
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# Copyright 2013 - 2022 Michael K. Schuster
# Biomedical Sequencing Facility (BSF), part of the genomics core facility of
# the Research Center for Molecular Medicine (CeMM) of the Austrian Academy of
# Sciences and the Medical University of Vienna (MUW).
# This file is part of BSF R.
# BSF R is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# BSF R is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with BSF R.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Description -------------------------------------------------------------

# BSF R script to aggregate Trimmomatic output files.

# Option Parsing ----------------------------------------------------------

suppressPackageStartupMessages(expr = library(package = "optparse"))

argument_list <-
  optparse::parse_args(object = optparse::OptionParser(
    option_list = list(
        opt_str = "--verbose",
        action = "store_true",
        default = TRUE,
        help = "Print extra output [default]",
        type = "logical"
        opt_str = "--quiet",
        action = "store_false",
        default = FALSE,
        dest = "verbose",
        help = "Print little output",
        type = "logical"
        opt_str = "--file-path",
        dest = "file_path",
        help = "Trimmomatic trim log file path",
        type = "character"
        opt_str = "--number",
        help = "Maximum number of Trimmomatic trim log lines, or -1 for unlimited [-1]",
        default = -1L,
        type = "integer"
        opt_str = "--chunk-size",
        default = 10000L,
        dest = "chunk_size",
        help = "Number of lines to process per chunk [10000]",
        type = "integer"
        opt_str = "--stderr-path",
        dest = "stderr_path",
        help = "Trimmomatic STDERR directory path",
        type = "character"
        opt_str = "--stderr-pattern-file",
        default = "^trimmomatic_read_group_.*\\.err$",
        dest = "stderr_pattern_file",
        help = "Trimmomatic STDERR file pattern [trimmomatic_read_group_*_[0-9]+.err]",
        type = "character"
        opt_str = "--stderr-pattern-read-group",
        default = "^trimmomatic_read_group_(.*)_[0-9]+\\.err$",
        dest = "stderr_pattern_read_group",
        help = "Trimmomatic STDERR read group pattern [^trimmomatic_read_group_(.*)_[0-9]+\\.err$]",
        type = "character"
        opt_str = "--summary-path",
        dest = "summary_path",
        help = "Trimmomatic summary data frame directory path",
        type = "character"
        opt_str = "--plot-width",
        default = 7.0,
        dest = "plot_width",
        help = "Plot width in inches [7.0]",
        type = "double"
        opt_str = "--plot-height",
        default = 7.0,
        dest = "plot_height",
        help = "Plot height in inches [7.0]",
        type = "double"
        opt_str = c("--plot-limit-png"),
        default = 150.0,
        dest = "plot_limit_png",
        help = "Maximum size of the PNG device in inches [150.0]",
        type = "double"

# Library Import ----------------------------------------------------------

# CRAN r-lib
suppressPackageStartupMessages(expr = library(package = "sessioninfo"))
# CRAN Tidyverse
suppressPackageStartupMessages(expr = library(package = "dplyr"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(expr = library(package = "ggplot2"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(expr = library(package = "purrr"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(expr = library(package = "readr"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(expr = library(package = "stringr"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(expr = library(package = "tibble"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(expr = library(package = "tidyr"))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(expr = library(package = "bsfR"))

# Save plots in the following formats.
graphics_formats <- c("pdf" = "pdf", "png" = "png")

#' Process Trimmomatic STDERR files and return a tibble.
#' @noRd
#' @param file_path A \code{character} scalar with the file path.
#' @return A named \code{list} of parsed components.
#' \describe{
#' \item{input}{A \code{character} scalar with the number of input reads.}
#' \item{both}{A \code{character} scalar with the number of first and second reads.}
#' \item{first}{A \code{character} scalar with the number of first reads.}
#' \item{second}{A \code{character} scalar with the number of second reads.}
#' \item{dropped}{A \code{character} scalar with the number of dropped reads.}
#' \item{file_path}{A \code{character} scalar with the with the STDERR file path.}
#' }
process_stderr <- function(file_path) {
  if (is.null(x = file_path)) {
    stop("Missing file_path argument.")
  trimmomatic_list <- NULL

  trimmomatic_lines <-
    readr::read_lines(file = file_path, n_max = 1000L)

  # Match the relevant line, which looks like:
  # Input Read Pairs: 7999402 Both Surviving: 6629652 (82.88%) Forward Only Surviving: 1271736 (15.90%) Reverse Only Surviving: 18573 (0.23%) Dropped: 79441 (0.99%)
  trimmomatic_matches <-
    base::regexec(pattern = "^Input Read Pairs: ([[:digit:]]+) Both Surviving: ([[:digit:]]+) .*Forward Only Surviving: ([[:digit:]]+).*Reverse Only Surviving: ([[:digit:]]+).*Dropped: ([[:digit:]]+) ",
                  text = trimmomatic_lines)

