
#' Provide image Lab color space histogram
#' Analysis an image from  .bmp, .jpg(.jpeg) and .png file. Draw L(luminance), a(green-magenta) and b(blue-yellow) color space histogram of pixel in ggplot2. Lab color space computed from RGB value.
#' Calculate mean, sd, skewness, and kurtsis for each histogram.
#' @param input Set file, folder or url for image analysis corresponding to mode parameter.
#' @param mode Select a mode in all four modes. Modes are "file"(default), "url", "folder", and "scraping".
#' @param output Set the name of output histogram and data. Each mode have default output name.
#' @param hist Whether histogram draw or not. Dafult is draw.
#' However, you should set FALSE when you want fast computation for images of digital camera and smartphone.
#' Rendering of ggplot2 is so long for these large pixels image.
#' @param resize This argument is important to process many image histogram fastly.
#' If you set resize=1/4 or 1/8, the speed of drawing histogram is dramatically up although output values are approximation.
#' Resize value indicate image compression ratio. Resize is recommended when you use folder mode and want to get many histogram.
#' @param endoff If you want to get rid of image borders extreme value (white or black frame), you set this parameter TRUE.
#' @param textsize Font size of histogram caption. Dafult setting is textsize=16.
#' @return image histogram and thier descriptive stastics (Lab color space). Folder and scraping mode provide a pdf file.
#' L range is 0-100. A and b range are -110-110. Transform Lab from RGB are based on ITU-R BT 709, using the D65 white point reference.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Simple use is only set input an image file name. Japanese file name is accepted.
#' originaidir <- getwd()  # get current dir
#' setwd(system.file("extdata", package="imhistR"))  # set analysis dir
#' labhist("Newlogo.png", endoff=TRUE)
#' setwd(originaidir)      # set original dir
#' # labhist("yourfile.jpg")  # you can use like this after set image dir.
#' # Url mode needs to input image URL.
#' # Only URL tail ".bmp", ".jpg" or ".png" can analyze.
#' url <- "http://www.ess.ic.kanagawa-it.ac.jp/std_img/colorimage/Lenna.jpg"
#' labhist(input=url, mode="url", output="Lenna")
#' # If you have an image folder in your PC, easily analyze all images by using folder mode.
#' # Althogh the type of these images are limited ".bmp", ".jpg" or ".png", three type files in a folder can analyze by one command.
#' # Histogram is provided by a pdf file.
#' labhist(input=setwd(system.file("extdata", package="imhistR")), mode="folder", output="Rlogo", endoff=TRUE)
#' # When you analyze your picture folder, many time may have need.
#' # Resize give fast drawing of histogram. Compressed method is kernel.
#' labhist(input="folder name of iphone picture", mode="folder", resize=1/4)
#' # Web scraping from google image search is conducted by scraping mode. Twenty images were automatically downloaded and analyzed.
#' # So many scraping should avoid in order to conform web manner.
#' # If you already scraping image by other function of this package, you should use folder mode.
#' # Histogram is provided by a pdf file.
#' url <- "url from google image search of xxx"  # This package does not provide the way to scraping other web pages
#' labhist(input=url, mode="scraping")

