
Defines functions recombineRetrafolessResult checkDFBasics checkTaskBasics constructTask checkColumnsEqual recombinedf featIndexToTaskIndex recombinetask recombineLL splitIndata subsetIndata splitdf splittask unflipTarget flipTaskTarget isLevelFlipped splitX splitColsByType rebuildOutdata getIndata getLLDataformat getColIndices assertTask assertPropertiesOk checkOutputProperties makeOutputShapeInfo makeInputShapeInfo makeShapeInfo assertTargetShapeConform assertShapeConform getGeneralDataProperties getTaskProperties getDataProperties fixFactors.Task fixFactors.default fixFactors handleRetrafoOutput handleTrafoOutput prepareRetrafoInput prepareTrafoInput

# FormatCheck.R is central within the CPO framework. It checks that
# incoming & outgoing data conforms with the properties declared by
# a CPO and with requirements implicit within the CPO framework
# (Task column not changed in Feature Operating CPOs, number of rows
# not changed unless Training Only CPO, data for retrafo is the same
# as data for trafo).
# In the same stride, data format is changed to match the required
# format of the CPO functions -- see `dataformat` argument of
# makeCPO.

### Externals                  ###

# do the preparation before calling trafo:
#  - check the data is in an acceptable format (task or df)
#  - check the properties are fulfilled
#  - split the data
#  - get a shape info object
# @param indata [Task | data.frame] incoming data to be fed to the CPO trafo function
# @param dataformat [character(1)] one of 'task', 'df.all', 'df.features', 'split', 'factor', 'numeric', 'ordered'
# @param strict.factors [logical(1)] whether to consider 'ordered' as separate from 'factor' types
# @param allowed.properties [character] allowed properties of `indata`
# @param subset.selector [list] information about 'affect.*' parameters that determine which subset of 'indata' is affected
# @param capture.factors [logical(1)] whether to save factor levels of input data in shapeinfo data structure. This is only used if the CPO has 'fix.factors' set to TRUE
# @param operating.type [character(1)] one of 'target', 'feature', 'retrafoless': whether target data, feature data, or both (but only during trafo) may be changed
# @param name [character(1)] name of the cpo, for message printing
# @return [list] the data to feed to the CPO trafo function, as well as meta-information:
#   list(indata = list(data, target, data.reduced, target.reduced), shapeinfo, properties, private)
#   'private' is a list containing some fields used by `handleTrafoOutput`.
prepareTrafoInput = function(indata, dataformat, strict.factors, allowed.properties, subset.selector, capture.factors, operating.type, name) {
  assert(checkClass(indata, "data.frame"), checkClass(indata, "Task"))

  subset.info = subsetIndata(indata, subset.selector, allowed.properties, "trafo", name)
  indata = subset.info$indata

  shapeinfo = makeInputShapeInfo(indata, capture.factors)
  subset.selector$data = NULL
  shapeinfo$subset.selector = subset.selector

  split.data = splitIndata(indata, dataformat, strict.factors, TRUE)

  list(indata = split.data$indata,
    shapeinfo = shapeinfo, properties = subset.info$properties,
    private = list(tempdata = split.data$tempdata, subset.index = subset.info$subset.index,
      dataformat = dataformat, strict.factors = strict.factors,
      origdata = subset.info$origdata, name = name, operating.type = operating.type))

# do the preparation before calling retrafo:
#  - check data is in an acceptable format (task or df)
#  - check the properties are fulfilled
#  - check the shape is the same as during trafo
#  - split the data
#  --> return
# how does mlr predict handle this stuff? they just drop target columns by name
# @param indata [Task | data.frame] incoming data to be fed to the CPO retrafo function
# @param dataformat [character(1)] one of 'task', 'df.all', 'df.features', 'split', 'factor', 'numeric', 'ordered'
# @param strict.factors [logical(1)] whether to consider 'ordered' as separate from 'factor' types
# @param allowed.properties [character] allowed properties of `indata`
# @param shapeinfo.input [InputShapeInfo] information about the data shape used to train the CPO
# @param operating.type [character(1)] one of 'target', 'feature', 'retrafoless': whether target data, feature data, or both (but only during trafo) may be changed
# @param name [character(1)] name of the cpo, for message printing
# @return [list] the data to feed to the CPO retrafo function, as well as meta-information:
#   list(indata = data in a shape fit to be fed into retrafo, properties, task, private)
#   'task' is the reconstructed task, if any
#   'private' is a list containing some fields used by `handleTrafoOutput`.
prepareRetrafoInput = function(indata, dataformat, strict.factors, allowed.properties, shapeinfo.input, operating.type, name) {
  origdata = indata
  targetop = operating.type == "target"
  # check that input column names and general types match (num / fac, or num/fac/ordered if strict.factors

  if ("factor.levels" %in% names(shapeinfo.input)) {
    indata = fixFactors(indata, shapeinfo.input$factor.levels)
  task = NULL
  if ("Task" %in% class(indata)) {
    origdatatype = "Task"
    if (length(shapeinfo.input$target) && length(getTaskTargetNames(indata))) {
      # NOTE: this might be too strict: maybe the user wants to retrafo a Task with the target having a different name?
      # HOWEVER, then either the training indata's task didnt matter (and he should have trained with a data.set?), or it
      #  DID matter, in which case it is probably important to have the same data type <==> target name
      assertSetEqual(getTaskTargetNames(indata), shapeinfo.input$target, .var.name = sprintf("Target names of Task %s", getTaskId(indata)))
    traintype = shapeinfo.input$type
    curtype = getTaskDesc(indata)$type
    if (traintype != curtype && traintype != "cluster" && curtype != "cluster") {
      # if either the training or the current task is of type "cluster" (could also mean
      # the training was done with a data.frame) we forgive this here.
      stopf("CPO trained with task of type %s cannot operate on task of type %s.",
        traintype, curtype)
    if (curtype != "cluster" || traintype == "cluster") {
      # if the current task is a cluster, we only do target
      # op stuff if the training type was also a cluster.
      task = indata
    target = getTaskData(indata, features = character(0))
    indata = getTaskData(indata, target.extra = TRUE)$data
  } else if (is.data.frame(indata)) {
    origdatatype = "data.frame"
    if (any(shapeinfo.input$target %in% names(indata)) || shapeinfo.input$type == "cluster") {
      if (!all(shapeinfo.input$target %in% names(indata))) {
        badcols = intersect(shapeinfo.input$target, names(indata))
        stopf("Some, but not all target columns of training data found in new data. This is probably an error.\n%s%s: %s",
          "Offending column", ifelse(length(badcols) > 1, "s", ""), collapse(badcols, sep = ", "))
      if (targetop) {
        task = constructTask(indata, shapeinfo.input$target, shapeinfo.input$type, "[CPO CONSTRUCTED]")
      target = indata[shapeinfo.input$target]
      indata = dropNamed(indata, shapeinfo.input$target)
    } else {
      target = indata[character(0)]
      shapeinfo.input$target = NULL
  } else {
    stopf("Data fed into CPO %s retrafo is not a Task or data.frame.", name)

  if (!is.null(task)) {
    subset.info = subsetIndata(task, shapeinfo.input$subset.selector,
      allowed.properties, "retrafo", name)
    origdata = subset.info$origdata
    indata = subset.info$indata
    assertShapeConform(getTaskData(indata, target.extra = TRUE)$data, shapeinfo.input, strict.factors, name)
  } else {
    # every kind of input looks like 'cluster' here
    allowed.properties %c=% "cluster"

    subset.info = subsetIndata(indata, shapeinfo.input$subset.selector,
      allowed.properties, "retrafo", name)
    indata = subset.info$indata
    assertShapeConform(indata, shapeinfo.input, strict.factors, name)

  reducing = dataformat %in% c("task", "df.all")
  if (targetop && !is.null(task)) {
    split.data = splitIndata(indata, dataformat, strict.factors, TRUE)
    indata = split.data$indata
    if (reducing) {
      indata = list(data = indata$data.reduced,
        target = indata$data)
    } else {
      indata = indata[c("data", "target")]
  } else {
    split.data = splitIndata(indata, if (reducing) "df.features" else dataformat, strict.factors, FALSE)
    indata = split.data$indata
    indata["target"] = list(NULL)  # we want a $target slot with value NULL

  list(indata = indata, properties = subset.info$properties, task = task,
    private = list(tempdata = split.data$tempdata, subset.index = subset.info$subset.index,
      origdata = origdata, dataformat = dataformat, strict.factors = strict.factors,
      name = name, operating.type = operating.type, origdatatype = origdatatype,
      targetnames = names(target) %??% character(0)))