  # Get a list of sub-strings corresponding to the matches.
  trimmomatic_strings <-
    base::regmatches(x = trimmomatic_lines, m = trimmomatic_matches)

  # Select only lines with matches (> -1L) from the list via a logical vector.
  trimmomatic_filtered <-
    trimmomatic_strings[purrr::map_lgl(.x = trimmomatic_matches, .f = ~ .[1L] > -1L)]

  if (length(x = trimmomatic_filtered) > 0L) {
    # Annotate the character vector with names, but skip the first element, which is the original matched line.
    trimmomatic_list <-
      as.list(x = as.integer(x = trimmomatic_filtered[[1L]][2L:6L]))
    names(x = trimmomatic_list) <-
      c("input", "both", "first", "second", "dropped")

    # Append the file path only if successful.
    trimmomatic_list$file_path <- file_path



#' Process trim log files.
#' Trimmomatic trim log files are tab-separated value (TSV) files with the
#' following variables:
#' 1: read name
#' 2: surviving sequence length
#' 3: location of the first surviving base, or the amount trimmed from the start
#' 4: location of the last surviving base in the original read
#' 5: amount trimmed from the end
#' @noRd
#' @param file_path A \code{character} scalar with the file path.
#' @param number An \code{integer} scalar indicating the maximum number of
#'   (paired) reads to read.
#' @return
process_trim_log <- function(file_path, number = -1L) {
  file_prefix <- sub(
    pattern = "_trim_log\\.tsv(\\.gz)?",
    replacement = "",
    x = base::basename(path = file_path)

  initialise_summary_tibble <- function(length, read_number = 1L) {
        "position" = seq.int(from = 0L, to = length - 1L),
        "read" = paste0('R', read_number),
        "surviving" = integer(length = length),
        "frequency_5" = integer(length = length),
        "frequency_3" = integer(length = length)

  update_summary_tibble <-
             trim_log_character_matrix) {
      # Subset the character matrix into columns 2 (surviving), 3 (frequency_5)
      # and 4 (frequency_3). Increment all matrix elements by 1L to convert
      # 0-based sequence indices to 1-based R vector indices.
      trim_log_integer_matrix <-
          data = as.integer(x = trim_log_character_matrix[, c(2L, 3L, 4L)]),
          nrow = base::nrow(x = trim_log_character_matrix)
        ) + 1L

      for (i in seq_len(length.out = base::nrow(x = trim_log_integer_matrix))) {
        # Increment the surviving position.
        summary_tibble$surviving[trim_log_integer_matrix[i, 1L]] <-
          summary_tibble$surviving[trim_log_integer_matrix[i, 1L]] + 1L
        # Increment the frequency_5 position.
        summary_tibble$frequency_5[trim_log_integer_matrix[i, 2L]] <-
          summary_tibble$frequency_5[trim_log_integer_matrix[i, 2L]] + 1L
        # Increment the frequency_3 position.
        summary_tibble$frequency_3[trim_log_integer_matrix[i, 3L]] <-
          summary_tibble$frequency_3[trim_log_integer_matrix[i, 3L]] + 1L
      rm(i, trim_log_integer_matrix)


  # The data frames need to be initialised with the correct length, which is only
  # available from reading the trim log file.
  counter_1 <- 0L
  counter_2 <- 0L
  summary_tibble_1 <- NULL
  summary_tibble_2 <- NULL

  trim_log_connection <-
    base::file(description = file_path, open = "rt")
  # Since trim log files may start with completely trimmed reads that allow no
  # conclusion about read lengths, the file needs searching for meaningful
  # coordinates first.
  while (TRUE) {
    trim_log_line <- base::readLines(con = trim_log_connection, n = 1L)
    if (length(x = trim_log_line) == 0L) {
    trim_log_character <-
      stringr::str_split(string = trim_log_line,
                         pattern = stringr::fixed(pattern = " "))[[1L]]
    # The read length is the sum of the end trimming position and the amount
    # trimmed from the end. The tibble length is one longer to store the end
    # position.
    tibble_length <-
      as.integer(x = trim_log_character[4L]) + as.integer(x = trim_log_character[5L]) + 1L

