
Defines functions mp.read

Documented in mp.read

#' @export mp.read
#' @title Read RAMAS (c) *.MP file
#' @description
#' \code{mp.read} reads in the *.MP file used in the RAMAS Metapop software.
#' The *.MP file is a simple text file containing all of the values necessary
#' to configure a metapopulation simulation.
#' @param mpFile The name of the *.MP file to be read.
#' @param verbose Print function progress and checkpoints.
#' @param results Read results saved in the *.MP file.
#' @return \code{mp.read} returns a nested list object. The first level includes
#' two elements, the version of the *.MP file and list names "mp.file". The
#' "mp.file" list is composed of 52 elements that provide all of the information
#' found in the *.MP file.
#' @details
#' mp.file 'list' structure elements. Most element names from RAMAS Metapop source code
#' The assignment of each element of the mp.file list is based on the Metapopulation input file
#' type for version 5.0.
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item MaxRep: maximum number of replications (integer; 1-10000)
#'  \item MaxDur: Duration of simulation (integer; 1-500)
#'  \item Demog_Stoch: Use demographic stochasticity? (boolean)
#'  \item Stages: Number of stages (integer; 1-50)
#'  \item Stages.IgnoreConstraints: Ingore constraints? (boolean - TRUE/FALSE)
#'  \item Cat1: Information associated with catastrophe 1
#'    This information is subdivided in RAMAS Input, but will not be subdivided
#'    in the first version of the sensitivity analysis package
#'  \item Cat2: Information associated with catastrophe 2
#'    See note associated with Cat1
#'  \item DDActing: Information regarding density dependence
#'  \item Distrib: Distribution (Normal or Lognormal) to use for Environmental
#'    Stochasticity.
#'  \item AdvancedStochSetting: Advanced Environmental Stoch. Settings: (0 or PoolVar or
#'    NegSurvCorr)
#'  \item dispCV: Coefficient of variation for dispersal
#'  \item WhenBelow: When below local threshold (count in total or don't count or assume dead)
#'  \item corrwith: Within population correlation -
#'    1 - (F, S, K Correlated)
#'    2 - (F and S correlated, K independent)
#'    3 - (F, S, K independent
#'  \item DispersalDependsOnTargetPopK: Just like the variable name implie; boolean
#'  \item DDBasis: Density basis type (char)
#'  \item PopSpecificDD: Density dependence type is population specific (boolean - Yes/No)
#'  \item DDforAllPop: Density dependence type for all populations (char)
#'  \item UserDllFileName: Filename for user-defined density dependence function
#'  \item TimeStepSize: Time step size
#'  \item TimeStepUnits: Time step units
#'  \item SexStructure: Description of Sex Structure (char)
#'  \item FemaleStages: Number of female stages
#'  \item MatingSystem: Description of Mating system selected (char)
#'  \item FemalesPerMale: Number of females per male as given by user
#'  \item MalesPerFemale: Number of males per female as given by user
#'  \item CVerror: sampling error for N
#'  \item FirstTforRisk: Initial number of time steps to exclude from risk calculations
#'  Population Parameters
#'  \item PopList: Individual population data - saved as a 'nested list' structure, one 'list' for
#'    each population.
#'   Dispersal (Migration) Parameters
#'  \item UseDispDistFunc: True if dispersal rates are based on dispersal distance function; false if
#'     they are specified in the dispersal matrix
#'  \item DispDistFunc: Dispersal-distance function parameters - a, b, c, Dmax - Mij = a exp(-Dij^c/b)
#'  \item DispMatr: Dispersal matrix, as defined or calculated in 'fill.matrix.df.r'
#'  Correlation Parameters
#'  \item UseCorrDistFunc: True if correlations between populations is based on correlation distance
#'     function; False if they are specified in the correlation matrix
#'  \item CorrDistFunc: Correlation-distance function parameters - a, b, c - Cij = a exp(-Dij^c/b)
#'  \item CorrMatr: User specified correlation matrix, as defined or calculated in 'fill.matrix.df.r'
#'  Stage Matrices Information
#'  \item StMatrNumber: number of stage matrices defined by user in *.mp file
#'  \item StMatr: a 'list' object containing information about each stage matrix.  For each stage
#'    matrix the following information is stored:
#'    StMatrName: Name of the stage matrix
#'    StMatrSurvMult: Survival multiplier for stage matrix (for generating new matrices; not used in simulation)
#'    StMatrFecMult: Fecundity multiplier for stage matrix (for generating new matrices; not used in simulation)
#'    Matr: a matrix object with numeric values
#'  Standard Deviation Matrices Information
#'  \item SDMatrNumber: number of st. dev. matrices defined by user in *.mp file
#'  \item SDMatr: a 'list' object containing information for each st.dev. matrix.  For each st.dev.
#'    matrix the following information is stored:
#'    SDMatrName: Name of the st.dev. matrix
#'    Matr: a matrix object of numeric values
#'  \item ConstraintsMatr: Constraints Matrix
#'  \item StMig: Stage Relative Migration (Dispersal) Rates
#'  \item Cat1EffMat: Catastrophe 1 effects on vital rates; one row per stage, seperated by spaces
#'  \item Cat1EffNst: Catastrophe 1 effects on abundances
#'  \item Cat2EffMat: Catastrophe 2 effects on vital rates; one row per stage, seperated by spaces
#'  \item Cat2EffNst: Catastrophe 2 effects on abundances
#'  \item StInit: Initial Abundance for each stage for each population
#'   Stage Properties
#'  \item StProp: a 'list' object containing the following information for each stage
#'     StName: Name of stage
#'     StWeight: Relative weight of stage
#'    StExclude: Exclude from total (boolean: TRUE or FALSE)
#'    StBasisForDD: Basis for density-dependence (boolean: TRUE or FALSE)
#'    StBreeding: Proportion of stage physically capable of breeding
#'   Population Management Actions
#'  \item NPopManage: Number of population managment actions
#'  \item PopManageProp: All of the lines associated with population management, unpartitioned
#'  \item ExtinctThr:  Extinction threshold
#'  \item ExplodeThr:  Explosion threshold
#'  \item stepsize: step size
#'  \item PopData_df: Population level information in data.frame format