# Do the check of the trafo's return value
#  - check the data is in an acceptable format (task, df, split dfs)
#  - recombine into a task / df
#  - check properties are allowed
#  - get a shape info object
# @param outdata [Task | data.frame | matrix] data returned by CPO trafo function
# @param prepared.input [list] return object of `prepareTrafoInput`
# @param properties.needed [character] which properties are 'needed' by the subsequent data handler.
#   Therefore, these properties may be present in `outdata` even though there were not in the input data.
# @param properties.adding [character] which properties are supposed to be 'added'
#   to the subsequent data handler. Therefore, these properties must be *absent* from `outdata`.
# @param convertto [character(1)] only if the operating.type is 'target': type of the new task
# @param simpleresult [character(1)] whethre even for df.all / task dataformat the return value will be formatted
#   according to df.features
# @return [list] the data resulting from the CPO operation, as well as meta-information: list(outdata, shapeinfo)
handleTrafoOutput = function(outdata, prepared.input, properties.needed, properties.adding, convertto, simpleresult) {
  ppr = prepared.input$private
  olddata = ppr$origdata  # incoming data that was already given to prepareTrafoInput as 'indata'
  dataformat = ppr$dataformat
  strict.factors = ppr$strict.factors
  operating.type = ppr$operating.type
  name = ppr$name
  subset.index = ppr$subset.index  # index into olddata columns: the columns actually selected by 'affect.*' parameters

  if (dataformat == "task" && !simpleresult) {
    assertTask(outdata, "trafo", name)

  if (operating.type != "target") {
    # for dataformat 'factor', 'numeric' etc, combine the return object of the function with
    # all the columns that were not originally given to the function
    outdata = rebuildOutdata(outdata, ppr$tempdata, dataformat)
  dataformat = getLLDataformat(dataformat)

  if (dataformat %in% c("df.all", "task") && simpleresult) {
    assert(operating.type == "feature")
    dataformat = "df.features"

  recombined = if (operating.type == "target") {
    recombinetask(olddata, outdata, dataformat, strict.factors, subset.index, TRUE, convertto, name)
  } else if (operating.type == "retrafoless") {
    recombineRetrafolessResult(olddata, outdata, prepared.input$shapeinfo, dataformat, strict.factors, subset.index, name)
  } else  if (is.data.frame(olddata)) {
    # implied operating.type == "feature"
    recombinedf(olddata, outdata, dataformat, strict.factors, subset.index, character(0), name)
  } else {
    # implied operating.type == "feature"
    recombinetask(olddata, outdata, dataformat, strict.factors, subset.index, FALSE, name = name)

  checkOutputProperties(outdata, recombined, prepared.input$shapeinfo$target, prepared.input$properties, properties.needed, properties.adding, operating.type, "trafo", name)

  shapeinfo = makeOutputShapeInfo(outdata)

  if ("Task" %in% class(recombined)) {
    shapeinfo$target = getTaskTargetNames(recombined)

  list(outdata = recombined, shapeinfo = shapeinfo)

# do the check of the retrafo's return value
#  - check data is in an acceptable format (task, df, split dfs)
#  - recombine into a task / df
#  - check the properties are fulfilled
#  - check the shape is the same as during trafo
# @param outdata [Task | data.frame | matrix] data returned by CPO retrafo function
# @param prepared.input [list] return object of `prepareTrafoInput`
# @param properties.needed [character] which properties are 'needed' by the subsequent data handler.
#   Therefore, these properties may be present in `outdata` even though there were not in the input data.
# @param properties.adding [character] which properties are supposed to be 'added'
#   to the subsequent data handler. Therefore, these properties must be *absent* from `outdata`.
# @param convertto [character(1)] type of task to convert to, for target operation cpo
# @param shapeinfo.output [OutputShapeInfo] ShapeInfo describing the shape of the data returned by the CPO `trafo` function when it was called.
#        This imposes the same structure on the retrafo return value.
# @return [list] the data resulting from the CPO retrafo operation
handleRetrafoOutput = function(outdata, prepared.input, properties.needed, properties.adding, convertto, shapeinfo.output) {
  ppr = prepared.input$private
  olddata = ppr$origdata  # incoming data that was already given to prepareRetrafoInput as 'indata'
  dataformat = ppr$dataformat
  strict.factors = ppr$strict.factors
  subset.index = ppr$subset.index  # index into olddata columns: the columns actually selected by 'affect.*' parameters
  operating.type = ppr$operating.type
  targetnames = ppr$targetnames
  name = ppr$name

  if (operating.type == "target" && dataformat == "task") {
    assertTask(outdata, "retrafo", name)

  # whether to ignore target columns of shapeinfo.output
  # (needed when dataformat differs between trafo & retrafo)
  drop.shapeinfo.target = dataformat %in% c("df.all", "task") && operating.type != "target"

  if (operating.type != "target") {
    # tempdata: incoming data that was given to prepareRetrafoInput as 'indata', after subsetting according to 'affect.*' parameters
    outdata = rebuildOutdata(outdata, ppr$tempdata, dataformat)
  dataformat = getLLDataformat(dataformat)

  if (operating.type == "target") {
    # this won't get called at all if operating.type is target and there were not target
    # columns to rebuild. Therefore `olddata` will always be a Task here.
    recombined = recombinetask(olddata, outdata, dataformat, strict.factors, subset.index, TRUE, convertto, name)
  } else {
    if (dataformat %in% c("df.all", "task")) {
      # target is always split off during retrafo
      dataformat = "df.features"
    if (ppr$origdatatype == "data.frame") {
      if (any(targetnames %in% names(olddata))) {
        assert(all(targetnames %in% names(olddata)))  # we also check this in prepareRetrafoInput
      recombined = recombinedf(olddata, outdata, dataformat, strict.factors, subset.index, targetnames, name)
    } else {
      recombined = recombinetask(olddata, outdata, dataformat, strict.factors, subset.index, FALSE, name = name)

  checkOutputProperties(outdata, recombined, targetnames, prepared.input$properties, properties.needed, properties.adding, operating.type, "retrafo", name)

  # check the shape of outdata is as expected
  if (dataformat == "split" && operating.type != "target") {
    assertSetEqual(names(outdata), setdiff(names(shapeinfo.output), "target"))
    for (n in names(outdata)) {
      assertShapeConform(outdata[[n]], shapeinfo.output[[n]], strict.factors, name)
  } else {
    if (operating.type == "target" && dataformat == "task") {
      outdata = getTaskData(outdata, target.extra = TRUE)$data
    assertShapeConform(outdata, shapeinfo.output, strict.factors, name, ignore.target = drop.shapeinfo.target)
  assertTargetShapeConform(recombined, shapeinfo.output, operating.type, name)

  if (operating.type == "target" && ppr$origdatatype == "data.frame") {
    # input was a data.frame (with target columns), so we return da data.frame (with target columns)
    recombined = getTaskData(recombined)

### Shape & Properties         ###

# make sure that the factor levels of data.frame 'data' are as described by 'levels'.
# @param data [data.frame | Task] data / task to check / modify
# @param levels [list of character] levels of `data` columns, indexed by `data` column names
# @return [data.frame | Task] the modified `data`
fixFactors = function(data, levels) {

fixFactors.default = function(data, levels) {
  assertSubset(names(levels), names(data))
  data[names(levels)] = mapply(factor, data[names(levels)], levels, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

fixFactors.Task = function(data, levels) {
  changeData(data, fixFactors(getTaskData(data), levels))

# calculate the properties of the data (only feature types & missings)
# data can be a task or data.frame
# @param data [data.frame | Task] the data to check
# @param targetnames [character] only if `data` is a data.frame: the target columns, which will be ignored
# @return [character] a subset of c("numerics", "factors", "ordered", "missings")
getDataProperties = function(data, targetnames) {
  if (is.data.frame(data)) {
    td = makeTaskDescInternal(NULL, NULL, data, targetnames, NULL, NULL, FALSE)
  } else {
    assertClass(data, "Task")
    td = getTaskDesc(data)
  nf = td$n.feat
  c(names(nf)[nf > 0], if (td$has.missings) "missings")

