
Defines functions cleanPQ swap_words



#Data Creator functions

#a function to clean a corpus of text, making sure of the encoding, removing punctuation, putting it
#all in lower case, stripping white space, and removing stopwords.

swap_words <- function(text_object, swaplist, direction = "swapout"){
  if (direction == "swapout"){
    for(swap in swaplist){
      text_object <- gsub(swap[1], swap[2], text_object)
  } else if (direction == "swapin"){
    for(swap in swaplist){
      text_object <- gsub(swap[2], swap[3], text_object)
  else {
    print("error: direction must be either swapout or swapin")

cleanPQ <- function(PQ){
  PQ <- PQ %>% iconv(to = "utf-8", sub = "") %>%
    #inelegant special cleaning steps 1
    #ensure High Down doesn't get confused with Legal Highs
    gsub("High Down", "Highdown", .) %>%
    gsub("-", " ", .) %>%
    gsub("<i>|</i>", "", .) %>%
    gsub("'", "", .) %>%
    gsub("[^A-Z a-z 0-9 //s]", " ", .) %>%
    #we now remove Justice with a capital J here before the transformation to lower
    #case, because this deals with the fact that a lot of questions start with "To ask
    #the Secretary of State for Justice" without losing potential information about eg
    #access to justice related questions
    removeWords(c("Justice")) %>%
    tolower() %>%
    #inelegant special cleaning steps 2
    #put "re-offending" and "reoffending" together
    swap_words(JUSTICE_SWAP_TOKENS, "swapout") %>%
    removeWords(c(stopwords(), JUSTICE_STOP_WORDS)) %>%

cleanCorpus <- function(corp) {
  corp <- corp %>% tm_map(function(x) cleanPQ(x))

#a function useful in debugging so you can read a given document in a given corpus easily
writeDoc <- function(num, corpus){

#this will help us unstem words for summary
fromItoY <- function(word){
  return(gsub("i$", "y", word))

#a function to summarise the top terms of a given cluster or for a given MP
summarise <- function(type = "cluster", #type can be either cluster or MP
                      ID, #this is the cluster number if type == cluster, or the MPs name in "Surname, Forename" format if type == MP
                      matr, #the tdm as a matrix
                      data, #a hierarchy if type is cluster, or a list of answer MPs if type is MP
                      numTerms, #how many terms to return
                      listOfVectors, #the questions themselves
                      totalClusters = NULL #the number of clusters if type is cluster 
  if (type == "cluster"){
    set <- cutree(data, totalClusters)
  } else if (type == "MP"){
    set <- data
  relevantQs <- matr[, which(set == ID)]
  clusterDict <- cleanCorpus(Corpus(VectorSource(listOfVectors[which(set == ID)])))
  termsAndSums <- if (is.null(dim(relevantQs))){
  } else rowSums(relevantQs)
  termsAndSumsN <- termsAndSums[order(termsAndSums, decreasing = T)[1:numTerms]]
  #we now complete the word stems, using the fromItoY function to deal with occasions
  #where the unstemming produces blanks
  partialCompletion <- stemCompletion(names(termsAndSumsN), clusterDict)
  toFix <- which(partialCompletion == "")
  fixed <- sapply(names(partialCompletion[toFix]), fromItoY)
  partialCompletion[toFix] <- fixed
  names(termsAndSumsN) <- partialCompletion # update names
  #replace "drctv" with "directive"
  names(termsAndSumsN) <- swap_words(names(termsAndSumsN), JUSTICE_SWAP_TOKENS, "swapin")
  #replace "disabl" with "disability" (for clusters where the word disabled isn't present)
  names(termsAndSumsN) <- gsub("disabl\\b", "disability", names(termsAndSumsN))