labhist <- function(input, mode="file", output=input, hist=TRUE,
                    resize=FALSE, endoff=FALSE, textsize=16) {
  ##### set print
  if(hist==TRUE && (mode=="folder" || mode=="scraping")) {
    if(!(is.element(input, output))) {
      cpdf <- paste0(output,".pdf")
    } else {
      if(mode=="folder")    cpdf <- "dir.pdf"
      if(mode=="scraping")  cpdf <- "webfile.pdf"
    if(Sys.info()[1]!="Windows")  Cairo::CairoFonts(regular="Meiryo:style=Medium")
    Cairo::CairoPDF(cpdf, paper="a4r", width=11.69, height=8.27)
    { ##### set input filetype
      if(grepl(".bmp",  tolower(input), fixed=TRUE))   filetype <- ".bmp"
      if(grepl(".jpg",  tolower(input), fixed=TRUE))   filetype <- ".jpg"
      if(grepl(".jpeg", tolower(input), fixed=TRUE))   filetype <- ".jpeg"
      if(grepl(".png",  tolower(input), fixed=TRUE))   filetype <- ".png"
      ##### set mode: file, url, dir, scraping
      current <- getwd()
      if(mode=="file") {
        datfil <- input; filNum <- 1
      } else if(mode=="url") {
        if(is.element(input, output))   output <- "webfile"
        downloader::download(input, paste0(current, "/", output, filetype), mode="wb")
        datfil <- paste0(output, filetype); filNum <- 1
      } else if(mode=="folder") {
        datfil <- c(dir(path=input, full.names=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE, pattern=".bmp"),
                    dir(path=input, full.names=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE, pattern=".jpg"),
                    dir(path=input, full.names=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE, pattern=".jpeg"),
                    dir(path=input, full.names=TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE, pattern=".png") )
        filNum <- length(datfil)
      } else if(mode=="scraping") {
        if(is.element(input, output))  output <- "webfile"
        filetype <- ".jpg"
        if (!file.exists(paste0(current, "/", mode)))  dir.create(mode)     # folder check
        cat(paste0(mode, " folder in ", current, "\n"))  # return message
        webinf <- rvest::html(input)
        imgnod <- rvest::html_nodes(webinf, "img")
        nodtext <- rvest::html_attrs(imgnod)
        for(i in 1:length(nodtext)) {
                               sprintf("%s/%s/%s_%02d%s", current, "scraping", output, i, filetype),
        datfil <- dir(path=paste0(current, "/", mode), pattern=filetype)
        filNum <- length(list.files(path = paste0(current, "/", mode), pattern = ".jpg"))

      ##### main loop
      savedat <- matrix(0, nrow = filNum, ncol = 12)
      if(mode=="file" && !(is.element(input, output)))  {
        title <- paste0(output, filetype)
      } else if(mode=="folder") {
        title <- gsub(paste0(input,"/"), "", datfil)
      } else {
        title <- datfil
      for(f in 1:filNum) {
        ##### read dat
        if(mode=="folder" || mode=="scraping") {
          cat(paste0("Processing ", title[f], "(", f, "/", filNum, ")", "...\n"))
        if(mode=="scraping")  setwd(paste0(current, "/scraping"))
        img <- readbitmap::read.bitmap(datfil[f])  # read file
        if(mode=="url")       file.remove(datfil[f])

        ##### thumbnail rescale (under 90000 pixel)
        dim1 <- dim(img)[1]; dim2 <- dim(img)[2]
        if(dim1>300 && dim2>300) {
          while(dim1 > 200)  dim1 <- dim1 / 2
          while(dim2 > 200)  dim2 <- dim2 / 2
          resizep <- 1 / min(dim(img)[1] / dim1, dim(img)[2] / dim2)
          redp   <- mmand::rescale(img[,,1], resizep, mmand::mnKernel())
          greenp <- mmand::rescale(img[,,2], resizep, mmand::mnKernel())
          bluep  <- mmand::rescale(img[,,3], resizep, mmand::mnKernel())
          imgp <- array(0, dim = c(dim(redp)[1], dim(redp)[2], 3))
          imgp[,,1] <- redp; imgp[,,2] <- greenp; imgp[,,3] <- bluep;
          imgp <- (imgp - min(imgp)) / (max(imgp) - min(imgp))
        } else {
          imgp <- img

        ##### LAB calculation
        if(resize) {
          red   <- mmand::rescale(img[,,1], resize, mmand::mnKernel())
          green <- mmand::rescale(img[,,2], resize, mmand::mnKernel())
          blue  <- mmand::rescale(img[,,3], resize, mmand::mnKernel())
          img2 <- array(0, dim = c(dim(red)[1], dim(red)[2], 3))
          img2[,,1] <- red; img2[,,2] <- green; img2[,,3] <- blue;
          img <- img2
        dat <- array(0, c(nrow(img), ncol(img), 3))
        if(nrow(img) < ncol(img)) {
          for(i in 1:ncol(img))   dat[,i,] <- patchPlot::RGB2Lab(img[,i,1:3])
        } else {
          for(i in 1:nrow(img))   dat[i,,] <- patchPlot::RGB2Lab(img[i,,1:3])
        ##### color settings
        val <- c("L* dimension", "a* dimension", "b* dimension")
        hcol <- c("black", "white", "green", "magenta", "blue", "yellow")
        xrange <- c(100, 220, 220)
        leg <- data.frame(c(0, 50, 100), c(-110, 0, 110), c(-110, 0, 110))