    # Check for read 1.
    if (endsWith(x = trim_log_character[1L], "/1")) {
      counter_1 <- counter_1 + 1L  # Increment the counter for read 1.
      # Initialise only with meaningful coordinates.
      if (is.null(x = summary_tibble_1) && tibble_length > 1) {
        summary_tibble_1 <-
          initialise_summary_tibble(length = tibble_length, read_number = 1L)
    } else {
      # Check for read 2.
      if (endsWith(x = trim_log_character[1L], "/2")) {
        counter_2 <- counter_2 + 1L  # Increment the counter for read 2.
        # Initialise only with meaningful coordinates.
        if (is.null(x = summary_tibble_2) && tibble_length > 1) {
          summary_tibble_2 <-
            initialise_summary_tibble(length = tibble_length, read_number = 2L)
      } else {
        # This must be Trimmomatic data in SE mode, which lacks /1 and /2 suffices.
        counter_1 <-
          counter_1 + 1L  # Increment the counter for read 1.
        # Initialise only with meaningful coordinates.
        if (is.null(x = summary_tibble_1) && tibble_length > 1) {
          summary_tibble_1 <-
            initialise_summary_tibble(length = tibble_length, read_number = 1L)

    # No decision before the first read has been seen twice ...
    if (counter_1 > 2L) {
      # Break out, if ...
      if (!is.null(x = summary_tibble_1)) {
        # ... the data frame for read 1 is initialised ...
        if (counter_2 > 0L) {
          # ... and after two frist reads a second read seems to exist ...
          if (!is.null(x = summary_tibble_2)) {
            # ... and the data frame for read 2 is initialised.
        } else {
          # ... and after two first reads no second read seems to exist.
    rm(tibble_length, trim_log_character, trim_log_line)

  # Re-position the connection to the start, reset the read counters and re-read
  # the entire file.
  base::seek(con = trim_log_connection, where = 0L)
  counter_1 <- 0L
  counter_2 <- 0L
  while (TRUE) {
    trim_log_lines <-
      base::readLines(con = trim_log_connection, n = argument_list$chunk_size)
    if (length(x = trim_log_lines) == 0L) {
    trim_log_character_matrix <-
        string = trim_log_lines,
        pattern = stringr::fixed(pattern = " "),
        n = 5L

    reads_1 <-
      base::endsWith(x = trim_log_character_matrix[, 1L], "/1")
    reads_2 <-
      base::endsWith(x = trim_log_character_matrix[, 1L], "/2")
    # Check for read 1.
    if (any(reads_1)) {
      counter_1 <- counter_1 + length(x = which(x = reads_1))
      summary_tibble_1 <-
        update_summary_tibble(summary_tibble = summary_tibble_1,
                              trim_log_character_matrix = trim_log_character_matrix[reads_1, ])
    # Check for read 2.
    if (any(reads_2)) {
      counter_2 <- counter_2 + length(x = which(x = reads_2))
      summary_tibble_2 <-
        update_summary_tibble(summary_tibble = summary_tibble_2,
                              trim_log_character_matrix = trim_log_character_matrix[reads_2, ])
    # This must be Trimmomatic data in SE mode, which lacks /1 and /2 suffices.
    if (!any(reads_1, reads_2)) {
      counter_1 <- counter_1 + base::nrow(x = trim_log_character_matrix)
      summary_tibble_1 <-
        update_summary_tibble(summary_tibble = summary_tibble_1,
                              trim_log_character_matrix = trim_log_character_matrix)

    # Break after reaching the maximum number of reads to process.
    if (number > 0L) {
      if (counter_2 > 0L) {
        if (counter_2 >= number) {
          # If read 2 exists, break after reaching its counter and thus
          # completing the pair.
      } else {
        if (counter_1 >= number) {
          # Otherwise, simply break after reaching the read 1 counter.
  base::close(con = trim_log_connection)

  finalise_summary_tibble <- function(summary_tibble, counter) {
        .data = summary_tibble,
        # Calculate the 5-prime coverage, which is the cumulative sum of 5-prime
        # frequencies.
        "coverage_5" = cumsum(x = .data$frequency_5),
        # Calculate the 3-prime coverage, which is the total count minus the
        # cumulative sum of 3-prime frequencies.
        "coverage_3" = counter - cumsum(x = .data$frequency_3),
        # Calculate the total coverage, which is the 5-prime cumulative sum
        # minus the 3-prime cumulative sum.
        "coverage" = cumsum(x = .data$frequency_5) - cumsum(x = .data$frequency_3),
        # Also set the counter, which is a bit of a waste, as it applies to all
        # positions equally.
        "counter" = .env$counter

  summary_tibble <-
    finalise_summary_tibble(summary_tibble = summary_tibble_1, counter = counter_1)

  if (!is.null(x = summary_tibble_2)) {
    summary_tibble <-
        finalise_summary_tibble(summary_tibble = summary_tibble_2, counter = counter_2)

  # Write the summary frame to disk.
  readr::write_tsv(x = summary_tibble,
                   file = paste(paste(file_prefix, "summary", sep = "_"), "tsv", sep = "."))

