#' A function to run the GADGETS algorithm to detect multi-SNP effects in
#' case-parent triad studies.
#' This function runs the GADGETS algorithm to detect multi-SNP effects in
#' case-parent triad studies.
#' @param data.list The output list from \code{preprocess.genetic.data}.
#' @param n.chromosomes An integer specifying the number of chromosomes to use
#' for each island in GADGETS.
#' @param chromosome.size An integer specifying the number of SNPs in each
#' chromosome.
#' @param results.dir The directory to which island results will be saved.
#' @param cluster.type A character string indicating the type of cluster on
#' which to evolve solutions in parallel. Supported options are interactive,
#' socket, multicore, sge, slurm, lsf, openlava, or torque. See the \
#' documentation for package batchtools for more information.
#' @param registryargs A list of the arguments to be provided to
#' \code{batchtools::makeRegistry}.
#' @param resources A named list of key-value pairs to be substituted into the
#' template file. Options available are specified in
#' \code{batchtools::submitJobs}.
#' @param cluster.template A character string of the path to the template file
#' required for the cluster specified in \code{cluster.type}. Defaults to NULL.
#' Required for options sge, slurm, lsf, openlava and torque of argument
#' \code{cluster.type}.
#' @param n.workers An integer indicating the number of workers for the cluster
#' specified in \code{cluster.type}, if socket or multicore. Defaults to
#' \code{parallel::detectCores - 2}.
#' @param n.chunks An integer specifying the number of chunks jobs running
#' island clusters should be split into when dispatching jobs using
#' \code{batchtools}. For multicore or socket \code{cluster.type}, this defaults
#' to \code{n.workers}, resulting in the total number of island cluster jobs
#' (equal to \code{n.islands}\\\code{island.cluster.size}) being split into
#' \code{n.chunks} chunks. All chunks then run in parallel, with jobs within a
#' chunk running sequentially. For other cluster types, this defaults to 1
#' chunk, with the recommendation that users of HPC clusters which support array
#' jobs specify \code{chunks.as.arrayjobs = TRUE} in argument \code{resources}.
#' For those users, the setup will submit an array of
#' \code{n.islands}\\\code{island.cluster.size} jobs to the cluster. For HPC
#' clusters that do not support array jobs, the default setting should not be
#' used. See \code{batchtools::submitJobs} for more information on job chunking.
#' @param n.different.snps.weight The number by which the number of different
#' SNPs between a case and complement or unaffected sibling is multiplied in
#' computing the family weights. Defaults to 2.
#' @param n.both.one.weight The number by which the number of SNPs equal to 1 in
#' both the case and complement or unaffected sibling is multiplied in computing
#' the family weights. Defaults to 1.
#' @param weight.function.int An integer used to assign family weights.
#' Specifically, we use \code{weight.function.int} in a function that takes the
#' weighted sum of the number of different SNPs and SNPs both equal to one as an
#' argument, denoted as x, and returns a family weight equal to
#' \code{weight.function.int}^x. Defaults to 2. If set to null, then the family
#' weight will not be exponentiated and instead set to just x.
#' @param generations The maximum number of generations for which GADGETS will
#' run. Defaults to 500.
#' @param gen.same.fitness The number of consecutive generations with the same
#' fitness score required for algorithm termination. Defaults to 50.
#' @param initial.sample.duplicates A logical indicating whether the same SNP
#' can appear in more than one chromosome in the initial sample of chromosomes
#' (the same SNP may appear in more than one chromosome thereafter, regardless).
#' Default to FALSE.
#' @param snp.sampling.type A string indicating how SNPs are to be sampled for
#' mutations. Options are 'chisq', 'random', or 'manual'. The 'chisq' option
#' takes into account the marginal association between a SNP and disease status,
#' with larger marginal associations corresponding to higher sampling
#' probabilities. The 'random' option gives each SNP the same sampling
#' probability regardless of marginal association. The 'manual' option should be
#' used when \code{snp.sampling.probs} are manually input into function
#' \code{preprocess.genetic.data}. Defaults to 'chisq'.
#' @param crossover.prop A numeric between 0 and 1 indicating the proportion of
#' chromosomes to be subjected to cross over.The remaining proportion will be
#' mutated. Defaults to 0.8.
#' @param n.islands An integer indicating the number of islands to be used.
#' Defaults to 1000.
#' @param island.cluster.size An integer specifying the number of islands in a
#' given cluster. Must evenly divide \code{n.islands} and defaults to 4. More
#' specifically, under the default settings, the 1000 \code{n.islands} are split
#' into 250 distinct clusters each containing 4 islands
#' (\code{island.cluster.size}). Within a cluster, migrations of top chromosomes
#' from one cluster island to another are periodically permitted
#' (controlled by \code{migration.generations}), and distinct
#' clusters evolve completely independently.