summarise_old <- function(type = "cluster", #type can be either cluster or MP
                          ID, #this is the cluster number if type == cluster, or the MPs name in "Surname, Forename" format if type == MP
                          matr, #the tdm as a matrix
                          data, #a hierarchy if type is cluster, or a list of answer MPs if type is MP
                          numTerms, #how many terms to return
                          listOfVectors, #the questions themselves
                          totalClusters = NULL #the number of clusters if type is cluster 
  if (type == "cluster"){
    set <- cutree(data, totalClusters)
  } else if (type == "MP"){
    set <- data
  relevantQs <- matr[, which(set == ID)]
  clusterDict <- cleanCorpus(Corpus(VectorSource(listOfVectors[which(set == ID)])))
  termsAndSums <- if (is.null(dim(relevantQs))){
  } else rowSums(relevantQs)
  termsAndSumsN <- termsAndSums[order(termsAndSums, decreasing = T)[1:numTerms]]
  #we now complete the word stems, using the fromItoY function to deal with occasions
  #where the unstemming produces blanks
  partialCompletion <- stemCompletion(names(termsAndSumsN), clusterDict)
  toFix <- which(partialCompletion == "")
  fixed <- sapply(names(partialCompletion[toFix]), fromItoY)
  partialCompletion[toFix] <- fixed
  names(termsAndSumsN) <- partialCompletion # update names
  #replace "drctv" with "directive"
  names(termsAndSumsN) <- gsub("drctv", "directive", names(termsAndSumsN))
  #replace "drctn" with "direction"
  names(termsAndSumsN) <- gsub("drctn", "direction", names(termsAndSumsN))
  #replace "intrnl" with "internal"
  names(termsAndSumsN) <- gsub("intrnl", "internal", names(termsAndSumsN))
  #replace "probatn" with "probation"
  names(termsAndSumsN) <- gsub("probatn", "probation", names(termsAndSumsN))
  #replace "probabl" with "probability"
  names(termsAndSumsN) <- gsub("probabl", "probability", names(termsAndSumsN))
  #replace "networkrail" with "Network Rail"
  names(termsAndSumsN) <- gsub("networkrail", "Network Rail", names(termsAndSumsN))
  #replace "shrdsrvcs" with "Shared Services"
  names(termsAndSumsN) <- gsub("shrdsrvcs", "Shared Services", names(termsAndSumsN))
  #untokenize young offender's institutions, secure training centres, and secure children's homes
  names(termsAndSumsN) <- gsub("yngoi", "young offenders institution", names(termsAndSumsN))
  names(termsAndSumsN) <- gsub("sectc", "secure training centre", names(termsAndSumsN))
  names(termsAndSumsN) <- gsub("secch", "secure childrens home", names(termsAndSumsN))
  #replace "prsntc" with "presentence"
  names(termsAndSumsN) <- gsub("prsntc", "presentence", names(termsAndSumsN))
  #replace "scrty" with "security"
  names(termsAndSumsN) <- gsub("scrty", "security", names(termsAndSumsN))
  #replace "disabl" with "disability" (for clusters where the word disabled isn't present)
  names(termsAndSumsN) <- gsub("disabl\\b", "disability", names(termsAndSumsN))

#This gets the length of a vector
normVec <- function(vec){

#This normalises the lengths of a matrix to length 1
normalize <- function(mat){
  col.lengths <- sapply(1:ncol(mat), function(x) sqrt(sum(mat[, x]^2)))
  return(sweep(mat, 2, col.lengths, "/"))

#This cleans up the names of those asking the questions
nameCleaner <- function(name){
  #first remove surplus white space (I'm looking at you, "Richard  Arkless")
  name <- stripWhitespace(name)
  #first take out Mr/Mrs/Ms
  name <- name %>% gsub("Mr |Mrs |Ms |Miss ","",.)
  #we aim to get everyone's name in the format
  #"surname, {title} firstname {initials}"
  #get the first occurrence of a space
  firstSpace <- regexpr(" ", name) %>% as.vector()
  #use this to get what is usually first name
  firstname <- substr(name, 1, firstSpace - 1)
  #first deal with special cases from the Lords'
  if (firstname == "Lord"|
      firstname == "Lady"|
      firstname == "The"|
      firstname == "Baroness"|
      firstname == "Baron"|
      firstname == "Viscount"){
    #just keep them as Lord/Lady Blah of Blahchester
  #now special cases where someone has a middle initial,
  #or a title like Sir or Dr that we don't want to chop
  else if(length(unlist(gregexpr(" ",name))) > 1){
    #we find the last space, and call everything before it the
    #first name, and every after it the surname
    lastSpace <- unlist(gregexpr(" ", name))[length(unlist(gregexpr(" ",name)))]
    firstname <- substr(name, 1, lastSpace - 1)
    surname <- substr(name, lastSpace + 1, nchar(name))
    name <- paste(surname, firstname, sep = ", ")
  else {
    surname <- substr(name, firstSpace + 1, nchar(name))
    name <- paste(surname, firstname, sep = ", ")
  #now a series of horrible inelegant special cases
  #covering issues like MPs being in the list twice
  #or whatever
  if (name == "Amess, David"){
    name <- "Amess, Sir David"
  else if (name == "Bayley, Hugh"){
    name <- "Bayley, Sir Hugh"
  else if (name == "Blackman-Woods, Roberta"){
    name <- "Blackman-Woods, Dr Roberta"
  else if (name == "Bois, Nick de"){
    name <- "de Bois, Nick"
  else if (name == "Burns, Simon"){
    name <- "Burns, Sir Simon"
  else if (name == "Crausby, David"){
    name <- "Crausby, Sir David"
  else if (name == "Jones, Graham P"){
    name <- "Jones, Graham"
  else if (name == "Lucas, Ian C."){
    name <- "Lucas, Ian"
  else if (name == "Morris, Grahame M."){
    name <- "Morris, Grahame"
  else if (name == "Piero, Gloria De"){
    name <- "De Piero, Gloria"
  else if (name == "Poulter, Dr"){
    name <- "Poulter, Daniel"
  else if (name == "Roberts, Liz Saville"){
    name <- "Saville Roberts, Liz"
  else if (name == "Soames, Nicholas"){
    name <- "Soames, Sir Nicholas"

