
Defines functions extractTerms extractLMM simLMM_empT simLMM_empF simLMM_verbose detect_errors2 detect_errors1 simLMM

Documented in simLMM

# Daniel J. Schad, Maximilian Rabe, Reinhold Kliegl, Feb. 22, 2020

#' @importFrom stats as.formula model.matrix runif terms
#' @importFrom lme4 fixef VarCorr
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm

#' Simulate data from a linear mixed-effects model
#' This function simulates artificial data from a linear mixed-effects model. Parameters can either be set by hand using the parameters listed below *or* using a fitted \code{lmerMod} object.
#' @param formula A formula as used in a call to the \code{lmer} function: a one-sided linear formula object describing both the fixed-effects and random-effects part of the model, with no response variable to the left of the \code{~} operator.
#' @param data a data frame containing the variables named in \code{formula}. Optional if \code{LMM} is provided.
#' @param Fixef a vector of all fixed-effect model parameters.
#' @param VC_sd standard deviations of the variance components for the random effects. This is a list of vectors, where different list entries reflect different grouping structures, and each vector contains standard deviations of variance components (random intercepts and random slopes) for one grouping factor. The last list entry is the standard deviation of the residual noise term (for \code{gaussian} or \code{lognormal} families only).
#' @param CP correlation parameters of the random effects. If \code{CP} is a single number, then all CP are set to this same value. If \code{CP} is a vector of length equal to the number of grouping factor, then each vector entry specifies one fixed value for all CP associated with this grouping factor. Otherwise, \code{CP} can be a list of correlation matrices, which specifies a full correlation matrix for each grouping structure.
#' @param LMM if a \code{lmerMod} object containing a fitted \code{lmer} model is provided, then \code{simLMM} uses the estimated model parameters for data simulation. Note: If \code{LMM} is provided, \code{formula}, \code{Fixef}, \code{VC_sd}, \code{CP}, and \code{family} are taken from the provided fitted model, the arguments are ignored in the model call, and a warning is given.
#' @param empirical logical. If true, \code{Fixef} specify the empirical not population fixed effects parameters. \code{empirical=TRUE} does not work for residual Bernoulli noise, and not if continuous covariates are used.
#' @param verbose logical. If \code{TRUE} (default), then information about the used model parameters is provided. If \code{FALSE}, then no output is generated.
#' @param family string specifying the response distribution: \code{"gaussian"} (default) assumes a normal distribution, \code{binomial} specifies a Bernoulli distribution with a logit link function, \code{"lognormal"} specifies a log-normal distribution; with \code{"lp"}, only the linear predictor is generated with no residual noise.
#' @examples
#' design <-
#'   fixed.factor("X", levels=c("X1", "X2")) +
#'   random.factor("Subj", instances=30)
#' dat <- design.codes(design)
#' contrasts(dat$X) <- c(-1, +1)
#' dat$ysim <- simLMM(formula = ~ 1 + X + (1 + X | Subj),
#'                    data = dat,
#'                    Fixef = c(200, 10),
#'                    VC_sd = list(c(30,10), 50),
#'                    CP = 0.3,
#'                    empirical = TRUE)
#' dat$Xn <- ifelse(dat$X=="X1",-1,1)
#' # lme4::lmer(ysim ~ Xn + (Xn || Subj), data=dat, control=lmerControl(calc.derivs=FALSE))
#' @export
simLMM <- function(formula, data=NULL, Fixef, VC_sd, CP=0, LMM=NULL, empirical=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, family="gaussian") {
# simulate data from a linear mixed-effects model

  if(family == "lognormal") {
    cl <- sys.call()
    cl$family <- "gaussian"
    return(exp(eval(cl))) # rerun simLMM and exp-transform response variable

	if (!is.null(LMM)) {
	  if(!missing(formula)||!missing(family)||!missing(Fixef)||!missing(VC_sd)||!missing(CP)) warning('You can either provide the values for the parameters as formula, Fixef, VC_sd, CP, and family, *or* a fitted model as LMM (see ?simLMM). To avoid this message, please decide for one specification. Otherwise, if you provide LMM, other parameters are ignored.')

	  if (!class(LMM)%in%c("lmerModLmerTest","lmerMod")) stop('LMM must be a model object from a fit with the lmer() function.')
		EF <- extractLMM(LMM)
		Fixef_ <- EF[[1]]
		Ranef  <- EF[[2]]
		if (is.null(data)) data <- EF[[3]]

