
Defines functions pwm_func rpi_pwm

Documented in rpi_pwm

#' Provide R with access to PWM
#' Provides the R programming language with access to Raspberry Pi hardware Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
#'     Only two PWM lines are available on the Raspberry Pi - pwm0 and pwm1. Although it is possible to create software PWM, this isn't advised due to latency of linux and R.
#'     It might be helpful to read the article on `rpi_pwm()` located at the [rpigpior website](https://mnr.github.io/rpigpior/articles/rpi_pwm.html).
#' @param pin_number  One or two pins for hardware PWM. Must be 12, 32, 33, or 35.
#'    If two pins are selected, they must be one of these combinations: (12,33), (32,33), (12,35), or (32,35)
#' @param pwm_period  The length of a cycle. aka Frequency. 15 or greater, less than 1000000
#' @param pwm_dutycycle  The amount of time a cycle is on.
#' @param pwm_debug  If TRUE, checks Raspberry Pi OS settings for PWM and provides diagnostics
#' @return void
#'     `rpi_pwm()` provides extensive error checking. Possible errors include:
#'     \itemize{
#'      \item Invalid PWM pin: Hardware PWM is only supplied to pins 12, 32, 33, or 35.
#'      \item Invalid PWM pin combination: The combination of pins both select PWM0 or PWM1
#'      \item PWM not enabled: This PWM channel is not enabled
#'      \item (see https://mnr.github.io/rpigpior/articles/rpi_pwm.html for fixing errors)
#'      }
#' @export
#' @examplesIf is.rpi()
#' rpi_pwm(12) # provides 50% PWM to pin 12 (PWM0)
#' #' # provides 20% PWM to pin 12 (PWM0) and pin 33 (PWM1)
#' rpi_pwm(c(12, 33), pwm_period = 50000, pwm_dutycycle = 10000)
rpi_pwm <- function(pin_number = 12, pwm_period = 50000, pwm_dutycycle = 25000, pwm_debug = FALSE) {
  # check that pin_number == 12, 32, 33, or 35 ---------
  if (pwm_debug) {
    for (aPin in pin_number) {
      if (isFALSE(rpigpior::rpi_pin_desc[aPin, "valid_PWM_pair_1"])) {
        stop(paste("Invalid PWM pin:", pin_number, "is not a valid PWM channel. Use 12, 32, 33, or 35"))

  # Check that combinations of pins are one of (12,33), (32,33), (12,35), or (32,35) ------------
  if (pwm_debug && length(pin_number) == 2) {
    if (!(any(c(
      rpigpior::rpi_pin_desc[pin_number[1], "valid_PWM_pair_1"] == pin_number[2],
      rpigpior::rpi_pin_desc[pin_number[1], "valid_PWM_pair_2"] == pin_number[2]
    ) {
      # the pin set isn't a valid combination
      stop(paste("Invalid PWM pin combination:", paste(pin_number, collapse = ","), "is not a valid PWM combination."))

  if (pwm_debug && length(pin_number) > 2) {
    stop("Invalid PWM pin combination: You have specified more than two pins for PWM.")

  # range check period. 15 >= x < 1000000 -----------------------------------------------------
  if (pwm_debug) {
    if (pwm_period < 15) {
      stop("pwm_period must be 15 or greater")
    if (!(pwm_period < 1000000)) {
      stop("pwm_period must be less than 1000000")

  # Is PWM enabled? ---------------------------------------------------------
  # Check if PWM is enabled and that the correct channels are open
  if (pwm_debug) {
    # construct the correct dtoverlay string for this pin_number
    dtoverlayString <- if (length(pin_number) == 1) {
        "pin=", rpigpior::rpi_pinToBCM(pin_number[1]), ",",
        "func=", pwm_func(pin_number[1])
    } else {
      # pin_number has 2 pins
        "pin=", rpigpior::rpi_pinToBCM(pin_number[1]), ",",
        "func=", pwm_func(pin_number[1]), ",",
        "pin2=", rpigpior::rpi_pinToBCM(pin_number[2]), ",",
        "func2=", pwm_func(pin_number[2])

    # is dtoverlayString already in /boot/config.txt ?
    # There might be no version or a different version...
    if (!any(grepl(dtoverlayString, readLines("/boot/config.txt")))) {
      # dtoverlayString contains the string to place in /boot/config.txt
      message(paste("Add this string to /boot/config:", dtoverlayString))
      message("Refer to https://mnr.github.io/rpigpior/articles/rpi_pwm.html#handling-errors")

      stop(paste("PWM not enabled"))

  # Is the channel or channels exported? -----
  for (aPin in pin_number) {
    if (!(dir.exists(paste0(
      rpigpior::rpi_pin_desc[aPin, "PWM_channel"]
    ) {
      # if not enabled, do so by sending...
      # sudo echo 0 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/export

      gpio_sysCall <- paste(
        rpigpior::rpi_pin_desc[aPin, "PWM_channel"],
        "> /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/export"
      system(gpio_sysCall, intern = TRUE)

  for (aPin in pin_number) {
    # start PWM ---------
    # sudo echo 50000 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm0/period
    gpio_sysCall <- paste0(
      "sudo echo ",
      " > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm",
      rpigpior::rpi_pin_desc[aPin, "PWM_channel"],
    system(gpio_sysCall, intern = TRUE)
    if (pwm_debug) message(gpio_sysCall)

    # sudo echo 25000 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm0/duty_cycle
    gpio_sysCall <- paste0(
      "sudo echo ",
      " > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm",
      rpigpior::rpi_pin_desc[aPin, "PWM_channel"],
    system(gpio_sysCall, intern = TRUE)
    if (pwm_debug) message(gpio_sysCall)

    # sudo echo 1 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm0/enable
    gpio_sysCall <- paste0(
      "sudo echo 1 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/pwm",
      rpigpior::rpi_pin_desc[aPin, "PWM_channel"],
    system(gpio_sysCall, intern = TRUE)
    if (pwm_debug) message(gpio_sysCall)
} # end of rpi_pwm

pwm_func <- function(pin_number) {
  # helper function to convert pin to pwm function
    "12" = "2", # GPIO18, PWM0
    "32" = "4", # GPIO12, PWM0
    "33" = "4", # GPIO13, PWM1
    "35" = "2" # GPIO19, PWM1

# do we need to disable audio? ---------
# Sound must be disabled to use GPIO18.
# This can be done in /boot/config.txt by changing "dtparam=audio=on"
# to "dtparam=audio=off" and rebooting.
# Failing to do so can result in a segmentation fault.
mnr/rpigpior documentation built on May 3, 2024, 12:14 a.m.