#' Fit a `cv_model`
#' `cv_model()` fits a model.
#' @param x Depending on the context:
#' * A __data frame__ of predictors.
#' * A __matrix__ of predictors.
#' * A __recipe__ specifying a set of preprocessing steps
#' created from [recipes::recipe()].
#' @param y When `x` is a __data frame__ or __matrix__, `y` is the outcome
#' specified as:
#' * A __data frame__ with 1 numeric column.
#' * A __matrix__ with 1 numeric column.
#' * A numeric __vector__.
#' @param data When a __recipe__ or __formula__ is used, `data` is specified as:
#' * A __data frame__ containing both the predictors and the outcome.
#' @param formula A formula specifying the outcome terms on the left-hand side,
#' and the predictor terms on the right-hand side.
#' @param intercept Should intercept column be created? Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param ... See Details
#' @details
#' Extra parameters using \code{...} are forwarded to implementation function.
#' These parameters are the following:
#' \describe{
#' \item{model_func}{Model function. Default is \code{\link{lm_model}}. See also
#' \code{\link{baseline_model}}}
#' \item{predict_func}{Predict function. Default is \code{\link{generic_predict}}}
#' \item{perf_func}{Model performance function. Default is \code{\link{performance_metrics}}}
#' \item{SESOI_lower}{Function or numeric scalar. Default is \code{\link{SESOI_lower_func}}}
#' \item{SESOI_upper}{Function or numeric scalar. Default is \code{\link{SESOI_upper_func}}}
#' \item{control}{Control structure using \code{\link{model_control}}. The parameters
#' used in \code{cv_model} are \code{cv_folds}, and \code{cv_strata}}
#' \item{na.rm}{Should NAs be removed? Default is FALSE. This is forwarded to
#' \code{model_func}, \code{predict_func}, \code{perfr_func}, \code{SESOI_lower},
#' and \code{SESOI_upper}}
#' }
#' In summary, \code{cv_model} represents a wrapper function, that performs \code{model_func} within
#' the cross-validation loop and provide it's predictive performance metrics using \code{perf_func}
#' @return
#' A `bmbstats_cv_model` object.
#' @examples
#' data("vertical_jump_data")
#' m1 <- cv_model(
#' `Post-test` ~ `Pre-test` * Group * `Squat 1RM`,
#' vertical_jump_data,
#' control = model_control(
#' cv_repeats = 10,
#' cv_folds = 3,
#' cv_strata = vertical_jump_data$Group
#' )
#' )
#' m1
#' plot(m1, "residuals")
#' @export
cv_model <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export
#' @rdname cv_model
cv_model.default <- function(x, ...) {
stop("`cv_model()` is not defined for a '", class(x)[1], "'.", call. = FALSE)
# XY method - data frame
#' @export
#' @rdname cv_model
cv_model.data.frame <- function(x, y, intercept = TRUE, ...) {
bp <- hardhat::default_xy_blueprint(intercept = intercept)
processed <- hardhat::mold(x, y, blueprint = bp)
cv_model_bridge(processed, ...)
# XY method - matrix
#' @export
#' @rdname cv_model
cv_model.matrix <- function(x, y, intercept = TRUE, ...) {
bp <- hardhat::default_xy_blueprint(intercept = intercept)
processed <- hardhat::mold(x, y, blueprint = bp)
cv_model_bridge(processed, ...)
# Formula method
#' @export
#' @rdname cv_model
cv_model.formula <- function(formula, data, intercept = TRUE, ...) {
bp <- hardhat::default_formula_blueprint(intercept = intercept)
processed <- hardhat::mold(formula, data, blueprint = bp)
cv_model_bridge(processed, ...)