	} else {

	  form <- formula
	  RE_sd <- VC_sd
	  RE_cor <- CP

	  detect_errors1(form, data, RE_sd, RE_cor, family)

	  # extract terms from formula
		Terms <- extractTerms(form, data)

		# collect fixed effects terms (+ fixed-effects estimates)
		Fixef_ <- list(slopes=Terms[[1]], b=Fixef)

		# obtain terms in random effects
		Ranef <- list()
		for (i in 1:length(Terms[[2]])) # i <- 1
			Ranef[[i]] <- list(slopes=Terms[[2]][[i]])

		# expand random effects correlations
		if (!is.list(RE_cor)) {
			RE_cor_list <- list()
			for (i in 1:length(Ranef)) { # i <- 1
				mm_ranef <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~ ",paste0(Terms[[2]][[i]],collapse=" + "))), data=data )
				nre <- dim(mm_ranef)[2]
				#if (Terms[[2]][[i]][1]=="1") nre <- nre - 1
				RE_cor_list[[i]] <- diag(rep(1,nre))
				if (length(RE_cor)==length(Ranef))
					RE_cor_list[[i]][RE_cor_list[[i]]==0] <- RE_cor[i]
				if (length(RE_cor)==1)
					RE_cor_list[[i]][RE_cor_list[[i]]==0] <- RE_cor
			RE_cor <- RE_cor_list

		# Store by, RE sd, and RE correlations
		nvc <- length(Terms[[2]])
		for (i in 1:nvc) { # i <- 1
			Ranef[[i]]$by  <- Terms[[3]][i]
			Ranef[[i]]$sd  <- RE_sd[[i]]
			Ranef[[i]]$cor <- RE_cor[[i]]
		if (family=="gaussian") Ranef[[nvc+1]] <- RE_sd[[nvc+1]]


  detect_errors2(data, Fixef_, Ranef, family, empirical)
  if (empirical==FALSE) resp <- simLMM_empF(data, Fixef_, Ranef, family)
	if (empirical==TRUE ) resp <- simLMM_empT(data, Fixef_, Ranef, family)
  if (verbose  ==TRUE )      simLMM_verbose(data, Fixef_, Ranef, empirical, family)


detect_errors1 <- function(form, data, RE_sd, RE_cor, family) {

  termlab <- attr(terms(as.formula(form)),"term.labels")
  interc <- attr(terms(as.formula(form)),"intercept")
  # determine random effects
  idx <- c(); for (i in 1:length(termlab)) # i <- 1
    idx[i] <- any(strsplit(termlab[i],"")[[1]] == "|")
  # collect fixed effects terms
  Fixterm <- termlab[!idx]
  if (interc==1) Fixterm <- c("1", Fixterm)
  if (interc==0) Fixterm <- c("0", Fixterm)
  # obtain terms in random effects
  ranterms <- which(idx)
  if (is.list(RE_cor) & length(RE_cor)!=length(ranterms)) stop('Random effects correlations do not fit formula.')
  if (!is.list(RE_cor) & !length(RE_cor)%in%c(1,length(ranterms))) stop('Random effects correlations do not fit formula.')
  if (!is.list(RE_sd)) stop('RE_sd must be specified as a list.')
  if (family=="gaussian") if (length(RE_sd)!=(length(ranterms)+1)) stop('Length of RE_sd does not correspond to formula.')
  if (family!="gaussian") if (length(RE_sd)!= length(ranterms)   ) stop('Length of RE_sd does not correspond to formula.')
  #------ expand formula ------
  for (i in 1:length(ranterms)) { # i <- 1
    formRE <- termlab[ranterms[i]]
    tmp <- which(strsplit(formRE,"")[[1]] == "|")
    formRE1 <- substr(formRE, 1, tmp[1]-1)
    REterms <- attr(terms(as.formula(paste0("~",formRE1))),"term.labels")
    if (length(REterms)!=0) {
      idx3 <- 1:length(REterms)
      if (length(grep(":",REterms))>0) idx3 <- idx3[-grep(":",REterms)]
      if (any(REterms=="0")) idx3 <- idx3[-which(REterms=="0")]
      if (any(REterms=="1")) idx3 <- idx3[-which(REterms=="1")]
      REterms1 <- REterms[idx3]
      if (!all(REterms1 %in% names(data))) stop('Random effects predictor missing in data.')


detect_errors2 <- function(data, Fixef_, Ranef, family, empirical) {

  data <- data.frame(data)

  # family argument
  if (!any(family%in%c("gaussian","binomial","lp"))) stop('The family argument must be one of "gaussian", "binomial", or "lp" (linear predictor).')
  if( empirical==TRUE & family=="binomial" ) warning('The family argument only partially works with empirical=TRUE.')