# calculate the properties of the data, as if it were a task.
# If data is a data.frame, we give it the property 'cluster'
# otherwise, we give it the propertye of the task type. If
# applicable, we also set oneclass, multiclass, etc (any from
# the variable 'cpo.targetproperties')
# @param data [data.frame | Task] the data to check
# @return [character] a subset of c("numerics", "factors", "ordered", "missings", "cluster", "classif", "multilabel", "regr", "surv", "oneclass", "twoclass", "multiclass")
getTaskProperties = function(data) {
  props = getDataProperties(data, character(0))
  if (is.data.frame(data)) {
    c(props, "cluster")
  } else {
    td = getTaskDesc(data)
    if (td$type == "classif") {
      others = switch(as.character(length(td$class.levels)),
        `1` = "oneclass", `2` = "twoclass", "multiclass")
    } else {
      others = NULL
    c(props, td$type, others)

# calculate properties of a general data object.
# This may be a Task, data.frame, or list of data.frames
# (as used with dataformat "split").
# @param data [list | data.frame | Task] The data to get properties of
# @param ignore.cols [character] names of columns to ignore, only for data.frame
# @return [character] same as of getTaskProperties
getGeneralDataProperties = function(data, ignore.cols = character(0)) {
  if ("Task" %nin% class(data) && !is.data.frame(data)) {
    unique(unlist(lapply(data, getTaskProperties)))
  } else if (is.data.frame(data)) {
    getTaskProperties(dropNamed(data, ignore.cols))
  } else {

# give error when shape is different than dictated by shapeinfo.
# @param df [data.frame] the data to check
# @param shapeinfo [ShapeInfo] a the shape which `df` must conform to
# @param strict.factors [logical(1)] whether to check for 'ordered' as a type differing from 'factor'
# @param name [character(1)] name of the CPO currently being run, for error and debug printing
# @param retrafoless [logical(1)] whether this is the trafo result of a retrafoless CPO. Default FALSE.
# @param ignore.target [logical(1)] whether to ignore columns that have the same name as the target
#   column(s) declared in the $target slot. Default FALSE.
# @return [invisible(NULL)]
assertShapeConform = function(df, shapeinfo, strict.factors, name, retrafoless = FALSE,
                              ignore.target = FALSE) {
  if (ignore.target && !is.null(shapeinfo$target)) {
    shapeinfo$colnames = setdiff(shapeinfo$colnames, shapeinfo$target)
    shapeinfo$coltypes = dropNamed(shapeinfo$coltypes, shapeinfo$target)
  if (!identical(names2(df), shapeinfo$colnames)) {
    errmsg = if (retrafoless) {
      "Error in CPO %s: columns may not be changed by cpo.trafo.\nInput was %s, output is %s."
    } else {
      "Error in CPO %s: column name mismatch between training and test data.\nWas %s during training, is %s now."
    stopf(errmsg, name, collapse(shapeinfo$colnames, sep = ", "), collapse(names(df), sep = ", "))
  indata = df[shapeinfo$colnames]

  if (strict.factors) {
    typesmatch = list(
        c("integer", "numeric"),
        "factor", "ordered")
  } else {
    typesmatch = list(
        c("integer", "numeric"),
        c("factor", "ordered"))

  newcoltypes = vcapply(indata, function(x) class(x)[1])

  for (t in typesmatch) {
    typemismatch = (newcoltypes %in% t) != (shapeinfo$coltypes %in% t)
    if (any(typemismatch)) {
      plurs = ifelse(sum(typemismatch) > 1, "s", "")
      singes = ifelse(sum(typemismatch) > 1, "", "es")
      stopf("Error in CPO %s: Type%s of column%s %s mismatch%s between training and test data.", name,
        plurs, plurs, collapse(names(indata)[typemismatch], sep = ", "), singes)

# give error when shape recorded 'target' differs from task target
# only target column names are compared. This is needed for target
# operation CPOs changing target names. If data is not a Task
# or the operating.type is 'target', this does nothing.
# @param data [Task | data.frame] the Task.
# @param shapeinfo [ShapeInfo] a ShapeInfo
# @param operating.type [character(1)] operating type: "target", "feature", or "retrafoless"
# @return [invisible(NULL)]
assertTargetShapeConform = function(data, shapeinfo, operating.type, name) {
  if ("Task" %nin% class(data) || operating.type != "target") {
  if (!identical({newtarget = getTaskTargetNames(data)}, shapeinfo$target)) {
    stopf("Error in CPO %s: Target name(s) after retrafo differ(s) from target name(s) after trafo. Was '%s', is now '%s'",
      name, collapse(newtarget, "', '"), collapse(shapeinfo$target, "', '"))

# prepare some information about the data shape, so retrafo can check that
# it gets the kind of data it expects
# this needs to be checked both for input and for output
# @param data [data.frame] the data for which the shape is to be created
# @return [ShapeInfo] a simple datastructure that contains information about data column names and types
makeShapeInfo = function(data) {
    colnames = colnames(data) %??% character(0),
    coltypes = vcapply(data, function(x) class(x)[1]))

# like makeShapeInfo, but additionally get the target names and possibly factor levels
# @param indata [data.frame | Task] data for which the shape is to be created
# @param capture.factors [logical(1)] whether to capture factor levels
# @return [InputShapeInfo] a datastructure extending `ShapeInfo` containing information about the data shape
makeInputShapeInfo = function(indata, capture.factors) {
  if ("Task" %in% class(indata)) {
    data = getTaskData(indata, target.extra = TRUE)$data
    ret = makeShapeInfo(data)
    ret$target = getTaskTargetNames(indata)
    ret$type = getTaskDesc(indata)$type
    if (ret$type == "classif") {
      ret$positive = getTaskDesc(indata)$positive
  } else {
    data = indata
    ret = makeShapeInfo(data)
    ret$target = character(0)
    ret$type = "cluster"
  if (capture.factors) {
    ret$factor.levels = Filter(function(x) !is.null(x), lapply(data, levels))
  addClasses(ret, "InputShapeInfo")

# creates shape info for data coming out of trafo, so retrafo can check that the data generated
# by it conforms to the data returned by trafo earlier.
# This does not do certain tests about the form of `outdata`, so it is recommended to call this
# after `recombinetask` was called (but with the *original* data, not the recombined data).
# @param outdata [data.frame | Task | list of data.frame] data returned by `trafo` function of which the shape is to be covered
# @return [OutputShapeInfo] This either extends `ShapeInfo` (if outdata is `data.frame` or `Task`) or is a list of `ShapeInfo` objects.
makeOutputShapeInfo = function(outdata) {
  if (is.data.frame(outdata)) {
    res = makeShapeInfo(outdata)
  } else if ("Task" %in% class(outdata)) {
    res = makeShapeInfo(getTaskData(outdata, target.extra = TRUE)$data)
    res$target = getTaskTargetNames(outdata)
    res$type = getTaskDesc(outdata)$type
  } else {
    # data is split by type, so we get the shape of each of the constituents
    res = lapply(outdata, makeShapeInfo)
  addClasses(res, "OutputShapeInfo")

# check properties of data returned by trafo or retrafo function
# @param outdata [data.frame | Task | list] data returned by (re)trafo function (after rebuildOutdata)
# @param recombined [data.frame | Task] recombined data as will be returned to the user
# @param target.names [character] names of target columns
# @param input.properties [character] input properties as determined by prepare***Input
# @param properties.needed [character] which properties are 'needed' by the subsequent data handler.
#   Therefore, these properties may be present in `outdata` even though there were not in the input data.
# @param properties.adding [character] which properties are supposed to be 'added'
#   to the subsequent data handler. Therefore, these properties must be *absent* from `outdata`.
# @param operating.type [character(1)] operating type of cpo, one of 'target', 'feature', 'retrafoless'
# @param whichfun [character(1)] name of the CPO stage
# @param name [character(1)] name of the CPO
# @return [invisible(NULL)]
checkOutputProperties = function(outdata, recombined, target.names, input.properties, properties.needed, properties.adding, operating.type, whichfun, name) {
  # allowed.properties: allowed properties of `outdata`. That is the union of the CPO's 'properties.needed' field and the properties already present in 'indata'
  allowed.properties = union(input.properties, properties.needed)
  present.properties = if (operating.type == "feature") {
    getGeneralDataProperties(outdata, target.names)
  } else {
  if (operating.type == "target") {
    # target operating CPOs can not change feature properties, but
    # there may be properties hidden from 'prepared.input$properties'
    # because of affect.*-subsetting which could be present in 'present.properties'
    # so we remove all feature properties here.
    present.properties = setdiff(present.properties, cpo.dataproperties)
  } else if (operating.type == "feature") {
    # remove properties of the target that are picked up by getGeneralDataProperties but
    # are not relevant.
    present.properties = setdiff(present.properties, cpo.all.target.properties)
  assertPropertiesOk(present.properties, allowed.properties, whichfun, "out", name)
  assertPropertiesOk(present.properties, setdiff(allowed.properties, properties.adding), whichfun, "adding", name)