# Recipe method
#' @export
#' @rdname cv_model
cv_model.recipe <- function(x, data, intercept = TRUE, ...) {
bp <- hardhat::default_recipe_blueprint(intercept = intercept)
processed <- hardhat::mold(x, data, blueprint = bp)
cv_model_bridge(processed, ...)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bridge
cv_model_bridge <- function(processed, ...) {
predictors <- processed$predictors
outcome <- processed$outcomes
# Validate
outcome <- outcome[[1]]
fit <- cv_model_impl(predictors, outcome, ...)
predictors = fit$predictors,
outcome = fit$outcome,
model_func = fit$model_func,
predict_func = fit$predict_func,
perf_func = fit$perf_func,
SESOI_lower = fit$SESOI_lower,
SESOI_upper = fit$SESOI_upper,
model = fit$model,
predicted = fit$predicted,
performance = fit$performance,
residual = fit$residual,
residual_magnitude = fit$residual_magnitude,
cross_validation = fit$cross_validation,
control = fit$control,
na.rm = fit$na.rm,
blueprint = processed$blueprint
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Implementation
cv_model_impl <- function(predictors,
model_func = lm_model,
predict_func = generic_predict,
perf_func = performance_metrics,
SESOI_lower = SESOI_lower_func,
SESOI_upper = SESOI_upper_func,
control = model_control(),
na.rm = FALSE,
...) {
# Set-up seed for reproducibility
# ------------------------------------
# Training models
model <- model_func(
predictors = predictors,
outcome = outcome,
SESOI_lower = func_num(SESOI_lower, predictors, outcome, na.rm),
SESOI_upper = func_num(SESOI_upper, predictors, outcome, na.rm),
na.rm = na.rm,
predicted <- predict_func(
model = model,
predictors = predictors,
SESOI_lower = func_num(SESOI_lower, predictors, outcome, na.rm),
SESOI_upper = func_num(SESOI_upper, predictors, outcome, na.rm),
na.rm = na.rm
residual <- predicted - outcome
residual_magnitude <- get_magnitude(
SESOI_lower = func_num(SESOI_lower, predictors, outcome, na.rm),
SESOI_upper = func_num(SESOI_upper, predictors, outcome, na.rm),
performance <- perf_func(
observed = outcome,
predicted = predicted,
SESOI_lower = func_num(SESOI_lower, predictors, outcome, na.rm),
SESOI_upper = func_num(SESOI_upper, predictors, outcome, na.rm),
na.rm = na.rm
# ------------------------------------
# Cross-validation
iter <- control$iter
cv_folds_n <- control$cv_folds
cv_repeats_n <- control$cv_repeats
cv_strata <- control$cv_strata
if (is.null(cv_folds_n)) {
# If there is no folds defined then assume 1
cv_folds_n <- 1
if (is.null(cv_repeats_n)) {
# If there is no repeat defined then assume 1
cv_repeats_n <- 1
# Check if strata is NULL
if (is.null(cv_strata)) {
cv_strata <- seq(1, nrow(predictors))
# Save back to control
control$cv_folds <- cv_folds_n
control$cv_repeats <- cv_repeats_n
control$cv_strata <- cv_strata
# Create CV folds
# Set-up seed for reproducibility
cv_folds <- caret::createMultiFolds(
y = cv_strata,
k = cv_folds_n,
times = cv_repeats_n
# Progress bar
# Show progress bar
if (iter) {
pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
total = length(cv_folds),
format = "(:spin) [:bar] :percent eta: :eta"
paste("Cross-validating: ",
" folds, ",
" repeats",
sep = ""
n_observations <- nrow(predictors)
# Convert fold lists into TRUE/FALSE testing index for every resample
cv_index <- t(sapply(cv_folds, function(x) {
train_observations <- rep(FALSE, n_observations)
train_observations[x] <- TRUE
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Loop through CV folds
cv_results <- purrr::map2(cv_folds, names(cv_folds), function(obs, fold_name) {