  # check whether variables exist in data frame
  # Fixed effects
  idx3 <- 1:length(Fixef_$slopes)
  if (length(grep(":",Fixef_$slopes))>0) idx3 <- idx3[-grep(":",Fixef_$slopes)]
  if (any(Fixef_$slopes=="0")) idx3 <- idx3[-which(Fixef_$slopes=="0")]
  if (any(Fixef_$slopes=="1")) idx3 <- idx3[-which(Fixef_$slopes=="1")]
  fixVars <- Fixef_$slopes[idx3]
  if (!all(fixVars %in% names(data))) stop('Fixed effects predictor missing in data.')
  # Random effects
  if (family=="gaussian") nRanef <- length(Ranef)-1
  if (family!="gaussian") nRanef <- length(Ranef)
  for (i in 1:nRanef) { # i <- 1
    if (!Ranef[[i]]$by %in% names(data)) stop('Grouping variable missing in data.')
    idx3 <- 1:length(Ranef[[i]]$slopes)
    if (length(grep(":",Ranef[[i]]$slopes))>0) idx3 <- idx3[-grep(":",Ranef[[i]]$slopes)]
    if (any(Ranef[[i]]$slopes=="0")) idx3 <- idx3[-which(Ranef[[i]]$slopes=="0")]
    if (any(Ranef[[i]]$slopes=="1")) idx3 <- idx3[-which(Ranef[[i]]$slopes=="1")]
    ranVars <- Ranef[[i]]$slopes[idx3]
    if (!all(ranVars %in% names(data))) stop('Random effects predictor missing in data.')

  # check whether number of coefficients is correct
  # Fixed effects
  mm_fixef <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~ ", paste0(Fixef_$slopes,collapse=" + "))), data=data)
  if (ncol(mm_fixef)!=length(Fixef_$b)) stop('The number of fixed effects coefficients does not match the formula.')
  # Random effects
  if (family!="gaussian") ranef <- Ranef
  if (family=="gaussian") {
    ranef <- list()
    for (i in 1:(length(Ranef)-1)) ranef[[i]] <- Ranef[[i]]
  for (i in 1:length(ranef)) { # i <- 1
    mm_ranef <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~ ",paste0(ranef[[i]]$slopes,collapse=" + "))), data=data )
    if (ncol(mm_ranef)!=length(ranef[[i]]$sd)) stop('The number of random effects coefficients (SDs) does not match the formula.')
    if (ncol(mm_ranef)!=nrow(ranef[[i]]$cor)) stop('The random effects correlation matrix does not match the formula.')
    if (ncol(mm_ranef)!=ncol(ranef[[i]]$cor)) stop('The random effects correlation matrix does not match the formula.')
    if (nrow(ranef[[i]]$cor)!=nrow(ranef[[i]]$cor)) stop('The random effects correlation matrix must have the same number of columns as rows.')

simLMM_verbose <- function(dat, Fixef_, Ranef, empirical, family) {

  if (family=="gaussian")
    cat("Data simulation from a linear mixed-effects model (LMM)\n")
  if (family=="binomial")
    cat("Data simulation from a logistic generalized linear mixed-effects model (GLMM)\n")
  if (family=="lp")
    cat("Data simulation from a linear mixed-effects model (LMM): linear predictor\n")

  Sigma_res <- Ranef[[length(Ranef)]]
  if (family=="gaussian") ranef <- Ranef[1:(length(Ranef)-1)]
  if (family!="gaussian") ranef <- Ranef

  dat <- data.frame(dat)