mp.read <- function(mpFile, verbose = FALSE, results = FALSE) {

  # Inform the user that the mp.read() function has been called.
    print( paste( "Begin mp.read function with file: ", mpFile ) )
  # Save the file path to mpFile
  mpFilePath <- mpFile
  # Read *.mp files into a long unsorted 'list' structure, 1 element per line in the file.
  mpFile <- readLines(mpFile)
  # Clear first line of "map=\xff". This step is needed because the "\x" leads to regex problems :(
  mpFile[1] <- sub('map.*','',mpFile[1])

  # Set values that will be used through out the function
  FirstPopLine <- 45 # Line 45 correlates with first population data line
  MigrationLine <- which(mpFile == "Migration")
  CorrLine <- which(mpFile == "Correlation")
  ConstraintsLine <- which(mpFile == "Constraints Matrix")

  # Create mp.file list and initiate with length 0
  mp.file <- vector("list",length = 0)

  # Get Metapop Version information using metapopversion() function
  mp.file$RAMAS.Version <- metapopversion(mpFile)

  # MaxRep: Number of replications (integer; 1-100000)
  mp.file$MaxRep <- as.numeric(mpFile[7])

  # MaxDur: Duration of simulation (integer; 1-500)
  mp.file$MaxDur <- as.numeric(mpFile[8])

  # Demog_Stoch: Use demographic stochasticity? (boolean)
  mp.file$Demog_Stoch <- as.logical(mpFile[9])

  # Stages: Number of stages (integer; 1-50)
  # Stages.IgnoreConstraints: Ingore constraints? (boolean - TRUE/FALSE)
  stageLine <- unlist(strsplit(mpFile[10],' '))
  mp.file$Stages <- as.numeric(stageLine[1])
  mp.file$Stages.IgnoreConstraints <- as.logical(stageLine[2])

  # Cat1: Information associated with catastrophe 1
  mp.file$Cat1$Name <- mpFile[11]
  # Check if Cat1 probability is a single number or a PCH file
  if(grepl(pattern = "PCH", ignore.case = TRUE, x = mpFile[12])){
    mp.file$Cat1$Probability <- mpFile[12]
  } else {
    mp.file$Cat1$Probability <- as.numeric(mpFile[12])
    # If this value was blank, this might be NA, in which case, convert to 0
    mp.file$Cat1$Probability <-
      ifelse(is.na(mp.file$Cat1$Probability), yes = 0, no = mp.file$Cat1$Probability)
  mp.file$Cat1$Extent <- mpFile[13]
  mp.file$Cat1$Effect <- mpFile[14]
  mp.file$Cat1$Spread <- mpFile[15]
  mp.file$Cat1$Infect.Prob <- as.numeric(mpFile[16])
  mp.file$Cat1$Spread.Dist.Params <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit( mpFile[17],',' )))

  # Cat2: Information associated with catastrophe 2
  mp.file$Cat2$Name <- mpFile[18]
  # Check if Cat2 probability is a single number or a PCH file
  if(grepl(pattern = "PCH", ignore.case = TRUE, x = mpFile[19])){
    mp.file$Cat2$Probability <- mpFile[19]
  } else {
    mp.file$Cat2$Probability <- as.numeric(mpFile[19])
    # If this value was blank, this might be NA, in which case, convert to 0
    mp.file$Cat2$Probability <-
      ifelse(is.na(mp.file$Cat2$Probability), yes = 0, no = mp.file$Cat2$Probability)
  mp.file$Cat2$Extent <- mpFile[20]
  mp.file$Cat2$Effect <- mpFile[21]
  mp.file$Cat2$Spread <- mpFile[22]
  mp.file$Cat2$Infect.Prob <- as.numeric(mpFile[23])
  mp.file$Cat2$Spread.Dist.Params <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit( mpFile[24],',' )))
  # Catastrophe 2 Reset Vital Rate Trend After Catastrophe (True or False),
  # comma (,), Correlation between the two catastrophes (zero or ...)
  mp.file$Cat2$Reset.and.Correlation <- mpFile[25]

  # DDActing: Information regarding density dependence
  mp.file$DDActing <- mpFile[26]

  # Distrib: Distribution (Normal or Lognormal) to use for Environmental
  #  Stochasticity.
  # AdvancedStochSetting: Advanced Environmental Stoch. Settings: (0 or PoolVar or
  #  NegSurvCorr)
  stochLine <- unlist(strsplit(mpFile[27],','))
  mp.file$Distrib <- stochLine[1]
  mp.file$AdvancedStochSetting <- stochLine[2]

