data. Expects columns 
#'   \code{bedelev}, \code{dist}, \code{count}, and \code{sum}.
#' @param e The elevation (depth) at which to compute habitat.
#' @param w The water surface elevation for which to compute habitat.
#' @return A data frame containing the columns \code{elev}, \code{wse}, 
#'   \code{count}, \code{count.littoral}, \code{count.limnetic}, 
#'   \code{count.epibenthic}, \code{count.sublimnetic}, and 
#'   \code{count.profundal}.
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
build_habitat_table = function(d, e, w) {
  d %>% group_by(dist, bedelev) %>% 
        elev = e,
        wse = w,
        is.available = (wse > bedelev) & (elev > bedelev) & (wse > elev),
        is.littoral = is.available & 
          ((wse - elev) <= 1) & ((wse - bedelev) <= 1),
        is.limnetic = is.available & 
          ((wse - elev) <= 1) & ((wse - bedelev) > 1),
        is.epibenthic = is.available & 
          ((wse - elev) > 1) & ((wse - elev) <= 5) & ((wse - bedelev) <= 5),
        is.sublimnetic = is.available & 
          ((wse - elev) > 1) & ((wse - elev) <= 5) & ((wse - bedelev) > 5),
        is.profundal = is.available & ((wse - elev) > 5)
      ) %>% 
      group_by(dist) %>% 
        elev = unique(elev),
        wse = unique(wse),
        count = sum(sum*is.available),
        count.littoral = sum(sum*is.littoral),
        count.limnetic = sum(sum*is.limnetic),
        count.epibenthic = sum(sum*is.epibenthic),           
        count.sublimnetic = sum(sum*is.sublimnetic),
        count.profundal = sum(sum*is.profundal)    
mkoohafkan/rremat documentation built on July 3, 2021, 12:06 p.m.