  # fixed effects: obtain model matrix + write predictor names with coefficients
  if (length(Fixef_$slopes)==1 & Fixef_$slopes[1]=="1") {
    mm_fixef <- model.matrix(as.formula("~ 1"), data=dat)
  } else {
    mm_fixef <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~ ", paste0(Fixef_$slopes,collapse=" + "))), data=dat)
  fixNames <- colnames(mm_fixef)
  bs <- Fixef_$b
  names(bs) <- fixNames
  if (fixNames[1]=="(Intercept)") fixNames[1] <- "1"
  fix_form <- paste0(fixNames,collapse=" + ")
  if (fixNames[1]!="1") fix_form <- paste0("0 + ",fix_form,collapse="")
  #bs  <- as.character(Fixef_$b, length=form_length)

  # random effects: obtain model matrix + compute linear predictor
  form_ranef <- ran_form <- list()
  NC <- ranNames <- ranNames2 <- SDs <- list()
  NCby <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(ranef)) { # i <- 1
    if (length(ranef[[i]]$slopes)==1 & ranef[[i]]$slopes[1]=="1") {
      mm_ranef <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~ 1")), data=dat)
    } else {
      mm_ranef <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~ ",paste0(paste0(ranef[[i]]$slopes,collapse=" + ")))), data=dat )
    ranNames[[i]]  <- colnames(mm_ranef)
    SDs[[i]]       <- ranef[[i]]$sd
    NC[[i]]        <- nchar(ranNames[[i]])
    NCby[i]        <- nchar(ranef[[i]]$by)
    ranNames2[[i]] <- ranNames[[i]]
    if (ranNames2[[i]][1]=="(Intercept)") ranNames2[[i]][1] <- "1"
    if (ranNames2[[i]][1]!="1") ranNames2[[i]][1] <- paste0("0 + ",ranNames2[[i]][1],collapse="")
    ran_form[[i]]  <- paste0("( ", paste0(ranNames2[[i]],collapse=" + "), " | ", ranef[[i]]$by," )")

  FORM <- paste0(fix_form, " + ", paste0(ran_form, collapse=" + "), collapse="")
  cat(paste0("Formula: ",family," ~ "))

  nx1 <- max(c(10,max(NCby))) # number of characters for by
  nx2 <- max(c(7,max(sapply(NC,max)))) # number of characters for predictor variables

  #x <- c(100.0001, 1e+1, 1e+0, 1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-10)
  x <- unlist(SDs)
  # number of digits after the comma
  n0d <- floor( -log10( 1e-10 + abs(x) - floor( abs( x ) ) ) )
  n0d[floor(x)!=0] <- 0
  N0D <- min(c(7,max(n0d)+1))
  # number of digits before the comma
  N1D <- max(nchar(as.character(floor(x))))

  if (empirical==TRUE ) cat("empirical = TRUE\n")
  if (empirical==FALSE) cat("empirical = FALSE\n")

  cat("Random effects:\n")
  cat(paste0(" Groups", paste0(rep(" ",nx1-6),collapse=""),
             "Name", paste0(rep(" ",nx2-3),collapse=""),
             "  Std.Dev.", paste0(rep(" ",N0D+N1D-2),collapse=""),

  for (i in 1:length(ranNames)) { # i <- 1
    for (ii in 1:length(ranNames[[i]])) { # ii <- 1
      # print by name
      if (ii==1) {
        tmp1 <- paste0(" ",ranef[[i]]$by, paste0(rep(" ",nx1-nchar(ranef[[i]]$by)-1),collapse="") )
      } else {
        tmp1 <- paste0(rep(" ",nx1),collapse="")
      # print predictor variable
      tmp2 <- paste0(" ",ranNames[[i]][ii], paste0(rep(" ",nx2-nchar(ranNames[[i]][ii])),collapse="") )
      # print SD
      tmp3 <- sprintf(paste0("%",N1D+N0D+1,".",N0D,"f"), SDs[[i]][ii])
      # print correlation
      if (ii==1) {
        tmp4 <- ""
      } else {
        #tmp4 <- paste0(sprintf(paste0("%",N1D,".",N0D,"f"), ranef[[i]]$cor[ii,1:(ii-1)]), collapse="   ")
        tmp4 <- paste0(sprintf(paste0("%",N1D,".",2,"f"), ranef[[i]]$cor[ii,1:(ii-1)]), collapse="   ")
      cat(paste0(tmp1,tmp2,"   ",tmp3,"     ",tmp4,"\n",collapse=""))
  if (family=="gaussian")
    cat(paste0(" Residual", paste0(rep(" ",nx1+nx2-5),collapse=""), sprintf(paste0("%",N1D+N0D+1,".",N0D,"f"),Sigma_res),"\n"))