  # dispCV: Coefficient of variation for dispersal
  mp.file$dispCV <- as.numeric(mpFile[28])

  # WhenBelow: When below local threshold (count in total or don't count or assume dead)
  mp.file$WhenBelow <- mpFile[29]

  # corrwith: Within population correlation -
  #  1 - (F, S, K Correlated)
  #  2 - (F and S correlated, K independent)
  #  3 - (F, S, K independent
  mp.file$corrwith <- mpFile[30]

  # DispersalDependsOnTargetPopK: Just like the variable name implie; boolean
  mp.file$DispersalDependsOnTargetPopK <- mpFile[31]

  # DDBasis: Density basis type (char). Possiblities are 'AllStages', 'SelectedStages', 'FecundityWeighted'
  mp.file$DDBasis <- mpFile[32]

  # PopSpecificDD: Density dependence type is population specific (boolean - Yes/No)
  mp.file$PopSpecificDD <- mpFile[33]

  # DDforAllPop: Density dependence type for all populations (char)
  mp.file$DDforAllPop <- mpFile[34]

  # UserDllFileName: Filename for user-defined density dependence function
  mp.file$UserDllFileName <- mpFile[35]

  # TimeStepSize: Time step size (integer)
  mp.file$TimeStepSize <- mpFile[36]

  # TimeStepUnits: Time step units (char)
  mp.file$TimeStepUnits <- mpFile[37]

  # SexStructure: Description of Sex Structure (char)
  mp.file$SexStructure <- mpFile[38]

  # FemaleStages: Number of female stages (integer)
  mp.file$FemaleStages <- mpFile[39]

  # MatingSystem: Description of Mating system selected (char)
  mp.file$MatingSystem <- mpFile[40]

  # FemalesPerMale: Number of females per male as given by user (number)
  mp.file$FemalesPerMale <- as.numeric(mpFile[41])

  # MalesPerFemale: Number of males per female as given by user
  mp.file$MalesPerFemale <- as.numeric(mpFile[42])

  # CVerror: sampling error for N
  mp.file$CVerror <- as.numeric(mpFile[43])

  # FirstTforRisk: Initial number of time steps to exclude from risk calculations
  mp.file$FirstTforRisk <- as.numeric(mpFile[44])