#' @param migration.generations An integer equal to the number of generations
#' between migrations among islands of a distinct cluster.
#' Argument \code{generations} must be an integer multiple of this value.
#' Defaults to 50.
#' @param n.migrations The number of chromosomes that migrate among islands.
#' This value must be less than \code{n.chromosomes} and greater than 0,
#' defaulting to 20.
#' @param recessive.ref.prop The proportion to which the observed proportion of
#' informative cases with the provisional risk genotype(s) will be compared
#' to determine whether to recode the SNP as recessive. Defaults to 0.75.
#' @param recode.test.stat For a given SNP, the minimum test statistic required
#' to recode and recompute the fitness score using recessive coding. Defaults to
#' 1.64. See the GADGETS paper for specific details.
#' @param n.random.chroms (experimental) The number of random chromosomes used
#' to construct a reference null mean and standard deviations vectors to compute
#' the E-GADGETS (GxGxE) fitness score.
#' @param null.mean.vec (experimental) A vector of estimated null means for each
#' of the components of the E-GADGETS fitness score. This needs to be specified
#' if running permutes under the no-GxE null, and should be set to the values in
#' the "null.mean" element of the "null.mean.sd.info.rds" file stored in the
#' \code{results.dir} directory for the observed data. It also should be
#' specified if analyst wants to replicate the results of a previous E-GADGETS
#' run, or if some of the islands of a run failed to complete, and the analyst
#' forgot to set the seed prior to running \code{run.gadgets}.
#' @param null.sd.vec A vector of estimated null standard deviations for the
#' components of the E-GADGETS fitness score. See argument \code{null.mean.vec}
#' for reasons this argument might be specified. For a given run, the
#' previously used vector can also be found in the "null.se" element of the file
#' "null.mean.sd.info.rds" stored in the \code{results.dir} directory.
#' @return For each island, a list of two elements will be written to
#' \code{results.dir}:
#' \describe{
#' \item{top.chromosome.results}{A data.table of the final generation
#' chromosomes, their fitness scores, and, for GADGETS, additional information
#' pertaining to nominated risk-related genotypes. See the package vignette for
#' an example and the documentation for \code{chrom.fitness.score} for
#' additional details.}
#' \item{n.generations}{The total number of generations run.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' data(case)
#' case <- as.matrix(case)
#' data(dad)
#' dad <- as.matrix(dad)
#' data(mom)
#' mom <- as.matrix(mom)
#' pp.list <- preprocess.genetic.data(case[, 1:10],
#' father.genetic.data = dad[ , 1:10],
#' mother.genetic.data = mom[ , 1:10],
#' ld.block.vec = c(10))
#' run.gadgets(pp.list, n.chromosomes = 4, chromosome.size = 3,
#' results.dir = 'tmp', cluster.type = 'interactive',
#' registryargs = list(file.dir = 'tmp_reg', seed = 1500),
#' generations = 2, n.islands = 2, island.cluster.size = 1,
#' n.migrations = 0)
#' unlink('tmp_bm', recursive = TRUE)
#' unlink('tmp', recursive = TRUE)
#' unlink('tmp_reg', recursive = TRUE)
#' @importFrom bigmemory attach.big.matrix
#' @importFrom batchtools chunk makeRegistry batchMap submitJobs loadRegistry clearRegistry
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @export
run.gadgets <- function(data.list, n.chromosomes, chromosome.size, results.dir,
registryargs = list(file.dir = NA, seed = 1500),
resources = list(), cluster.template = NULL,
n.workers = min(detectCores() - 2,
n.chunks = NULL, n.different.snps.weight = 2,
n.both.one.weight = 1, weight.function.int = 2,
generations = 500, gen.same.fitness = 50,
initial.sample.duplicates = FALSE,
snp.sampling.type = "chisq", crossover.prop = 0.8,
n.islands = 1000, island.cluster.size = 4,
migration.generations = 50, n.migrations = 20,
recessive.ref.prop = 0.75, recode.test.stat = 1.64,
n.random.chroms = 10000, null.mean.vec = NULL,
null.sd.vec = NULL) {
### make sure the migration interval is set properly ###
if (island.cluster.size > 1 &
migration.generations >= generations & island.cluster.size != 1) {
stop("migration.generations must be less than generations. Specify island.cluster.size = 1 and n.migrations = 0 if no migrations are desired.")
if (n.migrations == 0 & island.cluster.size != 1) {
w1 <- "Specify island.cluster.size = 1 and n.migrations = 0 if no"
w2 <- "migrations are desired."
stop(paste(w1, w2))
if (n.migrations != 0 & island.cluster.size == 1) {
w1 <- "Specify island.cluster.size = 1 and n.migrations = 0 if no"
w2 <- "migrations are desired."
stop(paste(w1, w2))
if (migration.generations == 1) {
stop("migration.generations must be greater than 1")
if (island.cluster.size > 1 & generations %% migration.generations != 0) {
stop("generations must be an integer multiple of migration.generations.")