  cat("Number of obs: ")
  cat(", groups:  ")
  nBY <- nRE <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(ranef)) { # i <- 1
    if ( (i==1) | (i>=2 & !ranef[[i]]$by %in% nBY)) {
      nBY <- c(nBY, ranef[[i]]$by)
      nRE <- c(nRE, length(unique(dat[,ranef[[i]]$by])))
  for (i in 1:length(nBY)) {
    if (i!=1) cat("; ")
    cat(", ")
  #Number of obs: 60, groups:  Subj, 15; Item, 4

  cat("Fixed effects:\n")


simLMM_empF <- function(dat, Fixef, Ranef, family) {
# simulate data from a LMM using empirical=FALSE

Sigma_res <- Ranef[[length(Ranef)]]
if (family=="gaussian") ranef <- Ranef[1:(length(Ranef)-1)]
if (family!="gaussian") ranef <- Ranef

dat <- data.frame(dat)

# fixed effects: obtain model matrix + compute linear predictor
if (length(Fixef$slopes)==1 & Fixef$slopes[1]=="1") {
	mm_fixef <- model.matrix(as.formula("~ 1"), data=dat)
} else {
	mm_fixef <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~ ", paste0(Fixef$slopes,collapse=" + "))), data=dat)
lp_fixef <- mm_fixef %*% t(t(Fixef$b))

# random effects: obtain model matrix + compute linear predictor
lp_ranef <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(dat),ncol=length(ranef))
for (i in 1:length(ranef)) { # i <- 1
	if (length(ranef[[i]]$slopes)==1 & ranef[[i]]$slopes[1]=="1") {
		mm_ranef <- model.matrix(as.formula("~ 1"), data=dat)
	} else {
		mm_ranef <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~ ",paste0(ranef[[i]]$slopes,collapse=" + "))), data=dat )
	# compute covariance matrix
	if (length(ranef[[i]]$sd)==1) {
		ranef[[i]]$cov <- ranef[[i]]$sd %*% ranef[[i]]$cor %*% ranef[[i]]$sd
	} else {
		ranef[[i]]$cov <- diag(ranef[[i]]$sd) %*% ranef[[i]]$cor %*% diag(ranef[[i]]$sd)
	instances <- as.character(unique(dat[,ranef[[i]]$by]))
	w <- mvrnorm(length(instances), rep(0,length(ranef[[i]]$sd)), ranef[[i]]$cov, empirical=FALSE)
	for (j in 1:length(instances)) { # j <- 1
		idx <- dat[,ranef[[i]]$by]==instances[j]
		lp_ranef[idx,i] <- mm_ranef[idx,] %*% t(t(w[j,]))
# combine linear predictions
lp <- rowSums(cbind(lp_fixef,lp_ranef))

# LINK function
#link <- "logit"
#ff <- make.link(link)
#lp <- -2:2

# simulate response
if (family=="gaussian")
  resp <- lp + mvrnorm(nrow(dat), 0, Sigma_res^2, empirical=FALSE)
if (family=="lognormal")
  resp <- exp(lp + mvrnorm(nrow(dat), 0, Sigma_res^2, empirical=FALSE))
if (family=="binomial")
  resp <- as.numeric(1/(1+exp(-lp)) > runif(length(lp)))
if (family=="lp")
  resp <- as.numeric(lp)


simLMM_empT <- function(dat, Fixef, Ranef, family) {
# simulate data from a LMM using empirical=TRUE

Sigma_res <- Ranef[[length(Ranef)]]
if (family=="gaussian") ranef <- Ranef[1:(length(Ranef)-1)]
if (family!="gaussian") ranef <- Ranef

dat <- data.frame(dat)

# fixed effects: obtain model matrix + compute linear predictor
mm_fixef <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~ ", paste0(Fixef$slopes,collapse=" + "))), data=dat)
lp_fixef <- mm_fixef %*% t(t(Fixef$b))

