
Defines functions log_dstudent qstudent safe_range getLF studentMetaMean findHDI pMetaMean plotMetaMean

Documented in findHDI plotMetaMean pMetaMean studentMetaMean

#' @useDynLib studentMetaMean
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp

log_dstudent <- function(x, nu, mean, sigma) {
  dt((x-mean)/sigma, nu, log=T)-log(sigma)

qstudent <- function(p, nu, mean, sigma) (qt(p, nu)*sigma+mean)

safe_range <- function(v) {
  r <- range(v)
  if (r[1] == r[2]) {
    r[1] <- r[1] - 0.01
    r[2] <- r[2] + 0.01

getLF <- function(row) {

  m <- row[1]
  sigma <- row[2]
  nu <- row[3]

  if (is.na(nu)) {
    # normal distribution
      density = function(x) dnorm(x, m, sigma, log=T),
      xmin = qnorm(0.005, m, sigma),
      xmax = qnorm(1-0.005, m, sigma)

  } else {
    # Student's t distribution
      density = function(x) log_dstudent(x, nu, m, sigma),
      xmin = qstudent(0.005, nu, m, sigma),
      xmax = qstudent(1-0.005, nu, m, sigma)

#' Compute a weighted average of the specified distributions
#' @param design A matrix with the named columns \code{mean}, \code{sigma}, and \code{nu}. Can be omitted,
#'  if the following three parameters are supplied.
#' @param means Vector of means
#' @param sigmas Vector of sigmas
#' @param nus Vector of nus
#' @param min_sigma Minimum sigma of resulting distribution when all means are very close together
#' @return A list with the following values:
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item{\code{xmin}}{ effective lower end of probality distribution}
#'    \item{\code{xmax}}{ effective upper end of probality distribution}
#'    \item{\code{mean}}{ weighted mean}
#'    \item{\code{pMerged}}{ combined probability distribution}
#'    \item{\code{likelihood_functions}}{ the individual likelihood function for the supplied distributions}
#'  }
#' @export
studentMetaMean <- function(design = NULL, means = NULL, sigmas = NULL, nus = NULL, min_sigma = 0.01) {

  if (is.null(design)) {
    if (any(is.null(means), is.null(sigmas), is.null(nus)))
      stop("Missing either 'design' or 'means'/'simgas'/'nus' argument")

    design_matrix <- matrix( c(means, sigmas, nus), ncol=3)
  } else {
    design_matrix <- as.matrix( design[ , c("mean", "sigma", "nu") ])

  likelihood_functions <- apply(design_matrix, 1, getLF)
  means <- design_matrix[, 1]
  sigmas <- design_matrix[, 2]
  nus <- design_matrix[, 3]
  log_beta_precomp <- log(beta(nus/2, 0.5))

  nus[ is.na(nus) ] <- 0

  INF <- .Machine$double.xmax/(1+length(likelihood_functions))

  sigma_total <- max(min_sigma, sd(means))

  pMerged <- function(mean_total) {
    dcombined(mean_total, means, sigma_total, nus, sigmas, log_beta_precomp)

  # find best mean
  o <- optimise(pMerged, safe_range(design_matrix[,1]), maximum = T)

  l <- list(
    xmin = min(sapply(likelihood_functions, function(l) l$xmin)),
    xmax = max(sapply(likelihood_functions, function(l) l$xmax)),
    mean = o$maximum,
    pMerged = pMerged,
    likelihood_functions = likelihood_functions

#' Find the highest density interval(s)
#' @param l a result list returned by \code{studentMetaMean}
#' @param p a single percentage or a vector of percentages for which to return the HDI
#' @param stepsize size of steps along the x axis
#' @param density_resolution cutoff for sampling the distribution, given as the fraction of
#'   the density at the mean
#' @param drop return a vector instead of a matrix for a single target percentage
#' @return Either a vector (low, high) or a matrix with each row containing a (low, high) pair
#' @export
findHDI <- function(l, p = 0.95, stepsize = 0.01, density_resolution = 0.001, drop = T) {

  xmid <- round(l$mean/stepsize)*stepsize

  # first, check if we need to expand the considered interval
  ytarget <- density_resolution*l$pMerged(xmid)
  while (l$pMerged(l$xmin) > ytarget) l$xmin <- l$mean - 1.5 * (l$mean - l$xmin)
  while (l$pMerged(l$xmax) > ytarget) l$xmax <- l$mean + 1.5 * (l$xmax - l$mean)

  xmin <- floor(l$xmin/stepsize)*stepsize
  xmax <- ceiling(l$xmax/stepsize)*stepsize

  # compute whole interval at once, thanks to the vectorization this is quite fast
  X <- seq(xmin, xmax, stepsize)
  Y <- l$pMerged(X)
  N <- length(Y)