# give userfriendly error message when data does have the properties it is allowed to have.
# @param present.properties [character] properties that were found in a given data object
# @param allowed.properties [character] the properties that the data object is allowed to have
# @param whichfun [character(1)] name of the CPO stage
# @param direction [character(1)] either "in" (data is being sent into CPO), "out" (data was returned by CPO function, some
#   properties are present that were *not* present in the input data, but the given properties were not declared as
#   'properties.needed'), or "adding" (data was returned by CPO function, but the given properties *were* declared as
#   'properties.adding' and hence must not be present)
# @return [invisible(NULL)]
assertPropertiesOk = function(present.properties, allowed.properties, whichfun, direction, name) {
  if (!isPropertyStrict()) {
  badprops = setdiff(present.properties, allowed.properties)
  if (length(badprops)) {
    if (direction == "in") {
      stopf("Data going into CPO %s has propert%s %s that %s can not handle.",
        whichfun, ifelse(length(badprops) > 1, "ies", "y"),
        collapse(badprops, sep = ", "), name)
    } else if (direction == "out") {
      stopf("Data returned by CPO %s has propert%s %s that %s did not declare in .properties.needed.",
        whichfun, ifelse(length(badprops) > 1, "ies", "y"),
        collapse(badprops, sep = ", "), name)
    } else {
      # 'adding' properties may not be present during output, but the error message
      # would be confusing if we used the 'out' message for this.
      assert(direction == "adding")
      stopf("Data returned by CPO %s has propert%s %s that %s declared in .properties.adding.\n%s",
        whichfun, ifelse(length(badprops) > 1, "ies", "y"),
        collapse(badprops, sep = ", "), name,
        paste("properties in .properties.adding may not be present in", whichfun, "output."))

# Check that the given task does not lie about itself.
# This is used on user-returned tasks. Check that task.desc$size equals the row number, that
# the target names occur in the task, etc.
# @param task [Task] the task.
# @param whichfun [character(1)] which function returned the task: trafo, retrafo
# @param name [character(1)] name of the cpo
# @return [invisible(NULL)]
assertTask = function(task, whichfun, name) {
  if (!is.list(task) || !is.list(task$task.desc) || "id" %nin% names(task$task.desc)) {
    stopf("Object returned by %s %s was not a task.", whichfun, name)
  taskdesignator = function() sprintf("Task %s returned by %s %s", task$task.desc$id, whichfun, name)

  if (!is.environment(task$env)) {
    stopf("%s had no environment in its '$env' slot.", taskdesignator())

  task.desc = task$task.desc
  target = task.desc$target

  required.classes = switch(task.desc$type,
    classif = c("ClassifTask", "SupervisedTask"),
    regr = c("RegrTask", "SupervisedTask"),
    cluster = c("ClusterTask", "UnsupervisedTask"),
    surv = c("SurvTask", "SupervisedTask"),
    multilabel = c("MultilabelTask", "SupervisedTask"),
    stopf("%s task type must be one of classif, regr, cluster, multilabel, surv", taskdesignator()))

  if (!identical(task$type, task.desc$type)) {
    stopf("%s task type and task.desc type must be the same", taskdesignator())
  required.classes = c(required.classes, "Task")
  if (!identical(required.classes, class(task))) {
    stopf("%s must have classes %s", taskdesignator(), collapse(required.classes, ", "))
  required.classes = paste0(required.classes, "Desc")
  if (!identical(required.classes, class(task.desc))) {
    stopf("%s task.desc must have classes %s", taskdesignator(), collapse(required.classes, ", "))

  checks = c(
      `id must be a character(1)` = testString(task.desc$id),
      `data must be a data.frame with unique column names` = testDataFrame(task$env$data, col.names = "unique"),
      `target must be a character` = testCharacter(target),
      `task.desc must have numeric 'n.feat' slot` = testNumeric(task.desc$n.feat))

  if (!all(checks)) {
    stopf("%s had problems: %s", taskdesignator(), collapse(names(checks)[!checks], "; "))

  identIntLikeNum = function(x, y) identical(as.numeric(x), as.numeric(y))

  cl = table(dropNamed(vcapply(task$env$data, function(x) class(x)[1]), target))
  checks = c(
      `target must be a subset of task columns` = testSubset(target, colnames(task$env$data)),
      `number of 'numerics' features listed in task.desc is wrong` =
        identIntLikeNum(sum(cl[c("integer", "numeric")], na.rm = TRUE), task.desc$n.feat["numerics"]),
      `number of 'factors' features listed in task.desc is wrong` =
        identIntLikeNum(sum(cl["factor"], na.rm = TRUE), task.desc$n.feat["factors"]),
      `number of 'ordered' features listed in task.desc is wrong` =
        identIntLikeNum(sum(cl["ordered"], na.rm = TRUE), task.desc$n.feat["ordered"]),
      `'has.missings' slot in task.desc is wrong` =
        identical(anyMissing(task$env$data), task.desc$has.missings),
      `'size' slot in task.desc is wrong` =
        identIntLikeNum(nrow(task$env$data), task.desc$size),
      `'has.weights' slot in task.desc is wrong` =
        identical(!is.null(task$weights), task.desc$has.weights),
      `''has.blocking' slot in task.desc is wrong` =
        identical(!is.null(task$blocking), task.desc$has.blocking))
  if (!all(checks)) {
    stopf("%s had problems: %s", taskdesignator(), collapse(names(checks)[!checks], "; "))

  if (task.desc$type %in% c("classif", "regr") && length(target) != 1) {
    stopf("%s is of type %s but has %s targets.", taskdesignator(), task.desc$type,
  } else if (task.desc$type == "surv" && length(target) != 2) {
    stopf("%s is of type surv and must have exactly two targets.", taskdesignator())
  } else if (task.desc$type == "multilabel" && length(target) < 2) {
    stopf("%s is of type multilabel and must have more than one target.", taskdesignator())

  checks = switch(task.desc$type,
    classif = c(
        `class levels in task.desc are not the factor levels of the target column` =
          testSetEqual(levels(task$env$data[[target]]), task.desc$class.levels),
        `task.desc 'positive' and 'negative' slots must be NA for multiclass tasks` =
          length(task.desc$class.levels) <= 2 || (is.na(task.desc$positive) && is.na(task.desc$negative)),
        `task.desc 'positive' and 'negative' slots must be both class levels of the target` =
          length(task.desc$class.levels) != 2 || (
            testString(task.desc$positive) &&
            testString(task.desc$negative) &&
            testSetEqual(c(task.desc$positive, task.desc$negative), task.desc$class.levels)),
        `task.desc 'positive' slot must be the class level, 'negative' slot must be not_<positive>` =
          length(task.desc$class.levels) != 1 || (
            testString(task.desc$positive) &&
            testString(task.desc$negative) &&
            identical(task.desc$positive, task.desc$class.levels) &&
            identical(task.desc$negative, paste0("not_", task.desc$class.levels)))),
    regr = TRUE,
    cluster = TRUE,
    surv = c(
        `time column must be numeric` = testNumeric(task$env$data[[target[1]]]),
        `event column must be logical` = testLogical(task$env$data[[target[2]]])),
    multilabel = c(
        `class.levels in task.desc must equal target names.` =
          testSetEqual(task.desc$class.levels, target)),
    stop("Unexpected error: task.desc$type was bad."))

  if (!all(checks)) {
    stopf("%s had problems: %s", taskdesignator(), collapse(names(checks)[!checks], "; "))