# random effects: obtain model matrix + compute linear predictor
lp_ranef <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(dat),ncol=length(ranef))
for (i in 1:length(ranef)) { # i <- 1
	mm_ranef <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~ ",paste0(ranef[[i]]$slopes,collapse=" + "))), data=dat )
	idx3 <- 1:length(Fixef$slopes)
	if (length(grep(":",Fixef$slopes))>0) idx3 <- idx3[-grep(":",Fixef$slopes)]
	if (any(Fixef$slopes=="0")) idx3 <- idx3[-which(Fixef$slopes=="0")]
	if (any(Fixef$slopes=="1")) idx3 <- idx3[-which(Fixef$slopes=="1")]
	if (length(idx3)>0) {
	dTmp <- data.frame(matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(dat), ncol=length(idx3)))
	for (m in 1:length(idx3)) # m <- 1
		dTmp[,m] <- as.character(factor(dat[,Fixef$slopes[idx3[m]]]))
	cell <- c()
	for (l in 1:nrow(dat)) # l <- 1
		cell[l] <- paste0(dTmp[l,], collapse=".")
	} else {
    cell <- rep(1,nrow(dat))
	if (min(table(cell))<(length(ranef[[i]]$sd)+1))
	  stop('Empirical=TRUE is not possible if cell size is too small.')
	#for (l in 1:nrow(dat)) { # l <- 1
	#	cell[l] <- paste0(dat[l,Fixef$slopes[idx3]], collapse=".")
	#cell  <- paste0(dat[,Fixef$slopes[idx3]],sep=".")
	cellu <- unique(cell)
	besselFact <- (nrow(dat)-1)/(nrow(dat)-length(unique(cellu)))
	for (k in 1:length(cellu)) { # k <- 1
		idx2 <- cell==cellu[k]
		instances <- as.character(unique(dat[idx2,ranef[[i]]$by]))
		# compute covariance matrix
		if (length(ranef[[i]]$sd)==1) {
			ranef[[i]]$cov <- ranef[[i]]$sd*sqrt(besselFact) %*% ranef[[i]]$cor %*% ranef[[i]]$sd*sqrt(besselFact)
		} else {
			ranef[[i]]$cov <- diag(ranef[[i]]$sd*sqrt(besselFact)) %*% ranef[[i]]$cor %*% diag(ranef[[i]]$sd*sqrt(besselFact))
		w <- mvrnorm(length(instances), rep(0,length(ranef[[i]]$sd)), ranef[[i]]$cov, empirical=TRUE)
		for (j in 1:length(instances)) { # j <- 1
			idx <- dat[,ranef[[i]]$by]==instances[j]
			lp_ranef[idx,i] <- mm_ranef[idx,] %*% t(t(w[j,]))
# combine linear predictions
lp <- rowSums(cbind(lp_fixef,lp_ranef))

# simulate response
if (family=="gaussian" | family=="lognormal") {
resp <- lp
idx3 <- 1:length(Fixef$slopes)
if (length(grep(":",Fixef$slopes))>0) idx3 <- idx3[-grep(":",Fixef$slopes)]
if (any(Fixef$slopes=="0")) idx3 <- idx3[-which(Fixef$slopes=="0")]
if (any(Fixef$slopes=="1")) idx3 <- idx3[-which(Fixef$slopes=="1")]

if (length(idx3)>0) {
dTmp <- data.frame(matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(dat), ncol=length(idx3)))
for (m in 1:length(idx3)) # m <- 1
	dTmp[,m] <- as.character(factor(dat[,Fixef$slopes[idx3[m]]]))
cell <- c()
for (l in 1:nrow(dat)) # l <- 1
	cell[l] <- paste0(dTmp[l,], collapse=".")
} else {
  cell <- rep(1,nrow(dat))
#if (min(table(cell))<3)
#  stop('Empirical=TRUE is not possible if cell size is too small.')
#cell <- c()
#for (l in 1:nrow(dat)) # l <- 1
#	cell[l] <- paste0(dat[l,Fixef$slopes[idx3]], collapse=".")
#cell <- paste0(dat[,Fixef$slopes],sep=".")
cellu <- unique(cell)
besselFact <- (nrow(dat)-1)/(nrow(dat)-length(unique(cellu)))
for (i in 1:length(cellu)) { # i <- 1
	idx <- cell==cellu[i]
	resp[idx] <- resp[idx] + mvrnorm(sum(idx), 0, Sigma_res^2*besselFact, empirical=TRUE)

if (family=="lognormal")
  resp <- exp(resp)
if (family=="binomial")
  resp <- as.numeric(1/(1+exp(-lp)) > runif(length(lp)))
if (family=="lp")
  resp <- as.numeric(lp)


extractLMM <- function(LMM) {
# Extract parameters (fixed and random effects) and model terms
# from a fitted linear mixed-effects model for use in model simulations
# using simLMM()