  N_p <- length(p)

  p_order <- order(p)
  p_in_order <- p[p_order]
  targets <- p_in_order*(sum(Y, na.rm=T))
  target_i <- numeric(N_p)
  target_j <- numeric(N_p)

  mid <- as.integer((xmid-xmin)/stepsize+1)

  i <- mid
  j <- mid
  vi <- Y[i]
  vj <- Y[j]

  s <- 0
  p_idx <- 1

  while (p_idx <= N_p) {
    while (s < targets[p_idx]) {
      if (vi > vj) {
        i <- i-1

        # extend the range if needed
        if (i == 0) {
          ext <- as.integer(N/2)
          xminext <- xmin - stepsize * ext
          Xext <- seq(xminext, xmin-stepsize, stepsize)
          X <- c(Xext, X)
          Y <- c(l$pMerged(Xext), Y)
          xmin <- xminext
          i <- i + ext
          j <- j + ext
          N <- N + ext
          targets <- p_in_order*(sum(Y, na.rm=T))

        s <- s + vi/2
        vi <- Y[i]
        s <- s + vi/2
      } else {
        j <- j+1

        # extend the range if needed
        if (j > N) {
          ext <- as.integer(N/2)
          xmaxext <- xmax + stepsize * ext
          Xext <- seq(xmax+stepsize, xmaxext, stepsize)
          X <- c(X, Xext)
          Y <- c(Y, l$pMerged(Xext))
          xmax <- xmaxext
          N <- N + ext
          targets <- p_in_order*(sum(Y, na.rm=T))

        s <- s + vj/2
        vj <- Y[j]
        s <- s + vj/2

    idx <- p_order[p_idx]
    target_i[idx] <- i
    target_j[idx] <- j
    p_idx <- p_idx + 1

  if (min(target_j-target_i) < 10) message("Step size may be too small!")

  result <- matrix( c(xmin+stepsize*(target_i-0.5), xmin + stepsize*(target_j-0.5)), ncol = 2)

  if (N_p == 1 && drop) {
    result <- result[1,]


#' Compute a value in the cumulative distribution function
#' @export
pMetaMean <- function(l, p, return_pvalue = F) {
  tol <- l$pMerged(p)
  A <- integrate(l$pMerged, -Inf, p, abs.tol = tol, stop.on.error = F)

  v <- NULL

  if (A$message != "OK" || A$abs.error == 0) {
    message(paste("Integration error -- we're in the long tail:", A$message))
    if (return_pvalue) {
      v <- 0
    } else {
      v <- p > l$mean

  B <- integrate(l$pMerged, p, Inf, abs.tol = tol, stop.on.error = F)
  if (B$message != "OK" || B$abs.error == 0) {
    message(paste("Integration error -- we're in the long tail:", B$message))
    if (return_pvalue) {
      v <- 0
    } else {
      v <- p > l$mean

  if (is.null(v)) {
    if (return_pvalue) {
      if (A$value < B$value) {
        v <- A$value / (A$value+B$value)
      } else {
        v <- B$value / (A$value+B$value)
    } else {
      v <- A$value / (A$value+B$value)


#' Plot both the individual distributions and the combined distribution.
#' @export
plotMetaMean <- function(l, p = 0.95, stepsize=NULL, xmin=NULL, xmax=NULL) {

  if (is.null(xmin)) xmin <- l$xmin
  if (is.null(xmax)) xmax <- l$xmax

  if (is.null(stepsize)) {
    stepsize <- (xmax - xmin) / 1000

  likelihood_functions <- l$likelihood_functions
  xmin <- floor(xmin/stepsize)*stepsize
  xmax <- ceiling(xmax/stepsize)*stepsize

  X <- seq(xmin, xmax, stepsize)

  d <- rbind(
    data.frame(x=X, y=l$pMerged(X), kind="metaMean", n = 0),
    do.call(rbind, lapply(1:length(likelihood_functions),
         function(i) data.frame(x=X, y=exp(likelihood_functions[[i]]$density(X)), kind="input", n = i))

  hdi <- findHDI(l, p, stepsize)

  have_hdi <- hdi[1] < hdi[2]

  d$n <- factor(d$n)

  if (have_hdi) {
    dm <- d[ d$n == 0, ]
    dm <- dm[ dm$x >= hdi[1] & dm$x <= hdi[2], ]

    dm0 <- dm[1,]
    dm0$y <- 0
    dmN <- dm[nrow(dm),]
    dmN$y <- 0

    dm <- rbind(dm0, dm, dmN)

  p <- ggplot2::ggplot(d, ggplot2::aes(x, y, color=n, fill=n)) + ggplot2::geom_line() + ggplot2::facet_grid(kind~., scales = "free")
  if (have_hdi) p <- p + ggplot2::geom_polygon(data=dm)
  p + ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept=l$mean)
mkuhn/StudentMetaMean documentation built on May 23, 2019, 2:03 a.m.