### Task Splitting             ###

# Get the *indices* of columns of 'data' that are referenced by affect.* params.
# E.g. if 'affect.type == "numeric"', the indices of all numeric columns are returned.
# All of the parameters are just the relevantt 'affect.*' parameters as given to the CPO constructor, with the
# exception of 'data'. `getColIndices` can therefore be called using `do.call(getColIndices, insert(affect.param.list, list(data = DATA)))`
# @param data [data.frame] The data to get indices from
# @param type [character] subset of `c("numeric", "factor", "ordered", "other")`: all columns of the given type are included
# @param index [integer] index into data columns to include. Order is preserved, and they are ordered before all other matches
# @param names [character] names of data columns to include. Order is preserved, and they are ordered before other matches, except `index`
# @param pattern [character(1)] `grepl` pattern. Data columns that match the pattern are included
# @param invert [logical(1)] If TRUE, all matches are inverted, i.e. only columns that do not match any of the criteria are returned
# @param pattern.ignore.case [logical(1)] the `ignore.case` parameter of `grepl`: ignore case of `pattern`.
# @param pattern.perl [logical(1)] the `perl` parameter of `grepl`: use perl regex syntax
# @param pattern.fixed [logical(1)] the `fixed` parameter of `grepl`: don't interpret pattern as regex, but as fixed pattern.
# @return [integer]: index into `data` columns for selected columns.
getColIndices = function(data, type, index, names, pattern, invert, pattern.ignore.case, pattern.perl, pattern.fixed) {
  coltypes = vcapply(data, function(x) class(x)[1])
  coltypes[coltypes == "integer"] = "numeric"
  coltypes[!coltypes %in% c("numeric", "factor", "ordered")] = "other"
  matchcols = coltypes %in% type
  if (!is.null(pattern)) {
    matchcols = matchcols | grepl(pattern, colnames(data), pattern.ignore.case, pattern.perl, pattern.fixed)
  badnames = names[!names %in% names(data)]
  if (length(badnames)) {
    stopf("Column%s not found: %s", ifelse(length(badnames) > 1, "s", ""), collapse(badnames, sep = ", "))
  index %c=% setdiff(match(names, names(data)), index)

  index %c=% setdiff(which(matchcols), index)

  if (invert) {
    index = setdiff(seq_along(data), index)

# Translate the 'dataformat' option for internal use ("low level" dataformat) to a simplified version.
# most of CPOFormatCheck's split / recombine logic doesn't care about "factor", "onlyfactor", "ordered" or "numeric"
# and just treats it as "most" or "all" dataformat, subsetting the resulting data. This significantly
# simplifies the "splitting" and "recombining" of input / output data.
# E.g. if dataformat is "factor":
#  (1) the data is split according to "most" -- this is translated by 'getLLDataformat'
#  (2) the data that is handed to the cpo.trafo function is gotten by 'getIndata' which takes the '$factor' slot of the split data, in this case
#  (3) cpo.trafo returns its output. This output is put back together with the other data using 'rebuildOutdata'
#  (4) all checks are then done as if cpo.trafo had had used the "most" dataformat and not touched any but the '$factor' slots.
# @param dataformat [character(1)] the dataformat to translate
# @return [character(1)] a simplified dataformat option
getLLDataformat = function(dataformat) {
  if (dataformat %in% c("factor", "numeric", "ordered")) {
  } else {

# Get element of data according to dataformat.
# This is the complementary operation (category theoretically the quotient object) of `getLLDataformat`.
# With 'indata' being split according to dataformat "factor", "onlyfactor", "ordered", or "numeric", get the relevant subitem
# from the indata after it was split according to "most" or "all".
# If dataformat is none of these, this is a noop.
# @param indata [list of data.frame | data.frame | Task] the result of splitting incoming data according to `getLLDataformat(dataformat)`.
# @param dataformat [character(1)] one of the possible dataformat options
# @return [data.frame | Task] data formatted according to dataformat, to be fed into a trafo / retrafo function
getIndata = function(indata, dataformat) {
  if (dataformat %in% c("factor", "ordered", "numeric")) {
  } else {

# Reassemble data that was split according to some of the `dataformat` options.
# If dataformat is one of "factor", "onlyfactor", "ordered", or "numeric", then
# the data returned by trafo / retrafo (only the modified factors / etc) needs
# to be integrated with the remaining unmodified columns. With 'outdata' being a
# data slice according to dataformat, this function puts the returned data back
# into the "tempdata" block from which the input was taken.
# If dataformat is none of these, this is a noop.
# @param outdata [data.frame | list of data.frame | Task] the data returned by a trafo / retrafo function
# @param tempdata [data.frame | list of data.frame | Task] the original data, split according to `getLLDataformat(dataformat)`.
# @param dataformat [character(1)] the dataformat option of the current CPO
# @return [data.frame | list of data.frame | Task] `outdata`, possibly embedded into `tempdata`.
rebuildOutdata = function(outdata, tempdata, dataformat) {
  if (dataformat %in% c("factor", "ordered", "numeric")) {
    tempdata[[dataformat]] = outdata
    outdata = tempdata
  if (dataformat %in% c("numeric", "split") && is.matrix(outdata$numeric)) {
    outdata$numeric = as.data.frame(outdata$numeric)

# split 'outdata' into subsets given by 'which'. If 'which' does not contain "ordered", then
# 'ordered' columns are put together with 'factor' columns.
# @param which [character] subset of `c("numeric", "factor", "ordered", "other")`: by which types to split
# @param data [data.frame | any] data to split. This can also be any other list or vector if `types` is given
# @param types [character | NULL] types of columns / elements of `data`. If this is not provided, it is
#   determined from `data`. This is useful if `data` is not a data.frame but e.g. only a vector of column names.
# @return [list of data.frame | list of any] a list of subsets of `data`, named according to `which`.
splitColsByType = function(which = c("numeric", "factor", "ordered", "other"), data, types = NULL) {
  if (is.null(types)) {
    types = vcapply(data, function(x) class(x)[1])
  # types: may be a character of type names, then data can be something besides a data.frame, like just a vector of names or indices
  match.arg(which, several.ok = TRUE)
  factorsubset = c("factor", if (!"ordered" %in% which) "ordered")

  sapply(which, function(x) {
    subset = if (x == "other") {
               !types %in% c("integer", "numeric", "factor", "ordered")
             } else {
               types %in% switch(x,
                 numeric = c("integer", "numeric"),
                 factor = factorsubset,
                 ordered = "ordered")
  }, simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)

# Convenience function for 'dataformat' splitting.
# calls `splitdf` or `splittask`, depending on datatype of `data`.
# This performs no checks. possibly need to check that properties are adhered to
# in retrafo, must also check if the format is the same as during training
# 'possibly' here means: if not attached to a learner
# @param data [Task | data.frame] the data to split up
# @param dataformat [character(1)] subset of `c("df.features", "split", "df.all", "task")`. Should be
#   a result of `getLLDataformat` applied to the dataformat used for the CPO.
# @param strict.factors [logical(1)] whether to split ordered from factor columns
# @return [Task | data.frame | list of data.frame] the data split / formatted according to `dataformat`.
splitX = function(data, dataformat = c("df.features", "split", "df.all", "task"), strict.factors) {
  dataformat = match.arg(dataformat)
  if (is.data.frame(data)) {
    splitdf(data, dataformat, strict.factors)
  } else {
    splittask(data, dataformat, strict.factors)

# check whether the first level of a classif target is not the positive level
# @param task [Task] the task to check
# @return [logical(1)] TRUE when the first level of a classif target is not the positive level, FALSE otherwise, and
#   for non-classif task.
isLevelFlipped = function(task) {
  if (getTaskType(task) != "classif") {
  pos = getTaskDesc(task)$positive
  if (is.na(pos)) {
  target = getTaskData(task, target.extra = TRUE)$target
  assert(length(levels(target)) <= 2)
  if (!identical(levels(target)[1], pos)) {
    assert(identical(levels(target)[2], pos))

# reorder the levels of a classif target to make the positive level the first one
# @param data [data.frame] the data frame containing the target
# @param target [character(1) | numeric(1)] the name or index of the target column. Is assumed to be a factor with two levels.
# @return [data.frame] the input data with the two levels of the target column flipped.
flipTaskTarget = function(data, target) {
  data[[target]] = factor(data[[target]], levels = rev(levels(data[[target]])))