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # PopList: Population level information
    print( "mp.read: Reading population information")
  # First determine the number of populations (popNumber).  In version 5.0, population data begins at line 45
  # and the 'Migration' section begins immediately after the last population's data
  # The population level information is stored in two different structures - 1) a List format that
  # corresponds with how information is stored in RAMAS and 2) a data.frame that is convenient
  # for functions.
  ##### TO DO - Below is setup for if there is no user defined variables
  PopNumber <- MigrationLine - FirstPopLine
  if (PopNumber < 1) {
    stop("Error: mp.read: Insufficient number of populations. Check 'first pop. line' value in mp.read.r")
  PopRawData <- mpFile[FirstPopLine:(FirstPopLine + PopNumber - 1)]
  # Create population data list object
  PopData <- vector('list',length=0) # Initiate a PopData list
  AllPopData <- vector('list',length=0) # Initiate a AllPopData list
  PopData_df_rownames <- vector() # Initiate a row names vector
  if ( mp.file$RAMAS.Version == 50 ) {
    PopData_df_rownames <- c("name","X_coord","Y_coord","InitAbund","DensDep","MaxR","K","Ksdstr","Allee","KchangeSt","DD_Migr","Cat1.Multiplier","Cat1.Prob","IncludeInSum","StageMatType","RelFec","RelSur","localthr","Cat2.Multiplier","Cat2.Prob","SDMatType","TargetPopK","Cat1.TimeSinceLast","Cat2.TimeSinceLast","RelDisp")
    for ( pop in 1:PopNumber ) {
      popLine <- unlist(strsplit( PopRawData[ pop ], ',' ))
      PopData$name <- popLine[1]
      PopData$X_coord <- as.numeric(popLine[2])
      PopData$Y_coord <- as.numeric(popLine[3])
      PopData$InitAbund <- popLine[4]
      PopData$DensDep <- popLine[5]
      PopData$MaxR <- popLine[6]
      PopData$K <- popLine[7]
      PopData$Ksdstr <- popLine[8]
      PopData$Allee <- popLine[9]
      PopData$KchangeSt <- popLine[10]
      PopData$DD_Migr <- popLine[11]
      PopData$Cat1.Multiplier <- popLine[12]
      PopData$Cat1.Prob <- popLine[13]
      PopData$IncludeInSum <- popLine[14]
      PopData$StageMatType <- popLine[15]
      PopData$RelFec <- popLine[16]
      PopData$RelSur <- popLine[17]
      PopData$localthr <- popLine[18]
      PopData$Cat2.Multiplier <- popLine[19]
      PopData$Cat2.Prob <- popLine[20]
      PopData$SDMatType <- popLine[21]
      PopData$TargetPopK <- popLine[22]
      PopData$Cat1.TimeSinceLast <- popLine[23]
      PopData$Cat2.TimeSinceLast <- popLine[24]
      PopData$RelDisp <- popLine[25]
      AllPopData[[pop]] <- PopData # Add PopData to full list of population data
  } else if ( mp.file$RAMAS.Version >= 51 ) {
    PopData_df_rownames <- c("name","X_coord","Y_coord","InitAbund","DensDep","MaxR","K","Ksdstr","Allee","KchangeSt","DD_Migr","Cat1.Multiplier","Cat1.Prob","IncludeInSum","StageMatType","RelFec","RelSur","localthr","Cat2.Multiplier","Cat2.Prob","SDMatType","TargetPopK","Cat1.TimeSinceLast","Cat2.TimeSinceLast","RelDisp","RelVarFec","RelVarSurv")
    for ( pop in 1:PopNumber ) {
      popLine <- unlist(strsplit( PopRawData[ pop ], ',' ))
      PopData$name <- popLine[1]
      PopData$X_coord <- as.numeric(popLine[2])
      PopData$Y_coord <- as.numeric(popLine[3])
      PopData$InitAbund <- as.numeric(popLine[4])
      PopData$DensDep <- popLine[5]
      PopData$MaxR <- as.numeric(popLine[6])
      PopData$K <- as.numeric(popLine[7])
      PopData$Ksdstr <- as.numeric(popLine[8])
      PopData$Allee <- as.numeric(popLine[9])
      PopData$KchangeSt <- popLine[10]
      PopData$DD_Migr <- popLine[11]
      PopData$Cat1.Multiplier <- popLine[12]
      PopData$Cat1.Prob <- popLine[13]
      PopData$IncludeInSum <- popLine[14]
      PopData$StageMatType <- popLine[15]
      PopData$RelFec <- popLine[16]
      PopData$RelSur <- popLine[17]
      PopData$localthr <- popLine[18]
      PopData$Cat2.Multiplier <- popLine[19]
      PopData$Cat2.Prob <- popLine[20]
      PopData$SDMatType <- popLine[21]
      PopData$TargetPopK <- popLine[22]
      PopData$Cat1.TimeSinceLast <- popLine[23]
      PopData$Cat2.TimeSinceLast <- popLine[24]
      PopData$RelDisp <- popLine[25]
      PopData$RelVarFec <- popLine[26]
      PopData$RelVarSurv <- popLine[27]
      #     ## Look for user defined density dependence parameters
      #     if (length(popLine)>27){
      #       for (udd_par in 1:(length(popLine)-27)){
      #         PopData$UserDef
      #       }
      #     }
      AllPopData[[pop]] <- PopData # Add PopData to full list of population data
  mp.file$PopList <- AllPopData
  # Create population data data.frame
  PopData_df <- read.csv( mpFilePath, header=FALSE, skip=44, nrows=PopNumber )
  ### Only use as many columns as there are elements in the PopData_df_rownames.  The rest of the columns
  ### are associated with user defined density dependence parameters, not used at this time.
  ### PopData_df <- PopData_df[1:length(PopData_df_rownames)]
  # Turn NAs into empty strings
  PopData_df[is.na(PopData_df)] <- ''
  # Check if PopData_df includes user defined d-d values
  if (ncol(PopData_df)>27){
    # Get the number of userd defined d-d pars
    Num_udd_pars <- ncol(PopData_df)-27
    udd_names <- paste('udd_',1:Num_udd_pars,sep='')
    PopData_df_rownames <- c(PopData_df_rownames,udd_names)
  # Assign columns names
  names(PopData_df) <- PopData_df_rownames
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # Dispersal (Migration) Data
    print( "mp.read: Reading dispersal (migration) information" )
  # UseDispDistFunc: True if dispersal rates are based on dispersal distance function; false if
  #   they are specified in the dispersal matrix
  mp.file$UseDispDistFunc <- as.logical( mpFile[MigrationLine + 1] )
  # DispDistFunc: Dispersal-distance function parameters - a, b, c, Dmax - Mij = a exp(-Dij^c/b)
  mp.file$DispDistFunc <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit( mpFile[MigrationLine + 2],',' )))
  # DispMatr: User specified dispersal matrix. If the user selected dispersal based on
  #   disp-dist function then there are no rows for dispersal matrix. The definition of
  #  DispMatr has non-intuitive indexing to account for the fact that this first two lines
  #  after "Migration" are not part of the matrix, they are UseDispDistFunc and
  #  DispDistFunc, respectively.
  if ( mp.file$UseDispDistFunc ) {
    # migLines is a variable used to identify the number of lines used to define the