#Functions for shinyapp
#note shinyapp also uses cleanPQ function from above

queryVec <- function(query, vocab){
  query <- query %>%
    cleanPQ() %>%
    stemDocument() %>%
    strsplit(" ") %>%
    unlist() %>%
      return(vec[sapply(vec, function(x) x %in% vocab)])
  return(which(vocab %in% query))

familyName <- function(name){
  commaPosn <- regexpr(",", name) %>% as.vector()
  substr(name, 1, commaPosn-1)

firstName <- function(name){
  commaPosn <- regexpr(",", name) %>% as.vector()
  substr(name, commaPosn+2, nchar(name))

urlName <- function(name){
  #first take out peers
  if (
    urlName <- name %>%
      gsub("The ", "", .) %>%
      gsub("Lord Bishop", "Bishop", .) %>%
      gsub(" ", "_", .)
  } #now deal with MPs
  else {
    urlName <- paste0(firstName(name), "_", familyName(name), sep="") %>%
      gsub("Dr |Sir ", "", .) %>%
      gsub("de ", "de_", .) %>%
      gsub("De ", "De_", .) %>%
      gsub(" ", "-", .)
  #special cleaning
  if (name == "Ashworth, Jonathan"){
    urlName <- "Jon_Ashworth"
  else if (name == "Baker, Steve"){
    urlName <- "Steven_Baker"
  else if (name == "Brown, Nicholas"){
    urlName <- "Nick_Brown"
  else if (familyName(name) == "Coffey"){
    urlName <- "Therese_Coffey"
  else if (name == "Dakin, Nic"){
    urlName <- "Nicholas_Dakin"
  else if (name == "Davies, David T.C."){
    urlName <- "David_Davies/Monmouth"
  else if (name == "Docherty-Hughes, Martin"){
    urlName <- "Martin_Docherty"
  else if (name == "Donaldson, Stuart Blair"){
    urlName <- "Stuart_Donaldson"
  else if (name == "Flello, Robert"){
    urlName <- "Rob_Flello"
  else if (name == "Johnson, Diana"){
    urlName <- "11647" #using her number seems easiest here
  else if (name == "Jones, Susan Elan"){
    urlName <- "Susan_Elan_Jones"
  else if (name == "Lady Hermon"){
    urlName <- "Sylvia_Hermon"
  else if (name == "Leslie, Chris"){
    urlName <- "10354" #using his number seems easiest here
  else if (name == "Matheson, Christian"){
    urlName <- "Chris_Matheson"
  else if (name == "McDonnell, John"){
    urlName <- "John_Martin_McDonnell"
  else if (name == "Pound, Stephen"){
    urlName <- "Steve_Pound"
  else if (name == "Shah, Naseem"){
    urlName <- "Naz_Shah"
  else if (name == "Slaughter, Andy"){
    urlName <- "Andrew_Slaughter"

#Functions for TestQs

#Functions - these are only used here and hence have not been put into the main functions.R file
#firstly to make up for the fact that the NA constituencies for the Lords tend to be judged as not matching
testConstituencies <- function(line) {
  if (is.na(line$MP_Constituency.S3)) {
    if (line$MP_Constituency.remote == "NA" || is.na(line$MP_Constituency.remote)) {
    else {
  else return(identical(line$MP_Constituency.remote, line$MP_Constituency.S3))
#this compares the remote and local versions of the same question
areRemoteAndS3Equal <- function(line){
  equality <- rep(FALSE, 7)
  equality[1] <- identical(line$Question_MP.remote, line$Question_MP.S3)
  equality[2] <- identical(line$Question_Date.remote, line$Question_Date.S3)
  equality[3] <- identical(line$Question_Text.remote, line$Question_Text.S3)
  equality[4] <- identical(line$Answer_MP.remote, line$Answer_MP.S3)
  #equality[5] <- identical(line$Answer_Date.remote, line$Answer_Date.S3)
  equality[5] <- identical(line$Answer_Text.remote, line$Answer_Text.S3)
  equality[6] <- testConstituencies(line)
  identical(line$MP_Constituency.remote, line$MP_Constituency.S3)
  equality[7] <- identical(line$Party.remote, line$Party.S3)
  names(equality) <- c("MP",
                       #           "Adate",

s3_file_exists <- function(s3_path) {
  p <- separate_bucket_path(s3_path)
  objs <- aws.s3::get_bucket(p$bucket, prefix = p$object, check_region=TRUE)

separate_bucket_path <- function(path) {
  if (substring(path, 1, 1) == "/") {
    path <- substring(path, 2)
  parts <- strsplit(path, "/")[[1]]
  bucket <- parts[1]
  otherparts <- parts[2:length(parts)]
  object <-  paste(otherparts, collapse="/")
  list("object" = object, "bucket" = bucket )
moj-analytical-services/pq-tool documentation built on June 13, 2021, 11:10 p.m.