ReadH5: Load data from an HDF5 File

ReadH5R Documentation

Load data from an HDF5 File


HDF5 allows storing data in an arbitrary fashion, which makes reading data into memory a hassle. The methods here serve as convenience functions for reading data stored in a certain format back into a certain R object. For details regarding how data should be stored on disk, please see the h5Seurat file specification.


## S3 method for class 'H5D'
as.array(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'H5D', row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'H5Group', row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'H5Group'

## S4 method for signature 'H5Group'
as.list(x, which = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'H5D'
as.logical(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'H5D'
as.matrix(x, transpose = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'H5Group'
as.matrix(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'H5D'
as.sparse(x, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'H5Group'
as.sparse(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'H5D'



An HDF5 dataset or group


Arguments passed to other methods


NULL or a character vector giving the row names for the data frame. Missing values are not allowed.


logical. If TRUE, setting row names and converting column names (to syntactic names: see make.names) is optional. Note that all of R's base package methods use optional only for column names treatment, basically with the meaning of data.frame(*, check.names = !optional). See also the make.names argument of the matrix method.


Transpose the data upon reading it in, used when writing data in row-major order (eg. from C or Python)


as.array: returns an array with the data from the HDF5 dataset returns a data.frame with the data from the HDF5 dataset or group

as.factor: returns a factor with the data from the HDF5 group

as.list: returns a list with the data from the HDF5 group

as.logical: returns a logical with the data from the HDF5 dataset

as.matrix, H5D method: returns a matrix with the data from the HDF5 dataset

as.sparse, H5D method: returns a sparse matrix with the data from the HDF5 dataset

as.sparse, as.matrix, H5Group method: returns a sparseMatrix with the data from the HDF5 group

dimnames: returns a two-length list of character vectors for row and column names. Row names should be in a column named index

mojaveazure/seurat-disk documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 9:40 a.m.