### make sure the island cluster size divides the number of islands evenly
if (island.cluster.size > 1 & n.islands%%island.cluster.size != 0) {
stop("n.islands must be an integer multiple of island.cluster.size")
### make sure number of migrations is specified properly ###
if (island.cluster.size > 1 & n.migrations >= n.chromosomes) {
stop("n.migrations must be less than n.chromosomes")
### make sure the weight function integer is actually an integer ###
if (!is.null(weight.function.int)){
if (as.integer(weight.function.int) != weight.function.int){
stop("weight.function.int must be an integer")
### if no migrations, correctly set the migration.interval
if (n.migrations == 0){
migration.generations <- generations
### decide if running E-GADGETS
#maintaining backward compatability with old version of software
if ("cont.GxE" %in% names(data.list)){
E_GADGETS <- data.list$cont.GxE
} else {
E_GADGETS <- data.list$E_GADGETS
### compute the weight lookup table ###
max.sum <- max(n.different.snps.weight, n.both.one.weight)*chromosome.size
if (!is.null(weight.function.int)){
weight.lookup <- vapply(seq_len(max.sum),
function(x) weight.function.int^x, 1)
} else {
weight.lookup <- seq_len(max.sum)
storage.mode(weight.lookup) <- "integer"
### for E-GADGETS make sure all data is stored as numeric
case.genetic.data <- data.list$case.genetic.data
complement.genetic.data <- data.list$complement.genetic.data
mother.genetic.data <- data.list$mother.genetic.data
father.genetic.data <- data.list$father.genetic.data
exposure.mat <- data.list$exposure.mat + 0.0
mother.genetic.data.n <- mother.genetic.data + 0.0
father.genetic.data.n <- father.genetic.data + 0.0
case.genetic.data.n <- case.genetic.data + 0.0
case.genetic.data <- case.genetic.data[1, 1, drop = FALSE]
complement.genetic.data <- complement.genetic.data[1, 1, drop = FALSE]
weight.lookup.n <- weight.lookup + 0.0
weight.lookup <- weight.lookup[1]
ld.block.vec <- 0
} else {
case.genetic.data.n <- matrix(0.0, 1, 1)
weight.lookup.n <- 0.0
ld.block.vec <- data.list$ld.block.vec
### determine if islands have already been evolved
clusters <- seq(1, n.islands, by = island.cluster.size)
n.clusters <- length(clusters)
cluster.ids <- seq_len(n.clusters)
clusters.to.run <- cluster.ids
if (!dir.exists(results.dir)) {
dir.create(results.dir, recursive = TRUE)
} else {
concat.results.file <- file.path(results.dir,
if (!file.exists(concat.results.file)){
prev.islands <- list.files(results.dir, pattern = "cluster")
prev.islands <- prev.islands[!prev.islands %in%
c("Old", "old", "combined")]
prev.clusters <- unique(as.numeric(
gsub("cluster|.island[0-9].rds", "", prev.islands)))
} else {
prev.islands.res <- readRDS(concat.results.file)
prev.islands <- unique(prev.islands.res$island)
prev.clusters <- unique(as.numeric(gsub("cluster|.island[0-9]",
"", prev.islands)))
clusters.to.run <- setdiff(clusters.to.run, prev.clusters)
n.clusters.to.run <- length(clusters.to.run)
if (n.clusters.to.run == 0) {
stop("All islands have already been evolved")
### if running GxE, compute the elements required for
### standardizing elements of the fitness score
null.mean <- rep(0, 2)
null.sd <- rep(1, 2)
if (is.null(null.mean.vec) & is.null(null.sd.vec)){
# make sure we're not accidentally redoing this
out.file.name <- file.path(results.dir, "null.mean.sd.info.rds")
#sample random chromosomes
n.snps <- ncol(case.genetic.data.n)
random.chroms <- lapply(seq_len(n.random.chroms), function(x){
sample(seq_len(n.snps), chromosome.size)
#get matrix of fitness score components
null.vec.mat <- GxE_mvlm_fitness_vec_mat(case.genetic.data.n,
rep(0, 2), rep(1, 2),
null.mean <- colMeans(null.vec.mat)
null.sd <- sqrt(diag(cov(null.vec.mat)))
#save these if needed later
if (file.exists(out.file.name)){