if (iter) pb$tick()
# Split the data into train and test
train_predictors <- predictors[obs, ]
test_predictors <- predictors[-obs, ]
train_outcome <- outcome[obs]
test_outcome <- outcome[-obs]
train_index <- obs
test_index <- seq(1, nrow(predictors))[-obs]
# Set-up seed for reproducibility
# Train model using training data
train_model <- model_func(
predictors = train_predictors,
outcome = train_outcome,
SESOI_lower = func_num(SESOI_lower, train_predictors, train_outcome, na.rm),
SESOI_upper = func_num(SESOI_upper, train_predictors, train_outcome, na.rm),
na.rm = na.rm,
train_predicted <- predict_func(
model = train_model,
predictors = train_predictors,
SESOI_lower = func_num(SESOI_lower, train_predictors, train_outcome, na.rm),
SESOI_upper = func_num(SESOI_upper, train_predictors, train_outcome, na.rm),
na.rm = na.rm
train_residual <- train_predicted - train_outcome
train_residual_magnitude <- get_magnitude(
SESOI_lower = func_num(SESOI_lower, train_predictors, train_outcome, na.rm),
SESOI_upper = func_num(SESOI_upper, train_predictors, train_outcome, na.rm),
train_performance <- perf_func(
observed = train_outcome,
predicted = train_predicted,
SESOI_lower = func_num(SESOI_lower, train_predictors, train_outcome, na.rm),
SESOI_upper = func_num(SESOI_upper, train_predictors, train_outcome, na.rm),
na.rm = na.rm
# Test model
test_predicted <- predict_func(
model = train_model,
predictors = test_predictors,
SESOI_lower = func_num(SESOI_lower, train_predictors, train_outcome, na.rm),
SESOI_upper = func_num(SESOI_upper, train_predictors, train_outcome, na.rm),
na.rm = na.rm
test_residual <- test_predicted - test_outcome
test_residual_magnitude <- get_magnitude(
SESOI_lower = func_num(SESOI_lower, train_predictors, train_outcome, na.rm),
SESOI_upper = func_num(SESOI_upper, train_predictors, train_outcome, na.rm),
test_performance <- perf_func(
observed = test_outcome,
predicted = test_predicted,
SESOI_lower = func_num(SESOI_lower, train_predictors, train_outcome, na.rm),
SESOI_upper = func_num(SESOI_upper, train_predictors, train_outcome, na.rm),
na.rm = na.rm
# Save everything in a list
training = list(
predictors = train_predictors,
outcome = train_outcome,
index = train_index,
predicted = train_predicted,
residual = train_residual,
residual_magnitude = train_residual_magnitude,
performance = train_performance
# Don't save the model
# model = model
testing = list(
predictors = test_predictors,
outcome = test_outcome,
index = test_index,
predicted = test_predicted,
residual = test_residual,
residual_magnitude = test_residual_magnitude,
performance = test_performance
# ------------------------------------------
# Create CV summaries
# Pooled training data
training_data <- purrr::map2_df(cv_results, names(cv_results), function(cv_folds, fold_name) {
fold = fold_name,
index = cv_folds$training$index,
outcome = cv_folds$training$outcome,
predicted = cv_folds$training$predicted,
residual = cv_folds$training$residual,
residual_magnitude = cv_folds$training$residual_magnitude,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Pooled training data performance
training_performance <- perf_func(
observed = training_data$outcome,
predicted = training_data$predicted,
SESOI_lower = func_num(SESOI_lower, predictors[training_data$index, ], training_data$outcome, na.rm),
SESOI_upper = func_num(SESOI_upper, predictors[training_data$index, ], training_data$outcome, na.rm),
na.rm = na.rm