  # Coverage Summary Plot -------------------------------------------------

  # Pivot the data frame on measure variables "coverage_5", "coverage_3" and
  # "coverage" and plot faceted by column on the "read" factor.

  ggplot_object <- ggplot2::ggplot(
    data = tidyr::pivot_longer(
      data = summary_tibble,
      cols = c("coverage_5", "coverage_3", "coverage"),
      names_to = "type",
      values_to = "reads"

  ggplot_object <-
    ggplot_object + ggplot2::facet_grid(cols = ggplot2::vars(.data$read))

  ggplot_object <-
    ggplot_object + ggplot2::geom_point(
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(
        x = .data$position,
        y = .data$reads,
        colour = .data$type
      alpha = I(1 / 3)

  ggplot_object <-
    ggplot_object + ggplot2::labs(
      x = "Position",
      y = "Reads",
      colour = "Type",
      title = "Coverage Summary"

  for (graphics_format in graphics_formats) {
      filename = paste(
        paste(file_prefix, "coverage", sep = "_"),
        sep = "."
      plot = ggplot_object,
      width = argument_list$plot_width,
      height = argument_list$plot_height
  rm(graphics_format, ggplot_object)

  # Frequency Summary Plot ------------------------------------------------

  # Pivot the data frame on measure variables "frequency_5" and "frequency_3"
  # and plot faceted by column on the "read" factor.

  ggplot_object <- ggplot2::ggplot(
    data = tidyr::pivot_longer(
      data = summary_tibble,
      cols = c("frequency_5", "frequency_3"),
      names_to = "type",
      values_to = "reads"

  ggplot_object <-
    ggplot_object + ggplot2::facet_grid(cols = ggplot2::vars(.data$read))

  ggplot_object <-
    ggplot_object + ggplot2::geom_point(
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(
        x = .data$position,
        y = .data$reads,
        colour = .data$type
      alpha = I(1 / 3)

  ggplot_object <-
    ggplot_object + ggplot2::labs(
      x = "Position",
      y = "Reads",
      colour = "Type",
      title = "Frequency Summary"

  for (graphics_format in graphics_formats) {
      filename = paste(
        paste(file_prefix, "frequency", sep = "_"),
        sep = "."
      plot = ggplot_object,
      width = argument_list$plot_width,
      height = argument_list$plot_height
  rm(graphics_format, ggplot_object)

  # Surviving Sequence Plot -----------------------------------------------

  # Select measure variable "surviving" and variables "position" and "read" and
  # plot faceted by column on the "read" factor.
  ggplot_object <-
    ggplot2::ggplot(data = dplyr::select(.data = summary_tibble, "position", "read", "surviving"))

  ggplot_object <-
    ggplot_object + ggplot2::facet_grid(cols = ggplot2::vars(.data$read))

  ggplot_object <-
    ggplot_object + ggplot2::geom_point(
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = .data$position, y = .data$surviving),
      alpha = I(1 / 3)

  ggplot_object <-
    ggplot_object + ggplot2::labs(x = "Position", y = "Reads", title = "Surviving Sequence")

  for (graphics_format in graphics_formats) {
      filename = paste(
        paste(file_prefix, "surviving", sep = "_"),
        sep = "."
      plot = ggplot_object,
      width = argument_list$plot_width,
      height = argument_list$plot_height
  rm(graphics_format, ggplot_object)

  rm(summary_tibble, file_prefix)

#' Process Trimmomatic summary data frame files, produced by this script by
#' reading Trimmomatic trim log files.
#' @param directory_path A \code{character} scalar with a directory path.
#' @return
#' @noRd
process_summary <- function(directory_path) {
  process_read_group_tibble <- function(file_path) {
    read_group_tibble <- readr::read_tsv(
      file = file_path,
      col_types = readr::cols(
        "position" = readr::col_integer(),
        "surviving" = readr::col_integer(),
        "frequency_5" = readr::col_integer(),
        "frequency_3" = readr::col_integer(),
        "coverage_5" = readr::col_integer(),
        "coverage_3" = readr::col_integer(),
        "coverage" = readr::col_integer(),
        "counter" = readr::col_integer()

    read_group_tibble$read_group <-
      base::sub(pattern = '^trimmomatic_read_group_(.*)_summary.tsv',
                replacement = "\\1",
                x = file_path)


  summary_tibble <-
      .x = base::list.files(
        path = directory_path,
        pattern = '^trimmomatic_read_group_.*_summary.tsv',
        full.names = TRUE,
        recursive = FALSE
      .f = process_read_group_tibble

  readr::write_tsv(x = summary_tibble, file = "trimmomatic_summary.tsv")

  rm(summary_tibble, process_read_group_tibble)