    # disp-dist func parameters and the disp matrix, if one is defined
    migLines <- 1 #Only one line necessary for migration parameters
    mp.file$DispMatr <- fill.matrix.df( PopData_df, mp.file$DispDistFunc, 'disp' )
  } else {
    migLines <- (1 + PopNumber)
    DispMatr <- mpFile[ (MigrationLine + 3):(MigrationLine + 1 + migLines) ]
    mp.file$DispMatr <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit( DispMatr,',' ))), nrow = PopNumber, byrow = TRUE)
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # Correlation Data
    print( "mp.read: Reading correlation information")
  # UseCorrDistFunc: True if correlations between populations is based on correlation distance
  #   function; False if they are specified in the correlation matrix
  mp.file$UseCorrDistFunc <- as.logical( mpFile[CorrLine +1] )
  # CorrDistFunc: Correlation-distance function parameters - a, b, c - Cij = a exp(-Dij^c/b)
  mp.file$CorrDistFunc <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit( mpFile[CorrLine + 2],',' )))
  # CorrMatr: User specified correlation matrix. Similar to dispersl matrix (See notes for DispMatr
  # above), however the matrix is a lower triangular matrix, thus it is not saved as a matrix object
  if ( mp.file$UseCorrDistFunc ) {
    corrLines <- 1
    # Create a Correlation Matrix from the Correlation Distance function.  If there is only one
    # population, then the number 1 is returned
    mp.file$CorrMatr <- fill.matrix.df( PopData_df, mp.file$CorrDistFunc, 'corr' )
  } else {
      print("Using Correlation matrix") ### WARNING LINE
    # Define a new function used to read correlation distance matrices
    # addZeroes: used to read a correlation distance matrix.  This function adds zeroes to each line
    # of the lower triangular corr-dist matrix stored in the *.mp file
    addZeroes <- function( vect ) {
      zeroes <- PopNumber - length(vect)
      new_vect <- c( vect, rep(0, zeroes) )
    corrLines <- (1 + PopNumber)
    # If user defined, the corr-matr is a lower-triangular matrix. To make comparisons easy, the
    # matrix is transformed into a 'matrix' object
    # Read corrMatr as list from readLines input
    corrMatr <- mpFile[ (CorrLine+3):(CorrLine+2+PopNumber) ]
    # Split each list element by comma
    corrMatr <- strsplit( corrMatr, ',' )
    # Make each list element a vector of numeric values
    corrMatr <- lapply( corrMatr, as.numeric)
    # Apply the addZeroes function
    corrMatr <- lapply( corrMatr, addZeroes )
    # Make the 'list' into a 'matrix'
    corrMatr <- do.call( rbind, corrMatr )
    # Set CorrMatr in mp.file 'list'
    mp.file$CorrMatr <- corrMatr
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # Stage Matrices Information
  # Determine the number of stage matrix types (i.e., how many stage matrices are defined)
  # The number of stage matices (stage matrix types) is the first number of the line that
  # contains the phrase "stage matrix" in it.
  stgMatrLine <- grep('stage matrix', mpFile, ignore.case=TRUE)
  StMatrNumber <- unlist(strsplit( mpFile[stgMatrLine],' ' ))
  StMatrNumber <- as.numeric( StMatrNumber[1] )
  # StMatrNumber: number of stage matrices defined by user in *.mp file
  mp.file$StMatrNumber <- StMatrNumber
  # StMatr: a list object containing information about each stage matrix.
  StMatr <- vector('list',length=0) # Create an empty stage matrix
  oneMatr <- 4 + mp.file$Stages # The number of lines of information for one matrix
  allMatr <- StMatrNumber * oneMatr # The number of lines of information for all matrices
  # Extract from mpFile all of the lines of information for all of the matrices
  AllStMatrLines <- mpFile[ (stgMatrLine + 1):(stgMatrLine + 1 + allMatr) ]
  AllStMatr <- vector('list',length=0) # Create an empty list of stage matrices
  for ( matr in 1:mp.file$StMatrNumber ) {
    LineAdd <- matr - 1
    # StMatrName: Name of the stage matrix
    StMatr$StMatrName <- AllStMatrLines[ 1 + (LineAdd*oneMatr) ]
    # StMatrSurvMult: Survival multiplier for stage matrix (for generating new matrices; not used in simulation)
    StMatr$StMatrSurvMult <- AllStMatrLines[ 2 + (LineAdd*oneMatr) ]
    # StMatrFecMult: Fecundity multiplier for stage matrix (for generating new matrices; not used in simulation)
    StMatr$StMatrFecMult <- AllStMatrLines[ 3 + (LineAdd*oneMatr) ]
    # Matr: a matrix object with numeric values
    dumbMatr <- AllStMatrLines[ (5 + (LineAdd*oneMatr)):( (4 + mp.file$Stages) + (LineAdd*oneMatr) ) ]
    StMatr$Matr <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit( dumbMatr,' ' ))), nrow = mp.file$Stages, byrow = TRUE)
    AllStMatr[[matr]] <- StMatr
  mp.file$StMatr <- AllStMatr
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # Standard Deviation Matrices Information
  # Determine the number of std. dev. matrix types.
  # The number of standard deviation matrices (st dev matrix types) is the first number of the line that
  # contains the phrase "st.dev. matrix" in it.
  sdMatrLine <- grep('st.dev. matrix', mpFile, ignore.case=TRUE)
  sdMatrNumber <- unlist(strsplit( mpFile[sdMatrLine],' ' ))
  sdMatrNumber <- as.numeric( sdMatrNumber[1] )
  # SDMatrNumber: number of st. dev. matrices defined by user in *.mp file
  mp.file$SDMatrNumber <- sdMatrNumber
  # SDMatr: a list object containing information for each st.dev. matrix.
  SDMatr <- vector('list',length=0) # Create an empty st.dev. matrix list object
  oneSDMatr <- 1 + mp.file$Stages # The number of lines of information for one st.dev. matrix
  allSDMatr <- sdMatrNumber * oneSDMatr # The number of lines of information for all st.dev. matrices
  # Extract from mpFile all of the lines of information for all of the matrices
  AllSDMatrLines <- mpFile[ (sdMatrLine + 1):(sdMatrLine + 1 + allSDMatr) ]
  AllSDMatr <- vector('list',length=0) # Create an empty list of std deviation matrices
  for ( matr in 1:mp.file$SDMatrNumber ) {
    LineAdd <- matr - 1 # Addition factor to skip to the lines associated with the matrix of interest
    # SDMatrName: Name of the st.dev. matrix
    SDMatr$SDMatrName <- AllSDMatrLines[ 1 + (LineAdd*oneSDMatr) ]
    # Matr: a matrix object of numeric values
    dumbMatr <- AllSDMatrLines[ (2 + (LineAdd*oneSDMatr)):( (1 + mp.file$Stages) + (LineAdd*oneSDMatr) ) ]
    SDMatr$Matr <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit( dumbMatr,' ' ))), nrow = mp.file$Stages, byrow = TRUE)
    AllSDMatr[[matr]] <- SDMatr
  mp.file$SDMatr <- AllSDMatr
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