# Pooled testing data
testing_data <- purrr::map2_df(cv_results, names(cv_results), function(cv_folds, fold_name) {
fold = fold_name,
index = cv_folds$testing$index,
outcome = cv_folds$testing$outcome,
predicted = cv_folds$testing$predicted,
residual = cv_folds$testing$residual,
residual_magnitude = cv_folds$testing$residual_magnitude,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Pooled testing data performance
testing_performance <- perf_func(
observed = testing_data$outcome,
predicted = testing_data$predicted,
SESOI_lower = func_num(SESOI_lower, predictors[training_data$index, ], training_data$outcome, na.rm),
SESOI_upper = func_num(SESOI_upper, predictors[training_data$index, ], training_data$outcome, na.rm),
na.rm = na.rm
# Training performance across folds
cv_training_performance <- purrr::map2_df(cv_results, names(cv_results), function(cv_folds, fold_name) {
fold = fold_name,
metric = names(cv_folds$training$performance),
value = cv_folds$training$performance,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
cv_training_performance$metric <- factor(
levels = names(performance)
cv_training_performance_summary <- split(cv_training_performance, cv_training_performance$metric)
cv_training_performance_summary <- purrr::map_df(cv_training_performance_summary, function(metric) {
metric = metric$metric[[1]],
mean = mean(metric$value),
SD = stats::sd(metric$value),
min = min(metric$value),
max = max(metric$value)
cv_training_performance_summary$metric <- factor(
levels = names(performance)
# Testing performance across folds
cv_testing_performance <- purrr::map2_df(cv_results, names(cv_results), function(cv_folds, fold_name) {
fold = fold_name,
metric = names(cv_folds$testing$performance),
value = cv_folds$testing$performance,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
cv_testing_performance$metric <- factor(
levels = names(performance)
cv_testing_performance_summary <- split(cv_testing_performance, cv_testing_performance$metric)
cv_testing_performance_summary <- purrr::map_df(cv_testing_performance_summary, function(metric) {
metric = metric$metric[[1]],
mean = mean(metric$value),
SD = stats::sd(metric$value),
min = min(metric$value),
max = max(metric$value)
cv_testing_performance_summary$metric <- factor(
levels = names(performance)
cv_overall_performance_summary <- data.frame(
metric = names(performance),
training = performance,
training.pooled = training_performance,
testing.pooled = testing_performance,
row.names = NULL
# Bias-Variance
bias_variance <- split(testing_data, testing_data$index)
bias_variance <- purrr::map_df(bias_variance, function(x) {
index <- x$index[[1]]
outcome <- x$outcome[[1]]
MSE <- mean(x$residual^2)
bias_squared <- (mean(x$predicted) - outcome)^2
variance <- mean((mean(x$predicted) - x$predicted)^2)
index = index,
outcome = outcome,
bias_squared = bias_squared,
variance = variance
# Save CV results
cross_validation <- list(
cv_folds = control$cv_folds,
cv_repeat = control$cv_repeats,
cv_strata = control$cv_strata,
cv_index = cv_index,
data = list(
training = training_data,
testing = testing_data
performance = list(
training = training_performance,
testing = testing_performance,
folds = list(
training = cv_training_performance,
testing = cv_testing_performance
summary = list(
training = cv_training_performance_summary,
testing = cv_testing_performance_summary,
overall = cv_overall_performance_summary
bias_variance = bias_variance,
folds = cv_results
# ------------------------------------
# Save results in the object
if (iter) message("Done!")