# reorder levels of classif target if the original task was level flipped
# @param data [data.frame] the data frame containing the target to be flipped
# @param task [Task] the original task. The target column of this task must be the one of the data.frame
# @return [data.frame] the input data, potentially with the two levels of the target column flipped.
unflipTarget = function(data, task) {
  if (isLevelFlipped(task)) {
    data = flipTaskTarget(data, getTaskTargetNames(task))

# This does the 'dataformat' splitting up of Tasks.
# This is the sister of `splitdf` which gets applied to `data.frame`.
# @param task [Task] the task to split up
# @param dataformat [character(1)] subset of `c("df.features", "split", "df.all", "task")`. Should be
#   a result of `getLLDataformat` applied to the dataformat used for the CPO.
# @param strict.factors [logical(1)] whether to split ordered from factor columns
# @return [Task | data.frame | list of data.frame] the data split / formatted according to `dataformat`.
splittask = function(task, dataformat, strict.factors) {
  if (dataformat %in% c("split", "df.features")) {
    splt = getTaskData(task, target.extra = TRUE)$data
    colsplit = c("numeric", "factor", if (strict.factors) "ordered", "other")
    trg = getTaskData(task, features = character(0))
    if (isLevelFlipped(task)) {
      trg = flipTaskTarget(trg, 1)
  if (dataformat == "df.all") {
    data = getTaskData(task)
    target = getTaskTargetNames(task)
    data = unflipTarget(data, task)
    return(list(data = data, target = target))

    task = list(data = task, target = getTaskTargetNames(task)),
    df.features = list(data = splt,
      target = trg),  # want the target to always be a data.frame
    split = list(data = splitColsByType(colsplit, splt),
      target = trg))  # want the target to always be a data.frame

# This does the 'dataformat' splitting up of data.frames.
# When creating a `Task` from a `data.frame` for `dataformat == "task"`, a `ClusterTask` is generated.
# @param df [data.frame] the data to split up
# @param dataformat [character(1)] subset of `c("df.features", "split", "df.all", "task")`. Should be
#   a result of `getLLDataformat` applied to the dataformat used for the CPO.
# @param strict.factors [logical(1)] whether to split ordered from factor columns
# @return [Task | data.frame | list of data.frame] the data split / formatted according to `dataformat`.
splitdf = function(df, dataformat, strict.factors) {
  colsplit = c("numeric", "factor", if (strict.factors) "ordered", "other")
    task = list(data = makeClusterTask("[CPO CONSTRUCTED]", data = df, fixup.data = "no", check.data = FALSE), target = character(0)),
    df.all = list(data = df, target = character(0)),
    df.features = list(data = df, target = df[, character(0), drop = FALSE]),
    split = list(data = splitColsByType(colsplit, df),
      target = df[, character(0), drop = FALSE]))

# Take subset of data according to 'affect.*' parameters
# @param indata [Task | data.frame]
# @param subset.selector [list] information about 'affect.*' parameters that determine which subset of 'indata' is affected
# @param allowed.properties [character] allowed properties of `indata`
# @param whichfun [character(1)] name of the CPO stage
# @param cpo.name [character(1)] name of the CPO
# @return [list] list(origdata, indata, subset.index, properties)
subsetIndata = function(indata, subset.selector, allowed.properties, whichfun, cpo.name) {
  origdata = indata
  if ("Task" %in% class(indata)) {
    subset.selector$data = getTaskData(indata, target.extra = TRUE)$data
    subset.index = do.call(getColIndices, subset.selector)
    # subsetTask, but keep everything in order
    new.subset.index = featIndexToTaskIndex(subset.index, indata)
    indata.data = getTaskData(indata)
    if (!identical(as.integer(new.subset.index), seq_along(indata.data))) {
      indata = changeData(indata, indata.data[new.subset.index])
  } else {
    subset.selector$data = indata
    subset.index = do.call(getColIndices, subset.selector)
    indata = indata[subset.index]

  present.properties = getTaskProperties(indata)
  assertPropertiesOk(present.properties, allowed.properties, whichfun, "in", cpo.name)

  list(origdata = origdata, indata = indata, subset.index = subset.index,
    properties = present.properties)

# Split cpo input data according to dataformat
# Creates also 'tempdata', the data after the split but before
# subsetting (useful for dataformat 'numeric', 'factors' etc)
# and possibly 'reduced.indata', which reduces df.all and task into df.features.
# @param data [data.frame | Task] the input data
# @param dataformat [character(1)] one of 'task', 'df.all', 'df.features', 'split', 'factor', 'numeric', 'ordered'
# @param strict.factors [logical(1)] whether to consider 'ordered' as separate from 'factor' types
# @param create.reduced [logical(1)] whether to create 'reduced' indata
# @return [list] list(indata, tempdata). indata is the proper input for the CPO function,
#   a list(data, target [, data.reduced, target.reduced]). tempdata the data after split before subsetting.
splitIndata = function(data, dataformat, strict.factors, create.reduced) {
  indata = splitX(data, getLLDataformat(dataformat), strict.factors)
  tempdata = indata$data
  indata$data = getIndata(indata$data, dataformat)

  if (create.reduced) {
    # create separate "reduced" data that, besides containing the full task / df, also
    # contains the data and target alone.
    reduced.indata = if (dataformat %in% c("task", "df.all")) {
      splitX(data, "df.features", strict.factors)
    } else {
    names(reduced.indata) = paste0(names(reduced.indata), ".reduced")
    indata %c=% reduced.indata
  list(indata = indata, tempdata = tempdata)

### Task Recombination         ###
# Task / Data recombination entails checking that data / target was only modified if allowed by the CPO type,
# checking that the number of rows didn't change, and relevant properties didn't change.

# Recombine the data previously split up by `splitdf` / `splittask` with `dataformat` being "most" or "all",
# and after the CPO trafo / retrafo function performed its operations on it.
# recombineLL is called by both recombinetask and recombinedf, and does the checking (e.g. number or rows did not change)
# that is common to both.
# 'LL' meaning 'low level'
# @param olddata [list of data.frame] data as fed to the CPO, for reference of correct row number etc.
# @param newdata [list of data.frame] data as returned by trafo / retrafo
# @param subset.index [integer] subset of 'task' features that were selected by 'affect.*' parameters
# @param name [character(1)] CPO name for pretty debug printing
# @return [data.frame] the data in `newdata` combined into a single data.frame.
recombineLL = function(olddata, newdata, targetnames, strict.factors, subset.index, name) {
  allnames = names(olddata)
  needednames = c("numeric", "factor", "other", if (strict.factors) "ordered")
  if (!isTRUE(checkSetEqual(names(newdata), needednames))) {
    stopf('CPO %s gave bad return. The returned value must be a list with names {"%s"}.',
      name, collapse(needednames, sep = '", "'))

  targetdata = olddata[targetnames]
  olddata = dropNamed(olddata, targetnames)
  unsubsetdata = olddata[-subset.index]
  olddata = olddata[subset.index]

  dfs = vlapply(newdata, is.data.frame)
  if (any(!dfs)) {
    is.plur = sum(!dfs) > 1
    stopf("Return of %s element%s %s %s not a data.frame.", name, ifelse(is.plur, "s", ""),
      collapse(names(dfs)[!dfs], sep = ", "), ifelse(is.plur, "are", "is"))

  # check no new names clash with other names
  # this kind of sucks when a CPO just happens to change the names to something thats already there
  # but we also don't want to surprise the user about us unilaterally changing names, so he needs to
  # take care of that.
  jointargetnames = c(targetnames, names(unsubsetdata), unlist(lapply(newdata, names)))
  if (any(duplicated(jointargetnames))) {
    stopf("CPO %s gave bad result\nduplicate column names %s", name, collapse(unique(jointargetnames[duplicated(jointargetnames)], sep = ", ")))

  types = vcapply(olddata, function(x) class(x)[1])

  splitargetnames = splitColsByType(names(newdata), names(olddata), types) # list(numeric = [colnames], factor = [colnames]...