  # ConstraintsMatr: Constraints Matrix
  dumbMatr <- mpFile[ (ConstraintsLine + 1):(ConstraintsLine + mp.file$Stages) ]
  mp.file$ConstraintsMatr <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit( dumbMatr,' '))),nrow = mp.file$Stages, byrow = TRUE)

  # StMig: Stage Relative Migration (Dispersal) Rates
  mp.file$StMig <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit( mpFile[ ConstraintsLine + mp.file$Stages + 1 ],' ' )))

  # Cat1EffMat: Catastrophe 1 effects on vital rates; one row per stage, seperated by spaces
  dumbMatr <- mpFile[ (ConstraintsLine + mp.file$Stages + 2):(ConstraintsLine + 2*mp.file$Stages + 1) ]
  mp.file$Cat1EffMat <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit( dumbMatr,' ' ))), nrow = mp.file$Stages, byrow = TRUE)

  # Cat1EffNst: Catastrophe 1 effects on abundances
  mp.file$Cat1EffNst <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit( mpFile[ ConstraintsLine + 2*mp.file$Stages + 2 ],' ' )))

  # Cat2EffMat: Catastrophe 2 effects on vital rates; one row per stage, seperated by spaces
  dumbMatr <- mpFile[ (ConstraintsLine + 2*mp.file$Stages + 3):(ConstraintsLine + 3*mp.file$Stages + 2) ]
  mp.file$Cat2EffMat <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit( dumbMatr,' ' ))), nrow = mp.file$Stages, byrow = TRUE)

  # Cat2EffNst: Catastrophe 2 effects on abundances
  mp.file$Cat2EffNst <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit( mpFile[ ConstraintsLine + 3*mp.file$Stages + 3 ],' ' )))

  # StInit: Initial Abundance for each stage for each population
  InitAbLine <- ConstraintsLine + 3*mp.file$Stages + 4 # First line
  InitAb <- mpFile[ InitAbLine:(InitAbLine + PopNumber - 1) ]
  mp.file$StInit <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit( InitAb,' ' ))), nrow = PopNumber, byrow = TRUE)

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # Stage Properties
  InitStPropLine <- InitAbLine + PopNumber # First line of stage properties in the *.mp file
  # StProp: a list object containing information for each stage
  StProp <- vector('list',length=0) # Create an empty stage property list object
  # For each stage there are five properties, thus five lines of information
  allStProp <- 5 * mp.file$Stages
  AllStPropLines <- mpFile[ InitStPropLine:(InitStPropLine + allStProp - 1) ]
  AllStProp <- vector('list',length=0) # Create an empty list of St.Prop. lists
  for ( stg in 1:mp.file$Stages ) {
    firstinfo <- (stg - 1)*5 + 1 # First line of info for stage 'stg'
    # StName: Name of stage
    StProp$StName <- AllStPropLines[ firstinfo ]
    # StWeight: Relative weight of stage
    StProp$StWeight <- AllStPropLines[ firstinfo + 1 ]
    #StExclude: Exclude from total (boolean: TRUE or FALSE)
    StProp$StExclude <- AllStPropLines[ firstinfo + 2 ]
    #StBasisForDD: Basis for density-dependence (boolean: TRUE or FALSE)
    StProp$StBasisForDD <- AllStPropLines[ firstinfo + 3 ]
    #StBreeding: ###### WHAT IS THIS????
    StProp$StBreeding <- AllStPropLines[ firstinfo + 4 ]
    AllStProp[[ stg ]] <- StProp
  mp.file$StProp <- AllStProp
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # Population Management Actions
  # NPopManage: The number of population managment actions
  mgmntLine <- grep('pop mgmnt',mpFile,ignore.case=TRUE)
  NPopManage <- unlist(strsplit(mpFile[mgmntLine],' '))
  NPopManage <- as.numeric(NPopManage[1])
  mp.file$NPopManage <- NPopManage
  if ( NPopManage > 0 ) {
    # PopManageProp: All of the lines associated with population management, unpartitioned
    ####mp.file$PopManageProp <- mpFile[ (mgmntLine + 1):(mgmntLine + NPopManage) ]
    PopManageProp.colNames <- c('active', 'mng.type', 'from.pop', 'to.pop',

    mp.file$PopManageProp <- read.table(  mpFilePath , skip=mgmntLine, nrows=NPopManage,
  } else {
    mp.file$PopManageProp <- "NA" # Fill with 'NA' value
  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # The next three elements of the list are defined based on the position of the population
  # management line. This may change in the future and have to be adjusted