predictors = predictors,
outcome = outcome,
model_func = model_func,
predict_func = predict_func,
perf_func = perf_func,
SESOI_lower = SESOI_lower,
SESOI_upper = SESOI_upper,
model = model,
predicted = predicted,
performance = performance,
residual = residual,
residual_magnitude = residual_magnitude,
cross_validation = cross_validation,
control = control,
na.rm = na.rm
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Simple linear regression model
#' This model uses all \code{predictors} to model the \code{outcome} with
#' \code{\link[stats]{lm}} function
#' @inheritParams basic_arguments
#' @param ... Extra arguments forwarded to \code{\link[stats]{lm}} function
#' @returns \code{model} object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lm_model(
#' predictors = iris[2:3],
#' outcome = iris[[1]]
#' )
lm_model <- function(predictors,
SESOI_lower = 0,
SESOI_upper = 0,
na.rm = FALSE,
...) {
data <- cbind(.outcome = outcome, predictors)
stats::lm(.outcome ~ . - 1, data = data, ...)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Baseline model
#' This model return the mean of the \code{outcome} as a prediction
#' @inheritParams basic_arguments
#' @param ... Extra arguments forwarded to \code{\link[stats]{lm}} function
#' @returns \code{model} object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' baseline_model(
#' predictors = iris[2:3],
#' outcome = iris[[1]]
#' )
baseline_model <- function(predictors,
SESOI_lower = 0,
SESOI_upper = 0,
na.rm = FALSE,
...) {
data <- cbind(.outcome = outcome, predictors)
stats::lm(.outcome ~ 1, data = data, ...)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Predict using generic function
#' Predicts using \code{\link[stats]{predict}} function and supplied \code{model}
#' @inheritParams basic_arguments
#' @export
#' @examples
#' m1 <- lm_model(
#' predictors = iris[2:3],
#' outcome = iris[[1]]
#' )
#' generic_predict(m1)
generic_predict <- function(model,
SESOI_lower = 0,
SESOI_upper = 0,
na.rm = FALSE) {
stats::predict(model, newdata = predictors)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Performance metrics
#' Returns named vector of the most common performance metrics
#' @inheritParams basic_arguments
#' @export
#' @examples
#' m1 <- lm_model(
#' predictors = iris[2:3],
#' outcome = iris[[1]]
#' )
#' predicted <- generic_predict(m1)
#' performance_metrics(
#' observed = iris[[1]],
#' predicted = predicted
#' )
performance_metrics <- function(observed,
SESOI_lower = 0,
SESOI_upper = 0,
na.rm = FALSE) {
# SESOI_lower = SESOI_lower,
# SESOI_upper = SESOI_upper,
# SESOI_range = SESOI_upper - SESOI_lower,
MBE = cost_MBE(
observed = observed,
predicted = predicted,
SESOI_lower = SESOI_lower,
SESOI_upper = SESOI_upper,
na.rm = na.rm
MAE = cost_MAE(
observed = observed,
predicted = predicted,
SESOI_lower = SESOI_lower,
SESOI_upper = SESOI_upper,
na.rm = na.rm
RMSE = cost_RMSE(
observed = observed,
predicted = predicted,
SESOI_lower = SESOI_lower,
SESOI_upper = SESOI_upper,
na.rm = na.rm
PPER = cost_PPER(
observed = observed,
predicted = predicted,
SESOI_lower = SESOI_lower,
SESOI_upper = SESOI_upper,
na.rm = na.rm
observed = observed,
predicted = predicted,
SESOI_lower = SESOI_lower,
SESOI_upper = SESOI_upper,
na.rm = na.rm
`R-squared` = cost_R_squared(
observed = observed,
predicted = predicted,
SESOI_lower = SESOI_lower,
SESOI_upper = SESOI_upper,
na.rm = na.rm
`MinErr` = cost_MinErr(
observed = observed,
predicted = predicted,
SESOI_lower = SESOI_lower,
SESOI_upper = SESOI_upper,
na.rm = na.rm
`MaxErr` = cost_MaxErr(
observed = observed,
predicted = predicted,
SESOI_lower = SESOI_lower,
SESOI_upper = SESOI_upper,
na.rm = na.rm
`MaxAbsErr` = cost_MaxAbsErr(
observed = observed,
predicted = predicted,
SESOI_lower = SESOI_lower,
SESOI_upper = SESOI_upper,
na.rm = na.rm
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' SESOI lower function
#' Function that calculates lower SESOI threshold
#' @inheritParams basic_arguments
#' @export
#' @examples
#' SESOI_lower_func(outcome = iris[[1]])
SESOI_lower_func <- function(predictors, outcome, na.rm = FALSE) {
-stats::sd(outcome, na.rm) * 0.2
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' SESOI upper function
#' Function that calculates upper SESOI threshold
#' @inheritParams basic_arguments
#' @export
#' @examples
#' SESOI_upper_func(outcome = iris[[1]])
SESOI_upper_func <- function(predictors, outcome, na.rm = FALSE) {
stats::sd(outcome, na.rm) * 0.2
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