# extract formula from LMM
form <- as.character(LMM@call)[2]
data <- data.frame(LMM@frame)

# extract terms from formula
Terms <- extractTerms(form, data=data)

# collect fixed effects terms (+ fixed-effects estimates)
Fixef <- list(slopes=Terms[[1]], b=fixef(LMM))

# obtain terms in random effects
Ranef <- list()
for (i in 1:length(Terms[[2]])) # i <- 1
	Ranef[[i]] <- list(slopes=Terms[[2]][[i]])

# Store by, RE sd, and RE correlations
VC <- VarCorr(LMM)
nvc <- length(VC)
#idx <- list(); for (j in 1:length(Terms[[3]])) # j <- 1
#	idx[[j]] <- grep(Terms[[3]],names(VC)[j])
for (i in 1:nvc) { # i <- 1
	Ranef[[i]]$by  <- Terms[[3]][i] # names(VC)[i]
	Ranef[[i]]$sd  <- attr(VC[[i]],"stddev")
	Ranef[[i]]$cor <- attr(VC[[i]],"correlation")
Ranef[[nvc+1]] <- attr(VarCorr(LMM),"sc")

# return
return(Terms <- list(Fixef, Ranef, data))

extractTerms <- function(form, data) {
# Extract model terms from a linear mixed-effects formula

# extract terms from formula
termlab <- attr(terms(as.formula(form)),"term.labels")
interc <- attr(terms(as.formula(form)),"intercept")
# determine random effects
idx <- c(); for (i in 1:length(termlab)) # i <- 1
	idx[i] <- any(strsplit(termlab[i],"")[[1]] == "|")
# collect fixed effects terms
Fixterm <- termlab[!idx]
if (interc==1) Fixterm <- c("1", Fixterm)
if (interc==0) Fixterm <- c("0", Fixterm)
# obtain terms in random effects
ranterms <- which(idx)
#------ expand formula ------
Xterms <- c(Fixterm)
for (i in 1:length(ranterms)) { # i <- 1
	formRE <- termlab[ranterms[i]]
	tmp <- which(strsplit(formRE,"")[[1]] == "|")
	if (length(tmp)==2) {
		formRE1 <- substr(formRE, 1, tmp[1]-1)
		xterms <- c()
		# obtain information whether intercept is present
		mm <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~",formRE1)), data=data)
		intercept <- apply(mm,2,function(x) all(x==1))
		if (any(intercept))
			xterms <- paste0("1", substr(formRE, tmp[length(tmp)], nchar(formRE)))
		# collect random slope terms
		REslopes <- attr(terms(as.formula(paste0("~",formRE1))),"term.labels")
		xterms <- c(xterms, paste0("0 + ",REslopes,"|", substr(formRE, tmp[length(tmp)]+1, nchar(formRE))))
		Xterms <- c(Xterms, xterms)
	} else {
		Xterms <- c(Xterms, formRE)
termlab <- Xterms
# determine random effects
idx <- c(); for (i in 1:length(termlab)) # i <- 1
	idx[i] <- any(strsplit(termlab[i],"")[[1]] == "|")
ranterms <- which(idx)
Ranterm <- list()
BY <- c()
for (i in 1:length(ranterms)) { # i <- 1
	formRE <- termlab[ranterms[i]]
	# extract random slopes
	formRE1 <- substr(formRE,1,which(strsplit(formRE,"")[[1]] == "|")[1]-1)
	# obtain information whether intercept is present
	mm <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~",formRE1)), data=data)
	intercept <- apply(mm,2,function(x) all(x==1))
	if (any(intercept)) {intercept <- "1"} else {intercept <- "0"}
	# collect random slope terms
	Ranterm[[i]] <- c(intercept, attr(terms(as.formula(paste0("~",formRE1))),"term.labels"))
	if (length(Ranterm[[i]])==0) Ranterm[[i]] <- "1"
	# extract BY argument
	tmp <- which(strsplit(formRE,"")[[1]] == "|")
	formRE2 <- substr(formRE,tmp[length(tmp)]+1,nchar(formRE))
	BY[i]   <- attr(terms(as.formula(paste0("~",formRE2))),"term.labels")

(Terms <- list(Fixterm, Ranterm, BY))
mmrabe/designr documentation built on May 12, 2023, 9:37 p.m.