  # ExtinctThr: Extinction Threshold
  mp.file$ExtinctThr <- as.numeric( mpFile[ mgmntLine + NPopManage + 1 ] )

  # ExplodeThr: Explosion Threshold
  mp.file$ExplodeThr <- as.numeric( mpFile[ mgmntLine + NPopManage + 2 ] )

  # stepsize: Stepsize
  mp.file$stepsize <- as.numeric( mpFile[ mgmntLine + NPopManage + 3 ] )

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
  # The last element of the list is the population data data.frame
  mp.file$PopData_df <- PopData_df

  ## ******************************************************************** ##
  ## ******************************************************************** ##
    # Create results list and initiate with length 0
    results <- vector("list",length = 0)

    # Find begining of simulation results
    res.start <- grep('Simulation results', mpFile, ignore.case=TRUE)
    # Check to see that there are results in this *.mp file
    if( !length(res.start) ) {
      stop( paste('No Simulation results found in *.mp file:', mpFilePath) )

      print('mp.read.results: Reading simulation results')
    # Get number of replications in simulation
    SimRepLine <- unlist( strsplit ( mpFile[ (res.start + 1) ], ' ' ) )
    results$SimRep <- as.numeric( SimRepLine[1] )

    # Read in Pop. ALL Results
    pop.all.line <- grep( 'Pop. ALL', mpFile )
    results$PopAll <- read.table( mpFilePath, skip=pop.all.line, nrows=mp.file$MaxDur )
    names( results$PopAll ) <- c('Mean', 'StDev', 'Min', 'Max')

    # Read in individual population Results
    # PopInd variable is a 3-dim Array of size 'Duration of Simulation' x 4 x 'Number of Populations'
    # The second dimension (length=4) corresponds to the Mean, StDev, Min, and Max population size
    PopInd <- vector()

    # Calculate start of individual population information
    pop.ind.start <- pop.all.line + mp.file$MaxDur + 1
    # Calculate end of individual population information
    pop.ind.stop <- pop.all.line + mp.file$MaxDur + (mp.file$MaxDur+1)*PopNumber
    # Identify where the population ID lines are (i.e., the lines that say Pop. #)
    pop.ind.ID.lines <-
    # Make a vector of all lines
    pop.ind.lines <- pop.ind.start:pop.ind.stop
    # Remove ID lines
    pop.ind.lines <- setdiff(pop.ind.lines,pop.ind.ID.lines)
    # Get these values
    pvals <- mpFile[pop.ind.lines]
    # Covert to numeric
    pvals.num <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(pvals, split=" ")))
    # Convert to matrix.  There are allways four columns in these matrices.
    pop.vals <- matrix(pvals.num,ncol=4,byrow=TRUE)
    # Make a lits of PopNumber matrices
    pop.vals.list <- lapply(split(pop.vals,0:(nrow(pop.vals)-1)%/%mp.file$MaxDur),matrix,nrow=mp.file$MaxDur)
    # Convert the list to an array
    pop.vals.array <- array(unlist(pop.vals.list),c(mp.file$MaxDur,4,PopNumber))
    results$PopInd <- pop.vals.array
    # for ( pop in 1:PopNumber ){
    #   # Number of lines past Pop. ALL to skip to start 'pop' values. Last '+1' for Pop. # Label
    #   start.pop <- pop.all.line + pop*(mp.file$MaxDur +1) + 1
    #   # Number of lines past Pop. ALL to skip to stop 'pop' values.
    #   stop.pop <- (start.pop-1) + mp.file$MaxDur
    #   # Get pop values from mpFile. Initially is read as characters
    #   pvals <- mpFile[start.pop:stop.pop]
    #   # Covert to numeric
    #   pvals.num <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(pvals, split=" ")))
    #   # Convert to matrix.  There are allways four columns in these matrices.
    #   pop.vals <- matrix(pvals.num,ncol=4,byrow=TRUE)
    #   # Combine new matrix with PopInd matrix
    #   PopInd <- c(PopInd,pop.vals)
    # }
    # results$PopInd <- array( PopInd, dim=c(mp.file$MaxDur,4,PopNumber) )

    # Read in Occupancy Results - a summary stat. of number of patches occupied at each time step during a simulation
    occ.line <- grep( '^Occupancy', mpFile ) # Note carrot used to capture line that begins with 'Occupancy'
    results$Occupancy <- read.table( mpFilePath, skip=occ.line, nrows=mp.file$MaxDur )
    names( results$Occupancy ) <- c('Mean', 'StDev', 'Min', 'Max')

    # Read in Local Occupancy Results - a summary stat. for occupancy rate (prop. of time patches remained occupied)
    occ.loc.line <- grep( 'Local Occupancy', mpFile )
    results$LocOccupancy <- read.table( mpFilePath, skip=occ.loc.line, nrows=PopNumber )
    names( results$LocOccupancy ) <- c('Mean', 'StDev', 'Min', 'Max')

    # Read Min., Max., and Ter. - the min, max, and final population abundance values for each
    # replication of the mp model. each column is ordered seperately
    rep.line <- grep( 'Min.  Max.  Ter.', mpFile )
    results$Replications <- read.table( mpFilePath, skip=rep.line, nrows=results$SimRep )
    names( results$Replications ) <- c('Min', 'Max', 'Ter')