# Process Trimmomatic trim log files.
if (!is.null(x = argument_list$file_path)) {
  process_trim_log(file_path = argument_list$file_path, number = argument_list$number)

# Process Trimmomatic summary files that were created from trim log files with
# this script via the --file-path option before.
if (!is.null(x = argument_list$summary_path)) {
  process_summary(directory_path = argument_list$summary_path)

# Process STDERR files with Trimmomatic statistics ------------------------

if (!is.null(x = argument_list$stderr_path)) {
  summary_tibble <-
      directory_path = argument_list$stderr_path,
      file_pattern = argument_list$stderr_pattern_file,
      report_function = process_stderr,
      variable_name = "read_group")

  readr::write_tsv(x = summary_tibble, file = "trimmomatic_statistics.tsv")

  # Scale the plot width with the number of read groups, by adding a quarter of
  # the original width for each 24 read groups.
  # Because read group names are quite long, extend already for the first column.
  plot_width <-
    argument_list$plot_width + (ceiling(x = base::nrow(x = summary_tibble) / 24L) - 1L) * argument_list$plot_width * 0.5

  # Plot the absolute numbers of reads ------------------------------------

  ggplot_object <-
      data = tidyr::pivot_longer(
        data = summary_tibble,
        cols = c("input",
        names_to = "state",
        values_to = "numbers"

  ggplot_object <-
    ggplot_object + ggplot2::geom_point(mapping = ggplot2::aes(
      x = .data$read_group,
      y = .data$numbers,
      colour = .data$state

  ggplot_object <-
    ggplot_object + ggplot2::labs(
      x = "Read Group",
      y = "Numbers",
      colour = "Status",
      title = "Trimmomatic Read Numbers by Read Group"

  ggplot_object <-
    ggplot_object + ggplot2::theme(
      axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(
        size = ggplot2::rel(x = 0.7),
        hjust = 0.0,
        vjust = 0.5,
        angle = 90.0
      legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = ggplot2::rel(x = 0.7))

  for (graphics_format in graphics_formats) {
      filename = paste("trimmomatic_statistics_number", graphics_format, sep = "."),
      plot = ggplot_object,
      width = if (graphics_format == "png" &&
                  plot_width > argument_list$plot_limit_png)
      height = argument_list$plot_height,
      limitsize = FALSE
  rm(graphics_format, ggplot_object)

  # Plot the fractions of reads -------------------------------------------

  # Calculate fractions on the basis of "input" reads.
  summary_tibble <-
    dplyr::mutate(.data = summary_tibble, dplyr::across(
      .cols = c("both", "first", "second", "dropped"),
      .fns = ~ .x / .data$input

  summary_tibble <-
    dplyr::select(.data = summary_tibble,

  summary_tibble <-
      data = summary_tibble,
      cols = c("both", "first", "second", "dropped"),
      names_to = "state",
      values_to = "fractions"

  ggplot_object <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = summary_tibble)

  ggplot_object <-
    ggplot_object + ggplot2::geom_point(mapping = ggplot2::aes(
      x = .data$read_group,
      y = .data$fractions,
      colour = .data$state

  ggplot_object <-
    ggplot_object + ggplot2::labs(
      x = "Read Group",
      y = "Fractions",
      colour = "Status",
      title = "Trimmomatic Read Fractions by Read Group"

  ggplot_object <-
    ggplot_object + ggplot2::theme(
      axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(
        size = ggplot2::rel(x = 0.7),
        hjust = 0.0,
        vjust = 0.5,
        angle = 90.0
      legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = ggplot2::rel(x = 0.7))

  for (graphics_format in graphics_formats) {
      filename = paste(
        sep = "."
      plot = ggplot_object,
      width = if (graphics_format == "png" &&
                  plot_width > argument_list$plot_limit_png)
      height = argument_list$plot_height,
      limitsize = FALSE
  rm(graphics_format, ggplot_object, plot_width, summary_tibble)


message("All done")

# Finally, print all objects that have not been removed from the environment.
if (length(x = ls())) {
  print(x = ls())

print(x = sessioninfo::session_info())
mkschuster/bsfR documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 5:01 a.m.