# if run previously, make sure the seed was the same
prev.res <- readRDS(out.file.name)
prev.mean <- prev.res$null.mean
prev.se <- prev.res$null.se
if (any(null.mean != prev.mean) | any(prev.se != null.sd)){
stop(paste("null mean and/or se vector do not match the previous values in",
} else {
out.res <- list(null.mean = null.mean, null.se = null.sd,
random.chroms = random.chroms)
saveRDS(out.res, file = out.file.name)
} else if (!is.null(null.mean.vec) & !is.null(null.sd.vec)){
# make sure we're not accidentally redoing this
out.file.name <- file.path(results.dir, "null.mean.sd.info.rds")
if (file.exists(out.file.name)){
prev.res <- readRDS(out.file.name)
prev.mean <- prev.res$null.mean
prev.se <- prev.res$null.se
if (any(null.mean.vec != prev.mean) | any(prev.se !=
stop(paste("null mean and/or sd vector do not match the previous values in",
null.mean <- null.mean.vec
null.sd <- null.sd.vec
} else {
stop("null.mean.vec and null.sd.vec must both be null or both not be null")
### set sampling type for mutation snps ###
if (snp.sampling.type == "chisq") {
snp.chisq <- sqrt(data.list$chisq.stats)
} else if (snp.sampling.type == "random") {
snp.chisq <- rep(1, length(data.list$chisq.stats))
} else if (snp.sampling.type == "manual"){
snp.chisq <- data.list$chisq.stats
### evolve populations over island clusters ###
# make registry for submitting batch jobs
reg.dir <- file.path(registryargs$file.dir, "registry")
reg.dir <- gsub("//", "/", reg.dir, fixed = TRUE)
if (!dir.exists(reg.dir)) {
registry <- do.call(makeRegistry, registryargs)
registry$cluster.functions <- switch(cluster.type,
interactive = batchtools::makeClusterFunctionsInteractive(),
socket = batchtools::makeClusterFunctionsSocket(n.workers),
multicore = batchtools::makeClusterFunctionsMulticore(n.workers),
sge = batchtools::makeClusterFunctionsSGE(template = cluster.template),
slurm = batchtools::makeClusterFunctionsSlurm(template = cluster.template),
lsf = batchtools::makeClusterFunctionsLSF(template = cluster.template),
openlava = batchtools::makeClusterFunctionsOpenLava(template = cluster.template),
torque = batchtools::makeClusterFunctionsTORQUE(template = cluster.template),
default = stop("unsupported cluster type '", cluster, "'"))
} else {
warning(paste("Registry already exists, loading from", reg.dir))
registry <- loadRegistry(reg.dir, writeable = TRUE)
clearRegistry(reg = registry)
# specify number of chunks
if (is.null(n.chunks)) {
if (!cluster.type %in% c("socket", "multicore")) {
n.chunks <- 1
} else {
n.chunks <- n.workers
# write jobs to registry
ids <- batchMap(GADGETS, cluster.number = cluster.ids,
more.args = list(results.dir = results.dir,
n.migrations = n.migrations,
case.genetic.data = case.genetic.data,
complement.genetic.data =
case.genetic.data.n = case.genetic.data.n,
mother.genetic.data.n =
father.genetic.data.n =
exposure.mat = exposure.mat,
weight.lookup.n = weight.lookup.n,
ld.block.vec = data.list$ld.block.vec,
n.chromosomes = n.chromosomes,
chromosome.size = chromosome.size,
snp.chisq = snp.chisq,
weight.lookup = weight.lookup,
null.mean.vec = null.mean,
null.se.vec = null.sd,
island.cluster.size = island.cluster.size,
n.different.snps.weight =
n.both.one.weight = n.both.one.weight,
migration.interval = migration.generations,
gen.same.fitness = gen.same.fitness,
max.generations = generations,
initial.sample.duplicates =
crossover.prop = crossover.prop,
recessive.ref.prop = recessive.ref.prop,
recode.test.stat = recode.test.stat,
reg = registry)
# chunk the jobs
ids[, `:=`(chunk, chunk(job.id, n.chunks = n.chunks))]
# submit the jobs, using variable cluster.to.run to restrict submitted jobs
# to those not previously run
submitJobs(ids = ids[clusters.to.run, ], reg = registry,
resources = resources)
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