    # Read Time to cross - used to determine quasi-extinction/ -explosion risk.  The number of
    # rows in the mp file depends on the stepsize.  Each row is a time-step and the first col
    # is the number of times the pop. abund. crossed the min threshold for the first time in that
    # time step and the second is associated with crossing the max threshold
    t.cross.line <- grep( 'Time to cross', mpFile )
    t.cross.rows <- (mp.file$MaxDur %/% mp.file$stepsize) + (mp.file$MaxDur %% mp.file$stepsize)
    results$TimeCross <- read.table( mpFilePath, skip=t.cross.line, nrows=t.cross.rows )
    names( results$TimeCross ) <- c('QuasiExtinct','QuasiExpl')

    # Read Final stage abundances results
    # results$FinalStAb variable is a 3-dim Array of size Numer of Stages (rows) x 4 (col) x Number of Populations (slices)
    # to call the results of one populaiton (e.g., Pop. 1) use third index (e.g., results$FinalStAb[,,1] )
    # Columns of the matrix are Mean, StDev, Min, Max
    fin.stg.ab.line <- grep( 'Final stage abundances', mpFile )
    fin.stg.ab.rows <- PopNumber * mp.file$Stages
    FinalStAb <- as.matrix( read.table( mpFilePath, skip=fin.stg.ab.line, nrows=fin.stg.ab.rows ) )

    # Seperate out FinalStAb into the different populations
    fsa.first <- 1 # Initial first line for partitioning Final Stage Abundance matrix

    fsa.list <- lapply(split(FinalStAb,0:(nrow(FinalStAb)-1)%/%mp.file$Stages),matrix,nrow=mp.file$Stages)
    fsa.array <- array(unlist(fsa.list),c(mp.file$Stages,4,PopNumber))
    results$FinalStAb <- fsa.array
    # FinalStAb.vect <- vector()
    # for ( pop in 1:PopNumber ){
    #   fsa.last <- pop*mp.file$Stages
    #   FinalStAb.vect <- c( FinalStAb.vect, FinalStAb[ fsa.first:fsa.last, ] )
    #   fsa.first <- fsa.last + 1
    # }
    # results$FinalStAb <- array( FinalStAb.vect, dim=c(mp.file$Stages, 4, PopNumber) )

    # Read LocExtDur results
    loc.ext.dur.line <- grep( 'LocExtDur', mpFile )
    results$LocExtDur <- read.table( mpFilePath, skip=loc.ext.dur.line, nrow=PopNumber )
    names( results$LocExtDur ) <- c('Mean','StDev','Max','Min')

    # Read Harvest results
    # First line is the total harvest results, the second line is the number of lines dedicated
    # to individual time units for harvest
    harvest.line <- grep( '^Harvest', mpFile )
    results$HarvestTot <- read.table( mpFilePath, skip=harvest.line, nrow=1 )
    names( results$HarvestTot ) <- c('Mean','StDev','Min','Max')
    # Determine number of time steps with harvest data
    harvest.steps <- mpFile[ harvest.line + 2 ]
    harvest.steps <- unlist( strsplit( harvest.steps, ' ' ) )
    harvest.steps <- as.numeric( harvest.steps[1] )
    if ( harvest.steps > 0 ) {
      results$HarvestSteps <- read.table( mpFilePath, skip=(harvest.line + 2), nrow=harvest.steps )
      names( results$HarvestSteps ) <- c('Time', 'Mean', 'StDev', 'Min', 'Max')

    # Read RiskOfLowHarvest results
    risk.harvest.line <- grep( 'RiskOfLowHarvest', mpFile )
    results$RiskLowHarvest <- read.table( mpFilePath, skip=risk.harvest.line, nrow=results$SimRep )

    # Read Average stage abundances results
    # First line after 'avg.st.ab.line' is the number of populations and number of time
    # steps recorded (dependent on maxdur and stepsize)
    # After this, there are popnumber * time steps lines by number of stages columns
    # The values are the stage abundance values for each stage in each population
    avg.st.ab.line <- grep( 'Average stage abundances', mpFile )
    ab.steps <- mpFile[ avg.st.ab.line + 1 ]
    ab.steps <- unlist( strsplit( ab.steps, ' ' ) )
    ab.pops <- as.numeric( ab.steps[1] )
    ab.steps <- as.numeric( ab.steps[2] )
    avg.st.ab.rows <- ab.pops * ab.steps
    AvgStAb <- as.matrix( read.table( mpFilePath, skip=(avg.st.ab.line + 1), nrow=avg.st.ab.rows ) )

    # Seperate out AvgStAb into different populations
    asb.first <- 1
    AvgStAb.vect <- vector()
    for ( pop in 1:ab.pops ){
      asb.last <- pop*ab.steps
      AvgStAb.vect <- c( AvgStAb.vect, AvgStAb[ asb.first:asb.last, ] )
      asb.first <- asb.last + 1
    results$AvgStAb <- array( AvgStAb.vect, dim=c(ab.steps, mp.file$Stages, ab.pops) )

    mp.file$results <- results

} # End mp.read function
mlammens/demgsa documentation built on Aug. 4, 2020, 1:16 a.m.