  numrows = nrow(olddata)
  namesorder = allnames
  for (splittype in names(splitargetnames)) {
    if (numrows != nrow(newdata[[splittype]])) {
      stopf("Number of rows of %s data returned by %s did not match input\nCPO must not change row number.",
        splittype, name)
    if (!identical(splitargetnames[[splittype]], names(newdata[[splittype]]))) {
      namesorder = setdiff(namesorder, splitargetnames[[splittype]])
      namesorder %c=% names(newdata[[splittype]])

  newdata = cbind(unsubsetdata, do.call(cbind, unname(newdata)), targetdata)
  assertSetEqual(names(newdata), namesorder)

# Recombine a task that was previously (potentially) split up according to `dataformat` and then changed by trafo / retrafo.
# This is used when the split up data was created from a task, and if (therefore) the result of the
# CPO is again expected to be a task.
# this checks that the result of trafo / retrafo has the proper type, that target and type didn't change,
# (if dataformat == "task"), and that the number of rows is the same. It then reconstructs the complete task that
# will be output by the CPO.
# @param task [Task] old task, used for input, for comparison
# @param newdata [Task | data.frame | list of data.frame] output of cpo.trafo / cpo.retrafo. This has the same format
#   as `splittask(task, dataformat)`
# @param dataformat [character(1)] the dataformat used, this is `getLLDataformat` applied to the CPO's dataformat parameter.
# @param strict.factors [logical(1)] whether to consider 'ordered' as separate from 'factor' types
# @param subset.index [integer] subset of 'task' features that were selected by 'affect.*' parameters
# @param targetbound [logical(1)] TRUE for target operating CPO, FALSE for feature operating CPO.
# @param newtasktype [character(1)] only if `targetbound`, type of new task. Give even if no task conversion happens.
# @param name [character(1)] CPO name for pretty debug printing
# @return [Task] the task incorporating the changes done by the CPO to `newdata`.
recombinetask = function(task, newdata, dataformat = c("df.all", "task", "df.features", "split"),
                         strict.factors, subset.index, targetbound, newtasktype, name) {
  dataformat = match.arg(dataformat)

  if (is.data.frame(task)) {
    # only if 'targetbound'
    task = makeClusterTask(id = "[CPO CONSTRUCTED]", data = task, fixup.data = "no", check.data = FALSE)

  if (dataformat %in% c("df.features", "split")) {
    if (targetbound) {
      # return is just 'target' in a df.
      if (!is.data.frame(newdata)) {
        stopf("CPO %s gave bad result\nmust return a data.frame containing the target.",
      olddata = getTaskData(task)
      oldtnames = getTaskTargetNames(task)
      newtnames = names(newdata)
      if (setequal(newtnames, oldtnames)) {
        olddata[newtnames] = newdata
        newdata = olddata
      } else if (length(oldtnames) == 1 && length(newdata) == 1) {
        assert(length(oldtnames) == 1)
        # note that this can NOT be combined with
        # the olddata[newtnames] block above!
        # also note the double brackets [[ ]].
        olddata[[oldtnames]] = newdata[[1]]
        names(olddata)[names(olddata) == oldtnames] = names(newdata)
        newdata = olddata
      } else {
        newdata = cbind(dropNamed(olddata, oldtnames), newdata)
      if (anyDuplicated(colnames(newdata))) {
        stopf("CPO %s introduced duplicate column names", name)
      if (newtasktype == "classif") {
        newdata = unflipTarget(newdata, task)
      return(constructTask(newdata, newtnames, newtasktype, getTaskId(task), isLevelFlipped(task)))
    } else {
      return(changeData(task, recombinedf(getTaskData(task), newdata, dataformat, strict.factors, subset.index, getTaskTargetNames(task), name)))

  if (dataformat == "df.all") {
    checkDFBasics(task, newdata, targetbound, name)
    if (!targetbound) {
      newdata = unflipTarget(newdata, task)
      newdata = changeData(task, newdata)
    } else {
      if (newtasktype == "classif") {
        newdata = unflipTarget(newdata, task)
      newdata = constructTask(newdata, getTaskTargetNames(task), newtasktype, getTaskId(task), isLevelFlipped(task))

  if (nrow(getTaskData(task)) != nrow(getTaskData(newdata))) {
    stopf("CPO %s must not change number of rows", name)

  new.subset.index = featIndexToTaskIndex(subset.index, task)
  if (targetbound) {
    # everything may change except size, n.feat and missings
    fulldata = recombinedf(getTaskData(task), getTaskData(newdata), "df.all", strict.factors, new.subset.index, character(0), name)
    fulltask = constructTask(fulldata, getTaskTargetNames(newdata), newtasktype, getTaskId(newdata), isLevelFlipped(newdata))
    checkColumnsEqual(getTaskData(task, target.extra = TRUE)$data[subset.index],
      getTaskData(newdata, target.extra = TRUE)$data, "non-target column", name)
    checkTaskBasics(task, fulltask, setdiff(names(getTaskDesc(task)), c("n.feat", "has.missings", "has.blocking", "has.weights")), name)
  #check type didn't change
  assert(getTaskType(task) == getTaskType(newdata))
  assertSetEqual(names(getTaskDesc(task)), names(getTaskDesc(newdata)))

  # check target didn't change
  checkColumnsEqual(getTaskData(task, features = character(0)),
    getTaskData(newdata, features = character(0)), "target column", name)

  checkTaskBasics(subsetTask(task, features = subset.index), newdata, c("id", "n.feat", "has.missings"), name)

  changeData(task, recombinedf(getTaskData(task), getTaskData(newdata), "df.all", strict.factors, new.subset.index, character(0), name))

# convert an index of feature columns to an index w.r.t. the whole task
# A column index that references columns with respect the data
# columns only is converted to the column index with respect the
# whole task data.frame (including target columns).
# Target columns are included in this index. If feat.index
# is a sorted numeric, the target columns just get sorted into
# the feat.index; otherwise they are put at the beginning.
# @param feat.index [numeric] index of columns with respect to feature cols only
# @param task [Task] the task
# @return [numeric] index w.r.t. the whole task df. Includes target cols.
featIndexToTaskIndex = function(feat.index, task) {
  task.data = getTaskData(task)
  fullindex = seq_along(task.data)
  aretargets = names(task.data) %in% getTaskTargetNames(task)
  new.subset.index = fullindex[!aretargets][feat.index]
  if (all(new.subset.index == sort(new.subset.index))) {
    sort(c(which(aretargets), new.subset.index))
  } else {
    c(which(aretargets), new.subset.index)

# Recombine a data.frame that was previously (potentially) split up according to `dataformat` and then changed by trafo / retrafo.
# recombine data.frame after checking for match of rows etc., see 'recombinetask'.
# @param df [data.frame] old data.frame, used for input, for comparison
# @param newdata [Task | data.frame | list of data.frame] output of cpo.trafo / cpo.retrafo. This has the same format
#   as `splitdf(df, dataformat)`
# @param dataformat [character(1)] the dataformat used, this is `getLLDataformat` applied to the CPO's dataformat parameter.
# @param strict.factors [logical(1)] whether to consider 'ordered' as separate from 'factor' types
# @param subset.index [integer] subset of 'df' features that were selected by 'affect.*' parameters
# @param targetcols [character] names of target columns; this is relevant for retrafo when cpo.trafo was trained with a Task that
#   contains target columns, and cpo.retrafo is fed with a data.frame that contains columns with the same name.
# @param name [character(1)] CPO name for pretty debug printing
# @return [data.frame] the data.frame incorporating the changes done by the CPO to `newdata`
recombinedf = function(df, newdata, dataformat = c("df.features", "split", "df.all", "task"), strict.factors, subset.index, targetcols, name) {
# otherwise it contains the columns removed from the DF because they were target columns.
  dataformat = match.arg(dataformat)
  if (dataformat == "split") {
    return(recombineLL(df, newdata, targetcols, strict.factors, subset.index, name))
  } else if (dataformat == "task") {
    assertClass(newdata, "Task")
    newdata = getTaskData(newdata)
  if (!is.data.frame(newdata)) {
    stopf("CPO %s gave bad result\nmust return a data.frame.", name)
  if (nrow(df) != nrow(newdata)) {
    stopf("CPO %s must not change number of rows.", name)
  outsetcols = dropNamed(df, targetcols)
  if (length(subset.index)) {
    outsetcols = outsetcols[-subset.index]
  fullnames = c(names(newdata), names(outsetcols), targetcols)
  dubs = duplicated(fullnames)
  if (any(dubs)) {
    stopf("CPO %s gave bad result\ncolumn names %s duplicated (possibly with target)", name, collapse(unique(fullnames[dubs], sep = ", ")))

  datanames = names(newdata)
  newdata = cbind(outsetcols, newdata, df[targetcols])
  if (identical(datanames, setdiff(names(df), targetcols)[subset.index])) {
    # names didn't change, so we preserve column order
    newdata = newdata[names(df)]
    names(newdata) = names(df)

  row.names(newdata) = attr(df, "row.names")