        ##### print settings
        if(mode=="scraping")  setwd(current)
        ##### plot loop
        p <- list(); imgall <- NULL; maxval <- NULL;
        for(i in 1:3) {
          ###### stastics
          imgdat <- tidyr::gather(data.frame(dat[,,i]), pixel, value)
          if(endoff) {
            if(i==1)   imgdat <- dplyr::filter(imgdat, dplyr::between(value, 1, 99))
            else       imgdat <- dplyr::filter(imgdat, (value <= -1) | (1 <= value))
          imgval <- na.omit(dplyr::select(imgdat, value))
          imgsta <- c(as.numeric(unlist(dplyr::summarise(imgval, mean(value), sd(value)))),
                      e1071::skewness(imgval$value, type=2), e1071::kurtosis(imgval$value, type=2))
          imgall <- c(imgall, imgsta)
          ##### histogram
          if(hist==TRUE) {
            g <- ggplot2::ggplot(imgdat, ggplot2::aes(x=value, fill=..x..)) +
              ggplot2::stat_bin(binwidth = xrange[i]/255) +
              ggplot2::ylab("Number of pixels") + ggplot2::xlab(val[i]) +
              ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size=textsize) +
              ggplot2::theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.title=ggplot2::element_blank(),
                             plot.title=ggplot2::element_text(size=textsize-2)) +
              ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient(low=hcol[2*i-1], high=hcol[2*i],
                                           breaks=leg[,i], labels=leg[,i], space="Lab") +
              ggplot2::ggtitle(paste0("Mean = ",round(imgsta[1],2), ", SD = ",round(imgsta[2],2), "  ",
                                      "\nSkew = ",round(imgsta[3],2), ", Kurt = ",round(imgsta[4],2)))
            if((dim(dat)[1]*dim(dat)[2]) > 1e+06) {
              g <- g + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(labels=scales::scientific_format())
            } else {
              g <- g + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(labels=scales::comma_format())
            p <- c(p, list(g))
        savedat[f,] <- imgall
        ##### multiple plot
        if(hist==TRUE) {
            grid::viewport(layout = grid::grid.layout(2, 3, heights = grid::unit(c(1, 9), "null"))))
          print(p[[1]] + ggplot2::xlim(0, 100),    vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=2, layout.pos.col=1))
          print(p[[2]] + ggplot2::xlim(-110, 110), vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=2, layout.pos.col=2))
          print(p[[3]] + ggplot2::xlim(-110, 110), vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=2, layout.pos.col=3))
          if(Sys.info()[1]=="Windows") {
            windowsFonts(MEI = windowsFont("Meiryo"))
            grid::grid.text(title[f], vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=2:3),
                            gp=grid::gpar(fontsize=2*textsize, fontfamily="MEI"))
          } else {
            grid::grid.text(title[f], vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=2:3),
                            gp=grid::gpar(fontsize=2*textsize, fontfamily="Osaka"))
          grid::pushViewport(grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=1, just=c('centre','top')))
          grid::grid.draw(grid::rasterGrob(imgp, interpolate=TRUE))
      ### print end
      colnames(savedat) <- c("Mean_L*dim.", "SD_L*dim.", "Skew_L*dim.", "Kurt_L*dim.",
                             "Mean_a*dim.", "SD_a*dim.", "Skew_a*dim.", "Kurt_a*dim.",
                             "Mean_b*dim.", "SD_b*dim.", "Skew_b*dim.", "Kurt_b*dim.")
      row.names(savedat) <- title
      if(hist==TRUE && (mode=="folder" || mode=="scraping")) {
        if(!(is.element(input, output))) {
          cat(paste0(output, ".pdf in ", current, "\n"))  # return message
        } else {
          if(mode=="folder")    cat(paste0("dir.pdf in ", current, "\n"))  # return message
          if(mode=="scraping")  cat(paste0("webfile.pdf in ", current, "\n"))
    ##### error processing
    error = function(e) {
      message("!! Error has occurred. Please change some parameters")
      if(hist==TRUE && (mode=="folder" || mode=="scraping"))  dev.off()
mokazuma/imhistR documentation built on May 23, 2019, 6:01 a.m.