# Check that columns in `old.relevants` and `new.relevants` are identical.
# This is mostly a helper function for pretty error messages. Depending on what
# a CPO operates on, it must not change target OR data columns. These are the "relevant"
# columns. If this rule is violated, an error message tells the user that a CPO must not
# change target / data columns.
# @param old.relevants [data.frame] subset of the old data that must stay constant
# @param new.relevants [data.frame] subset of modified data, which is checked for equality with old.relevants
# @param relevant.name [character(1)] should be something like 'targets' or 'non-target features'
# @param name [character(1)] name of the CPO for debug purposes
# @return [invisible(NULL)]
checkColumnsEqual = function(old.relevants, new.relevants, relevant.name, name) {
  if (!isTRUE(checkSetEqual(names(old.relevants), names(new.relevants)))) {
    stopf("CPO %s must not change %s names.", name, relevant.name)
  for (n in names(old.relevants)) {
    if (!identical(old.relevants[[n]], new.relevants[[n]])) {
      stopf("CPO %s must not change %ss, but changed %s.", name, relevant.name, n)

# general function that builds a task of type 'type' and with id 'id', using
# the given data.
# @param data [data.frame] the data to be used in the new task
# @param target [character] name of target columns inside `data`
# @param type [character(1)] type of the task to be created
# @param id [character(1)] id of the newly created task
# @param flip [logical(1)] whether, for binary classif task, to put the 2nd level on 'positive'
# @return [Task] a new task of type `type`, with id `id`, data `data`, and other meta information from `oldtask`.
constructTask = function(data, target, type, id, flip = FALSE) {
  if (type == "cluster") {
    if (length(target)) {
      stop("Cluster task cannot have target columns")
    return(makeClusterTask(id = id, data = data, fixup.data = "no", check.data = FALSE))
  if (type == "classif") {
    targetcol = data[[target]]
    if (!is.factor(targetcol)) {
      stop("ClassifTask target must be a factor column!")
    if (flip && length(target) == 1) {
      if (length(levels(targetcol)) == 2) {
        positive = levels(targetcol)[2]
        return(makeClassifTask(id = id, data = data, target = target,
          positive = positive, fixup.data = "no", check.data = FALSE))
  constructor = switch(type,
    classif = makeClassifTask,
    multilabel = makeMultilabelTask,
    regr = makeRegrTask,
    surv = makeSurvTask)
  constructor(id = id, data = data, target = target, fixup.data = "no", check.data = FALSE)

# check that newdata is a task, and that it agrees with the
# old 'task' on everything except 'allowed.td.changes'
# @param task [Task] the task to compare newdata to
# @param newdata [Task] the task to check
# @param allowed.td.changes [character] slots of 'task.desc' that the tasks may disagree on
# @param name [character(1)] name of the CPO to use in the error message
# @return [invisible(NULL)]
checkTaskBasics = function(task, newdata, allowed.td.changes, name) {
  if (!"Task" %in% class(newdata)) {
    stopf("CPO %s must return a Task", name)

  if ("size" %nin% allowed.td.changes && getTaskDesc(task)$size != getTaskDesc(newdata)$size) {
    stopf("CPO %s must not change number of rows", name)

  old.td = getTaskDesc(task)
  new.td = getTaskDesc(newdata)

  # check most of task description didn't change
  for (n in setdiff(names(old.td), allowed.td.changes)) {
    if (!isTRUE({complaint = all.equal(old.td[[n]], new.td[[n]])})) {
      stopf("CPO %s changed task description item %s:\n%s", name, n, complaint)

# check that newdata is a data.frame that fits 'task's format (size, no overlap in target column names)
# @param task [Task] the task to compare newdata to
# @param newdata [data.frame] the data.frame to check
# @param targetbound [logical(1)] whether the CPO is allowed to operate on target columns
# @param name [character(1)] name of the CPO to use in the error message
# @return [invisible(NULL)]
checkDFBasics = function(task, newdata, targetbound, name) {
  if (!is.data.frame(newdata)) {
    stopf("CPO %s cpo.trafo gave bad result\ncpo.trafo must return a data.frame.", name)
  assertClass(newdata, "data.frame")
  tnames = getTaskTargetNames(task)
  missingt = tnames[!tnames %in% names(newdata)]
  if (length(missingt)) {
    addendum = ""
    if (targetbound) {
      addendum = paste("\nIf you want to change names or number of target columns in targetbound CPOs",
        'you must use other dataformat values, e.g. "df.features".', sep = "\n")
   stopf("CPO %s cpo.trafo gave bad result\ndata.frame did not contain target column%s %s.%s",
     name, ifelse(length(missingt) > 1, "s", ""), collapse(missingt, ", "), addendum)

# Checks and recombines data returned by a 'retrafoless' CPO, which is allowed to operate on both
# data and target columns.
# perform basic checks that a retrafoless cpo returned the kind of task / data.frame that it should;
# then convert, if necessary.
# @param olddata [Task | data.frame] the original input data
# @param newdata [Task | data.frame] the data returned by the CPO trafo function
# @param shapeinfo [ShapeInfo] The input shape which `df` must conform to
# @param dataformat [character(1)] the result of `getLLDataformat` applied to the CPO's dataformat parameter
# @param strict.factors [logical(1)] whether to check for 'ordered' as a type differing from 'factor'
# @param subset.index [integer] index into olddata columns: the columns actually selected by 'affect.*' parameters
# @param name [character(1)] the CPO name used in error messages
# @return [Task | data.frame] the recombined data from newdata
recombineRetrafolessResult = function(olddata, newdata, shapeinfo.input, dataformat, strict.factors, subset.index, name) {
  assert(identical(subset.index, seq_along(subset.index)))
  assertSubset(dataformat, c("df.all", "task"))
  if (is.data.frame(olddata)) {
    if (dataformat == "df.all") {
      assertClass(newdata, "data.frame")
    } else {  # dataformat == "task"
      assertClass(newdata, "ClusterTask")
      newdata = getTaskData(newdata)
    assertShapeConform(newdata, shapeinfo.input, strict.factors, name, TRUE)
  } else {
    if (dataformat == "df.all") {
      assertClass(newdata, "data.frame")
      if (!all(getTaskTargetNames(olddata) %in% names(newdata)) ||
          !all(names(newdata)[names(newdata) %in% getTaskTargetNames(olddata)] == getTaskTargetNames(olddata))) {
        stopf("retrafoless CPO %s must not change target names.", name)
      if (getTaskType(olddata) == "classif") {
        tname = getTaskTargetNames(olddata)
        if (isLevelFlipped(olddata)) {
          newdata = flipTaskTarget(newdata, tname)
        if (!identical(levels(getTaskData(olddata, target.extra = TRUE)$target),
          levels(newdata[[tname]]))) {
          stopf("retrafoless CPO %s must not change target class levels.", name)
      newdata = changeData(olddata, newdata)
    } else {  # dataformat == "task"
      if (!identical(class(newdata), class(olddata))) {
        stopf("retrafoless CPO %s must not change task type.", name)
      if (!all(getTaskTargetNames(olddata) == getTaskTargetNames(newdata))) {
        stopf("retrafoless CPO %s must not change target names.", name)
      if (getTaskType(olddata) == "classif") {
        if (isLevelFlipped(olddata) != isLevelFlipped(newdata)) {
          stopf("CPO %s changed task target feature order.", name)
        if (!identical(levels(getTaskData(olddata, target.extra = TRUE)$target),
          levels(getTaskData(newdata, target.extra = TRUE)$target))) {
          stopf("retrafoless CPO %s must not change target class levels.", name)
      checkTaskBasics(olddata, newdata, c("has.missings", "size", "class.distribution"), name)
    assertShapeConform(getTaskData(newdata, target.extra = TRUE)$data, shapeinfo.input, strict.factors, name, TRUE)
mlr-org/mlrCPO documentation built on Nov. 18, 2022, 11:25 p.m.